What is the name of the pointed stick used to chase animals. Terms at the races from the Russian language What was the name of the stick drove the animals

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`Dictionary of Slavic spirits and undead * Anchutka is associated with water and at the same time flies; sometimes Anchutka is called
water, ... They are also dangerous for livestock: they frighten and destroy livestock in pastures,
they drive ... It can cause drought, send damage to people and animals.
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separated ... Christmas stories for children * Here is the window at which the old nanny sat and persuaded to go to bed,
... Then the man climbed onto the backs of the animals and walked along them towards the fire. ...
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Tanya?SC. Dictionary of Russian mythical spirits and undead. Dictionaries… * Anchutka is associated with water and at the same time flies; sometimes Anchutka is called
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they drive ... VEDOGON - souls that live in the bodies of people and animals, and at that
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separated ... Dictionary of Slavic evil spirits - Mythological dictionary - Road ... * Every householder has his own vase who lives in ...
VEDOGON - souls that live in the bodies of people and animals, and at the same time
... In Belarus, the keeper of the golden treasures is called Dedka. ... "Have mercy,
mother, look, your son with a piece of bread and a stick left the house and ... Forgotten on the roof of the world | National Geographic Russia * Dung is dried on the hedge, which the locals use as
fuel. ... similar to horse polo, but instead of the ball they are chasing
headless goat carcass... The Kirghiz call it "ulak tartysh", which
means “grab a goat”.... The khan holds one yak by a twine threaded
through the nose of the animal. Sergey Shargunov - 1993 * People at the forefront held what: sticks and pieces of iron, poles,
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relatives Lena and Tanya? Sable Hunting Technique - Hunting Club
description of new tools for sable hunting, with which you can
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... Book: Hunting for a hare * For this, it was necessary to get the largest possible animals. ...
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called the "penny flute", although no one else ... Of course, almost full
blindness is not too great a disadvantage for animals conducting…
noticed that big people in pointed hats can do strange
things. Robert Musil. Lifetime legacy * The popularity that the legacy enjoys nonetheless may be… but
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pets, improving the old ones ...
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called ... Yuri Kazeev: Journey through Cameroon, part 9 “At the Fulbe ... * Europeans call it a harp-zither. Here it is made from bamboo
sticks, on which, on one side, they are reinforced with spacers ... They bake
millet cakes, brew beer, slaughter domestic animals.… The first
continue to drive cattle across the savannah, and the second to sow millet and plant peanuts. Syromyatnikova Irina. My life. The city that does not exist (part 2) * Looking out the window of the train salt checks, in which from time immemorial
… Do you know what it’s called now? … so in the Inner Desert
warm-blooded animals do not live, in general ... Tea after such a heat, we,
naturally, they wanted to, but I physically couldn’t chase an elderly white man after him. Egyptian spring - 6. TOURIST:: KLYUCH.COM * Ghosts of former lakes - they are called mirages. ... (I closed my eyes, I saw
spiky Sipadan and remembered what it looked like: a hill ... Damn it! Wall | VKontakte * Learning that the new month, the second month of autumn, is called October, Zinka
quickly returned to the forest. Expand text... Her friend's name was Zinziver.

Gait- (French allure, meaning - gait), one of the types of progressive movement of a horse. There is a natural gait, one that does not need to be taught to a horse - this is a gallop, amble, step and trot. There is a gait that is taught specially in riding schools. This is the Spanish walk, Spanish trot, or school. Artificial gait is a passage, piafé, three-legged gallop, feasting, gait +++ and so on. One of the ways of penetration, the movement of the horse. The gait can be natural, natural, the way a horse can walk on its own - trot, walk, gallop, amble - and those that the horse was specially trained to do. Artificial is passage, galloping on three legs, Spanish walk, Spanish trot, school walk, school trot, piaffe, feast and the like.
American- 1. One of the types of horse-drawn carriage. Invented in the USA, as the name suggests. Characterized by wheels, huge in diameter. Used on hippodromes for horse racing. 2. The earlier name of the rocking chair.
Ammunition: special equipment so that with its help a horse can be harnessed, saddled, and also packed.
Amuninik: in the stable there is a specially allocated room so that all ammunition and equipment can be stored there.
Azil(Arabic asil - thoroughbred, noble) - an exquisitely elite Arabian horse with an ideal pedigree.

