Buy games for the whole family at home. Board game my family

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Board games have long won love all over the world. It is unlikely that you will be able to find a better way to pass the evening in a big company and at the same time spend time usefully. Despite the widespread use of computer entertainment, the rating of board games includes dozens of popular positions, among which everyone can choose the most suitable one for themselves. Therefore, this pastime remains relevant today.

What are the benefits of board games

The popularity of board games is quite justified, because in order to play them, no additional funds are required. All you need is a basic set of certain items, and you can organize an exciting evening for the whole company.

In addition, the board game set is very mobile - you can take it with you on a visit, on a trip and even on a hike. Such fun will help to diversify the rest and will be enthusiastically accepted by any company.

Also, such entertainment is good because it is ideal for everyone. They can unite participants of both the same age and different ones, and therefore are suitable both for spending time with a large company and for family leisure.

Why do people need such entertainment?

Board games are a very useful activity. After all, they are intended not only to pass the time. They stimulate the imagination and creativity of children and adults, perform a teaching and educational function.

The development of communication skills also plays an important role. Communication and the ability to build team relationships is one of the main skills formed by board games.

The most popular games in the world

If we talk about the best board games in the world, their rating is determined mainly by accessibility for perception (they should be understandable to different age categories), as well as relevance and versatility.

Among the entertainments that have gained worldwide popularity, we can distinguish:

  • "Monopoly".
  • "Munchkin".
  • "Erudite".
  • Alias;
  • "Imaginarium".
  • Poker.

TOP entertainment for family and company

The rating of board games for the company and family was made up of fun that will help not only bring the participants closer to each other, but also provide an opportunity to compete in their erudition, gain new knowledge and just have fun and usefully spend time.

Classic board games

Such entertainments include traditional chess, checkers, backgammon, dominoes and card games. They have been known for more than one hundred years and rightfully occupy a leading position, determining the rating of board games. Such entertainment belongs to the category of intellectual, at the same time being exciting and developing. The only drawback of such games is that they are not designed for a large company (with the exception of card games, in which more than two people can take part).


"Monopoly" - a classic of the genre, for many years leading the rating of board games for the company. Perhaps one of the most famous economic strategies in the world. Its essence is that each participant receives start-up capital, which he needs to increase, while bankrupting his rivals. In Russia, the game has been known since Soviet times and has become popular as an exciting intellectual game for a large company.


Scrabble is one of the oldest and most popular board games, and to this day it occupies a leading position. Its essence is that all participants are given seven letters, which are laid out on a field consisting of 225 squares (15 x 15). The winner is the one who makes up the most number of longest words.

Scrabble is a game of learning. Here you can not use a dictionary or other aids.


"Twister" can hardly be included in the rating of board games, it is rather "outdoor", but it has gained immense popularity. This entertainment does not require a special mental load - it is active and is designed for flexibility and dexterity. The main goal of the participants is to maintain a pose, hold on and not fall from


This exciting game belongs to What is the point of entertainment? Participants-colonists "land" on where they must build a settlement, develop it and score the most points. The first person to score 10 points wins.


One of the pastime options for a large company, thanks to which you can diversify any party. This fun will also compete with other items that make up the rating of board games for the whole family.

The set includes a playing field, chips and cards with concepts or phrases that need to be explained.

"Train Ticket"

This fun will appeal to conservative lovers of antiquity and the era of romanticism. The main goal is to build stations and move from one European city to another on a trailer (each player has his own). In this case, it is necessary to prevent other players from overcoming the route and reaching the goal.

TOP logic board games

Logic games occupy a special place among other desktop entertainment. They make you break your head over solving complex problems and develop. Some of the most common are the following entertainment.


Arsenal "Set" - cards with geometric figures depicted on them, which should be combined according to similar characteristics. Knowledge of mathematics will be very useful during the game!


The main goal of the game is to push the opponent's chips from the playing field by logical permutations. The winner is the one who pushes the most chips first.

Benefits of board games for kids

Board games for children are a very useful and functional tool for the development of thinking. They stimulate children's imagination, promote perseverance, teach them to perform actions in accordance with certain rules. Such fun is actively used not only as entertainment, but also in educational institutions - as an effective teaching tool.

In addition, such games develop team feelings, attention and logical thinking in the child.

