Anthrax cattle burial grounds. A tenacious microbe: anthrax lies dormant in burial grounds for hundreds of years

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Conclusion number Date 08/13/2007 Type of sanitary-epidemiological conclusion form. conclusion on projects, TU (, 2005) Typographical number of the form 527889 Project documentation Materials for the selection of a land plot in the city of Utyatskaya Yu.V. for dacha construction near the village of Sivkovo, Mozhaisk municipal district, Moscow region DOES NOT MATCH state sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations:
SanPiN 2.2.1/ "Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects" SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the protection of surface water" SanPiN 42-128-4690-88 "Sanitary maintenance areas of populated areas."
The act of choosing a land plot. Situation plan M 1:10000. Expert opinion of the branch of the Federal State Institution "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Moscow Region" in the Mozhaisk and Ruzsky districts No. 230-1/19 dated July 24, 2007. A sanitary-epidemiological report without an attachment is invalid.
Developer company Utyatskaya Yu.V. Russian Federation Application

Materials on the selection of a land plot from Utyatskaya Yu.V. for dacha construction near the village of Sivkovo, Mozhaisk municipal district, Moscow region

According to the head of Rospotrebnadzor, 36 tons of infected dumplings arrived in Khanty-Mansiysk, Nizhnevartovsk, Tver and Moscow. According to the Ministry of Health of the Omsk Region, the total number of infected local residents may reach 130 people. Fortunately, the dangerous dumplings have already been confiscated. How are things going with the Siberian virus on the Kola Peninsula?

Where does the virus come from?

As it turned out, there are three anthrax burial sites in the Murmansk region: on the State Border - St. Petersburg highway in the area of ​​​​the villages of Zverosovkhoz and Kildinstroy and in the urban village of Nikel.

A dangerous virus appeared on the Kola land back in the 1950s; it was accidentally introduced along with animal feed. Then four cows died from this infectious disease, since then the dangerous virus of the twentieth century has had mercy on us, but today some questions still arise...

Despite the fact that the Murmansk region has been free from anthrax since 1957, all burials are potentially dangerous, comments Valentina YUSHKO, leading specialist of the Committee for Veterinary Medicine and Wildlife Conservation of the Murmansk Region. - Measures to monitor the condition of anthrax burials are carried out at least twice a year - in spring and autumn. To date, all anthrax burials fully comply with veterinary and sanitary rules. The anthrax burial site near the village of Kildinstroy was the last to be arranged in accordance with veterinary and sanitary requirements.

The responsibility for arranging and equipping this cattle burial ground by a decision of the Kola District Court three years ago was assigned to the administration of the municipal formation of the Kola District. At first glance, they coped with their task: the territory of the dangerous burial ground is fenced with barbed wire, a trench was dug on the inside of the burial perimeter, a concrete platform was restored in the center, the territory was marked with “anthrax” signs, and access roads to the burial were eliminated. However, as we learned, after the repair of the federal highway Murmansk - St. Petersburg, a real dump of construction waste was formed around the cattle burial ground, which after some time could contribute to the displacement of soil in the burial area, and this is strictly prohibited!

Crazy Intruders

Previously, it was believed that the most important “troublemaker” of anthrax sarcophagi was spring meltwater. But, as practice shows, people themselves are not averse to disturbing Pandora’s box.

Often, during the next inspection, employees of the Committee for Veterinary Medicine and Wildlife Protection of the Murmansk Region encounter violations, says Valentina Yushko, specially for AiF on Murman.

For example, just a couple of months ago, while checking a burial site located near the Animal Farm, experts discovered that someone had simply broken down part of the wooden fence. This is despite the fact that the area is marked with “anthrax” signs. And, by the way, the spores of a dangerous disease are very well preserved: for tens, or even hundreds of years. In this regard, it is not clear whether people do not realize the danger they may face for such “theft,” or whether the thirst for profit turned out to be stronger.