buggy- (English buggy), phaeton, wagon, related to the type of sports.
Banquet- (English banket - earthen rampart), a specially created obstacle, an earthen embankment. It is used for the horse to jump on it, then jumping off it further along the track. The height of such an obstacle is about one meter seventy-five centimeters, the width is three to four meters, the length is different: from three to fourteen meters.
Leopard- 1 - a gray stallion, which laid the foundation for the entire genus of Oryol stallions. He was born in 1784. For seventeen years he was a stud stallion. It was from him that a good offspring of high-quality trotters went.
barrier jumps- one of the types of horse racing with overcoming obstacles. Herdels (the so-called obstacles) stand at a distance of three hundred meters from each other. From the last hurdle to the finish line must not be less than two hundred meters. Herdel has a height of a meter or a little more, a length of twelve meters.
Water pool- one of the types of obstacles for horse racing. The parameters of such an obstacle pool are 9mX3mX1m, where the latter is the depth indicator.
running- this is what is colloquially called the test races of trotters and the hippodrome, where these tests are carried out.
running harness- work equipment that is used in training for testing horses. There is a special sequence in which such a harness is put on. First, the legs are bandaged and the horse is shod. Then it is necessary to impose a saddle, under it a sweatshirt and undertail, tighten the girth. The sequence is further: a bridle with a bit and a primer, if necessary for this case, then a wrapper and a snaffle. The reins must be fastened to the rings of the bit after everything. Also among the running team: shorka, caps with horns, additional girth.
running circle- a track for training horses, for them to pass test races. It, as a rule, has the shape of an elongated oval measuring about a kilometer by fifteen meters. The coating of such a track is usually shock-absorbing, without excessive rigidity; in winter it is covered with ice. Opposite the place for the judges is the finish line. If the hippodrome is large, then the circles are divided into test and prize. Bereitor - (German Bereiter).
1. Jockey for training horses, learning to ride.
2. Assistant circus performer working with horses.
Bidark- A two-wheeled cart, rather stiff in motion, as it has no springs.
Great National (Liverpool) steeplechase (Eng. Grand National steeplechase), the world famous horse race. It started in 1836 and has been held every year in Liverpool at the Antry Racecourse since then. Run length 4 miles 856 yards (7218 m) with thirty-two jumps.
Great Pardubice Steeple Chase. The most difficult European equestrian competition. It got its start in 1875 at the Pardubice hippodrome (Czechoslovakia), held at a distance of 6900 m with thirty obstacles.
Breck- (English break), a cart, created for the first time in the UK and intended for hunting trips. The design provides for a bench for the charioteer, goats and two benches for those who go hunting.
Breeches- (English breeches) - a wardrobe detail, a type of clothing for going on horseback riding. Pants widened at the top for free jumping on a horse and riding and narrowed from the knee down.
chaise— 1. A kind of wagon, mobile and light. It can be both with springs and rigid. 2. A freight wagon for carrying cargo, weights, sealed at the bottom, as they could carry grain.

saddle pad- (it. qualdrappa). A horse blanket on the back of a horse, and a saddle on top. Sew from velvet or cloth.
Volt- (French volte - turn).
1. One of the ways to dress a horse in an arena, while the circle is six meters in diameter.
2. If competitions are held with obstacles on the track, then the volt is when the horse crosses its own track in show jumping. Such a volt is subject to a penalty, since it is minus the horse.
Vaulting: a way of practicing equestrian sport. The horse that is being ridden goes around the circle at a gallop or trot, and the rider performs certain exercises in gymnastics. The diameter of such a circle is 12-15 m.
Brood- To evaluate a horse, sometimes it is required to take it to a special platform, to guide it, to emphasize its merits. For a commission, a potential buyer, etc.
bridling: for this, a bit is used, which is put between the teeth of the horse when putting on the bridle.

Gallop- one of the types of gait, jumps, the fastest in the rank. It is performed in three measures, has a phase of free suspension. There is a frisky gallop, swing, canter and arena.
Git- 1. Horses go through one lap at the racetrack in competitions.
2. Parkour in one circle, with overcoming obstacles, can be for the cup.
Horizontal cross- two slats crossed at an angle of ninety degrees, thus creating an obstacle for the horse on the track.
Flat race(races without obstacles): riders gain the greatest speed with such a detour of horses in a hippodrome circle from a kilometer long or more.

Gig“A small wagon designed for two or three people, depending on their weight. The total load should not exceed 18 kilograms. This is a spring wagon, soft in motion. One horse is harnessed to it.
Dennik- This is a separate "room" for the horse to live. She is not tied there, her individual drinking bowl and feeder are also located there. Training stalls are arranged in rows to the left and right of the stable aisle.
Derby- (English Derby).
1. The most important prize established back in 1780 at the Epsom Hippodrome in the UK. It is received by stallions not younger than three years old, as well as mares that have a pure breed. Derby racing got its name from the name of the twelfth in the generation of the count, who founded these competitions. Note: Only for 3 and 4 year olds.
2. Any top prize for elite Thoroughbred racing may be called this.
3. So in Russia they can simply call the prize, however, in the common people.
4. Competitions of great importance, usually in classic outings. For example, in Hamburg, the races are the Hamburg Derby.
Stagecoach- "bus" drawn by horses. Previously, it was a regular transport for the transport of passengers, luggage, mail, and other goods. Then they were replaced by trains.
dog kart- A wagon with two or one axle, which was respectively harnessed to one horse or a couple.

