Several recipes for homemade meat stew. Recipe for pork stew at home How to cook stew in a saucepan

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Pork stew at home is an excellent basis for many dishes. It is used in the preparation of rich soups, added to cereals and potatoes, or simply eaten with bread. A popular canning method provides a long shelf life of meat, its taste and aroma, which makes the product extremely popular.

How to cook pork stew?

Pork stew is a canned stew sold everywhere. Given the dubious origin of store blanks, it is better to cook the stew with your own hands. The technology is very simple: pieces of pork are stewed with bacon for four hours, after which they are laid out in clean jars, sterilized and closed with lids.

  • pork - 3 kg;
  • lard - 500 g;
  • salt - 15 g;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  1. Cut the meat into small pieces.
  2. Grind the lard and melt.
  3. Add pork and spices to the lard.
  4. Simmer 4 hours.
  5. Arrange in sterile jars.
  6. Line the bottom of a pot of water with a towel and place the jars.
  7. Pork stew at home is sterilized for 20 minutes.

Homemade pork stew - recipe in a saucepan

Pork stew at home is prepared in various ways. One of the most popular is in the pan. Pork is laid out in jars and stewed in a saucepan with water for 5 hours. Such heat treatment keeps the meat juicy, aromatic and eliminates the need for shifting, since it is initially placed in the right container.

  • pork - 2 kg;
  • lard - 100 g;
  • salt - 25 g;
  • black peppercorns - 7 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  1. Cut the pork flesh and fat into cubes.
  2. Salt and stir.
  3. Place laurel, pepper and meat on the bottom of a sterile container.
  4. Cover the jars with lids and place in a pot of water.
  5. Pork stew at home is cooked for 5 hours.

Pork stew in an autoclave

Pork stew in an autoclave is of impeccable quality. In this unit, the products are sterilized and cooked at the same time, which allows you to get a solid workpiece. Owners of the autoclave only need to load the rolled-up cans of meat into the unit, add water and, having set the temperature and pressure, keep the products for 40 minutes.

  1. Cut the pork and lard.
  2. Place lard, meat, garlic and laurel in clean jars.
  3. Salt and roll up.
  4. Put the jars in the autoclave, pour water into it, close it, and set the pressure to 1 atm.
  5. Raise the temperature to 110 degrees.
  6. Homemade pork stew in an autoclave is cooked for 40 minutes.

Pork stew at home in the oven

Pork stew in the oven is one of the easiest and most affordable recipes. The advantage of which is that in the oven the meat is cooked in its own juice, retains juiciness and is not subject to burning. Thanks to quenching in the oven in jars, the possibility of violating their sterility is excluded, and the shelf life of the blanks is increased.

  1. Coarsely chop the meat, season.
  2. Place laurel and meat on the bottom of a sterile jar.
  3. Melt the lard and fill the contents of the jars with fat.
  4. Place the jars in a cold oven on a baking sheet sprinkled with salt.
  5. Preheat oven to 200 degrees.
  6. Pork stew baked at home is cooked for 3 hours.

Pork stew in a slow cooker

Pork stew in a slow cooker is juicy and soft. A delicate and jelly-like structure arises from prolonged languor in the multicooker bowl. The latter has a non-stick bottom that protects the pork from drying out and burning. The meat is stewed under an airtight lid in its own juice and does not require additional liquid.

  • pork pulp - 2, 2 kg;
  • salt - 30 g;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs.
  1. Cut the meat into large pieces, put in a bowl and simmer in "Baking" for 20 minutes.
  2. Season and cook in the "Extinguishing" mode for 5 hours.

Pork stew in a pressure cooker - recipe

The recipe for pork stew at home using a pressure cooker will turn into pleasant chores. If you have fresh pork, a modern assistant will prepare a dish in just an hour. All you need is to cut the pieces of meat evenly, season them with salt and spices and put the pressure cooker in the pan, select the time and the program “Jolodets”.

  1. Cut the meat, season and put in a pressure cooker.
  2. Close the lid.
  3. Pork stew in a pressure cooker is cooked for an hour in the "Jellied" mode.

Pork knuckle stew - recipe

Pork knuckle stew belongs to the refined and sought-after types of preparations. Not only taste, but also nutritional properties of meat are attractive. The knuckle, during heat treatment, releases juices rich in natural collagen, which, when solidified, turn into real jelly.

  • pork knuckle - 850 g;
  • garlic clove - 9 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 40 g;
  • allspice peas - 5 pcs.
  1. Cut the flesh of the shank and salt.
  2. Lay in layers in a jar, alternating with garlic and pepper. Top with laurel.
  3. Put the jars in a cold oven.
  4. Bake for 2 hours at 150 degrees.
  5. Keep in the switched off oven for another 30 minutes.

Homemade minced pork stew

Pork stew can turn into a gourmet delicacy if cooked from minced meat. This serving technique is very convenient, since the workpiece can be spread on bread or used as a filling for baking. For piquancy, minced meat can be diversified with additions. This recipe uses cognac as a flavoring agent.

