Interesting material about Nekrasov. Interesting facts from the life of N.A. Nekrasov

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The future great poet was born on November 28 (October 10, new style) in the family of a small nobleman, in the town of Nemirov, Podolsk province. He spent his childhood in the village of Greshnev, on the family estate of his father, a man with a power-hungry character who oppressed not only the serfs, but also his family. In the textbook version of Nekrasov’s biography, familiar from childhood, many new facts have appeared, with which researchers of his life complement the story about the poet and creativity. What new can you learn about Nekrasov? Nikolai Alekseevich fought against serfdom, but at the same time owned hundreds of souls. He loved luxury very much and was a heavy drinker. Nekrasov was unrestrained not only in everyday life, he also used foul language in poetry. He was also a player.

Nikolai Alekseevich became a gambler already, being an adult and a famous writer. As a child, he played with the servants. But when the future famous poet ran away from his cool father to St. Petersburg, he did not have enough money not only for the game, but even for food. Chance helped. Belinsky drew attention to Nekrasov and brought him to the house of the writer Panaev. Nikolai Alekseevich did not know how to behave in this society, he was awkward, and shocked the ladies present with his poems. After reading poetry and lunch, the guests decided to have fun and sat down to play preference. And here the newcomer showed himself in full glory, beating everyone. Belinsky was irritated, getting up from the table, he said: “It’s dangerous to play with you, my friend, you’ll leave us without boots!”

The years passed quickly, Nekrasov was already heading the Sovremennik magazine. We must give him his due - the magazine flourished under his skillful leadership. The populists learned his poems by heart. On a personal level, things were also going well - Nikolai Alekseevich took his wife away from Panaev. His wealth became greater, the poet got a coachman and a footman.

In the fifties, he began to often visit the English Club and play enthusiastically. Panaeva warned him that this activity would not lead to good, but Nikolai Alekseevich self-confidently answered: “What else do I lack character in, but I’m stoic at cards!” I won't lose! But now I play with people who don't have long nails." And this remark was made for a reason, because there was an instructive incident in Nekrasov’s life. Once the novelist Afanasyev-Chuzhbinsky dined with the poet; he was famous for his well-groomed long nails. This man fooled Nikolai Alekseevich around his finger. While the stakes were small, the famous poet won. But as soon as he increased the bet to twenty-five rubles, his luck turned away from him, and in one hour of play Nekrasov lost a thousand rubles. Checking the cards after the game, the owner discovered that they were all marked with a sharp nail. After this incident, Nekrasov never played with people with sharp, long nails.

Nikolai Alekseevich even developed his own code of play:
- never tempt fate

If you have no luck in one game, you need to move on to another

A prudent, smart player must be starved out

Before the game you need to look your partner in the eyes: if he can’t stand the look, the game is yours, but if he can stand it, then don’t bet more than a thousand

Play only with money that is set aside in advance, just for the game.

Nekrasov annually set aside up to twenty thousand rubles for gambling, and then, while playing, increased this amount three times. And only after that the big game began. But despite everything, Nikolai Alekseevich had an amazing capacity for work, and this allowed him to live in grand style. It must be admitted that not only fees constituted his income. Nekrasov was a lucky player. His winnings reached up to one hundred thousand in silver. Caring for the people's happiness, he never missed his own.

Like all gamblers, Nikolai Alekseevich believed in omens, and this led to an accident in his life. Players generally consider it bad luck to borrow money before playing. And it had to happen right before the game that Ignatius Piotrovsky, an employee of Sovremennik, turned to Nekrasov with a request to give him three hundred rubles towards his salary. Nikolai Alekseevich refused the petitioner. Piotrovsky tried to persuade Nekrasov, he said that if he did not receive this money, he would shoot himself in the forehead. But Nikolai Alekseevich was relentless, and the next morning he learned about the death of Ignatius Piotrovsky. It turned out that he only owed a thousand rubles, but he was facing debtor's prison. The young man preferred death to shame. All his life Nekrasov remembered this incident and was painfully worried.

