We cut out a juicy watermelon from it. Beautiful cutting of watermelon video

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Watermelon is not only a juicy and tasty fruit, it is a wonderful decoration for both festive and everyday tables. Watermelon can be served on barbecue, alcoholic and even hookah. Interesting methods and tips are described in this article.

Watermelon lends itself to slicing and cutting out many beautiful shapes from it. This feature allows you to serve beautiful dishes of fruits, cheeses, sweets and other snacks. It is often served instead of tea to guests on a festive table.

Interestingly, watermelon is a berry, although in its biological qualities it is similar to a vegetable, and the sweetness and taste of watermelon appears as a fruit and is served for dessert.

You can simply cut the watermelon with a knife, or you can use a special curly tool to cut it into balls, hearts and stars. Such figurines are not only tasty, but also pleasant to eat at events and just at home for variety and aesthetic pleasure.

Watermelon is a very juicy and sweet berry.

In the modern world there is also such an art as “carving”. Carving is the ability to beautifully and originally make curly carvings on fruits and vegetables, including watermelon.

watermelon, sliced ​​using the carving technique

An unusual cut of watermelon can surprise guests at the festive table. Each family necessarily has its own individual way of serving watermelon, but in any case it is worth taking into account that it is eaten without peel and seeds.

The easiest way to serve watermelon conveniently and beautifully is remove seeds, peel and cut into cubes. This watermelon is usually served on a wide dish, and everyone takes it with a fork.

simple traditional serving of watermelon on the table

the usual serving of watermelon on the table in the form of cubes

On the other hand, you can make sure in advance that your serving of watermelon is original and beautiful. To do this, you can purchase a special knife or simply have cookie cutters.

The simplest ones will come in handy heart shapes, stars, droplets and others. Such molds are placed on the pulp of a cut watermelon.

With a little hand pressure, the curly flesh of the watermelon is separated from the rest of the pulp. Such beautiful watermelon figures can be served with other fruits, cheese and sweets.

beautiful curly serving of watermelon in the shape of a star with blueberries

original serving of diced watermelon on a bed of arugula with goat cheese

beautiful serving of watermelon in a feed of curly cut into hearts

Finely chopped watermelon into cubes and other shapes can be easily served in:

  • cocktails
  • fruit salads
  • in the form of canapés
  • on desserts
  • on fruit cakes
  • in salads

Original serving of watermelon, how to serve watermelon beautifully?

In addition to standard simple cuts, there are a number of ways to present watermelon on the table in an original and beautiful way for guests. For this, both special knives and spoons and ingenuity will be useful.

Watermelon is an excellent platform for culinary creativity, providing the opportunity to make the presentation of the berry unusual and original.

Watermelon is often served not in its pure form, but with many additives:

  • berries
  • fruits
  • jam
  • nuts
  • powdered sugar
  • liquid chocolate
  • sweet sauces
  • yogurt

Some winning and unusual ways to serve watermelon at the holiday table:

Watermelon ice cream - this is a symbolic name for serving berries. To do this, cut off a fairly thick piece of watermelon vertically or horizontally. After this, the large skit should be divided into several small beautiful triangular shapes.

A wooden ice cream stick is inserted into such a piece, into the crust (it is not cut off). Such skibochki can simply be served on a wide platter.

It is convenient to take them one by one for each guest and eat them. You can also dip such a piece in chocolate in advance and let it harden in the refrigerator.

Ice cream - an original serving of watermelon

Another unusual way to serve watermelon is to serve it in the form watermelon kebab. To do this, watermelon can be combined with some compatible products:

  • cherry tomato
  • ham (don’t be surprised, but better try it)
  • fruits (banana, grapes, peach)
  • strawberry

For such a kebab you will need special wooden skewers. A cube of watermelon is combined with other ingredients one by one: watermelon, another ingredient, watermelon again, and so on. The sweet taste of watermelon in combination with smoked meats, such as ham or jamon, will be unusual and pleasant.

unusual serving of watermelon in the form of shish kebab

Another non-standard way - watermelon "Rubik's cube". To do this, you will have to do a lot of work to cut out identical and uniform cubes from the watermelon and the pulp of other elastic fruits:

  • apple
  • pear
  • banana
  • peach
  • mango

All fruits are formed into a beautiful cube consisting of cells and served with powdered sugar and sprigs of fresh mint. You can also prepare a special honey sauce for fruits and pour it beautifully on a plate.

watermelon-fruit sliced ​​"Rubik's cube"

What kind of knife is there for slicing watermelon?

