Medical and biological support of physical culture. Medical and biological support of sports and extreme activities

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Entrance exam program

Direction 034300.68 Physical culture

Master's program "Medical and biological support of physical

culture and sports"

Explanatory note

The program is based on the State educational

standard of training for bachelors in the direction 034300.62 Physical education

Persons who have a bachelor's degree, a specialist's diploma or a master's degree on the basis of competitive selection, who have successfully passed the entrance examination and passed the competitive selection are enrolled in the master's training program. The main condition for selection is the depth and completeness of knowledge on the theory and methodology of physical culture, on the medical and biological foundations of the physical and functional state of the human body, as well as the degree of focus of scientific activity on studying the problems of medical and biological support of physical culture and sports.

Requirements for the entrance exam The form of the entrance exam is oral.

At the entrance examination, the applicant is required to demonstrate, first of all, knowledge of the theory and methodology of physical culture, and the medical and biological foundations of the physical and functional state of the human body. The ticket contains 2 questions:

1. Medical and biological foundations of the physical and functional state of the human body involved in physical culture and sports.

Topic 1. physical development and functional state of those involved in physical culture and sports.

The concept of physical development. The influence of systematic sports and physical education on the physical development and functional state of an athlete. Methods of research and assessment of physical development and functional state. Features of the physical development and physique of athletes involved in various sports.

The influence of systematic physical education and sports on the morphofunctional state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the state of the gastrointestinal tract and the musculoskeletal system.

Methods for studying the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, musculoskeletal system.

Functional state of the nervous system and neuromuscular system of persons involved in physical education and sports.

Features of the functional state of external respiration in athletes.

Methods for studying external respiration.

Topic 2. Methods for assessing the physical development and functional state of those involved in physical culture and sports.

Methodology for conducting and methods for assessing the results of simple functional tests with physical activity. Methods for studying general physical performance.

Somatoscopy and anthropometry. Index methods, centile method, method of standards and anthropometric profiles. Assessment of the functional state of the central and autonomic nervous system of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, musculoskeletal system.

Reasons for the development of pathological conditions during irrational physical education and sports. Acute and chronic physical overexertion: clinical forms, signs, preventive measures.

Myocardial dystrophy, development mechanism, diagnosis, motor mode, preventive measures. Overtraining, development mechanism, signs, preventive measures.

Topic 3. physical rehabilitation and medical supervision of those involved in physical culture and sports.

General principles of using means of regulating recovery processes in sports. Medical and biological means of restoration and enhancement of sports performance.

Concept, structure of individual health, characteristics of components;

basics of comprehensive diagnostics of individual health.

A wellness approach to the development of physical abilities. Basics of health training: tasks, means, methods, contraindications, load dosing. Medical and pedagogical control in the process of physical education and health training: types, tasks, content, taking into account age characteristics. Features of nutrition during physical education and sports.

2. Medical and biological support in physical education and sports practice.

Topic 1. Medical and biological support for physical education and sports:

Purpose, objectives and organization of medical and biological support for physical education and sports:

Medical and pedagogical observations of athletes during training: objectives and content. Forms and organization of medical and pedagogical observations in various sports.

Topic 2. Features of medical control of sports competitions.

Principles of forming medical groups for physical education. Features of medical supervision of children, adolescents, boys and girls involved in physical education and sports.

Medical support for sports competitions: objectives, main stages and their content. Organization of anti-doping control in sports.

Doping groups. Sanctions for athletes caught doping.

General characteristics of sports injuries. External and internal causes of sports injuries. Signs of the most common sports injuries, first aid, preventive measures.

Physical exercises as a means of physical education, their classification. Methods of physical education and sports training:

purpose, classification, characteristics.

Topic 3. Medical and biological characteristics of the human body in physical education and sports practice.

Patterns and features of the development of a growing organism. Age periodization. Sensitive and critical periods, their consideration during physical education and sports.

Basic principles of physical education and sports training:

characteristics, patterns underlying them (principles of specificity, gradual increase in loads, repetition, systematicity, individuality, cyclicity).

