Proper reading of conspiracies for good luck in business and attracting money. Conspiracy for good luck in business and business Conspiracies and rituals to start your own business

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If you are already a business owner, then you probably have a detailed business plan that includes:

  • a brief description of your business;
  • description of your company;
  • competitor analysis;
  • the structure of your organization;
  • a description of the products/services you sell;
  • marketing tools you use to promote your business
  • financial forecasts.

This information is essential not only to make sound business decisions, but also to manage money problems if you plan to take out loans. Despite the fact that most business plans are well thought out for the first three to five years, it still does not hurt to review them periodically. This way you will have an idea whether the original plan is still appropriate for the current business situation.

2. Collect the necessary information for obtaining a loan

To issue loans, you will be required to provide the following information:

  • business licenses, if required;
  • personal data and tax information;
  • documentary evidence;
  • income information;
  • financial forecasts.

Even if you are not worried about finding a loan right now, it is better to have a package with the necessary papers on hand in order to use it in time.

3. Focus on profitability

One of the most common mistakes business owners make is putting their hard earned money back into the company just to drive growth. Instead, they should focus on how to become more profitable. The reason for this error is growing too fast, eventually leading to cash flow problems, such as hiring too many people with insufficient income.

Revise or create a different financial model, paying close attention to spending when analyzing your marketing plan. Build forecasts from the bottom up, check the results from the top down. Find your ultimate strength. This model, of course, is far from perfect, but it can guide you in the direction of increasing profits.

4. Don't forget financial insurance

By January 1, 2017, you must have insurance. It must be realistic and timely. For example, you can set up an emergency fund to keep the business afloat for three to six months if needed.

5. Assess your business processes

This will allow you to see which areas are efficient and running smoothly, and which are slipping.

Business owners usually have a number of insurance contracts: vehicle insurance, medical insurance, property insurance, product liability insurance, etc.

Ideally, these contracts should be reviewed before the start of the year, as it may turn out that you are paying for something that you do not need, or better offers have appeared. In addition, it may turn out that your business now requires new documents, which you did not even know about.

A business conspiracy is read when there are some obstacles to increasing wealth. This is help from Light and Dark magic. Sometimes the reason for the lack of success is damage or a curse imposed by envious people.

Rules for rituals for success in business

Magic is the perfect tool to get rid of cast spells and make a profit. Suitable for those who are engaged in sales or own trading enterprises. Rites are aimed at normalizing trade processes and can cause high attention to products.

To get what you need in a specified time, you will need to correctly use spells. The execution rules are based on the requirements of the Higher powers, which can help in the implementation of the desired:

  1. Rituals for a chic business are carried out on a new or growing moon. It is believed that in this phase the moon is able to increase a person's income, help the entrepreneur in the implementation of his plans;
  2. Magic attributes are prepared in advance. Some should be acquired a few days before the start of the event;
  3. Compliance with the rules written in the conspiracy itself. Most rituals have separate requirements for their implementation;
  4. Faith in your strength and faith. Casting spells for those who are not believers is not recommended;
  5. Do not perform as a test or entertainment;
Who works well, he rests chic.

All the described methods are carried out at home. The items that are needed for the event are standard and can be found in almost every home.

Business conspiracy to improve trade

Before starting cooperation with a new partner or starting a working day, a simple verbal construction is recommended. It was also used by our ancestors to improve trade and not accidentally fall for villains. Before crossing the threshold, you need to say a spell:

“I take luck and leave bad luck for change”

After that, they are baptized three times and sent to a partner interview, job or outlet.

A successful business is a strong team.

It is important that no one knows about such a ritual. They say the phrase quietly but clearly.

Hex to get customers to visit more often

Spend on Wednesday or Thursday on the growing moon. You need to take a coin, a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil. At any time of the day, you need to stand in the middle of an office or a customer reception room and say a plot:

“Receive my tribute, dear merchant mother. In order for the trade to go uphill, let the customers arrive in droves. To buy from me, they spared no money. ”

If there is no one in the room or no one is paying attention, toss a coin and say:

It is not possible to lift or remove by yourself. This should be done by another person, preferably a client. In this case, success in trading matters is guaranteed. It is recommended to perform the ceremony every time on the growing moon, but it is better not to overdo it.

