Peaches with pits in syrup. How to prepare canned peaches for the winter

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Canned peaches have always been considered a delicacy. These aromatic sweet fruits do not grow as widely in Russia as apples or cherries. And you can only buy them in sufficient quantities in a store or market. However, this is not a reason to deny yourself the opportunity to make pickled peaches, jam, jam or compote from them. And the quality of handmade products will be in no way inferior to store-bought ones.

Canned Peaches

This is the easiest recipe for canning peaches for the winter at home. You will need:

  • Ripe peaches - 2 kilograms.
  • Sugar - 400 grams.
  • Citric acid - 2 teaspoons.
  • Water - about a liter, depends on the density of the fruit.

This amount of ingredients should be enough for three liter jars. If there are more peaches available, then the number of everything else needs to be increased proportionally.

The step-by-step recipe for making canned peaches is very simple. The first step is to wash the fruit and remove the seeds. To do this, each fruit is cut lengthwise, and then the halves are turned in different directions relative to each other, without squeezing them too much. This technique allows you to avoid damaging the juicy pulp. After dividing, you need to remove the bone with a knife. The halves are carefully peeled.

Sterilization of empty glass jars is carried out in the microwave, oven or steam. After this, the peeled halves of the fruit are laid out in them. Canning is done using the double pouring method, known to many housewives. The jars are filled with boiling water, covered with sterilized lids and left for 20-25 minutes. Then the water is poured into a saucepan, citric acid and sugar are added to it and put on fire. Stirring, boil the syrup for 5 minutes, and then pour it into the jars of peaches again. All that remains is to close them and put them under the blanket to cool quietly.

To be sure, after filling the jars with syrup, you can sterilize them for 15 minutes in a water bath and then roll up the lids.

Compote with bones

Preparing a delicious peach compote for the winter is not at all difficult. For this you will need:

  • Ripe peaches - 1.5 kilograms (about 15 pieces).
  • Water - 2-2.5 liters.
  • Sugar - 450 grams.

The amount of ingredients is calculated for a three-liter jar. For compote, you can use the whole fruit without removing the seeds. The peel should be carefully cut off; this fruit is much more pleasant to eat. The drink is made using the same double pouring method. The peeled fruits are placed in sterilized jars and poured with boiling water.

After 20-25 minutes, you can pour the water into the pan and add sugar there. Place the pan on the fire and bring the syrup to a boil. Then the fruit jars need to be refilled. Filled containers are rolled up, turned over and wrapped. The compote should stand covered until it cools completely. After this, it is advisable to put it in a cool place for storage.

Jam in slices

Peach jam has a unique taste and aroma. To prepare it you will need:

  • Peaches - 1 kilogram.
  • Sugar - 800 grams.
  • Vanilla.

For jam, it is preferable to take dense, slightly unripe fruits. They won't turn into mush when cooked. You need to remove the seeds from them. To do this, cut the peaches lengthwise and slightly rotate the halves relative to each other. The pitted parts are cut into slices.

Canned peaches in syrup for the winter, with orange and lemon slices. Very, very tasty!

In order to preserve peaches for the winter, along with beneficial substances, pectins and amino acids until the next season, there are many ways. For example, the simplest is or jam. This tasty preparation requires very little time, but it really preserves all the useful vitamins and microelements.

But today I want to suggest an even simpler way - pour syrup over the fruit. Bright and with slices of lemon and orange - they will decorate your table and be a healthy treat for tea. They can also be used to decorate homemade cakes and cupcakes, and any other sweet pastries.


  • Peaches 1 kg.
  • Oranges 2 pcs.
  • Lemon 1 pc.
  • Sugar 350 gr.
  • Grape or apple cider vinegar 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • Water 1 l.

Wash the fruits thoroughly.

Remove the pit from the peaches and cut the fruit into 5-6 pieces.

If you want your slices to be skinless, you need to put the peaches in boiling water for a minute - after that it can be easily removed.

Let's make the syrup. To do this, pour 1 liter of water into the pan and add 350 g. Sahara. Stir thoroughly and bring to a boil.

Place the chopped peaches in the hot syrup and let them boil. After this, carefully remove them with a slotted spoon.

We cut oranges and lemon randomly - I prefer to cut them into circles or slices up to 1 cm thick. When slicing, you need to remove the seeds from the citrus fruits.

Place citrus fruit slices and hot peaches in random order into pre-sterilized jars (personally, I bake them for a few minutes in a hot oven). I prefer to place orange and lemon slices close to the sides - they look very good next to the amber peaches in syrup.