Self-control. Basic indicators of self-control, methods of their registration and analysis. The unity of pedagogical, medical and self-control in the process of physical exercise.

Control over the health and physical fitness of those involved in physical exercises during the period of progressive development, relative stabilization of development and during the period of delayed development.

Technology for monitoring the health status of athletes during the aging period.

Characteristics of planning principles as starting points and an objective basis for justifying and making decisions: the relationship between various forms of organizing physical exercise classes;

systematic learning process; taking into account the conditions in which the process of physical exercise is carried out (level of preparedness of those involved, state of health, gender, age, logistics, climatic and geographical location, etc.).

1. Ganeev A.D. Fundamentals of correctional pedagogy - M.: 2. Wasserman L.I. and others. Psychological diagnostics of the life style index. A manual for doctors and psychologists. - St. Petersburg, 1999. -21 p.

3..Karvasar DB. Medical psychology. - L.: Medicine, 1982.

4. Theory and organization of adaptive physical culture: Textbook for students of higher and secondary vocational educational institutions carrying out educational activities in specialties 022500 “Physical culture for persons with health problems (adaptive physical culture)” and 0323 “Adaptive physical culture” / Under ed. prof. SP. Evseeva. - M.: Soviet sport, 2002 - 448 p.

5. Private methods of adaptive physical culture: A textbook for students of higher educational institutions carrying out educational activities in the specialty 022500 “Physical culture for persons with health problems (adaptive physical culture)” / Under the general editorship. L.V. Shapkova. - M: Soviet Sport, 2003. - 464s, ill.

6. Theory and organization of adaptive physical culture: A textbook for students of higher and secondary vocational educational institutions carrying out educational activities in the specialty “Physical culture for persons with health problems (adaptive physical culture)” / Under the general editorship. SP. Evseeva. - M:

Soviet sport, 2002. - 464 p.

7. Belaya N.A. Guide to therapeutic massage. - M.: Medicine, 1983.

8. Therapeutic physical culture: Directory. Ed. V.L. Epifanova. M.:Medicine, 1988,2001.

9. Therapeutic physical culture: Textbook for the Institute of Physical Culture. Ed. S.N.Popova. - M.: Physical education and sports, 1988.

10. Therapeutic physical education: Textbook. Ed. S.N.Popova. M.: Academy, 2004.

11. Instructor’s textbook on therapeutic physical culture for institutes of physical culture. Ed. V.P. Pravosudova. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1980.

12. Physical rehabilitation of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system. - M.: Soviet sport, 2000.

13. Physical rehabilitation: Textbook for students of academies and institutes of physical culture. Ed. S.N.Popova. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 14. V.I. Dubrovsky. Sports medicine. 15. V.A. Epifanov. Sports medicine. 16. S.F. Kurdybaylo et al. Medical control in AFK. 17. A.V. Smolensky. A short course of lectures on sports medicine. 18. V.A. Epifanov. Exercise therapy and sports medicine. 19. Popov E.N., Valeev N.M. Private pathology.

20. Sumaronov A.V. Internal illnesses.

21. Isaeva L.A. Childhood diseases.

22. Makolkin V.I. Internal illnesses.

Criteria for assessing the entrance exam for ... Criteria for assessing an oral answer to a question on an examination card: validity, the answer is complete, detailed, corresponds to the logic of the exam program, indicates 2 awareness, flexibility, independence, depth and breadth of the range of sources. The answer provides links to the authors of special concepts and concepts, correct pronunciation

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When preparing for competitions, it is especially important to monitor the athlete's health. Bringing an athlete to competition at the peak of his physical capabilities is the task of not only the coaching staff, but also the sports medicine doctor.

Medical and biological support of athletes in preparation for competitions includes examination of athletes according to specially developed programs of phased comprehensive (IVF) and ongoing (TO) examinations. Examinations are carried out according to a schedule agreed with the coaching staff.

Conclusions based on the results of a medical and biological examination enable the coaching staff to promptly:

  • receive recommendations for adjusting training programs;
  • receive recommendations on the selection of sports pharmacology (individual regimens for each athlete with the ability to achieve maximum training effect without causing harm to health);
  • balance different types of loads within the training cycle;
  • apply a differentiated approach to training athletes.

