Evaluation of the effectiveness of the enterprise personnel management system. Analysis of the effectiveness of the personnel management system in the organization

home / Cheating husband

The article defines the need to assess the personnel management system, in terms of the impact on the performance of the enterprise. Two main concepts for evaluating the effectiveness of the personnel management system are identified. The main goals of personnel research are studied, in accordance with these goals, the existing methods and main activities for assessing the personnel of an enterprise are studied. It is indicated that the main problem within modern enterprises is the fact that the training of personnel by management is seen as a cost, and not as an investment.

  • Experience in implementing a budgeting system in Russian companies
  • Project management as an effective management mechanism
  • Alternative methods in evaluating the effectiveness of investment projects
  • Informal leadership as a phenomenon in the management system

In modern conditions, most enterprises have a serious problem in the personnel management system. This confirmation is the assessment of the effectiveness of the personnel management system, which is either not performed at all, or such methods are used that do not really expose the existing problems. Often, the effectiveness of the management system is evaluated according to special indicators, for example, the cost of vocational training or staff turnover. Local specialists justify this approach by the fact that they are outside the working process of the staff and cannot influence it in any way, in other words, they are in some isolation. What, in our opinion, they simply protect themselves from unnecessary working, really professional events.

In the general sense, personnel assessment is a kind of purposeful process that establishes the compliance of the quantitative and qualitative professional characteristics of personnel with the requirements that apply to a position, department, or enterprise as a whole.

There are the following approaches to performance evaluation:

  • approach reflecting the economic results of management decisions;
  • the approach of summing all costs and compensations for social and environmental impacts;
  • an approach that takes into account the acquired universal values, taking into account adaptation to the conditions of market relations.

Considering efficiency as a relative indicator reflecting the ratio of costs incurred to the results obtained, it should be noted that the costs of the enterprise's personnel are those expenses of the enterprise that are associated with the work of attracting new personnel, with incentives, advanced training, improving working conditions, and many others up to before the employee leaves.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the personnel management system of an enterprise is an important part of improving the performance of each enterprise and therefore it should be carried out regularly. The results should be communicated to all employees in order to encourage them to improve their own results.

Efficient work is getting maximum results with minimum labor, time and money.

The need to assess the personnel management system is that:

  • improve the functioning of the personnel management system by providing a means of resolving emerging questions about when it is necessary to strengthen or stop any activity;
  • determine the attitude of employees and lower-level managers to the effectiveness of personnel management;
  • help the HR department to contribute towards the strategic goals of the enterprise.

To assess the effectiveness of personnel management, it is necessary to choose an assessment method that reveals the current situation at the enterprise and will identify weaknesses in order to eliminate them later.

The basis for evaluating the effectiveness of the personnel management system of an enterprise is information about each employee and about the staff in general, namely:

  • information about career development;
  • qualification information;
  • information on the ratio in the sex and age composition of the staff;
  • information about medical and psychological parameters and more.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the management system should be correlated with other stages of the management process, while having obligatory feedback in order to promptly respond to emerging difficult situations.

The results of the assessment of the personnel management system are designed to identify existing problems in working with personnel, such as staff turnover, discipline, quality of work performed, and more.

Based on this, it is possible to single out the performance indicators of the personnel management service, according to which it is possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the personnel management system:

  1. Indicators of economic efficiency (expenses for the implementation of personnel policy).
  2. Indicators of qualitative and quantitative staffing (number of personnel; requirement for the workplace - the qualifications of the employee occupying this workplace).
  3. Personnel satisfaction indicators.
  4. Indirect indicators (labor productivity, quality of goods and services, staff turnover).

The effectiveness of personnel management is manifested in how each employee uses his potential in the direction of achieving a common goal, which is the result of the work of the entire team.

The personnel management system is one of the most important and integral parts of the effective functioning of the enterprise.

In the work of Yu. Odegov, M. Mausov and M. Kulapov "Efficiency of the management system (socio-economic aspect)", there is no single approach to assessing the effectiveness of the management system, which is due to the fact that the process of labor activity is closely related to production, with its final results, as well as with the social development of production.

Based on the foregoing, speaking about the evaluation of the effectiveness of the personnel management system, it is necessary to mean economic, social and organizational efficiency.

After analyzing a number of scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, two main concepts for assessing the effectiveness of an enterprise's personnel management system can be distinguished. The first concept is that the effectiveness of the management system comes from the integration of production and management. The second concept is that the high efficiency of the personnel management system affects the overall efficiency of the enterprise.

For a qualitative assessment of the effectiveness of the personnel management system, a systematic approach is needed that would contain a comparison of costs and benefits from bringing to life the main elements of the personnel management system, reflecting its effectiveness influencing the efficiency of the enterprise.

As noted above, the personnel management system is effective to the extent that the company's personnel successfully use their potential to achieve common goals.

The main groups of criteria for assessing the personnel management system of an enterprise are: qualitative, quantitative and combined.