  1. Grind the ham and bacon in a meat grinder.
  2. Beat eggs, add flour, broth, cognac.
  3. Pour the mixture into the mince.
  4. Lubricate the jars with fat, put the minced meat in them.
  5. Minced pork stew at home is cooked in a steam bath for 2 hours.

Pork head stew at home

Pork head stew is an affordable option for a delicious canned meat. It is very profitable to acquire such a part of the carcass. There is a lot of meat, in terms of taste it is no worse than expensive varieties, and the cost is much cheaper. The recipe is also simple: the meat is stewed for 4 hours, laid out in jars and sterilized.

  1. Separate the pulp from the bones and cartilage and cut into pieces.
  2. Pour the meat with water, add salt and laurel.
  3. Boil 4 hours.
  4. Arrange the stew in jars and sterilize for 20 minutes.
  5. Close with lids and refrigerate.

Pork stew at home - recipe

Why do many housewives cook stew at home, on their own? They do not use the store, because only in this case they can be absolutely sure of the quality of the products used - meat and seasonings. And they will eat it with pleasure, without risking their own priceless health. Therefore, stew cooked at home from pork is an ideal option for a hostess who takes care of winter supplies for her family.

Each of them can easily prepare such a tasty and satisfying product. You just need to be careful and follow simple temporary rules. And of course, to have the necessary products. Having mastered the preparation of pork stew, you will be provided with a fully prepared product for several years to come, which retains its nutritional value for a long time. Open a jar, add a few tablespoons of meat to potatoes and get a delicious dish.

To prepare it, you will need: fatty meat (pork) - one and a half kilograms, salt - two tablespoons, black pepper - ten peas, cloves - two or three cups, internal fried fat (lard) - 100 grams, bay leaf - two or three leaves .

How is pork stew prepared at home? To begin with, wash the meat in running water, remove the bones from it and cut into approximately the same pieces of such a size that they pass into the can neck without any problems. We salt the meat, put it on the grate and wait 2-3 hours until it drains a little and becomes weathered.

After that, we put the pork in jars, previously well washed and sterilized. The sequence is as follows: bay leaf, black pepper (five peas), one clove, meat (evenly fatty and lean pieces). Add the fried internal fat (50 grams) to the top.

Banks must be tightly filled. We cover them with glass lids and place them in the oven on a baking sheet, sprinkled in advance with a sufficiently thick layer of salt. We warm the jars in a preheated oven. This process lasts two and a half to three hours at a temperature of 200 degrees.

After that, we take the jars out of the oven, cover them with sterilized iron lids and roll them up using a special machine. We immediately wrap them with a warm blanket and leave them in this form to cool for 10-20 hours. Completely cooled cans are determined for storage - the place should be dark and cool. So we figured out how to make pork stew.

Now let's talk about another recipe, an alternative to the above.

For him, we need: 3-4 kilograms of fatty pork, one and a half to two liters of water, salt - three tablespoons, to taste - black peppercorns, allspice and bay leaf.

To begin with, let's prepare the main ingredient of a dish called stew at home from pork. We wash the meat well and cut it into pieces three to four centimeters in size, lard - up to one centimeter. We put everything in a large saucepan and fill it with water. Bring to a boil over high heat, remove foam and reduce heat. Cook for 3-4 hours, 30-40 minutes before the end of cooking, add spices and salt.

We prepare half-liter jars - we wash them and sterilize them. We place meat with broth in them, cover with lids. It's time to sterilize the stew. We take a large saucepan, put a towel on the bottom and put the filled jars. Pour water up to their “shoulders” and turn on a slow fire for 15-20 minutes. We take out half-litres, roll up the lids and leave to cool, covering with a blanket. Everything, homemade pork stew is ready. Now we have a long-term supply of food, which is very useful when there is no time. We cook porridge, pasta, potatoes, mix with stew - and lunch / dinner is ready. Bon appetit!

How to make stew at home? Cooking stew at home from chicken or pork: recipes and tips

Today we will tell you how to make stew at home. It should be noted that this method of processing meat is especially popular in rural areas. Indeed, after the slaughter of livestock in the summer, not all housewives have the opportunity to distribute a large amount of beef or pork in freezers. That is why in such cases, the usual preservation of the product comes to the rescue.

Few people know how to make stew at home. After all, most people prefer to purchase a meat product in a frozen or chilled form. It should also be noted that in modern stores you can find not only fresh pork or beef, but also canned stew. Although, as practice shows, such a product does not always meet all safety and quality requirements. In this regard, we suggest that you cook the stew yourself at home.

Where to begin? Pork stew at home is especially tasty and nutritious. That is why such meat is used for the preparation of such preparations most often. Due to the fat content of pork, dishes from it are very tasty and rich.

So, figuring out how to make stew at home, you should prepare ingredients such as:

  • pork shoulder - about 500 g;
  • white fat - about 300 g;
  • laurel - 1 leaf;
  • ground black pepper and salt - use to taste.