Rider- one of the riders at test competitions, officially - not a jockey.

Pole- board, stick, obstacle for the horse on the obstacle course. Up to four meters in length with a diameter of about ten centimeters.
Jockey- (English jockey), a professional who specializes in training, riding, teaching horses and riding. And also - a rider at the races. The title of jockey can be obtained after a special exam and have fifty winnings.

Fence- the so-called latitude-altitude obstacle for horse racing. Made from boards.
notch- a type of a single obstacle or combined with ditches. Consists of brushwood tied around poles.
Check-in: The very beginning of training a horse, getting the horse used to walking in a harness, to the saddle and developing the habit of obedience to the rider.

Pacer: a trotter that can physically pace but not trot.
Amble- a fast symmetrical gait of a horse with two-hoofed lateral support, which also has a free flight phase. One of the types of fast gait, it is also called symmetrical. Type of support - lateral, has a phase of free flight. The steps of the horse are smaller than if it is trotting. Speed, on the contrary, is proportionally faster, since it is more convenient to take small steps more often.
Hippodrome- (Greek hippos - horse and dromos - running, running area), a place for racing, testing horses, test races, exhibitions of horses and postings in front of the jury and buyers.
hippology- (Greek hippos - horse and logos - science), the doctrine of the horse, a special philosophy. People have known for a long time. This includes information about breeds, pedigrees, types and colors of horses, their breeding and other important details.
Hippotherapy (reit therapy)– treatment by riding a horse (hippotherapy – translated from Greek, “treatment by a horse”). This is one of the methods of successful treatment of many problems and diseases: both adults and children.
Hippotherapy is one of the types of restorative and therapeutic therapy. He uses neurophysiology and psychosomatics in his justifications.

Cabriolet- (French cabriolet), a small cart with two wheels.
Camisole- (German Kamisol), a shirt or jacket of a noticeable color, one of the wardrobe items for jockeys, riders and riders.
Ditch- one of the ways to obstruct the horse on the track. When competing in parkour, there is certainly an obstacle - a ditch, in which there may or may not be water. The width of such a ditch is about two meters or a little more.
Coach- (Italian carretta), a beautiful and comfortable wagon, with a door closed on all sides. Designed to transport nobles and gentlemen earlier.
Career- gallop at a fast pace. Quarry winners cover a kilometer in less than one minute. No wonder there is an expression "right off the bat." This is a gait that can be called the fastest, huge jumps, when the horse’s body is all picked up and compressed into a spring, which sharply straightens. Thoroughbred horses in competitions show amazing results of gait passing a distance of one kilometer in one minute of time.
rocking chair- previously in its place were treadmills. This is a small two-wheeled cart used in competitions.
Kenter: The main type of horse gallop, which is used in training, the so-called field gallop.
Stroller- a cart of small size, soft in motion, cushioned, the seat is located on top, so that it is convenient to control the horse.
horse farm- a place for breeding a large number of horses. Horses can be bred on a horse farm both for participation in races, purebred, and ordinary workhorses.
Jumping- show jumping ippik (French Concours Hippique - horse competitions), is used to refer to any competition. In Russia, this is what horse racing with overcoming obstacles is called. That is, any of the competitions of horses. We call it "hurdle races"
Stud farm- a place where horses are bred. As a rule, thoroughbred and able to participate in the races. Culling is used for economic purposes.
equestrian school a school that teaches horseback riding. Also, such a place can be an equestrian section or a club. This is where basic training, training, competitions, etc. take place.
Horseback Riding- a wonderful sport that involves riding a horse. These are training, mastering various exercises, participating in competitions and other related activities.
hitching post- a place where a horse is tied when it needs to be left. Usually it looks like poles dug into the ground, across which other poles of sufficient thickness are attached. The usual height of the hitching post is about a meter, about one and a half meters are allocated for each tied individual.
Stable- a covered comfortable room where horses are usually kept. As a rule, this is a corridor that separates two rows of machines or stalls, or both.
show jumping field: area for training the horse to overcome obstacles.
counter canter: a type of movement in which the rider leads the horse at a gallop from the outside (prof.) leg. So, performing a volt to the right, they enter from the left foot.
cross- one of the types of obstacles in racing. Easier - two poles connected crosswise.
Cross- (eng. cross - cross, go over), races in which there are obstacles. Carried out on rough terrain.
crack(English Crack), the most worthy copy of the horses in the entire pack or from the entire race or the entire group of races.
Korda- longa, a strong rope, more precisely, a braid, a ribbon about ten meters long, wide enough. Used to lead the horse in a circle.
Leggings– 1. tops, hard, they can be removed and unfastened.
2. Glove bells riders.

