Sociology of labor in the conditions of market relations. The subject and foundations of the methodology of modern economics and sociology of labor

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After studying this chapter, the student should:


  • the essence of the concepts of "labor" and "creativity", the main categories of the science of labor;
  • subject field of the study of economics and sociology of labor;
  • the main directions and trends in the development of labor science.

be able to

  • use the foundations of economic and sociological knowledge in the study of the labor process;
  • analyze problems in the sphere of labor activity, taking into account the methodology of economics and the sociology of labor;
  • explore problems in the world of work, taking into account the characteristics of various scientific disciplines;


  • ways of evaluating and identifying creative elements in the labor process;
  • skills in analyzing trends in the field of labor in the modern world;
  • modern methods of collecting, processing and analyzing economic data in the field of labor and employment.

The subject and problems of the course "Economics and sociology of labor"

Most economists believe that the subject of the course "Economics and Sociology of Labor" is labor as an expedient activity of people that arises in the course of interaction between people in the process and about production.

The complexity and versatility of the labor process attracts the attention of various scientific disciplines. It is the consideration of labor from the positions of economics and sociology that at the same time gives the greatest objectivity and complexity to its study.

labor economics how science studies economic patterns in the field of labor relations, including specific forms of manifestation of the essence of labor, such as organization, remuneration, efficiency, employment, etc. Knowledge of the fundamentals of labor economics allows a specialist to abstractly and reasonably approach the study of ongoing events, explain their driving force and evaluate to 1 .

Experts from various countries believe that labor economics is the study of the functioning and outcomes of the labor market, and in a narrow sense, the behavior of employers and workers in response to the action of general incentives in the form of wages, profits and non-monetary factors in the field of labor relations, for example working conditions. An analysis of only economic factors does not make it possible to fairly objectively assess the situation in the sphere of labor.

The sociology of labor studies the behavior of employers and employees in response to economic and social incentives to work.

Social and labor relations make it possible to determine the social significance, role, place, social position of an individual and a group. They are the link between employees. Not a single member of the labor collective, organization can exist outside of such relations, outside of interactions.

Accordingly, the subject of the course of economics and sociology of labor is

socio-economic relations that develop in the labor process under the influence of various factors - economic, technical, organizational, personnel and other.

Expert opinion

R. J. Ersnbsrg and R. S. Smith believe that labor economics is the study of the functioning and outcomes of the labor market. If we try to narrow this concept, we can say that labor economics is primarily the behavior of employers and workers in response to the action of general incentives in the form of wages, prices, profits and non-monetary factors in the field of labor relations, such as working conditions. It is precisely this kind of incentives that, on the one hand, encourage individual choice, and on the other hand, limit it.

For an economist work is primarily one of production factors. There is a demand for labor and its supply, in the interaction of which the market price is formed. The economist is primarily interested in the efficient use of labor resources. The labor process is considered from the standpoint of economic laws. The relationship between people in this process is reduced to the relationship "seller - buyer". The most important for an economist are the concepts of labor resources, labor market, supply and demand for labor, labor productivity, wages, working hours, etc.

Sociology studies social reality, i.e. relationships between people and their groups. More attention is paid in sociology to the subject of labor, it is emphasized that people are different: they belong to different social strata, have different interests, can not only work peacefully, but also conflict. Therefore, the basic concepts for a sociologist are such concepts as labor relations, labor control, social stratification (social inequality), labor collective, labor conflict, labor motivation, alienation of labor, social partnership, etc.

Theory questions

Man as a subject of labor. Economic and sociological approaches to the analysis of the position of a person included in the labor process differ significantly. That is why the analysis of labor processes from the standpoint of two scientific disciplines gives a more objective idea of ​​a person as a subject of a pile.

Through the eyes of an economist

Through the eyes of a sociologist

The person is independent. An atomized individual who makes independent decisions based on his personal preferences. For example, the choice of work is done independently.

The person is addicted. Subject to social norms, belongs to social groups. For example, he goes in the profession in the footsteps of his father or does not engage in activities condemned by society.

The person is selfish. First of all, he takes care of his own interests and strives to maximize his own benefit. For example, the desire of an employee to work less and earn more.

The person is unselfish. It can also pursue altruistic goals, help others. For example, he can provide services for free or work for little money, realizing that his work is useful to society.

The man is rational. Consistently strives for the set goal, calculating various options for behavior in search of the best.

The person is irrational and inconsistent. May follow tradition, duty, or succumb to momentary hobbies.

The person is informed. He is aware of his own needs and has sufficient information about the means and conditions for their satisfaction. For example, it has complete information about vacancies or trends in the labor market.

The person is poorly informed. Unable to calculate benefits and costs (for example, does not know all employment opportunities, unable to assess professional prospects).

The person is mobile. Can easily move around in search of a better job.

The person is immobile. Attached to the place of residence, family, social circle.

Man is universal. By its nature, it is the same in space and time.

The man is historical. It is the product of different cultures in space and time. "Economic Man" is a product of Western civilization.

Training a specialist professionally engaged in economic, marketing and entrepreneurial activities involves a holistic perception of all the topics of the course, possession of a culture of thinking, understanding of the profession and its role in relation to other activities.

A specialist in the field of economics and sociology of labor must be able to organize his work and the work of his subordinates; formulate goals and outline ways to achieve them; build and use forecasts and plans; find rational approaches to solving problems; anticipate the consequences of your decisions.

The course of economics and sociology of labor is closely connected with many disciplines: macro- and microeconomics, law, management, sociology, statistics, etc. Economics and sociology of labor is a fairly young scientific discipline, its development takes into account the transformation of labor relations in modern society. Accordingly, many issues of labor relations are still insufficiently studied. These include bonuses, the organization of mental labor, the creation of optimal working conditions for a particular profession, etc. The study of these issues is a long-term task for specialists, as well as the process of developing labor science itself.

Goals, objectives and significance of the discipline "Economics and sociology of labor". The object and subject of the discipline "Economics and sociology of labor", its relationship with other sciences. The impact of labor on the life of a person and modern society. Classification of labor according to various criteria. The role of labor in the development of society. Labor as a sociological category.

Goals, objectives and significance of the discipline "Economics and sociology of labor". In the context of the restructuring of the entire social and economic life of the country, when people who do not have a special economic education are quite often involved in business, the role of economic sciences and sociology in solving production problems is increasing.

The economics and sociology of labor, developing at the intersection of economic sciences and sociology, using the achievements of many other sciences - psychology, ergonomics and others - equips managers with knowledge about the main socio-economic processes occurring in labor collectives and the ability to solve problems that arise in the process of labor activities.

One of the main problems of any production, of any team of workers, is to create conditions for more intensive work, for raising individual and collective labor productivity. This is the key to reducing production costs, which contributes to victory in the competition in the markets for goods and services.

Thus, the central point of the economics and sociology of labor is labor. Labor is an activity associated with the expenditure of mental, physical and nervous energies, which people apply to satisfy their needs.

How best to organize and manage such activities are the questions to which the scientific discipline "Economics and sociology of labor" is devoted. With the transition of the Russian economy to market relations, the theoretical and practical understanding of labor changes, and completely new foundations for life and development are developed. Being the most important economic category, the concept of labor is a multifaceted, multifaceted concept that requires constant research and clarification. Essentially, all the problems of society can be viewed through the prism of labor. The economics and sociology of labor is currently one of the few sciences in which an integrated approach to the analysis of the economic and social aspects of labor activity is being implemented. Objectively, this is due to the fact that the rational use of human resources involves the achievement of two interrelated goals:

Creation of favorable working conditions and development of human abilities in the course of labor activity;

Increasing production efficiency.

It is necessary to proceed from these goals when analyzing the problem of labor at all levels of economic activity: from the workplace to the world economy. The object of research requires taking into account the interrelations of technical, economic, social, physiological, psychological, ethical, environmental and other aspects of labor activity.

The main objectives of the discipline "Economics and Sociology of Labor" are determined by its goal, which provides for the study of the processes of formation of the rational use of the labor potential of each person and society as a whole in the event of the emergence of new social and labor relations in a market economy.

The objectives of the discipline "Economics and sociology of labor" are as follows:

In studying the essence and mechanisms of economic and social processes in the sphere of labor in the context of human life and society;

In the study of factors and reserves of effective employment;

In the study of the formation and rational use of labor potential;

In the study of ways to improve efficiency and productivity;

In identifying the relationship of social and labor relations with economic relations and processes occurring in the national market-type economy focused on social development, as well as the relationship of the labor market with the markets of raw materials, capital, stock markets.

In the West, the prerequisites for the development of the direction "Economics and sociology of labor" arose in the 19th century. In the scientific literature, it is customary to distinguish two main schools that, having arisen earlier than others, became the direct predecessors of the latest management theories: the school of "scientific management", the founder of which was F. Taylor, and the school of "human relations", the emergence of which is associated with the names of E. Mayo and F. Roethlisberg. The controversy between the two dominant concepts put forward by these schools, as well as the attempt to synthesize the principles put forward by them, contributed to the emergence and development of new trends, in particular, the Economics and Sociology of Labor. The forerunner of the "Economics and Sociology of Labor" in Russia was the discipline "Economic Sociology", which arose quite recently. The fact is that in the USSR sociology was generally not recognized as an official science for a long time. In 1986, the teaching of the course "Economic Sociology" began in one of the Novosibirsk schools. And the first serious attempt to enter the “light” of economic sociology was made in the works of the same Novosibirsk school in 1991. It is summarized in the book "Sociology of Economic Life" by T. I. Zaslavskaya and R. V. Ryvkina.

Currently, economic sociology is represented by the scientific discipline "Economics and sociology of labor". The main objectives of the discipline "Economics and Sociology of Labor" are determined by its goal, which provides for the study of the processes of formation and rational use of the labor potential of each person and society as a whole in the event of the emergence of new social and labor relations in a market economy.

First main task– study of the essence and mechanisms of economic and social processes in the sphere of labor in the context of human life and society.

Second task– consideration of factors and reserves of effective employment.

Third task– study of the formation and rational use of labor potential.

The fourth task- identification of ways to improve efficiency and productivity.

The defining prerequisites for solving the last three tasks are:

firstly, knowledge of the mechanism for the implementation of Russian laws and the socio-economic policy of regulating social and labor relations;

secondly, knowledge of regularities, objective and subjective factors influencing economic and social processes, a person's attitude to work, his behavior in a team.

Fifth task– identification of the relationship of social and labor relations with economic relations and processes occurring in the national market-type economy focused on social development, as well as the relationship of the labor market with the markets of raw materials, capital, stock markets.

The objective necessity of studying the problems of economics and the sociology of labor is explained by a number of circumstances.

With the transition of the Russian economy to market relations, changes appear in the country in the following areas: attracting and using labor force; social and labor relations; organization and remuneration of labor, as well as the formation and use of income of employees and improving the standard of living of the population. In this regard, each specialist (regardless of the area of ​​application of his work) in order to adapt to the market must improve the socio-economic culture, quality, volume of professional knowledge and skills in the field of work and the development of social and labor relations.

Economics and sociology of labor helps to understand the following issues:

How will the supply and demand for labor be carried out in the conditions of market conditions?

How should labor be organized in society and at a specific enterprise (organization) so that the entrepreneur receives the greatest profit, and society as a whole receives an additional gross national product (GNP) and gross national income (GNI)?

How should wages be structured, an employment contract concluded in order to create conditions for raising the level and quality of life of the population?

How to resolve a labor conflict that has arisen in a production situation, how to resolve an individual and collective labor dispute?

How to neutralize unemployment and form a reliable system of social protection of the population in the conditions of galloping inflation and hyperinflation?

Economics and sociology of labor allows you to get a more complete range of economic knowledge in the field of labor relations. Consequently, knowledge in the field of economics and sociology of labor has not only theoretical, but also practical significance, since it is necessary in the training of highly qualified specialists, scientific and practical workers adapted to the labor market, regardless of the scope of their future professional activity, and helps to develop scientifically sound approaches to solving socio-economic problems of the labor market, employment and rational use of labor in society

The object and subject of the discipline "Economics and sociology of labor", its relationship with other sciences. In the system of labor sciences, there are quite a few disciplines that are relatively independent, but at the same time interconnected: personnel management, labor physiology, labor psychology, work motivation, conflictology, innovative management in personnel work, business ethics, labor market (employment management ), demography, history of labor and entrepreneurship, income and wage policy, labor law, labor economics, sociology of labor, etc.

The last two specialized sciences - "Economics of Labor" and "Sociology of Labor" - are "included" in the "Economics and Sociology of Labor", since these disciplines have much in common: the object of study is the labor of a person, a team, society. The differences between them lie in the subject of study.

The subject of the study of labor economics is the economic relations that arise in society, regions and at specific enterprises in the process of using labor.

The subject of study of the sociology of labor- social relations, social processes in the sphere of labor, problems of regulation of social processes, motivation of labor activity, labor adaptation of workers, stimulation of labor, social control in the sphere of labor, cohesion of the labor collective, management of the labor collective and democratization of labor relations, labor movements, planning and regulation social processes in the sphere of work. In practice, the problems of labor economics and the sociology of labor are interrelated. For example, in order to achieve a high level of labor organization, one should use not only economic, but also social criteria. Labor standards must be justified not only technically and economically, but also socially. Categories such as working conditions, labor organization, material incentives have both economic and social aspects.

Thus, the object of study of the discipline "Economics and sociology of labor" is labor, that is, the expedient activity of people aimed at creating material wealth and providing services.

The subject of this discipline is: the study of the labor potential of society, the ways of its formation and rational use in the interests of increasing the national economy for the purposes of the life support of man and society as a whole.

Investigating and analyzing social labor, the economics and sociology of labor uses the categorical apparatus, both common to both sciences and specific to each of them.

Economic definitions (definitions) are: the labor market, the organization of labor, the tariffing of work and workers, the certification of personnel, the tariff system, the wage fund, the standards for the formation of social funds, the norms of time, the cost of reproducing the labor force, wages, labor productivity, etc.

Sociological definitions- these are social processes, social relations, social group, social status, norms of behavior, value orientations, value-normative regulation of labor behavior, motivation, adaptation, etc.

The inclusion of sociological definitions in the scientific circulation of concepts and categories of labor economics allows a deeper and more differentiated study of the essence and place of labor in the life of a person and society during the market transformation of the economy.

The impact of labor on human life and modern society. Elements of the labor process.Work- this is the expedient activity of people aimed at creating material and cultural values. Labor is an indispensable condition for the life of people. By influencing the natural environment, changing and adapting it to their needs, people not only ensure their existence, but also ensure the development of the progress of society.

Performing a certain type of activity for the production of products or the provision of services, a person interacts with other elements of the labor process - objects and means of labor, as well as with the environment.

TO objects of labor include: land and its subsoil, flora and fauna, raw materials and materials, semi-finished products and components, objects of production and non-production works and services, energy, material and information flows ( what to produce).

Means of labor- these are machines, instruments and equipment, tools, fixtures and other types of technological equipment, software tools, organizational equipment of workplaces (what they use to produce).

The interaction of a person with objects and means of labor is predetermined by a specific technology- this is a way of influencing the objects of labor, which is determined by the level of development of labor mechanization (machine, machine-manual and manual processes), automation and computerization of labor processes and production.

The environment and its condition are considered from the point of view of labor microecology, that is, ensuring labor safety and compliance with psychophysiological, sanitary, hygienic, ergonomic and aesthetic requirements for working conditions, as well as taking into account economic and social relations in the organization (at the enterprise, in the labor collective ).

The product created in the process of labor as a commodity has physical (natural) and value (monetary) forms.

Physical(natural) form of various finished products of an industrial, agricultural, construction, transport and other industry nature, as well as all kinds of production and non-production works and services are expressed in various meters - pieces, tons, meters, etc.

V value(monetary) form, the product of labor can be expressed as income received or earnings as a result of its implementation.

In this case, a person acts as a labor potential.

concept labor potential is an integral characteristic of the quantity, quality and measure of the total ability to work, which determines the ability of an individual, various groups of people, the working population as a whole to participate in socially useful work.

In the presence of market relations, a person as a subject of labor can realize his labor potential in two ways:

Either on the basis of self-employment, acting as an independent commodity producer who sells his products on the market and receives income and profit for independent use;

Or as an employee offering his services to a commodity producer - an employer, a subject of ownership.

Throughout the history of its existence, mankind has been learning ways of interacting with nature, finding more advanced forms of organizing production, and trying to achieve a greater effect from its labor activity. At the same time, people themselves are constantly improving, increasing their knowledge, experience, production skills.

The dialectic of this process is as follows: first, people modify and improve the tools of labor, and then they change and improve themselves. There is a continuous renewal and improvement of the tools of labor and the people themselves. Each generation passes on to the next the full stock of knowledge and production experience; the new generation, in turn, acquires new knowledge and experience and passes them on to the next generation - all this happens in an ascending line.

The development of objects and tools of labor is only a necessary condition for the implementation of the labor process itself, but the decisive element of this process is living labor, i.e. the man himself. Thus, labor is the basis of life and activity not only of an individual, but of society as a whole.

Classification of labor according to various criteria. The concept of "working conditions". The following classification features of types of labor are distinguished:

The nature of labor expresses that special thing that is inherent in social labor in every socio-economic formation and is predetermined by the type of production relations prevailing in society. The modern economic reform brings all participants in production in society to market relations, radically changing production relations: first of all, this is a change in ownership, the rejection of the systematic attraction and distribution of labor resources in the country and the transition to free enterprise based on various organizational and legal forms. property and free employment of labor through supply and demand in the labor market. In this regard, relations are changing along the entire chain of communication between people - from the labor process to the final consumption (appropriation) of the product of labor.

Content of labor expresses the distribution of specific labor functions (executive, control and regulatory) in the workplace and is determined by the totality of operations performed. These functions are predetermined by the development of labor tools, the organization of labor, the level of social and professional division of labor, and the skill of the worker himself. The content of labor reflects the production and technical side of labor, demonstrates the level of development of productive forces, technical methods of combining personal and material elements of production, i.e. reveals labor, first of all, as a process of human interaction with nature, means and objects of labor in the labor process.

Thus, the content and nature of labor express two sides of the same phenomenon: the essence and the form of social labor. These two socio-economic categories are in a dialectical relationship, and a change in one of them inevitably, in one form or another, contributes to a change in the other.

The nature of labor is largely formed under the influence of the characteristics of the content of labor, depending on the share of physical and mental labor, the level of qualification and intelligence, the level of human domination over nature, etc.

The diversity of the nature and content of labor is reflected in the classification of labor according to various criteria.

I sign- according to the nature and content of work

Hired and private labor;

Labor is individual and collective;

Labor at will, necessity and coercion;

Physical and mental labor;

Labor is reproductive and creative;

Work of varying degrees of complexity.