Watermelon is a popular berry in many countries and is often served on holiday and everyday tables. Inventive cooks have long used special tools in the kitchen for slicing and carving watermelon.

knife for convenient cutting of watermelon

round knife for cutting watermelon into slices and core

spoon for cutting watermelon into balls

Beautiful and unusual cut of watermelon, watermelon hedgehog

An unusual cut called “Hedgehog” is distinguished not only by its original appearance, which children will definitely like, but also by its convenience. It’s not a shame to present such a cut in the form of a round prickly hedgehog to guests at a children’s birthday party or even at a wedding celebration.

The cut received such a “prickly” name because it owes its external resemblance to an animal. From available materials: fruits and berries, it is easy to form the face of a hedgehog: nose, eyes and paws.

An abundance of wooden toothpicks inserted into the peel will look like needles and at the same time act as a cutlery. A “needle” protrudes from the peel and a piece of watermelon is pricked with it to be eaten.

You can cut watermelon into portions using a special watermelon spoon. Watermelon balls always look advantageous and attractive. In the absence of such a spoon, you can cut the pulp into cubes and sprinkle them with powdered sugar.

traditional watermelon hedgehog for the festive table

How to beautifully cut roses from a watermelon?

If you master the art of carving professionally enough, then it is quite possible to get an excellent result. You can personally cut beautiful roses, voluminous and edible, from juicy watermelon pulp.

  • Take a juicy and ripe watermelon
  • Wash it thoroughly to remove any dirt.
  • Cut the base of the watermelon so that it stands straight and stable on the platter.
  • The rough green skin of the watermelon should be carefully cut off with a sharp knife blade, leaving the white part
  • A hole two centimeters deep is made in the upper part of the watermelon using a special or regular spoon.
  • This hole will be the main depression of the rosebud.
  • Your next job is to sequentially cut out all the rose petals in a circular motion.
  • This flower can be made of any size; there is no need to narrow the bud
  • It is better to cut out the leaves of the flower at the base (see the video for more details)

You can diversify such a clipping by creating not just one flower, but a whole bouquet of blooming flowers. This cut looks most impressive on the table.

Video: “How to cut a rose from a watermelon?”

How to make a basket out of watermelon? Original serving of watermelon on the festive table

In addition to the Hedgehog, there are several interesting and original ways to serve sliced ​​watermelon. A watermelon basket involves completely clearing the berries of pulp. The basket itself is a peeled green peel into which pieces of watermelon, berries, and other fruits are placed.

Options for serving watermelon baskets:

shaped watermelon basket filled with apples, oranges, grapes and watermelon

a simple watermelon basket filled with watermelon balls sprinkled with goat cheese and fresh mint

watermelon basket filled with watermelon and grapes

watermelon basket with a handle filled with watermelon pulp, grapes and fruits

watermelon basket in the shape of a turtle filled with berries and watermelon balls

watermelon swan basket filled with fruit

How to decorate a watermelon with your own hands?

In some cases, you can decorate a watermelon basket or any other cut yourself. To do this, you need to show your imagination.

Most often, decorations are created based on the theme of the holiday: birthday, wedding, Halloween, and so on. You can decorate the watermelon with any available means, fruits and berries, toothpicks, skewers and herbs.

Options for decorating sliced ​​watermelon:

watermelon slice decoration in the shape of a shark

decorating a watermelon basket in the form of a well

watermelon decoration in the shape of an owl

watermelon basket decoration “pig”

watermelon barrel decoration

watermelon decoration for a wedding and for the celebration of the birth of the first child in the family - “stroller”

Alcoholic watermelon. How to pump up a watermelon with vodka?

Some holidays require adult snacks on the table. Alcoholic watermelon can serve as an original treat. The secret of this snack is that this berry is filled in advance with strong alcohol - vodka. You can use any other type of alcoholic drink, but vodka works best.

