Spasm of the gluteus medius muscle. Piriformis syndrome: how to relieve pain in the buttocks

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When a patient is diagnosed with piriformis muscle syndrome (PMS), he complains of acute pain similar to radiculitis. Long ago, ancient Greek doctors argued that pain is the watchdog of our health. The body gives a natural alarm signal about trouble quite often.

Probably many of you have not heard what piriformis syndrome is. By the way, this disease is the most common cause of disability in the working population. A person suddenly discovers that there is a pulling, aching or shooting pain in the buttock area, hip joints while walking, bending over, sitting or standing for a long time.

Pain appears with exertion, it becomes stronger, radiates more intensely to the leg and may be accompanied by numbness. This phenomenon is observed with compression and subsequent inflammation of the internal piriformis muscle of the pelvis, which controls the rotation of the lower limbs and hips.

Causes of piriformis syndrome

Among the culprits of the syndrome, along with radiculitis and other various factors, are hypothermia or an incorrectly administered injection.

The most important motor function is disrupted by spasm of the piriformis muscle and compression of the sciatic nerve. Due to tension, muscle fibers shorten and become denser, pinching peripheral nerves in anatomical narrowings (tunnels), limiting the movements of the lower back and hips. Therefore, piriformis syndrome is classified as a manifestation of tunnel neuropathy and appropriate treatment is used.

Typically, when treating piriformis syndrome, painkillers that block inflammation are used: diclofenac, ketorol, tempalgin, took, baralgin. Against spasms - tablets and injections based on drotaverine: bespa, drotaverine, no-spa, spasmol.

If antispasmodics do not give the desired effect, muscle relaxants like mydocalma. However, drug therapy does not solve the treatment problem. A more rational integrated approach using physiotherapy (including the most modern, laser). And the most accessible and effective way to combat piriformis syndrome is related to movement. The best medicine against pain, muscle spasms and inflammation is massage, exercise therapy and special exercises.

Massage relaxes spasming muscles well, normalizes blood circulation and helps the muscles return to normal functioning faster. It is carried out under the supervision of a physician or at home independently. The session takes approximately 20 minutes, the course is at least 12 procedures daily, then a month break and repeat.

For self-massage, lying on a hard and hard bed with your buttock up, try to relax the muscle by kneading the entire affected area for 5-10 minutes. After warming up the gluteal tissue, use your thumb to massage the most painful places and lumps.

In this case, you need to bend your leg a little to make it more convenient to stretch the relaxed muscle. Do not overdo it so that muscle tension does not arise - then the massage can even be harmful.

For a 10-15 minute session of another version of self-massage, you can use a tennis ball, placing it under the sore side. You have to roll on the ball, helping with your hands and pushing off with your feet.

The direction of movement of the ball is from the lower back along the back of the thigh to the heel along the muscle fibers at a smooth, leisurely pace and without strong body pressure. If the massage causes pain, you can limit yourself to soft circular kneading at the site of the lesion. It is recommended to practice self-massage every 4 hours daily in the same way as the previous course.


Therapeutic exercise at home is the best way to help relax tense muscles, increase the elasticity of ligaments, improve mobility of the hip joints and relieve pain. To avoid injury, exercises are done half-heartedly, without causing pain.

Smoothness, continuity and gradualism are the basic principles of training. A half-hour home complex along with stretching exercises as daily gymnastics or fitness is performed at least 3 times a week.

Set of exercises

  • Lying on your back on the floor. Place your knees bent at shoulder width. Slowly, counting at a rhythm that is comfortable for you, spread your knees as far as possible until pain appears and back. From 10 to 15 times.
  • Lying on your back, feet resting on the floor. With your legs together and bent at the knees, slowly and smoothly tilt to one side, then to the other, touching the floor or until pain appears. 10-12 times in each direction.
  • Get on all fours. Bend the affected leg at the knee, move it to the side, and then carefully straighten it, return the leg to its original position in the reverse order. 8-10 times with each leg.
  • Sit on a chair so that your body and legs form 90-degree angles, place your sore leg on your healthy knee. Slowly, without hunching your back, lean your body forward towards your knees and, after holding for 30-40 seconds, return to the starting position and change legs.