Landau- (French Landau), the concept refers to the nineteenth century. Type of cart with four wheels. Very convenient and comfortable, it could fit the whole family, most often wealthy. Landau is decorated very richly and pretentiously.
Levada: an artificially created meadow, with a fence, limited in area, about two to four hectares in size. Used for raising horses.

Arena- (French manege), a place for practicing horseback riding. Rectangular in shape and twenty meters wide. The length can be 40, 20 or even ten meters.
Suit- this is the definition that, first of all, distinguishes horses visually from one another. This is a combination of shades and the horse's croup itself, and its tail, mane, neck, etc. The main colors of horses are called the following: black, bay, red and gray. And shades were already formed from them: caraca, brown, playful, buckskin, nightingale, savrasai, kaurai, mouse, roan, piebald, chubaraya. This is the main external distinguishing feature of the horse. The suit is genetically inherited, this is the definition of the color of the horse's coat itself, the combination of colors of the mane, tail, neck, croup, etc. The suit helps separate definitions of horses.
Martingale: a leash other than the main leash that prevents the horse from lifting its head.
Gelding: A horse that has been castrated. As a rule, they serve as workhorses.
Mouthpiece (German: Mundstuck): Reinforced bit shape that works harder on the steed.

Rider– a professional who tests and trains trotters. He trains with them every day, he also takes the trotter to the test, respectively, he also receives a prize.
Halter- a kind of bridle without a bit. One of the necessary items for working with a horse is to tie the horse and bring it out. A type of bridle without a bit, used not on the road, but in order to keep the horse in the stable.
Buttocks- shoes for horses The so-called "horse shoes". Used to prevent injury to the horse's legs. They serve mainly to prevent injury during training or performance.
Eyecups, or blinders- limiters of the horse's field of vision, a kind of small shields, mounted on the horse's head, can be closed, half-closed and other forms.

sheep paddock- This is a figurative expression that suggests a fenced area that imitates a fence for a flock of sheep. This is one of the obligatory types of obstacles in equestrian competitions. The horse should jump into it and jump out just as soon.
Headband, almost a bridle. It is put on the head of a horse, used to control it.
oxer- (English oxer), a complex obstacle design. These are two parallel poles connected to a third located between them.
Omnibus- (from lat. omnibus - for everyone), also a concept that refers to the nineteenth century. The so-called "intercity bus", a cart drawn by horses. It could carry many passengers and their luggage over long distances.

Passage(French passage, in detail - passage, transition): a kind of trot, refers to the indispensable elements for training a horse.
Palisade- (from the French palissade - palisade, fence), one of the types of obstacles for a horse at the races. Often vertically arranged posts form a fence. Two is already a latitude-altitude obstacle.
Parallel bars- height-latitudinal obstacle. To do this, racks are installed, and two parallel beams are attached to them.
parkour- This is one of the types of races with obstacles. There are various types of obstacles in a certain area, which the horse must go around in the process of competition. They monitor the passage time and the correctness of the jumps.
Pyramid- (from the Greek. pyramis), tee, triple bar, one of the varieties of obstacles for racing. Arranged in the form of three poles, in increasing height.
horseshoes- a means of prevention from trampling the hooves of horses. Metal curved plate. Previously, blacksmiths forged horseshoes, and they also attached them to the hooves of horses. Eighth-ninth centuries, France - the place and time of the birth of the horseshoe.
Obstacles— 1. Mechanically manufactured and installed structures for show jumping and steeple chases. They can be steep, latitudinal, high-altitude-latitudinal. In any type of show jumping, the maximum height of the obstacle is allowed - seventy meters, width - two meters. Ditch - four and a half. On steeple chases, the maximum height of the obstacle is 140 cm, the width of the ditch with water is 4 m. 2. When cross-country, natural obstacles are used. At the same time, the location of the obstacles is determined in such a way that the participants have no alternatives to detour or the temptation to avoid.
span- urban, shock-absorbing horse transport. Moves fast enough, has four wheels.
Landing- how the rider is positioned on the horse. It should be a straight back, even posture, free smooth movements and maximum sensitivity of each movement of the horse. It is also important to properly maintain the center of gravity when landing.
Girth- belt - leather, durable, one of the parts of equipment for saddling a horse. In one saddle, they can use from one girth to two or three, depending on its type. Covers the sides and back of the horse. Used to place the saddle firmly and painlessly on the horse. It covers the entire body of the horse and has fasteners at the bottom. As a rule - leather, but can be made of other materials.

