I dreamed of a dilapidated strange house. Big beautiful stranger's house

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Seeing someone else's house in a dream is a sign that changes may occur in life in the near future. And these changes depend on what exactly is seen in the dream. Whose house is this, what condition is it in, what is happening in it - in order to interpret such a dream, you need to know the answers to all these questions.

What if you dream about someone else's house?

If someone else’s house in a dream belongs to strangers, then you should pay attention to the physical condition of this house, whether it is new or not, whether it is clean, bright, etc.

A house with a lot of light and open windows hints at the fact that you also need to get rid of problems in your life, open your soul to other people, and turn towards everything good and positive that can happen in life.

And if you dream of a house in which everything is covered with cobwebs, the glass is covered with dust, the furniture is old and dilapidated - this means that now the sleeping person’s life has experienced stagnation, and he does not know how to get out of it. He needs a push, some kind of mental “cleaning” in order to change his vision of the situation and get out of it.

Strangers who own a house symbolize the need to pay attention to your entire surroundings, regardless of your relationship with them, as well as to new acquaintances.

If in a dream it happens that someone else’s house breaks down, burns down, or disappears in some other way, then this dream can be interpreted for the better. Most likely, such a vision means that the problem will be successfully resolved, and all current failures will be resolved positively with regard to the sleeper.

What does it mean if you dreamed of someone else’s house in which friends live? This dream is a warning; it tells you that you need to pay attention in reality to your relationships with these people, to check if everything is fine with them. You should also check what situation develops in a dream with friends.

If everything is fine in their house, then this means that in fact there are no problems, and the dream is simply a reflection of reality. If in a dream it turns out that friends have quarrels, failures, or some problems related to the house, then it is worth dwelling on this in more detail.

Most likely, such a dream means that a person will take part in solving such problems, help resolve the conflict, and smooth it out. That is, we can say that depending on what situation develops among friends in a dream, the same situation will develop in real life.

What does it portend?

In addition to friends, there are also frequent cases when a person dreams of the house of his enemies and ill-wishers. This dream should be taken very seriously, because it is usually a kind of warning indicating possible conflicts and quarrels with these people.

Of course, again it is necessary to note that everything depends on what kind of relationship the enemies have in a dream. But, compared to friends, the situation here is a mirror one. That is, if in a dream a person sees that his enemies in the house are experiencing failures, quarrels and problems, then this, on the contrary, means that everything in his life will work out as well as possible, and his opponents will be put to shame.

On the contrary, good relationships with his rivals, fun, happiness and everything else, means that the sleeper will most likely suffer some failures in the future. And it is quite possible that those whom he now sees in his dream will be involved in them.

Cleaning someone else's house may mean that a person seeks to take everything under his complete and total control, and even in a dream wants to correct the situation that has happened. This is a good sign, because control over one's feelings and emotions is a sign of a person's maturity.

A dream in which you can see someone else's house is one of the most interesting and controversial from the point of view of astrologers, as well as simply lovers of dream interpretation. There are various options for the development of the situation, both positive and negative - this is what dreams of someone else's house mean.

As a rule, we associate our own home with the concept of “home,” and this word gives us a feeling of comfort, security and the awareness that there is a place in the world where we will always be welcome. However, when it comes to someone else's home, everything is much more complicated. The home of a friend, loved one or good acquaintance is a pleasant place to visit.

But it is unlikely that anyone would want to end up in the housing of enemies, unpleasant people, or even unloved relatives. However, in the world of dreams, events often occur against our will, in particular, a visit to someone else’s house. Let's find out why you dream of someone else's house, the actions in it and other details.

Interpretation by interpreters

What condition was he in?