The famous poet refuted the well-known proverb: “He who is unlucky at cards is lucky in love.” Despite his rustic appearance and constant illnesses, Nekrasov desperately loved women. As a youth, he used the services of maids in his father's house. Then, before meeting Panaeva, he used the services of cheap prostitutes. They lived with Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva for fifteen years. These were years of suffering, jealousy and scandals, and on her fortieth birthday they separated. Then Nekrasov meets the flighty Frenchwoman Selina Lefren. Having squandered a fair portion of Nikol Alekseevich’s fortune, she left for Paris.

The last woman in Nekrasov’s life was nineteen-year-old Fekla Anisimovna Viktorova, whom for some reason he called Zinaida. By this time Nikolai Alekseevich was drinking a lot. Six months before his death, which came from rectal cancer, Nekrasov married Zinaida. She looked after him until the last minutes and was always there. The poet died on December 27, 1877, leaving a legacy of your brilliant creations, which still excite readers.

The future great poet was born on November 28 (October 10, new style) in the family of a small nobleman, in the town of Nemirov, Podolsk province. He spent his childhood in the village of Greshnev, on the family estate of his father, a man with a power-hungry character who oppressed not only the serfs, but also his family. In the textbook version of Nekrasov’s biography, familiar from childhood, many new facts have appeared, with which researchers of his life complement the story about the poet and creativity. What new can you learn about Nekrasov? Nikolai Alekseevich fought against serfdom, but at the same time owned hundreds of souls. He loved luxury very much and was a heavy drinker. Nekrasov was unrestrained not only in everyday life, he also used foul language in poetry. He was also a player.

Nikolai Alekseevich became a gambler already, being an adult and a famous writer. As a child, he played with the servants. But when the future famous poet ran away from his cool father to St. Petersburg, he did not have enough money not only for the game, but even for food. Chance helped. Belinsky drew attention to Nekrasov and brought him to the house of the writer Panaev. Nikolai Alekseevich did not know how to behave in this society, he was awkward, and shocked the ladies present with his poems. After reading poetry and lunch, the guests decided to have fun and sat down to play preference. And here the newcomer showed himself in full glory, beating everyone. Belinsky was irritated, getting up from the table, he said: “It’s dangerous to play with you, my friend, you’ll leave us without boots!”

The years passed quickly, Nekrasov was already heading the Sovremennik magazine. We must give him his due - the magazine flourished under his skillful leadership. The populists learned his poems by heart. On a personal level, things were also going well - Nikolai Alekseevich took his wife away from Panaev. His wealth became greater, the poet got a coachman and a footman.

In the fifties, he began to often visit the English Club and play enthusiastically. Panaeva warned him that this activity would not lead to good, but Nikolai Alekseevich self-confidently answered: “What else do I lack character in, but I’m stoic at cards!” I won't lose! But now I play with people who don't have long nails." And this remark was made for a reason, because there was an instructive incident in Nekrasov’s life. Once the novelist Afanasyev-Chuzhbinsky dined with the poet; he was famous for his well-groomed long nails. This man fooled Nikolai Alekseevich around his finger. While the stakes were small, the famous poet won. But as soon as he increased the bet to twenty-five rubles, his luck turned away from him, and in one hour of play Nekrasov lost a thousand rubles. Checking the cards after the game, the owner discovered that they were all marked with a sharp nail. After this incident, Nekrasov never played with people with sharp, long nails.

Nikolai Alekseevich even developed his own code of play:
- never tempt fate

If you have no luck in one game, you need to move on to another

A prudent, smart player must be starved out

Before the game you need to look your partner in the eyes: if he can’t stand the look, the game is yours, but if he can stand it, then don’t bet more than a thousand

Play only with money that is set aside in advance, just for the game.

Nekrasov annually set aside up to twenty thousand rubles for gambling, and then, while playing, increased this amount three times. And only after that the big game began. But despite everything, Nikolai Alekseevich had an amazing capacity for work, and this allowed him to live in grand style. It must be admitted that not only fees constituted his income. Nekrasov was a lucky player. His winnings reached up to one hundred thousand in silver. Caring for the people's happiness, he never missed his own.