Bilyatsky M.P. in the textbook "Personnel Management" offers a fairly convenient table of the relationship between the goals and methods of personnel research (table 1.3).

Table 1 - The relationship between the goals and methods of personnel research


Collection of information on the working climate and image

Employee Survey

Oral and written survey, group interviews, document analysis and so on

Obtaining information about the relationship between employees

Organization of employee surveys and interviews

Structured and unstructured interviews, document analysis

Analysis of the wage system

Evaluation of labor results and labor relations

Various methods of personnel assessment and documentation analysis

Study of personnel development reserves


Methods for assessing personnel, business qualities of employees

Identification of the qualification level of employees and the degree of their compliance with the positions

Analytical assessment of the labor process, assessment of behavior, relationships and results

Document analysis (personal assessment of the structuring of tasks to be solved, personnel assessment)

Identification of weak divisions according to various criteria

Comparative assessment with similar divisions

Production-statistical analysis and comparison methods

Research on the structure of the labor market

Organizing Labor Market Surveillance

The modern problem of almost every enterprise in the field of assessing the effectiveness of personnel management is that investments in the development and maintenance of personnel are considered as costs, and not as investments that bring a positive effect.

Knowing the total costs for the personnel of the enterprise, which combine the amount of costs for the remuneration of employees, all kinds of deductions for their maintenance and deductions for the social needs of employees, as well as the results of its socio-economic activities, it is possible to determine such important indicators as personnel profitability, productivity labor and so on.

Staff costs are divided into basic and additional (Figure 1.5). In addition to the proposed division of costs, they can also be classified by type of activity, for example, costs for forecasting labor resources, for advanced training and retraining, transfer or dismissal, and more.

Figure 1 - Composition of staff costs

Determining the effectiveness of an HR system requires systematic experience in measuring the costs and benefits of an overall HR program and comparing its effectiveness with that of the enterprise over the same period.

When evaluating the effectiveness of an enterprise's personnel management system, it is necessary to have a clear idea of ​​what exactly the results of the assessment will be used for. After determining the purpose of the assessment, it is necessary to select indicators and criteria against which the system will be assessed.

At the present stage, when assessing the economic efficiency of personnel management, the indicator of average annual output per employee is a cross-cutting indicator for all enterprises. The calculation of this indicator is carried out by dividing the average annual volume of sales of services by the average headcount.

To assess the social effectiveness of personnel management, it is generally accepted to use the turnover rate. The calculation is made as the ratio of the number of employees dismissed for reasons attributable to turnover to the average headcount.

Maslova V.M. , proposes to assess the management of personnel in three positions:

  • assessment of the organization of managerial work;
  • analysis of personnel management technology;
  • analysis of the quality of personnel management.

Within the first position, methods and forms of interaction between management objects and managerial employees are analyzed. Here the staffing table, the distribution of duties, the document flow of the enterprise are to be analyzed.

Depending on the specific tasks facing the management body, an analysis of the quality of personnel management is carried out. The main directions for this analysis are presented in Table 2

Table 2 - Directions and criteria for analyzing the quality of enterprise personnel management

Direction of analysis

Analysis Criteria

Identification of the compliance of personnel management practices and the ongoing personnel policy with the existing goals and objectives of the enterprise

  • ways to achieve goals;
  • lack of contradictions between goals;
  • consistency in achieving goals

The quality of documents regulating the work of personnel

  • clarity and completeness of presentation of documents;
  • compliance with the labor code of the Russian Federation

Rules and procedures of the personnel management process

  • efficiency of the enterprise;
  • personnel performance indicators

Organizational culture of personnel

  • work ethic;
  • psychological climate in the team

The quality of personnel management

  • staff satisfaction;
  • company image;
  • labor indicators

There are many approaches to determining the effectiveness of the personnel management system, for example, Bondarenko N.V. proposes to make this assessment in two approaches:

  • direct assessment, as accounting for the results of labor;
  • indirect assessment, as an analysis of the business qualities of an employee.

Voronin A.G. notes that performance evaluation is turning into one of the leading tools for the development of the workforce and is the main component of the leadership style of the modern manager. Evaluation must be carried out by collecting information on the performance of each employee and transferring it to subordinates in order to increase labor productivity.

Ilyin E.S. offers a rating method as a behavioral checklist. The bottom line is to collect information using this sheet about the behavior of an employee in a working environment, ranking according to the results of the rating and summing up.

The art of managing people is a decisive condition that ensures the competitiveness of enterprises and entrepreneurial success, says Yegorshin A.P. . Accordingly, there is a need for highly qualified, competent personnel.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the personnel management system, first of all, should be based on a qualitative and quantitative analysis of personnel, as a way to study the internal component of the personnel management system, and then a qualitative, step-by-step analysis of the state of each of the elements of the personnel management system should be made.


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How to evaluate the effectiveness of personnel management? By what criteria can this be done? What data is needed for this? We discuss these and other issues and make recommendations.

From this article you will learn:

  • How to analyze the effectiveness of personnel management;
  • What does the concept of "personnel performance management" include;
  • How is the economic efficiency of personnel management assessed.