Product preparation

What to do next? Cooking stew at home requires a lot of free time. After all, such a preparation is done about 3-3.5 hours. First you need to process the pork shoulder. It needs to be washed, cut off all unnecessary elements in the form of films and veins, and then chopped into pieces 3-5 centimeters in size. After that, the meat product must be placed in a large container, seasoned with ground allspice, salt and mix well with your hands. As for the fat, it should only be cut into small pieces and melted in a pan so that about 100 ml of liquid hot fat is obtained.

Forming and heat treatment of the product

How to make stew at home from pork shoulder? To do this, pre-sterilize a liter or 750 g jar with a lid. Next, you need to place a bay leaf on the bottom of the container and tightly lay out the chopped pieces of meat, flavored with spices. After that, the jar needs to be slightly covered with a sterilized lid and put in a cold oven. Having set the temperature at 250 degrees, you should wait until the meat in the container begins to boil. In the future, the temperature in the oven must be reduced to 150 degrees. Under such conditions, the stew must be cooked for 3 hours.

Conservation process

As you can see, cooking stew at home can take quite a lot of time. After the meat is thermally processed, melted hot lard should be poured into it, and then immediately rolled up using a special kitchen appliance. In this form, the stew must be left at room temperature until it has completely cooled. After that, it can be removed in the pantry, cellar, cellar or refrigerator.

How to use?

It is recommended to eat pork stew after 2-3 weeks after its direct seaming. During this time, the meat should be well saturated with spices, become more fragrant, soft and tender. You can easily take such a homemade product with you on a hike, as well as cook goulash, soups and other meat dishes from it.

Cooking stew at home from chicken meat

Poultry stew is more dietary and tender than a similar pork product. That is why such blanks are especially popular with those who carefully monitor not only their weight, but also their health.

So, chicken stew at home requires the use of components such as:

  • chicken legs - about 1.2 kg;
  • chicken breast - about 0.7 kg;
  • table salt and any spices - use to taste;
  • peas of black pepper allspice - about 20 pcs.;
  • laurel - 2 leaves.

Meat processing

How to process it? To make chicken stew at home as tasty and tender as possible, only the fleshy parts of the carcass should be used for its preparation. For this, hams and breasts are ideal. They need to be washed well, and then cut off the entire skin and remove the bones. The remaining pulp must be chopped into medium pieces 3-5 centimeters in size.

After the described actions, the chicken should be put in a bowl, and then seasoned with salt and other favorite spices. After mixing the ingredients, they must be covered and left in the refrigerator for 35-45 minutes.

Formation process

While the chicken pieces are marinating in the refrigerator, you should start preparing the jars. They need to be washed well and then sterilized together with the lids in any way. Next, at the bottom of each container, you need to place a bay leaf and lay out pieces of meat. Loosely closing the jars with lids, you should begin the process of extinguishing.

Heat treatment

In order for the chicken to cook well in jars, you should take a wide pan, put a small towel on its bottom and set the filled containers. After that, it is necessary to pour ordinary water into the dishes, not reaching the lids of 2-3 centimeters. Under such conditions, the workpiece should be cooked for 4-5 hours on a fairly low heat. If during the boiling process the volume of water will noticeably decrease, it must be added periodically.

Product seaming

After the specified time, the jars of chicken stew should be carefully removed from the pan and twisted or rolled up very tightly. After that, it is necessary to wait for the blanks to cool completely, and then put them in the cellar or pantry. It is advisable to store meat in this state for no longer than 6 months. You can use homemade poultry stew both cold and as hot second or first courses.

We cook stew at home from young beef

To make such a preparation, experienced chefs recommend using only the freshest chilled meat. A steamed or frozen product is not suitable for this. If you neglect this advice, then most likely you will get a rather tough and not very tasty preparation.

So, self-production of stew at home requires the use of the following components:

  • beef as young as possible (fresh and chilled) - about 1 kg;
  • white pork fat - about 200 g;
  • table salt - a dessert spoon;
  • laurel - 2 leaves;
  • peas black pepper - about 10-14 pcs.

Main product processing

Before making such a preparation, you must first prepare the meat product. Rinse fresh and young beef in slightly cool water, and then cut off all inedible elements in the form of various films, veins, etc. Next, the meat piece needs to be chopped into not very large pieces (3-4 centimeters in size).

Simmering on the stove

After the chilled meat has been properly processed, it should be seasoned with salt and put in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Turning on a very low fire, the beef needs to be stewed closed for about 5-6 hours. In this case, water should be added only after the juice from the meat begins to evaporate under the influence of high temperatures.

After 2 or 3 hours, half the finely chopped lard should be added to lean beef. And exactly 60 minutes before turning off the stove, it is advisable to add a couple of leaves of fragrant laurel and allspice in the form of peas to the meat.

