What is a deposit card? Concept, differences, features. Piggy bank service

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Today we will consider whether, when opening a bank deposit, it is worth agreeing to the offer of a bank employee to issue a credit card as an additional service. As a rule, in such cases, you will be asked to open a credit card with a grace period for repayment. It is assumed that if within a period of up to 50 days (or up to 55, up to 60 - depending on the bank) you return the entire amount of the debt, then no interest will be charged for using such a loan.

Consider the logic followed by the bank representative. Suppose you open a bank deposit and doubt for how long. This is usually the main problem, because there is always a risk that money may be needed at any time. Then you have to cancel the deposit. For most banks, with an increase in the term of the deposit, the interest rate on it also increases. If you do not need money in the near future, it is beneficial to open a deposit for 2-3 years. Thus, you provide yourself with a constant profitability for this period, even if the rates on newly opened deposits change.

It would be less profitable to open a deposit for a short period of time, for example, 6 months or a year, and extend it if the money is still not needed. Again, for the reason that there is a risk that rates on new deposits will decrease.

So, a bank employee may offer you to open a long-term deposit (the reasoning is a higher interest rate), and if you need money, do not terminate the deposit with a loss of interest on it, but use a credit card within the grace period of repayment. You will also be asked to issue it in addition, as a "bonus". Let's compare two behaviors: with and without a credit card.

1. You refused to issue a credit card and opened only a deposit. In this case, your risks are the loss of accrued interest from the moment the deposit is opened until the moment of its early termination. Your income: accrued interest at the deposit rate. In addition, in some banks it is possible to open a bank deposit, for which there is a certain minimum balance, up to which you can withdraw money without losing interest. Income will be accrued on the amount actually in the deposit. True, it should be borne in mind that the profitability due to such an option on the deposit will be lower compared to those where it is impossible to withdraw money without closing the deposit. But all the same, such a contribution is an additional “risk insurance” that you will need money ahead of schedule. By choosing the right investment and accurately calculating (as far as possible) your future circumstances, you invest money.

2. You opened a bank account and issued a credit card. Your income is the same interest income at the deposit rate. Your main risk is the inability to return the entire (!) amount of credit card debt before a certain date. In this case, accrued interest on a credit card will negate all your income on the deposit. Another risk is the risk that you will need more than your credit card limit. Then the deposit will still have to be terminated.

There is another logical relationship: the larger the amount you need ahead of schedule, the larger the amount you will have to withdraw from your credit card and the more difficult it will be to return it in full on time - within the grace period of the loan.

One more moment. Suppose you need money and you decide not to terminate the deposit. But in such cases, as a rule, cash is needed. At the same time, the bank will most likely take a commission for withdrawing money from an ATM - a cashing out operation. The commission will average 3-4% of the amount. Your alternative is to pay by bank transfer at the store. But is there always such a possibility. And what will the money be needed for? You don't know.

As for credit card rates, they now start at 24-25% per annum, the average real interest rates are 30-40%. There is also a possibility that they will continue to grow. Thus, the only correct strategy when opening a bank deposit along with issuing a card will be the clear use of the latter for the grace period of lending. Now try to estimate how likely it is that you will fulfill this condition?

The next point is the annual maintenance of a bank card. Most likely, the first year for you will be free of charge in service, and therefore you will be asked to “try using the card, but if you don’t like it, hand it over”. The second year of using the card is paid.

Here the question arises: what is the point of offering the bank to issue a credit card if its use for the client can be absolutely free (again, subject to a number of conditions that I mentioned above). The thing is that you are counting on the fact that you will use a credit card in an event that is not even related to the termination of the deposit, but for example, when there is not enough money before wages or when you have made a large unscheduled purchase. Opening a deposit is a convenient occasion (often quite logical) due to which the probability of selling you an additional service increases.

The conclusions are as follows: if you competently build your budget, know how to plan, keep a record of income and expenses, are clearly confident in the stability and amount of income, then a credit card can be issued as a bonus.

In my opinion, the presence of such a bank card “relaxes” a little, disaccustoms you from analyzing your family budget in order to optimize it. Although I repeat that there is logic and meaning in the map. But not for all categories of citizens in terms of income, standard of living, approaches to assessing their expenses.