TOP board games for kids

Ribbit ("Turtle Race")

A simple and exciting game that will be interesting for both children and adults. The bottom line is that small colored figures of turtles must get brick by brick from the start to the finish line. At the same time, none of the players knows to whom and which turtle belongs.

"Munchkin. Drag Treasures"

Children's version of the adult game "Munchkin" with simplified rules, adapted for younger children.

Here, as in the adult version, you can control monsters, there are cubes and other attributes, just like in the "older brother". The main goal of the children's "Munchkin" is to plunder as many treasures as possible and become the richest player.

"Happy Farm"

This fun could rightfully enter the TOP "Best Board Games in the World." Its rating among children's entertainment of this kind is quite high. Fascinating and interesting entertainment, which can be classified as a family. During the game, you need to "farm" - plant seeds, grow plants, feed animals and sell the resulting goods on the market. The winner is the one who manages to raise the most satisfied and well-fed animals.


Another children's version of adult fun, included in the world rating of board games. This is an excellent educational entertainment that is suitable not only for juniors, but also for those who just want to learn how to play adult Carcassonne.

The theme is the Middle Ages. Here you need to build castles, go hunting, fish and participate in knightly battles.


Educational game "Alias" or "Say otherwise" is an exciting intellectual fun, quite suitable for a large company. Its essence is to come up with associations and guess the concepts that the players of other teams are trying to designate.

The game replenishes the vocabulary of the native language, and also contributes to the study of a foreign language.


The goal of this interesting game is to build a zoo. It is suitable for the youngest players over the age of 6 and will not only be interesting for young and adult participants, but also perform a general educational function - it will help to learn new, unknown species of animals. This fun could rightfully enter not only the rating of children's board games, but also take a leading position in the TOP table entertainment for adults.

Logic games for kids

Logic fun in an entertaining way teaches kids to reason from an early age.


This exciting board game promotes the child and allows you to learn a lot about the life of wild animals. The game will be interesting for children from 6 years old.


Quite a simple and at the same time exciting game designed for children from 8 years old. The main goal of the participants is to collect the items depicted on the cards according to several criteria. Trains memory and the ability to remember a large amount of information at the same time.


And this logic game was invented for very young participants aged 3 years and older. Being an analogue of the well-known "Tetris", it helps to develop memory, ingenuity and hand motor skills.


Educational game with colored chips for the youngest participants. Bright design will surely appeal to kids, and simple and at the same time exciting rules that contribute to the development of logical thinking and also visual perception will appeal not only to kids, but also to their parents.

— The best game for the company 18+

The secret to a good time is the right board game. Choosing a game that everyone will like is a difficult task. First you need to determine the circle where the game will take place. If children will take part in the game, then pay attention to the age restrictions. It is important that the child was not only fun and interesting, but also developed a number of qualities in him. More often the speed of thinking or fine motor skills. For a company or a family evening, games with the ability to both compete for victory and laugh heartily are suitable. Our rating contains some of the most popular board games for families, fun company and children.

The best board games for family and friends

Score (2018): 4.6

Advantages: The most fun on articulation

Manufacturer country: China

The most fun articulation game. Just want to warn you that the game is not for children and from 16 years old. According to the rules, the player inserts the mouthpiece into his mouth and chooses a card and reads out a sentence. The inserted mouthpiece will not allow you to close your mouth, which interferes with the spoken words. And now the most interesting thing, you need to parse all the words spoken to your team. The more cards the team guesses, the more points it scores. Time is controlled by an hourglass. The game requires a minimum of 4 people, who are divided into 2 teams. The set includes 200 phrase cards, 5 mouthpieces and an hourglass to control the time. The game is useful for training the speech apparatus and improving diction.

Score (2018): 4.7

Advantages: Simple Rules

Manufacturer country: Russia

Take your friends or family on a fun adventure with the game Around the World in 80 Days. The whole game is a journey. You are going to different cities and you need to spend as little time as possible on the road. And what awaits on the road? A bunch of obstacles and incidents, the ability to choose transport for movement and, of course, new acquaintances. The city of departure is London, and whoever makes the journey first and returns to the original city wins.

The game is suitable for family gatherings or playing with a group of friends. The minimum number of players is 3, it is intended for ages 10 and up. The rules are very simple, so you don't have to spend a lot of time learning. Choose a travel card, perform a game action of your choice, and travel to the next city. And do not forget to note how much time you spent on the road. Judgment and the right strategy are required to win.