redingote- (from the French redingote - a frock coat for riding), a very bright jacket visible far away. It has a pronounced waist and elongated tails. May be bright blue or bright red. Part of the wardrobe for riders or for a participant in the hunt on horseback. A distinctive feature is a black velvet collar.
playfulness- 1. To determine the criteria for racing at the hippodrome - the time during which the horse overcomes some part of the total distance or the entire distance.
2. The designations "Speediness of the race 1.35" or "Speediness of the race 2.03.7" determine exactly the time that the rider showed at the races.
3. The designations "frisky horse", "frisky gait" and so on - this is a jump at high speed.
Lattice- sheer obstacle.
Russian troika- this is a type of harnessing a horse in Russian. This custom comes from the eighteenth century. Two shafts, between which the center horse is harnessed with a collar, and already attached, adjacent, on both sides, into the so-called curtains with traces or simply into collars. At the same time, the root, middle horse goes at a trot, and the side horses go at a lateral gallop.
Trotters- breeds of horses that appeared at the turn of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. These are horses that are suitable for long and frisky movement at a given distance. By the way, they were taken out for transportation between cities of stagecoaches and omnibuses.
Lynx- one of the types of fast gait. At the same time, the horse's legs cross diagonally - opposite pairs. Type of gait, low speed. The trot in the professional language of riders can be called low, creeping, reinforced and jerky. A trot in jerks, or throws, is when two legs are “at an angle”, diagonally carried forward, for example, the left front and right back - and vice versa, respectively. In the case of a low trot, the hind leg is brought out a little earlier. In the case of a creeping trot, the front leg goes forward first, and the back leg behind it is put in its place. When a horse trots, it walks "diagonally" alternately with its feet.

Candle: a spectacular exercise when the horse rises to its full height on its hind legs.
Stipler(eng. steepler or steeplechaser): a steed that has good ability for steeplechase, and he shows them.
Saddle- a device for sitting on a horse, running it in and participating in races. Appeared so long ago that scientists cannot establish the exact date. Moreover, at first the saddle was fixed on the horse, stretching the straps “along” the croup, and now the horse is “wrapped around” with the straps across.
horse racing- 1. Checking the abilities of horses in races at the hippodrome. As a rule, at the same time, the horse is galloping, and a jockey is sitting on top of it.
2. jumps in a broader version of understanding. It's like a kind of equestrian sport. At the same time, it involves participation in races over obstacles, barriers, cross-country cross-country races, hippodrome steeple chases and more. Distances and some conditions may vary depending on the country in which a particular horse racing event is held.
Sour cream- light gray horse of Arabian origin. It was acquired by A.G. Orlov-Chesmensky in Arabia in 1775, according to historians, for 60 thousand rubles. Smetanka paternal grandfather of Barca 1.
Machine- 1. That place in the stable where one tied horse is kept. Experts have determined the ideal parameters of such a corral. It is 2.85 meters long and one meter 60 centimeters wide.
2. Also, this word refers to a device for holding a horse when performing some manipulations with it.
Stack- (English Stiek - stick, rod), horseback riding batog, whip with a handle at one end and a rawhide belt loop at the other end. An object for urging a horse on races or training. Stick, whip with a leather strap at the end.
Wall- one of the types of dynamic obstacles during the show jumping race. It is laid out in two layers. Although it looks like stone, it is actually wooden parts, specially painted. The horse knocks down the second upper layer of the wall while overcoming an obstacle.
Steeplechase- (English steeple - bell tower, and chase - chase, pursuit), initially this expression denotes a race to that object visible from afar, about which there is an agreement. For example, the tower of some bell tower or church. This is an old English tradition with its fields and frequent bell towers on flat rolling countryside. One of the most serious such competitions is the Great Liverpool Steeple Chase and the Great Pardubice Steeple Chase. In Russia, steeplechase is possible only for an elite breed of horses when racing over a distance of four to six kilometers.
Stirrup- a loop under the saddle on both sides of the horse to support the jockey's legs when riding. Now they are metal, and earlier they were woven from rawhide loops. Even earlier, the rider simply put his feet in holes that broke through or cut along the edges of the skin, which was placed on the back of the horse. One of the saddle parts. A loop in which the rider puts his foot, leaning, when mounting and riding a horse.
Collection- balancing the horse under the rider in order to "center" the position of the horse and facilitate the performance of all given exercises.