Alcoholic watermelon will be a tasty change for those who are already tired of regular alcoholic drinks. The sweetness of the juicy pulp goes well with the tart taste of vodka. The strength of the drink is not felt at all in such a treat and therefore it should always be consumed with caution so as not to quickly get drunk.

You will need:

  • One watermelon sweet and ripe
  • Half a liter - a liter of vodka (depending on the size of the watermelon and its desired strength)
  • Metal knitting needle
  • Large syringe with a needle

The needle is too thin to pierce the thick skin of a watermelon and therefore it is best to pierce it with a thin metal knitting needle. After the hole is made, the needle of a syringe filled with vodka is inserted into this hole and all its contents are injected into the pulp. So you should make “injections” all over the berry from all sides.

Video: “Watermelon with vodka”

How to make a watermelon hookah?

  • Place the watermelon on a plate with the tail facing up, cut off part of the base to stabilize the fruit
  • Cut off the tail and use a spoon to carefully scoop out as much pulp as possible
  • The pulp should be crushed with a blender and squeezed out the water.
  • The watermelon juice comes back. The hookah shaft is placed on top in the cut hole
  • Try to do all cuttings as carefully as possible so as not to cut off too much and damage the fruit or cut a very large hole.
  • You can choose absolutely any flavor of tobacco for smoking such a “natural” hookah, but it is best to give preference to watermelon
  • If you are not experienced enough in cutting out such a hookah, electrical tape or adhesive tape will come to your aid, which will slightly help correct the situation
  • When you grind the pulp to fill the watermelon, add some ice to the blender - a useful secret for a tasty hookah

hookah made from real watermelon - a delicious and luxurious treat for hookah lovers

Video: " How to cut a watermelon correctly - 4 ways"

Appetizers are miniature dishes designed to awaken the appetite. It can be meat, fish or any other snack. For example, watermelon.

Using a round mold and a teaspoon, make “cups” from the watermelon pulp and fill them with cream cheese (use a pastry syringe or a bag with an embossed nozzle). Top with a slice of fresh cucumber. A bright appetizer is ready to be served.

Appetizer with cream cheese

Watermelon goes surprisingly well with balsamic glaze. Try making this appetizer. To do this, cut the watermelon pulp, peeled from seeds, into cubes measuring 3 × 3 cm. Make a small depression in the center and fill it with balsamic glaze. Serve on a large platter, garnished with mint leaves.

Appetizer with balsamic glaze


To prepare this Italian appetizer, tomatoes, mozzarella and basil leaves are laid out in a circle. And if you replace tomatoes with watermelon, you get a bright flavor combination.

Watermelon caprese

Cut out stars or any other shapes from the watermelon pulp, depending on what shape you have at hand. Place on a plate in layers: watermelons, mozzarella slices and arugula leaves. Drizzle olive oil and lightly salt each pyramid. Top with one slice of watermelon and drizzle the balsamic glaze over the caprese.

Feta cheese salad

There are many options for watermelon salad with soft cheeses. One of them was suggested by Jamie Oliver. Maestro uses Greek feta cheese.

Feta cheese salad

For 4-6 servings you need 180 grams of crumbly feta cheese, 500 grams of watermelon pulp (seedless), one small purple onion, mint leaves and olive oil. Cut the watermelon and cheese into cubes, and the onion into half rings. Mix all ingredients in a bowl, pour in olive oil and season with a little black pepper. Salad ready!

Green tea

Many people love green tea. But few people know about its watermelon variation, which perfectly quenches thirst.

Green tea with watermelon

Take some watermelon pulp (200–300 grams), grind it with a blender to a puree consistency. Strain the puree through a sieve. Mix the resulting juice and pulp with cold green tea. Add a couple of mint sprigs and garnish with a lime wedge. If you wish, the drink can be sweetened to taste.


Jerky is a popular American snack made from dried meat. But if you have an electric dryer in your home, you can make great snacks for kids.

Watermelon jerky

Simply cut the seeded watermelon into slices about 3-3.5 cm thick and dry them for an hour. Place the watermelon jerky in an airtight jar to prevent it from getting damp, and enjoy it with your family.

