Theses of the speech of the Director of the Department of office work and archives of the Government of the Russian Federation A.D. Ryakhovsky. Interdepartmental document flow: what about the EDMS market? Interdepartmental exchange of information and documents

home / Feelings

(Moscow, October 26, 2011)

    The state of affairs

    1.1. Regulatory framework for interdepartmental electronic document management and e-government.

    The regulatory basis for the implementation of interdepartmental electronic document management is the Order of the President of the Russian Federation following the meeting of the State Council of the Russian Federation dated July 17, 2008, which, in particular, sets the task of ensuring the transition of federal executive authorities mainly to electronic document management no later than January 1, 2011, Regulations on system of interdepartmental electronic document management, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 2009 No. 754, as well as a number of other instructions, orders and other acts of the Government and federal executive bodies.

    In accordance with the original version of the Regulations, the participants in the interdepartmental electronic document management were federal government bodies, the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation. Currently, the number of MEDO participants is expanding. In accordance with the new version of the Regulations (approved on August 1, 2011 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 641), interdepartmental electronic document management is the interaction of information systems for electronic document management of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and other state bodies (hereinafter, respectively - information systems of electronic document flow, participants of interdepartmental electronic document flow).

    The organizer of the interdepartmental electronic document management is the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. The participants in the interdepartmental electronic document management are federal government bodies, the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation.

    The normative basis for building e-government in the Russian Federation is the concept of e-government formation in the Russian Federation, approved on May 6, 2008 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 632-r (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 219 dated March 10, 2009).

    Responsible for the implementation of this concept in accordance with the order - the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia together with the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Federal Security Service of Russia.

    In accordance with this concept, e-government in the Concept is understood as a new form of organizing the activities of public authorities, which, through the widespread use of information and communication technologies, provides a qualitatively new level of efficiency and convenience for organizations and citizens to receive public services and information about the results of the activities of state bodies.

    In the development of the concept of e-government, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 8, 2010 No. 697 approved the Regulations on a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (MEV system), and the Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated December 27, 2010 No. 190 was issued on approval of technical requirements for interaction of information systems in a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction.

    Further measures for the development of e-government are provided for by the Regulations on the infrastructure that provides information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 8, 2011 No. 451).

    The main directions in which information technologies are introduced in the field of document management are the following:

    a) in the technological field

    • development of office and workflow technologies based on systems of the class Electronic Document Management Systems - electronic document management systems (EDMS) and systems of the class Enterprise Content Management - enterprise content management, Enterprise Information Management Systems - enterprise information management systems (ECM or EIMS);

      development of technologies for archival storage - systems of the class Electronic Archieves, electronic archives (EA);

      development of technologies for converting documents on various types of media into digital form and text recognition;

      integration of electronic document management systems and electronic archives;

      creation of an infrastructure for interdepartmental electronic document management (MEDO) for executive authorities and similar systems for commercial organizations and ensuring the interaction of electronic document management systems of various organizations with each other on its basis;

    b) in the field of legal and methodological support

      adoption of legislative acts on information, information technologies and information protection, on electronic signature and others;

      legitimization of electronic document management at the departmental and interdepartmental levels through the adoption of relevant regulatory documents;

    Currently, a significant number of commercial development organizations are developing solutions for electronic document management systems and electronic archives.

    So, according to the information available in the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation, in federal executive bodies connected to the interdepartmental electronic document management system (MEDO), 38 solutions from 22 developers of software and hardware platforms have been implemented.

    A wide variety of products offered makes the problem of choosing a product (and, accordingly, a manufacturer) and an implementer relevant when creating an electronic document management system and an electronic archive.

    1.3. Organization of interdepartmental electronic document management between state authorities of the Russian Federation

    The introduction of automated systems (AS) in the activities of public authorities and local governments has been carried out for a long time. Almost all federal executive bodies use automated office systems (ASD) or electronic document management systems (EDMS) of varying degrees of perfection and various developers.

    In general, these solutions, to one degree or another, provide both the movement of documents developed in electronic form and the “electronic support” of the movement of paper documents in government bodies.

    The next natural step in the development of this process is the transition to interdepartmental electronic document management, i.e. organization of the exchange of electronic documents not only within the departments, but also between the departments themselves.

    The infrastructure of electronic document management between the participants of interdepartmental electronic document management is formed:

    a) departmental automated record keeping (document flow) systems of MEDO participants (hereinafter referred to as ASD of MEDO participants);

    b) interdepartmental electronic document management system (MEDO system);

    c) hardware-software complexes for interfacing the ASD of MEDO participants with the MEDO system (hereinafter referred to as PAK interface).

    The ASD of a MEDO participant acts as a subscriber of the MEDO system and ensures the creation/execution of documents in electronic and/or paper form in accordance with the office work procedure adopted by this MEDO participant.

    The MEDO system is a secure communication network that provides for the purposes of electronic document management the service "Postal service of the information security facility", which ensures the delivery of electronic mail messages to subscribers of the postal service with the possibility of using cryptographic protection tools and a qualified electronic signature (ES).

    HSS for interfacing is a software and hardware complex that provides interfacing of the internal network, in which the ASD of the MEDO participant functions, with the communication network of the MEDO system. PAC pairing implements the following main functions:

      import from the subscriber ASD of information about the document in the established format;

      converting the imported information about the document being transferred into the format of an e-mail message (hereinafter referred to as the document flow electronic message, ESD) and sending this message to the addressee via the MEDO system using the IPS postal service;

      receiving ESD from the MEDO system and converting it into the established format for export to the office management system;

      export of the received information about the document to the office management system.

    On the basis of this infrastructure, a systematic transition to the predominant exchange of documents in electronic form between participants in the MEDO system is being carried out.

    To date, electronic sending of documents from the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation is carried out to 36 bodies (33 federal executive bodies, the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Office of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Kaliningrad Region). The share of documents sent electronically as of May 1, 2011 reached 54% of the total volume of documents sent.

    In the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation, documents in electronic form are accepted by MEDO from 25 departments (22 federal executive bodies, the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Office of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Kaliningrad Region).

    1.4. Creation of electronic archives

    The federal executive authorities are carrying out intensive work to create and provide open access to electronic archives. These electronic archives are repositories of digitized (translated into electronic form) arrays of paper documents that make up the corresponding archival funds.

    Websites created by the Russian Archives, the Ministry of Defense and a number of other bodies can serve as examples of such systems.

    However, this is only one side of the problem of creating electronic archives. It concerns previously created or newly created archives of paper documents. Unfortunately, the task of creating archives of precisely electronic documents, i.e. not having a paper original, the Rosarchive has not yet begun.

    1.5. Organization of interdepartmental electronic interaction within the framework of the creation of e-government

    The infrastructure of interdepartmental electronic interaction is a single complex of information technology and telecommunication elements, including:

    a) information elements as part of the following information systems and their subsystems:

      federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)";

      federal state information system "Consolidated register of state and municipal services (functions)";

      the information system of the head certification center, the functions of which are carried out by the authorized federal executive body;

      an information identification and authentication system designed to ensure, when interacting using the interaction infrastructure, identification, authorization and authentication of bodies and organizations, as well as individuals and legal entities applying for state and (or) municipal services (hereinafter referred to as applicants);

      unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction;

    b) organizational and technical elements in the following composition:

      public access centers designed to inform applicants about the activities of bodies and organizations and about the services they provide, as well as to provide applicants with access to receiving state and municipal services in electronic form;

      call centers that provide services for informing applicants using telephone communications about state and municipal services provided by bodies and organizations;

    c) engineering and auxiliary elements in the following composition:

      information security system;

      information and telecommunication networks that ensure the interaction of information systems in the provision of state and municipal services;

      a network of data processing centers that ensure the functioning of the interaction infrastructure.

    The unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction is a federal state information system that includes information databases, including information about the software and hardware used by authorities and organizations that provide access through the interaction system to their information systems (hereinafter referred to as electronic services), information on the history of movement in the system of interaction of electronic messages in the provision of state and municipal services, the performance of state and municipal functions in electronic form, as well as software and hardware tools that ensure the interaction of information systems of bodies and organizations used in the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form and performance of state and municipal functions.

    The state of affairs in the field of providing public services to the population in electronic form is widely covered in the media and we can really assess it by contacting the relevant Internet portals.

    Problems and prospects

    2.1. Development of the MEDO system

    The main prospects for the development of the MEDO system are the expansion of the composition of its participants (the system begins to “move to the regions”), which is reflected in the changes made to the regulation on MEDO, as well as further work on the legitimization and standardization of electronic document management.

    At the same time, we must understand that, despite the obvious progress in the development of electronic document management, there are still quite a few problems - scientific, methodological, technical, organizational, that need to be resolved.