A good addition to therapeutic exercises is a set of stretching exercises. It helps relieve muscle tension and expands the range of available movements, allowing you to hold yourself more freely and easily, ensuring good health.

Stretching exercises

  • Standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly tilt your body forward with your chest toward your knees and your hands toward the floor. Bend your knees slightly (2-3 cm) so as not to strain your lower back. Relax your neck and arms. Once you feel a stretch in the back of your thighs, hold this position for 10-15 seconds until you are completely relaxed. Concentrate on the area being stretched. Return to the starting position.
  • Lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor shoulder-width apart, lower back pressed firmly to the floor, alternately pull your hips close to your body, clasping your legs with your hands from below. After holding for 30-40 seconds and returning to the starting position, change legs.
  • Lying on your back, left leg on the floor, right foot resting on the thigh of your left leg. Pulling both legs towards you, grab your left leg from the front of the knee (or from the back of the thigh) and pull the thigh towards your chest (lightly, without jerking). After 30-40 seconds, change legs.
  • While standing, lift the ankle of your bent leg over your knee, turning your foot upward. Then pull your foot closer to your waist until you feel a stretch in your glutes and quadriceps. Maintain this position for 40 seconds, then change legs.

Yoga offers us a good complex for piriformis muscle syndrome, helping to achieve general relaxation, improving the mobility of the hip joints and blood circulation in the area where the pinched muscle is pinched. Exercises should be done slowly, breathing through the nose calmly, without delay. Select suitable ones, for example from the following.

  • Sitting on your left leg bent and your right limb extended back, rotate your pelvis forward. If your pelvis collapses, place a folded blanket under your left buttock. Place 2 bricks (or stacks of books) on either side of the basin. Keep your back straight. If you experience discomfort in your lower back, move the bricks forward a little so that your back bends. This will help remove tension from your lower back. And against pain in the hip joints and knees, try to relax. Hold the asana for 15-20 seconds. Then slowly switch legs and repeat the exercise.
  • Sitting on the mat, bend your right leg slightly and place the heel of your left foot on top of its knee. If you bend your right leg too much, you may experience discomfort in the knee joint. To avoid them, straighten your right leg.
  • Place your palms behind your back and begin to slowly push your chest toward your left leg with your hands. To avoid painful sensations in the knee, try to direct relaxation to the left buttock area with each exhalation. Complete the exercise in 15-20 seconds.

Gymnastics does not help immediately, but with regular training you can achieve good results. In addition, exercise has a positive effect on the entire body. Exercise therapy and massage in combination with medications are the most optimal treatment option for tunnel neuropathy. All procedures must be previously agreed upon with the attending physician. Viburnum, pour 2 tbsp. spoons of collection with boiling water. After steeping for an hour, drink a third of a glass before meals for 10-14 days.

  • A mixture of 30 ml of tincture of valerian officinalis and , 50 ml of capsicum and 200 ml of alcohol is kept for 6 days and, after straining, is used to rub the sore spot.
  • This remedy perfectly relieves inflammation of the sciatic nerve. And don’t forget that you can’t use the same recipe or method for more than a month: the body gets used to the product and stops responding to it.
  • Conclusion: Piriformis syndrome does not pose a big threat to health, but the advanced form of the disease always provokes complications. To avoid suffering from pain and other troubles, take care of prevention - you won’t regret it!

    Piriformis syndrome video

    The causes of pain in the piriformis muscle are varied. Among them are numerous traumatic injections made in the buttock area, spasm and overstrain of the muscles of the gluteal region, various diseases of the internal organs located in the pelvis.

    Severe pain with this syndrome appears in the buttocks area, then it spreads to the legs and lower abdomen.