Fruit kebab

We have educational infographics. Pay attention to the section on vegetables. Fruits are also grilled in a similar way.

Watermelon and peach shish kebab

Preheat grill on direct heat to medium heat. In a separate bowl, mix honey, a pinch of vanilla, a pinch of salt and lime juice. If the honey is thick, put it in the microwave for 10-15 seconds. Cut the watermelon and peach into slices and place, alternating, on 10–15 cm wooden skewers. It is recommended to first keep the skewers in water so that they are saturated with moisture and do not burn. Fry the fruit skewers for two minutes on each side. Drizzle with honey-vanilla syrup before serving.

Refreshing aqua fresco

Aquafresco literally means “fresh water”. It is a popular drink in Mexico and Central America with added fruits, vegetables and herbs. It is drunk in hot weather to refresh and quench thirst. They say it does this even better than iced tea.

Watermelon aqua fresco

For watermelon aqua fresco you need watermelon pulp (500–700 grams), six tablespoons of honey, freshly squeezed lime juice and one whole lime, a little mint and ice. Make a puree from the watermelon using a blender, strain it through a sieve (this will get rid of the seeds). Add 1-2 cups of water, lime juice and wedges, honey and mint. Mix everything. Place the pitcher in the refrigerator briefly and add ice cubes to the glasses when serving.


You don’t have to be a carving master to serve a watermelon to the table in an original way. It is enough to show a little imagination and patience.

To make a cute hedgehog, all you need is a watermelon, a sharp knife and toothpicks. The stages of work are in the following video instructions.

Pie with a surprise

Who said that a pie must be made from dough and needs to be baked? Surprise your guests with an unusual watermelon pie.

Watermelon cake

To do this, you need a piece of watermelon 10–12 cm thick without the rind and preferably without seeds. Cover it with thick vanilla yoghurt or cream and decorate with blueberries and strawberries. Sprinkle the sides with toasted almonds and top with chocolate syrup. An unusual cake is ready! Fast and tasty.


You don't have to bake the cakes either.

Watermelon Cupcakes

They can be cut from watermelon: you should get circles 3–5 cm thick. Whisk Greek yogurt with honey and fill a pastry syringe or bag with the resulting cream. Decorate the watermelon cupcakes and refrigerate for about 15 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle a pinch of sprinkles on top of each cupcake.


We talked about recipes, and. Here's a version of a low-calorie smoothie with watermelon.

Smoothie with watermelon

Take approximately 200–250 grams of watermelon pulp without seeds. Keep it in the freezer for a while. Frozen watermelon will give the smoothie a thicker consistency. Then grind the pulp with a blender and add 100 ml of coconut water (not to be confused with coconut milk!). Add lime juice and mint to taste. Can be served with ice cubes.

Edible Rubik's Cube

Children are not always eager to eat vegetables and fruits. But what if you add a game element? Make an edible Rubik's cube for your child and see with what excitement he will eat modules made from watermelon, kiwi, mango and other fruits. Moreover, it is not difficult. All you need is a square mold and a little patience. More clearly - in the next video.

Jelly Bean

What child (and adult) doesn't love gummy bears or other chewy candies? During watermelon season, you can make them yourself.

Jelly Bean

To do this, you will need two glasses of freshly squeezed watermelon juice, half a glass of lemon juice and six tablespoons of gelatin. If the watermelon is not very sweet, you can also use honey. Dissolve gelatin in half the watermelon juice. Heat the second part of the juice over low heat, without bringing to a boil. Then carefully pour in the juice with dissolved gelatin. Stir until the liquid becomes smooth. Add lemon juice (and honey if you want to sweeten). Stir thoroughly and pour into molds. Silicone ones are perfect - they make it easier to remove frozen candies. When the jelly has cooled to room temperature, place it in the freezer for 30 minutes. After complete hardening, the candies can be simply stored in the cupboard.

Marmalade slices for adults

This dessert will be the king of the party, because it is a drink and a snack at the same time.

Alcoholic jelly

Take a 5-7 kg watermelon. Cut it in half. Scoop out the pulp. The crust will serve as a mold for the jelly. Mix 250 grams of red jelly powder and 60 grams of gelatin and dissolve in four glasses of boiling water. Then add vodka or other alcohol to taste to the mixture. Mix thoroughly and pour this liquid over the watermelon halves. Place in the refrigerator for four hours until the jelly is completely set. Then cut up the watermelon and the fun can begin.