tarantas- back in the early nineteenth century, it was a long carriage that was hard to ride. Later, it was also left on four wheels, but springs were already added, which gave the ride softness and cushioning. This is a fairly well-equipped horse transport. It can be designed for one horse and two passengers and a coachman, and the one to which a couple of horses are harnessed, a third passenger can be seated next to the coachman.
Taratayka- (Polish taradajka), a gig, an extremely simple cart for two people, without springs, tough.
Tote- (French totalisateur). 1. A device used in horse racing for sweepstakes betting. At first it was mechanical, now the counter, of course, is automated. On it, bets are calculated and winnings are indicated. On the counter, you can calculate different combinations. 2. Gambling money game on horse races. The management of the hippodrome takes over the organization of the totalizator, sets up the cash desks, gives out the winnings, determined by the counter.
horse training- (English training - training, exercise) - this is, in fact, a gradual and methodologically calculated training of the horse, the development of the right skills, the development of the inherent and newly acquired qualities of the horse. These achievements should bring results in competitions at the hippodrome. This also applies to endurance, and agility, strength, speed, and other qualities of the horse.
Trot- one of the varieties of lynx, but slow and shorter than the usual. The stride length is about two meters. Trot can be quiet, without a hang phase, or fast, free, with a hang phase. Nearly fifty percent of a horse's training goes into free, fun trot.
trok: 1. A strap to hold the horseback on the horse's back. Made from wide webbing. 2. A wide band or belt that wraps around the horse from above and fastens at the bottom and serves to hold the saddle on the back.
Snaffle- (from it. Trense), or snaffle iron, a bit. They are made up of gnaws made in a two-ring version. The reins are fastened to these two rings, and the snaffle is attached to the head straps for them. Those that are located behind the cheeks. On the horse's tongue is a gnaw that reaches the corners of the mouth.

Harness- a device, also called a harness, designed to transfer draft horsepower to a load, that is, a cart, cart, and so on. Harness is an individual “outfit” for each horse, so it must be selected accordingly for each specific case. The main purpose of the harness is to help the horse in the main task in this case and to prevent the occurrence of injuries due to improperly worn harness.
Bridle, or bridle- Another of the details of horse uniforms. Detail of a harness that was originally used to drive a horse. On the head of the horse they put on a “sugol”, it is also a halter. Reins and bits are also considered part of the harness. See headband. It is mainly used to make it easier to guide the horse on a detour or competition. Parts of the bridle are a halter, or otherwise, a bow, reins and a bit.
bit: Part used when bridling a mount. The bits can be the following: mouthpiece, snaffle, pelyam and others.

Favorite- (French favori, favorite), on the hippodrome - a horse, on which a priori everyone is trying to bet, since everyone predicts victory for him. Usually, the main bets are made on the clear favorite, and, as a rule, the favorites are the first to come to the finish line and receive a prize.
pheasant path- a kind of obstacle on the track, refers to the type of altitude-latitudinal. It is made of bars arranged parallel to each other. And also - two hurdles, one of which is in front of the bars, and the other is behind.
Phaeton- (French Phaeton, formed on behalf of "Phaeton" - the heir to the owner of the fiery chariot, the ancient Greek solar god Helios). This vehicle has four wheels, has springs, which means it is well cushioned, easy to move, belongs to the category of sports. By the way, it has a folding roof. Usually the phaeton is harnessed by one pair of horses or two, then they go in a train, sequentially.

Herdel- the form of a frame made of wood, and rods are stuffed into it, which as a whole constitutes a fence.
Whip- batog, a means to drive a horse in training or at races. The rules of racetrack use have written special recommendations for whip use that must not be violated. There are also whip options. Its length should not exceed 0.75 meters, and if trotters are tested, then one meter 25 centimeters.
clamp: detail of a horse team. Used to harness a horse to a cart, wagon, plow, harrow, etc.

Center of mass of rider and horse is a special scheme for measuring this property. When the rider sits in a normal position on a calmly standing trotter, then this point is at the center of the intersection of lines that intersect perpendicularly. One of the lines passes through the shoulder line of the jockey, and the second, perpendicular to it and the ground, is at the level of the sternum of the horse. It is important that the horse and rider be able to keep the center point of the total mass at the same level when racing. Thus, the management of the horse is much easier. And vice versa, if you change the point of the center of the total mass, you can control, one way or another, any movement of the horse. But first, you need to merge with it and become one in common.
Zug(German Zug - string): when horses are harnessed one after another, one or two.

chumbur- part of the halter, its leash, serves so that the horse can be tied. It can be made from any fabric or leather, and sometimes a metal chain.

