Stones for magicians and soothsayers. Stones for magicians and soothsayers Who is Rempel

home / Cheating wife

The effect of nourishing facial masks will last as long as possible if you use them on June 8, 9, 26, 27.

The effect of rejuvenating and restorative agents will be especially strong - June 5,9,17,21,26.

IT IS ABSOLUTELY NOT ADVISABLE TO DO BOTOX, RESTYLINE, DYSPORT INJECTIONS - June 1,2,3,7, 11,12, 13,14,15,16, 21,22, 23,24, 26,27, 29,30.

Such procedures on these days will not give the necessary long-term effect and can lead to the appearance of tumors on the face, neck and severe pigmentation in the future.

Hair styling and straightening will be most effective on June 1, 2, 11, 12, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30. But it should be noted that these days you need to use fixatives with restraint.

The perm will last better if done on June 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 26, 27.

Hair coloring will be most permanent if done on June 6, 9, 23, 28.

Shampoos are not worth buying and starting to use - June 10,11,12, 26,27,28

Mystery of the Trinity and Spiritual Day

On June 4, 2017, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Feast of the Holy Trinity.

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Manicures and pedicures are best done on June 3, 4, 5, 18, 19, 24, 25. If a manicure or pedicure requires mandatory cutting of all nails, then it is better to focus on the dates for cutting nails, which are indicated in the topic “Cutting nails.”

It is not recommended to extend nails: June 7,8,9, 13,14,15,17, 18,19,23,24. Since this action will lead to the development of infectious diseases and the appearance of fungal diseases.

Removal of calluses, healing foot baths are most favorable - June 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 22, 23, 28, 29.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is most favorable on June 28. In Vladivostok and Primorsky Krai, the probability of successful IVF procedures in JUNE is 8 percent.

Depilation, hair removal from legs, especially effective - June 11, 12, 20, 21. If you remove hair from your legs for 3 years on these very days (the most effective days of each month), then eventually the hair on your legs stops growing.

Removing hair from legs is strictly prohibited - June 6 and 7. However, if you want to have hairy legs, then hair removal is exactly what you need to do these days.

Products that protect and protect the skin from chapping are especially relevant - June 3,4,5, 13,14,15, 22,23.

Cleansing procedures for facial skin are most effective - June 6, 7, 16, 17, 24, 25. Don't miss these days.

It is necessary to walk more and ventilate the room - June 8,9,10, 18,19,26,27.

June 8,9,10 – on the full moon, and in the days closest to the full moon, fat deposition in the body occurs more actively. Arrange fasting days on vegetable juices or not too sweet fruits.

The best period to visit the bathhouse to improve your health is from June 1 to June 8.

Ears should be pierced on June 19 and 26.

The first visit to the dentist is best timed to coincide with June 3, 4, 5, 24, 25. It is on these days that it is best to begin procedures, treatment, removal, restoration and filling of teeth. You can continue treatment any day.

It is best and most effective to take things to dry cleaning from June 9 to June 24.

It is best to start renovations in an apartment or house from June 9 to June 24.

General monthly cleaning is best done from June 9 to June 24.

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Start a business, move into a new office, open a store, etc. 22nd of June.

The best time to contact your superiors with requests for a pay increase and a promotion is June 18,19,26,27.

The best time to buy a car is June 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23. It is strictly not recommended to purchase a car - June 2, 3.

Count money to improve your financial situation - June 13.

Buy a wallet to eventually get rich - June 2. The wealth aspect develops over 3 years.

Do not lend in view of the threat of not returning the borrowed funds to you - June 7.

Set aside at least a little money to attract an improvement in your financial situation - June 3. According to tradition, you need to save money either under the tablecloth on the table or in a box. But the money set aside cannot be taken out during the year. They should accumulate throughout the year (you report them monthly).

And if you adhere to this rule, then in subsequent years your well-being will improve radically. A year from the start of the ritual, the money can be taken out and used, and if you want, you can start saving it again.

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A wallet is the main symbol of wealth and prosperity and you need to choose it with all seriousness and responsibility, Otherwise, there will be no material prosperity!

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Refrain from paying off debts in order to improve your financial situation - June 19.

The best time to get a new job is June 27th.

The most suitable time for negotiations, concluding contracts, agreements, financial transactions in order to obtain better financial opportunities is June 26.

The best time to apply for loans is June 20th.

Buy apartments, land - June 1,2,3,4, 5,7,9,10, 11,12,14,15, 16,18, 20,21, 22, 23,24,25, 27,30

Do not make purchases - June 19, 28.




The best days to start traveling or moving to another city or country are 2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10, 11,14,15,16,18,19, 20,24,25,28,30 June.

The best day to perform magical rituals is June 4th.

The most successful days for cosmetic surgery to remove or smooth out wrinkles are June 6th.

Plastic surgeries to change the shape of the eyes are prohibited on June 14,15, 16,17,19, 22,24,27.

You cannot have plastic surgery on the neck or surgery to change the shape of your lips on June 16,17,18, 22,23,25,26, 27,28,29,30.

Surgeries to change the shape of the breast and breast enlargement are prohibited on June 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.

Astrologer Alexander Rempel

The Year of the Rooster will begin on January 28, 2017, and will end on the night of February 15-16, 2018.

It is believed that in the year of the Red Rooster, luck smiles on the brave, on those who put effort into achieving results, who are not afraid to gradually make their way towards their goal, but are also ready for decisive actions. The years of the Rooster in the last century were 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, and in the 21st century - 2005.

Characteristics of the year. The organ is the heart, the taste is bitter, the color is red. Qualities: clarity and radiance. The element of 2017 - Fire - corresponds to the south, midday and summer. Fire is associated with the Sun, and its warlike, intolerant and destructive nature connects it with the planet Mars. Trigram of the year - Li. Year of the man. Plant of the year - beans. The mascot of the year is Peacock. The magic number is 7.

How to earn money

General characteristics of the year.

To understand what kind of year awaits us all, it is enough to remember that the Rooster is a wayward, cheerful, vocal creature. He is celebrating a new day! Therefore, the Rooster is a symbol of the new. He is curious, sociable, showy, loves to attract attention and win victories on all fronts. In general, this symbol is associated with good luck. The Rooster is practical and even calculating, which is why 2017 is well suited for the implementation of fateful projects: opening your own business, buying real estate, moving. On the other hand, this is a good year to achieve something new in a thoroughly studied area - the Rooster is conservative and does not like change, but he will definitely “approve” new contracts, scientific research, home or dacha renovations, and additions to the family.

The Rooster is thrifty and attentive to his appearance and health, so all acquisitions and investments in himself in 2017 will be extremely successful.

Another distinctive feature of the symbol of 2017 is its sociable nature - despite its domineering character, the Rooster does not tolerate loneliness. For 2017, you can safely plan trips with noisy groups or large family holidays, anniversaries, weddings - any such undertaking will go off with a bang. It is important to emphasize the Rooster’s pickiness - being hot-tempered by nature, he makes important decisions carefully, and this is worth learning from him.

The most successful year of the Fire Rooster will be for those who occupy leadership positions, organize and create something, be it a new company or a large family - the symbol of 2017 will be lenient towards such people, he loves those who make decisions.