Analysis of the effectiveness of personnel management

Among the theoretical scientists involved in the analysis of the effectiveness of the personnel management system, there is no consensus on the criteria for evaluating this system. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the fact that the labor activity of employees is closely related to the production process, the economy of the organization and other factors. Therefore, qualitative indicators are used for evaluation.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel management

There are three approaches to analyze the effectiveness of the personnel management system.

Approach one: we analyze the results of production. Effective personnel management as a result of the work of managers is determined by such indicators as:

  • company profit;
  • costs for 1 ruble of products (services);
  • profitability of the organization;
  • dividends per share and more.

Second approach: we analyze the effectiveness and complexity of labor. The effectiveness of the personnel management system is determined by the following indicators:

  • labor productivity (production rate per 1 employee);
  • general wage fund (its value in monetary terms);
  • growth rates of labor productivity and wages;
  • the share of wages in the cost of production, etc.

Approach three: we analyze the motivation of employees, the socio-psychological climate in the working groups. The effectiveness of personnel management is evaluated by indicators:

  • staff turnover;
  • level of qualification of employees;
  • monetary, time and other costs for employee training;
  • cash spending on social programs, etc.

The effectiveness of personnel management: we analyze some indicators

Evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel management, as a rule, includes several so-called methodological approaches:

Economic efficiency of personnel management. Benefits and costs are balanced. The economic efficiency of personnel management allows you to evaluate the work of the enterprise on implemented projects. The assessment of the economic efficiency of personnel management, for example, is carried out according to the following indicators:

  • cost effectiveness ratio;
  • payback period;
  • annual economic effect and more.

Social efficiency of personnel management in an organization. The social nature of labor is assessed. This is measured by:

  • staff motivation;
  • socio-psychological climate in working groups;
  • the level of development of human resources in the company (according to the criteria: the average salary of an employee; the share of the wage fund in revenue; the growth rate of wages, etc.).

Organizational effectiveness of personnel management. To do this, it evaluates how the labor activity of managerial and production personnel is organized, as well as the features of the company's management system. We measure and evaluate:

  • uniform workload of personnel;
  • norms of manageability of employees per manager;
  • staff growth rate;
  • the quality of management personnel and more.

Effective personnel management: what other approaches exist for performance evaluation?

There are other approaches to studying the quality of personnel management. For example, you can evaluate:

  • end results the entire organization, using economic indicators (sales volume; net profit; costs, etc.);
  • labor productivity(in terms of: valuation of productivity; output per employee; growth rates of labor productivity, etc.);
  • quality of working life by analyzing the characteristics of working groups, the remuneration system, career opportunities, and more;
  • labor contribution(for example, with a tariff-free system of remuneration and time wages) and more.

Improving the efficiency of personnel management: how to achieve meaningful results?

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the organization's personnel management is necessary to monitor the situation as a whole and make operational and tactical management decisions.

Personnel performance management is carried out, for example, using method of functional cost analysis. The method allows you to correlate the functions of the control system with the functions of the production system. Thanks to him, reserves are found to reduce the costs of managing personnel and production processes and the costs of achieving optimal results for the company. At the same time, effective methods of management are chosen.

Effective personnel management is possible subject to a number of conditions:

  • orientation of personnel policy and activities of the personnel service for the purposes of the company;
  • staffing compliance companies to the state of the external environment (ownership of modern production technologies by employees, understanding of the psychology of consumers, etc.);
  • compatibility of employees with the current organizational culture;
  • internal integrity and consistency of the personnel management system;
  • involvement of company leaders in the problems of personnel management;
  • Availability of highly qualified and motivated employees.

Personnel performance management involves setting goals (setting and cascading business goals) and evaluating performance after a certain period of time.

Considering the issue of evaluating the effectiveness of personnel management, it should be noted that in recent years, work on this topic has been carried out both by scientific organizations and individual scientists. In particular, research in this area is being carried out in a number of research institutes and universities: Research Institute of Labor, VNIIPI Labor in Construction, Russian Academy of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov, State Academy of Management. S. Ordzhonikidze, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod Universities, St. Petersburg Financial and Economic Institute and other organizations.

To work efficiently means to achieve great results with less labor, time, and money. And in order to judge how effective the personnel management system is, it is necessary to develop an assessment methodology that allows you to determine the actual situation in the holding in the field of personnel management, identify weaknesses and give recommendations for improving it.

One cannot but agree with J.M. Ivantsevich and A.A. Lobanov, who determined that "assessment of the effectiveness of personnel management is a systematic, clearly formalized process aimed at measuring the costs and benefits associated with programs of personnel management activities in order to correlate their results with the results of the base period, with the performance of competitors and with the goals of the enterprise."

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the personnel management system is based primarily on information about employees: promotion, their professional, qualification, gender and age characteristics, medical and psychological parameters, productivity and innovative activity.

