When is the indefinite article used in English? Articles in English (articles) - the basic rules for their use

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Usually articles are not translated into Russian. However, in rare cases, the context requires the translation of the indefinite article by the words some, any, one of), and a certain that (most) or this one (most):

She murmured a name and name was not John. she whispered some name, and name is it wasn't John.

Consider three cases: when an indefinite or definite article is used before a noun, and when it is not used.

Indefinite article

Indefinite article a (an) derived from the numeral one (one), so it is used only with singular nouns.

When changing the singular to the plural, the article is omitted, and if a certain amount is implied, then the pronoun is put instead of the article some:

Give me a book. - Give me books.
Give me an apple. - Give me some apples.

The indefinite article has a variant a, if it comes before a noun that starts with a consonant: a s student; and option an before a noun that starts with a vowel: an a pple.

A noun with an indefinite article is the name of an object in general, and not the name of a particular object. For example a student evokes an idea of ​​a student in general, that is, a student of a higher educational institution, but not of a specific person.

The meaning of the indefinite article can be expressed in Russian with such words as one, one of, some, any, any, any, any, each.

Rules of use

When it is possible to substitute in front of a noun some, any, one of:

There is a pen on the table. — There is a (some indefinite) pen (one of the class of pens) on the table.
A child can understand it. — (Any) child can understand it;

When the value is stored one:

Wait a minute! - Wait one minute!

The indefinite article is used with singular countable nouns. It is not used in the plural, sometimes it is replaced by indefinite pronouns some (several) any (any, anyone).

If there is a definition before the noun, then the article is placed before this definition: a story(story) an interesting story(interesting story).

Definite article

The definite article has a single form the and derived from the demonstrative pronoun that(that). It is used with nouns, both singular and plural.

Article the pronounced twice:

  • [ðǝ] before nouns that start with a consonant: the student[ðǝˊstju:dǝntJ;
  • [ðɪ] before nouns that start with a vowel: the evening[ðɪˊɪ: vnɪη].

The definite article is used:

When it is possible to put before a noun this(most) or that(most):

That is the house that Jack built. This is the house that Jack built.

Before singular nouns:

the sun - the sun;
the moon - the moon.

Before superlative adjectives:

the cleverest boy - the smartest boy;
the most difficult question - the most difficult question.

No article

The indefinite article is not used: before nouns in plural: an article - articles.

real nouns, uncountable: water (water), salt (salt), tea (tea)- nouns that cannot be counted, for example, you cannot say: three waters.

The article is not placed before the noun when it is used. in the abstract:

Man is the head but woman is the neck. The man is the head, the woman is the neck.

Therefore, abstract and real nouns are most often used without the article. But if these nouns are used in some specific sense (as part of a substance, a shade of feeling, a certain quality of a phenomenon), then they are used with a definite or indefinite article in accordance with the above rules:

Light was coming into the room from somewhere. The light came from somewhere into the room.
soon he saw a light in the distance. Soon he saw in the distance some light.
The light was faint and uncertain. — This the light was faint and uncertain.
You may buy butter and bread in a shop. — You can buy butter and bread at any store.
The butter was bought in the nearest shop. — it The oil was purchased from a nearby shop.
A coffee without bread can never serve as breakfast. — Any coffee without bread cannot serve as breakfast.

Even proper nouns follow these rules:

Is that the John I knew many years ago? - Is it really the same The John I knew years ago?
Florence will never, never, never be a Dombey. Florence will never one of Dombey.

The use of articles with other determiners

The indefinite article is used after words such- such, rather- enough, quite- at all, as as well as after what(in exclamatory sentences) and half- half:

What a nice day! - What a lovely day!
It's rather a long way to the village. - It's quite a distance from the village.

The definite article is used:


  • pronouns both- both and all- all:

All the stories were interesting. All stories were interesting.

  • phrases most of- majority, some of- some , many of- many , none of- none of:

Most of the gentlemen looked angry. Most of the gentlemen looked angry.

Before in words: the same- the same, wrong- not the one right- that, very- precisely that one, only- the only one, next- next, last- last:

You are the very person I wanted. You are exactly the person I need.