Also keep in mind that having an activated credit card on hand (even if you did not withdraw money from it, that is, there is actually no debt to the bank) will mean that information about the card and about you is in the credit history bureau - BKI - in the form of a credit load, as credit obligations. This will mean that the loan amount that the bank can theoretically approve for you (if you ever decide to get a loan), act as a guarantor, co-borrower, may be less than if there were no credit card on hand.

Each person saves money for different purposes. However, many do not understand that keeping savings at home is not the best solution. Instead of generating income for their owner, they only lose their real value due to inflation. In addition, often people do not hold back and spend money. However, deposits in Moscow will help you not only save your finances, but also increase them in accordance with the agreement.

Today this product is a universal investment tool. Unlike stocks or precious metals, you don't need special knowledge or constant analysis of the economic situation. You just find a suitable offer and sign a contract. At the same time, most organizations do not have any restrictions on minimum contributions, and if they exist, they are small.

The contract itself is very important, so before signing it, you need to read the text personally. To do this, ask the bank employees to give a sample in printed or electronic form and carefully read all the points, especially those written in small print and marked with an asterisk. With the help of such tricks, unscrupulous organizations try to mislead a potential client and prescribe unfavorable conditions for him in the agreement.

Description of important points

The main advantage of the service, in addition to a stable income, is reliability. Consumer accounts are protected by the state at the legislative level through the compulsory insurance program. Therefore, in the event of liquidation or revocation of the license, you will be compensated. However, it is limited to 1.4 million rubles, which does not prevent you from dividing the amount exceeding this limit and placing it in several organizations, eliminating various risks.

The next aspect we will look at is account types. The first one is urgent. In this case, you place funds for a certain time period. Of course, you have the right to apply for early withdrawal, but with a high probability the bank will refuse to pay the accumulated interest. At the same time, this type of deposit is divided into savings and accumulative, which is provided for periodic replenishment (popularly called a "piggy bank").

The second option - on demand - comes at a low rate. The thing is that it is unprofitable for an organization to keep finances at home, knowing that the owner has the right to demand their return at any time. Such a product is preferred by that category of customers who are satisfied with the fact of reliability, and they are of little interest in potential profit.

Online Assistant

On the site you will find products that are currently on the market. It contains reliable information, which our experts check and update daily. By comparing the services according to their main parameters - and this is the interest rate, the cost of opening and commission, you will be able to make the right decision, and the ratings section will help you in choosing an organization. the site is the largest financial supermarket in Runet, which has been successfully operating for more than ten years. All offers displayed on this page are the best or profitable only according to the experts of Banki.ru

In addition to the obvious advantages of deposit offers of a particular bank, one can single out additional conditions by which credit institutions try to draw the attention of potential depositors to their offer. In this review, we will focus on bank cards that a depositor can receive free of charge when placing a deposit.

Competition in a market niche

Comparing deposit offers from various banks, a potential depositor, sooner or later, comes to the conclusion that credit institutions form their offers within a rather narrow “market niche”. Thus, banks that have a stable position in the market offer similar interest rates on deposits. By paying a relatively small percentage, large banks ensure the safety of funds belonging to their customers, which fully suits the latter.

Credit institutions that seek to consolidate their position in the market, attract the maximum possible number of customers, offer somewhat higher rates. On the other hand, the policy of dynamic development, which such banks adhere to, forces their management to undertake more risky operations, more risky methods of investing borrowed funds.

Therefore, placing funds in such banks in itself seems more risky, which somewhat repels potential customers, despite the attractive interest rate. However, small banks also operate within a rather narrow range of interest rates - this range is dictated by the domestic deposit market.

If the interest rate on deposits looks “illogical”, that is, if the rate differs unjustifiably from offers from other banks with similar characteristics, then the risk of “scaring off” depositors is very high. Too high a rate can raise suspicions about possible fraud, a trick that is being prepared, and if the rate is too low, it will cause surprise and completely deprive the bank of competitive advantages. In addition, the regulatory policy of the Central Bank has a certain influence on the level of interest rates.

Additional benefits of the deposit

Therefore, when market conditions do not allow to compete by changing the interest rate, the bank begins to create conditions due to which their product could look more attractive in relation to the offers of other banks. This may be the possibility of withdrawing part of the deposit amount without changing the interest rate, various prizes, bonuses, and discounts may be offered to the client. Such measures to stimulate potential depositors include the offer to issue a bank card for free.