Boil the syrup a second time, pour in a few tablespoons of grape vinegar, mix thoroughly and pour the hot syrup over the fruits in the jars.

We screw the lids on the jars, I use jars with screw lids, it’s very convenient. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them up, and leave them overnight.

This is such a beautiful and aromatic fruit preparation!

How nice it is to open such an amber jar in winter! And with pleasure taste a pleasant sweet with a slight sourness of a slice of peach or orange.

6 recipes - PEACHES (preparations for the winter). 1. Canned peaches are a fantastic dessert. 2. Peach jam. 3. Peach jam. 4. Peaches in their own juice. 5. Peach compote for the winter. 6. VIDEO - RECIPE Peaches slices in syrup for the winter. 1. Canned peaches are a fantastic dessert.

The contents of a large jar disappear in an instant in winter! So roll up more! By the way, you will get not only peaches, but also a delicious compote. Ingredients: Peaches - 1.5 Kilograms Sugar - 450 Grams Water - 2-2.5 Liters Description of preparation: The recipe contains ingredients based on one three-liter jar. Take firm, medium-sized peaches. An average jar holds 18 peaches. How to cook canned peaches? 1. Wash the peaches thoroughly. You can remove the skin, but it is not necessary. If you decide that it would be better without the peel, then put the peaches in boiling water and the skin will come off easier. We will can the peaches whole. But, if desired, you can also roll up the halves. In this case, cut them in half and remove the seeds. 2. Place peaches in sterilized dry jars. Pour boiling water and wrap for 15-20 minutes. Then pour the water back into the pan. 3. Place the drained water on fire. It must be brought to a boil. Meanwhile, pour sugar into the jars. 4. When the water boils, pour the peaches with sugar and roll up with sterile lids. Wrap the jars of peaches for two days, and then put them in a dark place. Canned peaches are ready! Bon appetit! 2. Peach jam.

Delicate and aromatic peach jam is a great way to prepare peaches for the winter, especially since you can use crumpled and overripe fruits for jam. Products Peach - 1 kg Sugar - 1 kg Water - 1 glass Citric acid - 3 g How to make peach jam: Peel the peaches, but jam can also be made from unpeeled peaches. The seeds are removed from the fruit and cut into pieces. Make acidified water by adding citric acid. The prepared fruits are boiled in acidified water (1 cup per 1 kg of fruits, 3 g of citric acid) so that they do not darken for 10 minutes. Then add sugar (at the rate of 1 kg of sugar per 1 kg of fruit). Cook the peach jam over low heat with constant stirring in one batch until cooked (30-40 minutes). After cooling, the jam is transferred to jars. Cover the peach jam with lids or parchment paper. 3. Peach jam.

A wonderful recipe for aromatic peach jam. Simple, tasty, fast. Products Peach - 1 kg Sugar - 1 kg Water - 400 ml Citric acid - 0.5 teaspoons This amount of products makes 1 liter of jam. How to make peach jam in slices: Sort and rinse the peaches. You can clean it if you wish. Cut the peaches into slices. Prepare sugar syrup. To do this, mix sugar and water in a bowl. Place on the fire and bring it to a boil. Then carefully place the prepared peaches into it. Boil. Cook peach jam in slices over low heat for 5 minutes. At the end of cooking, add citric acid. Peach jam in slices is ready. Bon appetit! 4. Peaches in their own juice.

Recipe for peaches in their own juice for canning for the winter. The peaches really float in their own juice; just add a few tablespoons of water and a spoonful of sugar. Products For 1 jar (1 l): Fresh peach with dense pulp - 5-6 pcs. Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon Water - 4 tbsp. spoons Tip: If you cannot peel the peaches, immerse them in a colander or wire basket in boiling water acidified with citric acid and cool quickly in cold water. Use your hand to easily remove the skin. How to cook peaches in your own juice: Wash and peel the peaches. Then cut the peaches in half and remove the pits. Rinse the jars with baking soda and rinse well. Place the peaches in tin or glass jars, cut side down, sprinkle with sugar. Then pour a spoonful of hot water into each jar (up to 4 tablespoons to taste). Place the jars in a tank of hot water and sterilize. The time for sterilization of peaches in their own juice in 1 liter jars at temperatures up to 90°C is 35 minutes, in 1/2 liter jars - 30 minutes. Close the jars with lids. After sterilization is complete, cool the jars of peaches in their own juice. Peaches in their own juice are ready! 5. Peach compote for the winter.