Evaluation should be carried out throughout all phases of management activities. It is closely related to other stages of the management process and its results can encourage the manager to make the necessary adjustments to it. At the same time, the assessment ensures the functioning of uninterrupted feedback in the holding.

It should also be noted that when evaluating the effectiveness of the personnel management system, the costs of achieving these goals should be taken into account. The real effectiveness of the personnel management system can only be determined by comparing the degree of implementation of the goals with the funds spent on it. It is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of personnel management based on the results of the work of the entire holding.

So Patrushev V.D. notes: “It must be remembered that performance evaluation cannot be an end in itself. Along with this, such studies should lead to the following:

1) clarification of the goals and objectives of the study area;

2) determination of the set of measures and means necessary to achieve them;

3) setting realistic deadlines for achieving the intended goals and objectives, based on the available funds and capabilities;

4) finding means and methods for effective control over the timing of the implementation of the intended goals and objectives at all levels.

Ivantsevich J.M. and Lobanov A.A. determine the need to evaluate the effectiveness of the personnel management system in order to:

1) improve the functioning of personnel management by providing them with the means to decide when to stop and when to strengthen any activity;

2) determine the reaction on the part of employees and lower-level managers to the effectiveness of personnel management;

3) help personnel management to contribute to the achievement of the goals of the organization.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel management can be a powerful lever for increasing the effectiveness of the management process. To do this, it is necessary to know how it should be carried out, in what relation it is with other stages of the management cycle, and, finally, what is its actual psychological meaning.

To judge how effective this or that personnel management system is, criteria are needed to make such an assessment. Their choice depends on what to take as a starting point: the activities of a particular leader, the performance of the team, or the characteristics of the performers.

An analysis of publications in this area allows us to identify two main concepts that form the basis for evaluating the effectiveness of the personnel management system. According to the first of them, the effectiveness of personnel management is assessed based on the organic unity of management and production, but the contribution of personnel management itself to production efficiency is not determined. The second concept focuses on determining the contribution of the personnel management system to production efficiency.

Quantifying this contribution is an extremely difficult task, as even the corresponding reporting indicators do not yet exist. Therefore, most methods for assessing the effectiveness of personnel management adhere to the first approach.

At the same time, it seems appropriate to evaluate not so much the contribution of personnel management to production efficiency as its qualitative impact on this efficiency. The integral indicator (efficiency at the holding level) is transformed into many others at lower levels, showing the effectiveness of individual systems or subsystems of personnel management - selection, training, etc.

In particular, we see such an approach in A. Braverman and A. Saulin, for a comprehensive assessment of the activity of an economic object, they propose to combine, in the process of analyzing the effectiveness of personnel management, the most significant economic indicators into one integral indicator.

Shekshnya S.V. It proposes to evaluate the effectiveness of the personnel management system in several ways: assessment of the achievement of goals; competency assessment method; assessment of motivation; study of human resources statistics; cost estimate .

Evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel management is carried out, as a rule, subjectively. In our opinion, this happens for two reasons: due to the lack of a clear methodology for such an assessment, and due to a misunderstanding of the importance of such an assessment. The main emphasis is on performance evaluation, we see this approach in D.S. Sinka, leaving aside the "human factor". Other works present a methodology for calculating labor productivity without taking into account the factors affecting this indicator.

One of the problems faced in the construction of a measuring system for assessing the effectiveness of personnel management is the obvious complexity of the activities taking place, the lack, at first glance, of the ability to solve the problem of differentiation.

Assessing the performance of the HR function requires systematic experience, measuring the costs and benefits of the overall HR program and comparing its effectiveness with that of the holding company over the same period. This raises the question of how best to organize the analytical work itself, when and how often the assessment should be carried out, and who should carry out this work.

The effectiveness of the functioning of the personnel management system is determined by its contribution to the achievement of organizational goals. Personnel management is effective to the extent that the company's personnel successfully use their potential to achieve their goals. And it would be a mistake to draw conclusions about the activities of its leader, based on some special characteristics inherent only to him.

In this sense, one cannot but agree with A.I. Kitov, who believes that “the activity of a leader cannot be evaluated only by some of its own parameters. The true criterion for its evaluation is the final result of the work of the entire team, in which the results of the work of both the leader and the performers are organically combined. In his reasoning, A.I. Kitov, in fact, only fixes the established practice of assessing the effectiveness of personnel management. The truth does not take into account the psychological criteria of the latter. Although without them, the assessment of the degree of effectiveness of personnel management will be far from complete, as evidenced by world experience.

But at present, many Russian companies, unfortunately, are characterized by a different direction. Either ignore the personnel management system altogether, or, at best, evaluate the effectiveness of personnel management using indicators specially created for this. These include: staff turnover, time spent on professional training, etc., in particular, we meet this approach in A.A. Lobanova.

The development of this trend is also facilitated by the widespread perception that HR specialists are far from the main activity and have little or no influence on it. Taken in isolation from the overall development goals, these potentially important indicators contribute to the isolation of the personnel management service.