    What is pathology?

    With the help of this organ, a person can abduct and return the hip to its place. Externally, it is similar to a triangle.

    Considering that in 85% of cases the sciatic nerve exits into the gluteal area under the piriformis muscle, it becomes clear why any change in the density of muscle tissue causes pressure on the nerve and, as a result, pain.

    What to do if the piriformis muscle hurts? Of course, you need to urgently make an appointment with a doctor. It is the specialist who must identify the main cause causing the painful condition.


    This diagnosis can be established only when a constant nagging pain appears, which becomes more active and sharper when walking and exertion. The symptoms themselves depend on the causes and direction of the problem or on the artery.

    The most common signs of the syndrome include:

    1. Bonnet-Bobrovnikova symptom. It is characterized by the appearance of pain in the buttocks when the patient, lying on his back, bends his legs in and out.
    2. Cutting pain periodically alternates with aching pain.
    3. Staying in a sitting or standing position for a long time causes acute pain sensations to appear in the patient’s muscle fibers. They lose their sharpness a little if the patient takes a horizontal position.
    4. The feeling of discomfort is disturbing; it is especially manifested when a specialist palpates the area of ​​the ischial tuberosity.
    5. The pathology is expressed by overexertion, which persists for quite a long time and shows the painful state of the muscles located in the affected area.
    6. Vilenkin's symptom. This symptom can be diagnosed by the appearance of a characteristic painful sensation that patients describe as a tapping sensation on the inside of the legs.
    • constant pulling sensations in the legs;
    • in a state of stress or a change in climatic conditions, a sharp deterioration in the patient’s condition is observed;
    • aching pain spreads to the legs;
    • any stressful situation causes a deterioration in the patient’s well-being, and a change in climatic living conditions has the same effect;
    • walking causes pain in the lower leg area;
    • decreased sensitivity of the skin;

    Diagnosis of pathology

    Diagnosis of this disease is mainly carried out using the palpation method, aimed at identifying muscle compactions. In addition, the doctor takes into account possible injuries and hypothermia suffered by the patient. X-ray examination and tomography are used for correct diagnosis.

    Very often, patients try to self-medicate in the early stages of a disease, relying on the fact that everything will go away on its own. Patients do not know how long a muscle can hurt, and that if they do not seek help from specialists, the disease can become chronic.

    How to treat pain syndrome?

    It is mainly aimed at eliminating pain with the help of drug therapy and drugs that improve blood circulation.

    In addition, to improve the patient’s well-being, the doctor seeks to eliminate the very cause of the painful condition. For this purpose, the patient may be prescribed the following procedures:

    The method of an integrated approach to treating a patient helps eliminate the causes of pain and discomfort of the patient.


    Gymnastic exercises for pain in the piriformis muscle are a mandatory component of treatment procedures. They can be performed at home, having first learned how to do all the exercises correctly under the supervision of the medical staff of the clinic.

    It is performed with extreme caution, so that the exercises do not cause additional pain. If there is severe pain, then exercises should be stopped for a while.

    What else can you do to reduce pain? If it is definitely determined that the pain arose due to hypothermia, then mustard plasters or warming ointments can be used.

    Mandatory consultation with a doctor, the use of exercise therapy and therapeutic massage, as well as the comprehensive use of drug treatment prescribed by specialists is the most correct approach in the treatment of this pathology. Whatever the patient intends to do to alleviate his condition, it is necessary, first of all, to coordinate his actions with the doctor.

    Denial of responsibility

    The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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    – a disease that manifests itself as pain in the buttock area spreading along the thigh and entire leg, due to compression of the sciatic nerve. This is one of the tunnel syndromes, which causes compression of the nerves along their anatomical location. The appearance of a spasm of the piriformis muscle is associated with direct damage to it or as a result of other diseases.