    The first and fundamental problem is that in the Russian Federation there is currently a situation in which there is no body in the country endowed with the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of office work and document flow. The Federal Archival Agency, which is subordinate to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, has relatively few powers in this area, mainly related to the coordination of departmental instructions for office work. World practice shows that in those countries where significant progress has been made in the implementation of electronic document management, the relevant structures have much broader powers. It is obvious that there is a need to endow the Federal Archival Agency with the functions of developing state policy, legal regulation, providing public services in the field of office work, document management and archiving, possibly by subordinating it directly to the Government of the Russian Federation.

    The second problem is the development and approval in the form of a standard of a detailed specification electronic document models. At present, despite the widespread use of this term, including in legal acts, it is regrettable that there is no clear understanding and unambiguous interpretation of this concept. De facto, when they talk about electronic document management, in fact, we are talking about turnover electronic copies paper documents. The consequence of this is that almost all regulatory documents in the field of office work and workflow are explicitly or implicitly focused on working with paper documents. An attempt to apply them to electronic document management immediately raises a lot of questions and, first of all, what set of data stored in a computer system is considered an electronic document?

    The third important problem requiring further elaboration is the problem of authentication (authentication) of electronic documents. Of course, the adoption on April 6, 2011 of federal law No. 63-FZ "On Electronic Signature" is a serious step in expanding the scope of electronic document management. Currently, a draft Decree has been prepared and submitted to the Government of the Russian Federation on the types of electronic signatures used by executive authorities and local governments in organizing electronic interaction with each other, the procedure for their use, as well as establishing requirements for ensuring the compatibility of electronic signature means. However, this is not an exhaustive solution covering all cases where document authentication is required. The fact is that the electronic signature has ... a limited period of validity, determined by the stability of the applied crypto-transformation system. And this fundamentally distinguishes it from the system of authentication (protection) of a paper document, based on the use of a handwritten signature, seal and other details. An electronic signature is quite applicable when its validity period is longer than the time during which it may be necessary to use the document. At the same time, a significant part of the documents of the Government and other authorities, as a rule, have a permanent storage period.

    The next problem is of a technological nature. This is the problem of archival storage of electronic documents. Everything is quite simple when we are dealing with paper documents: in order to store and work with them, a person, in addition to storage with shelves or racks, generally speaking, does not need anything else. And to work with archives of electronic documents, much more complex infrastructure and technologies are required. Of course, information technology gigantically speeds up the work with documents. But they themselves change at the same rate. For example: in the last decade alone, we have seen the change of several generations of media types from floppy magnetic disks of various formats to optical ones (CDs, DVDs, multilayer DVDs, blue-ray discs, etc.). But every transition to a new technology sets the task of migrating a huge amount of accumulated data to a new technological platform, otherwise it threatens to lose information. This makes understandable the reasonable conservatism that the Rosarchive shows in the implementation of electronic archives. However, this conservatism confuses the developers of the EDMS and organizations that implement clerical work in electronic form on the basis of these EDMS, since there are no clear specifications (requirements) of the Federal Archive for the content and formats of electronic documents transferred to public storage.

    Another problem directly related to interdepartmental workflow and interaction between departmental EDMS. This is the problem of creating and maintaining a unified system of reference information (classifiers, dictionaries, reference books, etc.), without which it is practically impossible to minimize human participation in the interaction of departmental ASs. Some work in this direction is currently being carried out by the Federal Archives and the Federal Security Service as the organizer of MEDO. However, in our opinion, participation in this process, in addition to government agencies, also scientific and business communities would be very useful.

    And finally, a problem that can be characterized as a problem of "dimensionality crisis" (or scale). Its essence lies in the fact that the number of participants in electronic document management is expanding like an avalanche. This leads to the fact that even the existing significant number of developers is not able to satisfy all consumers. Moreover, all these consumers differ in their scope (size), financial capabilities and the degree of "advanced" in terms of the use of information technology. The way out in this case can be the use of the SAAS (Software as a Service) concept proposed back in the early 2000s by Microsoft and now being intensively developed in the West. In accordance with this concept, large provider firms create powerful data processing centers (DPCs), in which the problems of storage, processing, ensuring the integrity and security of data, as well as the problems of operation and maintenance of technical means are solved comprehensively and at a high level. In the data center, software is installed that has the necessary functionality available to users in the form of a set of network services. One of the applications of such data centers can be information systems based on common standards that provide services for office work, document management and archival storage to organizations that do not have their own capabilities. In our opinion, the Rosarkhiv, the central archives of the federal executive authorities, as well as the archival authorities of the constituent entities of the federation, which in the future will facilitate the solution of tasks related to the transfer of archival funds for state storage, can become the place for deploying such data centers.

    2.2. Development of the infrastructure of the MEW and the technologies of "electronic government", "electronic parliament", etc., based on them.

    Obviously, in this area in the near future, the main efforts will be focused on the implementation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 8, 2011 No. 451 and the further introduction of information technologies in the field of public relations. An example of this is the development of the Concept for the formation of an electronic parliament in the Russian Federation until 2015, the discussion of which took place on October 20, 2011 in the State Duma and at the same time it was approved at a meeting of the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Information Society.

Apparently, it is no coincidence that even the prepared draft standard in the field of EDMS is called “GOST R EDMS. Interaction of document management systems. Email Requirements. and uses the term "electronic message" rather than "electronic document".


Government Decree

Russian Federation



1. Interdepartmental electronic document management is the interaction of electronic document management information systems of federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and other state bodies, as well as organizations created to perform the tasks assigned to the Government of the Russian Federation (hereinafter, respectively - participants in the interdepartmental electronic document management , information systems of electronic document management).

2. The organizer of the interdepartmental electronic document management is the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

(see text in previous edition)

4. The interaction of electronic document management information systems in this Regulation means the exchange of electronic messages (conducting official correspondence in electronic form) between participants in the interdepartmental electronic document management, including:

(see text in previous edition)

a) sending and receiving in electronic form decisions and instructions of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation;

b) receiving information on the progress of consideration by the participants of the interdepartmental electronic document flow of electronic messages, including instructions from the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation;

(see text in previous edition)

c) sending electronic reports to the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation;

d) submission to the Government of the Russian Federation by federal executive authorities of draft regulatory legal acts, including in electronic form;

e) implementation by participants of interdepartmental electronic document circulation of conciliation procedures on draft regulatory legal acts in electronic form;

(see text in previous edition)

f) submission in electronic form of regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies for state registration with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation;

g) sending and receiving other documents transmitted during the interaction of participants in the interdepartmental electronic document management in electronic form.

5. When implementing interdepartmental electronic document management, it is allowed to exchange electronic messages containing publicly available information and information, access to which is limited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The exchange between participants of interdepartmental electronic document management of information, access to which is limited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, is carried out when they fulfill the requirements for the protection of such information established in relation to information systems of electronic document management.

(see text in previous edition)

6. The main principles of interdepartmental electronic document management are:

a) ensuring the technological possibility of using interdepartmental electronic document management by a variable number of its participants;

b) the use by participants of interdepartmental electronic document management of compatible technologies, formats, protocols for information interaction and unified software and hardware;

c) lawful use of software and certified software and hardware by participants in interdepartmental electronic document management;

d) ensuring the integrity of transmitted information;

e) minimization of costs, including financial and time, in the implementation of information interaction by participants in interdepartmental electronic document management;

f) ensuring the confidentiality of the transmission and receipt of information.

7. Technical and technological infrastructure of interdepartmental electronic document management consists of the following elements:

a) the head node of the interdepartmental electronic document management, the operator of which is the organizer of the interdepartmental electronic document management;

b) nodes of participants in interdepartmental electronic document management;

c) secure communication channels.

8. The technical means of the head node of the interdepartmental electronic document flow include software and hardware complexes for processing, routing and storing messages, monitoring tools for the performance of the technical and technological infrastructure of the interdepartmental electronic document flow, information security tools and other means of software and hardware for electronic interaction of participants in the interdepartmental electronic document flow .

(see text in previous edition)

9. The main functions of the head node of the interdepartmental electronic document management are:

a) ensuring the protection of processed, stored and transmitted information from unauthorized access and distortion when it is located at the head node of the interdepartmental electronic document management and transmitted via secure communication channels to the nodes of participants in the interdepartmental electronic document management;

b) the exchange of electronic messages between participants in the interdepartmental electronic document management.

10. The technical means of the node of the participant of the interdepartmental electronic document management include communication equipment, information security tools and workstations. The node is equipped with automated workstations at the request of a participant in the interdepartmental electronic document management.

(see text in previous edition)

11. The main functions of the nodes of participants in the interdepartmental electronic document management are:

a) ensuring the protection of processed, stored and transmitted information from unauthorized access and distortion before transferring it to a secure communication channel;

b) delivery of electronic messages received from the head node of the interdepartmental electronic document management to the information systems of the electronic document management of addressees;

(see text in previous edition)

c) sending electronic messages from information systems of electronic document management of participants of interdepartmental electronic document management to the head node of interdepartmental electronic document management;

(see text in previous edition)

d) storage of electronic messages prior to transmission to the head node of the interdepartmental electronic document management or to the information system of the addressee's electronic document management.