II sign- according to the subject and product of labor labor can be classified into the following types:

Work scientific, engineering;

managerial labor;

Production labor;

Entrepreneurial work;

The work is innovative;

Industrial labor;

Agricultural labor;

transport labor;

Communication work.

III sign- according to the means and methods of work labor can be classified into the following types:

Manual labor (technically unarmed), mechanized and automated (computerized);

Labor is low-, medium- and high-tech;

Labor with varying degrees of human participation.

VI sign- according to working conditions labor can be classified into the following types:

Labor stationary and mobile;

Labor ground and underground;

Light, medium and heavy work;

Labor is attractive and unattractive;

Labor is free and with varying degrees of regulation.

Preservation and development of the employee's personality in the process of work, increasing the content and attractiveness of work to a certain extent depends on working conditions. What is meant by working conditions and how are they formed?

Working conditions- this is a set of elements of the production process, the surrounding (production) environment, the external design of the workplace and the attitude of the employee to the work performed, which separately or in combination affect the functional state of the human body in the labor process, his health, performance, job satisfaction, life expectancy , reproduction of the labor force, the comprehensive development of physical, spiritual and creative forces and, as a result, on the efficiency of labor, as well as on the results of labor activity.

In working conditions the following main Components:

Social production (degree of mechanization and automation, individual or brigade, remoteness of the place of work from the place of residence);

Socio-economic (duration of the working day, vacation time, salary, social and economic benefits);

Socio-hygienic (labor safety, the level of physical activity and nervous tension, stressful situations, comfort). For example, the comfort of the cab of a tractor, a car. There are dangerous working conditions, survival - pollution, injuries, occupational diseases;

Socio-psychological (moral and psychological climate in the team, relationships with each other and leaders). Women are especially sensitive to the moral and psychological climate.

Working conditions as an objective social phenomenon are formed under the influence of a combination of interrelated socio-economic, technical, organizational and natural factors.

TO socio-economic include socio-political, economic, legal and socio-psychological factors. This group of factors, as a rule, has a positive effect on the formation of working conditions. However, during the period of transition to market relations, despite the improvement of the regulatory framework, a pronounced positive impact has not yet been observed. Economic levers work poorly, investments to improve working conditions are reduced, the system of benefits and compensations does not change, the role of socio-psychological factors is underestimated.

Technical and organizational factors- these are means and objects of labor, technological processes, organization of production and labor, methods of transporting raw materials, products, etc. the mechanism of action of this group is more complex. Changes in working conditions are ambiguous: in many industries and types of production they are improving significantly, but at the same time, negative changes are also taking place.

natural factors- geographical, climatic, geological, biological - have their own characteristics. These factors affect almost constantly (both positively and negatively), therefore, in addition to taking into account their direct impact on working conditions (on temperature, pressure, etc.), they need to be constantly taken into account already at the stage of creating equipment, developing technology, organizing production and labor, and also in the development and implementation of many regulatory and economic activities. At the same time, the group under consideration is a kind of general sphere in which the influence of factors of other groups is manifested.

All three groups of factors are important, but a group of technical factors has a more decisive impact on changes in working conditions. Formed under the influence of a combination of these factors, working conditions consist of many elements, the classification of which directly depends on the corresponding group of factors, the direction and nature of their impact on a person, and on the specific form of manifestation of one or another element.

The most common classification provides for the division of all elements of working conditions into four groups:

1. Psychophysiological.

2. Sanitary and hygienic.

3. Aesthetic.

4. Socio-psychological.

The formation of the first three groups of elements of working conditions of the production environment depends on the employer, therefore, adapting working conditions to a person is his duty. As for the socio-psychological elements, they are formed as a result of the employee’s attitude to the work performed and, of course, primarily depend on the employee himself, although the employer has a certain influence on his adaptation to working conditions (for example, in terms of monitoring compliance with labor protection requirements and safety precautions).

The totality of working conditions and criteria of responsibility and qualification largely determines labor efficiency. Labor efficiency is understood as the valuation of the volume of work (products, services), taking into account quality requirements, related to the reduced costs of resources or the number of employees. This is a socio-economic category that determines the degree of achievement of a particular goal, correlated with the degree of rationality of spending the resources used in this case.

The role of labor in the development of society. The role of labor in the development of man and society is manifested in the fact that in the process of labor not only material and spiritual values ​​\u200b\u200bare created to meet the needs of people, but also the workers themselves develop, acquire new skills, reveal their abilities, replenish and enrich knowledge. The creative nature of labor finds its expression in the birth of new ideas, the emergence of progressive technologies, more advanced and highly productive tools, new types of products, materials, energy, which in turn lead to the development of needs.

The development and improvement of production has a beneficial effect on the reproduction of the population, raising its material and cultural level.

It should be borne in mind that such processes are strongly influenced by politics, interstate and interethnic relations. Thus, the consequence of labor activity is, on the one hand, the saturation of the market with goods, services, cultural values, on the other hand, the progress of production, the emergence of new needs and their subsequent satisfaction.

The labor process and related socio-economic results of activities are not limited to their own sphere of production and services. The economics and sociology of labor begins with the problem of the formation of the labor force and its supply in the labor market.

Labor as a sociological category.Sociology of labor are studies of the functioning and social aspects of the labor market. In a narrow sense, the sociology of labor refers to the behavior of employers and employees in response to economic and social incentives to work. The subject of the sociology of labor as a special sociological theory is the structure and mechanism of social and labor relations, as well as social processes and phenomena in the sphere of labor.

The purpose of the sociology of labor- this is the study of social phenomena, processes, the development of recommendations for their regulation and management, forecasting and planning, aimed at creating favorable conditions for the functioning of society, a team, a group, an individual in the world of work and achieving, on this basis, the most complete implementation and optimal combination of them interests.

Tasks of the sociology of labor:

Study and optimization of the social structure of society, labor organization (team);

Analysis of the labor market as a regulator of optimal and rational mobility of labor resources;

Search for ways to optimally realize the labor potential of a modern worker;

Search for ways to optimally combine moral and material incentives and improve attitudes towards work in market conditions;

Studying the causes and developing a system of measures to prevent and resolve labor disputes and conflicts;

Definition of an effective system of social guarantees that protect workers.

7th ed., supplement. - M.: Norma, 2007. - 448 p.

The textbook was prepared in accordance with the exemplary program of the discipline "Economics and sociology of labor", approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
The author proceeds from concepts that are fundamental for both the economy and the sociology of labor: quality of life, human needs and potential, efficiency, motives, working conditions, justice, income distribution.

The textbook uses the results of work carried out by the author with the financial support of the Soros Foundation, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

For students, graduate students and teachers of economic universities and faculties, specialists in enterprise management.

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Preface to the seventh edition 10
Preface to the first edition 11
Chapter 1. Subject and methodology of the course
1.1. Initial concepts: need, benefit, resources, efficiency, norm, property, labor, quality of life, socio-economic system, income, capital 13
1.2. Labor as a process and as an economic resource 20
1.2.1. The essence of the labor process 20
1.2.2. Labor in the system of economic resources 24
1.3. General characteristics of human resource management activities of socio-economic systems 27
1.4. The structure of the sciences of labor and personnel. Their relationship with other sciences 30
1.5. Methodology for a comprehensive study of economic and social problems of labor 38
Basic concepts 42
Test questions and research topics 42
Chapter 2 The quality of life
2.1. The structure of the human model in socio-economic systems 43
2.2. The concept of quality of life 45
2.3. Goals, values ​​and human nature 47
2.3.1. On the meaning and purpose of life 47
2.3.2. Value system and human nature 52
2.4. Dynamics of civilization development processes 58
2.5. The evolution of ideas about indicators of quality of life 66
2.6. Improving the quality of life as a national idea and the goal of the activities of government bodies 71
Basic concepts 74
Test questions and research topics 74
Chapter 3
3.1. The history of the problem, or why A. Maslow did not build a pyramid of needs 75
3.2. Needs structure model 79
3.2.1. Model 79 Requirements
3.2.2. Needs of Existence 79
3.2.3. Needs to achieve goals in life 82
3.3. Dynamics of needs 86
3.3.1. Psychological aspect 86
3.3.2. Synergy aspect 87
3.3.3. Marginalist aspect 88
3.4. Principles of the general theory of needs 90
Basic concepts 92
Test questions and research topics 92
Chapter 4. Human Potential
4.1. Concepts: labor force, human capital, labor potential 93
4.2. Components of labor potential 94
4.2.1. Health 94
4.2.2. Morality 101
4.2.3. Creativity 109
4.2.4. Activity 112
4.2.5. Organization and assertiveness 115
4.2.6. Education 116
4.2.7. Professionalism 117
4.2.8. Working time resources 118
4.3. Prerequisites for Realizing Human Potential 120
4.4. The quality of the population of the country and the personnel of the enterprise 122
Basic concepts 126
Test questions and research topics 126
Chapter 5
5.1. Types of motives 127
5.2. Ends-Means Matrix 131
5.3. The structure of motivation systems 133
5.4. About motivation theories and management styles 136
5.5. Schematic diagram of the motivation of effective production activities 140
Basic concepts 142
Test questions and research topics 142
Chapter 6. Efficiency of economic activity
6.1. Structure of economic resources 143
6.2. Components of human activity 144
6.3. Essence and indicators of labor efficiency 150
6.3.1. The main aspects of the concept of "efficiency" 150
6.3.2. Labor productivity and profitability 151
6.4. The theorem on the profitability of labor components and its consequences 158
6.5. Creativity is the main source of profit in the economy of the XXI century 162
6.6. The effectiveness of investments in human capital 170
Basic concepts 173
Test questions and research topics 174
Chapter 7. Basic concepts of labor organization
7.1. Types and boundaries of the division of labor 175
7.2. Production, technological and labor processes 177
7.3. Working conditions 181
7.4. Workplace. Structure of the production operation 183
7.5. Classification of working hours 187
7.6. The system of norms and labor standards 192
7.7. The structure of tasks for optimizing labor processes and labor standards 203
7.8. Labor regulation methods. Compliance rate 207
Basic concepts 210
Test questions and research topics 211
Chapter 8
8.1. General characteristics of methods for studying labor processes and the cost of working time 212
8.2. Timing 215
8.3. Working time photo 221
8.4. Analysis of the structure of working time by the method of momentary observations 225
Basic concepts 230
Test questions and research topics 231
Chapter 9
9.1. Structure of regulations 232
9.2. Requirements for standards and the main stages of their development 237
9.3. Methods for establishing normative dependencies 240
9.4. Differentiated and consolidated standards 245
Basic concepts 252
Test questions and research topics 253
Chapter 10. Optimization of the number and structure of personnel
10.1. The structure of time standards and the sequence of establishing labor standards 254
10.2. Principal schemes for determining the number of personnel 259
10.3. Analysis of the forms of interaction of production elements in the calculation of population standards 260
10.4. The structure of optimization problems for service rates and headcount 262
10.5. The general task of optimizing the division of labor and the number of personnel 265
10.6. Methods for optimizing the division of labor and the number of personnel in production systems 270
10.6.1. Cyclic processes 271
10.6.2. Non-cyclic processes 276
10.6.3. Multiphase systems (method of optimizing the division of labor for equipment maintenance) 280
Basic concepts 282
Test questions and research topics 282
Chapter 11
11.1. Principles of income generation in a market economy 284
11.2. Statistical Analysis of the Distribution of Personal Income 290
11.3. The structure of the income of an employee of the enterprise 297
11.4. Forms and systems of wages 306
11.5. Payroll calculation 309
11.5.1. Structure of wage funds 309
11.5.2. Methods for calculating regulatory wage funds 311
11.5.3. Calculation of incentive funds 316
11.6. Optimization of the structure of income of employees of the enterprise 318
11.7. On the essence of wages, or what is traded in labor markets 321
11.8. Models of formation of incomes of social groups of the enterprise 328
11.8.1. Social groups of the enterprise by sources and types of income 328
11.8.2. The relationship of market and organizational factors in setting wage rates at the enterprise 330
11.8.3. Opportunities for optimizing the distribution of enterprise income 334
11.9. Motivation models for the effective operation of an enterprise and its divisions 338
Basic concepts 341
Control questions and research topics 342
Chapter 12. Social and labor relations
12.1. General characteristics of social and labor relations 343
12.2. The problem of alienation 347
12.3. Theoretical foundations and prerequisites for social partnership 350
12.3.1. Principles and experience of organizing social partnership 350
12.3.2. Opportunities for harmonizing the interests of social groups at Russian enterprises 356
12.4. Justice 359
12.5. Synergetic analysis of models of human interaction in production systems 364
12.6. Professional ethics 367
12.6.1. Morality Efficiency 367
12.6.2. General and particular in professional ethics 371
12.7. Problems of deviant behavior in enterprises 375
Basic concepts 380
Test questions and research topics 380
Chapter 13 Human Resource Management Systems
13.1. The structure of human resource management systems 381
13.2. Labor Market and Employment Management 385
13.2.1. Main characteristics of the labor market 385
13.2.2. Unemployment 388
13.2.3. Employment management 394
13.3. Productivity and payroll management 398
13.3.1. Interrelations between the problems of productivity, wages and the technical level of production 398
13.3.2. Why the levels of productivity and wages in Russia are significantly lower than in developed countries 404
13.3.3. Institutional prerequisites for increasing productivity and wages as a result of the development of new technologies 407
13.3.4. Managing the dynamics of productivity and wages at the enterprise 412
13.4. Principles for improving the management of human resources of enterprises 416
13.4.1. Types of organizational change 416
13.4.2. The essence of transformations in the management of human resources of enterprises 419
Basic concepts 424
Test questions and research topics 425
Literature 426
Appendix. Brief description of the author's scientific results used in the textbook 435
Information about the author 442
Summary 442
Contents 443

BBK U9(2) + U9(2)212

Economics and sociology of labor: Guidelines for the implementation of the test in the discipline for students of correspondence courses in the specialty 080200 - Management. - Bryansk: BSTU, 2015. - 44 p.

Developed by: L.V. Mysyutina,

(Minutes No. 04 dated 05.11.14)


The discipline "Economics and sociology of labor" involves the study of objective laws and mechanisms of the market economy. It takes into account the achievements of foreign economic theory and practice in the field of social and labor relations, the experience of domestic enterprises. The course "Economics and Sociology of Labor" is based on the study of concepts that are fundamental to both economics and sociology. These include labor resources and labor potential, quality of life, human potential, efficiency, employment, the functioning of the labor market and its regulation, social and labor relations, motivation and stimulation of labor activity, income and their distribution.

The course deals with the theory and practice of labor organization, as well as the design and management of these processes at the enterprise level. In a market economy, the importance of these problems increases, since labor productivity is becoming increasingly important in a competitive environment, and both losses and gains associated with the organization of labor significantly affect the results of an enterprise.

The issues of organization, regulation and remuneration of labor at industrial enterprises are taken as a basis, but many issues are considered in an intersectoral aspect and can be applied in various fields of activity and to various categories of personnel.

The course contains a set of questions covering research, analytical, calculation and organizational work. The relevance of studying these issues of discipline is determined by the fact that the organization of labor is a factor in the efficiency of the enterprise, since the rational organization of labor ensures the achievement of better results, and the regulation and remuneration of labor, being part of its organization, also contribute to improving the efficiency of the enterprise.

The purpose of studying the discipline is to get acquainted with the most important phenomena of the economy and show the changes that are taking place in the social and labor sphere. At the same time, the main attention is paid to the problems of improving the quality of labor potential, identifying and implementing economic and social reserves to increase the efficiency of the enterprise, developing students' practical skills in mastering the methods of planning and analyzing labor indicators, organizing, rationing and remuneration.

The tasks of studying the discipline:

· Consider the existence of issues covering research, analytical, calculation and organizational work.

· To acquaint students with modern methods of analysis.

· To give the student theoretical knowledge and practical skills in research and design of labor processes; establishing, implementing and adjusting labor standards and organizing wages in order to increase the efficiency of the enterprise.

As a result of studying the discipline, students should:


Theoretical foundations of economics and sociology of labor at the level of the entire economy and at the level of the enterprise;

Modern methods of analysis;

The specifics of sociological research in the labor organization;

Requirements for the formation and use of labor resources, their professional training and retraining;

General concepts of standard of living and quality of life.

Have an idea:

On the labor market, employment, unemployment, general principles of social protection of the population in a market economy;

The potential of a person, enterprise, society;

The state and development of labor resources, as well as the efficiency of their use;

Be able to:

Apply modern methods of analysis adopted in the organization and regulation of labor;

Use motivational and stimulating prerequisites for the effective and fruitful activity of the workforce;

Manage labor behavior and labor conflicts;

Conduct sociological research in a labor organization.

The discipline "Economics and Sociology of Labor" is closely related to the disciplines "Fundamentals of Labor Organization", "Personnel Management", "Methods and Techniques of Specific Sociological Research", "Information Systems of Salaries and Personnel". The basic disciplines for its study are "Economic theory", "Economics of the organization", "Statistics".


TOPIC 1. Labor as the basis for the development of society and an important factor of production. The essence and content of the organization and regulation of labor

The essence of the economic category "labor" and its role in the development of man and society. The concept of labor organization and its elements. Labor regulation is the most important component of labor organization. Labor as an object of sociological research. The subject and tasks of the sociology of labor.

TOPIC 2. Labor resources and labor potential

Reproduction of the population and labor resources. Labor potential: essence, indicators, structure.

THEME 3. Production and labor process. Division and cooperation of labor.

The production process, its content and types. Production operation and its elements. Division and cooperation of labor. Directions for improvement.

TOPIC 4. Organization and design of workplaces

Jobs and their classification. Workplace organization. Workplace design. Organization of workplace services.

CHAPTER 5. Working conditions at the enterprise

TOPIC 6. Classification of working time costs and methods for their study

Working hours and their classification. Methods for studying labor processes and the cost of working time. Timing technique.

TOPIC 7. Designing work methods and calculating the time for their implementation

Principles and methods of designing labor practices. Stages of designing labor methods and calculating the time for their implementation.

THEME 8. Labor norms and standards

Regulation of labor. Types of labor standards. Classification of labor standards. Normative materials on labor and their classification. Labor regulation methods.

THEME 9. The essence of the design of the organization of labor and the choice of optimal standards

Designing the organization of labor. The need for a comprehensive justification of the organization and labor standards. Typical structure of tasks for choosing an effective variant of organization and labor standards (limitations and optimality criterion).

TOPIC 10. Methodology for calculating labor standards

Rationing of manual and machine-manual labor of workers. Calculation of service standards and numbers in the conditions of multi-machine production. Calculation of labor standards in the State Fire Service and on automatic lines.

TOPIC 11. Formation and planning of the number of employees of the enterprise

The process of planning the number of personnel of the enterprise and its stages.

Determination of the number of personnel. The movement of personnel in the enterprise.