Score (2018): 4.8

Advantages: Popular game

Manufacturer country: Russia

Everyone who likes to think, fantasize and guess the association, then Imaginarium is for you. The game helps to get to know the player better, see the train of thought and open it for yourself from a new perspective. Four players over the age of 12 are enough to play. The essence of the game is to come up with an association to unique pictures. Why unique? Because the artists tried and made associations from simple to crazy.

According to the rules, the Player takes a picture and comes up with an association to it. Placed back on the table face down. The rest of the players at this moment choose the most appropriate picture for the association. After that, the selected cards are mixed. In fact, you don’t need to guess all your associations, because then it will be too easy. It is enough for one person or all but one to guess. During the game, fantasy develops too quickly, so do not worry that the game will become predictable. To calculate points, a field is used where the chip moves to the steps won.

Score (2018): 4.9

Advantages: Best Skill Game

Manufacturer country: China/Russia

The game of Jenga or Leaning Tower is known all over the world. The game is suitable both for one player and for a company of up to 4 people. The game is good for developing fine motor skills in children. All you need is sleight of hand and wooden blocks. The set includes 54 bars. According to the rules, you must first build a tower. To do this, add 3 pieces in a row to get 18 floors. An example tower is shown above. Players take turns taking out 1 block and placing it on the top floor. The height of the tower will increase, and its stability will become less and less. The one who destroys this tower loses. After the destruction of the tower, players will want to build the structure even higher.

The game draws in children and adults, you won’t notice how a couple of hours pass. A good hobby for children from 6 years old. Jenga helps to develop thinking, communication and motor skills of the players. Great game for everyone!

Score (2018): 5.0

Advantages: Hot Selling

Manufacturer country: Ireland/Russia

Monopoly has been the most popular economic board game for over 80 years. The game is not suitable for the little ones. Recommended for players aged 8+ and for 2-6 players. Monopoly is popular among families or groups of friends. The game helps to evaluate your resources and distribute money correctly. During the game, players make purchases / sales of enterprises and lands, pay taxes, take loans for purchases and much more. In this case, play money helps to achieve their goals. To win, you must bankrupt all players.

The best board games for kids

Score (2018): 4.8

Advantages: The best game for child development

Manufacturer country: Russia

Iron Friend is a simple and fun game for kids. Many parents play this game with their children. The game helps to develop the speed of thinking, ask and make questions and be smart. Here are the simplest rules. The player puts a special hoop on his forehead, where a card with an image is inserted. Another player, while the time of the hourglass is running, must help to understand what is shown on the card.

For example, the first player is a boy with a picture of a cat / cat in his forehead. As soon as the time has passed, the questions begin:

Am I an object?

- Am I big?

Do I live in houses?

- I'm a cat?

The game is ideal for family gatherings with children. In addition to developing and increasing the child's vocabulary, you get a fun time. The game has an affordable price. If you have a long road with children, then take the game with you.

Score (2018): 4.9

Advantages: Best Family Game

Manufacturer country: Russia

The board game The Wizard of the Emerald City allows you to have fun and interesting time with your family with children. Throughout the game, with each turn, the player is faced with various tasks. The game has two fields. The first game where you need to run away from Bastinda, the second magic for moving along the road. The tasks will be very different and all connected with the heroes of the fairy tale, so get ready to growl or squat, imagining yourself as one of the heroes. It is necessary to hurry when completing the task, because. Bastinda can catch up and the game is over. Keep track of time on the hourglass.

The best board games of the company from 18 years old

Score (2018): 4.8

Advantages: The best game for the company 18+

Manufacturer country: Russia

With 500 Evil Cards Board Game, there is no need to think fast and be creative. It requires a stable psyche, humor and the perception of stupid or vulgar jokes. One of the rules is restricting children under 18 from playing. If the above applies, then go to the rules. The set includes 500 cards in two colors. Red for questions and white for answers. The very combination of questions and answers makes the players laugh. Each player receives 10 answer cards. All players during the game become leaders. The facilitator reads the question and then chooses the best answer. In a combination of question and answer, the result is vulgar, stupid or absurd. If you like dark humor, then this game is for you. The game requires 3 to 8 people.

Did you miss those days when the whole family gathered after dinner to drink tea, discuss the latest news and just spend time together?

Just get a shelf for family board games in the closet, and very soon every evening you will be enthusiastically colonizing the island of Catan, the younger brother will be engaged in the construction of the Tower, and the sister will be able to eat as much Jam as she likes.