Moreover, some banks offer customers not just a free card, but a credit card in gold or platinum status, a number of banks also offer free card maintenance for a year or even a longer period. For customers who understand the benefits of a status credit card, such an offer looks really attractive. Especially if other criteria for choosing a deposit product are almost identical.

Free cards - benefits

A bank card received when opening a deposit is a rather useful gift; the product can be used as an additional means of payment or even as a main one. If you need to choose between banks that offer such an addition to the deposit, it is better to choose a bank with a developed network of ATMs, otherwise you will have to pay extra for cash withdrawals every time or look for a “native” ATM.

In some cases, customers are offered not only debit cards, which can serve as a payment instrument, but also overdraft cards and credit cards. Offering the client to use the bank's money within the established limit, the credit institution does not risk anything, since the client's funds stored on deposit can be considered collateral.

In addition, some banks set a grace period during which the client can use the funds without paying interest, it can be 50 or even 90 days. Another advantage of a bank card with an overdraft is the ability to use credit funds instead of your own - this frees the bank client from the need to withdraw part of their funds from the deposit, with all the ensuing consequences. Thus, in the event of an urgent need for funds, bank funds are used, and interest continues to accrue on the deposit capital.

The card can also be convenient in that the bank transfers monthly interest charges to the card, if the client chooses this option to receive interest.

Gold or platinum cards themselves are often the basis for various kinds of discounts when paying for purchases or services. This applies to "free miles" for those who use the services of airlines, discounts for those who rent a hotel room, dine at an expensive restaurant, rent a car while traveling.

Offers from Moscow banks

So, we present a list of bank deposit products, within which the client receives a credit card free of charge. Choosing deposits, first of all, we paid attention to the main factors that are really important when placing a deposit. Based on the conditional amount of 1 million rubles, and the conditional time period during which the client's funds will not be claimed - 1 year, first of all, proposals from the most stable banks were studied.

Since the most important thing a potential investor can think about when trusting their money to a bank is the safety of capital. Therefore, the review includes credit institutions that are either backbone, which in itself is a certain guarantee of the safety of money, or banks that have demonstrated stability and loyalty to their customers for a long period of time.

The next selection criterion was the degree of profitability of the deposit - from the offers from stable banks, the most favorable for the client in terms of interest rate were selected. In principle, banks of this level are less interested in any additional methods of stimulating customers (especially since it will not be difficult for the owner of a large deposit to open a bank card in the same bank separately from the deposit).

However, large credit organizations also prefer to keep up with the times and take care of improving the level of service - this is one of the reasons why banks offer credit cards as an additional service. So…

Bank Contribution Interest rate Card status
Credit Bank of MoscowSavings+deposit11% Visa Gold or Gold MasterCard
Russian Standard Bankwinter fairy tale10,5% master card
TinkoffSmart Deposit9,5% Tinkoff Black (Platinum status)
RosbankWinter8,4% MasterCard Standard, MasterCard Gold, Maestro Visa Electron, Visa Classic
GazprombankProgressive7,25% Visa Gold or MasterCard Gold

Credit Bank of Moscow

The bank offers very favorable conditions within the "Savings+deposit" deposit, the interest rate for the amount placed for 1 year is as much as 11% per annum. True, interest is paid only at the end of the term, when the deposit is closed. The minimum amount required to open an account is only 1,000 rubles (or in foreign currency). There is the possibility of early termination of the contract, there is an auto-prolongation, but it is impossible to replenish the account or withdraw part of the funds.

As a gift, Moscow Credit Bank offers a free Visa or MasterCard credit card, regardless of the amount invested. But if the amount on the deposit exceeds 500 thousand rubles, then the client can receive Visa Gold and Gold MasterCard. Platinum cards are offered only from the amount of 3 million rubles. The validity period of the card is equal to the term of the deposit agreement - 1 year, after which further card transactions are impossible.

Visa Gold and Gold MasterCard cards can be used for regular payments, as well as a credit instrument. The client can receive additional income, up to 10% on the balance of his own funds, the maximum credit limit opened with Visa Gold and Gold MasterCard cards is 500 thousand rubles. There is also a grace period during which you can use bank funds for free, it is 55 days (however, the loan rate is quite favorable - 20% per annum).