If the word next used in the meaning future, a last - past, then they are used without articles and prepositions.


What is the next question? - What will be the next question?
I "ll come here next year. - I will come here next year.


With other determinants such as possessive and demonstrative pronouns, as well as negation no articles are not used:

There is no book on the table. — There is no book on the table.
She puts on her hat and coat. She puts on a hat and coat.

The use of articles with proper names

Proper names are used either with a definite article or without an article. Study the following table:

semantic field

with article the

Without article

water spaces

Rivers, seas, oceans, straits, bays - The Thames, the Atlantic Ocean, the Black Sea, the English Channel

Lakes – Lake Ontario

Mountain systems – The Urals

Single Peaks - Everest

Island groups - The Bermudas

Separate islands - Sumatra

Names of continents, parts of the world, capes - Eurasia, Europe, Cape Horn


Names of states containing words denoting the state structure - Union, State, Republic, Kingdom:

The United States Of America,

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,

The Republic of France

Names of states without designation of the state structure - America, Great Britain, France

Printed publications

Published in English-speaking countries -

Published in all other countries — Moscow News

whole family -

The Smiths - The Smiths. The Petrovs

One person - Smith, Petrov


Hotels, ships, aircraft - The Metropol,

Names of streets, squares, cities -

Trafalgar Square,

Exceptions: The Hague - The Hague, The Netherlands - the Netherlands, The Crimea - Crimea, The Ukraine - Ukraine, The Caucasus - the Caucasus, The Congo - Congo, The Strand - Strand (street in London).

Rules for using the articles a, an and the in English

Let's look at examples together and fix the rules for using articles in English.

Indefinite article

The indefinite article is used before a noun when it only names an object, classifies it as a representative of a certain kind of objects, but does not specifically highlight it.

a table - any table (just a table, not a chair) a chair - a chair.

When mentioning an object or person for the first time

That "s a pretty girl. - Beautiful girl.

In a general sense: a noun with an indefinite article in this sense means: any, anyone.

A cow gives milk. - A cow (any) gives milk.

With professions:

My Dad is a Doctor. - My dad is a doctor.
She "s an architect. - She is an architect.

With some quantity expressions:

a pair - a pair, a little - a little, a few - a few.

In exclamatory sentences: before a singular countable noun after the word what (what).

What a beautiful day! - What a wonderful day!
What a pity! - What a pity!

Use of the definite article

The definite article is put if the subject or person in question is known to both the speaker and the listener (from the context, the environment, or as previously mentioned in this speech).

It is a chair - this is a chair
The chair is at the table - the chair is near the table

Try to substitute the word this or that before the noun. If the meaning of what is being said does not change, then the definite article must be put before the noun, and if it changes, then the indefinite article is put before the noun in the singular (if it is countable), and not put before the plural noun at all.

re-mentioned, when it is clear from the previous text what it is about:

The girl was beautiful. (This) girl was beautiful.

Clear on the situation when it is clear what/who is meant:

The lesson is over. - The lesson is over.

Having an individuating definition, that is, a definition that distinguishes this person or object from a number of similar ones.

  • Definition, n calling a sign:

This is the house that Jack built. This is the house that Jack built.

  • Expressed by an adjective in superlative form

This is the shortest way to the river - This is the shortest way to the river

  • Expressed by ordinal number

He missed the first lecture. - He missed the first lecture

  • Definition expressed by a proper name

the Bristol road - the road to Bristol.

  • Definitions expressed in words:

The next stop is ours. “The next stop is ours.

Before nouns one of a kind:

the sun - the sun
the moon - the moon
the Earth
the floor - floor (one in the room)
the sea - the sea (the only one in the area)

Before adjectives and participles that have turned into nouns, with a plural meaning:

the strong - strong, the old - old people, the young - youth,

No article (zero article)

If a there is a pronoun before the noun or nouns in the possessive case.

My room is large - My room is large.

A noun is used without an article in the plural in the following cases: When in the singular in front of him there would be an indefinite article:

I saw a letter on the table. — I saw a letter on the table.
I saw letters on the table. — I saw the letters on the table.