    Why does piriformis muscle spasm cause severe pain? Everything is connected with anatomical features: the piriform muscle tissue along its length forms the upper and lower slits through which large vessels and nerves pass. It is especially worth noting that the main nerve of the leg, the sciatic, passes through the lower hole (in 90% of people) or through the muscle itself (in 10%). Therefore, spasm causes symptoms such as signs of compression of large vessels in this narrow channel with a corresponding clinical picture. The condition of the main nerve branches and vessels of the lower limb depends on this muscle.

    Spasm or piriformis syndrome also called carpal tunnel syndrome. Such syndromes occur in places where anatomical structures form channels or tunnels through which nerve trunks pass. Such channels become blocked very quickly when edema, inflammation develops, or in cases where muscle spasm develops, which leads to the occurrence of tunnel syndrome.

    Causes of piriformis muscle spasm

    Spasm of the piriformis muscle occurs both with diseases of the lower back and with primary damage to the muscle tissue itself.

    Vertebrogenic causes:

    • osteochondrosis and;
    • displacement of the vertebrae and;
    • lumbosacral;
    • tumors of the lumbar and sacral regions;
    • vertebral fractures with spinal canal stenosis.

    Causes associated with muscle damage:

    • overload with its stretching;
    • inflammation of the piriformis muscle ();
    • direct trauma to the gluteal region;
    • injury during injection;
    • or may also provoke spasm of the piriformis muscle tissue.

    Symptoms of piriformis muscle spasm

    Main symptoms of the disease:

    • pain in the buttock area, aggravated by movements in the hip joint;
    • inflammation of the sciatic nerve () with pain spreading throughout the entire leg;
    • crawling on the leg, burning sensation;
    • sensory disturbance;
    • weakness in the foot or leg (weakened reflexes);
    • spasm of the calf muscles (cramps);
    • autonomic disorders - change in the color of the skin of the affected leg (pallor or redness).

    Symptoms of vascular compression also often occur, which is characterized by pallor of the lower limb and numbness. There is also intermittent claudication, which occurs with walking and improves with rest. It is associated with severe tissue ischemia during exercise and partial resumption of blood flow at rest.

    When palpated, you can detect a painful and dense cylindrical cord in the buttock area, as well as pain at the projection point of the sciatic nerve.

    Spasm of the piriformis muscle leads to compression of the nerve, which causes severe pain. This in turn leads to even greater spasm as a defensive reaction, but the vicious circle closes and the pain intensifies. This condition causes a person to lose the ability to move.

    Treatment of piriformis muscle spasm

    Treatment is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease, that is, it is carried out when spasm is their consequence, and measures aimed at relaxing muscle tissue are also carried out, especially when it comes to coxarthrosis.

    For treatment at the Mednean Medical Center, manual therapy and a whole range of physiotherapeutic procedures are used: laser therapy, electrotherapy, magnetic therapy, etc. In some cases, the use of muscle relaxants and blockade with novocaine or other drugs is indicated.

    By the way, novocaine blockade is a diagnostic criterion: if after injecting the piriformis muscle with an anesthetic, positive dynamics occur, this speaks in favor of a spasm.

    How to relieve spasm of the piriformis muscle yourself?

    In order to relieve a spasm yourself, at home, you need to do the following: sit on the edge of a chair, place your sore leg on the healthy leg above the knee, then, leaning your hands on your sore leg, you need to gradually bend forward. This exercise stretches the piriformis muscle tissue, which reduces nerve compression and therefore reduces pain. But we must remember that this is only a means of temporary help. It is imperative to see a doctor for quality treatment.

    Contact the Mednean Medical Center for effective and safe treatment of piriformis muscle spasm and its consequences!

    Piriformis syndrome is a neurological disease characterized by unpleasant pulling sensations in the buttocks and lower extremities. Symptoms also include numbness in the legs, burning in the heel, and severe tension in the legs.