(see text in previous edition)

12. The exchange of electronic messages in the implementation of interdepartmental electronic document management is carried out by authorized employees of the participants in the interdepartmental electronic document management.

13. The organizer of interdepartmental electronic document management performs the following functions:

a) organizational and methodological support of interdepartmental electronic document management;

b) formation and updating of global address directories (classifiers);

(see text in previous edition)

c) ensuring the operation of the technical and technological infrastructure of interdepartmental electronic document management;

d) ensuring information security of interdepartmental electronic document management in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

14. Creation of the technical and technological infrastructure of interdepartmental electronic document management is carried out by the organizer of interdepartmental electronic document management and (or) participants in interdepartmental electronic document management by organizing communication channels from the head node of the interdepartmental electronic document management to the nodes of participants in the interdepartmental electronic document management, as well as by creating nodes of participants in the interdepartmental electronic document management.

To organize communication channels for interdepartmental electronic document management, communication channels of the organizer of interdepartmental electronic document management and (or) communication channels leased by the organizer of interdepartmental electronic document management or participants in interdepartmental electronic document management from telecom operators are used.

(see text in previous edition)

14(1). The creation of nodes for interdepartmental electronic document management and the organization of communication channels for interdepartmental electronic document management of federal government bodies, the highest executive government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and state non-budgetary funds are carried out at the expense of budgetary allocations provided for in the federal budget of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

(see text in previous edition)

14(2). State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the highest executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, have the right to create nodes for interdepartmental electronic document management, organize communication channels for interdepartmental electronic document management and maintain the technical and technological infrastructure of interdepartmental electronic document management in working order at the expense of budgetary appropriations of the corresponding budget budgetary system of the Russian Federation, provided for by these bodies in the framework of the implementation of state programs.

(see text in previous edition)

14(3). The creation of nodes for interdepartmental electronic document management, the organization of communication channels for interdepartmental electronic document management and the maintenance of the technical and technological infrastructure of interdepartmental electronic document management of organizations created to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Government of the Russian Federation, with the exception of state non-budgetary funds, are carried out at the expense of these organizations.

(see text in previous edition)

(see text in previous edition)

15. The hardware and software and hardware of the nodes of interdepartmental electronic document management of federal government bodies, the highest executive government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and state non-budgetary funds are acquired at the expense of budgetary appropriations provided for in the federal budget of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, and are transferred by the Federal Security Service Russian Federation to these bodies and funds on a gratuitous basis for temporary use. The transfer is formalized by the act of acceptance and transfer of technical and software and hardware means.

(see text in previous edition)

15(1). State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the highest executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, have the right to acquire technical and software and hardware means of interdepartmental electronic document management nodes at the expense of budgetary appropriations of the corresponding budget of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation provided for these bodies as part of the implementation of state programs .

(see text in previous edition)

15(2). The technical and software and hardware facilities of the interdepartmental electronic document management nodes of organizations created to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Government of the Russian Federation, with the exception of state extra-budgetary funds, are acquired at the expense of these organizations.

(see text in previous edition)

15(3). The technical requirements for the interdepartmental electronic document management nodes being created and the organized communication channels for interdepartmental electronic document management, as well as for the acquired technical and software and hardware means of the interdepartmental electronic document management nodes, are agreed by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the highest executive state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and organizations created to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Government of the Russian Federation, with the exception of state extra-budgetary funds, with the organizer of interdepartmental electronic document management.

The approval procedure is approved by the organizer of the interdepartmental electronic document management.

(see text in previous edition)

15(4). The technical and software and hardware facilities of the nodes of participants in the interdepartmental electronic document management must be located in rooms that ensure the safety of these funds and the confidentiality of transmitted and received information.

16. In the event that it becomes necessary to place additional technical means with participants in the interdepartmental electronic document management and (or) transfer them to other premises, financing for the implementation of a set of works on laying object communication lines, purchasing equipment and software and performing special work is carried out at the expense of the participant interdepartmental electronic document management. These privacy and security works are performed by a licensed service provider. The specification for the purchased equipment, software and materials, as well as the terms of reference for the performance of special work, are agreed with the organizer of the interdepartmental electronic document management.

(see text in previous edition)

The setup of technical means and means of protection, as well as the installation of special software, is carried out by the organizer of interdepartmental electronic document management.

17. Interdepartmental electronic document management is carried out through the exchange of electronic messages. An electronic message consists of accompanying and content parts. The accompanying part is intended to address the message. The content part is the text of the message or the text of the message with attached files containing an electronic copy (electronic image) of the document or an electronic document, and their details, described using the XML language. The format of files used in the implementation of interdepartmental electronic document management must comply with national or international standards or have an open source code and open structure.



Volodin D.V. Organization problems of interdepartmental exchange of electronic documents


The article analyzes current trends in interdepartmental information interaction, key problems and principles of organizing interdepartmental electronic document management (EDI). The practical implementation of these provisions is considered on the example of a project to create an EDR system for the federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation.

This article is devoted to the analysis of contemporary trends in interdepartmental informational interaction. It is describing key problems and principles of interdepartmental exchange of electronic documents. The Federal "MEDO" project is considered as an example of practical implementation.

Keywords / Keywords

The State Program "Information Society (2011-2020)", interdepartmental information interaction, interdepartmental electronic document management (MED), Unified portal of public services, All-Russian State Information Center (OGIC), automated document management system (ASUD).

State Program "The Information Society (2011-2020)", interdepartmental informational interaction, interdepartmental exchange of electronic documents, Integrated state services portal, The All-Russian State Informational Center, electronic record management system (ERMS).

VOLODIN Dmitry Vladimirovich - Analyst-consultant of the direction of Microsoft SharePoint, "Electronic Office Systems", Moscow; 8-495-221-24-31 ext. 313, +7-903-261-34-49; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Currently, in Russia, as part of the construction of "electronic government", several large state projects are being implemented at once. For specialists in document management, of course, the project of creating an interdepartmental electronic document management system for the federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation is of particular interest.

The creation of such a system will allow to unite the heterogeneous document management systems used in various state bodies into a single information space. The solution of such problems allows reaching a qualitatively new level of application of electronic documents in the activities of state bodies. In turn, the legalization and practical implementation of electronic forms of interdepartmental interaction should lead to serious improvements in the processes of performing state functions and providing services to citizens and organizations.

The problems of organizing interdepartmental information interaction are of great practical importance for specialists in the field of document and archive management. For the first time, the obligatory availability of information systems for the creation, processing and storage of electronic documents of the department has been established for federal executive authorities. Today, to this is added the possibility of electronic exchange of documents with other authorities by connecting to the system of interdepartmental electronic document management.

The described problem is one of the new directions in the practice of document management and is practically not reflected in the available publications. The exception is individual articles, mostly of an applied nature, devoted to the implementation of the federal project "MEDO", carried out under the auspices of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. In addition, recently the issues of interdepartmental electronic document management have been actively discussed in publications in the professional and scientific community, in industry periodicals and on Internet resources.

In scientific journals, this topic has not yet been considered, although certain issues of long-term storage and use of electronic documents have been covered in the publications of the journals "Bulletin of the Archivist" and "Domestic Archives".

Trends in the development of interdepartmental information interaction. Currently, a number of fundamental conceptual documents have been adopted at the state level, which set the task of forming the so-called. "electronic government" in the Russian Federation. E-government is understood as an effective system of interdepartmental information interaction and the provision of public services to citizens and organizations based on the use of modern information technologies.

Recently, significant progress has been made in the field of document management in the public sector. For a number of years, many ministries and departments have been using various automated document management systems (ADMS) in their work, the choice of which was based on the nature of the department’s activities, the volume of document flow, the requirements for its reliability and security, and the peculiarities of working with certain documents. During the use of ASUD, significant volumes of archives of electronic documents have been accumulated.

Separate steps are also being taken in the field of organizing interdepartmental information interaction. Currently, information is quite actively transferred between authorities, including in electronic form. Separate executive authorities interact on a permanent basis with each other by exchanging electronic documents that have officially recognized legal force. This interaction is carried out on the basis of the adoption of appropriate agreements between the participants in the exchange.

Interdepartmental electronic document management also exists between individual federal bodies as part of solving complex problems of public administration that require an active exchange of information. For example, due to the presence of a special data exchange subsystem, subordinate federal services and agencies are connected to the electronic document management system of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, including the Federal Tariff Service (FTS of Russia), Federal agencies for managing federal property (Rosimushchestvo), real estate objects (Rosnedvizhimost), for the management of special economic zones (RosSEZ) and the Russian Federal Property Fund (RFFI). Individual departments develop standard information exchange agreements, which interested organizations can voluntarily join.