Take the watermelon pulp, remove the seeds and grind it in a blender. Drain off any juice that comes to the surface and drain the pulp through a sieve lined with a paper towel. This procedure (with a sieve and towels) will probably have to be done several times, since you need to get rid of the liquid as much as possible. You should get a thick watermelon puree.

When the goal is achieved, place the puree on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. The layer thickness should be no more than 1.5 cm. Then place the baking sheet in the oven for 6–8 hours. Having taken out the marshmallow and cooled it, cut it with scissors directly with parchment into strips and roll them into rolls. These strips can be used to decorate cakes and, unrolled little by little, are simply eaten.

Watermelon marshmallow

If you have original ideas for preparing or serving watermelon, share them in the comments.

Watermelon is an excellent seasonal dessert; it is appropriate for both a family dinner and a high reception. But if, alone with ourselves, we can enthusiastically bite into the juicy pulp, then we should come up with something more refined to serve to guests. Fortunately, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel; all you have to do is pick up a few good ideas from talented chefs.

Methods for cutting watermelon

At restaurant buffet dinners you can often see artistically carved watermelons, serving more as a decoration for a banquet than as a full-fledged dish. Such masterpieces in the form of bouquets, baskets, castles, silhouettes and other subjects can only be done by experienced craftsmen. You and I are interested in how to beautifully serve watermelon to the table, without spending a lot of time and effort on decorating the striped berries. Here are simple ways to present something original:

1. Balls. You will need a small semicircular spoon, like the one used to form ice cream. At worst, an ordinary teahouse will do, but in this case you will get not balls, but a kind of ellipsoids. Cut the watermelon crosswise into three parts. Insert a spoon into the pulp and twist it around the axis. We take out a neat red ball. We create the maximum number of such figures, arrange them in a single composition and serve.

Advice! To avoid having to constantly get rid of seeds during a meal, when slicing, remove at least visible grains from the outer surface of the pieces. Believe me, your guests will be grateful to you.

2. Blocks. Divide the watermelon crosswise into two equal parts. Place one of them on a cutting board, cut side down. Next, we cut into longitudinal segments about 2 cm wide. And then we turn the segments into long sticks, at the base of each of which is a small square of crust. If you want to make smaller cuts, turn the block into several cubes.

3. Popsicle. Cut the berries into wide longitudinal circles. We divide each circle into 8 parts, as usual we cut a cake. Insert ice cream sticks into the crust of the resulting triangles.

Interesting! Serving will be more impressive if the triangles are frozen a little, dipped in yogurt or melted chocolate, and then placed back in the freezer for a couple of minutes.

4. Various shapes. Cookie cutters will help us here. We fill a circle of watermelon 1 cm wide with your favorite shapes - stars, flowers, people... Or you can make, for example, only hearts from all the “striped stripes” - you will get a very romantic dessert.

Ideas for dish presentation

It is advisable to chop small portions of watermelon onto skewers or toothpicks. This applies to balls, cubes and other shapes. Larger pieces are served with a crust, as described for the “popsicle.”

Serving utensils can be:

  • flat dish with a large diameter;
  • salad bowl;
  • wide vase made of white transparent glass;
  • whole rind of half a watermelon with an even or shaped cut.

Any presentation will be decorated with mint leaves, grapes, mulberries, blueberries, large raspberries, melon balls, candied fruits, chocolate and berry sauces.

Carefully serving watermelon - video

There are many different recommendations on how to cut a watermelon into cubes, bars, regular slices and even stars. At first glance, it may seem that some of these methods are incredibly complicated, but once you try and get the hang of it, you will see the opposite.

Watermelon is not only a tasty and healthy delicacy. This is a whole symbol of fertile autumn, which gives us such generous gifts. It will decorate any occasion, be it a beach party or a luxurious wedding. Unusual slices look especially impressive. But besides a spectacular appearance, convenience is also important. If you are thinking about it, the tips and photo examples presented in this article will help you get inspired.