TOPIC 14. Standard of living and income of the population

Income and their classification. Politics and income structure of the population. The standard of living and its indicators. The quality of life of the population.

topic 15. labor organization

Labor organization and its structure. The social structure of the labor organization. The main social processes and phenomena in the labor organization. Essence, types and subjects of social and labor relations.

Topic 16. Labor behavior

The concept, structure, types and regulation of labor behavior. Essence, indicators, types, structure of the labor conflict. Conflict management. Characteristics of labor behavior.

Questions for the exam on the course "Economics and sociology of labor"

1. The essence, tasks and significance of the scientific organization of labor.

2. Cooperation and division of labor.

3. The concept of labor processes and their classification.

4. Production operation and its analysis.

5. Classification and organization of jobs.

6.Equipment and layout of workplaces.

7.Functions and systems for servicing jobs.

8. Essence, stages and principle of designing jobs.

10.Working hours and their classification.

11.Methods for studying labor processes and working hours.

12. Principles and methods of designing labor practices.

13. Microelement systems of standards.

14. Stages of designing labor methods and calculating the time for their implementation.

15. Rationing of labor. Scientific substantiation of labor standards.

16. Labor standards and their classification.

17. Labor standards.

18. The essence of the design of the organization of labor and the choice of optimal standards.

19. Structure and staff of the enterprise.

20. The process of planning the number of personnel and its stages.

21. Essence and principles of organization of wages at the enterprise.

22. Forms and systems of wages.

23. Regulation and planning of the wage fund.

24. Labor as an object of the sociology of labor. The subject and tasks of the sociology of labor.

25. Essence, indicators and structure of labor potential.

26. Reproduction of the population and labor resources.

27. Labor potential: essence, indicators, structure

28. Essence, types and forms of employment.

29. State policy in the field of employment.

30. Essence, forms, causes and consequences of unemployment.

31. Migration of the population, its types and indicators. Migration policy.

32. Level of life: indicators, indicators and social standards.

33. Standard of living and its factors. Living wage and methods of its calculation.

34. Incomes of the population and their forms. Distribution of income.

35. Socio-economic essence of wages.

36. Labor organization and its characteristics.

37. Social processes and phenomena in the labor organization.

38. Essence, subjects, levels, principles and types of social - labor relations.

39.Characteristics of labor behavior: concept, structure, types and their classification.

40. The mechanism of regulation of labor behavior.

41. The essence, causes and conditions of the labor conflict.

42. Indicators, types and forms of labor conflict. Types of conflicts and their consequences.

43. Styles of conflict resolution. Conflict management.

44. The essence of motivation and stimulation.

45. Forms of motivation and stimulation of labor.

46. ​​Motivation of labor activity.

47. Methodology for calculating norms for various production processes.

Services and numbers

When calculating service rates and numbers, the following restriction should be observed:

k< k з н,

where k the coefficient of the total employment of a worker servicing all the machines assigned to them; k s n standard coefficient of employment of workers per shift, equal to:

k c n \u003d 1-T ex / T cm,

where T ex- normative time for rest and personal needs per shift; T cm- the length of the shift.

It is also necessary that the service and number norms satisfy the constraint:

k D > k D n,

where k D n- the utilization rate of one machine in terms of machine time, depending on the maintenance standards and number; kD- the coefficient of use of one machine in terms of machine time, necessary for the execution of the program, equal to

k D n \u003d D n / N,

where N- the total number of machines serviced by workers, for which service or number norms are determined in this problem; D n- the average for the planned period the number of operating machines needed to fulfill the production program.

the value D n found by the formula:

D n= ,

where P k- release program k-th type; t s.k.– free machine time per unit of production k-th type; Fp- disposable fund of time of one machine in the planning period.

And numbers

Determine the preliminary value of the service rate:

H ol \u003d t c / t c + 1.

Check compliance with the restrictions on the coefficients of the total employment of the worker with the maintenance of machine tools and the use of machine time kD .

If the accepted standard of service H o ≥ H ol, then k = 1,

D \u003d D o \u003d t c / t z.

If Ho< H ol , then

k s \u003d H o / H ol ; D \u003d D about H o / H ol.

In a cyclic process

Initial data:

free machine time tc= 3 min;

working hours of the worker t= 2 min;

For the release of the required volume of products, the utilization rate of machine tools in terms of machine time must be at least k D n = 0,58;

normative coefficient of employment of multi-machine operators k s n = 0,88;

Adjustment and re-adjustment are performed by adjusters.

To solve the problem, it is necessary to find the maximum value of the service rate, at which k D n exceeds the standard value k D n= 0.58 and the employment rate of workers does not exceed the standard value k s n = 0,88.

According to the formula, the preliminary value of the service rate

H ol = t c / t + 1 = 3/2 + 1 = 2,5.

With this value H ol There are three types of service available:

1) Ho=3;

2) Ho=2;

3) maintenance of five machines by a team of two workers Ho=5, H h= 2.

It is advisable to start the analysis of these options with the value Ho=3.

For Ho= 3, taking into account the formula, we have

k c =1; D o \u003d t c / t c \u003d 3/2 \u003d 1.5.

Since in this case the employment rate of the worker exceeds the standard value k s n= 0.88, option Ho=3 does not meet the conditions of the problem. However, the value k can be reduced to the normative level due to the use of replacement workers, therefore, for the variant Ho=3 it is advisable to check compliance with the main condition for the implementation of the production program (the required level of use of the equipment time fund).

This condition is checked by the coefficient kD. As it was established, at H=3 D o =D o 1=1.5. With these data, the utilization rate of machines in terms of machine time:

k D \u003d D o /H o \u003d 1.5 / 3 \u003d 0.5.

This value is less than the required value k D n= 0.58. So the option Ho=3 cannot be accepted.

At Ho=2 according to the formulas we get:

k c \u003d 2 / 2.5 \u003d 0.8; D \u003d (1.5 2) / 2.5 \u003d 1.2.

Equipment utilization ratio by machine time:

k D \u003d D / H o \u003d 1.2 / 2 \u003d 0.6.

Getting a value k=0.8 and k D =0.6 satisfy the conditions of the problem ( k s n=0.8 and k D n=0.58). Since at Ho=2 restrictions on the required volume of output and the allowable workload of the worker are met, this option is valid. It remains to check the possibility of reducing the number of multi-machine operators with the third option - servicing five machines by a team (link) of two workers.

A zone of five machines served by two workers can be represented as two zones, in each of which there is H o =2.5 machines per worker. If one worker has H ol \u003d t c / t s+ 1 \u003d 5/2 \u003d 2.5, then of them D o\u003d 1.5 machine. Therefore, in this zone Ho=5 machines will operate D o\u003d 2 1.5 \u003d 3 machines. Wherein

k D \u003d D o / H o \u003d 3 / 5 \u003d 0.6.

This value satisfies the condition kD> 0.58. However, the employment rate of the worker in this case is equal to one, i.e. more than allowed k s n=0.88. To reduce the amount k to the normative one, it is necessary to introduce a replacement worker who, when k s n=0.88 will be busy replacing two multi-machine operators during 0.24 of the shift fund of time. Thus, under this option, five machines will have an average of 2.24 workers, or one worker will have an average of 5 / 2.24 = 2.23 machines (i.e. more than in the previous option with Ho=2).

The last of the considered examples makes it possible to ensure the required level of equipment utilization (that is, to ensure the implementation of the plan) with a minimum number of workers, which in this case corresponds to a minimum of total product costs. Therefore, for the conditions of the considered example, the maintenance of five machines by a group of two workers is optimal.

For non-cyclic processes

With non-cyclic processes, it is most reasonable and simple to determine the service rates according to Table 1 of the Appendix. The values ​​of service standards are determined depending on:

from the employment rate of one worker on one machine k 1

k 1 \u003d t s / (t s + t s);

Required coefficient of utilization of equipment in terms of machine time K H D .

For many non-cyclic processes, especially in cases where multi-machine operators also perform the functions of adjusters, it is advisable to separate the main and additional functions of multi-machine operators.

1. t s= 7 min; t= 4 min; k D n= 0,59; k s n= 0,9.

2. t s= 5 min; t= 3 min; k D n= 0,57; k s n= 0,91.

3. t s= 7 min; t= 2 min; k D n= 0,6; k s n= 0,85.

4. t s= 8 min; t= 5 min; k D n= 0,54; k s n= 0,88.

5. t s= 7 min; t= 3 min; k D n= 0,54; k s n= 0,92.

6. t s= 5 min; t= 4 min; k D n= 0,53; k s n= 0,95.

7. t s= 9 min; t= 4 min; k D n= 0,56; k s n= 0,93.

8. t s= 8 min; t= 6 min; k D n= 0,55; k s n= 0,94.

9. t s= 7 min; t= 4 min; k D n= 0,61; k s n= 0,86.

10.t with= 5 min; t= 2 min; k D n = 0,57; k s n = 0,89.

Task 2. Determine the service rate and the employment rate of the main functions for one worker and a link of two people, using tables of optimal service rates with the following initial data: the required machine time utilization rate; the employment rate of a worker on one machine. Compare the norms obtained for the maintenance of machines by one worker and a link of two workers. Determine the increase in labor productivity during the transition from the individual to the collective form of labor organization.

Initial data for various task options:

1. K1 = 0,12; = 0,64.

2. K1 = 0,18; = 0,66.

3. K1= 0,16; = 0,64.

4. K1 = 0,14; = 0,62.

5. K1 = 0,12; = 0,64.

6. K1 = 0,14; = 0,66.

7. K1= 0,18; = 0,66.

8. K1= 0,18; = 0,84.

9. K1= 0,2; = 0,66.

10. K1= 0,30; = 0,60.

Topic 6. Calculation of wages for various categories of workers. Payroll planning

The remuneration of workers includes the following elements: the tariff system, forms and systems of wages, additional payments and allowances, tariff rates. Depending on the meter of labor costs (working time or the amount of manufactured products), time-based and uniform forms of remuneration are distinguished, which have their own systems. Wages are calculated according to the formulas given in table 6.

Task. Determine the tariff wages for hours worked, piecework wages for the amount of work performed per month, the amount of additional payments for working conditions and professional skills.

Table 6

Formulas for calculating indicators characterizing

organization of workers' wages

Indicator Calculation formula Conventions
Tariff Discharge Coefficient K i \u003d C h i / C h1 C h i \u003d C h1 K i C h i- hourly rate corresponding to i-th category of work (worker), rub.; From ch1– hourly tariff rate of the first category, rub. (cop.)
Piece rate for j-th unit of work
- production rate j th work (operation); N time j- standard time for j th job (operation)
Average price for multi-machine service
- the rate of maintenance of machines by one worker
piecework wages is the actual volume of production j th job
Tariff wages for hours worked - the fund of time worked out by the worker

A machine-tool worker of the VII category, engaged in the manufacture of particularly complex products on unique equipment (turning operation), worked 150 hours per month, including 30 hours at work with difficult working conditions, the amount of surcharge is 8%). The worker is also given a surcharge for professional skills in the amount of 16%. The initial data for the calculation are given in tables 7-8.

Table 7

Unified tariff scale for remuneration of workers of engineering enterprises

The hourly tariff rate of the 1st category is 60 rubles.

Table 8

Initial data for calculating piecework wages

Topic 7. Planning and analysis of the use of working time and labor resources

When planning the use of working time and labor resources, the balance of working time of one worker is determined; the number of main and auxiliary workers, specialists, employees and other categories of workers. The number of employees is determined by integrated and differentiated methods.

The number, structure, professional and qualification composition and personnel movement are analyzed; use of working time.

Task 1. In the base year at the enterprise, the distribution of workers according to the duration of regular and additional holidays was characterized by the following data: 40% of workers had the right to a 15-day vacation, 40% to an 18-day vacation, and 20% to a 24-day vacation.

Determine the average vacation time for one worker per year.


Average vacation time () is defined as:

where T i- the duration of the next vacation in working days i th group of workers entitled to a particular vacation; q i– specific gravity i- ygroups of workers in the total number of workers.

Task 2. According to table 9, determine the average duration of the next and additional holidays.

Table 9


The average duration of regular and additional holidays is determined by dividing the total number of man-days of regular and additional holidays by the number of workers.

Task 3. Determine the nominal and effective funds of working time in days, if the calendar fund in the planned year is 366 days, the number of days off - 52, Saturdays - 51, holidays that do not coincide with days off - 2. The average duration of regular and additional holidays in the calculation per worker is 17.2 days in conditions of five-day work, the average duration of study leave is 2.1 days; absenteeism due to the performance of state duties - 0.2, due to illness - 5.6, in connection with childbirth and pregnancy - 3.3 days.


The nominal working time fund in the planning period is determined as the difference between the calendar working time fund and the number of holidays, weekends and Saturdays.

The effective working time fund in the planning period is equal to the difference between the nominal working time fund and absenteeism in the planning period, which includes absenteeism (in days) due to regular and additional vacations, study leaves permitted by law, in connection with the performance of state duties, illness, childbirth.

Task 4. Under the conditions of a five-day working week for one group of workers in the amount of 1500 people, the average length of the working day ( T c1) was 8.2 hours, and for the other - in the amount of 500 people. ( T c2) - 7.2 hours (when working in especially harmful conditions).

Number of breastfeeding mothers ( H to) and teenagers ( Ch p), which set a reduced working day by 1 hour, is respectively 50 and 20 people. The total number of working hours per year per worker, by which the length of the working day is reduced ( T hs), is equal to 245 hours. The effective working time fund ( F e) was 242.5 days.

Determine the nominal duration, the average length of the working day and the useful working time fund (in hours).


1. Nominal working hours ( T SN, h) is determined by the formula:

where Ch R1 , Ch R2- the number of relevant groups of workers.

2. Average working day ( T s) is calculated by the formula:

3. Useful working time fund per worker ( F h, h) is determined by the formula:

F h \u003d F e. T s.

Task 5. At the site, the payroll number of employees was: from the 1st to the 5th day - 60 people; from the 8th to the 12th - 61; from the 15th to the 16th - 62; from the 17th to the 19th - 63; from the 22nd to the 26th - 64; from the 29th to the 30th - 62 people; 6th, 7th, 13th, 14th, 20th, 21st, 27th, 28th of the month - days off.

Determine the average number of employees.


The average number of employees is determined by dividing the sum of the payroll for all calendar days of the month by the number of calendar days.

The payroll number of employees on weekends is equal to the payroll number of the previous working day.

Task 6. The net number of workers per month is 2,100 people. The nominal working time fund is 274 days, and the effective fund is 245 days. Determine the average number of workers.


The average headcount is determined by the formula:

H c \u003d H i. K 2 ,

where K 2- the coefficient of transition from the turnout number to the payroll.

Task 7. In the base period, the actual number was 2,500 people. It is planned to increase the volume of production ( To Q) in the amount of 105% with a constant level of average output.

Determine the planned number of industrial and production personnel (PPP).


Planned number of PPP ( Ch pl1) is determined by the formula:

Ch pl1 = Ch b. To Q.

Task 8. The actual number of PPPs in the base period ( b w) amounted to 2800 people. It is planned to increase the volume of production ( To Q) by 105%, and labor productivity ( K in) – by 106%.

Determine the planned number of PPP.


Planned number of PPP ( Ch pl) is determined by the formula:

Task 9. It is planned to produce products on the site ( Q) in the amount of 100 thousand pieces. The rate of output per unit of time ( H in) - 2 pcs. Annual effective working time fund ( F pl) - 1929 hours, the coefficient of performance of production standards ( To ext) – 1,1.

Determine the planned number of key workers.


Planned number of main workers ( Chor) is determined by the formula:

Task 10. The average number of workers is: in the I quarter. - 5500 people, in the II quarter. - 5610, in the III quarter. - 5720, in the IV quarter. - 5920 people. The number of workers at the beginning of the planning period is 5100 people. Workers dropped out for good reasons: in the I quarter. - 1.5%, in the II quarter. - 0.8, in the III quarter. - 1.8, in the IV quarter. – 1.1% of the average annual number of workers.

Determine the additional need of workers: 1) quarterly and annually; 2) to cover the wastage.


The number of workers at the end of I, II, III, IV quarters is determined ( H rk i) according to the formula:

H rk i \u003d H ci. 2 - Ch rn i,

where H ci is the average number of workers in i-th quarter; Ch pH i- the number of workers at the beginning i-th quarter.

Additional need for workers ( Ch extra1) is determined by the formula:

Ch dop1 = Ch rk - Ch rn.

Additional need of workers to cover the loss ( CH extra2) is determined by the formula:

CH extra2 =

where H sk– average quarterly number of workers; - coefficient characterizing the number of those who left for good reasons in i-th quarter.

a) main:

1.Adamchuk, V.V. Economics and sociology of labor: textbook / V.V. Adamchuk, O.V. Romashov, M.E. Sorokina. – M.: UNITI, 2009. – 407 p.

4. Bukhalkov, M.I. Organization and rationing of labor: a textbook for universities / ed. prof. M.V. Miller. - M.: INFRA-M, 2008. - 416 p.

5. Genkin, B.M. Organization, rationing and wages / B.M. Genkin. – M.: Norma, 2008. – 431 p.

6. Golovachev, A.S. Organization, regulation and wages: textbook. allowance / A.S. Golovachev, N.S. Berezina, N.Ch. Bokun and others; under total Ed. A.S. Golovachev. - 3rd edition - M .: New knowledge, 2007. - 603 p.

7. Kibanov, A.Ya. Economics and sociology of labor: textbook / ed. Doctor of Economics, prof. AND I. Kibanova. – M.: INFRA-M, 2008. – 584 p.

8. Mysyutina, L.V. Organization, regulation and remuneration of labor: guidelines for the implementation of practical tasks for students of the fourth year of the specialty "Economics and management at the enterprise (in mechanical engineering)". - Bryansk: BSTU, 2008. - 71 p.

9. Mysyutina, L.V. Organization, rationing and wages [Text] + [Electronic resource]: test tasks for seminars and exams for 4th year students of full-time education in the specialty 08.05.02 "Economics, enterprise management (in mechanical engineering)" .- Bryansk: BSTU , 2012.- 96s.

10. Mysyutina, L. V. Organization, rationing and wages: textbook. allowance / L. V. Mysyutina. - Bryansk, BSTU, 2005. - 230 p.

11. Mysyutina, L.V. Economics and sociology of labor: textbook / L.V. Mysyutin. - Bryansk: BSTU, 2009.- 295p.

12. Economics and sociology of labor: Textbook / ed. AND I. Kibanova.- M.: INFRA-M, 2009.- 584p.

b) additional:

1. Labor Code of the Russian Federation. -M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 272 p.

2. Volgin, N. A. Remuneration of labor: production, social sphere: analysis, problems, solutions / N. A. Volgin. - M.: Exam, 2004. - 222 p.

3.Genkin, B.N. Economics and sociology of labor: textbook / BN Genkin. – M.: Norma-Infra-M, 2007. – 447 p.