The Rooster is ready to support the most ambitious plans and the most daring ideas, but any action will need to be carefully prepared.

A large number of people follow the unspoken rules and laws of celebrating the New Year and behavior throughout the year, so that the owner of the current year “doesn’t get offended” and doesn’t throw in a dirty trick or two as a reward for disobedience. And although the Year of the Rooster begins not on January 1, but on January 28, in Russia they still try to adhere to the traditions of celebrating the Eastern Year on the calendar New Year. Therefore, it is important to know how to dress on New Year’s Eve, what dishes should be on the festive table and what should not be there under any circumstances, etc. - we will talk about all this in the next issue of the Gentry newspaper. Having properly appeased the dominant sign of the eastern horoscope in 2017, we can say with confidence that in the coming year we will not be afraid of any troubles or adversity.

What to expect from the Red Fire Rooster?

The rooster is the tenth oriental animal, which, as ancient legends say, came to the Buddha in the sacred clearing at his call. Very bright, defiantly beautiful, the Rooster never sits idle - everything around him should boil and seethe! The Rooster, especially the Fiery Rooster, symbolizes the Sun, since it is with its early morning singing that a new day begins. In eastern countries, this sign is directly associated with the warmth of the sun: the Japanese see it as the first light, the Indians call it the personification of the energy of the Sun. The Chinese consider the Rooster to be a symbol of five basic virtues: courage, loyalty, kindness, dignity, benevolence. You and I need to cultivate and actively nurture all these qualities throughout the year. From the five qualities of virtue, the main character traits of the animal symbol of 2017 clearly emerge - frankness and sincerity. True, the Rooster says everything that comes to mind, without particularly caring about the feelings of others. At times, due to his straightforward judgments, such openness may seem tactless and even rude.

The stars advise everyone in 2017 to control their speech and emotions, so as not to offend anyone with a harsh word.

The Red Rooster is extremely careful, even pedantic, but very responsible. Therefore, it is better to complete all tasks in 2017 and treat any work with diligence. It is worth knowing that the Rooster, by his nature, is a rare joker and rake; he is overly self-confident and sometimes allows himself to speak empty bravado.

In this regard, in the coming year you need to be very careful in communication, sometimes even control yourself, so that the eastern sign does not influence you in the most obscene way at the most crucial moment.

It is interesting that the Rooster likes to command and give advice mixed with criticism left and right, and at the same time he himself reacts very sharply to comments addressed to him. And you can win the heart of the Rooster with undisguised flattery and frank praise. This is explained by the fact that by nature the Rooster should always be in sight, in the center of attention. Otherwise, this colorful sign will simply wither away without proper attention.

This year, everyone needs to think about developing their leadership skills and somehow stand out from the crowd (dressing style, intelligence, originality, creativity, extravagance, even quirkiness).

The Rooster loves to dress brightly and tastefully, and this feature has made him a real expert on how to make a good impression almost from the first meeting. He loves work if his job responsibilities include communicating with people. In any team, the Rooster will deservedly be considered an unusual and spectacular person. Many people will have good luck at work in 2017 and will be able to quickly move up the career ladder. The Rooster is conservative and follows its own logic in everything. Despite his love for attention, the Rooster is sure that he is the one who thinks sensibly, not accepting other opinions. The Rooster always relies only on his own strength, without resorting to the help of others.

That is why persistent and straightforward careerists in 2017 will find it easier than other employees to achieve their goals. All Roosters are workaholics. They never have easy money.

The Rooster always and everywhere tries to do everything he can, and even more. Despite his extraordinary qualities as the best worker, the Rooster also allows himself laziness in the workplace. Most likely this is due to the Rooster’s penchant for contemplation. If he does what he loves, the job of his dreams, then he will be able to achieve a lot: independence, prestige, wealth. This eastern sign in 2017 pushes one and all to find their true purpose in this life. The Rooster is a rather controversial sign. Based on this, in 2017 you need to be able to maintain a balance between work and personal life. Otherwise, despite new acquaintances and frequent communication, the coming year will be marked by loneliness.

The Year of the Rooster will give all active and energetic people the opportunity to achieve a lot both at work and in love and family life.

2017 cannot be called a simple year, but it will definitely not be boring, because the Rooster does not tolerate boredom and despondency. The most important thing is to believe in yourself and not lose your presence of mind. Well, where have you seen the sad Rooster? The coming year will be the most controversial for interpersonal and love relationships - a hot temper and some inconstancy often prevent the Rooster from establishing connections with friends and lovers. On the other hand, if the choice has already been made, the Rooster is able to devote all his efforts to strengthening relationships; he is ready to give gifts and surprise loved ones.

The same applies to big politics - in the year of the Rooster, conflicts at the international level are obligatory, but the year is good for implementing serious reforms within the country aimed at improving the quality of life.

The Rooster zealously defends its territory and cares about the well-being of loved ones, so any actions in this direction will be accompanied by success. The main thing is to know moderation in everything, not to overdo it and remember that the best is the enemy of the good. The Rooster is reasonable and is able to make the right decision, taking into account the interests of all parties, even if at first glance the situation seems insoluble. In the Year of the Rooster, new strong leaders may come to power, not conflict-oriented, but, on the contrary, capable of establishing stable and strong relations with neighbors.

We can definitely say that in 2017 we will experience several military conflicts. Military conflicts will take place on the territory of many countries, but there will be no war on Russian territory. At the same time, Russian troops will take part in local wars on the territory of three countries. Unfortunately, there will be loss of life. At the same time, Russia will have to endure a number of major accidents. There will also be many weather disasters and man-made disasters.

Red is the color of fire, energy, passion. It is known to excite, improve mood and well-being, and optimize mental and physiological processes. In many cultures, red crystals (rubies, red tourmaline and jasper) are considered the embodiment of fire, flame in another form. It is believed that such stones contain particularly strong energy. Red stones can influence the circulatory system; they are recommended to be worn for problems with blood vessels, blood pressure and skin diseases. Orange is associated with the nervous system and digestive tract. Amber, carnelian and corals painted in this color can tone the body and strengthen the nervous system. Contact with stones of this color allows you to get rid of excess negative energy. Yellow stones - citrines, topazes, chrysoberyls - relieve insomnia, stimulate appetite, increase overall tone and simply give joy with their sunny appearance.

The rooster is a curious, emotional creature that loves to be seen and make a bright impression, so jewelry with rubies, garnets and topazes had to be stylish and original.

How to celebrate 2017 the right way

The main thing when organizing New Year's holidays this year is that there should be more people, brighter decorations, and entertainment as varied as possible. No one should be bored or sitting idle, feel free to prepare competitions and forfeits, buy sparklers and fireworks, come up with a holiday scenario so that there is a place for everyone. There is no better option than a masquerade with colorful costumes, masks and disguises. You can save money on outfits and make them yourself. The main thing is that they are bright and original, and how much it will cost is not important to the symbol of 2017. The more economical the better. A good idea for a holiday is various contests and competitions, perhaps even comic fights. The meeting of the Year of the Fire Rooster is the case when it is impossible to overdo it.