Uncountable real nouns.

water water, milk milk, chalk chalk, sugar sugar, tea tea, snow snow, grass grass, wool wool, meat meat and others.

Uncountable abstract nouns (abstract concepts).

weather weather, music music, power force, knowledge knowledge, art art, history history, mathematics mathematics, light light, love love, life life, time time
I like music - I love music.

But at the same time, some abstract nouns can be used with the indefinite article, expressing a kind of quality, state.

He got a good education. He received a good education.

In English, plural nouns may be preceded by a definite article, the pronoun some (any), or the determiner may be absent.

If one of the following words can be placed before a Russian noun: a few, a few, some, some the corresponding noun in an English sentence is preceded by the pronoun some (any).
If none of these words can be placed before the Russian noun, then there is no determiner before the corresponding noun in the English sentence.

I bought some apples yesterday - I bought apples yesterday ( several, some apples)

On my own the indefinite article in English (the Indefinite Article) serves to designate the category of uncertainty and is used only with countable nouns in the singular. The indefiniteness due to the indefinite article in English has the meaning "some, it is not known which". Indefinite articles in English speak of the belonging of an object to some class of objects and carry a classifying meaning:

  • This is a cat. - It's a cat. (It is not known which, one of the cats)

The history of the origin of the indefinite article in English

As for the history of the origin of the indefinite article a (an), it is believed that it came from the Old English word ān, i.e. "one" (one):

  • A coffee, please. - One coffee, please.
  • Wait a minute. - Wait one minute.

The use of the indefinite article in English

The indefinite article in English has two forms - a and an. The form a is used before words that begin with a consonant: a tree (tree), a song, a finger (finger); form an, in turn, is used before words that begin with a vowel sound: an apple (apple), an elephant (elephant), an owl (owl).

So, the indefinite article is used in the following cases:

  • When it comes to an object or a person as a representative of this particular class. Often with this noun there is a definition that describes it. For example: It was a very interesting story.— It was a very interesting story. This is a pupil. He is a very good pupil.- He's a student. He is a very good student.
  • This type of article is used with singular nouns in constructions there is/ was/ will be, have (got), this is… For example: There is a table in the room. — There is a table in the room. This is a nice house. - It's a beautiful house.
  • When meaning anyone, any representative of a given class, the indefinite article is also used. For example: A baby can understand it. Any child can understand this.
  • When it comes to an object or person unknown to the interlocutor, that is, this word is used in the text for the first time. For example: We saw a man in a dark coat. The man was holding a stick. We saw a man in a dark coat. The man was carrying a cane.
  • In exclamatory sentences. For example: What a nice surprise! - What a pleasant surprise!
  • With the words "hundred", "thousand", "million", etc. in the meaning of "one". For example: a (one) hundred , a (one) thousend , a (one) million , etc.
  • In expressions like per day, per hour, per year etc. For example: He calls his parents three times a day. He calls his parents three times a day. We have four English classes a week. We have four English lessons a week.
  • With singular countable nouns with words such, quite, rather. For example: It was such a sunny day! It was such a sunny day! He is quite a tall boy for his age. He is a fairly tall boy for his age. She is rather a good cook. - She's a pretty good cook.
  • With uncountable nouns meaning "portion". For example: Would you like an ice-cream? - Would you like ice cream?
  • With proper names meaning "some", "some". For example: I started working for a Mr. Rochester, but I haven't seen him yet.“I started working for a certain Mr. Rochester, but I haven't met him yet.
  • With proper names meaning "one of", "representative of a family or clan." For example: It was met by a Burton. “One of the Burtons met me.
  • With proper names meaning "work of art" (for example, painting, sculpture, piece of music). For example: I sold him a Monet. I sold him a Monet painting.

Thus, dear friends, indefinite article in English corresponds to the category of uncertainty and the meaning "one", which one way or another we have to use both in writing and in speech in English.

In many foreign languages ​​there is such a thing as an article. To start learning grammar from this topic will be a good option for those who want to know English. The article (the rule of use will help to understand the question) is a service part of speech in English. It shows certainty or indefiniteness. Further in the text, the rules for its use are given when the article a (an), the is omitted.