4. Zavelsky, M.G. Economics and sociology of labor: a course of lectures / M.G. Zavelsky. - M.: Paleotype-Logos, 2001. - 203 p.

5. Mastenbrook, W. Conflict management and organization development / W. Mastenbrook. – M.: Infra-M, 2005. – 270 p.

6.Mikushina, M.N. Labor contract. Concept, Content. Conclusion. The change. Termination. Approximate form: The law for all / M.N.Mikushina. - Novosibirsk: Thought, 2002. - 371 p.

7. Mysyutina, L.V. The concept, indicators, indicators and social standards of the standard of living of the population: materials of the 58th scientific. conf. prof.-teacher composition / ed. S.P. Sazonova / L.V. Mysyutina. - Bryansk: BSTU, 2008. - 576 p.

8. Mysyutina, L.V. Problems of management of wages at industrial enterprises in a market economy // Economic and organizational problems of management in modern conditions: Sat. scientific works / ed. V.M. Panchenko, I.V. Govorova / L.V. Mysyutina. - Bryansk: BSTU, 2006. - 224 p.

9. Orlovsky, Y. Labor law of Russia: textbook / Y. Orlovsky, A. Nurtdinova. - M.: Infra-M, Contact, 2003. - 432 p.

Federal Agency for Education State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Vladimir State University V.A. YASTREBOV COURSE OF LECTURES ON THE DISCIPLINE "ECONOMY AND SOCIOLOGY OF LABOR" Edited by Doctor of Economics, Professor Yu.A. Dmitrieva Vladimir 2008 UDC 331+316.334.22 LBC 65.24+60.561.23 Ya85 Reviewers: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Head. Department of Finance and Credit of the Vladimir Institute of Business E.I. Raykhelson Candidate of Economic Sciences Professor of the Vladimir branch of the Russian University of Cooperation A.P. Trutnev Published by the decision of the editorial board of the Vladimir State University Yastrebov, VA A course of lectures on the discipline "Economics and sociology of labor" / VA Yastrebov; Vladim. state un-t. - Vladimir: Publishing house Vladim. state un-ta, 2008. - 84 p. – ISBN 978-5-89368-899-3. Covers all the main methodological elements of the studied discipline. Lectures are presented on the topics: "Object, subject and methodology of the discipline", "Quality of life, needs and potential of a person", "Efficiency and motivation of labor", "Organization of labor processes", "Research of labor processes and labor costs", "Management of human resources”, “Optimization of labor processes and income distribution”, “Peculiarities of labor organization in industry and research organizations”, “Social and labor relations of employees of organizations”. Each topic has a set of tasks, questions and tests. Designed for 2nd year students of the specialty 080801 - applied informatics in economics, students of the 3rd - 4th courses of the specialty 080507 - management of the organization of daytime education. Il. 2. Bibliography: 8 titles. UDC 331+316.334.22 LBC 65.24+60.561.23 Vladimir State University, 2008 ISBN 978-5-89368-899-3 2 FOREWORD One of the most important areas for improving the efficiency of the national economy is applied informatics. Future specialists in this field should gain knowledge and certain skills in calculating socio-economic processes. And since the fundamental factor of these processes is human labor, the importance of applied informatics in improving the efficiency of the national economy increases many times over. The socio-economic component of labor has a dynamic, multi-variant nature and a direct or indirect connection with almost all studied disciplines of the natural and socio-economic blocks of science, starting with the effectiveness of knowing the problems of discipline, acquiring skills in calculations and ending with the application of this knowledge in practical activities. The purpose of studying the discipline "Economics and sociology of labor" is to gain knowledge in one of the most difficult areas of the economy related to labor and especially its social orientation. Only the effective use of labor and knowledge of its specifics will allow in all areas of human activity in society to achieve results at the lowest cost in the shortest period of time. The tasks of studying the discipline: - development of the conceptual apparatus; - the formation of their knowledge about labor in the system of the conceptual apparatus of the socio-economic direction; - theoretical study of the economic essence of living labor; - development in practice of methods of economic calculations of the efficiency of the use of labor; - practical application of knowledge about ways to improve the efficiency of individual and social labor. For better organization of work and orientation of the student in the sequence and scope of studying the discipline, the course of lectures includes a curriculum and thematic plans, guidelines for practical exercises on problem solving (see Appendix). The study of the theoretical part of the discipline in lectures involves consolidating the material of topics in practical classes by discussing issues, solving applied problems and answering tests that are part of the structure of the course of lectures. To solve problems, the necessary methodological material is given. Some of the listed elements of practical 3 classes can be used by teachers in ratings to test students' knowledge at various stages of studying the discipline. As one of the methods for checking the assimilation of educational material by students, independent creative development by students of verification tasks and rating tests is considered (examples of such student developments are given). Discussing the proposed questions, solving applied problems and answering test questions, students learn to apply various economic methods in the field of efficient use of labor and independently analyze and evaluate the surrounding social reality. The proposed methodological recommendations allow the student to independently check the quality of mastering the material being studied, and the teacher to objectively assess the level of his knowledge. The course of lectures is the result of the analysis of the methodological material of a number of educational publications, the creative development of the material of practical classes and test tasks. It is structured and logically systematized in a certain sequence and consists of six topics. Each topic is preceded by an introduction that reflects the main issues and the logic of their disclosure. Next, the content of the topic is revealed, followed by exercises and a conclusion. The exercises may include questions, tasks, or tests, depending on the content of the topic and the teacher's preferences. In case of possible difficulty in solving problems or answering test questions, they can be submitted for group discussion. The course of lectures was prepared in accordance with the program for specialties 080801 - applied informatics in economics, 080507 - management of the organization, as well as for general economic specialties as a meta-theoretical complex of issues of economics and sociology. The discipline "Economics and sociology of labor" is directly or indirectly related to the disciplines: "Economics of the enterprise", "Economics and organization of production", "Social forecasting", "Personnel management", etc. The author-compiler expresses special gratitude to Professor Yu.A. Dmitriev - a well-known specialist in the field of research and practical implementation of the labor and social processes of the national economy - for conducting an objective and valuable work on editing this publication. 4 Topic 1. OBJECT, SUBJECT AND METHODOLOGY OF STUDYING THE DISCIPLINE It is labor, and labor is not always interesting, but always meaningful and useful, that is the greatest engine of the mental and moral development of man and mankind. K.D. Ushinsky Introduction The variety of definitions of the concept of "labor" reflects its essence, significance and role in the economic and social environment. The bearer of living labor is a person, and since he is an integral part of society, the object of study of the discipline is society (collective), and the subject of study is human activity (his work). Topic content: socio-economic definition and content of the concept of "labor" as a subject of study; the formation of the science of labor and its connection with other sciences; metatheoretical nature of the science of labor. The objectives of the study of the topic: knowledge of the socio-economic essence and significance of human labor as a member of society; revealing the relationship of the science of labor with other sciences of the socio-economic block; understanding that the science of labor is interdisciplinary in nature. Socio-economic definition and content of the concept of "labor" as a subject of study The multifaceted economic significance of labor and its role in society created the prerequisites for its multifaceted definition. World-famous scientists-philosophers, economists, sociologists gave comprehensive definitions of the concept of "labor". The most famous and accurate include the definitions of A. Marshall, W.S. Jevons. It is noteworthy from a socio-economic point of view that V. Inozemtseva: "Labor is an activity carried out under the direct or indirect influence of external material necessity." The isolation of the forced, painful side of labor is due to the fact that for hundreds of years material wealth was the result of the efforts of the lower strata of society (slaves, serfs, proletarians, peasants), who worked 12-15 hours a day for meager remuneration. At the same time, 5 Alfred Marshall, as an adherent of the evolutionary development of society, considered the costs of production as efforts and sacrifices on the part of the worker and capitalist: for the worker, the expenditure of his own labor power, the rejection of a pleasant pastime, the severity of labor, the unpleasant sensations that accompany it; for the capitalist - the need not to consume most of the profit (income), but to invest in production at a risk to himself. It is no coincidence that in many languages ​​of the world the words "labor" and "difficult", "work" and "slave" have common roots. According to the well-known definition of Aristotle, "a slave is an animate tool, and a tool is an inanimate slave." The structure of society has constantly evolved, the structure of the population and the labor force has changed. Now the predominant part of the population in developed countries are scientists, doctors, teachers, engineers. The share of workers and peasants is 1/3 (England, France, Germany). Knowledge workers are mostly engaged in creative activities, creating everything new and making a significant contribution to increasing national wealth. Creative activity is the desire of an individual to realize himself in a free activity, independent of external material conditions. In the economic aspect, creative labor should be recognized as one of the types of independent labor, which, like other types, has its own psychological characteristics. Considering the essence of labor, it is necessary to single out the trinity of its aspirations: purpose, content, motives. The goal is human development and the production of goods. Content is the meaningful transformation of resources. Motives are the reasons that motivate a person to work. Formation of the science of labor and its connection with other sciences The sciences of labor began to take shape in the second half of the 19th century. Research on labor was initiated by the American engineer Frederick Taylor, the founder of the science of management at the micro level. Coming from a wealthy family of a lawyer, in 1874 he graduated from Harvard Law College, but due to deterioration of his eyesight, he could not continue his studies and got a job as a press worker in the industrial workshops of a factory in Philadelphia. Ability and education allowed him to quickly move up the career ladder, and from 1895 he engaged in research in the field of labor organization. F. Taylor comes to the conclusion that workers need to set not only the time for performing work, but also the time for rest. In the future, a whole direction was formed - the scientific organization of labor, then other private directions began to appear: the rational organization of labor, the theory of labor organization; organization of labor, etc. Within the framework of the science of labor, relatively separate sections began to be distinguished: labor rationing; wage; professional selection of personnel, etc. Since the 70s. of the last century in Russia, the ethical aspect in personnel management has become noticeable. Collaboration, tolerance (tolerance), and benevolence are becoming widespread in production teams. In modern conditions, the aspiration for material and career success has been added to the listed features of work. In an effort to improve the efficiency of labor in the science of labor, the following private problem areas have been formed: labor productivity; human capital (a set of human qualities); working conditions; designing labor processes (choosing the best ways to perform work, distributing them among performers, etc.); regulation of labor; headcount planning; selection, training and certification; motivation (a process that encourages a person to fruitful activity); income generation and wages; labor markets and performance management; personnel marketing; controlling personnel (planning, recording and monitoring of labor indicators at the operational, tactical and strategic levels); physiology and psychology of labor; ergonomics, etc. Metatheoretical nature of the science of labor The studied discipline considers the economics and sociology of labor in an integrated manner, in the aggregate. The economic sciences in the historical period developed independently of sociology and considered production relations in terms of their effectiveness, out of touch with the state of the worker and social processes. However, studies by a number of economists have shown that a holistic perception of economic and sociological sciences allows us to more objectively and reasonably consider the concept of sustainable development of the national economy. When studying the discipline, it is advisable to proceed from the concept of metatheory. Metatheory is the science about science, i.e. a system of principles, methods and axioms in a certain field of knowledge. Metatheory is an approach in research, according to which economic sciences can fruitfully develop only within the framework of the system of social sciences. This concept was first proposed by the German mathematician D. Hilbert. In accordance with the metatheoretical approach, economic sciences should be considered as a subsystem of the complex of sciences about society, human behavior, the environment, and as the key to answering questions and solving problems of society. In the study and objective perception of the processes of interaction between people in industrial relations, synergetic approaches can play an important role. The content of the concept of "synergetics" is revealed in different ways depending on the direction of research. Synergetics (gr. synergeia - assistance, cooperation, complicity) is an interdisciplinary area of ​​scientific research that studies the general patterns of the processes of transition from chaos to order and vice versa. This term was introduced in 1969 by the German theoretical physicist G. Haken. In theology, the term "synergy" means the relationship of man and God in prayer. The American mathematician S. Ulam, one of the creators of the first computers, wrote about the synergetic relationship between machine and man. The economics and sociology of labor is one of the few sciences that comprehensively studies the economic and sociological aspects of human activity. Such an integrated approach is due to the fact that the rational use of human resources involves the achievement of two interrelated goals: the creation of working conditions and the development of human abilities in labor activity; increase in labor productivity. Exercises The practical session (2 hours) is conducted in the form of a workshop and includes the following questions for discussion. 1. Understand the socio-economic content of the concepts of "labor" and "creativity", give examples and relevant situations from the surrounding real life and people's activities. 2. What is the object and subject of study in this discipline? What is its connection with other disciplines and what are the research methods? 3. What determines the quality of human life? What is the importance of consumption for a person? What are its limits and directions? 4. What forms and activates a person's potential? As a control (written) work with a rating test, students can be asked the following questions. 8 1. Define the concept of "labor". Explain and argue the significance and place of labor in social processes. 2. Expand the historical and semantic content of the concept of "labor". 3. Explain the dependence of the dynamics of the structure of society and qualitative changes in the category "labor". 4. List the types of labor known to you. What is the effectiveness of each of them. 5. Describe the characteristics of creative work. 6. Define creative work. To what extent is creative work inherent in different groups of the population? 7. Describe the manifestations and significance of creative work for the national economy. 8. Is there a connection and interdependence between economic freedom, activity and creative work of a citizen (argue)? 9. What are the main areas of work. 10. Describe the main areas of labor activity. 11. Give a definition and description of the object and subject of study of the course "Economics and sociology of labor." 12. Describe the initial stage of the formation of the science of labor and its private areas. 13. List and disclose the content of separate sections of the science of labor. 14. List and reveal the essence of the problem areas of labor science. 15. How would you explain the relationship between economics and sociology in the system of the national economy? 16. Expand the content of the phrase "sustainable development of the national economy." What is the role of labor in this development? 17. Define the concept of "metateory" and characterize its significance in the study of the science of labor. 18. What is synergetics and what is its significance in the study of labor science? 19. What goals are pursued by society when using human resources? 20. Name the main activities for human resource management in society and at the enterprise. 9 Conclusion Labor is always associated with certain internal efforts and certain internal and external violence. Creative work also requires effort and violence, but not external, but internal. The use of labor, its ordering and classification create conditions for the emergence of narrow (specific) scientific areas that are directly related to other sciences of the natural and socio-economic blocks. Various methods are used to study, analyze and study these relationships. Theme 2. QUALITY OF LIFE, HUMAN NEEDS AND POTENTIAL One of the needs deeply rooted in human nature is the desire for freedom of choice of occupations and their diversity. A. Bebel Introduction The main and determining force that encourages a person to develop is the satisfaction of needs. The level of their satisfaction determines the quality of life, and it, in turn, reflects the total potential of human activity. The cumulative concept of "quality of life" is characterized by the indicator "standard of living", i.e. by comparing what is available with a certain reference level. Topic content: the concept of quality of life. The system of values ​​and human nature; human needs as the basis of its development; human potential and its structure. The objectives of the study of the topic: knowledge of the socio-economic content and essence of the concept of "quality of life"; determination of indicators characterizing the quality of life, establishing its connection with the level of satisfaction of human needs; analysis of the socio-economic nature of man and his priorities in the system of social values. The concept of quality of life. The system of values ​​and human nature The quality of life is a set of characteristics that reflect the conditions of human life. Currently, there is no unified system of indicators of the quality of life in economics 10. In principle, the quality of a person's life depends mainly on two parameters - material well-being and the level of his culture. The conditions for the quality of life include: material security (food, clothing, housing, etc.); safety; availability of medical care; the opportunity to get an education; the state of the environment; social relations in society. However, it is necessary to realize that the quality of life does not lie in the conditions in which the existence and activity of a person takes place, but in the ability of a person to use these conditions. Even with the highest and most complete set of conditions, a person who does not have the opportunity to use them may be at the lowest level of quality of life. At one time, Aristotle stated: "The goal of the state is a joint promotion to a high quality of life." (Quoted from: Sen A. On ethics and economics. M .: Nauka, 1996. P. 18). In the general concept of "quality of life" it is necessary to highlight the conditions in which human activity takes place. They are called the quality of working life (activity), or working conditions. These include: characteristics of the workplace; production environment (temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, etc.). The quantitative value of the quality of life can be assessed through its level. The standard of living of the country's population is understood as a set of living conditions: work, life, leisure, which correspond to the achieved level of development of the country's economy. Private indicators of the standard of living include: the level of all types of labor income; the level of taxes; retail price index; per capita consumption; duration of the working week; government spending on education, medical care, social security and social insurance, etc. The standard of living of the population is directly related to the level of its culture. The quality of life is assessed by comparing the actual standard of living with some reference (standard). Standards can be expressed in the form of norms, standards, rules, customs, traditions. Thus, the quality of life is characterized by a measure of satisfaction of human needs in relation to norms, traditions and customs. However, the quality (conditions) of life can be determined by various meanings and goals of life. Meaning is the inner meaning of something. The most common understanding of the goal as the subject of some desire, aspiration, i.e. as an object of significance to a person or group of persons. A significant number of philosophers studied the concepts of the meaning and purpose of life: Aristotle, Epicurus, Marcus Aurelius, D. Hume, A. Schopenhauer, L. Tolstoy, F. Dostoevsky, and others. Various scientific schools studied the meaning of life in different planes. Russian thinker S. Frank (1877 - 1950) wrote about what needs to be done, how to improve life so that it becomes meaningful. He was concerned about the state of spirituality, tried to show ways to "save" the individual in a mass society, the depreciation of basic humanitarian values ​​(the period of the October Revolution of 1917). The German philosopher A. Schopenhauer noted that the sages of the Western world write about the moderation of material wealth, the awareness of the vileness of striving for wealth and fame as the meaning of life. He himself was convinced that there are only three values ​​in the world: youth, health and freedom. The goals of a person's life predetermine the direction of his activity in various areas of work and the use of free time. The English economist A. Marshall (1842 - 1924), entering into a debate with a number of economists of that time who argued that people live to work, and do not work to live, wrote that a person, due to his organic structure, quickly degrades if he you don’t have to overcome anything, do hard work, etc. Ultimately, philosophers agree that the meaning and goals of life lie in the accumulation of the forces of good, without which all other things become meaningless and harmful (for the first time this idea was expressed by the Russian scientist S. Frank). It is the forces of good that make it possible to defeat enemies, solve complex scientific problems, and so on. Good characterizes the actions of a person from the point of view of his spiritual uplift and moral perfection. This requires personal spiritual development. The Austrian psychotherapist Viktor Frankl, after going through the Auschwitz camp, wrote: “I saw the meaning of my life in helping other people find the meaning of their lives.” (Quoted from: Enkelman N. The power of motivation. M .: Intereksport, 1999. P. 18). The problem of the meaning of life is expressed by Frankl through three groups of values: values ​​associated with human activity (the desire for creativity, satisfaction with the work done); values ​​of experiences (perception of beauty in all its forms - nature, music, etc.); values ​​of relationships (a person helps others in the most difficult moments of his life). 