What dishes to put on the New Year's table

Good news for housewives - the Rooster loves simple but beautiful dishes. Naturally, you will have to give up poultry in general and chicken in particular, but you can prepare a whole mountain of vegetable dishes and various snacks. Although, on the other hand, the Year of the Rooster has not yet arrived on December 31, 2016, and therefore you can also cook chicken dishes. The Rooster loves cereals and bread, so pies, pies, sandwiches and canapés are perfect for the festive table, especially since these simple dishes open up unprecedented scope for imagination. Remember that your goal is to surprise: unusual combinations, bright decoration of your favorite dishes - and you will delight both the guests and the Fire Rooster. Lure the symbol with a pie with an original filling, decorated with a figurine of a cockerel, cookies in the shape of birds, and make cockerel lollipops for the children. Show your imagination when choosing alcohol - try yourself as a bartender, prepare unusual cocktails with sweet liqueurs for your guests, stock up on sparkling wines, and give up everything banal. There is never too much fruit on the New Year's table, especially in the year of the Fire Rooster.

Particular attention should be paid to table setting. The color scheme is red and all its shades, orange, yellow, gold. Celebrating the Year of the Rooster is a great opportunity to replace boring porcelain with wooden dishes and decorate the holiday in a rustic style. Why not? The symbol of the year will be pleased, and you will have a reason to show your creativity and make the holiday unlike any other.

What to wear to celebrate the New Year 2017

The main contradiction lies in the fact that the meeting of the Year of the Fire Rooster, on the one hand, involves bright outfits, and on the other, this symbol does not tolerate cheapness and kitsch. Things should be bright and expensive, and jewelry should only be genuine, no fakes, no jewelry. The Rooster cannot be fooled, but he can be outsmarted. For example, if several special events are planned throughout the year, buy an expensive outfit in advance and celebrate the New Year in it - the symbol of 2017 will appreciate your generous investment in your wardrobe, and you will no longer need to fuss just before the event. In addition, the item may be valuable specifically to you - for example, a piece of jewelry that was inherited. The thrifty Rooster will be delighted with such a thing, and will probably not notice the discreet outfit. Ladies can get their hands on an evening dress made from expensive natural material - this will never go out of fashion; in extreme cases, it can be altered after a few seasons. The rooster can be surprised not only by the bright color, but also by the bold style - open back, deep neckline or high slit. He will definitely send good luck to brave natures. As for the color scheme of the outfits, everything is simple and obvious here - all shades and combinations of red, orange, yellow, brown and gold. However, it should be remembered that burgundy and brown, although slimming, do not suit young girls, and a mature lady will look awkward in orange and yellow. But scarlet is a win-win option for any age - it is almost impossible to go unnoticed in a flame-colored outfit, especially in combination with gold jewelry. It is better to abandon geometric prints in favor of a “natural” theme - flowers, feathers, butterflies, flames. And most importantly, don’t scare off the Rooster with predatory leopard or tiger colors, otherwise you won’t have any luck throughout 2017!

Choosing a costume to celebrate the Year of the Fire Rooster will be almost more difficult for men than for ladies. The classic black symbol of the year will not be appreciated, so look for something brighter - for example, a shirt or tie. If the holiday format allows, feel free to wear an extravagant outfit. It is important to remember that the Rooster does not tolerate laxity and sloppiness. A man's hairstyle should be neat, and all things should be carefully ironed.

What gifts to give

The general theme for any gifts in the year of the Rooster is that they should be bright and useful in everyday life, which, you see, makes their choice much easier. Cheap gift options for colleagues and friends - unusual kitchen utensils or something with a picture of a rooster. No trivial trinkets! The thing must be functional. More expensive options for loved ones - household appliances, dishes, home textiles. The coming year of the Fire Rooster is an excellent occasion for an expensive gift that your significant other has long dreamed of. The Rooster is a generous symbol; it will definitely appreciate your generous gesture and thank you with good luck in business. Another expensive gift that the Rooster will also like could be a trip to an exotic resort - that’s where there will be an abundance of vivid impressions. There will definitely be no problems with choosing gifts for friends in the Year of the Rooster - any cute household goods, board games, tickets to a concert or entertainment center will do. The main thing is that these gifts give positivity and a good mood, so even if you are “ordered” something very simple, do not skimp on original (even homemade) packaging or arrange a quest so that even the most ordinary thing will be given to the recipient complete with positive emotions . But you will have to think about gifts for children - regardless of the age of the recipient, try to make sure that the gift is not only bright, but also useful. Give up banal soft toys in favor of educational games, construction sets or technical innovations.

About those born in the year of the Rooster

Those born in the year of the Rooster are distinguished by their straightforwardness and at the same time loyalty. These people are hardworking, practical and enterprising, but they often spoil their lives by being too focused on themselves and their loved ones. They may make decisions without consulting anyone and withdraw into themselves even when they need help. Those born in the year of the Rooster are leaders by nature - they make good managers, teachers and entrepreneurs. At the same time, deep down, people born in the year of the Rooster are concerned about the opinions of others, so they pay great attention to their appearance, and are ready to spend a lot of money on clothes, shoes, accessories and specialist services. Such people love to bargain, but they will always prefer quality to cheapness. Although the image of a rooster is usually associated with something bright and colorful, when choosing a wardrobe, most people this year are conservatives. Reasonableness and conviction that one is right are distinctive character traits of people born in the year of the Rooster. They tend to analyze and analyze any situation without succumbing to emotions, so it is almost impossible to put pressure on them and impose their opinion. For the same reason, it is easier for such people to achieve results in conditions of partial or complete independence - they need time and certain conditions to calmly think about everything and understand how to achieve their goal. On the other hand, they are practically unable to accept opinions that contradict their own, they take criticism hard, and feel unhappy in a subordinate position. They treat what they earn pedantically, but only until they achieve financial independence, when they begin to handle money carelessly and risk quickly wasting everything they have earned.

Those born in the year of the Rooster are loving, and already in their youth they can boast of a large number of novels. They love to be the center of attention, know how to court and accept courtship, charm, create a romantic atmosphere, receiving true pleasure from the very process of getting to know another person. At the same time, Roosters cannot be called frivolous - they are capable of deep feelings, and expect reciprocity, honesty, encouragement and approval of their every action from their chosen one. Not getting what they expected, they have difficulty coping with disappointment. The difficulty in a long-term relationship with the Rooster is that his interest must be constantly warmed up and maintained, otherwise he is capable of betrayal, but if the Rooster’s partner is an inventive person, the couple is guaranteed a happy married life. When the Rooster realizes that he has met “his” person, he will never let him go. The best compatibility of Roosters is with those born in the year of the Ox or Snake, but it can be difficult for Roosters to find a common language with Tigers, Rats, Rabbits and Horses.