Try to remember what someone else's house looked like in your dream? So he was:

  • Small, neat and cozy- such a dream foretells the dreamer the guaranteed fulfillment of his desires, even the most daring and daring.
  • Dirty and ruined- a harbinger of complete loneliness, which will soon become a constant companion of the sleeper. In addition, a mess in the house predicts a stream of incessant problems that will soon fill this person’s life, and no one will want to help him solve them.
  • Surrounded by a fence- an unfavorable symbol. It symbolizes the dreamer’s unrequited feelings towards some person and the inability to achieve their goals. Having seen such a vision, know that happiness will not accompany you either in your personal life or in the business sphere.
  • If in the dream the house was not surrounded by a fence, this is an extremely favorable sign, which means that in the near future you will be able to achieve your goal without much effort and labor. The absence of a fence in itself means that there will be no obstacles on your life path. The feelings will be mutual, and the profit itself will go into your hands.
  • Big stranger's house- a complex symbol that depends on your mood in a dream. If the walls of this building seemed to be pressing on you and next to them you felt defenseless and lost, in reality a strong wall of misunderstanding will arise between you and the people around you, which will inevitably lead you to loneliness.

    However if the house was huge and amazed you with its beauty, grandeur and reminiscent of a fairy-tale castle, rejoice - fate will help you in all your endeavors, and in the end you will receive ten times more than you could dream of.

  • House that looks like a labyrinth(having no exit, with confusing corridors) - the personification of depression, fears and loneliness, which will soon begin to accompany the dreamer.
  • Poorly built or unfinished house- a harbinger of a serious illness or death of a person familiar to the sleeper. However, this does not apply to his family and friends.
  • Abandoned, old- a sign that in real life your affairs will go very slowly and with great difficulty, as if something will deliberately interfere with their implementation. In this case, you should just resign yourself and trust fate.
  • Empty, with bare walls- a psychological symbol that means that in reality you have no understanding with your family members, which depresses you very much.
  • Someone else's house that towers above other houses- a harbinger that in the near future you will be able to rise above others thanks to your talents. However, this will make them jealous and make it impossible to further communicate with these people.
  • Someone else's wooden house, predicts that you will soon have the opportunity to have a good rest in nature and in the company of pleasant people.
  • The house stood near the water (sea, lake, river, etc.)– this vision is a signal from your subconscious: urgently leave everything and take a vacation. Otherwise, the matter may end in a nervous breakdown and exhaustion.
  • Someone else's house built of sand- a sign of your lack of confidence in your own and the fragility of your relationships with others.

What did you do?

To better understand the meaning of the vision that appeared to you, remember what actions you performed in someone else’s house?

  • You moved into it, were going to live there- a dream that means that in reality the dreamer avoids honest work in every possible way, and instead uses strangers to solve existing problems. Books of dreams warn: success obtained dishonestly will not bring you true happiness.
  • Breaking into someone else's house, climbing through a window or breaking down a door- a warning that in reality the sleeping person should not poke his nose into someone else’s life. Otherwise, you may cause the destruction of someone else’s family, for which higher powers will certainly punish you.
  • Entering someone else's house, being there by invitation- a favorable sign. It means that soon you will have a reliable and powerful patron who will solve all your problems.
  • Make a mess in it (break furniture, smash dishes, etc.)– in reality, your desire to subjugate everyone and everything will lead to sad results, because every person has his own opinion and the right to freedom.

Cleaning in an unfamiliar apartment

Cleaning someone else's house is a complex symbol, the meaning of which depends both on the dreamer himself and on the details of the dream. In general, it symbolizes a lot of unresolved problems that are present in the dreamer’s life.

If a businessman or manager has such a dream, it means that the sleeper devotes too much time and effort to his work, forgetting about his loved ones.

A married man (or a married woman) had a dream - a new “honeymoon” awaits you soon. Your relationship with your significant other will become simply ideal, and you will be able to enjoy each other again.

You carried out the cleaning with the help of friends - an image that should be taken literally: soon you will indeed acquire reliable friends who will help you in all your endeavors.

If in a dream you were successful in cleaning, and someone else’s house sparkled with cleanliness, rejoice - In reality, a calm and harmonious future awaits you, full of joy and peace.

If your work did not yield anything, and the house still remains dirty and dusty - soon you will have to enter a long “dark streak” of your life.

Spend the night in someone else's house

Dreams of such content are almost always are understood by the best dream books in an intimate way.

If a single guy or lonely girl had such a dream, the dreamer will soon be lucky enough to meet an interesting person, after which the acquaintance will turn into a whirlwind romance. However, the relationship will be very short, albeit passionate, after which this person will disappear forever from the sleeper’s life.