Our information:

Anthrax is an acute bacterial infection that causes intoxication of the body, development of inflammation of the skin, lymph nodes and internal organs. Infection can occur through soil in which spores of the anthrax pathogen persist for many years. Spores enter the skin through microtraumas; When contaminated foods are consumed, an intestinal form occurs.

Before the invention of antibiotics, the mortality rate was approximately 20%; with modern treatment methods it is about 1%. However, if you eat contaminated meat, an intestinal form occurs - and even with modern antibiotic therapy, the mortality rate is about 50%.

Old-timers of the village of Laikovo insist that in the field where SU-155 plans to build a new city for 30 thousand people, there is a cattle burial ground. A letter from the Main Veterinary Directorate of the Moscow Region states that in 1965 there was an anthrax outbreak in Laikovo.

Residents of Laikovo, protesting against the multi-storey development of ZAO SU-155, add another “killer” one to all the arguments “against”: old-timers claim that on the territory of the planned microdistrict there is an anthrax cattle burial ground. What threatens the area if this burial ground is inadvertently disturbed during construction work, it is better not to even guess.

Until 2001, there was a cattle farm on the field where the development is proposed. The cowshed with breeding bulls “for export” belonged to the Gorki-2 state farm and existed since the pre-war years. The farm was successful until the time of perestroika, then only cows remained, providing milk to the local population. Currently, all that remains of the barn buildings are picturesque ruins, which, as a representative of the design organization said at public hearings, are not included in the territory planning project and will be demolished.

Laikovskoye field will be built up with high-rise buildings

— Somehow, suspiciously quickly, the Gorki-2 state farm curtailed its activities in Laikovo and sold the land very cheaply,- Laikovo activists were alarmed. Having compared the memories of old-timers of the village about the burial of animals with the facts of the development of vaccines and biological weapons, including anthrax, on Vlasikha, the initiative group made a request to the Main Veterinary Directorate of the Moscow Region.

The response dated 04/04/2014 No. T2-57/32-03-02 states: “According to entries in the epizootic journal of the State Veterinary Institution of the Moscow Region “Odintsovo Regional Station for the Control of Animal Diseases” in the village. In Laikovo, Odintsovo municipal district, Moscow region, no cattle burial grounds, including anthrax ones, have been registered.

At the same time, according to the “Directory of Settlements of the RSFSR, Unfavorable Settlements for Anthrax (Part 2), 1976” On the territory of the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region in 1965, a case of an anthrax outbreak was registered in the village. Laikovo Gorsky Village Council. There is no information about the exact location of the burials. Construction organizations did not apply to the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Municipal District “Odintsovo District SBBZh” regarding the approval of construction work in this locality.”.

The community of Laikovo defenders from high-rise development includes doctors and a veterinarian. They began to question the old-timers in more detail and look for facts confirming the presence of a cattle burial ground or indicating its location. “So far no documentary evidence has been found,- say activists, stipulating the secrecy of information on the development of vaccines and on the military Vlasikha in general, - but we won’t stop the search. Can you imagine what could happen if the mound is demolished during construction in the near future? But the developers have not carried out reconnaissance work and will not do this - it is too troublesome, time-consuming and expensive.”

In the hope of help and patronage, the residents of Laikovo wrote a letter to the president of the country: “On the land plot, which, according to official data, is a permanently unfavorable point for anthrax, and the exact location of the anthrax burial ground has not been established, the boundaries of its sanitary protection zone of 1000 m (in accordance with hazard class I) have not been determined. How could it happen that with a gross violationSanPiN on anthrax, creating a direct threat to the life and health of the population, has a planning project for a huge multi-storey microdistrict been developed, approved by the governor? It is designed forhigh building density, number of floors up to 14 floors, population30,000 residents, and underground parking for 20,000 cars.”