Step— 1. Gait at a slow pace, excluding part of the free hanging. This is the so-called two- or three-hoofed support. Then, when running, one can clearly distinguish four hoof strikes on the surface on which the horse is running. In this case, the step frequency is about a hundred in one minute. It is necessary to distinguish between the heavy gait and the gait of racing, light horses. Their speed with all other identical indicators will differ.
charaban- (French char a bancs - a cart with benches), a horse-drawn vehicle, on four wheels, has two seats. As a rule, these seats are located opposite each other along the wagon.
Stack of poles- one of the varieties of latitude-altitude obstacles.
Schenkel- (German Schenkel) A variant of contact control of a horse when riding. The rider presses the inside of the leg firmly against the horse's croup behind the girth.
Spur- (German Sporen) - spikes. Sometimes it is a help in managing a horse, especially one that needs to be ridden. These spikes are attached with special devices to the back of the jockey boots.
Schwung- stride lengthening as such. In this case, the speed of movement remains the same. SCH
brushes- tufts of long protective hair on the back surface of the lower part of the metacarpus, metatarsus and fetlocks. As a rule, pronounced brushes have horses of breeds that are intended for harness, local. This is especially true for heavy trucks. But elite horses, as a rule, do not have brushes.

Exterior- (French exterieur from lat. exterior - external) - the appearance of the horse, the way it looks. For the first time this word was used to denote such a concept by the Frenchman K. Bourgel in the eighteenth century. A specialist who knows the features of the exterior of each individual breed has the opportunity to conduct a full-fledged external examination of the horse and draw very correct conclusions from the result.
relay races- (French estafette), one of the types of equestrian competitions. It consists in the fact that the entire distance is divided into sections, and each of the team members passes his own section, while working for one common result. In this way, the whole team wins or loses parkour, and each of the participants made a contribution to this. The winner is nominated by advantage in time or by the total prevailing number of points.

Jutland breed- These are pronounced heavy trucks. They originate from the nineteenth century, even then they were powerful, large, dense and strong. Later they began to cross with Suffolk, Shire, Clydesdale and Cleveland representatives of the breeds, therefore, further horses developed as even larger ones and became clearly draft horses with their own special features and set of qualities. They are characterized by a large head, powerful neck, elongated body and hairy legs. Growth is low, as a rule, within one hundred and sixty centimeters. Usually heavy trucks are of red color, they have it from the Suffolks.

nursery- 1. A room for feeding a horse. 2. A device for organizing the feeding of horses. As a rule, this is a wooden container or a form of intertwined rods, where I put hay and grass. It can be mounted on a wall or on the floor in a specific horse's stall just above the head. Thus, it is gradually “shaken up” when the horse successively “takes out” hay or grass from the manger, and thus does not get trampled by the horse on the floor of the stall.

April 6, 2017
game "What? Where? When?"

Yakov Elkin played against the team

Questions and answers

Question 1: Why is one Cossack naked in Repin's painting "Letter of the Cossacks to the Turkish Sultan"?

The artist Ilya Repin was famous for his meticulous approach to creating paintings. On his canvases, everything is thought out to the smallest detail. The artist carefully nurtured the ideas of his future creations, considering each character. Of course, this took a lot of time. For example, the world-famous painting "Cossacks" was created over 13 years. However, the result was worth it!

Answer: There are cards near the Cossack. The thing is that he is a banker, that is, a person who distributes cards. Look closely, a playing deck is drawn next to it! Consequently, this character was a big fan of playing cards for money. During the time of the Zaporozhian Sich, such people traditionally took off their outer clothing to show the rest of their honesty, because in this case it was impossible to hide the card in the sleeve!

Question 2: Recently, a new diet has become fashionable in Italy. Its essence is reduced to the use of products in a strictly defined sequence. Start eating, for example, should be with raspberries, tomatoes or salmon. Then, after a short respite, you can stick to bananas, fried potatoes, or a roll with butter. And for dessert - greens, cucumbers or kiwi fruits. By definition, both "white deaths" fall out of this diet - sugar and salt, as well as black caviar and eggplant. If you understand the principle on which this diet is built, you can easily write its name.

Answer:"Traffic lights".

Question 3: What was the name of the stick of the ancient muleteers?

Answer: Stimulus - the so-called pointed stick, which drove animals (from the Latin stimulus). Incentive - an incentive, an interest in something (an incentive to work, an incentive to win).

Question 4: Why do Arabs say that truth is five fingers away from falsehood?

Answer: The distance between the eye and the ear is exactly five fingers. Put your hand and see!

Question 5:"The doctor has three tools," said the great scientist, philosopher and physician Avicenna - "the first is a knife, the second is a plant, and the third is the main thing ..." name the main thing, according to Avicenna, the doctor's tool!

Answer: The great scientist, philosopher, physician Avicenna said: "The doctor has three tools: a plant, a knife and the main word." In ancient Russia, people who could sincerely talk, persuade, speak, calm others were called doctors. The word "lie" simply meant "to speak". Doctor - from the common Slavic: lie, grumble, caster, talker.