We form and preserve the stew

After the meat is well stewed on the stove (about 5-6 hours), it should be distributed hot in jars. In this case, containers with lids must be sterilized in advance by any known method. Next, you need to melt the second part of the lard in a pan or in a bowl, and then pour the hot fat into the same jars where the finished pieces of meat were previously placed. After this, the containers must be tightly rolled up and left to cool at room temperature.

Store home-cooked stew, preferably in a cellar or refrigerator. But if it is not possible to place a large number of filled jars there, then they can be kept at room temperature. But in this case, you will have to use pork, beef or chicken stew no later than 3-4 months.

Summing up

As you can see, making your own pork, poultry or beef stew is not so difficult. The main thing at the same time is to choose and process the meat ingredient correctly.

To make this preparation very tasty and fragrant, we suggest using the following tips.

  1. Meat for cooking homemade stew is best purchased without fat. After all, in the future it is already filled with a large amount of melted lard.
  2. To get a more aromatic stew, beef, pork or poultry should be additionally flavored with various spices and seasonings.
  3. Before laying out the meat product, prepared jars are recommended to be sterilized over steam or in a microwave oven.
  4. After seaming pork, beef or chicken stew, it must be cooled, and only then placed in a cool room.
  5. To prepare various dishes from homemade stew, it does not require additional cooking. The meat should only be warmed up, as well as seasoned with various sauces or add vegetables, cereals.

Homemade pork stew (oven recipe)

Good day, dear readers and guests, site!

I didn’t think and didn’t guess that one of these days I would be engaged in meat. And not just a piece of meat, but a very large piece of meat.

Check out which "piece" of pork I bought. Large, 60 kg. Job for a couple of days. I will not show the cutting of a pig (not a pleasant sight). But I will tell you what I have prepared from it.

Firstly, I sent all the bones for freezing, along with the legs, from which I will then cook a delicious jellied meat! Of course, the kebab season will begin very soon, and therefore I also postponed a few kilos of good meat.

And now about the fat. What is a pig without lard? Yes, I also prepared it for the winter. I eat lard, but from time to time, but I love delicious lard, so very soon in my posts I will tell you how to pickle delicious lard. Don't miss out, there will be two very tasty recipes.

In general, the freezer is full, full. I think my husband will have enough for a while! He is an avid meat eater. Children also love meat, but they prefer white meat, as I do.

As practice shows, one liter jar requires:

Now about proportions. It is individual, but someone may need accuracy. So let me bring it.

  • about 800 gr. meat,
  • necessarily fat or fat 100 gr.,
  • salt exclusively table 1 teaspoon with a small slide,
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.,
  • allspice black peppercorns - 6 pcs.

    Homemade stew step by step recipe

    This, of course, is good, but today I did not invite you for this reason. I want to tell you where the main part of the meaty carcass went. I think you are also interested in this, because you came here with this very question: how to cook stew at home, in your kitchen?

    how to cook stew at home

    Many people cook homemade stew in an autoclave, but if you don’t have one, then there is another way out - the oven. But besides the oven, we also need pork meat, rock salt, black peppercorns and bay leaf. Basically all products.

    The container for the stew must be airtight. For this I use glass jars with tin lids. But I think any hostess will find in the kitchen a glass jar with a screw twist. which is more welcome. No need to play with twist.

    1. I use clean pork meat for stew, without streaks and fat. But I fill the top of the cans with pure fat, which needs to be cut smaller than the meat itself.

    I cut the meat into medium pieces, transfer it to a large saucepan and salt at the rate that I presented a little higher.

    2. It is enough to rinse glass jars well (do not sterilize), fill with meat, add bay leaf and allspice peas between the layers. Well, put the fat on top, which should also be lightly salted.

    Be sure to note that glass jars should not be filled completely. Leave free space for 2 fingers.

    how to cook stew in the oven

    When the jars are filled with meat and lard, it's time to send them to the oven. It is desirable that the baking sheet has small sides. Cover it with a thin cloth and pour some cold water into it. Place the jars of meat on a baking sheet.

    Cover the jars with tin lids, but do not forget to remove the rubber bands from them. Send them to the oven, setting 200 degrees. As soon as the contents of the jars boil, reduce the temperature to 150 degrees. Watch the jars, if they boil easily, then the temperature is appropriate. It is at this temperature that the stew should languish in the oven for 3 hours.

    During the preparation of the stew, the water in the pan will slowly evaporate, so you also need to monitor it. If necessary, add hot water from the kettle, which should be at the ready.
    Homemade beef stew recipe Buckwheat merchant style recipe with pork in the oven

  • All canned meat products are in great demand due to the fact that many other interesting dishes can be made on their basis. Therefore, today we will tell you how to cook the most delicious and healthy beef stew. All actions can be repeated at home, let's start.