12 The meaning of life, the system of values ​​- these concepts are associated with man and his nature. Human nature was one of the main themes of the philosophy of the XVII - XVIII centuries. Research in this direction was carried out by D. Hume, A. Smith, J.J. Rousseau and others. Most philosophers agree that both good and evil coexist in man; altruism and selfishness. Human nature also occupied a large place in the studies of Sigmund Freud (1856 - 1939, an Austrian doctor and psychologist, the founder of psychoanalysis). For economists, human nature is interesting from the point of view of the sources of its production activity. In science, there is a wide variety of points of view on the nature of man and his destiny. Summarizing them, we can distinguish the following main goals of human activity: material wealth, power and glory, knowledge and creativity, spiritual improvement. The behavior of most people in society is determined by a combination of different goals: material wealth and power or material wealth, power, creativity, fame. The formation of human life goals depends on many factors: individual characteristics of a person; family traditions; life experience; public relations. Human needs as the basis of his development A need is a need for something that is objectively necessary for the maintenance and vital activity, development of an organism, human personality, family, social group, society as a whole. A. Einstein wrote in 1930: "Everything that is done and invented by people is connected with the satisfaction of needs." (Einstein A. Science and religion // Albert Einstein about himself / J. Wickert. Ekaterinburg: Ural LTD, 1999. P. 281). The problem of needs is closely connected with the psychological, economic and natural sciences. However, until recently, needs have been studied autonomously and piecemeal. A. Maslow (1908 - 1970, American psychologist, author of the most famous theory of motivation) defined motivation as "the study of the ultimate goals of a person." He created a classification of needs in the form of a pyramid. In the pyramid (top up), the needs are distributed in ascending order, in a hierarchical order: physiological; security; involvement; confessions; self-expression. Scientists have put forward other groups of needs. Studies of the problem of needs provide grounds for the formation of a specific model of the structure of needs. The model of the structure of 13 needs should take into account: the entire range of needs (completeness requirement); individual characteristics of people (their goals, values); priorities and levels of satisfaction of needs; the dynamics of the formation of needs, which determines the mechanism of their connection. The needs of the model can be divided into two characteristic groups: the needs of existence; the need to achieve life goals. The needs of existence. This group mainly includes human needs for food, clothing, warmth, etc. This should also include the need for belonging (to society, a group). A person cannot exist for any length of time without a team, a family, and so on. In the group of subsistence needs, levels can be distinguished: minimal - ensures human survival; basic - provides the possibility of the emergence of needs that correspond to the main goals of human life. Needs to achieve the goals of life. They can be classified into four groups: material; social; intellectual; spiritual. Material needs that exceed the basic ones for a certain group of the population are the needs for luxury. At the same time, the concept of luxury is conditional. What is considered a luxury for one group of people is the norm for another. Social needs can be classified into egoistic (freedom, power, fame, recognition, respect) and altruistic (charity, love for children, parents, people). Intellectual needs are the needs for knowledge and creativity. Spiritual needs are expressed in spiritual perfection, faith, love for God, truth, truth. There are no clearly defined boundaries between the identified groups of needs. Human needs are dynamic (mobile) in nature. Three periods can be distinguished in the dynamics of needs: strategic; tactical; operational. The strategic period is formed over decades. A person is aware of the main goals of his existence, determines his abilities and the possibilities of their realization. The tactical period covers several months. A person clearly represents several of his needs, the satisfaction of which brings him closer to the goal. The operational period is measured in hours and days. At this time, a person is focused on satisfying one major need. All other needs remain only a background for achieving the main goal. 14 The whole variety of theories of needs can be summarized in the principles (lat. principium - basis) of the general theory of needs: 1) the duality of the classification of needs (the need for existence and the achievement of goals); 2) levels of satisfaction of needs: minimum; base; 3) hierarchy of needs; 4) the primacy of the needs of existence and the secondary nature of the needs of achieving goals; 5) interest ensures the transition from the needs of existence to the needs of achieving goals; 6) periodicity of strategic, tactical, operational needs; 7) limitedness (limitedness; studied in the theory of marginal utility) of the needs of existence and the unlimitedness of the needs of achieving goals (creativity, spiritual perfection). Human potential and its structure Potential is the working capacity of a person who has physical and spiritual abilities to participate in labor activity. The most important economic problem is the influence of human abilities (qualities) on labor productivity. Human participation in production processes is characterized by such concepts as labor force, human capital, labor potential. Under the labor force is understood the ability of a person to work, i.e. his physical and intellectual abilities, which can be used productively in production. The labor force is characterized by: indicators of health, education, professionalism. Human capital is considered as a set of human qualities that determines the productivity of his labor, and serves as a source of income that satisfies the needs of a person and his family. A person's ability to work effectively is determined by labor potential. The latter, in turn, is characterized by the psycho-physiological capabilities of a person to work in society; his communication skills; the ability to generate ideas; the rationality of his behavior; knowledge and preparedness; offers on the labor market. Labor potential must meet certain requirements that can be expressed quantitatively, and therefore, it is possible to calculate the level of labor potential of a certain group of workers in production (qi). The calculation is performed according to the formula, qi=Kfi/Kеi where qi is the labor potential (quality) of the personnel of this group15 for the i-th component; Кfi – actual value of the i-th component; Kei is the reference value of the i-th component. The generalized (according to the totality of components) characteristic of the labor potential (personnel quality) is determined by the formula . Exercises A practical lesson on the topic (4 hours) involves reviewing and repeating the lecture material and solving a group of problems. As a control (written) work with a rating test, students can be asked the following questions. 1. What indicators (qualitative and quantitative) can characterize a person's life? 2. What characterizes the quality of human life? 3. List the most important conditions that determine the quality of life, briefly reveal their significance. 4. What characterizes the quality of a person's working life? 5. What is meant by the level of quality of life and how is its value determined? 6. What do you understand by the meaning and purpose of life and can they determine the quality (level) of a person's life? 7. How is the purpose of a person's life determined? 8. Is there a connection between the purpose and activity of a person's life? 9. What phenomena take place when the balance and imbalance of the results of a person's activities and his needs? 10. What is the meaning of human life according to scientists and in your opinion? 11. What groups of values ​​are identified by the scientist V. Frankl? 12. What is meant by human nature? What contradictory features make up the social essence of man? 16 13. List and give a brief description of the goals of human activity. 14. On what factors and how do the goals of human activity depend? 15. What is meant by human need and with what sciences is it associated (argument)? 16. What levels of needs are reflected in A. Maslow's pyramid and what is the meaning of the figure itself? 17. Define the socio-economic model. What does the structure of the model include (take into account)? 18. What are the necessities of existence? List and expand content. 19. What relates to the needs of achieving the goal? List and expand content. 20. What periods are distinguished in the dynamics of human needs? Is there a connection between them? 21. What principles of the general theory of needs do you know? List and describe. 22. Define the labor force and list its quality indicators. 23. Define the concept of "human capital". What is the condition for its formation? 24. Define the concept of "labor potential". What properties does it have? 25. Describe the labor potential, how can you calculate its level? Tasks 1. Calculate the implementation of the plan by the mechanical department in terms of labor productivity (in standard hours), if the labor intensity of processing part A is 1.2 standard hours, parts B is 0.75 standard hours. Parts A were produced in fact 12 thousand pieces, according to the plan there should be 11.7 thousand pieces; parts B according to the plan - 14.7 thousand pieces, in fact - 15.2 thousand pieces. 2. At the enterprise, losses from marriage in the reporting period amounted to 5% of the cost of production with a headcount of 800 people. In the planning period, it is planned to reduce marriage by 25%. Determine the relative savings in the number of employees in the planning period. 17 3. There are four main factors that affect the lead time. Their quantitative value is estimated by three experts. Expert estimates: 4 5 6 7 3 1 10 12 3 2 6 7 Using the expert method, build a model using this matrix and determine the level of reliability of the coefficient of consistency of expert estimates, build a ranking series and a graph of factors. 4. Profitability of production is determined by two main factors. The quantitative influence of factors is estimated by three experts. Evaluation matrix: 7 6 7 9 16 49 Using the expert method, build a model using this matrix and determine the level of reliability of the coefficient of consistency of expert estimates, build a ranking series and a graph of factors. 5. Determine the overall level of labor productivity in the shop, including through the introduction of new technology, based on the following conditions. In the machine shop in the planned quarter, as a result of a number of measures, 15 people were released, including seven people due to the introduction of new equipment. For the production of the planned volume of products according to the production standards of the reporting quarter, 150 people are required. Conclusion Classical philosophical thought asserts that life manifests itself not in the course of life, but in its intensity. Feeling alive is the highest and most beautiful state available to a person. The activity of a person's life is largely determined by the quality of his life, which from a socio-economic point of view can be characterized by a system of specific indicators, through which you can purposefully manage people's activities. The quality of a person's life and his creative potential are determined by the degree of satisfaction of reasonable human needs. The dependence of a person on needs encourages him to be active. 18 Topic 3. EFFICIENCY AND MOTIVATION OF LABOR What is the best food? The one you have earned. Mohammed Introduction Efficiency is a generalizing indicator that reflects the degree of correlation between the results of labor and its costs. The performance indicator characterizes both physical and mental work, both collective and individual work. The income derived from the realization of a person's abilities constitutes his capital. In order to develop and improve the efficiency of the use of this capital, funds are invested in it. A person is motivated to more productive work by motivating (stimulating) labor. Topic content: labor efficiency and its indicators; investment in human and intellectual capital. Intellectual property; motivation and incentive scheme for production activities. The objectives of the study of the topic: familiarization and assimilation of the socio-economic essence of the indicators of the effectiveness of physical and intellectual labor; analysis of the relationship between labor efficiency and investment in human capital and the dynamics of labor efficiency; identification of the existing specifics of means and methods of motivation for the final result of labor. Labor efficiency and its indicators Economic indicators are quantitative values ​​that characterize various processes, levels and criteria for the economic use of resources in the economic system. In production activities, it is customary to distinguish four types of resources: land; work; capital; entrepreneurial ability. The earth as a species includes natural resources, i.e. the area of ​​the site where the production is located, climate, forest, water reserves, energy resources, etc. Labor as a resource is usually characterized by the number of workers, their qualifications, and the performance of functions. Capital reflect the technical and economic performance of equipment, tools, materials, etc. Entrepreneurial abilities are manifested in the rational use of labor, land and capital, the ability to find and apply new technical, organizational, commercial ideas. When using economic resources, their owners receive income: rent (from land), wages (from the use of labor), interest (from capital), profit (from entrepreneurial activity). The work of any employee can be differentiated into two components: α - regulated labor (according to instructions, traditions, technologies); β - creative work, aimed at innovation, the creation of new spiritual and material benefits. α-labor can be both physical and mental. α- and β-labor are fundamentally different in terms of their impact on the formation of an enterprise's income. An increase in the final product due to α-labor is possible only with an increase in the number of employees, the duration of labor and its intensity. Due to β-labor, an increase in the volume of production is possible with constant or even decreasing costs of working time and labor intensity. This can be expressed by a mathematical relationship: vαi = f (хв), where vαi is the result of α-labor of the i-th type, хв is the cost of working time; vβ = f (xts, xа), where vβ is the result of β-work, xts are creative abilities, xа is activity. In economics, it is generally accepted to define the efficiency of activity by the following expression: results efficiency = costs. One aspect of this concept is Pareto efficiency: you cannot improve performance in any of the areas without worsening them in others. Pareto Wilfredo (1848 - 1923) - Italian economist and sociologist, a representative of neoclassicism. The results of economic activity are most often expressed in terms of production volumes and profits, so efficiency is best expressed in terms of productivity and profitability. Production productivity is generally determined by the formula P=Q/I, where P is productivity, Q is the volume of products (services) for a certain period of time, I is the cost of resources corresponding to a given volume of production. 20 When analyzing labor efficiency, the ratio of profit from a particular type of activity and the corresponding labor costs is of significant importance. This ratio of V.V. Novozhilov called the profitability of labor: ri = (Di − Zi) / Zi , where Zi > Z*, ri is the profitability of labor of the i-th type, Di is the value added from the activities of the personnel of the i-th group, Zi is the cost of personnel of the i-th group, Z* is the minimum allowable value of Zi. For the scale of the country, Di corresponds to the share of the national income received as a result of the activity of the i-th team (industry, sphere, etc.) So, for any inventor, subject to 100% net economic effect from the implementation of the invention and 20% of the royalties the profitability of labor will be: rout = (Dout − Z out) / Z out = (100 − 20) / 20. In the case of Di ≥ Zi, labor is profitable, with Di C, then the investment in training pays off. The efficiency of P is higher if Bt and n increase and r decreases. Investments contribute to the development and increase of intellectual capital. Intellectual capital is the sum of knowledge, skills, attitudes that can become a source of income for a person or organization. Characteristics of human capital are part of intellectual capital. It also includes objects of intellectual property (patents, inventions, know-how, etc.). It can be written: Ik = chk + Ic, where chk is human capital, Ic is intellectual property (patents). The intellectual property right is the monopoly right of its owner. The composition of intellectual property is determined by the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), adopted in 1967. There are various methods for assessing the value of intellectual capital. The simplest is to determine the difference between the market value of a company's shares and the book value of its assets (land, buildings, equipment, etc.). So, if Microsoft is valued on the market at $85.5 billion, and the accounting value of its fixed assets is $6.9 billion, then its intellectual capital is $78.6 billion. To assess intellectual capital, indicators such as the share of new products in the total cost of sales are also used; personnel qualification data; value added per specialist; company image. Motivation and incentive scheme for production activities Motivation is one of the functions of the management system. It involves the selection of appropriate management methods and the creation of conditions that will contribute to the achievement of the overall goals of the organization. Motivation is determined by the following main factors: the remuneration system, working conditions and the individual abilities of the manager. The effectiveness of economic activity is largely determined by the attitude of people to work, forms and methods of motivation. Motivation can also be described as the impact on people's behavior to achieve personal, group and social goals. It can be internal and external. Intrinsic motivation is determined by the content, significance of the work and the interest of the employee. External motivation can act in two forms: administrative; economic. External motivation is sometimes called stimulation. Administrative motivation involves the performance of team work. Economic - carried out through economic incentives (salaries, forms and systems of wages, dividends, etc. ). Motivation is distinguished by results (where they can be expressed quantitatively) and by status or rank (qualification, attitude to work, quality of work and the share of labor in the overall result are taken into account). The motives of human behavior in production processes are formed under the influence of genetic factors and the environment in which a person was brought up and lived. In general form, the motives of human behavior can be egoistic and altruistic. Selfish motives are associated with the well-being of the individual, altruistic - with the family, the team and society as a whole. Selfish and altruistic motives in each person are in a certain ratio. Human behavior is determined by the ratio of the goals that he sets for himself, and the means to achieve them. The goals can be material wealth, power and fame, knowledge and creativity, spiritual improvement. Means to achieve goals are classified into three groups: any, including criminal; only legal (within the framework of legal norms); conforming to the norms of religious morality. Currently, it is customary to distinguish between two specific groups of theories of motivation: content (A. Maslow, D. McClelland, F. Herzberg); procedural (based on the assessment of situations that arise in the process of motivation). The last group includes: the theory of expectations; justice theory and the Porter-Lawler model. The economic system of any organization has a certain incentive scheme, according to which, depending on the ratio between the necessary and actual performance indicators of the two subsystems of the organization's management, incentives and sanctions are established. The economic system includes two subsystems - managing and managed. The functions of the control subsystem can be performed by the control body (control environment). He has certain administrative functions. The “invisible hand” (A. Smith) can also be the managing subsystem, which, in market conditions and under free competition, coordinates the activities of people in order to obtain the maximum benefit for them, ultimately acting in the interests of society. Information about the required level of efficiency is transmitted from control systems to managed ones. Between the subsystems (managing and managed) there is a direct and feedback relationship (Fig. 1). For effective work, each employee and unit must be defined conditions: the boundaries of economic independence (degree of freedom of action); necessary performance indicators (number of products, volume, etc. ); the necessary costs of labor and material resources, determined in accordance with the cost norms; 24 forms and conditions for stimulating efficiency growth; a system of mutual responsibility for the fulfillment of the obligations assumed. Necessary results of labor Control system Stimulating influences Control system Actual results and costs Pic. 1. Communication of control systems Exercises A practical lesson on the topic (4 hours) involves the consideration, repetition and creative discussion of the lecture material and the solution of a group of problems. Discuss the following questions. 1. What four types of resources are usually distinguished in production activities? List them and describe them. 2. What types of income do resource owners receive? 3. Into what two components is labor differentiated? Give them a description. 4. How is labor productivity and profitability measured? 5. List and explain the essence of the problems of the sciences of labor and personnel. Tasks 1. In the reporting year, the shop produced a gross output of 810 thousand cu. with a payroll of 85 employees. The task for the growth of labor productivity is set for the planned period of 6.5%. Calculate the output in the planned period. 2. 85 workers of the main production work at the site. The output rate per worker is 220 standard hours, in fact, 228 standard hours have been worked out. According to the orders, 5% of the workers fulfilled the production rate by 82%. By how much will labor productivity increase if these workers bring their output to 100%? 3. How will the number of workers change in the planned period, if, with the same productivity and labor intensity of production, the volume of output in the reporting period amounted to 5.6 million CU, and in the planned period - 6.1 million CU? The number of employees in the reporting period is 585 people. 4. Determine the growth of labor productivity (%) for the planning period. Labor productivity in terms of standard-net products in the reporting period amounted to 2800 CU / person. The volume of production in terms of normative-clean products in the planned period will amount to 1.4 million CU, and the number of employees in the shop due to the introduction of organizational and technical measures will be reduced by 40 people. 5. Determine the nominal and effective working time funds. Calendar days in a year - 365, holidays and weekends - 115, pre-holiday days - 8. Duration of the next vacation - 170 hours. 0.5% of working time was spent on the performance of state and public duties, sick days account for 1.5% of the nominal work fund. The duration of the working day is 8.2 hours. The tests below can be used as a cross-sectional test with a rating offset. 1. Note what type of income the owners receive from the use of land: a) profit; b) percentage; c) rent? 2. Can regulated labor be characterized by novelty, distinctive features, characteristic specifics: a) no; b) yes? 3. Write down the function of the dependence of the volume of regulated labor on the cost of working time: f, γ, β, xv, xts, vα, α. 4. Labor efficiency is: a) an absolute value; b) relative value. 5. Note what types of investments are usually distinguished: a) public; b) public; c) social; d) private; e) strategic? 6. Write down the formula for the effectiveness of investments in education, if the function Р = f (r, t, Bt, n) is known. 7. Mark the indicators that can characterize intellectual capital: a) the growth rate of labor productivity of the team; b) qualification level of personnel; c) the average length of service of the employees of the team. 26 8. Can motivation act in administrative and economic forms: a) no; b) yes? 9. Motivation in terms of the amount of work per hour, the quality of manufactured products - this is motivation: a) by status; b) results. 10. Mark the motives of behavior according to the existing classification: a) conscious; b) altruistic; c) emotional; d) selfish; e) spontaneous. 11. What theories of motivation currently exist: a) procedural; b) procedural; c) meaningful; d) co-integral; e) procedural and procedural; f) procedural and substantive? 12. Are there duplex systems between the control and managed subsystems: a) no; b) yes? 13. Can land be capital: a) yes; b) no? 14. What type of income is received from the use of capital: a) wages; b) profit; c) percentage? 15. What kind of work is characterized by traditions, manufacturability, recommendations: a) innovative; b) regulated? 16. Write down the dependence of the volume of innovative work on the abilities and activity of the employee: f, vα, xa, γ, vβ, xt, xts. 17. The ratio of production volume to costs is called: a) effect; b) efficiency. 18. Mark the features of human capital in contrast to real: a) property rights can be transferred in accordance with the law; b) ownership rights cannot be transferred; c) part of the benefits is lost; d) performance increases. 19. Mark what refers to the intellectual property of a person: a) needlework; b) lecture notes; c) drawing; d) music; e) literary works? 20. Motivation can be: a) social; b) external; c) economic; d) internal; e) material. 