Many people no longer seal compotes, but simply freeze berries and fruits, and then cook fresh compotes. But it seems to me that in compote “from a jar” there is something very homely, cozy, perhaps from childhood... Products Based on a 1-liter jar: Peach slices - 200 g Sugar - 150 g And still peach compote “from a can” (just like plum, apple-pear, cherry) is different from freshly brewed! Therefore, I closed several jars of my favorite compote and will share this simple recipe for peach compote. I close 1 and 2 liter jars. How to prepare peach compote for the winter: Pour boiling water over the lids, wash the jars thoroughly. Wash the peaches and cut into slices. Divide into jars (about 1/3 of the jar). Pour boiling water over the jars, cover with lids, and leave to cool for about an hour. After an hour, drain the peach water into the pan. Add sugar (calculating 150 g of sugar per liter of water). Bring the syrup to a boil. Reduce heat and, without removing from heat, pour syrup over peaches. Cover the hot compote with a lid and roll it up. Turn it upside down and place the peach compote in a previously prepared warm place (wrap it in a blanket or something similar) for 1-2 days, until it cools completely. Put it on the shelf in anticipation of winter! 6. VIDEO - RECIPE Peaches slices in syrup for the winter.

Tender sweet slices of peaches will bring real pleasure during the cold season! This preparation is similar to canned peaches, which are sold in stores and supermarkets. Preparing peaches in syrup for the winter at home is not difficult. The recipe is simple and clear. The most important point in this important event will probably be the correct choice of peaches. Fragrant fruits should be ripe, with a well-separated stone. Choose whole peaches that are not crushed, without rotten areas or spots. It's good if the peaches are approximately the same size.

Prepare products based on:

  • 1 kg peaches
  • 200 g granulated sugar
  • 1 liter of clean water for syrup
  • you will also need 1 tsp. lemon juice or a small pinch of citric acid

Method for preparing peaches in syrup for the winter

We'll start by preparing the peaches themselves. We need to remove the pit and carefully remove the skin.

Let's deal with the skin first. Rinse the peaches and place them in a heatproof bowl. Pour boiling water over the fruit completely and leave it completely submerged in boiling water for 1 minute. Then drain the water and rinse the peaches themselves with cold water. You can simply remove the peaches from the water with a tablespoon and place them in a previously prepared bowl of ice water standing nearby. This technique will stop the peaches from heating any further.

Now, using a small knife, try to carefully begin to separate the skin from the pulp; it should come off easily. Thus, you need to peel all the fruits from the thin peel.

Let's take care of the bones. Again, use a small knife to cut around the circumference of each peach, cutting right down to the pit. Using a knife inserted into the slot, make one or two spreading movements and the peach should easily separate into two halves. One will be “clean”, and from the second you will have to pry it with a knife and carefully remove the remaining bone. The slices are ready for further preparation! Set them aside for now and prepare sugar syrup.

Combine water and sugar in a saucepan or ladle, add a little lemon juice or citric acid. Bring everything together to a boil. Place peach slices in boiling syrup.

As soon as the syrup boils along with the peaches, boil it for literally 30-40 seconds and immediately put the slices into sterile jars and pour more boiling syrup over them. Seal the jars carefully and check for leaks by turning them upside down. Now you can leave the jars under a warm shelter until they cool completely.

All that remains is to label the jars and store them in your home pantry until winter.

Peach, canned in halves, is one of my favorite items on my winter canning list. Every year I cook several jars of peaches in sugar syrup, it turns out no worse than the store-bought product, and contains much more benefits.

T This delicious delicacy is very easy to prepare, especially since the preparation does not require sterilization, and you will taste both delicious fruits and sweet compote!

Peach canned according to this recipe is suitable as a filling and decoration for homemade baked goods, cakes, appetizers and desserts.


  • peach – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 300 g;
  • citric acid – ½ tsp;
  • water – 1 l.

Cooking method

For canning, choose sweet, ripe, but firm peaches without damage. You can even use slightly unripe fruits, the main thing is that the seed is easily detached from the pulp. Peaches should be thoroughly washed and dried with dry cloths or a towel.

Sterilize jars in advance in a way convenient for you. Place the prepared peach halves in them and press tightly, but do not press, so that the fruit does not bruise.

Bring a saucepan of water to a boil. Pour hot water over the peaches in the jar. Cover with tin lids and steam for 30 minutes. After this, pour the water back into the pan and repeat the procedure again.

Then, pour the liquid into the pan and bring to a boil again, only now add sugar and add citric acid. Boil until sugar is completely dissolved.

Pour the prepared sweet syrup into jars of fruit and cover with sterilized tin lids (I pre-boiled them for 10 minutes).

Turn the jars upside down, cover with a warm blanket and leave in this position until they cool completely. Thanks to this, the workpiece will undergo additional sterilization and the jars will not explode.

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