When thinking about how to cut a watermelon correctly and beautifully, many imagine one of the two most common methods. The first involves cutting into slices, like an orange, and the second recommends cutting round slices from the watermelon, starting from the top, and then cutting them in half. However, there are still many interesting ways of slicing. They also deserve attention.

Convenient blocks

Once upon a time it was customary to cut a watermelon in a circle into equal slices. This method is not very convenient, especially in the case of particularly large specimens. It’s difficult to cut it, and it’s inconvenient to eat huge skibs. But recently another wonderful method has gained well-deserved popularity - cutting into bars, with which we will begin our review of methods. How to cut a watermelon beautifully and quickly using a regular knife is clear from the following illustration.

Cut the fruit in half, turn one of the halves over and cut with a sharp long knife, making cuts perpendicular to the board. This watermelon can be served on a wide platter, tray, or plate. It is convenient to take the bars, remove the seeds from them and eat them.

Even cubes

This method is often used when watermelon is planned to be served at a buffet table. You can insert bamboo skewers into the cubes and guests won’t have to get their fingers dirty. Watermelon cubes are often used to prepare snacks, combining them, for example, with feta, cheese, salted salmon, spinach and olives.

How to cut watermelon into cubes? This is quite easy to do. First, cut the fruit into flat round slices, as you would cut sausage. Then cut off the peel. Cut the slice into strips and then into cubes. For this procedure it is better to use a wide, sharp knife.

Figured pieces for salad cocktails and decoration

You may also find other ways of cutting watermelon into cubes or other shapes useful. Using regular cookie cutters, you can get almost any shape you want. If you are interested in this method, choose laconic simple shapes without small details: stars, hearts, diamonds, circles.

Work on a large, flat surface. First, cut a circle from the watermelon, removing the seeds as much as possible. Using a mold, cut out the shapes and let the excess juice drain. These figures can be used to decorate fruit cakes, ice cream, sorbets and other desserts. Watermelon figurines also go well with salty appetizers of cheese, fish, and grilled vegetables.

Special spoon for balls

Once upon a time, we could see such things only in foreign TV series about the beautiful life. Today, a special spoon with which you can cut balls from the pulp of watermelon and melon is available to everyone. You can buy it at kitchen supply stores.

Such a spoon will be very useful for those who are wondering how to cut a watermelon quickly and beautifully. Watermelon balls look impressive in many desserts. Spoons that have two attachments are especially good. Then you can easily get the balls of the right size. They can also be served as an independent snack, placed in a basket or vase cut from watermelon peel.

Ice cream on a skewer

If you think that curly cutting is beyond your capabilities, but you want something unusual, try to master the following simple method. All you need to do is cut the watermelon into triangles and insert ice cream skewers into the rind.

If you like this method, you won't even need to worry about the aspect ratios. Cut the watermelon the way that is most convenient for you, without worrying about it. Bright fruit ice cream will look impressive and appetizing in any case.

Children will especially enjoy these treats. They are not as easy to get dirty as regular large slices, and in design they resemble the ice cream so beloved by children. In addition, it will be easier for you to get rid of the seeds. This idea can be very useful for those who are planning a party for kids.

Slicer for even slices

If you're deciding how to cut a watermelon, methods, explained tips, and special accessories will help you find fresh ideas. For lovers of traditional slicing, a slicer can be very useful.

With its help, you can quickly cut the fruit evenly and beautifully. It's easy to use. Place the washed watermelon on the base, place the slicer on top, grab the handles and lower it down. In order to cut ripe fruit into slices, you will need some effort, but the knives installed in the slicer are quite sharp. They will easily cope with the peel and will not destroy the delicate pulp.

When choosing a watermelon, consider the diameter of the slicer: the watermelon must fit in a circle, otherwise you won’t get even slices.

Knife-tongs and cutting methods

The following accessory is very common abroad. It consists of paired knives that can not only cut watermelon into slices, but also use it as tongs. They can be used to place watermelon on plates.

This knife allows you to cut slices from a watermelon cut in half. They turn out smooth and identical. This device will also help those who are wondering how to cut a watermelon into cubes. To do this, you will first need to walk along the watermelon, and then across it.