Magic from Vanga

A lot of advice was given by Vanga, who recommended taking holy water and slandering it:

“My angel, be near. Let go of sins, feed deliciously. Help me in my endeavors, letting go of all sorrows and sorrows. Take away the evil and envious people, I pray for good and help. Amen"

Water is gradually drunk in three sips. If something is left - put on the windowsill until dinner. After this time, drink the rest.

It should be performed only on a full moon, on Wednesday. They take the largest banknote that is in the family. It is necessary to put a white scarf on top of it and place it in the eastern corner of the room. Say a prayer:

“I ask the Angels of Heaven to help me in abundance”

Leave the bill until the morning, and then spend it or put it in your wallet. Within one week the amount must be spent. The money will be returned in a larger amount if the ritual is performed correctly.

Magic, business and profit

You need to take a small mirror: cosmetic or on a stand. The ritual is performed at dawn or early. They take an accessory and baptize them with all goods that make a profit. Each item is bypassed three times, while reading the plot of a profitable business:

“I am baptizing goods for sale. None of the clients will pass by - everyone will like it. The first one will come - he will buy, the second one will not leave without a gift, the third one will not be able to stop with the purchase. I will sell to everyone, I will treat everyone. Be as you say"

The ceremony is held once a week, only on the growing moon. The mirror is placed in the room where the constant reception of customers is carried out. It has magical powers that its owner put into it.

The accessory must not be removed or used for other purposes.

They only wipe it with holy water, and then they baptize the objects again.

Conspiracy for businessmen for good luck

A famous healer offered to create a small amulet that brings good luck in business. This is any item that will not be sold, it is placed in the meeting room or on the trading floor. The following conspiracy is spoken against him:

“As my amulet will catch my eye, so people will throw themselves at the goods. They buy it, and leave the money to me. The key to my words, yes the lock "

It can be any thing that is related to the trading business. Entrepreneurs often use small figurines that can be easily placed on the table. It may be a toad, which, according to Feng Shui, attracts wealth.

Conspiracy #1

A conspiracy with honey is a success even with famous personalities. Held on a new or growing moon. It is imperative that the honey is spring, not too hard and quite liquid. Three candles are taken in the church, and birch bark is also required. Exactly at midnight, you need to sit in front of the window, light candles and lay out other attributes.

Drop a little honey on the surface of the bark and say the spell seven times:

“Happiness and success are in me, failures and filth come from me. Let everything nasty and bad go away, my life will be sweet, like honey. Customers will flock to my product like flies. My being will be filled with triple sweetness"

The bark should be applied to the forehead for a couple of minutes. After washing with holy water and moistening the bark with it. After drying - carry with you as an amulet. She brings good luck and is endowed with additional power.

Conspiracy #2

They can be simple or difficult to perform. The simplest: take the salt in your right hand and throw it over your left shoulder. At the same time they say a conspiracy:

“On foot and in transport - all come to me, I will give you water and bread. You have my goods, and I have your money.
Amen (three times)"

They speak before starting a new working day. Salt is also used in the second spell, which is stronger.

You need to take a small bag of red. Pour salt inside, saying the words:

“Help me Angels, let customers come, my goods will be appreciated. I ask for a good deed, but in the name of getting rid of poverty. I'm not deceiving anyone - I live an honest worldly life. It will be as it says"

The amulet is brought to the workplace and hidden where it cannot be found. Keep until the situation improves.

Spell for business from evil competitors

In any business, there are those who will be jealous of success. They can send curses or misfortunes. This has a detrimental effect on attracting clientele, the ability to do business correctly, without loss. Having created reliable protection or removed the negative, you can continue trading and not be afraid of the possibility of losing success.

A strong magic spell will help get rid of damage. For its execution you will need: a green tablecloth, several paper bills and coins, church candles. At midnight, on the waning moon, attributes are laid out on the table. There should be exactly three candles and they are lit in turn. They take one of them in the right hand, put money in the left, and read the spell:

“Hello, dark night, clear moon. As the stars shine from heaven, so my money will be unmeasured. Let the one to whom my wealth is envy be not happy. My money will return, and emptiness will settle in his wallet. I'll take three grains and plant them after midnight. I will plow one, sprinkle the other with water, and give the third for bread. Strength will return to me triple, and personal will belong again. Don't waste my money on anyone. Amen"

The candle burns down only halfway and is extinguished like the others. The leftovers are rolled into the tablecloth along with the money. All this is hidden in a secluded place for three days.