At the same time, dad will become the owner of factories, newspapers, steamboats and, in general, the main banker of Monopoly, and grandmother will finally realize all her detective skills in Cluedo. And surely someone will take it and stand on the bridge in Twister!

Board games for the whole family are not only an alternative to evening coffee or sitting in front of the TV. In the process, you will get to know loved ones from the most unexpected and, as a rule, pleasant sides. The boring sister will suddenly turn out to be the most erudite and witty, the artist will wake up in the mother, the philosopher will wake up in the father, and you yourself will suddenly discover strategic talents in yourself.

In turn, mothers will rejoice at how zealously the younger offspring rush to finish their homework and school lessons by evening. And the ever-absent teenagers suddenly come home no later than eight to take part in a family board game together.

Family evenings in a new format

If you want unbridled fantasy - play "Imaginarium", wait for concentration, interrupted by bursts of laughter - build the "Tower", ready to laugh to tears all evening - arrange an "Activity Party". And be sure to take at least one "Monopoly" to instill in the kids a strong business acumen, the ability to count money and, of course, a love of throwing dice!

Do you like to invite guests and regularly arrange lamp home gatherings with your closest ones? Then buy board games for the whole family, relatives and friends at the Game House. And do not hesitate: very soon your boxes will crawl from the shelf allocated to them, and the living room will surely turn into a real playroom!

This game started our vast collection of board games. And I still think blue classic Carcassonne is the best game of all time.

This is a game with very simple rules. It is not dynamic, rather even meditative. The goal of the game is to build cities, pave roads, establish monasteries and earn points on it. There is even a place for light or heavy competition, it's whoever likes to play. You can recapture built land or roads from rivals.

The inspiration for the game was the real medieval walled city of Carcassonne in the south of France. From 6 years old.

Set. The best logic game

This is not a game, but a brain explosion! I usually recommend it to everyone: both children and adults. It can be played even alone. The man who invented the game "Set" is a genius. How exciting a game can be, where you need to carefully consider geometric shapes: a rhombus, a wave, an oval. The goal of the game is to make a set (a set of three cards), where each of the signs will either match on all three cards, or differ.

To be honest, after this game, I feel that my brains are starting to move. It seems to me that Seth's game involves some cells of the brain, perhaps gray ones.

Dixit. The most beautiful game

This is the game I'm afraid to play with strangers. Still would! After all, the method of naming associations is very common in psychology. You name the association and bam! You've already confessed to the killer.

Very beautiful and smart game for a company of more than three people. Very good for creative people. It's very interesting to play! The goal of the game is just to have a good time. Although the winner is the one who moved his rabbit the farthest along the scoring field.

You need to guess your associations with cards, guess the associations of other players. I swear you will learn a lot about your friends during the game. It's a pity that it's so rare to play it. From 7 years old.

Delissimo. Best math game

The formal pretext for purchasing the Delissimo game is the study of fractions. In mathematics, this topic is always considered not the easiest. How to explain to a child what ordinary fractions are? Something whole is divided into parts… Doesn't understand. But what if a whole round pizza is divided into a different number of slices? If in half, then it is 1/2. If in four parts, then 1/4. The learning process will immediately become more fun.

Fractions are digested on the fly, almost like a hot Margarita pizza. After a couple of rounds, you will be surprised to find that your child, who just seemed to have no idea about some fractions, easily beats you. And it's wonderful!

The game has three versions of the rules, starting from 5 years.

Train ticket for Europe. The most gift game

Another insanely beautiful game. The field is stylized as an old map. You need to choose your own railway routes and build them with pretty trailers. By the way, only from this game I learned that there is another Brest, and it is located in France. Very useful for knowledge of geography.

We only play this game during the New Year holidays, when there is a lot of free time. The game takes about an hour. You can play with two people, but of course the more players the better. By the way, because Europe is so small, and rivals strive to block the path to Barcelona or Athens.

Blitz. Day and night. The most exciting game

AAAA! I just happened to look at the Igroveda website and saw that the circulation of the game was over. I immediately ran to check if my two boxes were still there. Phew, they're on the shelf.

We in the family prefer Blitz to all speed gambling games. This is a completely crazy game that forces players to demonstrate the wonders of reaction and speed.

Please, when you read the rules of the game and don't understand anything, don't give up and read over and over again until insight hits you. Play in a company of three people.