    Beef stew with pork in a pressure cooker

    • beef - 0.8 kg.
    • pork - 0.4 kg.
    • pork fat - 0.1 kg.
    • salt - 5 gr. on a jar
    • onion - 2 pcs.
    • meat broth - 200 ml.
    • carrots - 1 pc.
    • garlic cloves - 1 pc. on a jar
    • peppercorns - 7 pcs. on a jar
    • bay leaf - 1 pc. on a jar

    Beef stew with the addition of pork turns out to be quite tasty in a pressure cooker, some refer to this recipe as a “classic of the genre”.

    1. Sterilize containers and lids. For this purpose, you can use a microwave, oven or conventional water bath. Leave the dishes for further spinning to dry, there should be no moisture at all.

    2. Now let's start preparing the meat. Rinse, dry with napkins, chop into medium-sized pieces. Grind the bacon into plates, peel the onion and chop into half rings. Chop carrots into half circles.

    3. Send lavrushka, peppercorns, garlic, salt, 3 pieces of bacon to each container for twisting. Add broth to lightly cover ingredients.

    4. Stack pork and beef alternately, overlapping one type of meat with another. Close the container with lids, send to the pressure cooker prepared for work.

    5. Pour in plain water at room temperature, it should reach the shoulders of the cans. Send the pressure cooker to the stove, wait for the water to begin to boil. Then reduce the power to a minimum, detect 3 hours.

    6. Now you know how to cook a simple beef stew. This variation with pork is very tasty. In the process of cooking at home, after turning off the pressure cooker, the jars need to cool down, only then can you open the lid and take them out. Otherwise, the container will burst due to strong pressure fluctuations!

    Beef stew in the oven

    • beef (or veal) - 5 kg.
    • pork fat - 450 gr.
    • laurel, peppercorns, table salt - in fact

    1. Cooking beef stew at home begins with preparing the meat. Rinse it, dry it with towels, chop into large pieces. Sprinkle with salt and pepper mixture. Cut the salo into thin strips.

    2. Banks with a volume of 1 liter. wash with a solution of soda very carefully, send it to be sterilized in the microwave or oven. The lids are boiled separately. After all, the container is thoroughly dried.

    3. Now you can start cooking the stew. At the bottom of each dish, send 8-10 peppercorns, 5 gr. salt, 3 laurels, 3 pieces of lard. Now start stacking the beef, don't tamp it down too hard. Do not fill jars to the brim.

    4. Put the tin covers on top (removing the rubber bands), then press them down with something heavy. Such a move will not allow the contents to pour out during the boiling process. Send the container with meat filling to a cold oven.

    5. Start preheating the oven until the composition in the bowl begins to boil. When this happens, reduce the power to the minimum mark. Record 6 hours. After the specified period, turn off, leave for 20 minutes.

    6. Since it is most convenient to cook beef stew in liter jars, after cooking, the contents are transferred to sterile half-liter jars. At home, they also need to be sterilized along with the lids. After packaging, cork the stew with tin, leave the neck down to cool.

    Beef stew in a slow cooker

    • beef / veal - 1.6 kg.
    • salt, laurel, dried rosemary, ground pepper - in fact

    1. Rinse the meat, get rid of the veins and films. Chop into equal pieces of 2-3 cm. Send to a multi-bowl, do not pour in water, because the meat releases enough juice.

    2. Set the "Extinguishing" function for 7 hours. If veal is used, 5-6 hours is enough for cooking.

    3. Do not open the lid for the first 3 hours. After this time, check if all the juice has evaporated. If this happens, add some clean water. Close the multicooker again, wait for the timer to signal the end.

    4. About half an hour before the end, you can already add spices, parsley, salt to your liking. When the stew is cooked, leave it to “reach” for a while.

    5. For the allotted time, sterilize the jars in which the packaging will be carried out. Send the beef stew inside, press lightly and pour the remaining fat from the multibowl.

    6. If long-term storage will be carried out, it is necessary to cover the container with tin lids and send it to the oven (put on a baking sheet). Sterilization is carried out at 190 degrees for 30 minutes. Next, you can carry out the sunset.

    Now you know how to cook delicious beef stew. If you have a multicooker at home, we recommend using it.

    Beef stew in an autoclave

    • beef - 2 kg.
    • onion - 1 pc.
    • carrots - 1 pc.
    • salt - 16-20 gr.
    • laurel, pepper-peas - in fact

    1. Manipulations begin with washing and drying the beef. Next, the peeled carrots are chopped in half circles, the onion is chopped in half rings.

    2. Sterilize the containers in any way, boil the lids. Dry the jars, place lavrushka and peas in each.

    3. Fill the container with pieces of meat almost to the top. Pour salt on top, roll up the contents with a special key.

    4. Prepare the autoclave for use. Set the jars inside, pour in enough water to cover the dish hangers.

    5. Set the instrument to 1.5 atmospheres. Send to the stove and cook until a pressure of 4 atmospheres is reached. In this mode, cook for 5 hours.

    Beef stew in a cauldron

    • beef with fatty layers - 3 kg.
    • laurel leaves - 15 pcs.
    • onion - 6 pcs.
    • ground white pepper - to your taste
    • black pea pepper - 17-20 pcs.