Prepared by Alexander Rempel

Retrograde planets (R) in June 2017

Jupiter retrograde until June 09
Saturn is retrograde all month – from April 6 to August 25
Neptune will turn retrograde on June 16
Pluto is retrograde all month - from April 20 to September 28

The rest of the planets move in a direct direction

Background aspects of the month:
Venus sextile Mars June 01-25
Sun opposition to Saturn June 09-18
Bisextile Neptune-Mars-Venus June 16-25
Bisextile Pluto-Neptune-Venus June 19-26
Stellium in Cancer June 21-July 5
Tau square: Mars-Jupiter-Pluto June 22-July 09
T-square: Mercury/Mars-Jupiter-Pluto June 27-July 02
Saturn trine Uranus all month until the end of 2017

Periods of ineffectiveness of the Moon
During periods when the Moon has already made its last major aspect, but has not yet moved into the next sign, you should avoid launching new projects and any other things designed for the future and development. These are the so-called “Moon without course” or periods of ineffectiveness of the Moon. The best strategy at this time is to do nothing, leave everything as it is until the Moon enters the next sign.

And below is a table for the month - the dates and times of the periods of the “Moon without a course”:
02.06.2017 21:50 – 03.06.2017 00:05
05.06.2017 08:58 – 05.06.2017 10:47
07.06.2017 00:36 – 07.06.2017 23:00
10.06.2017 06:21 – 10.06.2017 11:37
12.06.2017 18:46 – 12.06.2017 23:46
15.06.2017 05:41 – 15.06.2017 10:19
17.06.2017 11:34 – 17.06.2017 17:56
19.06.2017 19:43 – 19.06.2017 21:54
21.06.2017 04:26 – 21.06.2017 22:45
23.06.2017 18:47 – 23.06.2017 22:08
25.06.2017 18:46 – 25.06.2017 22:08
27.06.2017 21:13 – 28.06.2017 00:42
29.06.2017 20:36 – 30.06.2017 07:03

Greenwich time is GMT. For Kyiv we add +3, for Moscow also +3.

Main astro events of the month

date Aspect GMT Phases, degrees
June 01 crescent 12:43 11°13′ Virgo ù
June 01 Venus trine Saturn 15:21
June 03 Venus conjunct Uranus 07:30
June 03 Sun trine Jupiter 16:12
June 04 Sun square Neptune 16:12
June 04 ingression (transition) of Mars into Cancer 16:16
June 06 ingression (transition) of Venus into Taurus 07:25
June 06 ingression (transition) of Mercury into Gemini 22:13
June 09 full moon 13:11 18°53′ Sagittarius ¸
June 09 Jupiter will become direct 13:52 13°13′ Libra SD
June 09 Venus sextile Mars< 15:38
June 13 Mercury trine Jupiter 15:42
June 14 Mercury square Neptune 03:27
June 15 Sun in opposition to Saturn 10:17
June 16 Neptune turns retrograde 05:54 14°15′ Pisces S.R.
June 17 crescent 11:34 26°28′ Pisces û
June 18 Sun sextile Uranus 18:47
May 18<

Mercury in opposition to Saturn

Venus sextile Neptune

Mercury sextile Uranus

ingression (transition) of the Sun into Cancer

ingression (transition) of Mercury into Cancer

Neptune square the Black Moon

Sun conjunct Mercury

new moon

02°47′ Cancer ø

Venus trine Pluto

Mars square Jupiter

Mars trine Neptune

Mercury square Jupiter

Mercury trine Neptune

Mercury conjunct Mars

Mercury opposite Pluto

Greenwich time is GMT. For Kyiv we add +3, for Moscow also +3.

Background aspects and specifics of the month

June 2017 is characterized by mixed impacts. The first two decades of June provide opportunities for renewal in many areas of life. But this is also a month of cleansing from false attitudes, illusions, and the need to accept reality as it is. The influence of Neptune, the master of fantasies, illusions and spiritual impulses, will be strong. It will remain frozen in one degree for the entire month, turning towards retrograde. The background aspect of the month will be Neptune's quincunx with Jupiter. And when the planets from Gemini make a beneficial trine to Jupiter, in parallel they form a square to Neptune. The essence of this quincunx is that along with new opportunities come hidden problems that are important to discern, detect and eliminate so that they do not become a stumbling block in the future.

Another background aspect of June is the sextile of Venus and Mars. The planets will be in harmonious relationships for most of the month, June 01-25. Such a long-lasting aspect of this pair is a rare occurrence. After the retro period, Venus has not yet picked up its usual pace and in June moves with Mars at approximately equal speeds. At this time, useful connections, friendships, new cooperation, and partnerships can be established. Active maneuvers are expected on the romantic front; the pace of business and projects will accelerate.

On June 04 and 06, Mars, Venus and Mercury change signs and new trends will be felt in the energy of the period. From June 4 to July 20, Mars plunges into Cancer, where actions are motivated by emotions, the interests of the clan, and close circle. People become more careful, they do not respond to calls immediately, but after taking a closer look, assessing the consequences, enlisting the support of the rear, or instantly, but under the influence of strong emotions. At this time, interests are more focused on family concerns, household tasks, relationships with relatives and loved ones. This is a good time for renovating an apartment, arranging a summer house, working in the garden, updating the interior and rearranging the house. A long-term project started during this period will develop slowly, but has a good chance of becoming stable.

On June 6, Mercury moves into Gemini and Venus into Taurus. Feelings and thoughts will be at a “safe distance”, not allowing each other to interfere in their sphere of competence beyond measure.

Venus remains in her abode until July 05. In June she has only harmonious aspects - another rather rare occurrence. The need for harmony intensifies at this time; it helps to come to agreement on controversial issues and not bring the situation and relationships to the brink. The material component is very important at this time; it can both strengthen relationships and ruin them. Therefore, be attentive to those you love and do not be stingy, show love and care. This is a great time to breathe fresh air into your relationship, please your loved ones with gifts, delicious dishes, and spend time in a calm, beautiful environment. The aesthetic component plays an important role at this time. Joint visits to concerts, theaters, museums, art exhibitions will also contribute to rapprochement. But the feeling of possessiveness and the need for security in relationships increases and its absence or lack is experienced more acutely, so disagreements and quarrels are possible on this basis.

Mercury in Gemini is also in its abode, where it can collect and analyze information, detached from emotional influences. These energies make it possible to see things more objectively. And we need objectivity.

More about periods and aspects21st of June The Sun and Mercury move into Cancer and there will be a stellium in this sign until July 05. During this period, the emotional component in affairs and decisions will increase. Intuition will work better than logic. But sensitivity to words and intonation is heightened, and there will be more subjectivity in the perception of information. This is important to remember, as the current stellium in Cancer creates intense aspects, fueling emotional reactions. And when emotions “rule”, the rational principle is pushed to the periphery. Quarrels may arise where at other times the problem was resolved through calm discussion. Be correct, do not make careless statements or harsh criticism of those you value. At this time, it is easy to offend another person, quarrel, or even seriously ruin the relationship.

From June 22 a tau square will begin to form: Mars-Jupiter-Pluto. The last week of June and the first ten days of July is a time of difficulties, aggravation of problems both in personal affairs and in society. We can expect an escalation of tension in international relations, diplomatic conflicts, intensification of military operations, and terrorist attacks. Ideology, the “us versus them” position, polarization of opinions will aggravate relations in society. This is a time of political and religious extremes, the activation of supporters of nationalism and religious fanatics. Tension in society can result in interethnic conflicts. This is a time of espionage of all kinds, virus attacks, a period when information becomes a weapon. There may be a leak of information, publication of scandalous facts, media hype. Social processes or natural phenomena can affect personal affairs, for example, a strike of transport workers will cause problems on the road, flight delays. At this time and in early July, weather changes and floods are likely. At the end of June, it is better not to plan trips to regions with an unstable climate and seismic activity, as well as to places of military conflicts.