It can be seen that consideration of the psychological aspect of the consequences of managerial activity is of quite great interest. The economic literature presents the following criteria for the effectiveness of personnel management (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6.

As you can see, profit is one of the efficiency criteria, not replacing all others. Sink D.S. believes that "regardless of the size, type or kind of a particular organizational system, performance criteria should be the focus of managers and directors ...".

In other words, these criteria can be used in relation to the evaluation of the effectiveness of any production team. The result of the life of the team is its effectiveness, reflecting the degree of effectiveness of its management.

As for specific methods for assessing managerial work, the methods proposed and used in practice can be divided into three groups: quantitative, qualitative (or descriptive) and combined (or intermediate).

Quantitative assessment methods include: scoring, coefficient, rank order method, pair comparison method, graphic profile system, "experiment" method, etc. Qualitative (descriptive) methods include: system of oral and written characteristics, standard method, matrix and biographical methods, group discussion method. Examples of combined methods are the method of incentive assessments, groupings of workers, testing.

The most widespread are quantitative methods for assessing managerial work, especially point, coefficient and point-coefficient methods. Their advantages are objectivity, independence from the personal relationship of experts to a specialist, the possibility of formalizing the results, comparing parameters, systematizing the results and using mathematical methods.

As a methodological approach, it seems appropriate to evaluate the effectiveness at three different levels: the level of individual employees; the level of the governing body; management system level.

In a number of European countries, the so-called management personnel assessment centers have become widespread. The activity of such centers consists in identifying, with the help of experts and on the basis of a special set of tests and exercises, the potential abilities of management employees. Assessment centers can help both promote managerial employees and improve their skills

Evaluation centers are not free from shortcomings, which primarily include the high cost of implementing their programs. In addition, the estimates used do not guarantee the absence of errors. So some American companies used additional methods, such as the use of a "speech consultant", which helped the subject to identify gaps in his own training.

Raising the question of the reliability of the final information when evaluating managers and specialists, it should be noted:

1) none of the applied types of assessment can give high reliability, therefore, an assessment complex is proposed in which certain types of assessments complement each other;

2) it is almost impossible to evaluate the whole set of human qualities, but to determine the main required qualities in the worker's activity is the main task;

3) reliable and complete information will be that in which there are answers to the questions: what opportunities the employee has and to what extent they have been realized, which have not been realized and why, and also under what conditions in the future they can be realized.

Speaking about the evaluation of the effectiveness of the personnel management system, one cannot but say about the evaluation of the personnel management service itself. A lot depends on their staff if they meet the requirements of the economic reform, namely: they have the appropriate education and excellent knowledge, a flexible mind and practical ingenuity, sufficient work experience in a lower position, they know the best domestic and foreign experience in the commercial activities of the holding and production technology .

Effective management and development of the company is largely determined by the personal and professional qualities of the leader himself, the degree of awareness of the need for him to learn himself and contribute to the learning of others in order to comply with the constantly changing socio-economic environment.

Consider the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the personnel management system.

If the goals of the enterprise are focused on increasing turnover or profit, then most likely the efficiency of labor resources will be calculated in terms of their costs.

These can be indicators such as:

1. The share of personnel costs in the total turnover or in the overall cost structure.

At a manufacturing enterprise, this share can reach up to 20-30% and be the “second line” in the overall cost structure, after the “Raw materials and materials” line.

If the enterprise is a service or trading company, then the share of personnel costs is the “first line” and can in some cases reach up to 40-50%.

2. The indicator of profitability of work, depending on the qualifications of employees.

In many organizations, "cheap" jobs are done by "expensive" employees and vice versa - "expensive" jobs are trying to load "cheap" employees. An example is the work of a highly qualified legal adviser to correct grammatical errors in documents prepared by the secretary.

3. The indicator of the share of the total revenue of the enterprise on average per employee of the organization.

For example, the ratio of the annual income of the enterprise to the number of employees in the same period.

4. An indicator of the proportional ratio of the number of employees of administrative personnel to the number of production.

For example, the ratio of the number of "selling" employees and the number of "sales managers".

In order to influence the above indicators, all staff costs are regulated by:

1. Through the analysis of total costs:

a) changing the cost structure;

b) change in the "weight" coefficients of individual costs.

2. Through existing expenses:

a) limiting the maximum number of employees;

b) termination of employment;

c) active staff reduction.

3. Through work payments:

a) freezing payments in excess of tariffs;

b) recalculation of tariff increases for non-tariff payments;

c) adjusting domestic social security funds;

4. By improving efficiency:

a) same results with fewer staff;

b) better results obtained by the same staff.

If the enterprise is focused on increasing the value of the company, then the effectiveness of the staff can be assessed through the evaluation of investments in this type of resource. Investments in the company's personnel are investments in the creation of its intangible assets, which increase the level of the organization's competitiveness.

Main directions of investments:

1) investment in individual employees;

2) investment in the creation of a personnel management system in the company.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of investments in personnel:

1) investment in personnel is appropriate if the flow of future income is not less than the total cost of personnel (or the rate of return on investment in personnel is not less than the market rate of interest).