27 21. Is it correct to say that motivation based on results is motivation based on the quality of work and its share in the overall result: a) no; b) yes? 22. Is there a ratio of goals and means to achieve them that determine human behavior: a) only in a certain proportion; b) exists; c) does not exist? 23. Can economic systems include managing and managed subsystems: a) no; b) yes? 24. Are labor productivity and labor standards included in the manager's performance system: a) yes; b) no? Conclusion The production of goods and services involves the use of various resources. The success of production and its final result depend on how efficiently these resources are used. The theoretical material worked out in practice and assimilated allows us to make sure that one of the most important types of resources is labor, classified into groups with specific quantitative characteristics. Labor efficiency as a socio-economic category is determined by the activity of investment in all its areas. The most significant direction of investment for the national economy is education, which largely determines the level of a person's intellectual capital. Investment is directly related to the motivation of employees and manifests itself through both internal and external factors. The mechanism of the influence of motivation factors on the result of production is visible in the scheme of the economic system of production management (see Fig. 1). Theme 4. ORGANIZATION OF WORK PROCESSES One thing, constantly and strictly performed, streamlines everything else in life, everything revolves around it. E. Delacroix Introduction The division (differentiation) of labor activity makes it possible to specialize labor, improve the quality of work performed, reduce production costs, and ultimately increase the competitiveness of an enterprise, industry, and state. The specialization of labor is organically linked with the cooperation of labor, when several specialized organizations produce one type of product or a limited number of types of products. The positive dynamics of the results of labor differentiation also has a certain limit. Workers who constantly perform a monotonous range of work quickly get tired and are constantly under the yoke of psychological stress. Specialization implies the provision of the necessary working conditions, the existence of a progressive regulatory framework and methods of labor rationing. Topic content: division (specialization) of labor and types of production processes; the structure of production operations, the system of norms and labor standards; optimization of rationing of labor costs. Normalization methods. The objectives of the study of the topic: knowledge of the existing principles for the formation of spheres and branches of the national economy, the reasons and methods for carrying out functional and technological specialization, familiarization with legislative acts regulating working conditions; mastering the economic efficiency of structuring production operations; familiarization with the existing system of calculating working hours, which is the basis for payroll, and understanding that the costs of working hours for performing operations are optimized by rationing methods. Division (specialization) of labor and types of production processes Economic systems are based on the division of labor, i.e. on the relative delineation of activities that occurs in the national economy: by areas of management (general division of labor) - industry, agriculture, transport, communications; by industry (single division of labor) - mining, manufacturing; by organizations (private division of labor) - functional division of labor: managers, specialists (engineers, economists, lawyers, etc.), workers, students; technological division of labor due to the allocation of stages of the production process and types of work (casting, stamping, welding, etc.); the substantive division of labor involves specialization in the manufacture of certain types of products (products, assemblies, parts). 29 On the basis of the division of labor, professions are formed as a set of knowledge and skills necessary to perform a certain type of work. The qualification division of labor is determined by the complexity of the work performed under the tariff system (in a number of countries tariff scales with 17-25 categories are used). The level of specialization is characterized by boundaries: technical (capabilities of equipment, tools, accessories, requirements for consumer qualities of products); psychological (capabilities of the human body); social (requirements for the content of labor, its diversity); economic (the impact of the division of labor on the economic results of production, in particular on the total costs of labor and material resources). The division of labor presupposes cooperation. It is carried out at all levels: from the workplace to the country's economy and the world economy as a whole. Under the cooperation of production, it is customary to understand the process of integrating enterprises for the production of a common target final product. At the heart of the production of any organization is the production process - the process of converting raw materials into finished products. Production processes are classified: into the main ones (manufacturing of final products); auxiliary (ensuring the continuity and rhythm of production); technological (targeted change in the form, composition and structure of objects of labor); labor (consecutive stages of production with human participation). Production processes take place in certain working conditions. Working conditions are a characteristic of the production environment (its physical state) that surrounds the worker and physically affects his body. The production environment is characterized mainly by sanitary and hygienic parameters (temperature, humidity, noise). The main documents regulating working conditions are sanitary norms and rules, GOSTs, safety and labor protection requirements. Labor processes are characterized by the intensity of labor, i.e. the amount of labor expended per unit of time. The intensity of labor is described by the following indicators: the pace of labor, the efforts of the employee, the number of jobs (objects) serviced, sanitary and hygienic working conditions. 30 The structure of production operations, the system of norms and labor standards The main element of the personnel management system is the workplace. This is a part of the production area on which the worker, through the means of labor, purposefully transforms the objects of labor. The production process is divided into operations. This is necessary for planning the number of workers, labor rationing, wages, and accounting for labor costs. An operation is a part of the production process performed by an employee or a group of employees on a specific object of labor at a specific workplace. The number and composition of the operations of the production process are determined by the production technology, the economic purpose of the product, the complexity of the design, the volume of production, and the laboriousness of manufacturing the product. The composition of the operation includes labor reception, labor action, labor movement. A labor technique is a set of labor actions with unchanged objects and means of labor, representing a technologically completed part of an operation (for example, installing a workpiece in a fixture). A labor action is a set of labor movements performed without interruption with unchanged objects and means of labor. The labor movement is a single movement of the working body of a person (arms, legs, body). When calculating labor standards, the costs of working time are established. Tpz - preparatory-final time. It is necessary to prepare for the task and complete it (obtaining tools, fixtures, technical documentation; familiarization with the work and technical documentation; installation of the workpiece; equipment adjustment; delivery of documentation, tools after the work has been completed). Top - operational time spent on changing the object of labor and auxiliary actions necessary to change the objects of labor. Operational time includes the main (technological) tо, necessary to change the object of labor, and auxiliary tв, spent on installing, loading objects of labor, etc. Tob - time of service of the workplace. It includes the time of technical maintenance tt and organizational maintenance tо (layout and collection of tools). Totl - time for rest and personal needs. Ttp - time for technological breaks provided for by the technological process. 31 The costs of working time are divided into standardized (main, auxiliary time, time for servicing the workplace, time for rest and personal needs, regulated breaks, preparatory-final time) and non-standardized (not provided for by the charter of the organization). The sum of the cost of working time, calculated per unit of production, is called piece-calculation time (tsht-k): tsht-k \u003d tsht + Tpz / p \u003d tо + tv + Tob + Totl + Ttp + Tpz, where n is the size of the batch of parts, T pz \u003d T pz n. Currently, the enterprises have formed a unified system of labor standards, including norms of time, output, service, number, manageability; standardized tasks. All norms of time are established on the basis of the necessary expenditure of working time for the implementation of production processes. The system of norms for the cost of working time presupposes the existence of normative materials on labor, which serve to establish norms for labor costs and reflect the relationship between the necessary labor costs and the factors influencing them. Regulatory materials consist of unified (standard) norms and standards, which include standards for equipment operation modes, time standards, and population standards. Optimization of labor costs rationing. Methods of rationing The norms of labor costs are determined taking into account a complex of factors: technological, organizational, economic, psychological, social. Hence, there is a multivariance in the choice of labor standards. These norms may differ in the value of the norm according to the variants. The validity of the value of the norm (in particular, the norm of time) is determined by the validity of each element of this norm, for example, the main time should correspond to the optimal processing mode; auxiliary - optimal methods of work, maintenance of the workplace and preparatory and final time - the optimal system for servicing workplaces and the optimal mode of work and rest. In all cases of optimizing labor costs, the optimal criterion is the minimum total labor costs to obtain a given production result. The determination of the minimum total labor costs is carried out with the help of labor cost rationing methods (analysis of the labor process, design of rational technology and organization of labor, calculation of norms). Depending on the nature of the normalized work, a specific method is also chosen. According to the specifics of the content, the methods are classified into analytical (analysis of a specific process, differentiation of the process into elements, design of rational modes of operation of equipment, organization of work of workers, establishment of labor standards for operations) and summary methods, which involve the establishment of a norm without differentiation of the process into elements and the design of a rational organization of labor (based on the experience of the rater or statistical data). The norms established with the help of summary methods are called experimental-statistical. They are slow, but not accurate. Better norms are obtained as a result of analytical methods. Exercises A practical lesson on the topic (4 hours) involves the consideration, repetition and creative discussion of the lecture material and the solution of a group of problems. Objectives 1. Four determinants influence the productivity of the work area. The impact is quantified by three experts. Evaluation results: 9 8 7 6 10 12 1 5 14 7 6 7 Using the expert method, build a model using this matrix and determine the level of reliability of the coefficient of consistency of expert assessments, build a graph and a ranking series. 2. There are three determining factors that affect the productivity of the work area. The quantitative value of the influence of factors is determined by four experts. Evaluation results: 1 2 3 3 7 5 6 3 19 7 6 5 Using the expert method, determine the level of reliability of the coefficient of consistency of experts' assessments according to the model of this matrix and build a graph and a ranking series. 3. Labor productivity in the base period was 25 units/hour, in the planned period - 28 units/hour. How will the number of employees change in the planning period if it was 356 people in the base period? 33 4. Determine the productivity of labor in the planning and reporting year and the growth in labor productivity according to the plan, if the volume of production of marketable products in the workshop amounted to 120 thousand CU in the reporting year, and 142 thousand CU in the planned year. The average number of employees in the reporting year was 321 people, and in the planned year it increased by 15 people. 5. Determine the growth of labor productivity (%). In the reporting period, the shop produced marketable products in the amount of CU 6.2 million. with the number of employees 1800 people, and in the planned period, it is planned to release products in the amount of 6944 thousand cu. with the number of employees 1872 people. The tests below can be used as a cross-sectional test with a rating offset. 1. Mark the correct answer. The division of labor is: a) differentiation of labor; b) formation of enterprises; c) specialization of labor; d) division of labor on a technological basis? 2. In the list of objects, select those that relate to the general division of labor: a) the extractive industry; b) transport; c) organization. 3. In the list of objects, select those that relate to the individual division of labor: a) agriculture; b) manufacturing industry; c) electric power industry; d) shipbuilding industry. 4. Is the statement correct that foundry, stamping, welding production are related to the technological division of labor: a) yes; b) no? 5. In the list of objects, select those that relate to the private division of labor: a) VlGU; b) tractor plant; c) cheese production. 6. Mark the correct answer. The allocation of groups of specialists, students, workers and managers is: a) the functional division of labor; b) technological; c) substantive division of labor. 7. Is it possible to attribute components, parts, assemblies to the technological division of labor: a) yes; b) no? 34 8. Mark the correct answer. The totality of knowledge and skills necessary to perform a certain type of work is: a) a profession; b) specialty. 9. Note what the phrase "production process" implies: a) the creation of working conditions; b) the result of labor; c) execution of operations. 10. What is the relationship between the specialization of labor and cooperation: a) social; b) production; c) general; d) single? eleven. Note how the working conditions at the workplace can be characterized by: a) assembly of small parts; b) daylight; c) the right choice of tools; d) instructions of the site foreman. 12. Is it correct that the workplace is a part of the production area, where, according to the scientific organization of labor, equipment, tools and objects of labor are located in the correct sequence: a) yes; b) no? 13. What sequence in the performance of the operation will be correct: a) operation - reception - action - movement; b) movement - action - reception - operation? 14. What type of expenditure of working time does auxiliary time belong to: a) Tpz; b) Top; c) Tob; d) Totl; e) Ttp? 15. Are labor standards an integral part of labor standards: a) no; b) yes? 16. What is decisive in optimizing labor costs: a) product quality standard; b) a given volume of production; c) the lowest total labor costs; d) comfortable working conditions? 17. Whether such components of labor processes as the intensity of labor of workers, overfulfillment of production standards, shift work, regime work hours are subject to research: a) no; b) yes? 18. As you know, the first task of the study of labor processes is to determine the actual costs of working time. For what purpose is this done: a) to analyze the existing organization of labor; b) analyze the quality of norms and standards; c) develop standards for the maintenance of the workplace? 35 19. Is the statement correct that the expenditure of working time on actions, movements and operations can be determined using a photograph of working time: a) yes; b) no? Conclusion At the heart of effective human activity is the division of labor, which involves specialization in a certain narrow direction. So, for process control and maintenance of equipment that uses (generating, converting) electricity, electricians specialize; in agricultural production, vegetable growers, livestock breeders, etc. are distinguished. Having mastered the material of this topic, the student is convinced that specialized and narrowly focused labor is more economically efficient. At a certain level of specialization, the economic effect decreases. The process of specialization of labor is always associated with the cooperation of labor, i.e. with the formation of an extensive economic system for the joint production of one type of product or a limited number of types of products by several enterprises. Topic 5. RESEARCH OF LABOR PROCESSES AND COSTS OF WORKING TIME A person is characterized not only by what she does, but also by how she does it. F. Engels Introduction Knowledge of labor processes in order to increase the efficiency of labor of production workers is realized through the study of these processes. It consists in the essential representation of concepts, their connections and the analysis of the patterns of manifestation of the elements of the labor process. The study presupposes the existence of specific methods (methods) of cognition of labor processes, taking into account the amount of work, the location of jobs, the duration and objectives of the study. Based on the results, labor costs for the implementation of various elements and stages of the production process are established. Labor standards and norms are interconnected, have a certain dependence and form a normative economic system of labor processes. 36 Contents of the topic: research methods and their characteristics; structure of standards and stages of their development; normative dependences and methods of their establishment. The objectives of the study of the topic: to familiarize students with the available methods for studying the elements of labor costs of labor processes; formation of a holistic view of the economic significance of the development of progressive labor standards to improve the efficiency of production processes. Research methods and their characteristics The study of the labor process and the cost of working time involves the analysis of all the characteristics of the labor process and factors that determine labor costs. The following components of labor processes are subject to research: equipment parameters, compliance of equipment with the work performed and economic requirements, professional, psychophysiological and social characteristics of workers, working conditions, technology used, organization of the workplace, etc. In the study of labor processes, two main tasks are solved: the actual costs of working time to perform the elements of the operation, the establishment of the structure of time costs throughout the work shift or part of the shift. The solution of the first task allows you to develop time standards, choose rational labor methods, establish the components of labor standards, analyze the quality of norms and standards; the solution of the second task is to develop standards for the maintenance time of the workplace, preparatory and final time, evaluate the efficiency of the use of working time, analyze the existing organization of labor and production. The methods used in the study of the cost of working time are classified according to the following criteria: the purpose of the study, the number of observed objects, the method of conducting the observation, the method of fixing the results of the observation, etc. In accordance with the purpose of observation, the following methods are distinguished: timing (carried out to analyze the methods of labor and determine the duration of the elements of the operation); photograph of working time ((FRV), is performed to establish the structure of the cost of working time throughout the work shift or part of it); photochronometry (produced 37 to simultaneously determine the structure of time costs and the duration of individual elements of the production operation). According to the number of objects under study, observation methods are distinguished: individual (for one employee); group (for several employees); route (behind a moving object or objects located at a considerable distance). Depending on the objectives of the study, various approaches are used when using the listed methods. Timing can be continuous, selective, cyclic. A photograph of working time is distinguished by the observed objects, methods of conducting and processing observations. Depending on the goals of the analysis of the labor process, various technical means are used: stopwatches, chronoscopes, movie cameras, television cameras, etc. All methods of studying the cost of working time include the following steps: 1) preparation for observation; 2) conducting observation; 3) data processing; 4) analysis of the results of observations; 5) preparation of proposals for improving the organization of labor. The structure of standards and the stages of their development The content of production processes varies significantly in terms of the characteristics of manufactured products, the materials used, equipment, technology, the scale of production, the degree of development of production, working conditions and other parameters, therefore, to calculate the standards, it is necessary to use standards (systems of standards). Standards can be set for all structural elements of the production of products. Thus, standards have been developed for surface treatment of a part, assembling units and machines, standards for various types of work, for the product as a whole. The system of standards is a multi-level system in which the aggregated standards can be obtained by aggregating (aggregating) the standards of the lower levels. So, from the standards for labor actions, standards for labor methods can be obtained. The systems of standards for various types of work must have unity (comparability), which is ensured in the following areas: comparability for individual elements of production processes and products; type of production; factors that determine the amount of necessary labor costs; pace and intensity of work. Labor cost standards must meet the following requirements: provide the necessary accuracy of the standards; take into account the conditions for the performance of standardized work. The standards should be “convenient” to use (both in “manual” calculations and with the help of computer technology). Regulatory dependencies are drawn up in the form of tables and nomograms, from which collections of standards are made. They include: description of works; conditions for their implementation; guidelines for the calculation of norms. Regulatory Dependencies and Methods for Their Establishment To establish standards, it is important to determine their dependence on various factors. To do this, it is necessary, first, to determine the composition of factors-conditions and factors-arguments. Factors-conditions in the derivation of normative dependencies remain unchanged. For factor-arguments, values ​​are chosen at which the standard labor costs corresponding to them are established. Secondly, they perform calculations of labor costs for the selected factors-arguments (hereinafter factors). Thirdly, on the basis of the data obtained, the ratio between the factors and the values ​​of standard labor costs is established. The choice of factors is important. For example, the time standards for the (main) processing of a part on lathes depend on the cutting mode, diameter, length of the workpiece, etc. Regulatory dependencies are mostly multifactorial. Their establishment is possible on the basis of two approaches. According to the first approach, each factor is used in isolation, while the others are constant. According to the second approach, all factors vary (change) simultaneously. To establish the parameters of multifactor dependence, it is advisable to apply a correlation-regression analysis. The general scheme of calculations using this method is as follows. 1. Factors are selected that are interconnected by a dependence that is quite remote from the functional one. 2. The regression coefficients are determined as a result of solving a system of linear equations compiled on the basis of the least squares method. 3. The adequacy of the regression equations is achieved using the Fisher criterion: δ F= 2 , δ rest 39 where δ2 is the total variance of the observation results, δ2 rest is the residual variance of the observation results. 4. Assess the significance of the influence of qualitative factors of production using analysis of variance. 5. Assess the significance of quantitative factors and determine the t-test for regression coefficients, multiple correlation coefficient, residual variance, average relative approximation error. The standards are classified into differentiated (set on labor movements, actions, techniques and are used mainly in mass production) and enlarged (usually set per unit size of the machined surface, technological transition, surface of a part processed in several transitions). Exercises A practical lesson on the topic (4 hours) involves the consideration, repetition and creative discussion of the lecture material and the solution of a group of problems. Students may be asked the following questions on the material of the topic. 