Types of articles

There are two types of articles in English:

  • definite - the;
  • indefinite - a (an) (two forms).

The definite article shows that we are talking about some well-known or familiar subject that is more individualized, somehow stands out from others. And the indefinite one indicates a more generalized meaning or an object that appears in the text for the first time. Examples:

The girl has a dog./The girl has a dog.

From this sentence, it can be understood that we are talking about a specific girl who is already familiar to the reader and she was previously mentioned in the text, but the word “dog” is more generalized, which dog is unknown.


We have already found out that in English there is such a part of speech as the article: a (an), the. They originally came from other words and to some extent retained their old meaning.

For example, the definite article is an abbreviated form of the word that (that, that), which is why it carries such a specific meaning.

It comes from the word one (someone, some).

Definite article

In English, the definite article has two functions: the first of them is concretizing, and the other is generalizing. And this part of speech is used if a person knows exactly what subject is being discussed, or if this subject is unique.

The definite article in a concretizing meaning

  • It is used if one object stands out from the whole set, it has some excellent parameters, it is distinguished by a unique case, context. Before adjectives in

He is the best player in our team./He is the best player in our team.

  • Placed before the words following, last, next, only and very. They make the noun more specific.

And not the next day. / And not the next day.

  • Superlative adjectives are also preceded by the definite article.

It is the worst day in my life. / This is the worst day in my life.

The definite article in a general sense

  • In generalizing - when a noun can be attributed to a whole kind of objects.

Examples include the German Shepherd - the double coat is straight, and short length./For example, a German Shepherd. The coat has two characteristics: straight and short in length.

Here we are talking about all dogs belonging to a particular breed.

  • Omitted if replaced by a possessive pronoun.

She sure had some love for her German Shepards.

  • If you can put the word "this" before the noun.

The hotel also features easy access to the several subway stations./The hotel is also easily accessible from several subway stations.

  • When specifying the era, significant events.

The First World War./The First World War.

  • Before uncountable nouns, only if we are talking about a certain amount of substance.

And then the farmer has to find another way to deliver the juice.

  • Before the names of body parts.

The hand

  • Before social classes and strata of society.

The police./Police officers.

The definite article with proper nouns and some titles

It will help to better understand how to use articles with proper names and some names, the table below. All of the following words must be preceded by the definite article the.

proper names

Riversthe Nakdong
Names of newspapersthe Washington Post
place namesthe North Field
Objects from astronomythe Moon
Mountain namesthe Andes
cardinal directionsin the East

Surnames in the plural

(meaning all family members)

the Adamsons
Channelsthe Nicaragua Canal
City districtsthe West End
Nationalitiesthe Italian
Unique architectural structuresthe Winter Palace
desertthe Bolivian
Names of reservoirsthe Black Sea
Ship namesthe Aurora
Some countriesthe Argentina
Nicknamesthe Tall Ben

Definite article. Plural

  • If the definite article is used before a word in the singular, then it is placed before it in the plural.

You can bring the ball with, if you want.

You can bring the balls with, if you want./If you want, take the balls with you.

  • Also, the article remains before the plural when it comes to a group as a whole.

The members of Golf club can breathe fresh air./The members of the Golf club can breathe fresh air. (Everyone can breathe fresh air).

Indefinite article a (an)

"a" is used if the first letter in the word is a consonant, "an" if it is a vowel:

  • a table, a carpet, a dog / table, carpet, dog;
  • an elephant, an eagle, an orange / elephant, eagle, orange.

Exceptions to the rule:

  • the article "a" is always placed before words that begin with the letter "u" if it is pronounced /ju:/ (English is a universal language);
  • before the words "one", "ones" the article "a" (a one-parent family) is always used;
  • if abbreviations start with a consonant but read with a vowel (F is pronounced /ef/), then they are always preceded by the indefinite article "an" (an FBI agent).

Classifying, generalizing and numeral meaning of the indefinite article

  • In expressive sentences, in exclamatory sentences that begin with the word what, the indefinite article is used.

What a great!

  • With singular nouns preceded by words such as rather, quite, such, and most.

In a rather prescient way./Very far-sighted.