Only on the fourth can you get it and put it back in your wallet.

Spell Consequences

Are you the master of your destiny?

Rituals and are in demand not only among ordinary sellers, but also among popular businessmen. Selling involves serious responsibility for every action. On the way, you will meet people who are negative and do not want to share the market with someone else.

To find out the result of the ceremony for a successful business, you should look at the reviews. Those who committed them describe the effect, the consequences they encountered. To get rid of damage, preparation will be required: look at the latest accounts, determine exactly when the decline occurred. This may be due to the dismissal of the employee, who sent damage to the former employer.

In today's life, a person feels an acute shortage of just one large and significant “little thing” - good luck. People often complain that they lack in the daily worries of "Madam lucky chance." A conspiracy for good luck in business helps to attract this capricious lady.

When thoughts of a lack of money are crowding in your head, depression is overwhelming, business partners are driving you crazy with stupidity or cunning, every working day brings another batch of troubles, you should not drown in this swamp. After all, there is a beautiful, albeit not quite logical, remedy. The solution to the problem can be found in magical rites, you need to use a conspiracy for good luck in business. The rite will help to lure Mrs. Fortuna and make her a permanent resident of your office or cozy house.

Preparation for the ceremony

A characteristic feature of the ritual is that this conspiracy is directly related to white magic, therefore, does not burden karma, does not cause negative consequences. It has been practiced for a long time by both masters and ordinary people. The rite directs the course of life in the right direction and organizes financial stability. For people doing business, a conspiracy for good luck in business will be useful, allowing you to attract active, positive partners and customers for the successful development of existing projects and the start of new ones. Any conspiracy for good luck in business is read, subject to the following conditions:

  • the ceremony is carried out only during the growing moon;
  • negative thoughts, memories of failures should be forgotten (albeit for a while);
  • faith in the effectiveness of the ritual should reign in the soul.

You can attract good luck only in a pure aura

Most of the negativity falls on our heads thanks to, so to speak, destructive energy fields generated by those around us, penetrating into life without hindrance. This circumstance also affects the magical process. Before performing any ritual, you should clean your energy field and prepare it for the changes that will occur if you correctly select and read the plot for good luck in business.

For example, the usual ritual with salt is suitable. A schoolboy will also cope with it, and the effect will be stunning. To perform the ceremony, you will need some ordinary salt and a glass of holy water. People who, due to the peculiarities of their worldview, do not want to deal with church paraphernalia, are advised to take water from a pure natural source (key, spring, well).

On any Thursday at dawn, put a glass of holy water in front of you, hold the salt in your palms. Look at her and say the following words:

“Oh, pure and white salt! Cleanse me, God's servant (name) from filth, witchcraft, black magician and eyes, disease and sin of infection. Salt, take everything bad from me. Amen!"

Repeat the words of the prayer seven times. Then, slowly pour the salt into a glass of water. Accompany it with these words:

“Together with the salt everything will go away, with the salt everything will come. Amen!"

The glass should be left overnight in the head of the bed. In the morning, take it outside and pour it out in a remote place. Otherwise, your negativity can go to a random passerby. After that, you can begin to perform the ceremony, read the plot at random in business and business.

Magic to start a career or project

If you are just starting a new business, striving to take a higher position, go up the career ladder, then it is recommended to use morning prayer for water to attract positive help from the Universe. It's done like this. Just got up, pour some water into a glass and read the special texts. First, "Our Father", then the formula below. This should be done for a month, and some people do not stop there. Such a conspiracy for good luck in business helps protect against accidental evil eye and malicious magical attacks. You should not miss even one day, this will negatively affect the result of magical work.

Conspiracy text:

“Water-voditsa, a powerful element, I speak, but I sentence for good luck, for success, for the well-being of God's servant (name). Whatever you start, everything would go uphill. He threw the grain into the dry earth - so that it germinated. Any business brought benefits, but evil spirits did not take away strength. Word in water - business in life! Amen!"

As you say the magic words, you need to wash yourself with this water.