One of the most dynamically developing areas of electronic interaction between executive authorities is the provision of public services by them to citizens and organizations via the Internet. In connection with the increasing importance of the Internet in the life of society and the state, the websites of government bodies become their official representations in the global information space, are filled with official information (regulatory documents, news, relevant background information, etc.) and provide interactive interaction with citizens and organizations through the work "virtual receptions", "one stop" services, the provision of certain specialized services, etc. The implementation of all these types of interaction requires the organization of a reliable and legally significant electronic document management between public authorities, local governments, organizations and citizens.

In order to create a single point of access for citizens and organizations to information and services of state bodies, the Unified Portal of Public Services ( has been created. This portal includes a unified register of public services, and also contains information on the procedure and conditions for their provision. Currently, the portal is a general information and reference system for the interaction of the population with the authorities. In the future, through the Single Portal, it is planned to organize a full-fledged provision of services in electronic form, which also implies the exchange of legally significant electronic documents.

In addition to the portals of public services, many departments have organized the work of the so-called. one-stop-shop services. One-stop-shop services are specially created structural subdivisions of executive authorities that carry out the functions of processing and issuing documents requested by individuals or legal entities.

One-stop service is designed to exclude the possibility of unreasonable involvement of organizations and citizens in the preparation or approval of documents issued by executive authorities (certificates, copies, extracts, approvals, permits, licenses, certificates, certificates, documentation, etc.). The use of electronic forms of interaction in the work of "one-stop shop" services makes it possible to turn them into an effective tool for the centralized and high-quality provision of public services, due to a significant reduction in the time for preparing the requested documents.

As part of the preparation of documents at the request of applicants, the “one stop shop” service interacts with other executive authorities and state organizations, sends documents to them for approval, exchanges reference information and performs other operations aimed at ensuring the preparation of documents required by applicants.

In addition to the services listed above, some authorities, when servicing organizations and citizens, allow them to provide certain types of documentation in electronic form. For example, the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation provides a service for receiving tax returns using the Internet. Permission to submit tax reports in electronic form is contained in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

In addition to the Federal Tax Service of Russia, the procedure for providing certain types of documentation in electronic form is established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Financial Markets, the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks (Rospatent), etc.

Problems hindering the organization of MED. At the same time, despite the presence of the described positive trends, the main goals of the formation of e-government in Russia remain unattainable to date.

The results of the introduction of information and communication technologies in public authorities are predominantly intradepartmental in nature, which does not allow to significantly improve interdepartmental interaction and improve the quality of public services provided to citizens. The current state information systems were formed by separate state authorities in the absence of a unified regulatory legal and regulatory technical base. The information contained in them is not available to other public authorities for operational use, which in practice leads to significant time delays in the interdepartmental exchange of information, multiple collection and duplication of information in different systems. At the same time, part of the information is not promptly updated, which leads to inconsistency in the data contained in state information systems.

To date, there are practically no public services that can be obtained by a citizen or organization without a direct visit to a government agency. The receipt by the population and organizations of public services, as well as information related to the activities of executive authorities, in most cases requires their personal appeal to the executive authorities, as well as the provision of requests and other necessary information in paper form. This leads to a large waste of time and creates significant inconvenience for the population.

If the task of automating intradepartmental workflow is solved relatively successfully by developing and implementing an automated control system in government bodies, then organizing interdepartmental data exchange in electronic form is a more difficult task. It cannot be solved at the level of individual departments, since it requires the interaction of various ASUDs within a single interdepartmental information space.

In the process of its formation, there is also an infrastructure that ensures the legal significance, reliability and information security of electronic forms of interaction between public authorities among themselves, as well as with citizens and organizations in the framework of the provision of public services.

Despite a very significant percentage of automation of the internal document flow of state structures, the automated control systems used by them remain closed and in the vast majority of cases do not have the means of mutual integration. Differences in the methodological principles developed by each state authority, technologies for collecting, processing and using information, non-standardized information and linguistic means greatly complicate the automated information interaction between the systems used.

When designing and implementing automated control systems for authorities, contractors do not set themselves the task of cross-platform integration and information transfer between the systems being created. As a result, at present, the process of exchanging electronic documents between various departments is extremely difficult, and most often simply impossible.

In most cases, the exchange of documents between government agencies consists in the transfer of paper documents in various ways (including courier, couriers, mail). All electronic methods ensure the delivery of only a small part of official documents.

Such a territorial distribution of information and the lack of the possibility of automated exchange of electronic documents impede the timely implementation of control over the execution of documents and instructions by higher authorities and, as a result, the prompt adoption of management decisions; significantly increase the time spent on the transfer of information between departments, which increases the risk of violation of the planned deadlines for the execution of documents and instructions.

Thus, interdepartmental barriers, the lack of a single information space, differences in the methods of collecting, storing and processing information that have developed in state bodies hinder the implementation of automated control over the execution of documents and instructions and make it difficult to use modern effective information technologies in the field of interdepartmental interaction.

All these negative trends are exacerbated by the constant growth of document flow and the complexity of interaction procedures. According to statistics, the volume of document flow of executive authorities over the five years is growing by an average of 20-50%, while electronic interaction between authorities is only a small part of the document flow.

Due to the low level of automation of interdepartmental interaction, it is currently not possible to carry out a reliable classification of circulating documents and assess the feasibility and effectiveness of interdepartmental document flows.

Separately, it should be noted the presence of unresolved personnel problems. The general level of professional training of employees responsible for office work in executive authorities, in terms of mastering modern information technologies, remains low, which is especially critical in connection with the introduction of complex and integrated solutions into the activities of executive authorities. Also, this does not allow to provide a new level of quality of public administration and the provision of public services to the population and organizations based on information technology. This factor significantly reduces the efficiency of spending budget funds on the creation and development of state information systems.

The problems and negative trends described above are of a complex interdepartmental nature and cannot be resolved at the level of individual public authorities. They can be overcome only through the formation of a single space for interdepartmental information interaction. The implementation of the concept of "electronic government" requires coordinated organizational and technological measures and coordinated actions of public authorities within the framework of a single state policy.

Information flows that arise between public authorities need to be structured, assessed for feasibility and effectiveness, and centralized in a single information environment that can provide authorized persons with the ability to automatically control the movement and execution of documents and instructions.

The vertical of power built in Russia requires a clear organization and transparency of the activities of all executive authorities in order to effectively fulfill the tasks facing the state. The effective control over the execution of orders from higher authorities, necessary for making timely management decisions, can be ensured by automated means that allow consolidating the necessary information and providing the opportunity to obtain analytical and statistical reporting on executive discipline at various levels of the hierarchy of authorities.

The current technical, organizational and regulatory framework has already created the prerequisites for the use of legally significant interdepartmental electronic document management in the activities of public authorities. But for the practical implementation of the MED, it is necessary to have a detailed conceptual and methodological framework that ensures the construction of a space for interdepartmental interaction.

Basic principles of the organization of MED. The organization of MED within the framework of the entire system of public administration requires the construction of an information space for electronic interaction at all levels - federal, regional and territorial. To implement this task, it is necessary to solve a number of problems that are complex in nature, including legal, regulatory, methodological, organizational and technical components.

The technological infrastructure of the MED includes the so-called. "head node", "participant nodes", as well as secure communication channels.

The head node is the software and hardware complexes operating within the framework of the system of state information centers. The development and implementation of such complexes should ensure the exchange of legally significant electronic documents between the automated control system of all participants in interdepartmental interaction, as well as centralized management of forwarded documents. In Russia, as well as throughout the world, for this purpose it is planned to create state information centers - the All-Russian State Information Center (OGIC) and information centers of the federal districts of the Russian Federation.

The role of the nodes of the MED participants is performed by departmental automated document management systems (ADMS). Such systems are currently used in most federal executive bodies. With their help, organizational and administrative document flow, processing of appeals and requests from citizens and organizations, organizing the storage of electronic documents and managing electronic archives are automated. The automated control system of each department should be equipped with the so-called. "gateway" that ensures the exchange of electronic messages with the MED system.

The third component of the MED is a single secure telecommunications infrastructure. It is created on the basis of the integration of existing and being created telecommunication networks of federal government bodies, networks of government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government, as well as public networks.

The main principle of the functioning of the MED is the integration of the existing ASUD participants and the transport system (postal service), which automatically provides secure exchange of electronic messages between participants in the interdepartmental electronic document flow.

Within the framework of the MED, the participating organizations exchange electronic messages, including both the documents themselves and notifications about the progress of their consideration and execution.

Of particular importance for the functioning of the MED system is the development of an open standard for the interdepartmental exchange of electronic documents, which makes it possible to present information about the transmitted electronic document in a single unified format.

The basis for the development of such standards should be the new GOST R 53898-2010 “Electronic document management systems. Interaction of document management systems. Email Requirements. This standard includes requirements for the format of an electronic message transmitted within the MED System, including a set of document files, its metadata and digital signature data.