  • If a noun is a generic value for the entire class, species, layer, etc., then it is preceded by an indefinite article. Most often, such a noun is at the beginning of a sentence and does not carry any important information. More significant details are described later in the text.

A newspaper text is a very laconic and relevant essay.

  • In the numeral value, the article denotes its original meaning - one.

I can stay in Paris for only a day./I could stay in Paris for only a day. (Here it is clear that the particle -a can be replaced by one, the word from which the article a (an) was formed (the - from that). In this sentence, the particle takes its usual place).

Indefinite article a (an). Plural

Articles that are used before singular nouns are not used in the plural.

She had a book of astrology./She had a book on astrology.

She had two books./She had two books. (As you can see, the article is omitted).

Proper nouns and the article a (an)

The article a (an) is used before if they:

  • unknown

A Mr. Anderson has come to see you./A certain Mr. Anderson has come to see you.

  • used as a noun

You think, I am a Leonardoda Vinci?

  • point to individual family members

It is no wonder; in fact, she is a Smith./No wonder, because she is a Smith.

  • describe the position of a place or object

We saw a rebuild Rome. / We saw a rebuilt Rome.

In addition, there are stable expressions that, regardless of the context, never change and always remain in their place. These phrases just need to be learned:

a few / a few, it is a pity / sorry, a little / a little, etc.

When the article is not needed

In English there is such a thing as when it is absent in sentences before nouns. Above in the article, cases were already mentioned when the article is omitted. Let's look at a few more typical rules.

  • If nouns are preceded by adjectives old / old, little / small, poor / poor, lazy / lazy, honest / honest.

She is little girl./She is a little girl.

  • If there is no definition for a noun.

I do not like Peter. / I do not like Peter.

  • Before titles, titles.

Lord Green./Lord Green.

Article exercises

To consolidate the acquired knowledge, you need to do a few exercises. Then check your answers with the keys, analyze the errors. For example, you can do the task below.

Insert the missing article a (an), the:

Paris is … beautiful town./Paris is a beautiful city.

What "s going on? I think it's ... salute. / What's going on? I think it's a salute.

Britney Spears is … singer./Britney Spears is a singer.

This is Nick. He is … engineer./This is Nick. He is an engineer.

… spider has eight legs./Spiders have eight legs.

It is … tomato./This is a tomato.

I am ... nurse. / I am a nurse.

She is … best./She is the best.

To take … seat./Sit down.

In ... country. / In the country.

Answers to the exercise. How to correctly insert the article a (an), the:

1. a. 2. a. 3. a. 4. an. 5. a. 6.a. 7. a. 8. the. 9 a. 10. the.

Having trouble with articles? Can't remember more than a couple of rules? We promise to tell you everything you need to know about articles in English. Read our article on how to use English articles correctly!

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Articles are one of the riches of the English language ... and a big problem for those who speak other languages ​​where there are no articles. It is quite difficult for the majority of Russian-speakers to understand the category of certainty-uncertainty, which is used by native English speakers... A real restructuring of the mind, a reconfiguration of logic is required.

But English long ago got rid of the complex system of cases and categories of grammatical gender, which are preserved in Russian and so frighten everyone who is going to master it. And perhaps it was this transformation from a synthetic to a predominantly analytic language that helped the English language achieve a truly unique worldwide recognition.

Despite all the simplifications, the rules for using articles in Englishfor a number of reasons, they are difficult for speakers of other European languages. For comparison, take the sentence in German: “Da er_Botaniker ist, liebt er die Natur” (“Being a botanist, he loves nature”) and the corresponding English: “Being a botanist, he is fond of nature”. As you can see, in the English version there is an indefinite article before the name of the profession, in German it is not. Conversely, English does not put articles before nouns such as “nature,” while German requires the definite article in the same position.

Even between British and American English in this case there are discrepancies. So, Americans usually talk about someone who is in the hospital, “in the hospital”; in the same way he could be in the bank, "at the bank", or in the park, "in the park". For a Briton, this means that there is only one hospital in the city, or an American talks about a particular hospital that he constantly visits. The British will say that the patient is “in hospital”, the child is “at school”, and the criminal is “in prison”. In their understanding, it is more about the profile of these institutions, and not about the buildings in which they are located. But if you just entered the building of a hospital, school or prison, then you are at the hospital, at the school or at the prison - here the British are in solidarity with the Americans.