Prayer with water and gold

To attract fortune in business, it is recommended to conduct such a ceremony. He is tied to two magical symbols: the days of the week - the environment, the growing queen of the night. That is, plan the ritual for the first Wednesday of the growing month. At midnight, with a clear sky, when the moon is clearly visible, and does not dive behind the clouds, you can start. For a conspiracy, you will need a bowl of holy water, gold coins and a ring. If there are no jewelry in the house, then in no case do not replace them with fakes. Borrow magical attributes from relatives or elsewhere. You need to lower the coins with the ring into the bowl, wrap your hands around it and read the words of the conspiracy:

“Lord, send me a great help, but Your heavenly will! There is no place in the world for me without Your tender care and strength. I will bring you a cup of water and ask you to give me good luck on my way. Help in destiny and life. I ask you to add lines of light and well-being to them with Your palm. The moon grows, gives life in the night. So my business grows with profit and success. I ask for blessings on achievements in labor. Amen!"

Repeat the plot seven times in a row, taking a sip of water after each. At the end of the ceremony, drink the rest of the water, and you can take the ring with coins with you as a talisman.

If there was a discord in business

Sometimes businessmen are faced with unpredictable factors that destroy what has been built, leveling previous victories. A conspiracy for good luck in business helps to normalize the situation very effectively. To lure fortune into business, it is recommended to perform a ritual for a remnant. It is considered one of the most effective in a situation where things are not going quite as we would like. Such a ritual is able to wrap the negative energy in the direction of the author, interrupt the black streak of life, change it to a bright one.

You will need a remnant, a coin and a red thread. The ceremony should be performed in the morning at sunrise on Thursday. It must be kept secret from the curious. Their energy should not interfere with you. Soap is used only at home. Fans of liquid products are advised to buy ordinary soap and use it for several days. As a small piece remains, wait with it for Thursday. Tie the remnant with a red thread, accompanying the ritual action with the following words:

“How quickly this soap is washed off,

And so my bad luck stops.

How golden coins hit the ground

So they turn into a golden stream to my house.

I point the way to luck with a red thread

I tie her to my destiny forever.

As I say, so be it, and be fulfilled. Amen!"

After you read the plot for good luck, take the soap and coins to the yard. Bury under a thick tree (oak works great). Level the ground and draw a cross with the pointing finger of the working hand (right or left, which one you write). So say:

"The word is the law!".

Now leave, in no case do not turn around and do not talk to anyone along the way.

Two words, but the most important

Special rituals for good luck in all endeavors can be considered effective when you set a clear and precise goal for success. It is important to carry out general cleaning in the "turtle". You will be surprised how much rubbish is stored there. Feel free to throw away feelings and doubts, and envy, jealousy and hatred must be destroyed quickly and uncompromisingly.

Magic is a great mystery. It is intimate and fragile. Nobody should know about it. Luck is a sensitive, subtle matter, so you need to pronounce a conspiracy for success in business only with the belief that this will happen. Any crazy thought knocking you off this wave is like a broken motor part. The car won't run. If a person himself doubts the effectiveness of his idea, then nothing good will happen. To enlist support from Above, choose the rite with your soul. Read the description and try to understand if there is an unpleasant “aftertaste” left from the logic of actions or the essence of the ritual. The chosen one should be done in compliance with all recommendations.

Luck is often not enough for those people who are in business. This is especially true for beginners. This state of affairs is fraught with a lack of permanent income, work at a loss. To avoid negative consequences, you need to work tirelessly. And magic can become an assistant in achieving success. But do not rely only on the fact that a business conspiracy will help solve all problems. At the same time, you need to work hard and give yourself completely to work.

Conspiracies for business will help to gain financial well-being. With the help of certain rituals, you can build your career, do it in such a way as to win the competition, so that the business flourishes and brings good profits.

Also, a conspiracy to sell a business will help you conclude a deal that is profitable for you, sell the business, after which you can start a new business that you prefer.

Rules for conducting rituals

In order for a business profit conspiracy to be effective and act quickly, you should clearly follow all the instructions in the instructions and follow certain rules:

  1. All rituals to attract good luck and to achieve well-being must be carried out only during the growing moon. Sometimes the instructions indicate the period of the full moon. It is this time that is favorable for the multiplication of various benefits, including financial ones.
  2. It is important to remember that after the ceremony is held, you will see that your business has gone uphill, everything has changed for the better. Tune in advance for success, visualize the positive result of the actions performed. This will help you quickly navigate when a profitable deal is concluded.
  3. If you doubt your abilities, you are afraid that you will not be able to do everything right, it is better to entrust this matter to professionals.
  4. You can't ask for money. It is better to ask the higher powers for the prosperity of the business, for luck to come, for customers to go, for contracts to be concluded.
  5. It is not recommended to read words from a leaf, it is better to learn them by heart. If you can’t learn it, then you need to practice in advance so as not to stumble and not stop during the pronunciation of a spell or prayer.
  6. It is best to conspire for business success on an empty stomach. Also, before performing any magical actions, you should take a shower or bath to cleanse your body.