In addition to the possibility of exchange at the interdepartmental level, the presence of a single standard will allow not to lose the accumulated state electronic documents when the automated control system becomes obsolete and not to spend additional funds in the future on extracting and recoding documents stored in obsolete systems.

As you know, in our country the application of standards is carried out on a voluntary basis. This procedure is established in accordance with the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" and, in general, corresponds to global trends in the field of standardization. However, a special regulation or agreement of the parties may establish the mandatory application of a standard or regulation for a certain category of organizations or at the departmental level. In particular, when building the MED system for the federal executive authorities, the exchange format was enshrined in the technical requirements approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Practical implementation of MED. The approaches described above to building interdepartmental electronic document management systems have found practical application in creating a similar system for the federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation. This project (abbreviated as "MEDO") is being implemented as part of the state program "Information Society (2011-2020)" and in accordance with the plan for the transition to paperless document management approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

To date, under the auspices of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, technical solutions for the construction of this system have been developed, its first stage has been created and put into trial operation. At the federal level, work is underway to deploy a pilot section of the secure MEDO system between the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation, and individual state authorities.

The main regulations that determine the status, participants and procedure for the creation and application of this system are the Regulations on the MEDO system and technical requirements for it. All participants in the system use a single format for the exchange of electronic messages, corresponding in structure to GOST R 53898-2010.

The organizer (operator) of the MEDO system is the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSO). Its functions include organizational and methodological support, maintenance of address directories, creation and maintenance of the technical and technological infrastructure of MEDO, as well as maintaining it in working order, ensuring information security of information exchange.

As of June 2011, according to the Federal Security Service, MEDO system equipment was installed and connected to the transport infrastructure in 90 state authorities and organizations. In 36 of them, work was completed on the integration of departmental automated control systems with the MEDO system.

At the moment, the following types of documents are sent through the system to public authorities and organizations: acts of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation; resolutions of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and his deputies; minutes of meetings in the Government of the Russian Federation; letters from structural subdivisions of the Government Office of the Russian Federation.

Currently, within the framework of the MED, notifications about the registration of a sent document, refusal to register, acceptance for execution, preparation and submission of a report, changes in the course of execution are circulating.

Currently, the range of departments participating in the project is expanding, as well as the range of documents that will be exchanged electronically. For each type of documents, the transition to electronic exchange is carried out in stages. First, the technology of electronic exchange is being worked out while maintaining the paper one, after which the sending of paper documents is stopped.

In the future, measures are also planned to expand the functionality of electronic interaction between departments. In order to avoid the need for a person to participate in the routing of an electronic document, a set of metadata - structured attributes - must be sent with the document, which allows automatic processing of the document. The approved technical requirements of the system stipulate a certain minimum set of data that is sent along with the document. There is an even more difficult task ahead - during the automated processing of the incoming document, the automated control system of the authority should generate new metadata that reflect the state of work with the document. But it has not yet been determined what data the ASUD should additionally generate in order to inform the initiator of the document or other interested parties about its current state on-line.

From the point of view of software and hardware implementation, the created MEDO system includes the following mandatory components:

ASUD participants (existing components) - each participant has a departmental system that provides automation of internal document management processes.

Gateway (an implemented component) is a software and hardware complex that provides the exchange of electronic messages between the ASUD and the M system MEDO, including the functions of storing, viewing, searching, downloading and uploading messages. This is typical software (software) that includes a database server, workstation, and mail service client software.

The adapter (component under development) is a software complex for interfacing the ASUD with the MEDO system. This is specialized software developed separately for each type of automated control system.

For messages arriving via MEDO, the adapter provides for their reception and conversion from a single exchange format to the ADMS format for further processing. For outgoing messages, the adapter is responsible for preparing for transmission, converting from the ASUD format to a single exchange format and transferring it to the MEDO system.

The software and hardware tools used in the framework of the MEDO project, which ensure the exchange of electronic documents between departmental automated control systems, were developed by the Electronic Office Systems (EOS) company.

In addition, this company offers a commercial version of a standard software package for automating interdepartmental electronic document management, which is already available for purchase and implementation today. The complex is produced under the name "Electronic Interaction Server" and has enhanced functionality compared to the tools used by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

To date, the only ACS already prepared for use in the DER mode is also the Delo system being developed by EOS (starting from version 8.8.0). It is it that is used in most of the participants in the federal project "MEDO".

The typical functionality of the Delo system includes support for the electronic document exchange format developed on the basis of the GOST R 53898-2010 standard. An electronic message generated and processed by the system in the process of exchanging documents by e-mail is a so-called. "passport of the registration card of the document" (xml-description of the main details) and files attached to it.

The Delo system can generate a set of notifications sent by e-mail about the passage of a document in the system of another MEDO participant. The events for which an electronic notification can be sent include: receiving, registering, sending a document, creating and editing instructions for a document, sending a response document.

When used within the framework of the MEDO-ASUD system of other developers, it will be necessary to ensure their refinement to meet the general requirements. To do this, you need to obtain information from the Federal Security Service on a single format for the exchange of electronic messages and the implementation of the interaction of MEDO participants. After that, you will need to contact the supplier or developer of the used automated control system to carry out work on the development of an interface adapter with MEDO.

Obviously, in the near future we should expect the appearance of standard functionality for interfacing with the MED system in a typical configuration of the automated control system of all leading developers on the market. This will mean that the DER technology described in this article has reached the level of wide practical application.

Thus, the organization of interdepartmental information interaction and the creation of the MED system is one of the most important state tasks in the field of implementing the national concept of "electronic government".

To implement this project, it is necessary to solve a number of organizational, technical and methodological problems. Among them: the lack of a well-developed mechanism for the use of electronic documents; lack of uniform standards for the processes of collecting, storing and processing information; fragmentation of departmental information systems and databases; lack of qualified specialists, etc.

The problems hindering the increase in the efficiency of the use of electronic documents in the activities of public authorities are of a complex interdepartmental nature and cannot be solved at the level of individual authorities.

The formation of a single space for interdepartmental electronic interaction requires a number of coordinated activities and coordinated actions of state authorities within the framework of a single state policy, including improving the legal regulation of the use of electronic documents, developing appropriate methodological and organizational support, and creating a technological infrastructure for the EDT.

A prerequisite for building an MED system is the establishment of uniform requirements for the composition, formats and metadata of electronic documents used in interdepartmental exchange, the processes of receiving, transmitting and processing electronic documents and software for automating these processes.

To date, software and hardware solutions have already been implemented that make interdepartmental electronic document management a reality. The methodological principles of organizing the interaction of heterogeneous automated control systems are being tested in practice within the framework of the federal project "MEDO" and are expected to be widely used. In the near future, the positive experience gained will be disseminated at the regional and municipal levels. Over time, both state bodies and organizations actively interacting with them will be connected to systems of this type. It is becoming more and more obvious that the full-scale introduction of MED technologies across the country is a matter of time.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 2009 N 754
"On approval of the Regulations on the system of interdepartmental electronic document management"

The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve the attached Regulations on the system of interdepartmental electronic document management.

on the system of interdepartmental electronic document management
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 2009 N 754)

With changes and additions from:

August 1, 2011, September 6, 2012, April 6, 2013, December 26, 2016, October 17, 2017, March 16, 2019

1. Interdepartmental electronic document management is the interaction of electronic document management information systems of federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and other state bodies, as well as organizations created to perform the tasks assigned to the Government of the Russian Federation (hereinafter, respectively - participants in the interdepartmental electronic document management , information systems of electronic document management).

2. The organizer of the interdepartmental electronic document management is the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

4. The interaction of electronic document management information systems in this Regulation means the exchange of electronic messages (conducting official correspondence in electronic form) between participants in the interdepartmental electronic document management, including:

a) sending and receiving in electronic form decisions and instructions of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation;

b) receiving information on the progress of consideration by the participants of the interdepartmental electronic document flow of electronic messages, including instructions from the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation;

c) sending electronic reports to the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation;

d) submission to the Government of the Russian Federation by federal executive authorities of draft regulatory legal acts, including in electronic form;

e) implementation by participants of interdepartmental electronic document circulation of conciliation procedures on draft regulatory legal acts in electronic form;

f) submission in electronic form of regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies for state registration with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation;

Information about changes:

Paragraph 4 was supplemented by subparagraph "g" from March 27, 2019 - Decree of the Government of Russia of March 16, 2019 N 273

g) sending and receiving other documents transmitted during the interaction of participants in the interdepartmental electronic document management in electronic form.

5. When implementing interdepartmental electronic document management, it is allowed to exchange electronic messages containing publicly available information and information, access to which is limited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The exchange between participants of interdepartmental electronic document management of information, access to which is limited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, is carried out when they fulfill the requirements for the protection of such information established in relation to information systems of electronic document management.