2) Personnel costs, in addition to direct costs, include the so-called "lost income". This, for example, is the potential income that a company could receive if its specialists worked, and did not study at a seminar.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the personnel management service is an agreement on the norms for indicators and their continuous improvement. For example:

1. Selection and recruitment:

a) the rate of filling vacancies;

b) the average length of service of employees;

c) the percentage of employees who have passed the probationary period;

d) the percentage of applicants from competing companies;

e) implementation of the recruitment plan;

f) the total downtime of unfilled vacancies;

g) the number of closed vacancies;

h) methods of attracting employees;

i) compliance with the recruitment technology.

2. Training and development:

a) implementation of the training plan;

b) evaluation of participants;

c) assessment on a knowledge test;

d) behavioral changes;

e) change in production (financial) indicators;

f) the percentage of employees who passed the certification with high marks;

g) ROI or return on investment.

3. Salaries and bonuses:

a) absolute and relative wage fund (PWF);

b) payroll and indicators of profit, sales, staffing, volume of work;

c) the percentage of employees who quit due to dissatisfaction with wages;

d) the absolute and relative number of complaints and conflicts over wages;

e) employee satisfaction index in general;

f) turnover among employees with high attestation marks.

4. Overall efficiency of the HR service:

a) evaluation of the service by managers and employees;

c) observance and development of technology (policies);

d) the absolute and relative budget of the HR service;

e) the number of company employees per HR employee.

5. Efficiency of work with the personnel reserve:

a) the number of vacancies filled from employees in the personnel reserve, relative to the total number of closed vacancies;

b) the number of training events for employees in the personnel reserve, relative to the total number of training events;

c) the number of appointments to new positions of employees who were in the personnel reserve, relative to the total number of reservists.

6. Overall efficiency of human resources:

a) relative personnel costs (profit, sales, cost);

b) failures and losses due to the fault of employees;

c) customer assessment of the company's employees as a whole;

d) general staff turnover;

e) unplanned staff turnover;

e) income per employee.

These and other criteria, in our opinion, should form the basis of a study of the effectiveness of the personnel management system. Performance evaluation as a system of procedures is a reflective tool that helps the manager to see and evaluate in a fairly specific sense the quality of the personnel management system in general and his professional abilities in particular, and those shortcomings in training, which can accordingly be defined as a need for training, in order to improve performance. work .

Thus, the analytical work on the assessment of managerial work can be organized in various ways. Of course, it seems possible to use a combination of the above forms of assessment: the assessment of the controller can be confirmed by self-assessment, and the results of the assessment by the boss can be compared with the assessment of subordinates or colleagues.

management staff organization work



Department of MI

Course work

in the discipline "Personnel Management"

on the topic: “Assessing the effectiveness of the personnel management system”

(on the example of the Svyaznoy organization)

Group: VME 1-05

Completed by: Arkhipova E.V.

Checked by: Kuzmina L.P.

Kazan 2008


This course work is devoted to the topic

"Evaluation of the effectiveness of the personnel management system."

This topic is quite relevant within the framework of modern conditions prevailing in the field of management, since today no company can exist on the market for a long time without having its own measures, systems, programs for development, organizing a personnel management system, as well as analyzing its effectiveness .

Each organization strives to develop strategies that allow achieving the planned results of the company's development in a specific timeframe. When making the most important management decisions, it is difficult to overestimate the receipt of timely information about the state of the company's human resources. Since the successful implementation of plans often depends on how well the manager knows the staff with whom he works, what is the level of readiness of the management team to implement the strategic goals of the company's development, what is the level of professional competence of specialists, how much they are able to work more efficiently within the company in the near future whether the work with the personnel of the organization is properly built and whether it is worth counting on achieving the goals set in a given period of time.

However, the increase in competition, commercialization of the activities of organizations have led to the need for the rapid development and implementation of the main elements of the personnel management system in the practice of enterprises.

The object of study in this paper is the company GK "Svyaznoy".

The subject of the study is the evaluation of the effectiveness of the personnel management system.

The purpose of the work is to analyze the assessment of the effectiveness of the management system of the Svyaznoy Group of Companies and outline ways to improve it.

Tasks in this course work:

Theoretical analysis of the effectiveness of the personnel management system;

Analysis of the evaluation of the effectiveness of the personnel management system on the example of the Svyaznoy Group of Companies;

ChapterI. Theoretical aspects of assessing the effectiveness of the personnel management system.

      The concept and essence of evaluating the effectiveness of the personnel management system.

Personnel is the most valuable resource of an organization. In an organization whose employees are satisfied and motivated, where there is an effective personnel management system, the performance is maximum.

The system for evaluating the effectiveness of personnel management in a company is primarily necessary in order to regularly receive information about the level of competence of employees. Based on the information that we receive during the assessment procedures, further management decisions are made in the field of work with the personnel reserve, career management of employees, rotation, as well as motivation, training and development of personnel.