Effective rites

On the water

The simplest is the variant of the ritual with salt. To perform the ceremony, you will need a handful of white salt and a glass of consecrated water. If it is not possible to get holy water, you can use spring or spring water. It is recommended to perform the ritual on Thursday. Place a container of water on the table, hold the salt in the palm of your hand. Looking at the salt, pronounce the text of the plot:

“Salt is white, salt is pure. Grant me your purification, cleanse my body and soul. Let everything bad, impure and unnecessary go away. Let the dark go, never return. May it be so".

Read these words at least seven times. Leave a glass of charmed water in a dark place for the night, and pour it out in a deserted place in the morning so that no one sees. This is an effective ritual that will help you quickly gain luck and prosperity in your favorite business.

per coin

A conspiracy for business success is held on Wednesday of the new month. The moon should illuminate the sky well. You need to take a cup with spring, spring or well water, a few yellow coins and a gold ring. At midnight, put the coins in a container of water, take the bowl in both hands, whisper the most effective slander on it:

“Lord, merciful, You grant people your help, protection and mercy. Send me your help, may success descend upon me from heaven. I can't do without Your help and without Your strength. I'll bring you a cup of spring water. I ask for help, grant me good luck on my path and in my undertakings. Touch fate and my life with your almighty palm. Add a line of light to me, illuminate my paths. I ask for your blessings for good luck in my affairs, in my ideas and undertakings. Amen".

Repeat the text of the prayer seven times. After each reading, drink a little water from the bowl. Further, carry coins with you all the time, this will be your personal talisman that will help you sell, attract customers, so that a very profitable deal for you takes place.

Soap Help

If your business is not going as well as you would like, you can perform the following rite at home that will help you return your luck and start a positive program in your life. For the ritual, the following attributes are needed: a remnant, a red thread, a coin. It is necessary to carry out the ritual on Thursday with the first rays of the sun. In a deserted place, it is necessary to dig a small hole in the ground, lower the remnant, a thread and a coin into it. While saying these words:

“How quickly this soap washed out, so let all my failures end. All bad things will go away forever. Now there will be no more failure and bad luck. They will be replaced by a good day, a new day and a new life. May these words be an effective means to achieve success, and my business will be profitable. As coins ring in a wallet, so let luck accompany me. May the red thread bring me luck. Success goes in one step with me, as it is said, it will come true. Amen."

Then bury the hole. Draw a cross on the ground over the hole with your index finger and read: “My words will become law, no one can cancel them.” Then go home silently, without turning around and not talking to anyone.

Prayer for help

A prayer is also read at home every morning after waking up for one month on water:

“Water-water, a powerful element, I speak, I conjure for good luck, for the success of the Servant of God (name). So that everything that you start goes uphill. Everything he did was profitable. My word is castle, my word is law. Amen!".

Wash yourself with enchanted water. Repeat these steps for one month daily. Such prayers will help for trade and for successful business.

Ritual with an anthill

How to make a selling ritual? A conspiracy for good luck in business and money can be read in the forest. To carry out the most effective ritual, it is necessary to find a large anthill in the forest or in a clearing outside the city. Go to the forest, find an anthill. Next, take a few blades of grass or twigs at the very top of the anthill. Put them in a green cloth bag. On a piece of paper write your secret desire, cherished dream. Next, fold the leaf and put it in the bag too.

Bring the bag to your workplace. It is believed that such ceremonies are very effective, since the workaholic insects will share their indefatigable energy with you and help you in your endeavors.

Help Basil

In order for your business to take off sharply, so that an urgent deal happens quickly, you can perform the following rite. Take dry basil leaves, grind them with a blender or coffee grinder. Next, add two tablespoons of boiling water. With the resulting mixture, it is necessary to process the corners in your workroom. This simple rite will help when financial affairs are not going the way you would like. When treating a room with a potion, a man or woman should read the Our Father and ask for protection in his own words.