For married dreamers, such a dream appears as a warning: it looks like you are currently thinking about cheating on your significant other and even know who to do it with. However, the books of dreams make it clear: in the end, the “march to the left” will reveal itself, and then a scandal, or even divorce, will not be avoided.

For businessmen and executives, in which you happened to sleep in someone else's house, it means that soon higher powers will help you penetrate the plans of your competitors and, with the help of the information received, once again bypass them.

The house in which we live in real life is associated with coziness, warmth, comfort, in which we feel protected. A person cannot experience such a state in a room unfamiliar to him. If you leave a person alone in such a place, he will clearly feel uncomfortable. In everyday life, this rarely happens, but in a dream, many people have had the opportunity to visit a house they have never been to. Therefore, we will try to find the correct answer to why such a dream occurs.

In order to correctly interpret what you dreamed, you need to remember all the details: what they were doing inside the room, they were afraid of something or, on the contrary, they were happy, maybe there was something special in the environment. Knowing the details, you can find out what to expect in reality.

Changes in life

The Esoteric Dream Book offers a rather interesting explanation of why you dream of entering someone else’s house: a new person will appear in your future life. But you should understand that depending on the size of the room in the dream, the kind of relationship you will develop. If you were in a small room, then you shouldn’t count on great love. Most likely, this person will become a good friend.

Why do you dream of entering an unfamiliar old house? If the dreamer has not experienced intense passion and real feelings for a long time, then such a dream says that long-awaited changes will finally come in his personal life. You won’t be able to find a new life partner, but your feelings for your soulmate will flare up with renewed vigor.

Why dream of spending the night in someone else's house? Such a dream must be considered depending on who is dreaming the dream.

For men involved in business, such a dream promises achievement of certain heights in their business. For some time, you will be able to predict the plans of your competitors and be one step ahead of them. As a result, you will receive a bonus in the form of a well-deserved reward.

If a woman dreamed that she had to spend the night in someone else’s house, in life a handsome man will turn her head, but this adventure will end very quickly.

If a person who has been married for a long time dreams that he is sleeping in someone else’s house, then this is interpreted as the presence of obscene thoughts about adultery. The modern dream book warns: sooner or later the deception will be revealed, and everything may end in a break in the relationship.

Psychoanalysts say that seeing a similar plot in a dream for married couples is evidence that their sexual emotions have already weakened, and they are striving to experience something new. In order not to turn life together into an unbearable routine, the dream book recommends taking drastic measures as quickly as possible and diversifying your life.

Problems will be resolved

Why dream of living in someone else's house? This means that a person who sees such a dream uses other people’s hard-earned achievements as his own.

If you really have a difficult situation with housing, then what you saw in a dream may be prophetic: you will be invited to live with a very decent person who will not demand a large fee, and subsequently will not reproach you for this.

Various dream books agree on the same thing: if in a dream you enter someone else’s house, in reality you are, voluntarily or unwittingly, invading someone’s personal life. If you decide to destroy someone else’s family, then the dream book recommends abandoning your intentions.

In a dream, you entered a dilapidated room, and immediately before your eyes the disorder began to disappear, it became more well-groomed and comfortable - this is a joyful signal that in the near future all difficulties will disappear on their own. A difficult period in life will end.

According to Miller

Did you dream about someone else's home? Miller believed that seeing someone else’s home in a dream is a sign of significant and serious changes in later life for the sleeper. But if at the same time you experience attacks of fear or helplessness, then such symbols do not promise anything good. The dream book warns that such signs foreshadow unpleasant events. It could be an illness, it could even be the death of someone you know.

If the sleeper was in a very excited state, then Miller’s dream book recommends interpreting such a dream taking into account emotions. If the dreamer did not experience any negativity while in the building, and his appearance inspired confidence, then such a dream prophesies an improvement in life.

What do dream books say?

Vanga’s dream book interprets it this way: if the house you saw in a dream looked like it was in a fairy tale, then in reality your cherished desires will come true.

If the room you are in in a dream looks abandoned, this is a warning about loneliness. You are not able to deal with the difficulties that have arisen on your own, and you should not count on anyone’s help.