Like all gamblers, Nikolai Alekseevich believed in omens, and this led to an accident in his life. Players generally consider it bad luck to borrow money before playing. And it had to happen right before the game that Ignatius Piotrovsky, an employee of Sovremennik, turned to Nekrasov with a request to give him three hundred rubles towards his salary. Nikolai Alekseevich refused the petitioner. Piotrovsky tried to persuade Nekrasov, he said that if he did not receive this money, he would shoot himself in the forehead. But Nikolai Alekseevich was relentless, and the next morning he learned about the death of Ignatius Piotrovsky. It turned out that he only owed a thousand rubles, but he was facing debtor's prison. The young man preferred death to shame. All his life Nekrasov remembered this incident and was painfully worried.

The famous poet refuted the well-known proverb: “He who is unlucky at cards is lucky in love.” Despite his rustic appearance and constant illnesses, Nekrasov desperately loved women. As a youth, he used the services of maids in his father's house. Then, before meeting Panaeva, he used the services of cheap prostitutes. They lived with Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva for fifteen years. These were years of suffering, jealousy and scandals, and on her fortieth birthday they separated. Then Nekrasov meets the flighty Frenchwoman Selina Lefren. Having squandered a fair portion of Nikol Alekseevich’s fortune, she left for Paris.

The last woman in Nekrasov’s life was nineteen-year-old Fekla Anisimovna Viktorova, whom for some reason he called Zinaida. By this time Nikolai Alekseevich was drinking a lot. Six months before his death, which came from rectal cancer, Nekrasov married Zinaida. She looked after him until the last minutes and was always there. The poet died on December 27, 1877, leaving a legacy of your brilliant creations, which still excite readers.

The biography of a famous person is usually learned from textbook articles. Meanwhile, there are many interesting things in the lives of great people. Let us remember how the Russian poet surprised his contemporaries and descendants

Studying at the gymnasium

At the age of eleven, Nikolai and his older brother were sent to Yaroslavl to a gymnasium. At first, Nekrasov sat in the front row among the best students. But soon the successes had to be forgotten. The boy did not like the cramming and routine that reigned in the gymnasium. In addition, the guy assigned to the barchuks was not at all involved in their upbringing, and they could not show up for classes for months. But Nikolai immediately became the life of the party.

It's no secret that Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov spent his childhood next to peasant children. He made a hole through which he got out of the garden and ran to his friends. By the way, he communicated with many of them as a young man when he came to Greshnevo from St. Petersburg. And now, during breaks, he gathered the schoolchildren around him and began to tell stories about his life in the village. M. Goroshkov, who studied with Nekrasov, recalled that even then all the statements of the future poet were about the people.

It's time for apprenticeship

Everyone knows Nekrasov the poet, but few people know that after the unsuccessful publication of the first collection of poems “Dreams and Sounds,” Nikolai Alekseevich wrote many short stories and novellas, published in “Literary Gazette” and “Pantheon”. Most of them were based on the St. Petersburg ordeals of young men, which at that time evoked a lively response from commoners. The setting for other works was the southern countries with counts, dukes, beauties, etc. Having already received recognition, Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, whose work is represented by poetic genres, asked publishers not to print his prose, with the exception, perhaps, of “Petersburg Corners” and “The Thin Man”.


In 1841, the vaudeville “Morning in the Editorial Office” appeared in the Literaturnaya Gazeta. Nekrasov wrote it quite easily, basing his work on V. Narezhny’s story. Soon the play premiered at the Alexandrinsky Theater. The first was followed by three more vaudeville acts. And although they were successful, after 1945 Nekrasov the poet completely abandoned this genre for several years. Nikolai Alekseevich’s last dramatic work was the unfinished “Bear Hunt” (1867).

Love triangle

The personal life of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was connected with the Panaev family for many years. The couple were not very happy in their marriage, but Avdotya Yakovlevna always enjoyed success in society. The aspiring poet and editor of Sovremennik spent a long time seeking the beauty’s attention. Finally, Avdotya Yakovlevna reciprocated with Nikolai Alekseevich, most likely in 1847. For sixteen years they lived in a civil marriage - the Panaevs never filed for divorce - which caused a lot of gossip. There were many happy moments in the relationship between Nekrasov and Panaeva, as evidenced by the love lyrics of the writer himself. However, due to the difficult character and pathological jealousy of Nikolai Alekseevich, to which a serious illness was later added, quarrels often arose between them, which escalated to the limit by the year 55. And although in subsequent years Nekrasov and Panaeva still lived together, the previous mutual understanding between them no longer existed. The final break occurred in 1863.