MOSCOW, March 20 - RIA Novosti, Tatyana Pichugina. In the Far North, there remains a risk of thawing of old cattle burial grounds with anthrax spores, experts from the Antistikhia center recently reported. Two years ago, a child died due to an outbreak of this dangerous disease in Yamal. RIA Novosti, together with an expert, looked into why anthrax cannot be completely eradicated.

The “fiery pimple”, from which livestock and people died en masse, is mentioned in ancient Russian chronicles. The name "anthrax" probably arose at the end of the 18th century, when this disease spread widely beyond the Ural Mountains and began to be studied.

In people with anthrax, the skin becomes covered with red carbuncles, which then turn black. Therefore, the pathogen was named Bacillus anthracis (“anthrax” means “coal” in Greek).

“The spore form of the anthrax pathogen lives for a very long time, this is its peculiarity. It remains active outside a living organism for about 250 years. There is a possibility that it can exist for 1300 years. As soon as suitable conditions arise, the spore germinates and begins to act,” comments RIA Novosti Leonid Marinin, the country's leading anthrax specialist, Candidate of Medical Sciences, head of the anthrax microbiology laboratory of the State Research Center for Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Obolensk).

In the soil, the anthrax bacterium turns into a spore and rests until it enters the intestines of a warm-blooded animal. If it is livestock, then the bacterium can easily spread to humans - during burial or butchering of the carcass. The disease develops for 12 days or even longer before it makes itself felt. During this time, the meat of the infected animal can be sold or distributed to neighbors. Contact with an anthrax patient is not so dangerous, since there are not enough pathogens in the body fluids released. The main source of the microbe is animal meat intended for food. Therefore, the first thing the authorities do in case of danger is to prohibit the export of meat products from the country where the outbreak of the disease has been recorded.

There are effective medications

The waste products of the B. anthracis bacterium are very toxic to the nervous system of animals and humans. As long as the poison does not enter the blood, the disease is successfully treated with serum, which includes animal immunoglobulin. It is obtained from the blood of a horse or human who has developed immunity against anthrax. At a late stage, the disease is extremely difficult to treat. In such cases, monoclonal bodies are used - special proteins isolated from blood plasma and boost the patient’s immunity. They must be very well cleaned so as not to cause undesirable consequences. To prevent anthrax, livestock and people are being vaccinated en masse.

“The strain for animal vaccines is produced by the Oryol Biofactory; for human vaccines, it is produced by the Research Institute of Microbiology of the Ministry of Defense in Kirov. This is a standard strain obtained from us almost 60 years ago. Our institute has developed a new, combined vaccine that induces an immune response faster,” - says Marinin.

Outbreaks still happen

There have been no large-scale anthrax epidemics in Russia for more than half a century. Globally, the number of cases of infection has been steadily declining since the late 1980s. There are sporadic outbreaks. For example, in 2006, contaminated meat from the Penza region arrived at the Kuntsevsky market in Moscow, in the same year the pathogen was found in a carcass in the Tambov region, and in 2010, the bacterium was found in a batch of dumplings from Omsk. In the fall of 2014, a calf was infected in Bashkiria. In the summer of 2016, an anthrax outbreak occurred in Yamal.

The source of all infections is known - abandoned cattle burial grounds into which livestock wandered. The fact is that during periods of mass pestilence of livestock, carcasses were buried in the vicinity of cities and villages. Local residents knew where the cattle burial grounds were and avoided them. Over time, this was forgotten, and no one knows how many abandoned cattle burial grounds there are. Now in Russia there are 35 thousand foci of potential danger registered, of which about eight thousand are anthrax cattle burial grounds.

© Photo: SSC PMB/Leonid Marinin

“The registration of cattle burial grounds continues, a cadastre has been compiled, which is constantly updated. Old burial sites are everywhere: in the Moscow region, Tambov, Kaluga regions, in Tver, where many villages are flooded by the Ivankovo ​​reservoir. The main thing is to monitor the condition of these centers,” explains the scientist.

There were no anthrax infections in 2017, largely due to the lesson of the previous year. However, spring and summer are ahead - during the warm season, the spread of soil infections is possible. The authorities of the northern regions are preparing for this in advance and are conducting mass vaccination of deer.