1. What are the elements of the workflow and what does their use involve? 2. What are the challenges in the study of the elements of labor processes and what allows you to solve these problems? 3. List the methods for researching the cost of working time and give them an organizational and economic description. 4. List and classify technical means of measurement according to the methods of researching labor costs. 5. What does the concept of "structure of standards" include? 6. What requirements must meet the standards of labor costs? 7. Why is it important to establish the dependence of standards on various factors of the production process? 8. What do the concepts "factor-condition", "factor-argument" mean and is there a relationship between them? 9. In what cases is correlation-regression analysis used in the study of labor processes? 10. What elements of labor processes are subject to differentiated and enlarged standards? 40 Tasks 1. Determine the planned number of basic pieceworkers on the site. The annual output of parts B is 150 thousand pieces. The complexity of manufacturing the part for all operations of the technological process tizd = 0.81 standard hours. The effective working time fund is 1842 hours, the coefficient of fulfillment of the norm Kvn = 1.2. 2. Calculate the number of auxiliary workers: equipment adjusters and equipment repairmen. There are 40 machines on the site, which are operated in two shifts. The service rate for one adjuster is 12 machines, for one locksmith - 495 rubles. The average complexity of the repair is 15 rubles. 3. Calculate the number and wage bill of auxiliary workers of the workshop who are on time wages. The shop works in two shifts. The number of machine tools is 92, the number of main workers is 138 people. The effective working time fund is 1842 hours. The coefficient taking into account absenteeism for good reasons is 1.1. The average complexity of the repair is 12 rubles. Specialty of the worker Equipment adjuster Equipment repairman Service rate 13* 495* Hourly tariff rate, c.u. 0.72 0.601 * Units of measurement of the service rate: for the equipment adjuster - machines / adjuster; equipment repairman - r.e./mechanic. 4. Calculate the number and wage bill of auxiliary workers in the workshop who are on time wages. The shop works in two shifts. The number of machines is 84, the number of main workers is 132 people. The effective working time fund is 1860 hours. The coefficient taking into account absenteeism for good reasons is 1.2. The average complexity of the repair is 15 rubles. Norm Hourly tariff Specialty of worker service Rate, c.u. Machine operator repairing tools70* 0.585 Equipment repairman 510 0.584 * Unit of measurement – ​​unit. equipment/machinist. 5. Determine the annual payroll of pieceworkers of the site. The bonus from the payroll fund and additional payments are 23% of the tariff wage. Additional salary - 11% of the basic salary. Bonuses from the material incentive fund amount to 13% of the annual tariff salary. The annual output of products is 245 thousand pieces. Operation Turning Milling Norm of time for processing a part, min 2.71 5.3 Hourly tariff rate, c.u. 0.539 0.581 Conclusion The optimal result of any labor process can only be achieved through progressive methods of labor regulation and the use of technical measurement tools. Various elements of the labor of labor processes, depending on the requirements, are studied by various methods: timing, photo timing, photography of working time, the method of momentary observations. It is important in studying this topic to grasp the importance of normative dependence in the economics of production processes. Topic 6. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Labor is a necessary condition for human life, and labor also benefits a person. L.N. Tolstoy Introduction Human (labor) resource management is one of the most important areas of the national economic system. It has a cross-cutting character: from world-class organizations (ILO - International Labor Organization) to almost every enterprise in a single country. Taking into account the peculiarities of management, each country has its own national labor resources management system. The state management system develops directive documents and forms the principles of organization and use of labor resources. In market conditions, labor resources are a commodity with all the classic features and characteristics. Human resource management is characterized by specific principles. Topic content: structure of control systems; labor market, dynamics of productivity and wages; 42 principles for improving human resource management. The objectives of the study of the topic: familiarization with the existing system of labor resources management at various levels: international, country, enterprise; with the existing legislative system (legal and by-laws) in the sphere of labor at the level of the Russian Federation, region, city; knowledge of the existing rules, principles, conditions and conjuncture of the labor market. The structure of management systems Human resource management is end-to-end from world-class organizations to enterprise divisions. At the global level, the International Labor Organization (ILO) develops recommendations for the management of work. It has its representative offices in many states, including Russia. Each country has a system of state bodies for labor, employment and social policy (in Russia - the Ministry of Health and Social Development, the Federal Employment Service). State bodies develop regulations: on working conditions at all enterprises; correlations in wages at enterprises and institutions; employment management; pension provision; assistance to the unemployed, the disabled and the low-income; organization of relations between employers and employees. At the enterprise level, human resource management systems depend on its size, products, qualifications of managers, traditions and other factors. The management system includes structural divisions: personnel department, labor and wages department, personnel training department, etc. The departments report to a specific deputy director according to their profile. In economically developed countries, firms have a single human resource management service. At enterprises, the basis for regulating social and labor relations is a collective agreement, which is concluded for a period of one to three years between employers and employees. In this context, management should be understood as a continuous process of influencing the object of management (personality, team, enterprise, industry, state) to achieve optimal results with the least amount of time and resources. 43 Human resource management, otherwise personnel management, includes a number of professionally specific activities: personnel planning (staffing and staffing costs assessment); selection and hiring of personnel, actions for its adaptation in the workplace; vocational training and advanced training; formation of a career advancement system; dismissal of staff. Each of the listed works is considered as a set of successive interrelated stages. For example, work on the selection of personnel includes the following stages: analysis of the needs of production in personnel; determination of requirements, terms and conditions of employment; determination of the main sources of labor resources; selection of recruitment methods; introduction to the position and actions to adapt the employee in the team. Labor Market, Dynamics of Productivity and Wages The labor market is a part of the system of economic resources market. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the features of labor that distinguish it from other economic resources. These include: psychological, social and political aspects. The labor market is a mechanism for coordinating the interests of employees and employers, as well as the state. In the classical view, the labor market performs the following main functions: intermediary (directly connects the employer with the employee and allows them to communicate on prices, supply and demand, purchase and sale); pricing (forms labor prices); informing (informs employers about the state of the economy); regulating (carries out the distribution of the labor force by industry and region); stimulating (encourages employees to look for higher-paid jobs, and the employer to more efficient use of labor force); optimizing (allows ultimately to increase the efficiency of the economic mechanism). The market regulates the demand and supply of labor. According to the classical theory, the point of intersection of supply and demand curves (“Marshall's cross”) determines the price of labor (wage level) and the number of employees. There are primary and secondary labor markets. The primary market is formed by the most attractive types of work, those that provide stable employment, high wages, and opportunities for professional growth. The secondary market is filled with jobs where there is no job security, low wages, and limited prospects for professional growth. The division into secondary and primary markets is due to differences in qualifications; technical and organizational level of enterprises; discrimination based on gender, age and other indicators. National labor markets are formed under the influence of traditions, levels of technical development, the quality of life of the population and other factors. Important characteristics of the labor market include indicators of elasticity, which determine the degree of influence of socio-economic factors on changes in labor supply and demand. In particular, the coefficient of elasticity of demand for the price of labor shows by how many percent employment (the number of employees) decreases with an increase in wages by 1%. Unemployment occupies a special place in human resource management systems. The unemployed are persons who, according to the current legislation, can be hired and are actively looking for it. To obtain the status of unemployed, the following is required: registration with the employment service; active job search; lack of other sources of income; cooperation with the employment service, implementation of its recommendations. The unemployment rate is measured by the ratio of the number of persons with the status of the unemployed to the economically active population: N Ub = b ⋅ 100%. CEA The natural rate of unemployment in developed countries is 4-6% (Japan - 1.2%, Italy - 12%). During the years of the crisis (30s of the 20th century), unemployment in the USA and Western countries was 25–32%. The natural level is the normal level for a given country, which persists over a long period of time. It is calculated as the sum of frictional and structural unemployment. There are the following types of unemployment: frictional (associated with a change in place of work or place of residence); seasonal (due to seasonal fluctuations in demand for labor); structural (when structural shifts occur in the country's economy (defense production is oriented towards social development)); cyclical (takes place during a decline in production due to overproduction of products, etc.); hidden (determined by the number of employees who are formally considered employed, but do not perform a significant amount of work). 45 Employment management is one of the most important functions of economists. The Federal Employment Service is directly involved in this. A lot of work is done by regional and local employment services. It is customary to distinguish between two types of employment policy: passive (the main role is played by the state, it seeks to preserve jobs, maintain demand for products, and pay benefits to the unemployed); active (the main role is played by the person himself). Such a division is rather conditional. The processes of the dynamics of labor productivity and wages at enterprises are controlled by the collectives of these enterprises. The growth rate of wages and the well-being of the population in a normally functioning economy correspond to the growth rate of labor productivity. In practice, productivity rises to the extent that resource expenditure rates decrease. For labor standards, this means that in a rationally organized production, the coefficient of performance of production standards should not tend to increase. In Russia, this is not observed. Productivity growth is realized through changing norms and actual resource costs. There is no upward trend in the coefficient of performance of labor standards. Principles of improving the management of labor resources Modern production is characterized by high dynamism. The range of products, equipment and technology are constantly updated. Under these conditions, the theory of organizational change management has emerged and is rapidly developing. Elements of this theory are considered by R. Kruger. He distinguishes the following types of transformations in the organization of production. Restructuring - change of organizational structures, replacement and modernization of equipment. Reorientation - a change in the profile or range of products in accordance with market requirements (conversion of defense enterprises). Update - transformation in the field of leadership styles, behavior of managers (delegation of responsibility, empowerment of structural units and individual employees). Reassessment of values ​​- changes in the value system of the enterprise, its ideology, entrepreneurial culture, the system of social problems. The main problem of transformation is overcoming various barriers that slow down change. Interferences can be internal, related to the structure and personnel, and external, due to the socio-political situation, market conditions and sources of funding. Transformations can be evolutionary (the team is constantly aware of changes and follows them) and revolutionary in nature (implies rapid and radical change). Exercises Practical lesson on the topic (2 hours) involves consideration, repetition and creative discussion of the lecture material and the solution of a group of problems. Tasks 1. Determine the planned number of pieceworkers on the site. The site manufactures shafts. In the planned year, their release is planned in the amount of 198 thousand pieces. The effective working time fund is 1860 hours. The coefficient of fulfillment of the norms Kvn = 1.2. Time norms for operations: milling and centering - 0.939 min, turning - 1.12 min, milling - 1.95 min, knurling - 4.125 min, turning and knurling - 4.523 min. 2. Determine the required number of employees according to the plan, if in the reporting year the company produced standard-net products for 3.2 million units. with a payroll of 1612 employees. In the planned year, the output target is 7810 products with a net product standard of CU 395 per product. Labor productivity increases by 9.1%. 3. Determine the growth in labor productivity (%) if in the base year the shop produced marketable products worth CU 8.1 million. with 805 employees. In the planned year, due to the introduction of technical measures, the number will be reduced by 41 people, and the volume of production will remain at the same level. 4. Determine the annual wage fund and the average monthly wage of pieceworkers in the mechanical section. Bonuses from the payroll fund and additional payments are 20% of the tariff wage. Operation Turning Milling Norm of time for processing a part, min 2.38 8.75 Hourly tariff rates, c.u. 0.758 0.745 Annual output of parts - 131 thousand pieces. Bonuses from the material incentive fund amount to 10% of the annual tariff wages, the average number of workers on the site is 39 people. 47 5. Calculate the total number of employees of the foundry for the planned period. The labor productivity of one employee in the reporting period for marketable products amounted to 3566 CU / person. For the planned period, it is planned to manufacture marketable products in the amount of 7093 thousand CU. with an increase in labor productivity compared to the reporting period by 6.9%. 6. Calculate the wages of a time worker if he worked 22 shifts of 8 hours in a given month. The hourly wage rate for a worker is CU15.8. For the implementation of the plan, he was awarded a bonus in the amount of 12% of the tariff wage. The considered topic according to the curriculum is the final one, and the teacher can conduct a final rating for the studied discipline in the form of testing. 1. Which of the factors affects labor productivity: a) labor intensity; b) the time of release of the part from the machine; c) labor costs for the production of a unit of output; d) rational use of labor resources; e) working time fund? 2. In which of the following cases does the productivity of social labor increase: a) an increase in the fund of the operating time of the main technological equipment; b) outpacing the growth rate of national income compared to the growth rate of the number of employees; c) change in the structure of working time; d) an increase in the average productivity of a piece of equipment; e) reduction of all-day downtime? 3. Which of the indicators reflects the cost of labor productivity: a) the number of products produced per one auxiliary worker; b) the time spent on the production of a unit of output; c) the cost of manufactured products per unit of equipment; d) the cost of manufactured products per one average employee; e) the cost of materials per worker? 4. Which of the indicators reflects labor productivity: a) machine tool space; b) laboriousness; c) material consumption; d) capital intensity; e) energy intensity? 48 5. Which of the concepts characterizes the production: a) the amount of products produced on average on one machine; b) the cost of manufactured products per one average employee; c) time for the production of the planned volume of products; d) product range; e) the cost of the main product per worker? 6. Which of the following potential opportunities relate to national economic reserves for increasing labor productivity: a) the creation of new tools and objects of labor; b) specialization of labor; c) cooperation; d) efficient use of labor tools; e) reduction of labor costs for the production of a unit of output? 7. Which of the following possibilities relate to industry reserves: a) the creation of new tools and objects of labor; b) specialization; c) rational distribution of production; d) efficient use of labor tools; e) reduction of labor costs for the production of a unit of output? 8. Which of the following potential opportunities relate to intra-production reserves for increasing labor productivity: a) the creation of new tools and objects of labor; b) specialization; c) cooperation; d) rational distribution of production; e) efficient use of tools? 9. Which of the conditions characterizes the quantitative reserves for increasing labor productivity: a) reducing the labor intensity of manufacturing a product; b) increasing the share of skilled workers; c) an increase in the number of manufactured parts per unit of time; d) reduction of loss of working time; e) an increase in the equipment fleet? 10. Which of the characteristics reflects the total number of laid-off workers: a) increase in labor productivity; b) the amount of savings due to the reduction in the number of employees, calculated for all factors; c) change in the structure of employees; d) reducing the complexity of manufacturing the product; e) an increase in the coefficient of compliance with the norms? 11. Mark the correct answer. The division of labor is: a) differentiation of labor; b) formation of enterprises; c) specialization of labor; d) division of labor on a technological basis? 49 12. In the list of objects, select those that relate to the general division of labor: a) the extractive industry; b) transport; c) organization. 13. In the list of objects, select those that relate to the individual division of labor: a) agriculture; b) manufacturing industry; c) electric power industry; d) shipbuilding industry. 14. Is it correct to say that foundry, stamping, welding production are related to the technological division of labor: a) yes; b) no? 15. In the list of objects, select those that relate to the private division of labor: a) VlSU; b) tractor plant; c) cheese production. 16. Mark the correct answer. The allocation of groups of specialists, students, workers and managers is: a) the functional division of labor; b) technological division of labor; c) substantive division of labor. 17. Is it possible to attribute components, parts, assemblies to the technological division of labor: a) yes; b) no? 18. Mark the correct answer. The totality of knowledge and skills necessary to perform a certain type of work is: a) a profession; b) specialty. 19. Note what the phrase "production process" implies: a) the creation of working conditions; b) the result of labor; c) execution of operations. 20. What is the relationship between the specialization of labor and cooperation: a) social; b) production; c) general; d) single? 21. Note what the working conditions in the workplace can be characterized by: a) assembly of small parts; b) daylight; c) the right choice of tools; d) instructions of the site foreman? 22. Is the following definition correct? The workplace is a part of the production area, where, according to the scientific organization of labor, equipment, tools and objects of labor are located in the correct sequence: a) yes; b) no. 50 23. What sequence in the performance of the operation will be correct: a) operation - reception - action - movement; b) movement - action - reception - operation? 24. What type of working time costs does auxiliary time belong to: a) Tpz; b) Top; c) Tob; d) Totl; e) Ttp? 25. Are labor standards an integral part of labor standards: a) no; b) yes? 26. What is decisive in optimizing labor costs: a) product quality standard; b) a given volume of production; c) the lowest total labor costs; d) comfortable working conditions? 27. Whether such components of labor processes as the intensity of labor of workers, overfulfillment of production standards, shifts of work, regime work hours are subject to research: a) no; b) yes? 28. As you know, the first task of the study of labor processes is to determine the actual costs of working time. For what purpose is this done: a) to analyze the existing organization of labor; b) analyze the quality of norms and standards; c) develop standards for the maintenance of the workplace? 29. Is the statement correct that the costs of working time for actions, movements and operations can be determined using a photograph of working time: a) yes; b) no? 30. Is there a calculated relationship between factors-conditions and factors-arguments: a) no; b) yes? Conclusion Labor as a socio-economic concept in world practice occupies an important place, which explains the functioning of the world labor organization system, which includes state labor organization systems as substructures. The market mechanism of labor involves primary and secondary markets, depending on the complexity of production and the needs of the employer. There is competition in the labor market and various types of unemployment, the level of which is regulated by the state, taking into account the principles of labor resources management. 51 Additional topics in the discipline "Economics and sociology of labor" The following topics can be considered within the framework of the training course at the discretion of the teacher and the choice of students. Topic 1. OPTIMIZATION OF WORK PROCESSES AND INCOME DISTRIBUTION Introduction Optimization is the process of finding the best solution from the available alternatives. At the same time, it is carried out in economic situations in which processes can be expressed mathematically with sufficient accuracy. In the absence of such a possibility, the best option among those considered is selected. The most significant in optimizing the norms are the duration and labor intensity of operations, the number of employees and the number of serviced objects. It should be noted that the duration and laboriousness of operations are closely related and depend on the operating mode of the equipment, labor methods, maintenance of workplaces, work and rest modes. These processes and dependencies are seen at an early stage - at the design stage, which should be carried out with strict adherence to existing principles and methodological approaches in production systems. The optimization of labor processes affects the qualitative and quantitative values ​​of labor results, and, accordingly, wages. At the same time, the approach to remuneration is important - according to costs or according to the results of labor, or, which is typical for a market economy, according to the marginal productivity of labor, according to property, ability and position. In fact, the income of workers can be formed from various sources that are associated with specific areas of labor use. The structure of income shows the quantitative value of the elements of income, depending on the efficiency of labor in a particular area of ​​the employee's activity and a certain system of remuneration. Contents of the topic: design of labor processes and tasks of optimizing service standards; principles of formation and analysis of income distribution; income structure of an employee of the organization. Forms and systems of remuneration. 