June 01-06
First week of June- a time of unexpected and favorable opportunities, it allows us to solve the difficulties of the last days of May if we act flexibly and are open to new solutions. The Mars-Saturn opposition, which is already weakening, can create tension and problems, but the conjunction of Venus with Uranus will be a trine to Saturn and a sextile to Mars, opening this opposition, allowing you to find non-standard ways out of difficulties. An important and favorable aspect of early June is the Sun’s trine to Jupiter. The first six days of June are a good period for planning, starting new projects, establishing new contacts, new cooperation, concluding contracts, settling legal issues, and social activities. This is the most constructive period of the month. It is possible to reach agreements in relationships and business while maintaining flexibility and without sacrificing independence. These are favorable days for important negotiations, long trips, business trips and making changes. This is the time of romantic acquaintances, the beginning of novels. This is an important time for established personal and business relationships, when in order to maintain them, you need to give your partner a little more freedom. The energies of this week contribute to the birth of new projects. The exact aspects of the beginning of June will be in effect for the first week and everyone brings their own nuances. There will be disorienting influences, such as the Sun-Neptune square, but if you use common sense, the pitfalls of this square can be avoided. Now let's talk about each aspect in more detail.

June 01 – Venus in trine with Saturn, effective June 01-06. The harmonious combination of these planets helps to look at relationships more realistically, balances the excessive worries of Uranus and Venus, helping not to place unrealistic hopes and look at things soberly. This is a good period for discussing pressing problems in a relationship, when you can agree on a balance between freedom and obligations so that both parties are satisfied. It is possible to renew old connections, or start a relationship with an age difference. A good period for establishing strong, long-term contacts with partners, superiors, and those older in age or position. This is a time of planning, finding financial solutions and determining next steps in life and business. A favorable period for important purchases. Discussion of financial issues can give the desired result. A good period for visiting official authorities, seeking understanding and financial support.

June 03 – The conjunction of Venus with Uranus will become exact, the action time will be June 01-06. The duet of Venus and Uranus encourages you to break out of the usual circle of routine and breathe in the fresh wind of change. These energies stimulate creative search, romanticism, and bring new bright impressions in love and creativity. This is a time of romantic acquaintances, unexpected, exciting romances that can turn into serious relationships. But for an existing fragile relationship, this may be a time of testing its strength. This period can give both a new impetus to a relationship and a sudden break if the relationship has become boring and monotonous. June 04-05 may be critical in this regard. If you want to save your relationship, refrain from being categorical; it can have unpredictable consequences. Now is the time to move away from old habits, from what has become a formal ritual in relationships. Make changes to your home life and routine, give preference to new common interests, introduce novelty and a little freedom into your relationship. In general, be prepared to change in small things so as not to lose more. At this time, it is likely to establish friendly relations with business partners or partnerships with friends. Business partnerships can bring interesting opportunities. The aspect helps to find an extraordinary solution to a financial issue or an old problem. There may be unexpected benefits. But now it is important to take a conservative approach to finances to avoid unwise spending. This is a time of inspiration for people of creative professions. Unexpected ideas and solutions can take on new forms. A good time to use new techniques and innovative ideas in creativity.

June 03 – Another important aspect will become accurate: the Sun’s trine with Jupiter, the time of action is June 01-06. The energies of the Sun-Jupiter trine bring favorable opportunities in many areas of life. You can get support for your ideas and endeavors, make useful contacts, and start new cooperation. A successful turn in business, new financial and social opportunities are possible. At this time, you can receive a promising offer. A good time to contact your superiors with requests and suggestions, to visit authorities, and solve legal problems. Business acquaintances and cooperation with foreign companies, foreign contacts can develop successfully. A good period for publishing, teaching, educational activities, for advertising, responsible speeches, presentation of your ideas, for publications, long trips and travel, starting a new course of study.

June 04 – Sun square Neptune, time of greatest strength June 03-06. If an offer comes in these days, a new idea arises, or an important decision is required, it is worth studying the issue well, reducing your enthusiasm and lowering your expectations. There will be a temptation to exaggerate the opportunities and underestimate the risks, and meanwhile, there will be something veiled in the topics and circumstances that is worth considering before agreeing and taking on. Remember this to avoid mistakes and miscalculations. In a new romantic relationship, there will be a tendency to idealize the object of your affection. Therefore, do not make hasty conclusions, wait until time “reveals all the cards.” These relationships will be associated either with some illusions, or with a secret that will be revealed later, or with the need to hide something. This applies to both business and romantic relationships.

June 7– The moon will be “off course” throughout the day. You should not schedule important meetings, new beginnings, or things from which you expect development. But if you want the matter not to progress, but to “rest in peace,” something that should not have consequences and development can be scheduled for this day.

June 08-20
June 09 – the full moon at 18°53′ Sagittarius on Saturn square to Neptune will reveal obstacles in business and problems in relationships, the causes of which are previous shortcomings or omissions. The map of this full moon speaks of an important reversal that could lead to the completion of some projects or relationships. But what will be viable, after the crisis and the elimination of shortcomings, will have a good chance for development. The June full moon coincides with Jupiter's turn to directness, which gives additional impetus to projects, ideas and plans. But before we move forward, we need to rein in our idealism. The conjunction of Saturn with the full moon suggests focusing on the main thing, discarding the unimportant, getting rid of topics that have become ballast, so that we can be guaranteed to bring to fruition the important things that have been started. For personal and business relationships, this is a time of determination: the need to take on certain obligations, such as an agreement on partnership, cooperation, a decision to get married, start a life together, or say goodbye. You won’t be able to learn by pretend here, and even if you do, it won’t be for long. This is the time when we need to recognize and accept some part of reality, or give up part of our claims, in order for the common cause and relationships to continue to exist.

What else is important to remember at this time is that during the full moon on June 9, the opposition of the Sun and Saturn will begin to take shape, so on days near the full moon, do not argue with your superiors, follow the rules and instructions, and do not be late for work. Everything that is happening now will not go unnoticed, and negligence or obstinacy with bosses or representatives of government agencies will turn into a problem now or in a week.

June 09 – Venus will enter an exact sextile with Mars, effective June 01-25. This is an aspect of romantic dating, the beginning of novels. A good period for romantic and sexual relationships. This is an aspect of eroticism, it enhances sensuality and the desire to possess, gives the desire to transfer relationships from the candy-bouquet period to an intimate one. This time provides an opportunity to mend relationships in which misunderstandings have arisen.