    The piriformis muscle is located under the gluteus maximus. It has a triangular shape. At one end it is attached to the colonic part of the sacrum, at the other - to the trochanter of the femur. The main function is to turn the leg outward.

    Etiology of the disease

    The main factor in the development of pain in the gluteal region is compression of the sciatic nerve. Disruption of the normal functioning of this nerve is associated with overstrain of the piriformis muscle, which can occur for various reasons:

    • hypothermia;
    • incorrectly placed injection;
    • pathologies of the spine and hip joints;
    • damage to connective tissue in the pelvic region;
    • intense physical exercise.

    Other causes include weakening of the gluteal muscle due to injury or pinched nerve root of the spine. In this case, the piriformis will try to take on part of the load of the gluteus maximus. As a result, the first one will overvoltage.


    It is not easy to determine on your own that pain is due to compression of the sciatic nerve by piriform fibers. This is due to many reasons for the appearance of this syndrome. In such a situation, a person far from medicine may confuse inflammation with other diseases.

    In addition, such pain occurs periodically, for example, after walking or sitting in one place for a long time. Therefore, an accurate diagnosis should only be made by a neurologist.

    As a rule, a specialist carries out a number of manual measures to identify the presence of the syndrome in question. For example, a common technique is to palpate the affected area and identify areas of pain and lumps in the muscles.

    At the same time, the doctor learns from the patient about previous diseases of the musculoskeletal system, operations, and sports injuries. Computed tomography and ultrasound are used as auxiliary methods.


    In the absence of serious pathologies, the doctor, as a rule, diagnoses physical overexertion. The main method of therapy in this case is rest for several days. It is necessary to give up sports activities and prolonged sitting in one place. Light walks and resting while lying on your stomach are recommended.

    If the causes of piriformis syndrome are pathological changes, the neurologist may prescribe one of the treatment methods discussed below.

    Postisometric relaxation

    It is a set of exercises for piriformis muscle syndrome, which allows you to relieve spasm from the affected muscle and thereby release the pinched nerve and get rid of pain. Performed independently at home:

    1. We sit on the edge of the chair. We lift the “sick” leg and place it with the ankle on the opposite knee. We lean forward. There should be a feeling of strong stretching in the lower back and affected buttock. Press your elbows to your raised shins, exhale and lower your body lower. With each subsequent exhalation we bend a little further. Perform until the gluteal muscle is stretched to maximum extent.
    2. We lie down on our backs. We pull the knee of the “sick” leg towards ourselves. We clasp it with our palms and perform short pulling movements, trying to bring the thigh as close to the stomach as possible. Repeat for 30 seconds. Then, leaving the knee raised, we take hold of the shin and gently pull it up. We continue for half a minute. Having completed the exercise, very smoothly straighten the leg and stretch out on the floor. We rest for 30 seconds.
    3. We lie on our backs. Knees bent, feet firmly on the floor. We lift the “sick” leg and press it with the ankle to the opposite thigh. From this position, we smoothly twist the lower part of the body towards the “healthy” leg and lower the raised foot to the floor. We turn our head in the opposite direction. We stay in this position for 1 minute.
    4. We get into a deep lunge. In this case, the “sick” leg should be in front. We abduct the “hind” limb as much as possible. After this, very carefully lower the side of the hip that is exposed forward onto the floor and lie down on it with your stomach. We stay in this position for 1 minute.
    5. We get on all fours, bend the “sick” leg at the knee and lift it. Then we move the raised hip to the side and straighten the limb back. After this, we repeat all movements in reverse order. We move like this for 1 minute.

    During training, avoid sudden jerking movements. Exercises to treat piriformis syndrome must be performed at least 5 times a week. For starters, two laps per session is enough. The number of training cycles should be gradually increased.

    Drug treatment

    To relieve pain and relieve inflammation from the piriformis muscle, the following drugs are used:

    • antispasmodics (Maksigan, No-shpa, Tempalgin, Papaverine, etc.);
    • anti-inflammatory (Finalgon, Viprosal, Teraflex, Chondroxide, etc.);
    • anesthetics (Lidocaine, Novocaine).