6. The main principles of interdepartmental electronic document management are:

a) ensuring the technological possibility of using interdepartmental electronic document management by a variable number of its participants;

b) the use by participants of interdepartmental electronic document management of compatible technologies, formats, protocols for information interaction and unified software and hardware;

c) lawful use of software and certified software and hardware by participants in interdepartmental electronic document management;

d) ensuring the integrity of transmitted information;

e) minimization of costs, including financial and time, in the implementation of information interaction by participants in interdepartmental electronic document management;

f) ensuring the confidentiality of the transmission and receipt of information.

7. Technical and technological infrastructure of interdepartmental electronic document management consists of the following elements:

a) the head node of the interdepartmental electronic document management, the operator of which is the organizer of the interdepartmental electronic document management;

b) nodes of participants in interdepartmental electronic document management;

c) secure communication channels.

8. The technical means of the head node of the interdepartmental electronic document flow include software and hardware complexes for processing, routing and storing messages, monitoring tools for the performance of the technical and technological infrastructure of the interdepartmental electronic document flow, information security tools and other means of software and hardware for electronic interaction of participants in the interdepartmental electronic document flow .

9. The main functions of the head node of the interdepartmental electronic document management are:

a) ensuring the protection of processed, stored and transmitted information from unauthorized access and distortion when it is located at the head node of the interdepartmental electronic document management and transmitted via secure communication channels to the nodes of participants in the interdepartmental electronic document management;

b) the exchange of electronic messages between participants in the interdepartmental electronic document management.

10. The technical means of the node of the participant of the interdepartmental electronic document management include communication equipment, information security tools and workstations. The node is equipped with automated workstations at the request of a participant in the interdepartmental electronic document management.

11. The main functions of the nodes of participants in the interdepartmental electronic document management are:

a) ensuring the protection of processed, stored and transmitted information from unauthorized access and distortion before transferring it to a secure communication channel;

b) delivery of electronic messages received from the head node of the interdepartmental electronic document management to the information systems of the electronic document management of addressees;

c) sending electronic messages from information systems of electronic document management of participants of interdepartmental electronic document management to the head node of interdepartmental electronic document management;

d) storage of electronic messages prior to transmission to the head node of the interdepartmental electronic document management or to the information system of the addressee's electronic document management.

12. The exchange of electronic messages in the implementation of interdepartmental electronic document management is carried out by authorized employees of the participants in the interdepartmental electronic document management.

13. The organizer of interdepartmental electronic document management performs the following functions:

a) organizational and methodological support of interdepartmental electronic document management;

b) formation and updating of global address directories (classifiers);

c) ensuring the operation of the technical and technological infrastructure of interdepartmental electronic document management;

d) ensuring information security of interdepartmental electronic document management in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

14. Creation of the technical and technological infrastructure of interdepartmental electronic document management is carried out by the organizer of interdepartmental electronic document management and (or) participants in interdepartmental electronic document management by organizing communication channels from the head node of the interdepartmental electronic document management to the nodes of participants in the interdepartmental electronic document management, as well as by creating nodes of participants in the interdepartmental electronic document management.

To organize communication channels for interdepartmental electronic document management, communication channels of the organizer of interdepartmental electronic document management and (or) communication channels leased by the organizer of interdepartmental electronic document management or participants in interdepartmental electronic document management from telecom operators are used.

14.1. The creation of nodes for interdepartmental electronic document management and the organization of communication channels for interdepartmental electronic document management of federal government bodies, the highest executive government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and state non-budgetary funds are carried out at the expense of budgetary allocations provided for in the federal budget of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

14.2. State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the highest executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, have the right to create nodes for interdepartmental electronic document management, organize communication channels for interdepartmental electronic document management and maintain the technical and technological infrastructure of interdepartmental electronic document management in working order at the expense of budgetary appropriations of the corresponding budget budgetary system of the Russian Federation, provided for by these bodies in the framework of the implementation of state programs.

14.3. The creation of nodes for interdepartmental electronic document management, the organization of communication channels for interdepartmental electronic document management and the maintenance of the technical and technological infrastructure of interdepartmental electronic document management of organizations created to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Government of the Russian Federation, with the exception of state non-budgetary funds, are carried out at the expense of these organizations.

15. The hardware and software and hardware of the nodes of interdepartmental electronic document management of federal government bodies, the highest executive government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and state non-budgetary funds are acquired at the expense of budgetary appropriations provided for in the federal budget of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, and are transferred by the Federal Security Service Russian Federation to these bodies and funds on a gratuitous basis for temporary use. The transfer is formalized by the act of acceptance and transfer of technical and software and hardware means.

15.1. State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the highest executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, have the right to acquire technical and software and hardware means of interdepartmental electronic document management nodes at the expense of budgetary appropriations of the corresponding budget of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation provided for these bodies as part of the implementation of state programs .

15.2. The technical and software and hardware facilities of the interdepartmental electronic document management nodes of organizations created to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Government of the Russian Federation, with the exception of state extra-budgetary funds, are acquired at the expense of these organizations.

15.3. The technical requirements for the interdepartmental electronic document management nodes being created and the organized communication channels for interdepartmental electronic document management, as well as for the acquired technical and software and hardware means of the interdepartmental electronic document management nodes, are agreed by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the highest executive state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and organizations created to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Government of the Russian Federation, with the exception of state extra-budgetary funds, with the organizer of interdepartmental electronic document management.

The approval procedure is approved by the organizer of the interdepartmental electronic document management.

Information about changes:

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2016 N 1484 The Regulation was supplemented by clause 15.4

15.4. The technical and software and hardware facilities of the nodes of participants in the interdepartmental electronic document management must be located in rooms that ensure the safety of these funds and the confidentiality of transmitted and received information.

16. In the event that it becomes necessary to place additional technical means with participants in the interdepartmental electronic document management and (or) transfer them to other premises, financing for the implementation of a set of works on laying object communication lines, purchasing equipment and software and performing special work is carried out at the expense of the participant interdepartmental electronic document management. These privacy and security works are performed by a licensed service provider. The specification for the purchased equipment, software and materials, as well as the terms of reference for the performance of special work, are agreed with the organizer of the interdepartmental electronic document management.

The setup of technical means and means of protection, as well as the installation of special software, is carried out by the organizer of interdepartmental electronic document management.

17. Interdepartmental electronic document management is carried out through the exchange of electronic messages. An electronic message consists of accompanying and content parts. The accompanying part is intended to address the message. The content part is the text of the message or the text of the message with attached files containing an electronic copy (electronic image) of the document or an electronic document, and their details, described using the XML language. The format of files used in the implementation of interdepartmental electronic document management must comply with national or international standards or have an open source code and open structure.

18. The sender of an electronic message containing an electronic copy of a document is responsible for the compliance of the content of the electronic copy with the content of the original document on paper.

19. Registration (accounting) of electronic messages in the information system of electronic document management of a participant in interdepartmental electronic document management is carried out in accordance with the instructions for the office work of this participant.

Information about changes:

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2016 N 1484 The Regulation was supplemented by clause 19.1

19.1. Sending electronic messages from the information systems of electronic document management of a participant in interdepartmental electronic document management in test mode with duplication of documents on paper must be carried out within at least one month from the date of connection of a participant in interdepartmental electronic document management. The period of the test mode is determined by the participant of the interdepartmental electronic document management.

20. The information system of electronic document management of a participant in interdepartmental electronic document management should ensure the preparation of notifications on the progress of consideration of electronic messages by this participant.

21. Maintaining the technical and technological infrastructure of the interdepartmental electronic document flow in a working condition is carried out by the organizer of the interdepartmental electronic document flow and (or) participants in the interdepartmental electronic document flow by performing a set of works, including:

a) ensuring the operability of software and hardware;

b) analysis and elimination of failures and errors of software and hardware detected during operation;

c) ensuring anti-virus protection of information.

25. Organizational measures include:

a) monitoring compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents governing the provision of information security;

b) determining the officials of the participants in the interdepartmental electronic document management and the organizer of the interdepartmental electronic document management responsible for ensuring information security;

c) establishing the procedure for backing up, restoring and archiving databases located on the head node of the interdepartmental electronic document management, as well as the procedure for updating anti-virus databases;

d) establishing the procedure for admission for repair and restoration work of software and hardware;

e) organization of security measures in relation to the premises in which the nodes of the participants in the interdepartmental electronic document management are located, and the technical means of these nodes.

At the end of the 20th century, the concept of e-government began to spread around the world, which means "electronic government" in Russian. The concept of e-government is based on the idea of ​​using modern information technologies and electronic document management systems in the work of state structures. According to the degree of implementation of this idea, UN experts assess the level of development of the country. Russia, according to the 2012 ranking, ranks 27th.

Implementation of automated systems in state structures

Taking into account the global trend, achievements in the field of information technology and communications, the introduction of EDMS in government structures, the low rating of Russia, the country's leadership drew attention to the issues of automating the work of the state apparatus. The question arose about the transition to a full-fledged electronic document management on a national scale.