How often are IVF AND TO performed?

The frequency of IVF is determined jointly with the coaching staff, based on the stages of the athlete’s preparation and the competition calendar. Maintenance programs and the frequency of their implementation are determined after receiving the results of the training assessment together with the coaching staff, based on the micro- and macrocycles of the athlete’s training

Staged comprehensive examination

IVF is carried out at the beginning of the preparatory cycle for the tournament at the NACFF Sports Medicine Center. Includes:

  • consultation with a sports medicine doctor;
  • functional diagnostics: carrying out stress or specialized sports tests;
  • performing a wide range of laboratory tests;
  • consultation with a psychologist.

During the examination, athletes are accompanied by a sports medicine manager, which makes IVF at the NACFF clinic comfortable and organized.

Results of the stage-by-stage comprehensive examination:

  • assessment of reserves of the cardiovascular, autonomic, respiratory and other systems;
  • identification of the threshold of anaerobic metabolism and pulse intensity zones;
  • determining the maximum power that an athlete can develop;
  • determination of kinematics and dynamics in joints in a competitive exercise;
  • determination of absolute muscle strength and explosive muscle strength at the current moment;
  • assessment of recovery processes;
  • analysis of the athlete’s physical and functional readiness;
  • identification of pathological changes, phenomena of overtraining; correction of physical activity and recovery phases to increase the efficiency of the training process;
  • selection of speed, pace, weight of weights in special and general preparatory exercises in order to improve sports results in strength and speed-strength sports;
  • recommendations for adjusting training programs;
  • recommendations for the selection of sports pharmacology and sports nutrition products.

Current examination

The current examination is carried out at the training site by NACFF specialists (sports doctor, nurse). As a rule, at least two ongoing examinations are carried out: 1) through the macrocycle (20-22 days) after a stage-by-stage comprehensive examination; 2) 10 days before the competition date.

Composition of the current survey:

  • carrying out load testing;
  • measurement of lactates, hemoglobin;
  • cardiointervalometry;
  • measuring blood pressure and pulse before and after exercise.

Goals and objectives of the current survey (TS):

  • operational monitoring of the state of health and the dynamics of the body’s adaptation to training loads;
  • assessment of the dynamics of the training effect in micro- and macrocycles.

Results of staged comprehensive and ongoing surveys

Based on the results of IVF and MT (medical and biological support), a sports doctor’s conclusions are provided with recommendations on organizing the training process, sports nutrition, and the use of sports pharmacology. The sports doctor's conclusion is drawn up based on:

results of laboratory tests (dynamic monitoring of indicators of all types of metabolism, markers of acute and chronic under-recovery);

comprehensive assessment of the results of functional stress tests (detection of the threshold of anaerobic metabolism and pulse intensity zones, tracking of recovery processes, assessment of the reserves of the cardiovascular, autonomic, respiratory and other systems, analysis of the physical and functional readiness of the athlete);

Medical and biological support of physical culture and sports (Head – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Chernozemov V.G.) 1 Purpose of the master's program 1. Prepare master's students for independent activities that require broad education in the field and in-depth professional specialization; 2. To introduce the methods of medical and biological support of physical culture and sports in order to ensure the preservation and strengthening of health, as well as increasing the level of sportsmanship of those involved. 3. Formation of master’s students’ personal qualities, general cultural and professional competencies in the field of physical education in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education for the implementation of scientific, pedagogical, research, physical education and educational activities, taking into account the needs of the region and the national traditions of the inhabitants of the European North; Children of the North: health, growth and development

Features of the program: 1. Focus on training specialists in the field of medical and biological support for people involved in physical education and sports in the conditions of the Arctic region. 2. Training of specialists in the field of medical and biological support of people involved in physical education and having certain health problems. 3. Possibility of internship in rehabilitation centers of the city of Arkhangelsk

Admission conditions: Persons who have a bachelor's degree, a specialist's diploma or a master's degree on the basis of a competitive selection are enrolled in the master's training program, who have successfully passed the entrance examination and passed the competitive selection. The main condition for selection is the depth and completeness of knowledge in physiology, sports medicine, as well as the degree of focus of scientific activity on the study of problems of medical and biological support of training and competitive processes.