The concept of “efficiency” is used very widely and is usually applied in the exact sense of the word: what is effective is what leads to a result; efficient means effective.

The effectiveness of the personnel management system is the ratio of its useful result (effect) and the amount of resources used or expended for this. The formation and implementation of the beneficial effect of managerial activity acts as a long process, sometimes stretched for months and even years. Assessing the effectiveness of the personnel management system is much more difficult than the efficiency of production. The management process can be divided into separate stages and operations, while highlighting interrelated intermediate (local) and final results of the activities of the management body as a whole and its individual links.

There are two types of efficiency of the personnel management system: economic and social. Their independence, of course, is relative, since they are in close unity and interrelation. In terms of their role in ensuring harmonious functioning in society, they are not equivalent: social efficiency as a generalizing, final, and in this sense, the main one; economic - as primary, initial, and in this sense the main one. At the present stage, the criterion of economic efficiency of managerial work has received the greatest development, since it makes it possible to quantify the efficiency in the sphere of labor.

The basis for assessing the economic efficiency of the personnel management system is the ratio of the amount of management costs to the volume of production or to the cost of a unit of production. In this case, it is very important to take into account the following characteristics:

The ratio of the growth rate of management costs and the volume of growth in production or labor productivity;

The ratio of the volume of growth in management costs and the volume of growth in products obtained through the growth of labor productivity;

The ratio between the increase in the cost of technical re-equipment and the increase in management costs.

An integrated approach to assessing the effectiveness of personnel management involves assessing employees at all levels of the service hierarchy - from ordinary employees to management. There are no fundamental differences in the methodology for evaluating employees of different hierarchical levels. The composition of experts participating in the assessment procedure differs.

It is recommended to evaluate the effectiveness of the personnel management system if:

    There was a need to evaluate human resources in terms of the ability to make a "spurt" in the development of the organization and achieve specific goals.

    It is time to bring the personnel management system in line with the priorities of the organization's development.

    The organization is at the stage of changes and it is necessary to build work with personnel in accordance with the situation at the enterprise.

    The issue of buying or investing in an enterprise is being decided.

    If you need to improve the manageability of departments or representative offices of the company.

    If a question arose - to attract new specialists to the company or improve the skills of existing ones.

    The states are "bloated" and there is no confidence in the need for such a large number of personnel in the organization.

The procedure for evaluating the effectiveness of the personnel management system is aimed at solving the following tasks:

    Assessment of the company's human resource.

    Evaluation of the personnel management system.

    Forecasting the need for specialists for the successful implementation of the organization's development plans.

    Determining the need to improve the skills of the company's employees.

    Evaluation of the ratio of managerial and executive personnel.

    Reorganization of the personnel management system and restructuring of personnel services.

    Regulation of the main processes of personnel management.

    Evaluation of working conditions and labor relations.

    Evaluation of personnel documentation in accordance with the standards, in order to optimize the workflow and reduce the costs of the organization.

    Assessment of the state of the labor market in the regions and other urgent tasks related to improving the efficiency of personnel in the company.

Consider the methods for assessing the personnel management system in more detail.

The personnel management assessment program can be presented in two versions:

    The "minimum program" is sufficient to characterize the personnel resource of the organization's management. In this case, it can be carried out for individual divisions of the company, remote representative offices, production complexes, to evaluate only the top managers of the company, and also affect all structural divisions of the organization as a whole.

    "Maximum program" - is necessary to obtain an in-depth analysis of the functioning of the company's personnel and develop recommendations for optimizing the human resource management system in accordance with the strategic development goals of the organization.

Depending on the tasks set, the program for an extended assessment of the effectiveness of the personnel management system includes the following methods and technologies of work:

    Analysis of the structure of the organization.

    Analysis of the main business processes in the organization.

    Analysis of the main management strategies and tasks of the company's development in the near future, the ratio of strategies for working with personnel

    A detailed assessment of the overall personnel management system (SMS).

    A detailed assessment of the state of the company's human resource.

    Analysis of the structure of production interaction within teams and between departments in the organization.

    Analysis of documents regulating work with personnel in the company.

    Carrying out a comprehensive analysis of statistical data on personnel.

    Expert structured interviews with the staff and management of the company.

    Conducting a comprehensive assessment of the company's management and personnel reserve. Including, technologies aimed at evaluating specialists performing the function of direct personnel management, i.e. specialists who have a coordinating effect on personnel and decision makers on human resource management in the company (top managers, line managers, etc.).

    Evaluation of the socio-psychological component of the personnel's activity.

      Stages of work.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the personnel management system can be divided into the following stages of work:

1. Event planning stage:

Conducting interviews with company management.

Express analysis of the client's needs in the procedure for conducting a personnel audit.

Definition of tasks and scope of work.

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  • 15.1. Efficiency of personnel management: concept and approaches to assessment

    In general, efficiency is understood as the ratio of costs and results. When analyzing labor efficiency, the ratio of profit from this type of activity and the corresponding labor costs is estimated.