    Manual therapy

    Performed by a specialist. This also includes massage. The main goal of such activities is to relieve tension from the piriformis muscle, release the sciatic roar and restore normal blood supply to the pelvic area. In combination with drug treatment, it gives the best results in getting rid of the disease.


    This type of therapy consists of many techniques to relieve pain, eliminate inflammation, and return the patient to mobility and performance. Such techniques include: shock wave exposure, electrophoresis, acupuncture, laser acupuncture.


    It involves the application of special fixing tapes (tapes) to the affected area of ​​the body. The procedure allows you to relieve tense muscles, improve blood circulation, and reduce pain.

    In our case, a special technique is used to treat piriformis muscle syndrome - kinesiotaping. The main advantage of such therapy is maintaining the patient's mobility.


    • Try to spend more time in movement - walk, do gymnastics, exercises.
    • Keep your lumbar region warm.
    • Protect the spinal column from injuries and bruises.
    • Before physical activity, warm up your entire body well.
    • After intense training, stretch the muscles of your legs and buttocks.
    • Visit a massage therapist regularly.
    • If you are exercising, give your body enough time to restore all tissues, eat well.

    If rest and pharmaceutical ointments cannot relieve pain in the gluteal region, seek help from a neurologist. Don't delay your visit to the doctor. Otherwise, you risk aggravating the course of the disease.

    Sometimes with radiculitis, after injury or overexertion, severe pain occurs in the buttocks, radiating to the groin and thighs. As a rule, it occurs on one side. This is piriformis syndrome. It occurs most often due to damage to the sciatic nerve, in this case they speak of the development of sciatica or sciatica. But other nerve roots or blood vessels can also be compressed. The pathology refers to tunnel neurological syndromes. This condition is quite painful, but not dangerous. With timely treatment, it is possible to eliminate pinched nerves using conservative methods.

    Characteristics of the syndrome

    Part of the spinal nerves that exit the spine in the sacral region form the sciatic nerve. It passes through the pelvis and exits through the sciatic foramen. This nerve is located directly under the piriformis muscle. This is one of the pelvic muscles that performs serious work in the body.

    It is triangular in shape, located directly under the gluteal muscle, and begins at the base of the spine, attaching to the sacrum. The other end is attached to the femur. This is the only muscle that connects the iliosacral joint. It is responsible for turning the leg to the side and out, participates in running and walking, and stabilizes the hip joint. She has a lot of workload, so she often experiences overexertion. The piriformis muscle runs in the same place as the sciatic nerve. Therefore, any problems with it, inflammatory processes or spasms lead to its compression. This condition is called piriformis syndrome.

    The pathology leads to severe pain and neurological problems. Most often this occurs due to the fact that the inflamed muscle puts pressure on the sciatic nerve. In addition, it can affect the processes of other nerves located near it, as well as compress blood vessels.

    If this is caused by external reasons, then primary piriformis syndrome occurs. But secondary inflammation can also develop when it moves from the pelvic organs. The pathology is not very common, but can affect a person at any age.


    Sometimes the piriformis muscle is affected by various inflammatory diseases of the lumbosacral spine or pelvic organs. But most often pathology is caused by external causes:

    • physical stress;
    • prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position;
    • sprain of the muscle itself, ligaments or pelvic injury;
    • hematoma formation due to bruise;
    • hypothermia;
    • severe stress;
    • poor nutrition leading to a lack of microelements;
    • tumors;
    • incorrect injection.

    Sitting in one position for long periods of time can lead to the development of piriformis syndrome.