Practice is a compulsory section of the master's degree. It is a type of training sessions directly focused on the professional and practical training of students. Internships are carried out in third-party organizations or in departments and laboratories of the university that have the necessary personnel, scientific and technical potential

annotation. The article discusses promising areas of medical care for athletes at various stages of sports activity. The importance of using modern diagnostic devices in sports activities is emphasized.

Keywords: Medical support, sports medicine.

In recent decades, medical care has risen to a high level, and special attention is paid to it, since sports doctors have taken a place on a par with coaches; it depends on them how an athlete can enter the training and competitive process, and rehabilitate after injuries and illnesses.

Today, training highly qualified athletes is possible only with an integral approach. One of the most important components of integral training is the optimal organization of scientific, methodological and medical-biological support.

Elite sports have become one of the most physically and psychologically demanding activities, and sports medicine must ensure, to the maximum extent possible, that athletes remain healthy and promote outstanding performance in sports. Since 2009, the Federal State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Center for Medical Physical Culture and Sports Medicine of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency” has been providing medical, biological and health care support to Russian national teams, including conducting preliminary, periodic and in-depth medical examinations of athletes. Doctors of all Russian national teams are employees of the center “CMC FMBA of the Russian Federation”.

One of the main forms of organizing medical support is an in-depth medical examination (IME), which provides for active observation, early detection of deviations in health status and their prevention, admission to training and competitions, control over the diagnosis of the functional state and performance during the training period, and also provides assistance in achieving high sports results.

Particular attention is paid to Paralympic athletes. FMBA of Russia has prepared a separate system of medical support for Paralympic athletes for the period of training camps and major sporting events. For this, as in the case of the Olympic teams, mobile medical modules were prepared, which will be located in close proximity to the sports facilities.

The diagnostic module is designed to determine the parameters of the functional state of athletes both before, during and after physical activity. This makes it possible to determine the performance of athletes, the level of fatigue and overtraining, and to correct the recovery process [1].

The treatment and rehabilitation module is designed for rapid rehabilitation of athletes during the training and competitive periods; equipment using innovative technologies is concentrated here [1].

Another promising direction is the use of new technologies. In particular, there is equipment that, according to experts, is advisable to use in the system of medical and biological support for athletes. This is a device for enhanced external consultation (EECP) VAMED, which is specially designed for use in sports medicine (increases the recovery capacity of the main muscle groups, increases concentration and performance, etc.).

Good technical equipment must be accompanied by adequate human resources. It is known that the medical profession requires constant training. As part of the implementation of anti-doping education programs, all doctors are trained on current issues against doping in elite sports.

The main focus of the work of team doctors is: prevention of sports injuries (vitamin complexes, herbal medicines, physiotherapeutic methods); restoration of physical and psychological conditions during the training process and during competitions (massage, matrix therapy); treatment of sports injuries (phototherapy, ultrasound treatment, myoreflexotherapy).

Unfortunately, a number of problems sometimes occur in medical institutions: there is modern equipment, but there are no specialists sufficiently qualified to use it, or there are qualified specialists, but there is no good technical equipment. The optimal ratio of technical equipment and qualified specialists will allow us to raise the medical support of sports teams to a higher level.

In the mid-70s, a number of sports theorists expressed the opinion that the results of athletes would cease to improve in various sports due to the fact that there are anatomical and physiological limits to the manifestation of human capabilities. It was believed that it was impossible to run 100 meters faster than 9.8 seconds, but track and field athlete Usain Bolt ran in 9.5 seconds at the 2009 World Championships in Berlin. Today this topic is being discussed again and articles are appearing that say that after some time the records will end. But in fact, this issue has not been thoroughly studied, and it can be assumed that human capabilities will expand, including due to progress in science, and therefore in sports. In this regard, further unification of medical support methods is ultimately a guarantee of achieving high results in sports.