Russian Standard Bank

The credit institution offers the Winter Tale deposit with an interest rate of 10.5% (within the amount of 1 million rubles and when placed for a year). This is the highest possible rate in the entire line of deposits of Russian Standard Bank, interest is paid at the end of the term.

A credit card issued free of charge - MasterCard, the most common card that allows you to withdraw your funds at the end of the term of the deposit agreement without contacting a bank branch. In addition, the cardholder participates in the "Discount Club" - a number of shops, travel agencies, restaurants and beauty salons offer a discount of up to 30%. In principle, the card can be used exclusively as a payment instrument, there is no credit limit, this card cannot provide any "status" privileges to the owner.

Tinkoff Credit Systems

As part of the Smart Deposit deposit, Tinkoff Credit Systems Bank offers an interest rate of 9.5%. This rate applies to deposits from 30 thousand rubles placed for a period of more than 11 months. The deposit is replenishable, in addition, the client can choose whether to accumulate interest (capitalization) or withdraw it to the card, in the first case, the effective interest rate increases to 9.92%.

Along with placing a deposit, a bank client receives a Tinkoff Black card (Platinum status), which emphasizes the status of its owner, as well as gives tangible privileges. First of all, these are discounts of up to 5% when making payments using this card (certain categories of purchases), as well as an income of 10% per annum on the balance of own funds. In addition, a number of fairly well-known companies offer discounts of up to 20% (brands such as Billa, ZARA, McDonalds, Starbucks, IKEA, Papa Johns, Sotmarket, NOKIA).

The credit line on the card is not provided, it is exclusively a debit card intended for settlements (and status demonstration).


The "Winter" deposit from Rosbank provides an interest rate of 8.4% per annum (for the amount and term of placement chosen by us). The terms of the deposit meet the needs of those who are interested in the maximum interest (which is paid only at the end of the term).

The application to the deposit is not only a credit card, a whole package of banking services is issued for the client (the “Classic” package), which is valid for the duration of the agreement and the maintenance of which is absolutely free. First of all, this is a current account / card, which is simply necessary for daily settlements, besides it, Mobile Banking and Internet Banking are also included here.

The client can choose from the following types of cards - MasterCard Standard, MasterCard Gold, Maestro Visa Electron, Visa Classic. However, the amount on the deposit greatly affects the possibility of choosing a card. For clients whose deposit exceeds the amount of 20 thousand rubles, an overdraft facility is provided, and its amount is determined individually.


One of the most reliable banks in the country - Gazprombank, offers a "Progressive" deposit with an interest rate of 7.25% (with placement of 1 million rubles per year). The deposit can be replenished during the entire period, debit transactions are not provided.

For all depositors, regardless of the amount, Gazprombank offers a free bank card with free service during the term of the deposit agreement. The status of the card depends on the amount on deposit; for amounts over 1 million rubles, a personalized Visa Gold or MasterCard Gold card with all the ensuing privileges can be opened to the client.

Cards can be used for regular settlement transactions, and a credit limit can also be opened for a Gazprombank client.

For an ordinary person who saves money for a car or other large purchase, a deposit is a good means of saving and accumulating. This is a low-risk instrument that shows a stable profitability. Contribution advantages:

  1. Ease of Understanding
  2. Can be quickly opened, sometimes even online
  3. Deposit funds up to 1.4 million are protected by the DIA. The risks of losing money are minimal.

In addition to deposits, there are other similar low-risk tools for saving money - this is a savings account and an income card. Funds on debit cards and savings accounts are also protected by the deposit insurance law.

To begin with, let's compare these 3 tools in terms of convenience and profitability. It is imperative to choose the right investment instrument based on profitability. This will help you get the highest return with the least risk. For example, we have 100 thousand rubles and we want to invest them for a period of 3 months.. Which instrument to choose for investment?

Investments - pros and cons

Benefits of deposits:

  1. The deposit can be opened quickly online. Your money will start working immediately.
  2. Stable interest for the entire term of the deposit - rate does not change
  3. There is a possibility of replenishment. Tinkoff has a bonus for replenishment from another bank (at certain rates)
  4. The deposit is unlikely to be taken away in case of fraud and compromise of your card.