These examples are intended to show that articles in English are a more significant part of the language than it seems at first glance. They are precise instruments that help to delicately express in English all the subtle shades of meaning. In the vast majority of cases, the use of the article has a clear rationale. Understanding this can help to “disguise” non-native English in the course of communication with native speakers.

Introduction to articles in English

Several words can be combined with a noun, forming the so-callednoun phrase (noun phrase). A noun phrase consists of a noun and all the words that accompany it.

Consider the proposal:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
("A quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog").

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The article in English is a service part of speech, it stands before a noun, adverb or adjective and helps to better understand the context of the statement. The Russian language is not characterized by articles: we characterize the discussed subjects in oral and written speech in other ways: through intonation, pronouns, particles, suffixes, etc.

Historically, the British, Americans, Germans, French, Spaniards and some other peoples who speak the languages ​​of the Romance and Germanic groups consider it important to clarify each noun in terms of meaning, emphasizing their variety with the help of special short words, which will be discussed in today's article.

The definite article "the" (Definite article)

The article "the" in English is definite because it gives the word the meaning of concreteness, in some cases it emphasizes the uniqueness of an object, object or phenomenon.

It is easy to see that the article "the", without distorting the meaning of the statement, can be replaced by demonstrative pronouns "that, this, these, those".

Cases of using the definite article the

It's a very complicated task to find out the truth while everyone is trying to make up a new lie. - It is very difficult to find the truth where everyone is trying to compose a new fable.

This example clearly reflects the functional specifics of the definite article “the”: the truth is the only and unique in the situation of the speaker, it is one, there cannot be another, so we say “the truth”.

The sun was shining brightly for the whole morning, so it was impossible to stay asleep. This morning the sun shone so brightly that it was impossible to sleep any longer.

The sun is unique, there is no second such on earth, therefore "the sun". The same applies to our planet: "the Earth" Earth. There is another definite article in the sentence that defines the word "morning": the speaker means a specific morning of the day.

“Not last night, sir, I know she didn’t.”

“Why do you know so positively?”

“Because the box was empty...” -

"Not last night, sir, I know she couldn't do it."

“Why are you so confident about this?”

"Because the box was empty..."

He placed himself as close as he could to the information booth. - It is located as close as possible to the information stand.

At the moment described, the hero could lean on the only information stand, and the corresponding article before the word emphasizes this idea.

I have a plan. The plan is too easy to realize, that's why few people will choose it and it will be just ours. - I have a plan. This plan is very easy to implement, so few people will choose it, which means it will only be ours.

In the first sentence, the listener learned about the presence "no one" plan for the first time. In the second sentence, the same plan again met. In Russian, demonstrative pronouns “this, these, this, that, that, those”, etc. perform the same role as the article "the" in English.

They lived in a very small flat. The flat was located in a new house near the library. - They lived in a small apartment. This apartment was in a new building near the library.

The first person she noticed on board was her cousin who knew nothing about her trip. - The first person she noticed on board was a cousin who knew nothing about her journey.

These students are going to study Japanese as the second foreign language. - These students are going to learn Japanese as a second foreign language.

I know exactly that the most difficult thing for my child is to concentrate: he has always been too active. - I know for sure that the most difficult thing for my child is to concentrate on something: he is too active.

The coldest month we've ever had is this November. - This November is the coldest month in our memory.

This way of having negotiations is the worst: if you speak so quickly, nobody will understand what you mean. - This is the worst way to negotiate: if you continue to talk like that, no one will understand what you are talking about.

  • the group - group;
  • the crowd - crowd;
  • the company - company;
  • the staff - staff;
  • the public - the public, etc.

Lions, tigers and lynxes belong to the cat family. - Lions, tigers and lynxes belong to the cat family.

The Chinese tourist group is coming to our museum tomorrow. - A group of Chinese tourists will come to our museum tomorrow.

The generalization can also apply to surnames in the meaning of "family":

The Addams is the creepiest family of the previous century. - The Addams Family is the most frightening of the last century.