1. Niikf. Tomsk.m/optimization/ medico-biologicheskoe - soprovozhdenie-sporta- vyshihdostizheniy/, accessed 02/1/17
2. Melikhova T.M., Improving the system for training sports reserves. Man in the world of sports: New ideas, technologies and prospects / T.M. Melikhova. -M.: uch. allowance, 1998 - 295 p.
3. Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation,, access date 01/15/2017

Modern problems of physical culture, sports and youth: materials of the III regional scientific conference of young scientists, February 28, 2017 / ed. A.F. Syrovatskaya. - Churapcha: ChSIFKiS, 2017. - 363 p.

Purpose of the program- is the formation of general cultural and professional competence among masters, contributing to their research, teaching, coaching and physical education activities.

Place of the course in the professional training of a master

The content of these academic disciplines meets the requirements of the qualification characteristics of a master of physical education. These disciplines are fundamental in the formation of the strategy and tactics of the master of physical education and contribute to the formation of master's students' personal qualities, general cultural and professional competencies in the field of physical education for the implementation of scientific, pedagogical, research, physical education and educational activities taking into account the needs; will be introduced to the techniques of medical and biological support of physical culture and sports in order to ensure the preservation and strengthening of health, as well as increasing the level of sportsmanship of those involved.

Disciplines that are studied in the master's program

Cycle of disciplines in the M1 direction:

  • History and methodology of science
  • Logics
  • Information technologies in science and education
  • Modern problems of the sciences of physical culture
  • Foreign language.

Cycle of special disciplines M2:

  • Conflictology in sports and extreme activities
  • Technologies of scientific research in sports and extreme activities
  • Functional systems theory
  • Psychological correction of personality in sports and extreme activities
  • Medical-biological and psychological-pedagogical criteria for selecting individuals for sports and extreme activities.

Elective disciplines M1.V.DV1:

  • Chronobiology in sports and extreme activities
  • Biomedical ecology.

Elective disciplines M1.V.DV2:

  • Workshop on medical and biological support for persons with limited functionality
  • Workshop on adaptation mechanisms to various types of sports and extreme activities.

Elective disciplines M1.V.DV3:

  • Medical and biological support for persons with limited functionality
  • Adaptation mechanisms to various types of sports and extreme activities.

Elective disciplines M1.V.DV4:

  • Psychophysiological methods and means of human recovery from sports and extreme activities
  • Prevention of maladaptive states in sports and extreme activities.

Elective disciplines M1.V.DV5:

  • Medical and biological means of optimizing the functional state of a person
  • Biomedical ethics in medical and biological support of sports and extreme activities.

Elective disciplines M1.V.DV6:

  • Modern directions of nutritionology in sports and extreme activities
  • Ontokinesiology.


  • Prevention of injuries in sports and extreme activities.


  • Educational practice
  • Production
  • Pre-graduation.

Research work:

  • Research work
  • Research seminar.

Questions for the written exam “Theory of Physical Culture and Sports” for admission to the master’s program “Medical and Biological Support of Sports and Extreme Activities”