    If you already know how to cook beef stew according to the classic recipe, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with another option in a cauldron. Start the process at home.

    1. Rinse the meat under running water. Remove all veins and films. Wipe with paper towels to get rid of excess moisture. Chop into large pieces. Peel the onions and cut into quarters.

    2. Use the cauldron and lay out the products in it in layers. Put the meat in first. Sprinkle with pepper and salt. Put half of the bay leaves and peppercorns. After that, add the onion. Continue repeating layers until you run out of beef.

    3. Place the cauldron on the stove and cover it with a lid. Wait for the moment when the meat begins to secrete juice. It shouldn't boil. Mix the components of the container and reduce the power to a minimum. Simmer with lid closed for 1 hour.

    4. After the allotted time, mix the products again and continue to simmer for another hour. After that, the meat does not need to be mixed anymore. Regularly look at the dish, it should lazily boil.

    5. Record another 30 minutes. The stew should sweat a little. Transfer it to a food container. After cooling, place in the refrigerator. Keep in mind that this cooking option does not imply long-term storage.

    Beef stew in a water bath

    • laurel - 3 pcs.
    • pork fat - 180 gr.
    • beef - 0.8 kg.

    Since stew is quite easy to make, consider another beef recipe at home.

    1. Prepare the meat, remove excess moisture and chop into large pieces. Finely chop the fat, it should melt later. Place the prepared foods in a deep container. Add ground pepper and salt. Stir.

    2. Since making beef stew is quite simple, proceed further. Prepare clean jars and sterilize. Put the meat in them and tamp down a little. No need to fill the container to the top. Send the jars to the bottom of a wide-bottomed pan.

    3. Place a towel under the glass container. Pour in water, it should reach the shoulders. Close jars with lids. Send the pan to the stove. Wait for the water to boil. After that, reduce the fire to a minimum.

    4. In this form, the stew must be simmered for about 6 hours. Carefully pour in hot water as it boils away. After a while, remove the jars and tighten the lids until they stop. Such a blank is stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 months.

    Beef stew without lard in the oven

    • laurel leaves - 8 pcs.
    • beef tenderloin - 2 kg.
    • pea pepper - 25-30 pcs.
    • beef fat - in fact

    Before you cook stew without lard, study the recipe. It is very easy to make a beef preparation at home.

    1. Prepare a glass container for conservation in advance. It must be clean and sterilized. Put a few pieces of peas and bay leaves on the bottom. In parallel, chop the beef and pack tightly into jars in layers.

    2. Sprinkle with salt and ground pepper. Leave free edges (2 cm) in the jar. The final layer should be of peppercorns and bay leaf. Beef stew will acquire a pleasant aroma at home. The recipe is simple.

    3. Finely chop the beef tallow and place over the meat and spices. Fold the foil in half and cover the neck of the jar with it. Place the container on a baking sheet and pour cold water on it. Preheat the oven to 120-130 degrees. Simmer the stew for 7-8 hours.

    4. In the allotted time, almost all the water should evaporate. Switch off the oven. Leave the meat inside until it cools completely. After that, take out the jars, remove the foil and tighten the lids.

    If you study all the recipes presented, it is easy to understand how to cook beef stew. It is enough to arm yourself with everything you need at home and start acting.

    1. If you decide to cook the stew in the oven, pour water into the baking sheet or add salt. Such a simple manipulation will allow the fat that will flow out of the glass container not to burn.

    2. Fat or lard is added so that the workpiece does not turn out dry as a result. It is strongly recommended to cook the stew exclusively in a sterile glass container.

    3. So that the lid of the jar does not begin to oxidize further, treat it with fat before rolling. After that, the workpiece should be stored in a cool cellar. If you cook the stew correctly, it can be stored for up to 5 years.

    Beef stew is prepared quite simply. It is enough to get acquainted with simple recipes and study practical recommendations. Make preparations for the future and try to avoid store products. There is nothing natural in such compositions.

      A well-cooked stew at home is the dream of every housewife. My mother-in-law taught me how to cook. To prepare this dish, not only time is required, but also special utensils - cast iron, however, even if it is absent and cooked in an ordinary aluminum pan, the taste of meat is not lost. This is a simple process and saves a lot of time. And this is important for every woman! Therefore, I recommend preparing a dish that can be both the first and second.

      Ingredients (2.5 liters is obtained):

    • Pork pulp - 3.5 kg
    • Fat internal pork / fat - 400 g
    • Bay leaf - 2 - 3 pieces
    • Salt - to taste

    Recipe step by step:

    We clean the top of the pork with a knife. IMPORTANT: Do not wash it.

    Cut into small pieces or cubes and put in a large bowl.

    We take an aluminum pan and lay out the bottom and walls with finely chopped pork fat.

    Then we put the meat on the bottom of the pan with a middle layer, salt well, then put a layer of meat again and salt well again. We continue like this until everything is laid out completely.