Therefore, it is no coincidence that at the first meeting of the Council for the Development of the Information Society, held in February 2009, the President (in those years, D.A. Medvedev) set the task of creating information and institutional prerequisites for integration into the global information society in two years. Work in the field of informatization of society led to the creation of an e-government project in Russia - Federal target program "Electronic Russia (2002 - 2010)", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 28, 2002 No. 65 (changes were made in 2004, 2006, 2009 and 2010).

It should be noted that the introduction of automated technologies and systems in government structures did not proceed at the pace that was required to implement the tasks of e-government.

For example, one of them is the organization of the process of transferring documents between organizations for interdepartmental interaction. Despite the fact that in the presence of local networks, the created document can be approved in electronic form and signed with an electronic digital signature, the approval was carried out by traditional methods. The President called on the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation to become an example for the Government of the Russian Federation in the matter of interdepartmental cooperation and information openness.

Summarizing the above and evaluating the results projects the initial stage of the implementation of the FTP " Electronic Russia”(from 2002 to 2010), it should be noted that the basis of the methodological and regulatory framework was created for the full-scale application of information and communication technologies (ICT) in society, business, the activities of public authorities and local self-government. Further development of the "Electronic Russia" project and the interdepartmental electronic document management system was reflected in the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 20, 2010 No. 1815-r (as amended on July 20, 2013) "On the State Program of the Russian Federation "Information Society (2011 - 2020)"". Among the target indicators and indicators of the state program, there is also the following: the share of electronic document management between public authorities in the total volume of document flow is planned to be increased to 70% by 2015 (See: Target indicators and indicators of the state program of the Russian Federation "Information Society (2011 - 2020) years)". Annex No. 1 to the state program of the Russian Federation "Information Society (2011 - 2020)").

As part of the implementation of the FTP " Electronic Russia» Two large-scale projects are being intensively developed – the system of interdepartmental electronic document management (MEDO) and the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEV). The Federal Security Service (FSO) is responsible for the MEDO project, and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications is responsible for the SMEV.

What is the MEDO system?

The MEDO system is a federal information system for the automated exchange of electronic documents in a secure mode between the Presidential Administration, the Government Office, federal executive authorities (FOIV) and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as informing the highest state authorities about the progress of execution of instructions. The purpose of creating MEDO is to increase the efficiency of management in public authorities by reducing the time it takes for documents to pass between organizations and departments, minimizing the cost of processing and sending documents, and monitoring the execution of instructions. That is, MEDO is a kind of medium through which executive authorities can and should exchange documents in electronic form.

To achieve the goal of improving management efficiency in public authorities, a number of regulatory legal acts are adopted that regulate the basics of MEDO:

Regulations on the system of interdepartmental electronic document management, approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 2009 No. 754 (as amended by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 1, 2011 No. 641, of September 6, 2012 No. 890, of April 6, 2013 No. 305).

This is the main document that defines the very concept of MEDO and the participants in this system. The regulation states that the system should not only provide the possibility of transferring documents between the EDMS systems of the Administration of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as federal bodies via secure communication channels, but also develop software modules (adapters) that ensure the interaction of the MEDO system and departmental EDMS.

  • Technical requirements for the organization of interaction between the interdepartmental document management system and electronic document management systems of federal executive bodies, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02.10.2009 No. 1403-r. They describe the requirements for the components of the organization of interaction: EDMS, gateway, adapter, etc.
  • On the rules of office work in the Federal executive authorities, approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2009 No. 477.

These Rules establish a unified procedure for office work in federal executive bodies. The Rules do not apply to the organization of work with documents containing state secrets. On the basis of these Rules, the federal executive authorities, in agreement with the federal executive authority in the field of archiving, issue instructions on office work.

Regulations on a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEV), approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 8, 2010 No. 697.

The requirements for the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications to ensure the maintenance of a unified SMEV, requirements for federal executive authorities (FOIS), recommendations to public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, etc. are described.

  • RF Program "Information Society (2011-2020)"(as amended by the last of 20.07.2013 No. 606), approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 20, 2010 No. 1815-r. The Program defines a responsible executor - the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation. Co-executors of the program: the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, etc. The tasks of the program, the volume of budget allocations for the program were determined, the state and forecast of the development of information and telecommunication technologies in the Russian Federation were assessed, etc.
  • GOST R 53898-2010. National standard of the Russian Federation. Electronic document management systems Interaction of document management systems. Requirements for an electronic message, approved. and put into effect by the order of Rosstandart dated October 26, 2010 No. 327-st. The standard fixed the general rule of interaction between departmental EDMS.
  • Clause 3 of section 3 of the Minutes of the meeting of the Government Commission on the introduction of information technologies in the activities of state bodies and local governments of 29.06.2010 No. SS-P10-18pr.

This document raised questions about a unified system of directories and classifiers for the purpose of providing public services in electronic form, about the readiness of departmental electronic document management systems to work within the framework of MEDO, etc.

Currently, MEDO provides for the interaction not only of information systems of federal executive authorities, but also of other government authorities. Although federal authorities have been identified as the main participants in MEDO, there is already experience of connecting to MEDO as subscribers a number of authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Interest in MEDO on the part of such bodies, as well as local governments, is steadily growing. Thus, federal authorities are obligatory (in accordance with the decision of the Government) MEDO participants, while authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments can become participants in MEDO on their own initiative and on a voluntary basis. Those. in accordance with the Regulations on the system of interdepartmental document management, participants in interdepartmental electronic document management (MEDO participants) are (Fig. 1):

  • Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;
  • Office of the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • federal executive authorities;
  • other federal government bodies.

Rice. 1. Scheme of MEDO participants

Email exchange

As mentioned above, MEDO is a federal information system designed to organize the interaction of electronic document management systems (EDMS) of participants in interdepartmental electronic document management. EDMS interaction is understood as the exchange between MEDO participants of electronic messages in the form of:

  • electronic documents;
  • notifications - information on the progress of consideration and execution of documents on MEDO.

The algorithm for exchanging electronic messages is shown in fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Algorithm for exchanging electronic messages

The exchange algorithm provides not only for the transfer of the document, but also for notification of its receipt; the progress of the document execution is monitored, etc. Thus, each MEDO participant has the opportunity to promptly receive documents sent to him, can minimize the time and labor costs for their input and subsequent processing in the EDMS, for preparing outgoing documents for shipment. Also, the sender has the opportunity to receive operational information about the status of work with documents sent via MEDO from their recipient (of course, if the recipient is also among the MEDO participants).

The RF Federal Security Service (FSO) is responsible for the MEDO project (see Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 2009 No. 754).

The functions of the FSO in the framework of the creation and development of MEDO include: organizational and methodological support, maintaining address directories, creating and maintaining the operation of the technical and technological infrastructure of MEDO, as well as maintaining it in working order, ensuring information security of MEDO.

For this, the FSO specialists developed the following main documents:

  • Regulations for the exchange of documents in electronic form between state authorities of the Russian Federation using an interdepartmental electronic document management system (approved by the head of the special communications of the Federal Security Service of Russia on 11/11/2011);
  • Technical requirements for interfacing regional electronic document management systems with a secure interdepartmental electronic document management system;
  • Organizational and technical conditions for placing at the facilities of executive authorities a complex for interfacing departmental and regional electronic document management systems with an interdepartmental electronic document management system.
  • Schedule for interfacing regional electronic document management systems with the MEDO system (2011-2014).

To ensure the interaction of the EDMS within the framework of the unified MEDO system, the federal security service has developed a format for the exchange of electronic documents in the state authorities of Russia. Each EDMS FOIV, being a member of MEDO, must generate outgoing documents in this format for sending to the MEDO system, as well as process documents received in this format from MEDO.

In order to ensure interfacing in each EDMS of federal executive authorities, the possibility of automatically converting EDMS FOIV documents into the MEDO document format is implemented when preparing and sending outgoing documents and incoming documents in the MEDO format into EDMS FOIV documents.

Thus, it is possible to exchange documents between the EDMS FOIV and MEDO, as well as data on the progress of execution of documents. By fixing the details and content of the documents, the parties are informed about the fact of creating a card for the incoming document, its registration or refusal to register, the appointment of responsible executors for the incoming document, the signing and registration of the outgoing document prepared in response to the incoming document. The connection of federal executive authorities to the MEDO ensures an increase in the efficiency and manageability of their internal business processes, a full-fledged exchange of information between MEDO participants, allows you to automatically track the execution of documents received, for example, from the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation to the federal executive authorities and vice versa - requests from the federal executive authorities sent to the Government Office .

Implementation of the MEDO project

The following technical solutions formed the basis for the implementation of the MEDO project:

1. All MEDO participants use a single format for exchanging electronic messages. Document details - an XLM format file of a certain structure with a specified composition of elements and their attributes.