Disadvantages of deposits

  1. You can not withdraw money from the deposit (in the case of non-replenished deposits, which are very numerous)
  2. Big min. the investment amount is 50 thousand rubles, in the case of Tinkoff.
  3. It will not be possible to quickly withdraw the entire amount, you need to close the deposit, then transfer it to the card. It may take a day. For some deposits with early closure - you need to go to the bank.
  4. There are so-called pseudo-replenished deposits - you can replenish only the first month.

In the case of Tinkoff, we will receive an income of 1381 rubles for 3 months of storage.

Savings accounts - pros and cons

Savings accounts are similar to deposits. At the same time, they are devoid of the disadvantages of a deposit - you can add and withdraw money at any time.

Advantages of savings accounts

  1. You can withdraw and deposit money without losing interest
  2. Small minimum opening amount from 1 thousand rubles
  3. Validity is unlimited
  4. The ability to set goals and understand how much you save up for the "Dream"
  5. The account on which the funds are stored - 42301810 - i.e. similar to deposit accounts. Funds are insured by DIA

Disadvantages of savings accounts:

  1. The bank can change the account rate at any time without your consent, this changes the yield
  2. No top up bonus
  3. Different rates for different limits. With large limits of several million rubles, there may be a rate of 0.01% per annum - on demand.

In the case of a savings account, the Tinkoff rate is 5%, capitalization is monthly. The estimated income calculated on our deposit calculator is 1251.76 ₽.

Income card - pros and cons

An income card is a card on which interest is charged on the balance of funds. Those. You can use the card to spend and save at the same time.

Benefits of income card:

  1. Money is always with you, you can spend
  2. There is a cashback for operations - additional income.
  3. Withdrawal of money and replenishment without loss of interest on the card.
  4. The funds are held in the linked account 40817 and are insured by the state.

Regarding the insurance of funds by the state, this does not work for all cards. There is such a profitable Megafon card, the funds on it are not insured, because. the issuing bank is not included in the deposit insurance system.

Cons of income card

  1. There are commissions for cash withdrawals and limits.
  2. Not very high security - there are cases of card fraud related to compromising the card at retail outlets and on websites.
  3. The bank can change the rate on the income card at any time.
  4. Interest is accrued subject to certain conditions (the total amount spent on the card), in the case of Tinkoff 6%, 5% is accrued for amounts up to 300,000 rubles.
  5. There is a service fee
  6. You need to wait for the card, issue and receive it in 1 day will not work.
  7. You need to know the PIN code to withdraw cash. You must keep the card with you and be responsible for its safety.

In the case of Tinkoff, at a rate of 6%, our income on the card for 3 months amounted to 1503.36 rubles.

Comparison results - what to choose?

  1. Place. Tinkoff income card - 1503 rubles
  2. Place. Tinkoff contribution - 1381 rubles
  3. Savings account - 1251 rubles.

If you want a good return, your choice in the case of Tinkoff Bank is a debit income card.
It is possible for other banks to have different rates, but for Tinkoff this is the case. You need to choose a card with a good percentage of accrual on the balance.

The key difference between a deposit and a debit card and a savings account is the stability of the rate for the term of the deposit! In the case of a card and an account, the bank can change the rate on any day and your profitability will decrease.
From the above, I would like to draw the following conclusions:

  1. If I only had 100 thousand rubles, but I would choose a Tinkoff income card and make purchases using it. This is the most convenient and profitable option for me.
  2. But if I had 1 million 100 thousand, then I would leave 100 thousand rubles on the card, and put 1 million on a savings account. The amount on the card would allow me to pay anywhere, receive cashback. At the same time, if the card is compromised, losing 100 thousand rubles is better than losing the entire amount of 1.1 million rubles at once. If the money on the card ran out, I would easily transfer it from the savings account in a couple of minutes. In my opinion, a card + savings account is very convenient and better than a deposit. Money is always at hand and no need to wait a day.
  3. If you are afraid for the safety of your money - your choice is a contribution. There is maximum safety and security. Some banks offer deposits that can be opened and closed only in your presence. The risk of withdrawal of money from the deposit by fraudsters is minimal.