Serving watermelon

It is important not only how to cut the watermelon into cubes, balls or shaped bars, but also how to serve it to the table. If you've already mastered simple slicing techniques, you might like the idea of ​​serving watermelon slices in a rind container.

For this you will most likely need the peel from another watermelon. It is difficult to cut the flesh and keep the peel intact.

Carefully scoop out the pulp with a long-handled spoon. Try not to damage the peel. Then turn the watermelon vessel over to drain the excess juice. Think about the decor in advance. It could be a basket or a teapot, a turtle or even a shark's head with an open toothy mouth. For work, you will need both a long, sharp knife and a short one, which can be used to cut out small parts. You can attach various decorative elements using toothpicks.

Watermelon as an art object: what is carving

If you have already gotten your hands on cutting watermelon into shapes, and balls, hearts and stars no longer seem like an impossible task, perhaps you should try something more advanced? Today, such an art direction as carving is becoming increasingly popular. It involves figured carving of fruits and vegetables (and in the case of watermelon, even berries). To work, a carver uses a variety of tools similar to those used by a cabinetmaker. The following illustration shows a work in the carving style, carved from a single watermelon and decorated with branches with small flowers.

In his work, the artist can use layer coloring: the top layer of the watermelon is dark green, followed by a soft greenish crust, and underneath it an almost white layer. These colors are used to highlight the rich, ripe flesh. Of course, such work requires considerable skill, but even for those who are unable to carve, such beauty can be a source of inspiration.

The homeland of watermelon is hot African countries, but our country is the leader in the consumption of such a tasty berry. There are a huge number of recommendations on the Internet on how to properly cut a watermelon. The most effective life hacks are collected in the review below.

Popular design types

What types of cutting are there? The most common are the following:

  • By type of cake. First of all, remove the top and base, and then cut it into two equal halves. Each of them is then cut into pieces of a standard size.
  • For celebrations. Remove the top (for example, with a cleaver) and cut into 4 pieces. Then remove the pulp from the crust (take a knife with an elongated blade without serrations) and leave it directly on it. To make it easier to eat, the pulp is cut directly into the crust. When serving, place a fork nearby.
  • For the salad. Cut the watermelons into squares of the required size. This is easy to do - remove the skin and place the pulp on a cutting board. Hold parallel and cut circles, and then long strips (to prevent them from falling apart, their width should not be less than 2 cm). After this they are divided into cubes.

All of the above methods are very easy to implement and will not take much time.

You can cut the striped plant crosswise. This technique is classic. Just cut it down the middle along a horizontal line and divide it into several more equal pieces. If the fruit is very small, you can simply eat its pulp with a spoon.

Slicing a watermelon for a celebration

This fruit is simply an ideal product to demonstrate your creative nature to everyone. The following types of serving will help you decorate your holiday table beautifully and amaze your guests:

  • In the form of spheres. For this purpose, you can take a spoon that has sharp edges. But the most convenient device for making watermelon balls remains a noisette. To make the spheres look very beautiful, place them in a transparent glass vase or bowl. You can wow your guests by adding melon balls. The aroma will not leave anyone indifferent.
  • In the form of figures. Regular cookie cutters will work for this method. At the initial stage, the fruit is cut into slices, and then pressed, as it were, with molds. Such figures would be appropriate for children's parties. They are drizzled with chocolate sauce or decorated with whipped cream. The resulting products look like cupcakes.
  • Like ice cream. Of course, this is not a natural ice cream, but it will also turn out very tasty. To prepare such a delicacy, the fruit is thoroughly washed, dried and cut into triangles. Each base is cut with a knife and a special wooden stick is stuck into it. Pour melted white chocolate over the dessert and sprinkle with chopped nuts.

In addition to the options listed, others can be used. For example, divide the watermelon into arbitrary circles, diamonds or squares and thread them onto skewers. The result is a canape that is very refreshing in the heat. You can coat each layer with liquid honey or butter cream. Condensed milk is also perfect (it’s better to take boiled milk).

For children's birthday

If you are planning a child's birthday, prepare a watermelon hedgehog. Free the striped plant from the crust, but not completely. There should be about one quarter left.

