Gunpowder must be kept dry! Drying apples for the winter and proper storage of dried fruits It is necessary to keep crossword clue 5 dry.

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Gardeners joke that when there are few apples, it is bad, but when there are many, it is even worse. A large harvest of apples requires a lot of work during their processing. They make compotes, preserves, marmalade, squeeze juices, bake charlottes and pies. However, it is often not possible to fully realize the apple harvest in this way. In order not to lose the remaining harvest, you need to make dried fruits from it.

Which apples to dry

During drying, apples are not subjected to high temperature treatment, so they do not lose the vast majority of their properties. Practice shows that autumn varieties of apples that have a sour taste, for example, the famous Antonovka variety, are best preserved. Sweet apples keep worse, although they can also be dried. They dry faster than winter fruits, the color of these dried fruits is lighter than that of winter ones.

Preparing for drying

  • The apples are washed and wiped dry. The core with seeds is removed.
  • You don't have to peel the apples from your garden. It is better to cut it from store-bought apples.
  • The finished material is cut into slices (circles). The thickness is no more than half a centimeter.

Due to the iron contained in apples, the slices may darken. To prevent this from happening, you can treat them with a salt solution. The chopped slices are placed in a bucket and poured with water. 100 grams of salt are poured into a bucket. The apples are kept in the solution for 4 minutes. This procedure will also save them from insects. Some gardeners blanch apples, but this procedure deprives the fruit of a large amount of vitamins.


The oldest method is to take apples out into the open air. The fruits are placed on trays, some surface and dried under the rays of the hot sun. You need to understand that apples should be dried, and not just dried. Apples should be laid out in a minimal layer and turned over daily. This method has a significant disadvantage - with the onset of autumn days, the sun becomes scarce, and such drying may be of poor quality.

Hanging. The apples are threaded onto a thread using a needle. The resulting “beads” are hung in the fresh air under the sun, having previously been covered with fine gauze folded in two layers. 3-4 days are enough for drying if the sun is hot. The main condition is the absence of rain. This method saves space and time because there is no need to turn the apples. If the weather is not sunny, then drying will last a week.

Drying in the oven. Place the apples on a baking sheet in one layer. The oven temperature should be no higher than 75 degrees. If there is no thermometer in the stove, then the oven door should be kept ajar to a width of 5 centimeters. Drying lasts seven hours. The apples must be turned over regularly, every 60-90 minutes. The color of the apples should be light and there should be no foreign smell. Drying can also be done over the stove, but this is risky - it is difficult to find the right height and maintain the right temperature.

In an electric dryer. The use of technical means makes drying apples elementary. The apples are simply placed in the dryer in one layer, the desired temperature is set, and after a couple of hours the job is done. An electric dryer is the best tool for preparing dried fruits - there is no need to ward off flies, there is no dependence on the weather, the temperature is maintained at the most optimal. This is where the best results are obtained.

Readiness of dried apples

Ready apples should have slightly dark skin and elastic flesh that does not stick to your fingers. For the first 2-3 weeks, it is better to store dried products in a bag (pillowcase) made of cotton fabric. After this, they must be transferred to paper bags or fabric bags. Plastic bags are not used for storage; there the products become moldy.

Keep gunpowder dry - be prepared for troubles, surprises, defense, difficulties. The origin of the expression is due to the leader of the English bourgeois revolution (1640-1660) Oliver Crumwell (1599-1658), who on the eve of the Battle of Dunbar said: “Put your trust in God, but keep your powder dry,” which translated means “Trust in God, guys, but keep your gunpowder dry.” Some dictionaries claim that Cromwell said this phrase before his soldiers crossed the river, although this maneuver is not mentioned in all descriptions of the battle, that is, Cromwell was far from simple and primitive and recommended “Keeping gunpowder dry” in a figurative sense - to remain vigilant.

Cromwell's sayings that became catchphrases

  • God turned them into a harvest for our swords
  • A warship is the best messenger
  • The one who goes the furthest is the one who doesn’t know where to go!
  • I implore you - think for a minute that you may be wrong.