June 13 – exact trine of Mercury with Jupiter, action time: June 11-15. The period is favorable for communication, discussions, important agreements, new contacts, for intellectual work, literary activity, for working with documents, for solving legal issues, and public relations. Prospects for cooperation with foreign organizations may emerge. A good time to improve your skills. This is another good period for publishing, teaching, educational activities, for advertising, responsible speeches, presentation of your ideas, for publications, long trips and travel, and the beginning of a new course of study. It is possible to receive important information and good news. This aspect expands perception, gives a good “overview” and helps to see the prospects inherent in a particular situation, as well as its shortcomings. And it’s important to see the shortcomings now.

June 14 – Mercury is in exact square with Neptune, the action time is June 12-16, and on June 15 Neptune will stop before turning to retro. At this time, situations can range from dreamy uncertainty to illusions and deception. At this time, especially on June 13-14, it is important to be attentive to new information, it may be unreliable, contradictory or unreliable, the facts need to be double-checked. It is better not to make business decisions on June 13-14, wait for additional information, make clarifications. Willful or involuntary deception is possible; caution is needed with new people and promising offers. When working with documents, you need to pay attention when preparing documents. Inattention and absent-mindedness can lead to all sorts of misunderstandings, losses, problems in working with documents, and on the road. There is a risk of theft. Be carefull.

June 15 – The Sun is in exact opposition to Saturn, active June 09-18. During this period, problems are possible in relations with superiors, with the law or people in power. Someone who, by age or position, has the right to tell us “should” or “shouldn’t” may interfere with the implementation of our plans. This is a difficult period for personal and work relationships, and an unsuccessful period for resolving issues in official bodies. Carry out your duties carefully, maintain chain of command, refrain from arguing with your superiors, and do not enter into conflicts with government officials, this will lead to problems. Pay attention to older family members. At this time, problems with or with parents are likely. This period can remind you of responsibilities and duty. Now you need to act only by legal methods and avoid despondency and disappointment if you have to part with something. If you start fighting at this time, you may achieve nothing; on the contrary, now it is better to be flexible and learn to “swim with the flow” in order to get out of this period with minimal losses. Now you need to highlight the main thing and not overwork, this is a time of decreased vitality. People with cardiovascular problems need to pay special attention to their health.

June 18 – The Sun is sextile with Uranus, active June 14-20. A good aspect for communicating with friends, like-minded people, the exchange of opinions will give new ideas. You can count on friends to help you with your business. A good period for working in a collective project. Mastering new methods, programs, and technical innovations will create additional incentives in work - new prospects may appear, unexpected opportunities may open up. A good period for scientific research. At this time, you can find an elegant solution to an old problem, a way out of a dead end, but you need to be open to non-standard ideas, act within the framework of the law, but in unconventional ways.

June 18 – One more aspect will become accurate - the opposition of Mercury with Saturn, the time of activity is June 17-18. And on June 17, the Moon from Pisces will complete the tau square to Saturn’s opposition to the Sun and Mercury. These are difficult days for contacts, travel and communication of all kinds. Delays in business meetings, in receiving mail, goods, and necessary information are likely. These days you should not present new ideas, sign contracts, or schedule important negotiations. Disagreements over trifles can develop into a serious problem in relationships with business partners, bosses or loved ones. Put off appeals to your superiors, influential people, and official bodies. Difficulties in travel, delays, flight delays, breakdowns of transport and communications are likely. These are days of increased accident rates, injuries, the likelihood of terrorist attacks is high, it is better not to go on trips.

June 20 – exact sextile of Venus with Neptune, the aspect will be active as part of the bisextile: Venus-Neptune-Pluto June 19-26. This is a time of romantic upsurge of feelings, active work of the imagination, and strengthening of aesthetic needs. Visiting exhibitions, concerts, museums with loved ones and children will help bring you closer together. At this time, you can bring harmony and harmony into personal and business relationships. But in business it is important to avoid exposure to emotions, they will tend to unrealism and miscalculations. This is a fruitful period for people in creative professions. This time can bring romantic acquaintances, falling in love, business acquaintance or cooperation. But dating before June 20 will be promising. The period of June 20-23 is favorable for secret affairs or work in solitude, for completing projects. These days you should not start things from which you expect growth and development.
June 20 – Mercury is in exact sextile with Uranus, active June 18-22. Another aspect of June that provides opportunities for non-standard solutions. A good period for scientific work, mastering new computer programs, and solving intellectual problems. This is the time of receiving the necessary information, good news, a breakthrough in solving a problem or task, insight, when in a few days you can complete work that otherwise takes a lot of time. A good time to meet friends and build relationships with a team of employees. Unusual visits and unexpected trips are possible. But there may be a sudden turn of events that disrupts plans, or the need to solve the problems of relatives or friends.

June 21-23
21st of June - The Sun and Mercury move into Cancer, and there will be a stellium in this sign until July 05. I wrote more about these ingressions in the general part of the forecast. I will only add that in the last ten days of June we are entering a zone of heightened emotionality, where we need to be “careful on turns.”

June 21-23- days of completion, they are not suitable for undertakings designed for the future, but are good for summing up results. Finish what needs to be completed, empty cabinets of unnecessary things, desks - of papers that have become waste paper. Put things in order in your thoughts - think about what needs to be left in the past and what to include in your future plans.

21st of June - The moon is “without a course” throughout the day. You should not schedule important meetings or new beginnings on this day. But if you need to “bury” some matter, not allow it to develop, or if you need to do something and forget it without consequences, you can assign it to this day. This is almost guaranteed to happen.
June 24-30

June 24 - There will be a new moon at 02°47′ Cancer. The map of this new moon is one of the most interesting and complex. It has two closed configurations: one creates problems, the other provides opportunities. It's like two news - one bad, the other good. I'll start with the bad one. Tau square: Mars-Jupiter-Pluto portends a period of problems. The aspect is active June 22-July 9. From June 27, Mercury will join them. Days of exact aspects in tau square:

June 25 Mars square Jupiter
June 27 Mercury square Jupiter,
June 28 Mercury conjunct Mars,
June 30 Mercury in opposition to Pluto.

This is a difficult time for negotiations and discussions, especially in the last days of June. Moderation is needed in plans and assessments of prospects, especially regarding finances and investments, since the likelihood of inflated expectations and miscalculations is high. You should not trust promises and make promises. There may be complications in business relationships, in matters with foreign missions, and legal problems. At this time, you may encounter direct pressure and coercion. To achieve a goal, individuals may use methods such as blackmail, threats to use force, or actual use of force. At this time, criminal elements become more active; it is better not to go to crime-prone places and avoid contacts with brutal or suspicious people. The number of accidents, the likelihood of terrorist attacks and disasters is increasing. The risk of fires, domestic injuries and crimes increases. You need to be careful while driving, it is better not to go on long or dangerous trips, and not to engage in extreme sports. At this time, there may be domestic troubles that need to be addressed immediately - urgent repairs, breakdown of household appliances, problems with plumbing, visits from relatives, family quarrels, concerns about the safety of the home and family. There is a high probability of conflicts, showdowns and quarrels. Take care in advance of saving information, documents, personal data, protecting computers and sources of access to personal data. During this period, travel difficulties are likely; communications and transport may fail. This tau square will have a greater impact on the personal affairs of those who have planets or angles at 12°-19° in their natal natal charts of Aries, Libra, Capricorn and Cancer. At the same time, such activity of Mercury will provide an opportunity to accurately express their beliefs, to “shave off” opponent, if you don’t give in to emotions, they will interfere. This is a good time to work on creative projects and express your ideas, writing and intellectual work.