Every year, the popularity of plastic cards among bank customers is growing. To keep up with the times, credit institutions offer more and more advanced mechanisms for managing money on card accounts, launch new services and products. One of them was the accrual of interest on the balance on a bank card, often commensurate with interest on deposits. This article will focus on the key features of such a service, its advantages and disadvantages in comparison with classic deposits.

If you want the accumulated money not to lie like a dead weight in a stash or under your pillow, but to generate income, you should take care to choose a banking product suitable for these purposes. A couple of decades ago, the choice was limited to savings books and classic time deposits that did not involve replenishment of the account or partial withdrawal of funds.

Now bank customers can choose from hundreds of offers, which can be divided into the following groups;

  • Term deposits without withdrawal and replenishment;
  • Deposits with replenishment;
  • Deposits with replenishment and partial withdrawal of funds up to a certain "threshold";
  • Perpetual deposits (on demand, savings) with unlimited replenishment and withdrawal;
  • Bank cards that charge interest on the balance of the account.

The last category is quite new both for clients and for the banks themselves - the first income cards appeared only a few years ago. That is why investors who are unfamiliar with the features of such programs often prefer more familiar deposits. At the same time, in many cases, issuing a card with interest income would be preferable.

The basic principles of the "income card"

An income card is a banking product that provides for the accrual of interest on the account balance, replenishment of the card and withdrawal of funds. Such cards are distinguished from savings accounts similar in principle of operation by a rather large interest rate - if for demand deposits it rarely exceeds 2%, then for savings cards it can reach 5-6%, that is, rates on standard bank deposits, or even exceed them. At the same time, the funds on the income card are considered by the bank as deposits, and all the conditions of the insurance and protection system apply to them.

However, it is worth noting that the calculation of interest in a large amount requires the fulfillment of certain conditions:

  • First, the client must maintain a certain minimum card balance;
  • Secondly, high rates, as a rule, do not apply to significant amounts of deposits - there is a clear gradation in terms of amounts and terms;
  • Thirdly, as a rule, such cards are initially issued as credit cards. And in order to receive interest on the balance of your own funds, you must first secure this balance, that is, do not use a credit limit, but use plastic as a debit;
  • Fourthly, the bank may include in the tariffs additional conditions under which interest will be charged - for example, using the card at least once a month.

Benefits of interest cards

Comparing income cards and deposits, you can see that each banking product has its own characteristics and advantages. So, cards with interest accrual have the following advantages:

  • Under certain conditions, the income on the card can be higher than on the deposit, and much more than on savings accounts;
  • The depositor can withdraw money from an ATM account at any time and anywhere, without terminating the agreement and without losing the previously accrued interest, as it could be with a deposit;
  • In most cases, cards of this type are universal, that is, in addition to the possibility of storing savings, they have a credit limit;
  • There are no restrictions on the amount of replenishment and withdrawal. In the case of deposits, the bank may set a minimum replenishment amount and a cash withdrawal threshold;
  • Simplified access to various online services, personal account, non-cash payment for services;
  • In most cases, banks offer additional bonuses and cashback on income cards, which can be used to reimburse a certain percentage of the cost of purchases paid for with plastic;
  • You can apply for a savings card not only at a bank branch, but also online.

Disadvantages of bank savings cards in comparison with deposits

Obviously, income cards have a lot of advantages in comparison with deposits. But before making a final decision, you should also familiarize yourself with their shortcomings:

  • The main disadvantage of an income card is the high cost of issuing it, maintaining an account, reissuing plastic, etc. Such expenses can significantly reduce the benefits of issuing a card with interest, and even reduce it to zero.

    Example. The client issued a savings card with a rate of 6% and maintained an account balance within 10 thousand rubles. At the same time, the cost of issuing a card amounted to 300 rubles, for maintaining an account - 600 rubles a year. As a result, his income amounted to approximately 600 rubles, and the cost of servicing the card - 900 rubles.

    On the other hand, maintaining the limit of 30 thousand, the same client would have the right to receive higher interest at a rate of 10%, and then the income would be about 3000, which would pay off the expenses and bring the depositor a profit of 2100 rubles.