Synonyms of the phraseological unit “Keep gunpowder dry”

  • If you want peace, prepare for war
  • Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself
  • Say a prayer and add flour
  • Start with God and end with your hands
  • Pray and row to the shore
  • Be careful
  • Stay vigilant
  • Be on alert
  • Have ears on top of your head

“Our ears are on top of our heads
The sun lit up the guns a little
And the forests have blue tops,
The French are right there"

M. Lermontov “Borodino”

“Under the hot sun, under the blind night
We had to go through a lot
We are peaceful people, but our armored train
It’s on a siding!”

M. Svetlov “Song about Kakhovka”

Using the phraseological unit “Keep your gunpowder dry”

- “...we must keep our gunpowder dry, but we will respond to any blow from the enemy with a triple blow and will beat the enemy on his own territory.”(A. Chakovsky “Blockade”)
- “We are surrounded,” he said, “by enemies. “We have to... keep the gunpowder dry.”(B. Gorbatov “Alexey Gaidash”)
- “Therefore, we need to keep our gunpowder dry,” Alexander Lukashenko emphasized. “Let me remind you of a simple truth: the army must learn to fight (that’s why it’s an army).”
- “Putin, while at the Caucasus-2012 exercises at the Raevsky training ground, stated the need to increase Russia’s defense capability and “keep your gunpowder dry”

Russia must help Belarus ensure the security of the Union State. This was stated today by the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, accepting a report on the Plan for the use of a regional grouping of troops (forces) of Belarus and Russia.

Alexander Lukashenko recalled that 10 years ago, the Supreme State Council of the Union State decided to create a joint Russian-Belarusian group of troops, whose area of ​​responsibility in the Union State and the CSTO is to ensure security in the western direction.

As the head of state noted, certain changes have taken place over these years, “including those of the forces that are against the Belarusian-Russian group of troops.” “Naturally, time passes, something changes, somewhere radically, somewhere less. Therefore, we need to consider the use of RGV(s) today,” he said.

At the same time, Alexander Lukashenko emphasized that this issue is within the competence of the Supreme State Council of the Union State. “Therefore, the first thing I want to say: we, of course, will sacredly fulfill our functions of protecting, I believed, and still believe, our common Fatherland,” he said. “No Belarus is foreign to us - this is our country, where "We live where our children will live, and there is no foreign Russia. We have always been and will be together with Russia, no matter what cataclysms occur."

“We, of course, will fulfill our functions, but we can only perform them with the support of Russia, or at least with weapons,” the Belarusian leader noted. “This is not an approach when we are sometimes offered to buy weapons at our own expense, and even at the market price, as they know how to say, price. Naturally, here, in this direction, Russia is interested in ensuring that the Belarusian army is in order." “That’s why we need to help. I say this publicly, and I’m not afraid of it, I can repeat it anywhere,” he emphasized.

Alexander Lukashenko also noted that the most serious decision on the use of RGV(s) should be made at the level of the VGS. “I will not sign any documents as a matter of routine. Pass this on to the Minister of Defense and the President of Russia (it was assumed that the President of Belarus would sign the resolution of the Supreme State Council of the Union State, approving a new plan for the use of a regional grouping of troops. - Note BELTA). There is a Supreme State Council, here it is meets - we will consider this plan. And today you must report to me. I know that my Russian colleague considered this plan, they agreed with it. Now we will consider it, and at the next meeting of the Supreme State Council we will approve it. This will be correct. We have nothing to hide here ", we are open to the world. I think Russia is not going to hide anything either," the President of Belarus said.

In addition, he emphasized that Belarus makes a huge contribution to peace and security, ensuring not only its own security, “but also that of fraternal Russia, and not only Russia.” “And this is a beneficial issue for us, if you want an image one. That’s also why we are not going to hide anything,” noted Alexander Lukashenko. “And so we are always considered parasites. Society should know that we are not parasites, but perform the most important function of protecting , including the Russian state. That's the truth."

According to the President of Belarus, ensuring national security is one of the most important functions of the Belarusian state, which in this sense is no exception. “As part of this activity, we are taking effective measures to protect the balanced interests of the individual, society and the state, as envisaged by our concept,” he noted. “And, naturally, we have paid and will continue to pay the most serious attention to ensuring the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country.”

The head of state stated with regret that the world today is turbulent, and force remains one of the main means of resolving contradictions. “Therefore, gunpowder must be kept dry,” he emphasized.

In addition, Alexander Lukashenko noted that Belarus resolves issues of ensuring military security within the framework of the architecture that most fully meets the interests of the country, strengthening its military security, including jointly with Russia.

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