The email contains the following set of details:

type of e-mail, registration number ref. document, date ref. document, data on the person who signed the document, subdivision - responsible executor of the document, brief content of the document, number of pages of the document and attachment, address of the document, related documents, files of the electronic document.

2. Each MEDO participant uses a software and hardware component (the so-called gateway) that ensures the exchange of electronic messages between its EDMS and MEDO (receiving and sending messages, storing them, viewing, searching, uploading (downloading) electronic messages, etc. As part of the gateway integrated software "Post Service" is being deployed.

3. Each MEDO participant uses specialized software designed to convert transmitted or received data included in electronic messages into the data presentation format used in the EDMS, or into a standard data format when exchanging electronic messages.

That is, the adapter provides:

  • for documents received by MEDO - their acceptance and transformation from a single exchange format into an internal EDMS format to ensure further processing;
  • for notifications received via MEDO - their acceptance and processing, including entering information from the notification into the EDMS;
  • for documents outgoing by MEDO - their preparation for transmission, conversion from the internal format of the EDMS into a single exchange format;
  • for outgoing notifications via MEDO - their formation in a single format of exchange and preparation for transmission.

The main principle and technical solutions of MEDO is the integration of the existing EDMS of MEDO participants and the transport system (postal service), which automatically provides secure exchange of electronic messages between participants in interdepartmental electronic document management (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Organizational and technical solutions of MEDO

To date, information exchange has been ensured between the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation, the distribution of the following documents to state authorities and organizations has been implemented:

  • acts of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • resolutions of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and his deputies;
  • minutes of meetings in the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • letters from structural subdivisions of the Government Office of the Russian Federation.

Currently, the following types of notifications are circulating through MEDO:

  • about registration;
  • refusal to register;
  • on acceptance for execution;
  • on the preparation of the report;
  • on the direction of the report;
  • about changes in the course of execution.

To become a MEDO participant, an organization or department must be included in the list of MEDO participants and provided with the technical and technological infrastructure for connecting the used EDMS to MEDO. To implement these requirements, you need to officially apply to the FSO with a request to be included in the MEDO participants and create the necessary technical and technological infrastructure; ensure the interface of the used EDMS with MEDO - i.e. implement the possibility of processing in the EDMS messages received via MEDO in a single exchange format, as well as the possibility of preparing for sending outgoing messages in this format. To implement this requirement, you should obtain information from the Federal Security Service on the format for the exchange of documents and notifications, on the composition of the transmitted messages, as well as requirements for the implementation of interaction between the EDMS and MEDO.

After that, you can contact the developer of the EDMS, provide him with the information received in the FSO for the developers to carry out work on the implementation of pairing the EDMS with the MEDO (that is, to develop an adapter).

In accordance with the plans approved by the Government of the Russian Federation for the transition to electronic document management between MEDO participants, at the initial stage of connecting organizations to MEDO, the exchange of electronic documents is carried out with their duplication on paper. As the technology for exchanging electronic messages is developed, it is planned to refuse to send documents on paper when transferring these documents using MEDO.

Implementation of MEDO

The implementation of MEDO itself is carried out in stages:

Stage 1- preparatory, which is carried out by the Federal Security Service of Russia (inclusion of the organization into the list of MEDO participants, assignment of the organization's MEDO address, installation and configuration).

Stage 2- adaptation of the interface module, within which the EDMS is interfaced with MEDO, and the development of documentation for the installation, configuration and use of the interface module.

Stage 3- implementation.

All federal executive bodies already work in MEDO today, and the exchange between them and the Government Office takes place only in electronic form.

Tasks and functions of SMEV

In parallel with the development of MEDO, the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEV) is also developing. SMEV provides direct access to the information resources of any federal agency to any federal agency that is part of interdepartmental interaction. The very concept of SMEV, the goals and participants of the system are defined in the Regulations on the unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEV) (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.09.2010 No. 697).

In accordance with this document, the unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction is a federal state information system designed to organize information interaction between the information systems of SMEV participants in order to provide state and municipal services and perform state and municipal functions in electronic form. That is, SMEV provides technological information interaction.

SMEV is designed to solve the following tasks:

  • execution of state and municipal functions in electronic form;
  • provision of state and municipal services in electronic form, including using a universal electronic card and the federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)";
  • ensuring information interaction in electronic form in the provision of state and municipal services, the performance of state and municipal functions.

The main functions of SMEV are:

  • transfer of requests from the applicant (documents and information) submitted through a single portal for obtaining state and municipal services to information systems connected to the SMEV that are obliged to provide public services;
  • exchange of electronic messages between information systems connected to SMEV;
  • transfer to a single portal of information for the applicant, including information (on the progress of requests) processed in information systems connected to SMEV.

In order to fulfill its functions, SMEV provides MEDO participants with:

  • access to electronic services of information systems connected to SMEV;
  • makes it possible to use centralized databases and classifiers of information systems connected to the SMEV;
  • ensures the receipt, processing and delivery of electronic messages as part of the information interaction of participants in the SMEV, fixing the time of transmission, the integrity and authenticity of messages, indicating their authorship and the possibility of providing information that allows tracing the history of the movement of electronic messages;
  • ensures the protection of the transmitted information from unauthorized access, distortion or blocking from the moment the specified information is received by the SMEV until it is transferred to the information system connected to the SMEV;
  • maintains registers of electronic services of information systems connected to SMEV.

Note. Electronic messages constituting a state secret are not subject to processing in SMEV.

As an operator, SMEV (according to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.06.2011 No. 451) operates the system in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of information, information technology and information security, is responsible for coordinating activities for connecting to SMEV, ensures the functioning of SMEV.

The integration of information systems within the framework of the SMEV takes place in accordance with the Technical Requirements for the interaction of information systems in a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (approved by order of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2010 No. 190). These are requirements for network protocols, electronic services, verification of the digital signature of an electronic message, for the interface of information systems connected to SMEV, etc. Actually SMEV is a set of standards and solutions that allow the information systems of its participants to interact with each other, as well as with a single portal.

Features of using SMEV and connecting information systems of individual bodies and organizations to it are determined by agreements between these bodies or organizations and the Ministry of Communications of Russia.

To become a member of the SMEV, a body or organization providing state and municipal services and performing state and municipal functions must:

1. Ensure the development of electronic services and interfaces for the interaction of the used information system and SMEV.

To do this, you should contact the supplier or developer of this information system to perform work on the implementation of the required services and interfaces involved. If necessary, obtain information from the Russian Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications on the requirements for electronic services and interfaces. These works are carried out by the developer of the information system in cooperation with OJSC Rostelecom, which, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 21, 2011 No. 453-r, was appointed as the contractor for the development of SMEV within the framework of the state program of the Russian Federation "Information Society (2011 - 2020)".

2. Provide an electronic service to the Russian Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications for registration and entry into the register of electronic services.

To do this, you should officially contact the Ministry of Communications of Russia and provide an electronic service passport, a test procedure and an electronic service user manual, as well as ensure the availability of an electronic service for its acceptance.

3. Ensure the availability of a secure communication channel between the information system used and the SMEV.

Implementation of SMEV

Like any major project, the development of SMEV is carried out in stages.

Stage 1. Placement of information about the service (function) in the Consolidated Register of State and Municipal Services (Functions) and on the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (Functions) (hereinafter referred to as the Unified Portal).

Stage 2. Placement on the Single Portal of application forms and other documents required to receive services, and providing access to documents for copying and filling them out electronically.

Stage 3. Providing an opportunity for applicants to submit documents in electronic form using the Single Portal.

The timing of the implementation of these stages depends on the specific participants in the SMEV, types of state and municipal services and functions, types of documents and information circulating between the participants in the process of providing a service or performing a function, and are determined by the following regulatory and administrative documents:

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2011. No. 1184 "On measures to ensure the transition of federal executive bodies and bodies of state non-budgetary funds to interdepartmental information interaction in electronic form";
  • Plan for the transition to the provision of public services and the performance of public functions in electronic form by federal executive bodies (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2009 No. 1555-r);
  • Consolidated list of priority state and municipal services provided by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in electronic form, as well as services provided electronically by institutions and organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal institutions and organizations (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 12/17/2009 No. 1993-p).

Stage 4. Providing an opportunity for applicants to monitor the progress of the service using the Single Portal.

Stage 5 Ensuring the receipt of the results of the provision of services in electronic form on the Single Portal, if this is not prohibited by federal laws of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Federal Tax Service, the Federal Treasury of Russia, etc.

In conclusion, we note once again that the development of the system of interdepartmental electronic document management (MEDO) and the system of interdepartmental interaction (SMEV) is one of the main tasks in the framework of the creation of e-government and the state program of the Russian Federation "Information Society (2011 - 2020)". The solution of the tasks set will affect not only the image of the country in the world community, but will also increase the efficiency of the national economy, will help strengthen the military and scientific and technical potential, and increase the social and political stability of society.

Serova G.A., prof. RSUH

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