    We put on a quiet fire and in no case do not mix.

    We simmer for 2 hours, after which you can lightly crush with a spoon (but do not interfere!) The surface that is not yet in fat.

    After another 1 hour, put the bay leaf and leave on a quiet fire to stew. Simmer another 1.5 - 2 hours until fully cooked.

    Then we put it in sterilized jars and roll it up. Leave to cool completely on the table.

    If you plan to eat for a period of one to two weeks, you can put it in ordinary clean, but dry jars - and in the refrigerator!

    If the stew is cooked for more than 5 hours and the meat is already falling apart, then the taste will be even better. It can be stored rolled up to 1 year.

    Bon appetit everyone!

    Basically, we are used to canning vegetables and fruits for the winter. But few people refuse a jar of stew. Buying it in the store is a big lottery, so it's better to cook it yourself. Moreover, it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to choose good, high-quality fresh pork. It's easy to do if you follow these tips:

    1. The meat of a young animal has a beautiful pink color. The richer the shade, the older the pig was. Very light pork and a very thin fat layer indicate that you have pig meat in front of you. It is not suitable for canning, as it has a pronounced smell of milk.
    2. Fat should be white, without yellowness.
    3. Fresh, not frozen meat is quite dry and does not release much liquid.
    4. Checking its freshness is easy enough. You just need to press it with your finger, if it springs, and the hole straightens quickly - you can take it.
    5. Before buying, ask the seller to let you smell the meat. Damaged goods will immediately make themselves felt.

    In order for canned food to stand for a long time and not deteriorate, it is very important to know how to properly sterilize containers. Most importantly, before starting, it’s good to inspect everything so that there are no chips, cracks, rusty places (near the covers). Then wash everything well using soda, vinegar or mustard. Detergents can leave an unpleasant pungent odor, so it is better to refuse to use them.

    There are several proven ways to sterilize dishes, and any hostess can choose the one that suits her:

    1. In the microwave. We fill a clean container with water (approximately 1-1.5 cm from the bottom) and put it in the microwave, set the power to 700-800 W and leave it for 5 minutes. As a result of boiling, steam is formed. The lids must be boiled separately.
    2. In the oven. The most convenient, fastest and easiest way. Banks can be sterilized immediately with twists. To do this, preheat the oven to a temperature of 120 C and put everything there on the grate. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that wet cans are installed with the bottom up, and dry ones - down. The procedure time for a container of 0.5-1 l is 15 minutes, 2-3 l is 25 minutes. If the temperature and time are longer, then the gum may dry out on the lids, so the lids can be sterilized separately in boiling water or microwave.
    3. For a couple. The most common way. Either a special lid with holes or an ordinary colander is placed in a pot of boiling water. A container is placed on top with the bottom up and kept for 15-25 minutes. depending on volume.
    4. In water. In this case, you will need a large pot or bucket. You need to pour more water and put on fire. Then we put the jars there together with the lids and boil for 6-7 minutes.
    Rate the recipe

    Today I will tell you how to cook pork stew at home. Be sure to make such a blank for the future. The stew is very tasty, absolutely natural and has a long shelf life. It can be eaten cold, taken with you to the country or fishing. Or quickly heat up a jar of meat and serve, say, with pasta - you get a full meal.

    My stew recipe is for cooking in the oven. You will need pork, a piece of bacon, rock salt, black peppercorns and bay leaf - that's all. It remains to decompose everything into jars and wait patiently until the meat reaches readiness. Then roll up the lids and send for storage. It is best to put the jars in a dry, dark and cool cellar. If there are no such conditions, you will have to make room on the shelf of the refrigerator, where homemade pork stew will safely stand all year. Although, as practice shows, it does not linger for more than six months, it is painfully tasty!

    In the recipe, I gave the calculation of the number of ingredients per 0.5-liter jar. If you do not like too fatty, you can use half as much fat, limiting yourself only to a layer at the bottom of the jar (that is, do not put it on top).


    per 0.5 liter jar

    • black peppercorns 6 pcs.
    • bay leaf 1/3 pc.
    • pork pulp 300 g
    • pork fat with skin 20 g
    • pork fat without skin 30 g

    How to cook homemade pork stew

    1. First of all, I prepare containers and lids - I sterilize everything over steam. Then, at the bottom of each jar, I put 6 black peppercorns and a small piece of bay leaf (if you put a whole one, the aroma will be too sugary).

    2. On top of the spices I put lard with a skin - it will turn out very tasty in stew, believe me! For one jar, 5-6 pieces of bacon with a skin, cut into a 1x1 cm cube, are enough. I put it with the skin down so that when baking, there is a slightly “viscous”, frozen crust at the bottom.

    3. Then I cut the pork pulp into pieces of arbitrary shape - not too large, about 3 cm long. And I alternate fatty and lean pieces, putting everything tightly in a jar.