Children of Nekrasov

Nikolai Alekseevich was always attracted to the children of peasants. When he came to Greshnevo, he really loved watching them play and communicate. However, I had no luck with my own. The first child of Nekrasov and Panaeva died in 1949, a few hours after birth. The second son, Ivan, lived for four months. His death was one of the reasons for the deterioration of relations between the poet and his lover in 1955.

Romance for two

Citing interesting facts from the life of Nekrasov, one can recall the work “Three Countries of the World”. In 1948, when the reaction intensified in the country and Sovremennik was on the verge of closure, Nikolai Alekseevich invited Avdotya Yakovlevna to write a novel together. Many were skeptical about this idea, especially since there was nothing like it in Russian literature. However, the co-authors determined the concept of the work, sketched out the plot, and the work actually came into being. For several months in 1948-49, it was published in Sovremennik, which solved the problem with its content.

The second essay, “Dead Lake,” turned out to be less successful - the poet took almost no part in its creation - being very busy at the magazine left practically no free time.

Passion for cards

The Nekrasov family was ancient, but impoverished. Once in a conversation, my father brought up interesting facts from life. Nekrasov, as it turned out, was not by chance drawn to cards. Nikolai Alekseevich's great-great-great-grandfather lost seven thousand serf souls, his great-great-grandfather - two, his grandfather - one. And the poet’s father has almost no fortune left. So the passion for the game became the reason that the once rich family lost its prosperity.

For Nikolai Alekseevich it all began in 1854, when he and Panaev became members of the English Club. From that time on, the poet often spent his evenings at a table covered with green cloth. People who played with Nikolai Alekseevich noted that he never lost his restraint and composure. He always weighed his chances and knew how to stop at the right moment. This is probably why his business was going much better than that of his ancestors - he won quite large sums. The money received was used to provide decent assistance to relatives, including his father, and to the employees of Sovremennik.

Hound hunting

Interesting facts from Nekrasov’s life are related to hunting. This was one of his father’s favorite activities, and the boy, even as a child, wandered with him through the forests and fields. A real passion for hound hunting awoke after Nikolai Alekseevich’s first trip to his native Greshnevo. The poet’s acquaintances said that his St. Petersburg apartment was a real repository of guns and trophies, the main one of which was a stuffed bear with two cubs. Nikolai Alekseevich’s hunt in Greshnev, and later in the Karabikha estate he bought, each time turned into a real holiday. It is easy to imagine how wide the scope was on that memorable day when the poet managed to kill three bears at once.

My addiction to hunting ended unexpectedly. Once Fekla Viktorova, named Zinaida, accidentally shot Nikolai Alekseevich’s beloved dog, Kado. To the words that he would probably never forgive her, the poet replied: “You didn’t do it on purpose. And somewhere, every day people are killed on purpose.” Returning home, the poet hung up his gun and never touched it again. And on the grave of his beloved Kado, Nikolai Alekseevich installed a granite slab.

Zinaida Nikolaevna Nekrasova

The poet developed serious, long-term relationships with three women. But only one of them became his official wife. This was a twenty-three-year-old simple girl whom Nekrasov met in 1870. Nikolai Alekseevich did not like her name, Fekla, and he began to call her Zinaida, at the same time replacing her patronymic: Anisimovna with Nikolaevna. Nekrasov taught her grammar, French, and music. The girl fell in love with horse riding and hunting and often accompanied the poet.

Being already seriously ill, the poet proposed marriage to her, which aroused the anger of all his relatives. By the way, they never accepted Zinaida, and after the death of Nikolai Alekseevich, along with her property, they took away the right to Nekrasov’s “Last Songs” that belonged to her.

The wedding took place at home in April 1977, a few months before the poet’s death.

These are interesting facts from the life of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov.

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov is considered a classic not only of Russian, but also of world literature.

2. Nekrasov’s father was distinguished by his violent disposition and difficult character. Since childhood, the boy observed the abuse of serfs.