Rituals with birds

There is effective magic with which you can conspire for sale, for the right deal and for good luck in business. For the ritual, a handful of grain or bread crumbs is needed. Come to a place where pigeons or other birds most often accumulate. Feed the birds with grain and say:

“Come all to me, accept my gifts. Take your kids food, let them never go hungry. And give me your help. I want good luck and luck. I will treat you and feed you, bring it to your children. And let me have prosperity and financial benefits. Amen".

Let the birds eat plenty, and you rejoice that you were able to help and did a good deed. Try to help other people as often as possible, give alms to the poor. The universe will reward you with a boomerang for your kindness.

Before the start of the working day, open the window, stick out your hand with a burning candle, certainly gel, green, and say downwind and against the wind one at a time - my fire is burning, money beckons into the house, profit come, fire beacon will show the way, the word is business , lock key. - do on the growing moon, let the candle burn out.

In order for clients to return to your beauty salon again and again, so that your activities in the field of creating hairstyles for people will always be creative, argue, bring good profit and satisfaction,

every time you come to the workplace, take in your right hand the largest comb available in your hairdressing salon and, standing in front of the largest mirror, comb your hair 33 times (in the direction from top to bottom), saying: “A smooth path to my doorstep. Let everyone run, I'll help them here. People - good, but I - a bucket of money. I have no tangles - no problems and debts. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Never tell anyone about the true meaning of the rite.


You can say on a pin, they always carry it with them, so that it is not visible.
Lord, my God, I am in front of You.
I ask you to save me, protect me with a talisman.
I ask all the Holy Host to save and protect Ivan the Theologian, Ivan the Long-suffering, Ivan the Headless, Ivan the Baptist, Ivan the Postile, Michael the Archangel, Archangel Gabriel, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Praskovya the Great Martyr, Faith, Hope, Love, and their mother Sophia.
I stand under your shield, which will defend me, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit amen

Good trade conspiracy

One of these conspiracies is recited for salt:

"Hiking-riders, come here; here is a place for you, food and water. Money for me, goods for you." After that, you need to stand in front of the counter with your back to your product and throw a small handful of salt backwards with your right hand over your left shoulder. Try not to let anyone see you doing this.

For good luck in trading.

For good luck in trading, you should go to church 3 days in a row 15-20 minutes before noon and put a wax candle there in front of the image of St. Nicholas with the words: “God's servant! Grant me (your name) good luck in trading, righteous affairs! Amen!"
Amulet for success in trade: “In the name of God Jesus Christ. The stars in the sky dress up, they are reflected in the Jordan River. As no one has ever counted the stars, never removed from the sky of God, So that my luck would not be taken away, and not taken away, and not cursed with any word. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen

a bargain for a good deal.

Before a deal, especially a commercial one, whisper in your palms: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, (run your palms over your face once) and the Holy Spirit”, run your palms over your face from top to bottom twice and finish with the word: “Amen.” After that, run your palms over your face, but this time three times.
Repeat the manipulations seven times, then go where you were going.

Spell for good luck in trading

Washing before trading, they read, wiping themselves with a handkerchief, they take the handkerchief with them to the market.
“The stars cannot be counted, the plowing cannot be kneaded with hands, my word cannot be removed from me.
I am a merchant, my crown is with me. As bees fly to honey, so everything to my product
are looking. They want to take. Amen".

this conspiracy is read on honey with honey, they wash themselves with a red handkerchief and take it with them.

They talk about water and bread:

"Turn, Lord, luck from west to east, from north to south.

Give her not three roads, but one road - to my doorstep.

And you, unfortunate misfortune, find your way into the snake's womb.

There is a place for you, there is your life, there is your being,
and I will put on a charm,
I will tie with gold and silver.

I close the lock with the key, I throw the key into the sea.

Amen. Amen. Amen."

Eat bread with water

To serve more tips

on the full moon, read a special plot over a new white handkerchief, which you then carry with you all the time. It is best if it peeks out of the pocket a little. The spoken words are:

God's servants!
Give your prayer and care
To me, God's servant (name).
So that everyone who stays near me,
Generous mercy will not forget me.
Put me, Lord, on the hand of gold and silver.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

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