If in a dream you are in a house unknown to you, according to Freud’s dream book, this is a symbol of the beginning of a new acquaintance that will be beneficial to both parties.

Home interior

Remember well what the interior of the house was like in your dream.

  • Intricate, it contains a large number of details - the embodiment of the feminine essence. This way it becomes clear that a woman will appear in your life.
  • The mean, geometrically even design embodies the man who will appear in your future life. However, if the general features of the building in the dream were very rough, and you had some kind of negative feeling, then a new acquaintance in real life will be a complete disappointment for you and will bring a lot of negativity.

If you dreamed that you were trying to climb over a fence in order to get into the territory of someone else’s house, but nothing worked, then this subconsciously symbolizes unrequited feelings. You have a very great desire to achieve respect from the person you are interested in, but, unfortunately, you will not achieve your goal.

Why do you dream if everything is in your dream? - you managed, albeit with difficulty, to climb over the fence and get into someone else’s territory - the difficulties that may arise on your way are surmountable. You will be able to gain attention from a person who previously seemed unapproachable. But the dream book cannot predict the further turn of events.

Building view

If in a dream you saw a very large house, then you will not be able to unambiguously decipher such a symbol. It is necessary to consider this dream taking into account the state of mind of the sleeper. If the walls of the building reminded you of an impregnable ominous fortress that oppressed you with its appearance, then in ordinary life you will have to face misunderstanding and alienation from loved ones.

If the house you dreamed about looked beautiful, like a fairytale castle, this is a hint that you are on the right path to achieving your goal. You will be able to complete all the tasks you set for yourself.

Cleaning someone else's house

According to the interpretation of the Small Velesov dream book, putting things in order in someone else’s housing is a very bad sign. You will work hard, but at the same time, someone else will appropriate all your achievements, and you will end up with beans.

According to another interpretation, this is a symbol of the dreamer’s intuitive desire to please everyone, to climb the career ladder at any cost. However, all aspirations will become useless - no one needs sycophancy.

Why dream of cleaning in someone else’s home? If you do this in a dream, then this suggests many unresolved problems in real life. You are not able to deal with the accumulated matters and take control of the situation, but you shouldn’t put them off for later either, as this will lead to dire consequences. If after general cleaning the dreamer is satisfied with the result of the work, this means that you can focus on yourself and devote more time to your favorite activity.

For a business person, cleaning someone else's house means that a lot of time is spent on solving other people's problems. The dream book recommends taking a closer look at your own life and dealing with the problems that have accumulated in the family.

If in a dream your friends help you clean someone else's house, then this is a good sign. In real life, everything will be similar: you will have allies with whose help you can cope with any task.

For a woman who is married, sweeping in a stranger's house in a dream means well-being in the family. In the near future, relations with your husband will improve, and the children will show obedience and respect.

If in a dream you watch from the sidelines how someone is doing the cleaning, in reality, in order to achieve your goals, you do not hesitate to take advantage of the merits of other people and take credit for their achievements. After solving your problems, do not forget to thank the people who helped you, otherwise you will no longer receive help from them.

If in a dream a woman tries to clean the room, but at the same time she is unable to restore perfect order, and the room still looks uncleaned, in this case the dream book warns that a difficult period is coming in life. The dreamer is in for troubles that have nothing to do with her, circumstances will just turn out that way.

Fire in someone else's house

Did you dream about a fire? At first impression, such a dream is negative, but there is no need to rush to conclusions. If there were no victims, then in the future everything will turn out for the best for the sleeping person.

In order to accurately understand and correctly decipher what a fire means in a dream, you need to remember exactly what actions you took in the dream.

  • If you were directly involved in the fire, then this promises the start of a profitable business.
  • A house burned to the ground portends trouble. It is possible that in the near future your loved ones will need your help to get through this time safely. Take care of yourself and your family.

Is the roof of the house on fire? According to the dream book, someone is very seriously interested in you, perhaps even manically. Beware of suspicious individuals who show a morbid interest in you. This interest can turn into “unhealthy” desires.