3. The poet grew up in a large family: Nekrasov had 13 brothers and sisters, he was the eldest of 14 children.

4. Nekrasov’s mother was from a wealthy family. Elena Andreevna was a well-educated and sophisticated woman. At the age of 16, against her parents' wishes, she married her loved one. However, this marriage did not bring her happiness; the husband turned out to be rude and cruel. Elena Andreevna lived a very short life: she died at 40 years old.

5.His father was incredibly cruel not only towards the peasants, but also towards his family. Little Nikolai feared and hated him.

6. And Nekrasov admired his mother, called her a sufferer, tortured by her tyrant husband, and dedicated a number of beautiful poems to her.

7. Nekrasov’s grandfather was a very gambling person, and therefore he lost almost all of his fortune at cards.

8. At the age of 11, Nikolai Alekseevich entered the gymnasium, where he studied only until the 5th grade.

9. Nekrasov studied very poorly at the gymnasium. In addition, he was distinguished by bad behavior.

10. In his youth, after a quarrel with his father, Nekrasov found himself in dire need. For some time he even had to spend the night in a St. Petersburg shelter for beggars.

11. Nikolai Alekseevich, like his father, grandfather and great-grandfather, was an avid gambler. He was incredibly lucky in the game.

12. Nekrasov played cards only according to his own rules: the game took place only for the amount of money that was set aside for this.

13. Nekrasov annually set aside up to 20,000 rubles to play cards.

14. Another passion of the poet was hunting. He was excellent in the saddle and shot accurately.

15. Nekrasov was very fond of bear hunting, and he also hunted game.

16. Nekrasov often went hunting with Turgenev, because he considered him the best hunter.

17. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was similar to his father. He inherited his harshness and lack of restraint from him.

18.When Nikolai was eleven years old, he was sent to study at the Yaroslavl gymnasium. Despite everything, young Nekrasov studied poorly, played truant, and often got into conflicts with the gymnasium teachers. At this time, he first tried himself as a poet, for which he was often blamed.

19. After high school, Nikolai Alekseevich had military service and a career ahead of him. But here Nekrasov again shows character, finally quarrels with his father, not wanting to follow in his footsteps. To spite his father, at the age of 17 he leaves the estate and goes to St. Petersburg. In his new place, Nikolai Alekseevich is in poverty, grabs any job, spends the night in houses for the homeless.

20.Despite his plight in St. Petersburg, he meets the famous critic Belinsky, who, in turn, introduces him to the literary elite. From this acquaintance his creative activity began.

21. The favorite theme of N. A. Nekrasov’s poems and poems was the theme of the people, serfdom, and the hard lot of the working peasant. While Nekrasov himself did not belong to the lower class of society and even owned many “souls”.

22. At the beginning of his career, Nekrasov anonymously published a collection of early romantic poems and ballads, “Dreams and Sounds.” The collection did not cause delight; critics rejected it. Nekrasov, trying to escape the shame, bought almost the entire circulation of the book and burned it.

23. Nikolai Nekrasov was an excellent, talented publisher and editor. In 1848, he became a co-owner of the Sovremennik magazine, wisely managed it, and brought the magazine to a high professional level. Later he heads the journal Otechestvennye zapiski.

24. Nekrasov escaped from the noble regiment. My father wanted Nikolai Alekseevich to become a military man. But his son decided differently. He went to the philological department of the Yaroslavl gymnasium. This made the father very angry, and he promised to deprive his son of his financial allowance. Nekrasov had to study and earn a living, he did it as best he could. He ate very sparingly and slept wherever he could. But at the same time he did not go to his father to bow.

25. Nekrasov was a superstitious person. He never lent anyone money before playing cards because he believed it would bring bad luck.

26. The main love of N.A. Nekrasova became Avdotya Panaeva, one of the most beautiful women of that era. When they met, Avdotya Yakovlevna was married to the writer Ivan Panaev. Nekrasov sought the impregnable beauty for a long time, and, in the end, she reciprocated his feelings. The lovers settled in the Panaevs’ apartment, and the legal spouse lived with them. “Triangle” existed for 16 years, until Panaev’s death. Soon Avdotya Yakovlevna left Nekrasov. Subsequently, he married a simple village girl, but he never forgot Panaeva. It was to her that he dedicated his famous work “Three Elegies.”