Question 6: There were two gunners on the Soviet self-propelled anti-aircraft gun ZSU - 57 - 2. If you guess the function of each of them, you can easily name an intellectual entertainment built on the same principle!

Answer: Crossword (one pointed vertically, the other horizontally)

Question 7: A particle not in Russian means negation.

Examples: He opened the door.

He didn't open the door.

The first sentence is a statement. The second is a negation obtained by introducing a pronoun not before the verb. Question Come up with two sentences. One sentence is a statement. Another negation with the introduction of the word not, but so that the meaning of these two sentences is unchanged, that is, the word does not have no meaning.

Answer: The kettle took a long time to boil. - The kettle did not boil for a long time

Question 8: It is known that many Russian princely families are of Tatar origin. Once Emperor Pavel asked Count Rostopchin:

After all, the Rostopchins are of Tatar origin?

Exactly so, sir, - answered Rostopchin.

Why are you not princes?

But because my ancestor moved to Russia in winter. In the summer, eminent Tatars who arrived at the court were granted princely dignity by the tsars ...

And how, according to Rostopchin, did the tsars favor the Tatars who arrived in winter?

Answer: Fur coat.

Question 9: It follows from the aphorism of Paul Decourcelles that poverty is the granddaughter of wealth. Name a relative of both, also mentioned in this aphorism.

Answer: Laziness (idleness - counts). Comments: The aphorism sounds like this: "Laziness is the daughter of wealth and the mother of poverty."

Question 10: This bridge in the city of Sarajevo bore the name of a man who was considered a national hero of Yugoslavia for many years. Only recently the bridge was renamed to Latin and a sign was hung on it with the inscription in several languages ​​"Let there be peace on earth." Whose name did he bear?

Answer: Gavrila Princip. On June 28, 1914, he committed the assassination of the Austro-Hungarian heir to the throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which served as a formal pretext for the start of the First World War.

Question 11: What numerals in Russian have a gender?

Answer: Numerals 1 and 2, and the rest of the numerals have no gender. One boy, one girl, two boys, two girls, but three boys, three girls. After two, the gender of the numeral does not change.

Question 12: An ancient Chinese book says: "A 50-year-old can only walk with a cane in his own home. A 60-year-old can only walk in his city. A 70-year-old can go wherever he wants. An 80-year-old can come with a cane." even to the emperor's palace." And what does the ancient Chinese book say about the 90-year-old man?

Answer: The emperor himself must come to the 90-year-old old man.

Question 13: What, according to one of the characters in Shakespeare's play "The Merchant of Venice", rises the price of baptizing Jews?

Answer: For pork.

Question: Elizabeth Taylor once remarked, "A woman will always grant a man's wish. If..." Finish her thought.

Answer: "... he demands from her what she wants."

* * *

Alexander Rabinovich read ironic verses from the cycle "A fly went to the market"

In the wilderness of fields, far from Jerusalem,
Away from fun and young red tape,
Which the demon sprinkles for death,
Fly lay, languid, motionless.
Suddenly the sky darkened in front of her:
That Krestovik, like a formidable cloud.
Bent over her, gloomy and smelly,
And he breaks her arms and legs.
She is a little alive with fear, screaming.
Suddenly Ko "Mar swift-winged flies up,
The cross from the fly tears off
And between them the battle is already in full swing ....
Fortunately, our nimble mosquito
I got him to that fatal place,
Superfluous in almost every fight,
In a member, with whom the villain has sinned more than once.
The spider screamed wildly in pain
And cursed the devil, the devil and god,
Then he fell, asked for mercy,
I barely found my way into my hole.
And what about our Komarik? Here's a shot!
Busy over the numb Fly,
Having consoled her, the wings tickle.
But look, flew away somewhere again
And Mukha, too, and there is no trace.
The reader who read this verse
She will understand that she got from three:
Krestovik, Komarik, poet.

Those present at the game were asked to guess the name of the author and the work parodied by A. Rabinovich. Correct answer: Pushkin, "Gavriliada"

Game results:

Defeated Yakov Elkin with a score of 6:5

The best player- Adela Rosenstrakh - 40% of votes

The correct answer to the poems by A. Rabinovich is Adela Rozenshtrakh

Total score since the beginning of the season: 27:34 - Kormanda loses

Best individual result since the beginning of the season, Adela Rosenstrakh - 6:2

Poetry project: "Russian voice in Israeli poetry"

presenter Adela Rosenstrakh

Topic of the report - Creativity of Zvi Uri Grinberg

Poems by W. Grinberg for the competition:

1 - "By the right of mother and son" - 70%

2 - "I'm fed up" - 30%

In the photo: Adela Rosenstrakh performs and during the game

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