At the same time, a trapezoid will form: Mars-Pluto-Venus-Neptune. It opens the main tension of the tau-square and makes it possible to find an acceptable solution to problems. But the solution will not be in the plane where the problem arose. Therefore, it is important to turn off emotions and turn on rationality in order to find a way out that was not taken into account at first.

June 24 - exact trine of Venus with Pluto - this aspect gives strength and fullness to feelings, stimulates sexual needs. But it also increases the need to control, jealousy. At the end of June, temperamental romances will begin, but relationships in them may develop with difficulties and drama.

June 26– Mars in trine with Neptune makes it possible to act flexibly and take steps that are appropriate to the situation. The energies of this aspect stimulate entrepreneurial intuition, a clear vision of what is happening, an understanding of where and when to take a step back, or step aside for a while to see a solution that is not obvious, but optimal. Such tactics will more effectively influence the situation than a head-on collision with the problem, partners or enemies. At the same time, the circumstances of these days may incline towards secret actions, steps that cannot be advertised. But at the same time, it is important not to slide into intrigue, cover-up and deception. Try to act subtly and carefully so that a wrong step or an extra word does not ruin your plans.
Good luck, friends, with any transits!

The ability of crystals to influence the increase of certain qualities was most likely first noticed by magicians. It was they who began to use stones to enhance their magical abilities and protect against the machinations of other magicians and sorcerers. Today, much of the secret knowledge of ancient magicians has become available and any person, turning to the world of minerals for help, and, most importantly, choosing the right stones, is able to protect himself from curses, the evil eye and damage, linings and many other troubles.

For example, wearing agate will save you from the machinations of sorcerers and vampires. Agate can protect against energy attacks and energy vampirism, taking on negative energy. Diamond also protects its owner from the spells of sorcerers and magicians, but as a stronger stone, diamond does not waste its energy on processing evil spells, it reflects evil energy. And here, be afraid, the black magician, who sent negativity to the innocent, did not have time to leave in time, and you will receive your own anger back. Don't meddle with your black machinations! Heliotrope forms a strong protective energy field around a person, which can protect the owner from negative influences. But he doesn’t send back the evil spell, obviously doesn’t want to harm anyone. But eye stones are more selective and picky. All of them have the properties of amulets, i.e. protect and guard their owner. At the same time, the cat's eye protects most of all in love, the tiger's eye protects in economic activity, and the falcon's eye protects in the fight against enemies. There are stones that are just waiting - when will the evil one with dark thoughts appear. For example, jet absorbs negative energy, all bad thoughts directed at the owner of the stone get stuck in the depths of the stone. And this makes the jet even blacker and blacker.

No less interesting is the use of crystals for the development of various magical and visionary abilities. Now it is fashionable to go to the astral plane, travel there, communicate with astral interlocutors, and visit other worlds. For most people, all these astral planes are nothing more than fiction, but if you still want to go there, to the astral plane, and gain some knowledge there, then apophyllite, which is a reliable guide during astral travel, will help you a lot. It won’t lead you in the wrong direction, it will protect you from astral attacks, and when you need it, it will tell you how much. But there are still skeptics who, no matter how much they tried, never entered the astral plane. And after these failures, everyone says that the astral is all illusions and fantasies. And you buy tektite and try again. Everyone knows that tektite helps to enter the astral plane. And maybe with tektite you will succeed at once. And you will join the clan of astral travelers. And if you are already an astro-levitator, then do not forget about bloodstone - a stone of magicians that protects against astral attacks. The properties of the above stones were used during astral exits by students of the Wolf School (Vladivostok) and students of the Far Eastern Academy of History, Psychology and Parapsychology. And with the help of the above stones, the results were much better.

Skeptics also say that there are no astrals, you are all sleeping and dreaming. So after all, dreams are different. Dreams are prophetic and prophetic. Do you want to explore this area of ​​the unknown? You need belomorite. This stone strengthens dreams and is also an excellent remedy for insomnia. Recommended for magicians who work in sleep. Even if you don’t see dreams (although it only seems so to you), then belomorite will help you with this too. You'll see, and what kind. The dreams of a person wearing an emerald come true especially often. If you want to see dreams come true, you need to sleep either with emerald jewelry, or put an emerald crystal next to you at night. Belomorite is used in the manufacture of talismans for dreamers; if you wish, you can order such a talisman from Alexander Rempel.

Maybe you want to see the future not in a dream, and not in astral travel, but in reality. Well then you need to open your third eye. If you don’t know what this is, then it’s better not to read the following lines. And if you know and dream of opening your third eye, and at the same time also your chakras (again, for those who know), then you need an indigo-colored stone - azurite. Azurite stimulates the opening of the third eye. Moldavite helps open any of the chakras and especially the third eye chakra. Phenakite, in addition to helping to establish information contacts with the subtle world, also helps open the third eye. Amethyst initiates the opening of the third eye - helps to plunge into the subconscious area of ​​omniscience.

Of course, we will never ignore karma, reincarnation, aura and other occult concepts that have become firmly entrenched in our lives. The most powerful crystal in this area - aquaaurite - is proudly called an aura cleanser. The aura has been polluted - wearing aqua aurite for half an hour will completely cleanse it. Very convenient - no need to go to specialists, all procedures are done at home. There is another very convenient stone - variscite. Variscite during meditation helps to remember your previous incarnations. Again, sit comfortably on the sofa, take variscite in your hands, look at its surface and gradually (nothing will happen quickly) you see all your previous incarnations. Tired? Take a break from contemplation for an hour, cook borscht, vacuum the carpets, check what the children are doing, and again watch the incarnations. In this area, again, you can use jet, a stone that helps you understand the secrets of the hidden foundations of your karma, clan, ancestors, traditions. Danburite (not to be confused with damburite) is able to cleanse karma, eliminating problems accumulated over generations. Cuprite promotes memories of past incarnations. Celestite helps overcome karmic problems. Jokes aside, but if you want to devote yourself to the study of karma, reincarnation, both your own and that of others, then you simply need these stones. Just get ready for long and hard work. It will not be possible to penetrate into the world of past lives in five minutes.

Many precious and ornamental stones help develop clairvoyant abilities. The most amazing thing is that no courses or methods for developing these same clairvoyant abilities can compare with the effect of belomorite. We have already mentioned it in connection with its ability to strengthen dreams. Belomorite has another name - the stone of clairvoyants. True, this is a very fragile stone, it splits easily. Belomorite is worn only when the moon is waxing. But among the stones that develop clairvoyance, it has no equal. Sardonyx is associated with Uranus, with victory over time, and is sometimes used for astral travel and clairvoyance, but is significantly inferior in strength to belomorite. We all know, of course, the properties of rock crystal. This is a stone of clairvoyants, secret information, but it does not so much develop clairvoyance as help to see the future. Magic crystals and balls are made from rock crystal. This stone has special significance for fortune telling. Skilled fortune tellers read pictures of the past and future in its crystals and especially in well-carved crystal balls. To do this, a crystal object is strengthened in a dark room so that a ray of light falls on it, filling it with radiance, and they look at it for a long time, without blinking and concentrating their will on the desire to see a certain object in it. For the same purpose, they sometimes attach a crystal ball and bead to a silk thread and, holding it in their hands, order it to swing in a very specific way. The connection between crystal and clairvoyance is explained by the fact that quartz, the most perfect form of which is crystal, is like the skin of the planet, with which it feels the cosmos and the astral world. Rock crystal is associated with our supersensible perception. Amazonite enhances the tendency to visions, but this can hardly be called clairvoyance, rather, an escape from reality. Mediums use alexandrites to enhance the ability to intuitively see the future. But only mediums work with alexandrite.