27. Nikolai Alekseevich did not leave behind any descendants. His only son from Avdotya Panaeva died as an infant.

28. Nekrasov lived in a civil marriage with Avdotya Panaeva for 15 years.

29. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov had serious relationships with 3 women.

30. There were 2 common-law wives in his life. But officially he was married only once to Zinaida Nikolaevna. But he himself truly loved only one woman - the beautiful Avdotya Panaeva.

31. The official wife of the poet was a simple girl, Thekla. He didn’t like her name at all, and he began to call her Zinaida. I also decided to change my middle name, it was Anisimovna, it became Nikolaevna. The girl was a simple girl, so Nekrasov had to teach her French, music and manners.

32. Nekrasov’s wife shot his best dog. Nikolai Alekseevich loved hunting with his father since childhood. In his house there were a lot of weapons with which he went hunting. Nekrasov considered his main achievement to be a bear and three cubs. Once returning from a hunt, the poet handed the gun to his wife, she accidentally pulled the trigger and shot at her husband’s beloved dog. He was very sad, but did not harbor any grudge against his wife.

33. Nekrasov has many poems where he mentions the names of his favorite dogs.

34. The writer amassed quite a large fortune; he had peasants and a large estate at his disposal.

35. Nekrasov loved children very much. He always watched with joy how the peasant children played. I could watch them for hours. He was very amused by their games and conversations.

36. Nekrasov wrote 2 novels in collaboration with Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva. There were difficult times, and Nekrasov decided to try joint creativity with Avdotya Yakovlevna. Many believed that nothing would work out for them. But, nevertheless, from the pen of Panaeva and Nekrasov such works as “Three Countries of the World” and “Dead Lake” came out. The works were published in Sovremennik.

37. Nekrasov’s works often reflected the life of the working class.

38. Nikolai Alekseevich’s writing style was democratic.

39. During the revolutionary years of Russia, Nekrasov’s work had a noticeable influence on the upper strata of society.

40. The main properties of Nekrasov’s poetry were considered to be a close connection with national life, as well as his closeness to the people.

41. According to the Soviet literary critic Vladimir Zhdanov, Nekrasov was an artist of the Russian word.

42. The writer never liked his own works.

43. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov tried to fight serfdom.

44. Nekrasov knew how to admit his mistakes and was tormented if he did the wrong thing or insulted someone “in his heart.”

45. In 1875, Nekrasov was given a terrible diagnosis - intestinal cancer. In recent days, Nikolai Alekseevich was looked after by his official wife Fekla Anisimovna. But he did not suffer for long. The zemstvo doctor did not manage to prolong the poet’s life for long.

46. ​​Nekrasov died on December 27, 1877, and was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery in St. Petersburg.

47. Several thousand people came to Nekrasov’s funeral. At the funeral, the poet was recognized as the best poet. Many poets and writers came to say goodbye to the poet. Everyone was talking about Nekrasov’s talent. Dostoevsky said that Nekrasov is the third poet in our country, after Pushkin and Lermontov. But people began to protest and called Nekrasov the best poet.

48. Many libraries and other cultural institutions are named after this poet.

49. Nekrasov museums are open in St. Petersburg, in the Karabikha estate and in the city of Chudovo.

50. In the city of Chudovo, in addition to the museum, there is a monument to Nekrasov with a dog and a gun.

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov had an extremely unusual and interesting life. Facts from Nekrasov’s life tell about his childhood, youth and growing up. Contemporaries heard the poems of this poet more than once. That is why it is interesting to know what Nekrasov’s biography was like. Interesting facts from the life of this man lift the curtain on the fate of the peasantry. The facts of Nekrasov’s biography are replete with various events that took place in the life of the great poet. This includes a lot of both tragic and joyful things. Today we can only learn what has come down to the present day, and this is the biography of Nekrasov, interesting facts from whose life cannot fail to impress.

1. Nekrasov’s grandfather was a very gambling person, and therefore he lost almost all of his fortune at cards.

2. At the age of 11, Nikolai Alekseevich entered the gymnasium, where he studied only up to the 5th grade.

3. Nekrasov studied poorly.

4. Nekrasov’s father wanted to send him to a noble regiment, but Nikolai Alekseevich escaped.

5. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was in love with Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva, who at that time was a married woman.