    This pathology is always acute, and it is difficult not to notice the symptoms of piriformis syndrome. After all, compression of nerve roots and blood vessels quickly leads to tissue ischemia and causes neurological disorders. The manifestation of pathology can be varied. As soon as inflammation begins, affecting the nerve, the following signs appear:

    • severe pain in the buttocks, pelvis, thighs, sometimes spreading throughout the leg;
    • numbness of the skin along the nerve, tingling, sensation of “pins and needles”;
    • decreased sensitivity;
    • change in gait;
    • disturbance of urination, functions of the genital organs.

    Usually with acute inflammation the pain is severe. They can be dull or aching, burning or twitching. These sensations intensify with any movement of the leg, overheating, or stress. With prolonged compression of the nerve, ischemia occurs. This causes decreased reflexes, burning, loss of sensitivity, and numbness in the fingers. The pain becomes dull and pressing. They decrease when the legs are spread apart, which leads to the release of pressure from the nerve. If blood vessels are affected, the skin becomes pale and cold.


    If symptoms are detected early, treatment for piriformis syndrome will be quick and effective. Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor immediately. In addition to examining and interviewing the patient, some tests are performed for diagnosis. It is typical that in a sitting position the patient experiences unpleasant sensations; it is difficult for him to cross his legs. Muscle strength is checked, which decreases in the presence of the syndrome, the patient’s gait and posture, and skin sensitivity. With a relaxed buttock, you can feel the piriformis muscle - it is tight and painful.

    Diagnosis is usually made by examining the patient and performing simple tests

    Most diagnostic tests are performed while lying on your back or your unaffected side. This is a test for the presence of pain symptoms during passive movements in the hip joint, tapping the muscle and iliacus, and checking muscle strength. The doctor can also give an injection of Novocaine. If all manifestations of the syndrome disappear, then the diagnosis is correct. This is important for determining treatment options that will differ for pathologies that cause similar symptoms.

    It is necessary to differentiate piriformis muscle syndrome from osteochondrosis, arthritis, radiculitis, herniated discs, and inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. For this purpose, the following diagnostic procedures may be prescribed:

    • CT or MRI allows you to exclude the presence of a tumor, as well as assess the condition of the affected muscle;
    • neurography allows you to examine the nerve;
    • Doppler ultrasound of the big toe allows you to compare blood flow from the diseased and healthy side;
    • Echography of the sciatic nerve is also compared.

    Treatment methods

    Treatment of piriformis muscle syndrome should be comprehensive. The earlier it starts, the faster the discomfort goes away. Therapy methods are selected by the doctor individually in accordance with the severity of the pathology, the characteristics of damage to nerves and blood vessels. In the acute period, for severe pain, drug treatment is used. Novocaine blockade of pain when injected into a muscle is very effective. After some time it is necessary to apply additional methods:

    • massage;
    • manual therapy;
    • acupuncture;
    • physiotherapeutic procedures;
    • orthopedic devices for correcting posture, gait, and reducing nerve compression when sitting.

    Treatment of piriformis syndrome must be comprehensive

    Drug therapy

    Piriformis syndrome is best treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They effectively relieve pain, swelling, and inflammation. This gives the muscle and nerves a chance to recover. Usually the course of treatment is 10 days. Most often, such drugs are prescribed in tablets, but if the pain is severe, it is better to choose injections. Additionally, external non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used. The most common medications are Voltaren, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Ketanov, Meloxicam.

    Sometimes medications are additionally used to relieve spasms of muscles and blood vessels. Most often, No-shpa is prescribed intramuscularly. But for severe muscle spasms, the muscle relaxant Mydocalm is more effective.


    Therapeutic gymnastics is very effective for restoring muscle function and releasing a pinched nerve. All exercises should be performed slowly and calmly. It is important that the muscles stretch and relax. Gymnastics should not cause pain. It is advisable to practice 3-4 times a day, since the complex usually does not require much time.