There are also black magic stones. Black agate gives power over the forces of hell. Barite helps to communicate with the souls of ancestors, forcing them to answer questions. After wearing for 3 years, jet is used in necromancy and black magic. Over three years, jet accumulates so much negative energy that this black energy can be directed in magical rituals for the purpose of destruction. Carnelian is associated with the magical power of Venus, it is a very powerful love stone. That’s why carnelian, Even if you don’t practice magic, you can’t wear it all the time, it corrupts. Blood stones are often classified as black magic stones. The stone can destroy its owner if he is not a strong person in the astral plane. It is contraindicated for weak people. It is associated with magical forces operating in the Earth's atmosphere and owes its bad reputation to its color, which hints at sacrifice, and its widespread use in magic. Hardly any medieval magician dared to summon planetary spirits without having a ring with bloodstone on his finger. A soft type of bloodstone was also used to draw a circle on the floor and cabalistic signs. However, for those who do not practice magic, it does not threaten anyone, although it does not bring much happiness. Morion facilitates communication with the world of the departed. But it is used most often in necromancy - the forcible evocation of the souls of the deceased in order to learn the future from them. Although Morion is called the stone of magicians, sorcerers, and soothsayers, they always add that it can lead a practicing magician to the forces of evil. Pyrite is a fire stone. It is considered a very heavy stone. The stone of murderers, the stone of sacrifices that take on other people's karma. Pyrite is associated with Mars and Neptune, it is a stone of fanatics, robbers, it brings happiness only to desperate people who have gone to the last extreme. In magic it is used when concluding deals with dark forces. Smoky crystal enjoys the fame of black magic because of its ability to excite fantasy, distort predictions of the future and ideas about the physical world. This is a stone of dreamers, visionaries, necromancers, facilitating communication with the world of the dead. It is contraindicated for clairvoyants, as it interferes with predictions. At the same time, smoky crystal is good for treating drug addicts. Zircon in the hands of a scoundrel is a dangerous stone. Considered the stone of assassins and the mafia. Zircon makes a person vain, hates others, and gives a feeling of superiority. Even such familiar jasper has some negative qualities. Since ancient times, it has been believed that jasper has a special relationship with lies. And woe to the magician who, out of ignorance, begins to use jasper for ritual purposes. It leads the owner to black magic and gives him over to the power of dark forces, unless he is completely pure and strong. In any case, it is widely believed that it brings misfortune to beginners in magic.

If you have already decided to engage in magic and use crystals for certain purposes, do not forget that too much gullibility in handling aventurine can lead to material losses in the future. It is very difficult to work with it, since the stone is capricious and changeable. And aventurine cannot be worn all the time. Adularia enhances painful daydreaming and moodiness. On the new moon it becomes colder and shines brighter, at this time the power of the stone of the Chaldean magicians, who put it under the tongue before divination, returns to it, and on the new moon the adularian takes away the power from the magician working with it. Amethyst should never be worn in gold, only in silver. Only magicians of the highest initiation wear an amethyst in gold on the index finger. But amethyst in gold is a symbol of dedication, it is a calling card in the world of magic. Amethyst brings glory in the arts (if the person has at least a little talent). But magic is an art, and if you have even the slightest talent, then amethyst will help you. But either you carry a crystal with you, or set the amethyst in silver. Alexandrite is a very heavy stone. The stone brings misfortune to magicians and severe tests of strength. This stone is for strong people, only they can wear it. If the magician has passed the tests that alexandrite has prepared for him, then world fame awaits him, but it is still a very difficult stone.

The diamond contains enormous power, but very rare magicians can get along with it. It brings happiness only if you receive some kind of magical initiation, or if it comes to you by inheritance, or as a sign of power. It works well on the offspring of ancient families when it is passed on from generation to generation. It’s good if you were given a diamond, but for 7-9 years it will not work or will bring misfortune. Diamonds with black spots are considered especially harmful: these are either stones of black magicians or terrible misfortunes. Be careful with this stone; novice magicians are generally advised not to even wear it as jewelry.

But it's not all that scary. If you have already decided to become a magician or soothsayer, then find an angel. Angelin, a type of anhydrite, is credited with the ability to establish contact with higher heavenly powers and acquire the patronage and protection of angels. Experts in the mystical properties of stones recommend that two people who hope to establish a telepathic connection carry a piece of angelite with them. Do you want to become a telepath? Put the angelina crystal in your pocket and try, try, try. Verdite helps to activate genetic memory and gain access to knowledge recorded at the genetic level. Wulfenite maintains invisible connections between people who have agreed to meet in the future. Imagine! Ask your beloved (or loved one) - would she like to meet you in the next incarnation? If yes, and if each of you has a Wulfenite Crystal, then you will meet in a future life and will always be together in this life. Heliotrope is an interesting magical stone. Associated with Saturn, Moon and Venus. Gives you the opportunity to influence people and nature, and is good for comprehending other languages. Rings with heliotrope are put on by spellcasters when starting work. Tiger's eye promotes the transformation of a person, his magical remake. This stone is a true magician's stone. Jadeite is a magical stone that affects nature; the ancients believed that it could be used to even out the weather. Rhodonite is a strong pink colored stone. A stone of art, skill, possession, dexterity, a stone that awakens hidden magical talents. Rhodonite fills the human physical body with spiritual strength. Sardonyx increases the powers of clairvoyance. Black tourmaline (sherpa) is a witches stone. The duality of color is magically connected with the duality of human blood - arterial and venous. The ring with this stone must be removed before going to bed. It is usually placed in water overnight and a few sips are taken in the morning. The stone of witches preserves youth in a person. Chrysoberyl helps magicians understand the language of birds and animals. Chrysolite opens up secrets of esoteric information to a person. Has the ability to predict the future. With chrysolite, the magician usually does not make mistakes. Amber is a stone of creativity, strengthens faith and optimism. Red amber is more suitable for magic than yellow. Amber becomes magical only when it contains insects, but the most interesting is the one that contains a scorpion. The smoke from burning amber causes visions.

The world of minerals has many beneficial qualities. And a correctly selected stone for magical rituals or simply to be worn by a magician in everyday life will not only give him additional abilities and protect him from evil spells, but will also attract the favor of the gods to him. And such attention will make the one who sets foot on the path of magic a Great Magician. But everywhere you need long and hard work. Crystals will help in the work of a magician, but in magical work (as in any other) you need will, perseverance and desire.

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