  • Very often, banks charge customers fees for withdrawing cash from ATMs, which also reduces the real income from using an income card.
  • If the savings card has a credit limit, then you will not be able to get it if you have a bad credit history, without a permanent residence permit, and a stable income. Deposits and debit cards do not impose such restrictions.
  • The risk of losing funds when using a card increases many times over. In the case of a deposit, the client has only one risk - if the bank is liquidated before the end of the contract. But even in this case, the deposit insurance system allows you to return your funds back, albeit without interest. In the case of a card, most of the responsibility lies with the client himself, since it is his rash actions that can give fraudsters access to personal data and account.
  • Earlier we talked about such an advantage of income cards as access to funds at any time. However, for a number of clients who cannot contain their costs, this advantage turns into a serious disadvantage. Free access to the account will not give such people the opportunity to accumulate any serious amount. The choice of replenished deposit without withdrawal in this case would be the best solution.
  • On a savings card, the bank has the right to change rates, both up and down. As a result, it is almost impossible to predict

Who should stop on a bank card

Before making a choice - to draw up a card or a deposit - you should at least roughly calculate what benefit you get in each case. Of course, it is almost impossible to make exact calculations, but even approximate amounts will give an idea of ​​the situation.

Example. Above, we calculated the client's benefit from keeping funds on an income card. Now let's calculate the profit for the same client when placing funds on a deposit.

A client can place a deposit of 10 thousand rubles for a year in the same bank at 5.5% per annum. This will bring 564 rubles of income, taking into account the capitalization of interest. Although the interest rate is lower, but due to the absence of overhead costs, the deposit for the client turns out to be much more profitable (as we remember, all the income on the card was “eaten up” by the costs of maintaining the account) ..

At the same time, the bank makes a deposit in the amount of 30 thousand rubles at a rate of 7%. The benefit will be 2168 rubles with capitalization. That is, in this case, keeping money on deposit would bring about the same benefit due to the absence of overhead costs.

Obviously, in each case, depending on the rates, amounts and terms, the situation can change dramatically both in favor of cards and in favor of deposits. At the same time, it is possible to make only rough calculations that do not take into account the actions of the bank, the amounts of replenishment and withdrawal. It is definitely worth making a choice in favor of an income card if:

  • It is important for you to have access to your savings at any time (frequent trips, business trips, unstable income, fear of force majeure);
  • You need to place funds for a short period of time (from several weeks to 2-3 months), and at the same time you would like to receive income;
  • You plan to replenish the card with small amounts - as a rule, there is a minimum replenishment limit for deposits;
  • You want to have a universal card that would be both a settlement card, a savings card, and, if necessary, a credit card - with the help of such cards, you can keep only one card in your wallet instead of 3-4.

When to choose a deposit

There are a number of cases when making a deposit at lower interest rates is much more preferable than an income card:

  • You cannot limit your spending and there is a risk of your card being permanently reset for no good reason. As a result, the interest accrued by the bank will be minimal, and the card turns into a regular debit settlement card. If you really need to keep savings and generate income, choose non-withdrawable deposits.
  • Card maintenance and cash withdrawal costs are commensurate with card income. In the best case, you will simply cover the costs with interest, in the worst case, you will go "in the red." As a rule, there are no overhead costs for deposits.
  • Money needs to be saved for a long time, and you do not plan to use it. Although the yield on deposits is somewhat lower than on bank cards, keeping money on deposit is more reliable. The client has no risks associated with the loss of the card, theft of personal information that would give fraudsters access to the account. In the case of a deposit, you can only withdraw the principal amount in person at a bank branch, and stealing a card linked to an account will give criminals the opportunity to use only the accrued interest.
  • You need to plan in advance the received interest income (this is especially important in case of large deposit amounts). An ordinary bank deposit is issued on conditions clearly fixed in the agreement, which will not change during the period of the agreement. In the case of a card, the bank can both increase and decrease rates unilaterally, so it will not be possible to determine income in advance.


Both bank cards with interest and deposits have their advantages and disadvantages. It is impossible to determine which of these banking products is better or worse - the final decision should be made based on your own needs. If you would like to have access to your savings at any time, then a bank card will be the best solution. If the funds are set aside for a long time and a stable income is important to you, then you should stop at making a deposit. Therefore, the choice should be made after weighing your options - how much you need access to the account, or the card will be a constant temptation to use the stored funds. Perhaps, in your case, a deposit without cash withdrawal will be optimal.

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