    4. I fall asleep under the neck and tightly tamp the fat without the skin, cut into small cubes with my hand - when melted in the oven, it will cover the entire contents of the oven with fat and create a fat “plug” near the neck, which will extend the shelf life of the stew. I repeat: if you do not like very fatty, you can fill the jar to the top with meat, preferably fatter.

    5. I pour salt from the top in the center - 1 teaspoon without a slide for each jar. I add salt at the end, under the lid. This is how my grandmother used to do it, so traditionally I cook stew this way. If you want, you can sprinkle the meat with salt gradually, putting it in a jar, this is unprincipled.

    6. Now I take a baking sheet with a low rim and pour rock salt into it - about half a pack, a layer 1 centimeter thick. Such a salt pillow will not allow the jars to burst, and when fat flows out, it will not burn as much as on a dry sheet. I distribute the salt with my hands so that there are no gaps at the bottom of the baking sheet. I arrange the jars on top so that they do not touch each other. I have 11 jars fit on a standard sheet from the oven.

    7. From above, the container must be covered with metal lids, but without rubber bands! This is very important, be sure to remove all the rubber bands, otherwise they will burn!

    8. It remains to cook the stew in the oven. I will insert the baking sheet on the lower level. Necessarily in a cold (!) oven. Then I gradually warm it up: first I turn it on for warming up to 200 degrees, then after 10 minutes I turn it off, and again put it on warming up. I repeat the procedure 3 times - due to such slow heating, the jars are guaranteed not to burst due to temperature changes. As soon as the fat begins to melt and meat juice appears, I reduce the temperature to 150 degrees and cook the meat in jars for 3 hours (if the lids rise strongly, they can be pressed with an iron grate). After 3 hours, I take out the jars, put rubber bands on the lids and roll them up with a key.
    9. I shake the rolled cans intensively a couple of times in the air so that the salt is distributed. Then I turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket and leave them in this form until they cool completely. Then I send the cold seaming to the cellar for storage, where the fat and meat juice will finally solidify.

    Why do many housewives cook stew at home, on their own? They do not use the store, because only in this case they can be absolutely sure of the quality of the products used - meat and seasonings. And they will eat it with pleasure, without risking their own priceless health. Therefore, stew cooked at home from pork is an ideal option for a hostess who takes care of winter supplies for her family.

    Each of them can easily prepare such a tasty and satisfying product. You just need to be careful and follow simple temporary rules. And of course, to have the necessary products. Having mastered the preparation of pork stew, you will be provided with a fully prepared product for several years to come, which retains its nutritional value for a long time. Open a jar, add a few tablespoons of meat to potatoes and get a delicious dish.

    To prepare it, you will need: fatty meat (pork) - one and a half kilograms, salt - two tablespoons, black pepper - ten peas, cloves - two or three cups, internal fried fat (lard) - 100 grams, bay leaf - two or three leaves .

    How is pork prepared? To begin with, wash the meat in running water, remove the bones from it and cut into approximately the same pieces of such a size that they pass into the can neck without any problems. We salt the meat, put it on the grate and wait 2-3 hours until it drains a little and becomes weathered.

    After that, we put the pork in jars, previously well washed and sterilized. The sequence is as follows: black pepper (five peas), one clove, meat (evenly fatty and lean pieces). Add the fried internal fat (50 grams) to the top.

    Banks must be tightly filled. We cover them with glass lids and place them in the oven on a baking sheet, sprinkled in advance with a sufficiently thick layer of salt. We warm the jars in a preheated oven. This process lasts two and a half to three hours at a temperature of 200 degrees.

    After that, we take the jars out of the oven, cover them with sterilized iron lids and roll them up using a special machine. We immediately wrap them with a warm blanket and leave them in this form to cool for 10-20 hours. Completely cooled cans are determined for storage - the place should be dark and cool. So we figured out how to make pork stew.

    Now let's talk about another recipe, an alternative to the above.

    For him, we need: 3-4 kilograms of fatty pork, one and a half to two liters of water, salt - three tablespoons, to taste - black peppercorns, allspice and bay leaf.

    To begin with, let's prepare the main ingredient of a dish called stew at home from pork. We wash the meat well and cut it into pieces three to four centimeters in size, lard - up to one centimeter. We put everything in a large saucepan and fill it with water. Bring to a boil over high heat, remove foam and reduce heat. Cook for 3-4 hours, 30-40 minutes before the end of cooking, add spices and salt.

    We prepare half-liter jars - we wash them and sterilize them. We place meat with broth in them, cover with lids. It's time to sterilize the stew. We take a large saucepan, put a towel on the bottom and put the filled jars. Pour water up to their “shoulders” and turn on a slow fire for 15-20 minutes. We take out half-litres, roll up the lids and leave to cool, covering with a blanket. Everything, homemade pork stew is ready. Now we have a long-term supply of food, which is very useful when there is no time. We cook porridge, pasta, potatoes, mix with stew - and lunch / dinner is ready. Bon appetit!

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