Mr Jack in London. Best detective game

I have already written about this detective game so many times that, frankly, I'm tired. In short - the best detective game. Boring "Cluedo" is resting. From 8 years.

Dobble. The best game for attention and reaction

An amazing game of attention and reaction. It is played with the same interest by small five-year-old children and quite adult people. Round cards depict objects of different sizes. You may not believe it, but any two cards have at least one identical symbol. Sometimes you look and look, but there is nothing in common between the cards, well, no. Suddenly the child grabs both cards. All ??? with reaction have children as something better. From 5 years.

Timeline. Best Historical Game

I really love such simple games with meaning. The goal of the game is to get an idea about history, about inventions, discoveries. I do not know a single person who would not suffer with historical dates. With the game Timeline, learning them can be much easier. A game that adults play with more passion.

Pest gnomes. The most harmful game

For many people, the phrase "board games for the whole family" is associated only with lotto or "Monopoly". Today, the family leisure goods industry has taken a step...

For many people, the phrase "board games for the whole family" is associated only with lotto or "Monopoly". It is understandable, today it is considered quite normal to spend the whole evening watching TV, social networks or computer games. Children also grow up on all this high-tech "radiation". They are alien to those quiet evenings, still familiar to the adult generation, when the whole family got together, shared the events of the passing day, read an interesting book aloud or played a board game.

Then, in Soviet times, it was backgammon, checkers, cities, throw-in fool ... Today, the industry of goods for family leisure has stepped far forward. Many interesting and colorful board games have been created that parents can play at home with their children.

Time well spent!

Those who are already fans of board games will confirm that this is not just a fun pastime.

  • Firstly, these are priceless minutes of family reunification, when children and adults learn to understand each other, find compromises and take into account the point of view of all team members.
  • Secondly, this is a great way to relax at the end of the day without harming your posture and vision (as, for example, at a computer).
  • Thirdly, board games contribute to the development of children and their parents, make them "turn on" their brains, and stimulate cognitive interest. Depending on the content of the game, such qualities as patience, ingenuity, erudition, attentiveness and dexterity will come in handy.
  • Fourthly, this is the best way to teach children to accept defeat with dignity, which is not easy in ordinary life.

Add to this a charge of vivacity and a lot of positive emotions, and now, there is no doubt that you urgently need to run to the store for the game. But there are so many products, and it’s not easy for a beginner to figure out which board games are suitable for the whole family. Therefore, it is most reasonable to open your game library with those publications that are recognized as the best of the best.

Family board games differ from others in their conflict-free nature. The process is calm and friendly, without open confrontation between the participants.

Top best board games

Card, story, strategic, detective, strategies, quizzes - classifying games into types is troublesome, and unnecessary. After all, just one game can combine several goals at once.

For family leisure, the main thing is that both children, parents, and grandparents can play it at the same time. So, the most important criterion when choosing a board game (the colloquial name of board games) is the simplicity of its rules and the fascination of the process.

What would be fun for the whole family to play?

A timeless classic that has earned the world's best awards. The goal is to make a map of medieval land holdings and place on it their own figures of little men, for which the participant himself chooses the occupation. All this brings points, the number of which is the result.

Buy the game

A measured strategy game is represented by a whole series of publications, among which there is also a children's one, designed for kids from 4 years old. The rest have an age limit of 8+, but are understandable to younger children.
Thematic material:


One of the best among board games that develop logic. It is a set of cards depicting simple figures, each of which is characterized by certain characteristics. The player's task is to collect three cards (set) as quickly as possible so that the properties of their figures match or differ.

Age limit is 6+, but younger kids can handle it too. Parents will be surprised, but in the "Set" their offspring are often much faster and smarter!

It is rightfully considered one of the most colorful. It is especially suitable for people with creative thinking, because according to the rules it is necessary to find associations to unusual images and guess the associations of other participants. One of the players characterizes the picture on his card with a word or sound, the rest select something similar from their deck and mix these pictures. The goal is to guess the "storyteller" card.

Buy the game

This board is a great way to get together with your family and find out who is the best in attention and reaction. A deck of round cards fits in a compact tin box, which is very convenient if you want to pass the time on the road. Each card has 8 different images, matched so that any two cards have the same symbol. The goal of the participants is to find and grab pairs with the same pattern as quickly as possible.

Buy the game

Another game where children win more often. After all, the reaction of adults is a little worse. At what age should you play Dobble? Yes, at least 3 years old!