  1. “Physical culture” as the initial concept of the theory of physical culture (definition of the concept; characteristics of it as a type of activity, as a set of objective values, as a result of activity).
  2. The subject of the theory of physical culture (formation of the general theory of physical culture, the theory of physical culture as a science and educational subject).
  3. Components and forms of physical culture used in society (content, focus).
  4. General and specific functions of physical culture.
  5. Health-improving forces, natural and hygienic factors as auxiliary means.
  6. Content and form of physical exercises (characteristics of the content and form of physical exercises, their relationship).
  7. Physical exercise technique (definition, general concept: basis, defining link, details of technique).
  8. Characteristics of motor actions: spatial, dynamic, temporal and spatiotemporal (content, practical examples).
  9. Effects of exercise (proximal, trace and cumulative).
  10. Load in the process of physical education (definition of the concept, “external” aspects of the load, load criteria, types of loads).
  11. Rest as a component of load in physical education (types of rest by nature and duration, their characteristics, functions of rest).
  12. Organizational and methodological foundations of the domestic system of physical education.
  13. Ideological-theoretical and program-normative foundations of the physical education system (physical education programs and the state standard in the subject “Physical Education”).
  14. Methods of using words and means of visual influence in the process of physical education (groups, types, methods of their application in the practice of physical education).
  15. Game and competitive methods (content, characteristic features, tasks to be solved).
  16. Uniform and repeated-interval methods (content, application in the practice of physical education).
  17. Methods of continuous and variable interval exercise (content, application in the practice of physical education).
  18. Methods of dismembered-constructive and selective influence (content, application in the practice of physical education).
  19. Methods of holistic-constructive and conjugate influence (content, application in the practice of physical education).
  20. Combined exercise methods (characteristics, application, specific examples).
  21. Circular training as an organizational and methodological form of training in the complex use of physical exercises (content, application in the practice of physical education).
  22. Strength as a physical quality of a person (definition of the concept, modes of manifestation of strength, types of strength abilities; tasks, means of developing strength abilities and methods for assessing the level of their development).
  23. Methodology for developing strength abilities. The use of “maximum” and “near-limit” weights, “unlimited” weights with a maximum number of repetitions, isometric stresses in the methodology of developing strength abilities (content, impact, application in practice).
  24. Speed ​​as a physical quality of a person (definition of the concept, forms of manifestation of speed; tasks, means of developing speed abilities; factors determining the appearance of speed abilities and methods of assessment).
  25. Developing speed of movement (means, methods, approximate parameters of loads; speed barrier, ways to prevent and remove the speed barrier).
  26. Education of the speed of motor reactions (types of motor reactions, methods of training the speed of motor reactions).
  27. Cultivation of endurance (definition of the concept, forms of manifestation of endurance, tasks, means, methods, dosing of load parameters).
  28. Education of motor-coordinating abilities (types of manifestation of coordination abilities, tasks, means and distinctive features of the methodology for developing motor-coordinating abilities).
  29. Cultivating flexibility (definition of the concept, types of manifestation, factors determining their manifestations, means and methods of cultivating flexibility, criteria for assessing the development of the level of flexibility).
  30. Body weight regulation (techniques of exercises that stimulate an increase in muscle mass; techniques of exercises that promote weight loss).
  31. The role of foci of chronic infection in assessing the health status of athletes.
  32. Methods for assessing the physical development of an individual.
  33. Factors influencing physical development.
  34. Laws of growth.
  35. Biochemical research methods and assessment of athlete performance.
  36. Eco-hygienic factors influencing the physical performance and functional state of the athlete’s body.
  37. Structure of morbidity among athletes.
  38. Classification of causes of sudden death in athletes.
  39. Possible injuries when playing team sports.
  40. Morphofunctional characteristics of age-related characteristics of athletes and people involved in physical education.
  41. Self-control of an athlete (self-control diary).
  42. Methods for restoring sports performance.
  43. The influence of heavy physical activity on the functional state of the athlete’s body.
  44. Preventive, rehabilitation and recovery measures during physical exercise.
  45. Independent physical education classes.
  46. Socio-biological foundations of physical culture and sports.
  47. Physical self-education and self-improvement as a condition for a healthy lifestyle.
  48. Possible injuries during activities: gymnastics, athletics, skiing.
  49. Treatment of victims and general principles of first aid.
  50. Main causes of injuries.
  51. Hypokinesia. Causes of hypokinesia and its consequences.
  52. Prevention of sports injuries.
  53. Overfatigue in athletes: causes, symptoms (overfatigue, asthenia), recovery measures.
  54. Explain adaptation to various physical activities. Define types of adaptation.
  55. Describe the methods and means of accelerating the body’s recovery processes.
  56. Explain the physiological features of the development of physical qualities in children and adolescents. Sensitive periods.
  57. Tell us about the physiological basis of children's sports selection.
  58. Clinical death and pre-medical resuscitation measures.
  59. Resuscitation measures in case of drowning.
  60. Medical support for sports events. Monitoring the readiness of venues, accommodation, meals.

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