A married man who has taken the path of betrayal comments on why he dreams of seeing a burning house - consuming passion can lead to the loss of his family and relationship with his mistress.

A businessman who in a dream sees the consequences of a fire in someone else's house may forget about further advancement in his career. He will have to start all over again, and at a different job.

If after a fire there are ashes left, and you are standing right on it, this is a harbinger that you will soon become a witness to someone else’s grief.

If you see a house burning in a dream, but the house is not destroyed, there is no fire or smoke, the walls are not charred, this is a sign that a number of positive changes will happen ahead of you. Expect mind-blowing success, including in business.

Troubles in the house

Why do you dream of a mess in someone else's house? When in a dream you see things scattered around someone else’s apartment and furniture overturned, the dream book claims that some bad people who wish you harm are trying to force you to change your way of life.

But disorder in a dream, caused by the sleeper, suggests the opposite - your pressure on another person will inevitably lead to disastrous results. There is no need to impose your opinion on others; any person has the right to make their own decisions.

Destruction in the house

Why do you dream of a destroyed someone else's house? Freud's dream book clearly tells the dreamer that his mental health is poor. In order not to bring yourself to a nervous breakdown, it is recommended to worry less and not take part in intense emotional undertakings.

If you are unhappy with your sex life, then what you see in a dream shows complete indifference and unwillingness to change your sex life. Take control of the situation, as you should not expect that someone will be the first to take a step towards you.

According to Loff's dream book, seeing a destroyed house in a dream can also mean problems in business. You have been putting everything together brick by brick for many years, but the time has come when everything collapses like a house of cards, and there is a decline in the financial sector, problems arise in the family.

If someone else's house is destroyed before your eyes in a dream, this is a warning of great disappointment in a person close and dear to you. Dreams are broken, in your loved one you will see something that you had not noticed before: duplicity, hypocrisy, selfishness.

An old stranger's house seen in a dream embodies the stranger's disdain for your person. The basis for this was impartial actions on your part, perhaps out of stupidity. Nothing bad will come from such actions, but don’t expect positive emotions from communication either.

Interior decoration of the house

Why do you dream of someone else's house from the inside? The interpretation largely depends on the interior of the room.

A chic interior is a sign that the time is coming to improve your financial situation. You can’t miss the moment, you need to make every effort to achieve your goal. The income will be much higher than expected.

If traces of unfinished repairs are clearly visible in an unknown home, then the dream book recommends moving quickly to resolve the accumulated difficulties, otherwise they can easily quickly develop into big problems.

Why do you dream about renovations in someone else’s house? If you now have an uncertain relationship on your life’s path, then in the near future everything will change, life will put everything in its place. At the same time, the dream book recommends not to stand aside and make decisions on your own.

In his dreams, a person can see completely different objects and objects in which certain information is hidden. You can recognize it thanks to existing dream books. To do this, try to remember as many details as possible of the plot you saw.

Why do you dream of someone else's house?

Dreaming about someone else's house most often signals serious changes in life. If the building looks like a toy, then you can count on the realization of your cherished desire. A night vision in which you had to go into someone else's house predicts the appearance of a new acquaintance in your life who will become either an enemy or a friend. Repairing someone else's house, in which many people are involved, serves as a warning that you should not trust the advice of others and it is better to rely on your own.

Why do you dream of someone else's old house?

An abandoned building in a dream is a harbinger of loneliness, which is why the dreamer will not be able to cope with the problems that have arisen. An old house also represents contempt on the part of another person.

Why do you dream of cleaning someone else’s house?

If you had to clean someone else's house, this is a bad symbol, indicating that you will have to work hard, but the merits will be attributed to another person. In another dream book, a similar plot represents the subconscious to please other people, but keep in mind that such actions will be in vain.

Why do you dream of someone else’s house being burned down?

Such a plot is a harbinger of problems and grief, so you should take care not only of yourself, but also of your loved ones. If you don’t support your loved ones, it will be very difficult to survive the crisis period.

Why do you dream about someone else’s house being destroyed?

A dream in which a destroyed building appeared represents the difficult psychological state of the dreamer. Seeing someone else's house collapsing in a dream means that you will soon be greatly disappointed in a loved one.

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