A fun and exciting board game, it has several editions, among which you can play a family or children's version at home. Say it differently - that's the main rule. The participant receives a card and explains the word written on it to the rest in a short time (there is also an hourglass). To equalize the chances of parents and children, there are two levels of difficulty.

Funny notes add cards with unusual tasks. For example, speak in the voice of a robot or shout “Bingo!” loudly after each answer.

The family version of "Elias" is designed for participants from 7 years old, in the children's edition, instead of written words, there are images of objects that need to be explained.


A funny game for all ages and all companies. The task of the players is to quickly name the word in which there is a syllable indicated on the card that came across. And so that the player does not delay with the answer, he is given a bomb that is ready to explode at any moment. The task of the participants is to name the word as quickly as possible and convey the “dangerous” object.

Buy the game

For preschool children, it is better to purchase the children's version of the publication. In it, you need to name the association on the depicted object. To complicate the tasks (for example, for parents), you can name the answers in alphabetical order or in a foreign language.

Thematic material:

European train ticket

With miniature trailers and stations, organizing fun and engaging geography lessons is a breeze. Large colorful maps of Europe conquer with their antique stylization. There are no less interesting additions to this strategy game - "Heart of Africa", "Train in Asia", etc.

Designed for children who are already 8 years old.

A popular card game whose deck is somewhat reminiscent of ordinary cards. The rules are simple - get rid of your cards as quickly as possible. You can play with any number of participants, even two. But the more people, the merrier. The compact box of the deck fits easily into a bag, allowing you to play with it anywhere. Even 5-year-old preschoolers can understand the rules.

There is also a domestic version of "Uno" - "Svintus". Made with humor, it will amuse any company.

Also known as Scrabble. Created a long time ago, this desktop still remains relevant and is a great way to spend leisure time with your family. Works "Erudite" on the principle of a crossword puzzle. Each participant has letters, from which he must lay out words on the playing field.

Buy the game

Of course, it can only be played by those children who already know how to read. But the benefits of "Erudite" are obvious - literacy increases, vocabulary expands, logical thinking develops, what can we say about having a great time with the family!

Scrabble tournaments are popular in Europe. Between respectable adults, whole battles are played out for knowledge of the language.

First of all, the design of the game is surprising. Colorful patterned fabric rugs and unusual wooden dinars help you find yourself in an oriental bazaar. The rules are the same as in the market. The task of the players is to place their carpets on the playing field as much as possible and become wealthy merchants.

Buy the game

In Marrakech, chance plays almost no role. The main thing is the strategy and moves of the participants. Recommended age - from 6 years.

It is also called "tower". This is because it consists of wooden bars, which are laid out in a structure resembling a tower. The task of the players is to pull out the bar from the base of the tower with precise movements and build a new level. The one whose turret crumbles loses.

Buy the game

Age limit 5+, but it's relative. Jenga is a great way to develop fine motor skills and thinking for players of all ages. Some variation of "Jengi" are balancing chairs. Only the tower had to be disassembled, and on the contrary, a new structure should be created from the chairs.

How to include the youngest in the game

The most important condition for family games is that they should be understandable and interesting to all participants. But what about the youngest members of the family who still go to kindergarten?

It is better to start acquaintance with desktop games with lotto or ordinary walkers in which a die is thrown. Good sets like "Memory", in which you need to remember the location of the same cards and collect them in pairs.

What kind of table sets for the home will kids like?

Games with benefits for development

In fact, almost any board game is educational and makes the child think. But some can become real didactic aids to eliminate school difficulties, for example, in mathematics.

With the game "Delissimo" in an unobtrusive form, you can explain one of the most difficult topics for children - fractions. And it's all thanks to the usual pizza! A long-term purchase, there are rules for 5-year-old crumbs, and there are also rules for 10-year-olds.

The games "Sea Cocktail", "Sleeping Queens Deluxe", "10 Pigs", etc. will help to have fun and work out the skill of mental counting.

An analogue of the adult publication "Activity for Children" contributes to the development of speech. In it, it is necessary to explain the image on the card using explanation, drawing or pantomime.

Turn off the TV, put away your gadgets and try to play with the whole family! Such leisure will surely fall in love with all household members and will soon become one of those warm family traditions that children will remember for a lifetime. After all, it is not even important how useful they are and what they develop, but the fact that they bring everyone together.

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