6. Nekrasov played cards only according to his own rules: the game took place only for the amount of money that was set aside for this.

7. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov really believed in omens.

8. Nekrasov and Panaeva wrote several joint works.

9. Nekrasov often went hunting with Turgenev, because he considered him the best hunter.

10. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was married to a village woman Fyokla Anisimovna.

11. Panaeva and Nekrasov lived with her husband.

12. In 1875, doctors diagnosed Nekrasov with intestinal cancer.

13. Nikolai Alekseevich’s parents were unhappy people, because Nekrasov’s mother married against the will of her parents.

14. Nekrasov’s mother was from a rich family.

15. Nekrasov dedicated a number of poems to his mother.

16. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was similar to his father. He inherited his harshness and lack of restraint from his dad.

17. In 1840, Nekrasov published the collection “Dreams and Sounds.”

18. Nekrasov was very fond of bear hunting, and he also hunted game.

19. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov could watch peasant children for hours, because he loved them very much.

20. Nekrasov’s works often reflected the life of the working class.

21. Nikolai Alekseevich’s writing style was democratic.

22. Nekrasov annually set aside up to 20,000 rubles to play cards.

23. Nekrasov took the wife of his friend Ivan Panaev.

24. Once, handing over the gun to her own wife after a hunt, she accidentally shot at Nikolai Alekseevich’s beloved dog. The poet was not angered by this phenomenon.

25. Nekrasov was popular among women, but no one considered him handsome.

26. Nekrasov was recognized as the best poet at the funeral.

27. In 1838, Nikolai Alekseevich, on the instructions of his father, left for military service in St. Petersburg.

28. In 1846, Nekrasov became one of the owners of the Sovremennik magazine.

29. Nikolai Alekseevich spent a lot of money on his mistresses.

30. Nekrasov died on December 27, 1877, and was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery in St. Petersburg.

31. Nekrasov’s work is assessed very ambiguously: many critics believe that it is this poet who has the largest number of bad poems. Nevertheless, Nekrasov’s works entered the golden fund of Russian prose and poetry.

32. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov is considered a classic not only of Russian, but also of world literature.

33. Nekrasov had 13 brothers and sisters.

34. Nikolai Alekseevich liked a luxurious life.

35. Many libraries and other cultural institutions are named after this poet.

36. Nekrasov museums are open in St. Petersburg, in the Karabikha estate and in the city of Chudovo.

37. Nekrasov lived in a civil marriage with Avdotya Panaeva for 16 years.

38. In May 1864, Nekrasov went on a three-month trip to Paris.

39. Nikolai Alekseevich was a passionate and jealous person.

40. Nekrasov had to be with the Frenchwoman Celine Lefren.

41. Six months before his own death, Nekrasov married 32-year-old Fekla (Zinaida Nikolaevna Nekrasova).

42. After Nekrasov’s scandal with his father, which occurred in his youth, he began to need money.

43. Nikolai Alekseevich did not manage to leave any descendants behind him; the only son of this poet died in infancy.

44. Nekrasov’s childhood was difficult.

45. Card addiction was inherited by Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov.

46. ​​The Nekrasov family was poor, but ancient.

47. During the revolutionary years of Russia, Nekrasov’s work had a noticeable influence on the upper strata of society.

48. The main properties of Nekrasov’s poetry were considered to be a close connection with national life, as well as his closeness to the people.

49. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov had serious relationships with 3 women.

50. According to the Soviet literary critic Vladimir Zhdanov, Nekrasov was an artist of the Russian word.

51. Nekrasov’s father was a despot.

52. The writer never liked his own works.

53. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov tried to fight serfdom.

54. In the 50s, Nekrasov visited the English Club.

55. In the city of Chudovo, in addition to the museum, there is a monument to Nekrasov with a dog and a gun.

56. Before his death, Nekrasov drank a lot of alcohol.

57. Before meeting Panaeva, Nekrasov used the services of prostitutes.

58. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov had a special love for hunting dogs, and this love arose in his childhood.

59. Several thousand people came to Nekrasov’s funeral.

60. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was operated on by a surgeon who arrived from Austria, but even this did not save the life of the great poet.

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