Where the skin remains, cut out a triangle. Then insert it back to create a mouth and nose. Blueberries will serve as eyes. To imitate the animal's needle-like back, cut out triangles using a flexible knife from the freed portion of the flesh. Then sticks or toothpicks are inserted into it. This will help enhance the resemblance to a forest animal.

When serving, place the hedgehog in a box and place apples and pears next to it. The children will be delighted!

Slicer for even slices

For those who love traditional slicing of this aromatic delicacy, we recommend purchasing a slicer. It is especially suitable if you eat watermelons often and don’t want the extra hassle. It will allow you to get even slices.

Place the device on top, placing it on the base, and lower the handles downwards. To cut a ripe fruit, you need to make a very tiny effort, but the resulting result is worth it.

The knives in the slicer will not destroy the pulp and will easily remove even the thickest peel. Consider the diameter of such a device when buying fruit in a store. It must be remembered that neat slices will only appear if the circumference of the fruit and the device are correctly selected.

Don’t throw away watermelon rinds, because you can make fragrant candied fruits from them. Peel them from the outer skin and cut them as desired. Add sugar (for 500 g of slices you need to take exactly half as much) and add 2 g of citric acid. Bring to a boil, and then cook over low heat. Can be supplemented with a pinch of vanillin. Use a slotted spoon to place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and let dry. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and delicious candied fruits are ready!

How to cut a small watermelon

If you are planting small watermelons or bought such miniature ones at the market, you can use a special slicing option for them. At the beginning it is divided into identical parts. After this, the white pulp and crust are cut off. Next, place the half in a cup of suitable size so that its top lies at the bottom. Then it is cut crosswise and lengthwise into 4 pieces, which can be eaten immediately.

Not everyone knows that if you don’t have a knife at hand, an ordinary coin will help you cut the fruit. Don't forget to wash it well! Insert the coin into the peel and press down lightly so that it fits inside. This will cause the skin to burst. Then you can eat the watermelon with a spoon. Small fruits are best suited for this method.

Cutting methods depending on the area

The options presented below are perfect for parties and buffets. And you can cope with cutting the juicy pulp in 5 minutes:

  • Mexicans cut watermelons into cubes. To do this, the green, aromatic berry is divided into two equal halves. What comes out is cut into slices, and then into small neat squares. All that remains is to turn the cutting board with the cubes into a plate and the sweet treat is ready! You can use these squares as the base for a stunning salad. It is enough to supplement them with blackberries, raspberries and low-fat yogurt. Young children will really like this dish.

  • The Turkish way of slicing requires a large number of guests. Also, once served, it must be completely eaten immediately or it will spoil. To begin with, the fruit is completely peeled (it is most convenient to do this with a large knife). Then the delicious berry is divided into 4 servings, and then each of them into small pieces. We guarantee that your guests will be delighted because this method will not leave any traces of juice on your clothes. You just need to pick up the watermelon with a fork and put it in your mouth.
  • Quite an interesting cutting method among Astrakhan residents. The round fruit is cut into two parts and the top is removed (on one side only). After this, the berries are placed on a dish with the lower part, which is not cut off. Next, the fruit is cut into equal segments, like a regular cake, after which it will fall apart in the form of a “rose.” The same should be done with the other half.

If you purchased a mini watermelon, cut it into a “rose” shape.

You can use a method in which the fruit is placed in a kind of basket made of peel. It is best to take the peel from another watermelon for this purpose.

Scoop out the pulp using a special spoon with a very long handle. Proceed carefully, otherwise you can easily damage the future table decoration. After this, you need to turn the watermelon peel over (place a large basin first) so that all the juice can drain.

To make the product even more beautiful, cut the edges in the form of small triangles. If you try really hard, you can make some kind of waves or even stick toothpicks with berries strung on them into the edge of the fruit. Decorating the edges of the basket with cherries or cranberries will look very impressive.

How to eat watermelon correctly

How to eat such a juicy berry? According to the rules of etiquette, the watermelon is taken by the green base and placed on a plate. As for the hands, they are blotted with a paper napkin. Cut off a little bit from each portion and scoop out the seeds with a fork.

If a seed does end up in your mouth, place it on the edge of the plate, after spitting it out onto the tip of the cutlery (do this without others noticing). You can use a napkin for this purpose.

Also note:

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