    You can perform special exercises at home on your own, but it is better if they are selected by a doctor

    It is best if the doctor selects the exercises individually in accordance with the level of physical fitness and the severity of the pathology. In any case, the load must be increased gradually, avoiding overwork. Each exercise is performed symmetrically with both legs, even if the muscle is only affected on one side. An approximate complex may contain the following exercises:

    1. Sit on a chair so that your knees are bent at a right angle. Try to stand up without spreading your legs.
    2. Sitting on a chair, cross one leg over the other. Sit for a while, then bend over, lie with your body on your leg, feeling how the muscle stretches.
    3. Standing on all fours, stretch your leg back, stretching all the muscles. To do this, pull the toe as far as possible.
    4. Lie on your back. Bend your knees slightly. Open and close your legs, stretching your pelvic muscles.
    5. From the same position, raise your legs and bend them. Carry it to the side, trying to touch the floor. Do not lift your shoulder blades off the floor.

    The set of exercises created by Professor Bubnovsky is very effective. They are based on alternating periods of muscle tension and relaxation, and on stretching them. A special feature of Bubnovsky classes is that you need to fix the position for a few seconds, stretching the muscles. In addition, it is very important to monitor your breathing.

    Physiotherapeutic procedures effectively relieve muscle pain and spasms


    Thermal procedures relieve tension and pain well. Most often, low-frequency currents are used for piriformis syndrome. Phonophoresis, electrophoresis, UHF, diadynamic therapy, amplipulse therapy, as well as laser treatment are effective. In addition to hardware methods, therapeutic mud, paraffin can be used for warming, and water procedures are effective.

    Recently, the method of reflexology has become popular. It includes acupuncture, acupressure of the thighs, lower back, buttocks and ears, acupuncture using cauterization of biologically active points with laser or electrical impulses.

    Manual therapy and massage

    Stretching and relaxing muscles very effectively relieves pain and improves tissue trophism. The patient can massage the buttock independently. This is done while lying on a flat, hard surface on your healthy side. You need to bend your leg at the knee and stretch your buttock with your hand. Particular attention should be paid to areas where pain is felt. The massage can be performed using a tennis ball. They place him on the floor and slide him sideways along it. It is advisable not to touch the sciatic nerve - this will be felt in the form of tingling and numbness. A professional massage course will be more effective. In addition to classical techniques, rectal massage and vacuum massage help well with piriformis muscle syndrome.

    Manual therapy sessions should only be performed by a specialist. Only then will this procedure not only relieve painful symptoms, but quickly restore tissue trophism. Special techniques can restore elasticity to the muscle and release the pinched nerve. But with any mistake, nerve damage can only intensify.

    A correctly performed manual therapy session can quickly relieve the patient of unpleasant symptoms.

    Traditional methods

    You can speed up healing and increase the effectiveness of treatment at home using traditional methods. Various warm compresses, rubs and ointments improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in the affected area, relieve spasms and pain. You can use any recipe that is more accessible and has no contraindications.

    • An inexpensive medicine can be prepared for rubbing and compresses. To do this, mix a bottle of triple cologne, a bottle of valerian, hawthorn and hot pepper. Add crushed 10 Aspirin tablets. Leave for 7 days in a dark place.
    • Grind black radish with horseradish root in a blender, add a tablespoon of vinegar and salt. Leave in a dark place for a week. Use for compresses. But you can’t keep them longer than 20 minutes.

    The best prevention for piriformis syndrome is a healthy lifestyle.


    Piriformis syndrome is not dangerous in itself, especially if it is diagnosed and treated promptly. But without treatment, nerve ischemia and vascular spasm can lead to atrophy of the muscles and ligaments of the lower extremities, dysfunction of the joints, and diseases of the pelvic organs.

    But pathology can be prevented. This is especially important for those who suffer from dystrophic diseases of the spine or muscles. They need to avoid increased physical activity and hypothermia. Try not to stay in one position for a long time, regularly perform gymnastics to increase muscle elasticity.

    If you consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow all his recommendations, the prognosis for piriformis syndrome is favorable. With adequate treatment, relief of the patient's condition is felt within a few days.

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