    Currently, there is no single approach to assessing the effectiveness of the organization's personnel management system.

    A number of authors propose to evaluate the effectiveness of the personnel management system based on the final results of the organization's activities for a certain period. Comparing the planned and achieved results (profit, production cost, payback period of investments, etc.), it is possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the work of the staff as an aggregate social worker.

    However, the high end performance of the organization may be the result of the introduction of new equipment or technology, and not the effectiveness of the work of personnel.

    Another approach to assessing the effectiveness of personnel management is based on the analysis of indicators of the effectiveness and quality of human labor (the share of wages in the cost of production, labor quality, the level of industrial injuries, loss of working time, etc.)

    Some experts suggest evaluating the effectiveness of personnel management depending on the forms and methods of personnel management, that is, depending on the structure of personnel, their level of qualification, staff turnover, etc. A comprehensive methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the personnel management system, taking into account the advantages of all three approaches, proposed by Professor I.A. Nikitina is presented in fig. 72.

    Figure 72 - A comprehensive methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the personnel management system

    The personnel management system is an integral part of the enterprise management system, therefore its effectiveness is determined by the final result of the enterprise's activities. This result is proposed to be considered in three directions:

    1. Product competitiveness.

    2. The competitiveness of the organization itself.

    3. Competitiveness of work in the organization.

    The proposed criteria for assessing the success of an enterprise are general for an enterprise of any type, size and form of ownership.

    A general assessment of the effectiveness of the personnel management system, as a subsystem of the organization, should be given on the basis of criteria that determine the success of the organization, and private methods for assessing living labor should serve to identify the reasons for the non-competitiveness of products, the organization itself and work in it. The choice of specific indicators characterizing competitiveness may be individual for each enterprise.

    15.2 Methodology for analyzing the effectiveness of the personnel management system

    The analysis of the effectiveness of the personnel management system is based on the principle from general to particular: diagnostics of system efficiency (inefficiency) --> determination of directions for analysis (functional areas) --> analysis of the reasons for the unsatisfactory dynamics of the resulting indicators in this area --> analysis of private indicators that affect the criterion indicators of competitiveness at the level of structural units (staff groups) and jobs (human capital).

    The methodology for analyzing the effectiveness of the personnel management system includes three levels (Fig. 73).

    Figure 73 - Methodology for analyzing the effectiveness of the personnel management system

    On the first level diagnostics and assessment of the achieved level of efficiency of the personnel management system is carried out.

    If the system is inefficient, then the output data of the first level allows you to determine the functional areas of the enterprise, the activities of which are analyzed on second level using methods for assessing the costs and results of living labor.

    To determine the effectiveness of the use of the human capital of a functional unit, it is necessary third level, which involves the analysis of individual performance indicators of employees.

    The effectiveness of the personnel management service. HR performance appraisal is a systematic, well-defined process that measures the costs and benefits associated with HR programs. Subjective and objective criteria can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the work of personnel management services.

    To subjective criteria include the degree of cooperation of line managers with the personnel management department, the willingness to cooperate with all employees in solving problems and clarifying the organization's policy, trust in relationships with employees.

    To objective criteria assessments include the degree of participation of the personnel management service in the implementation of the organization's development strategy, the average time to complete applications, the requirements of functional departments, the completeness of the methodological support for working with personnel, the ratio of the department's budget to the number of employees, etc.

    The most commonly used methods for evaluating the work of personnel management services are employee surveys, a statistical approach (comparing statistical data with data from previous years or data from another personnel management service), surveying and interviewing employees.

    Economic efficiency is determined by comparing the costs of personnel management with the results obtained.

    Economic performance indicators of personnel management are applicable mainly to such areas of activity as the selection, selection and hiring of employees, their training and advanced training, and motivation. The literature provides numerous examples of calculating the costs of an organization for hiring employees, their training, maintaining comfortable working conditions, etc. Recently, when evaluating the effectiveness of the work of personnel management services, great importance has been attached to social efficiency, which reflects the improvement and facilitation of working conditions, changes in its content and nature, and the development of collectivism.

    The social effect of activities carried out by the personnel management service is closely related to the economic effect.

    At present, methods have been developed for assessing the economic effect obtained as a result of the introduction of ergonomic measures (increase in labor productivity due to an increase in working capacity, reduction in loss of working time due to illness, reduction in losses from staff turnover, etc.)

    In practice, the social effectiveness of personnel management is often determined by the degree of satisfaction of employees both with the activities of the personnel management service (irradiation, payment, professional promotion) and with their work.

    When evaluating the effectiveness of the functioning of the personnel management service, they also use such indirect indicators as staff turnover, absenteeism (the number of unauthorized absences from work), the frequency of requests for transfer to other jobs, the number of complaints, and the level of injuries.

    An absolute indicator of the effective work of the personnel management service is the growth of its influence on strategic planning and decision-making on all issues in the field of personnel management, from the recruitment, development, promotion of employees, to their dismissal from the enterprise.


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