The Smith usually spent summer in the village. The Smiths usually spend their summers in the countryside.

  • one of - one of;
  • each of - each of;
  • some of - some of;
  • many of - many;
  • most of - the majority;
  • all - everything;
  • both of - both.

Each of the scientists supposed that it's going to be the last week spent in the expedition. - Every scientist thought that the last week of the expedition had come.

Even all the words you know cannot express the range of emotions you feel. - Even all the words you know will not be able to express the range of emotions experienced.

Some of the people were only waiting for the end while others were happily sinking in their own memories. - They happily drowned in their own memories, when others were just waiting for the outcome.

Both of the twins prefer oil paintings to other kinds of art. - Both twins prefer oil painting to other art forms.

  • the cinema - cinema;
  • the radio - radio;
  • the theater - theater;
  • the weather - weather;
  • the equator - the equator;
  • the world - the world;
  • the ground - earth;
  • the jungle - jungle;
  • the seaside - coast;
  • the sky - the sky;
  • the piano - piano;
  • the park - park;
  • the tango - tango;
  • the waltz - waltz.

While going to the cinema , we heard a terrifying noise from the park . - On the way to the cinema, we heard a terrible noise coming from the park.

Beautiful birds were disappearing deep in the sky. - Beautiful birds disappeared deep into the sky.

I want to watch the last film from the very beginning. - I want to watch the last movie from the beginning.

The only reason for Jane to come there is her favorite musical band's performance. - The only reason Jane would go there is for her favorite band to perform.

Indefinite article a/an - Indefinite article

There are two indefinite articles in English: "a" and "an". They are equivalent and perform the same function: they indicate that the subject is only one, one of many, or occurs in the text for the first time.

Article "a" used before a consonant "an"- before a vowel.

The indefinite article in most cases can be replaced by the word one one.

Give me one pen, please. - Give me one pen, please.

Cases of using the indefinite article a - an

We are staying in a large wooden house. The house is located far from noisy cities. - We settled down in the big wooden house. The house is located far from noisy cities.

In the first sentence, through the indefinite article, the house is only introduced into the narrative.

She was trying to choose a big orange. The orange suddenly fell down, and I found it as a great opportunity to get acquainted. She tried to choose a bigger orange. He suddenly fell, and I considered this a great opportunity to get to know each other.

It's such a lovely melody! - What a wonderful melody!

The reptile seems to be quite a strange creature. - This reptile seems to be a rather strange creature.

It's a rather chilly climate in Alaska. Quite a frosty climate prevails in Alaska.

She saw there rather a beautiful building. - There she met a rather beautiful building.

My mother has a little milk in the fridge: we can cook pancakes. - Mom has enough milk in the fridge: we can fry pancakes.

There are a few cars near our house: I can "t park here. - Our house has quite a few cars: I can't park here.

There are a lot of toys in the room. - There are a lot of toys in this room.

There is a lot of sugar in the kitchen. - There is a lot of sugar in the kitchen.

Uncountable items in English are almost the same as their Russian equivalents: salt, water, milk, sand, tea, coffee, chocolate, jam, etc.

It's raining cats and dogs, but we have no food in the fridge: let's go and buy a bottle of milk, a loaf of bread, a bar of chocolate and a kilo of fruit. - It's raining so much that you can't kick a dog out of the house, but we have absolutely nothing to eat: let's go and buy a bottle of milk, a loaf of bread, a bar of chocolate and a kilogram of fruit.

It's a quarter to eight. - It's 7.45 now.

It seems I've caught a cold while skating today. - I think I caught a cold at the rink today.

We go to the theater twice a year. We go to the theater twice a year.

To have a good health you should go in for sports three times a week at least. - To be healthy, you need to exercise at least three times a week.

A / the Snake is a reptile. - The snake is a reptile.

Man is a mammal. - Man is a mammal.

The / a spider is an insect. - A spider is an insect.

Zero article - Zero article

The article does not need to be put in cases where we are talking about indefinite plural nouns, or about people, naming them. However, there are a number of additions and exceptions when using the zero article in English.

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