Temporarily frozen infection

An anthrax outbreak in Yamal is the first since 1941. Scientists associate it with abnormally high air temperatures, which caused the permafrost that preserved the burial grounds to thaw. Climate experts believe the melting will continue as the Arctic warms faster than any region on the planet. This means that the opening of old cattle burial grounds is very likely.

Anthrax in Yamal: what threatens the first outbreak of the disease in 75 yearsAn anthrax outbreak hit the Yamalo-Nenets District for the first time in 75 years. RIA Novosti found out why the virus is dangerous, how to protect yourself from the disease and what the authorities and local residents think about it.

Usually, a cattle burial ground is fenced off and warning signs are posted, and sometimes a concrete sarcophagus is built over it. Apparently, this is the most optimal method of prevention today, since it is extremely difficult to destroy anthrax spores in the soil. The problem is not only that strong chemicals must be used, but also that the soil has to be worked to a depth of up to two meters.

For example, at the Gruinard test site, where the British tested strains of anthrax during the Cold War, the soil had to be treated several times with a strong disinfectant - glutaraldehyde. In Canada, contaminated soil was simply burned with napalm. Soviet specialists used OKMB gas against anthrax spores. During the outbreak in Yamal, cattle burial grounds were treated with a very effective Orlan aerosol, developed by the Ministry of Defense. A new composition of the disinfectant was created in Obolensk.

We live in an era of accessible information, when social and public control is of particular importance, and data reaches the broad masses of the population. This leads to many non-obvious problems becoming publicized.

Anthrax cattle burial grounds

Such a problem in the Sverdlovsk region is, for example, anthrax cattle burial grounds - burial places of livestock that died from anthrax, a disease that in its time claimed many, many lives.

They pose a threat primarily because anthrax spores remain viable in the soil for several centuries, and can be brought to the surface when a cattle burial ground is destroyed or sanitary standards for its maintenance are not observed (and most burials do not meet sanitary standards).

In addition to all this, a situation is emerging where careless developers can build houses and industrial buildings, sell apartments, and profit from human ignorance on the site of contaminated burial sites, bypassing sanitary standards and government authorities. Add to all this the recent case of anthrax infection from a cattle burial ground in Buryatia, and the awakened interest on the part of the media (see the article in Novaya Gazeta) and Internet resources in this problem becomes clear.

We decided to find out what the situation is with cattle burial grounds in Yekaterinburg itself.

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In our city, at the moment, there are four known burials. Two - in the village of Sadovoy, Ordzhonikidze district and two in the village of Rudny, Chkalovsky district. Literally in the spring of this year, they were re-enclosed with fences (brick fences) for an amount exceeding three and a half million rubles, which in itself raises questions.

Next, we look at how far the burial sites are from human habitation and other industrial buildings. The results are shocking: practically outside the fence of the cattle burial grounds there are residential buildings, private and collective gardens, vegetable gardens, greenhouses and garages. In the village of Rudny, the workshops of a conveyor equipment plant are located less than 5 meters from a biologically hazardous facility, when according to sanitary standards this distance should be at least 1000 m. Local residents are asking the question: “What was the administration thinking when allocating us plots next to an infected burial site?”

However, we are faced with such a paradoxical phenomenon: some of the residents are against any publicity and work on cattle burial grounds, since their summer cottages, which they naturally do not want to part with, are located within the sanitary exclusion zone. Their concern is easy to understand: if the threat of anthrax is very illusory, then the loss of the site is quite real. Here everyone should answer for themselves: “Do I have the right to risk the health and life of my family, children, and even my own? Will I regret that one day I did not show due vigilance?

Yes, although the threat in view of all the sterilizations performed seems minimal, it always exists. If we solve this problem comprehensively once and for all, involve the public and not let the matter die out halfway, then there will be one less danger in the lives of many people.

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