52 The objectives of the study of the topic: the assimilation and awareness of the socio-economic aspect of the concept of "optimization"; studying the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the constituent elements of the labor process, identifying the relationship between the results of labor and the distribution of income. Design of labor processes and tasks of optimizing service standards Previously, we considered the labor standards and standards necessary for the efficient organization of production. An important aspect of the organization of production is the norms that regulate the duration and laboriousness of operations, the number of employees, the number of production facilities they serve. The ratio is established between the norms: H N t \u003d h ⋅ N to, But where Ht is the rate of labor intensity of the operation; Hch - the norm of the number; Ho - service rate; Hdo - the norm of the duration of the operation for the machine, unit. Operation duration norm Hto = Top + Tob + Toex + Ttp + Tpz, where Top is operational time; Tob - time of service of the workplace; Totl - time for rest and personal needs; Ttp is the time of scheduled technological breaks; Tpz - preparatory-final time. The value (Top + Tob + Tol + Ttp) is called piece time tpcs. The composition of operational time can be represented as Top = tо + tvp = tс + tз, where tо is the main time; tvp - auxiliary time; tc - free (machine) time when the machine works without human intervention; tz is the time the worker is busy. The norm of the duration of the operation is currently set based on the following formula: K + K T N to = tsht-k = Top (1 + exc) + pz, 100 n where Tpz is the preparatory and final time for a batch of n products; Boiler, Kob - standards respectively Totl and Tob. Standards Kotl and Kob (%) reflect the share of time Totl and Tob in the structure of Ndo and tsht-k. Returning to the formula for the labor intensity rate (Nt), it should be noted that Ndo is calculated after finding the population rate (Nch) and the service rate (No), since they largely determine the duration of the production process. In the production process, the same elements of operations can be performed in different ways. At the same time, each method will have its own rate of labor costs and the load on the body of the worker, so it is necessary to optimize the process of labor methods when designing production processes. Optimization of labor methods should take into account the restrictions on the types of movements, their trajectory, pace. Labor techniques must be performed at a physiologically optimal pace, which corresponds to the minimum labor costs per unit of work result. The labor intensity rate also implies the determination of the number of personnel (Nh), while there are three approaches: income, the entrepreneur recruits the corresponding number of employees); expert-statistical (based on establishing a statistical relationship between the number of personnel and factors affecting its number; information for calculations is taken from reports on various types of activities); analytical and normative (involves the analysis of a specific process, the design of a rational organization of labor, the regulation of the labor intensity of work for each group of personnel). The number of workers to perform the planned scope of work (attendance) is determined as follows: PkNtki = ChiFi, hence Chi = Pk H tki /Fi, where Pk is the number of units of work of the K-th type for the planned period; Нткi is the norm of labor intensity of a unit of work of the K-th type of workers of the i-th group; Fi is the time fund of one worker of the i-th group in the planning period; Chi is the size of the i-th group. Using the service norms, the number of employees is determined as Chi = Ni / Hoi , where Ni is the number of service objects for the workers of the i-th group, Hoi is the service norm. The design of norms and standards makes it necessary to solve problems of optimizing service standards and numbers. When formatting tasks, it is necessary to determine a set of optimization parameters of the labor process, a system of restrictions on the required production result, working conditions and volumes of resources used, an objective function corresponding to the criterion of minimum total costs of living and materialized labor for a given volume of output. It is possible to set two tasks for optimizing service standards and numbers. The first task is solved during the design and reconstruction of production units, when not only the number and service standards are determined, but also the amount of equipment, raw material reserves necessary to fulfill the production program. The second task is posed in cases where the number of workers is determined under fixed conditions by the number of pieces of equipment and objects of labor. The first task is formatted as follows: S(X)= → min; where Sm(X), Sn(X), So(X) are the costs, respectively, for workers, equipment and stocks of labor objects for the production of products (X). The second task, when the number of equipment and objects of labor is fixed, is formatted as follows: S(X) = Sm(X) – ∑ HchiZi → min, where Hchi is the norm for the number of workers in the i-th group, Zi is the cost per unit of time per worker i -th group. Principles of formation and analysis of income distribution Labor costs imply remuneration, i.e. receiving a part of the created national wealth. At all times, the main criterion for remuneration was work. Despite the simplicity and fairness of distribution according to work, its practical implementation requires answers to the following rather complex questions. What is meant by the costs and results of labor, how to quantify them (especially creative work)? What should be the rate of payment per unit of labor? What should be the optimal level of income differentiation? For a long time, the distribution of wages according to the quantity and quality of labor was interpreted as distribution according to labor. At present, such a distribution is criticized and it is argued that the distribution should be according to the results of labor. These two approaches have both supporters and opponents. The practice of a market economy shows that the principle of distribution according to work is modified into the principle of distribution according to the marginal productivity of labor. This productivity should be determined taking into account situations in the labor markets. In a market economy, there is a distribution of national income according to property (by paying dividends on shares of enterprises). In our economy, the distribution by position is essential (the higher the position, the higher the level of wages). So far, only in a theoretical aspect is it possible to discuss the distribution of abilities. This distribution must also be effected through labor, which is economically difficult to account for, through progressive taxation. In this plane, the so-called intellectual capital, which in the early stages of privatization in our country tried to materialize in the form of equity participation of subjects in production, can also be considered. In a number of countries, income inequality is being compensated by public consumption funds and charitable funds that distribute according to need. There is another way of distribution - with the help of lotteries. However, the classics of economic theory treated them extremely negatively. So, W. Petty noted that lotteries are arranged by those who want to cash in on the use of “human stupidity for their own benefit” (W. Petty W. Economic and statistical works. M., 1940. P. 52). Conditionally, the distribution can also be attributed to the timeliness of remuneration. The timeliness of remuneration is known from the Old Testament, it is emphasized in the documents of the International Labor Organization and in the legislation of all countries. Conducting a statistical analysis of the distribution of income, we can say that the main sources of personal income are labor, entrepreneurial activity, property, state funds, personal subsidiary plots. The structure of income is determined by the state, the economic situation, forms of ownership, and traditions. It characterizes the motives and results of people's work, the relationship between people, the quality of people's lives. Russian state statistics reliably record the following main sources of personal income: wages, social transfers, business income, property income. 56 The structure of the income of an employee of the organization. Forms and systems of remuneration The standard structure of an employee's income can be represented as follows. 1. Tariff rates and salaries. 2. Surcharges for working conditions: a) characteristics of the working environment; b) shift (mode of operation); c) the degree of employment during the shift. 3. Allowances: a) for the result exceeding the norm; b) for personal contribution to efficiency improvement; c) for high quality products. 4. Prizes: a) for the quality and timely completion of the task; b) based on the results of work for the year; c) from the fund of the head of the unit; d) author's remuneration for an invention and rationalization proposal; e) remuneration for active participation in the development of new solutions. 5. Services of the firm to employees (social benefits). 6. Dividends on the shares of the enterprise. Based on the structure of personal income, the organization chooses the form and system of remuneration. The form of wages characterizes the ratio between the costs of working time, productivity, and the amount of earnings. There are piecework, time-based and tariff-free payment systems. The wage system characterizes the relationship of the elements of wages: the tariff part, surcharges, allowances, bonuses. Salaries for specialists and employees are set on the basis of certification, which is carried out at intervals of 1 to 3 years, depending on the employment contract. For managers and specialists, the contract system of remuneration is increasingly used. The duration of the contract is usually 3-5 years. The main sections of the contract: general characteristics of the contract, working conditions, remuneration, social security, contract termination procedure, resolution of disputes, special conditions. Funds for the payment of wages (wage fund) are planned and calculated. They include two types of funds: normative (Fn, calculated on the basis of labor standards, production volume, tariff rate, salary, compensation due to price increases) and incentive (Fp, reflects the efforts of employees to master new equipment, technology, organization labor and production). The normative fund (Fn) is planned using two methods: incremental (based on the base fund and the increase in production volume) and 57 analytical (in turn, it involves the use of two other methods: direct - based on the standards of wage intensity of products, indirect - in proportion to objective characteristics (organizational and technical) production units). Funds for remuneration of service (auxiliary) workers and management personnel are established on the basis of service standards, number, manageability, and labor intensity of the relevant work. The Incentive Fund (Fp) is formed from the actual income received on a residual basis, i.e. from the total amount of distributed income (Dr) subtract the regulatory wage fund (Fn), the technical development fund (Ftr), the social development fund (Fsr), the dividend fund (Fd). After finding the amount of the incentive fund, the incentive funds are determined for the divisions of the organization in accordance with the labor efficiency of their employees. Conclusion The effectiveness and efficiency of an employee's work is laid down at the stage of designing the labor process by establishing labor standards and standards. The productivity and the amount of wages depend on the quality of the worker's work. The income structure of an employee shows which source of income is most productive and where the employee should focus his efforts. Topic 2. FEATURES OF THE ORGANIZATION OF LABOR IN INDUSTRY AND RESEARCH ORGANIZATION Introduction The variety of types of products corresponds to many technological processes that are carried out by various types of means of labor. In accordance with this, a wide variety of approaches to the organization of labor of production workers are used. Labor can be organized taking into account multi-machine maintenance, instrumental and cyclic maintenance, mechanized and automated production. Taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of labor, the work of production workers is also rationed. 58 It is well known that research activities related to creative work are the main driving force behind the development of production. The organization of creative work is exceptionally specific. Specificity applies to the rationing of labor, and to the measurement of its results, and to remuneration for work. The main indicators of the results of creative work are scientific effectiveness and productivity, the scientific status of the researcher. Topic content: types and features of production; forms of labor motivation and selective support schemes for Russian scientists; labor assessment methods. The objectives of the study of the topic: the formation of an idea about the features and merits of α-labor (formal, administrative) and β-labor (creative); mastering the features of the organization, regulation and payment of these types of labor; consideration of the natural and acquired psycho-physiological, spiritual and intellectual abilities of individuals engaged in one or another type of labor. Types and features of production Depending on the economic purpose of the product, its significance for the national economy, various types of production are organized: single, serial, mass. In each of them there are specific features in the organization of production and remuneration of workers. For example, multi-machine maintenance is organized where equipment is installed that operates in a semi-automatic mode, while the worker can control the operation of each object. With this type of production, the following tasks are solved: 1) to find the optimal maintenance rates for machine tools; 2) determine the duration of the manufacturing cycle of a unit of production on a given machine; 3) set the rate of labor intensity of the operation per unit of output. Here it is customary to distinguish between cyclic processes, when a worker serves the machines along the same route, and his actions are repeated. Hardware production assumes that the technological process takes place inside the apparatus (in furnaces, reactors, autoclaves, etc.), where the object of labor is affected by thermal, chemical, electrical and ultrasonic energy. In hardware processes, in contrast to mechanical processes, the geometry and type of the object of labor change. It is customary to distinguish 59 the following types of hardware processes: discrete (intermittently operating devices) - loading, unloading of raw materials, etc.; continuous (devices work for a long time without stopping). Automated production involves a quick update of the range of products. These conditions provide flexible production systems (FMS). The main features of the GPS: workers do not directly affect the object of labor; the number of pieces of equipment exceeds the number of employees serving them; integrated teams are formed to maintain equipment with payment according to the final result. Maintenance systems for equipment and workplaces include the following works: equipment repair; providing production with tools, documentation, materials; quality control; transport and storage works, etc. Service systems are very diverse and specific; irregular repetition; the complexity of accounting for the quantity and quality of labor. Forms of labor motivation and selective support schemes for Russian scientists Science is the defining and driving force behind the development of the national economy. The organization and management of its development differ significantly from the organization and management of production. Among the differences between fundamental research and applied research are: the lack of focus on making a profit or remuneration, the problems of developing fundamental research cannot be solved using market mechanisms; scientists inclined to theoretical research do not have sufficient entrepreneurial abilities; the result of fundamental research after its publication becomes the common property; in the field of fundamental research, patent law does not apply. Science affects the development of society in three areas: the economy, education, and spiritual development. All these areas are interconnected and interdependent. It is customary to distinguish between two main forms of motivation for the work of scientists: according to scientific results and scientific status. Scientific results are evaluated on the basis of publications (articles, books, reports), awards for individual achievements and cycles of work, competition awards, medals of scientific societies, research grants, etc. According to the scientific status 60, the assessment is carried out in accordance with the academic degree, title, membership in scientific societies, position held. In addition, there is selective (selective) support for scientists in Russia. It is carried out from the standpoint of the optimal use of funds allocated for the organization of scientific research. The group of scientists with selective support should include people who are able to generate ideas, have a keen sense of scientific ethics, and the ability to coordinate interests in the scientific team. When selecting university graduates for scientific organizations, various methods are used: tests for determining the level of intelligence - IQ (USA), "theorimum" (L. Landau, Russia). Selective support for scientists in research organizations is determined by the structure of science funding in Russia: science receives 90% of the funds from the state budget, the rest - due to the economic and publishing activities of scientific organizations, from foreign scientific foundations. Significant stabilizing factors in funding scientists are income differentiation and the use of a unified tariff scale (UTS) in research organizations. The tariff rates of junior and senior researchers in the natural sciences are estimated at a ratio of 1: 2.5, and economic sciences - 1: 4. Methods for assessing the work of scientists Methods for assessing the work of scientists cause discussion. Some scientists (Yu.B. Tatarinov and N. Yachiel) recommend distinguishing between the internal and external efficiency of science, as well as effectiveness (qualitative characteristics of labor) and productivity (quantitative characteristics of labor) in the work of researchers (scientists). Quantitative assessment (number and volume of articles, etc.) is now widely used. Performance, it is believed, should reflect the content side of the work, which is evaluated by expert experts. According to the researchers, it is advisable to single out the following main types of publications. A scientific report is a publication about the establishment of connections between phenomena, historical factors, the development of new methods or the application of known methods in new areas. The scientific concept is a new approach to the study of nature, man and society. A monograph is a review of scientific results, their systematic presentation and expression of the author's position. There is also a review, abstract, review of scientific results. 61 Conclusion Types of products and services of production are diverse. They are classified mainly according to the characteristic types of labor (administrative (formal) and creative). Depending on their specifics, equipment and technology for the production of products and services differ. In this regard, there are significant differences in the regulation and remuneration for the work of employees. Topic 3. SOCIAL AND LABOR RELATIONS OF WORKERS OF ORGANIZATIONS Introduction Social orientation is one of the most important aspects of labor efficiency, including industrial relations between the subject of production, the employer, the trade union of workers. The quality of relations between these representatives of production relations determines the result and productivity of their labor (both in general and individually). The efficiency of production involves the participation of workers in the management of production at its various levels. Industrial relations are based on professional ethics, morality and law. The content of the topic is social and labor relations and their characteristics; social partnership; professional ethics. The purpose of studying the topic is to understand the most important aspect of the effectiveness and efficiency of labor processes - their social orientation. Each subject of industrial relations, interacting with others in achieving a common goal, must have certain qualities that are useful when working together in a team. These include communication skills, initiative, activity, adherence to the principles of morality, ethics, professional ethics. Social and labor relations and their characteristics Social and labor relations reflect the economic, psychological and legal aspects of the relationship of individuals and social groups in the processes caused by labor activity. They are considered mainly in the following areas. The first of them is the subjects (individuals and social groups): hired worker - a person who has concluded an employment contract with an employer; employer - a person who employs workers to perform work; trade union - an organization created to protect the socio-economic interests of workers. The main activities of the trade unions are: ensuring the employment of workers, monitoring compliance with the employer's working conditions, remuneration. The state as a subject of relations in market conditions acts as a legislator, defender of the rights of citizens and organizations, employer, mediator and arbitrator in labor disputes. Another direction is the subjects of social and labor relations. They are determined by the goals that people strive for at various stages of their activities. There are three main stages of the human life cycle: from birth to graduation (obtaining education and the problems that arise during this process); the period of labor and / or family activity (relationships of hiring, firing, remuneration, working conditions); post-employment period (pension provision). For each of these stages, the most important problems are employment, labor organization, and wages. The third direction is the types of social and labor relations. They are classified: according to their organizational form - paternalism (“paternal care” on the part of the state or enterprise); partnership (employees, employers and the state are considered as partners in solving economic and social problems); competition (the process of rivalry in achieving certain interests); solidarity (assumes a common responsibility and mutual assistance based on a common interest); discrimination (restriction of the rights of subjects based on arbitrariness); conflict (a form of expression of contradictions in social and labor relations); by the nature of the impact on the results of activities - constructive, contributing to successful activities, and destructive, interfering with successful activities. As a form of social and labor relations, alienation can act - an attitude towards work, which is characterized by a feeling of helplessness and pessimism. Currently, scientific recommendations have been developed to solve the problems of alienation. The most widely used are various forms of participation of workers and employees in the management of property and the distribution of profits. There are the following forms of participation: informing the staff about the economic situation and plans of the organization, participation in decision-making with certain rights; the right to control the activities of the organization; the right to collective management of the enterprise on the principle of "one person - one vote". 63 Social partnership From a philosophical point of view, social partnership is a form of conviction of subjects in the community in order to achieve a common goal without regard to the status of each of them. From a legal point of view, social partnership is a legal form of organizing joint economic activities of several individuals and legal entities. It is an intermediate form between a private, family business and a limited liability company. A partnership is created on the basis of an agreement that regulates the rights and obligations of partners (participation in common expenses, distribution of profits, division of property). For partnerships, simplified rules for the creation, dissolution, and reporting are provided. In a number of countries (Japan, Germany, etc.) attempts are being made to constructively resolve problems between employers and employees. In the regulation of relations between employers (entrepreneurs) and workers, historically, the tasks were to abolish private ownership of the means of production, establish state management of enterprises (Marxists) and coordinate the interests of owners and employees (utopian socialists, liberals). The main idea of ​​social partnership is the sustainable evolutionary development of society, so it is important to determine the conditions under which it can be implemented. These conditions in the 20s. of the last century were expressed by Pitirim Sorokin. He found that the sustainable development of society depends mainly on two parameters: the standard of living of the majority of the population and the degree of income differentiation. The German economists W. Repke, A. Müller-Armak, and L. Erhard had a significant influence on the development of the idea of ​​partnership. They created the concept of combination: competition - economic freedom - the active role of the state in the distribution of income and the organization of the social sphere. This approach created the conditions for a fairly successful development of the societies of a number of states. Professional ethics Ethics is a set of rules for human behavior in society. The basic economic concepts within the theory of ethics were formulated by Aristotle. The relationship between ethics and economics was studied by A. Smith, A. Marshall, M. Weber, S. Bulgakov. In a number of countries, studies have been carried out on quantitative losses in the economy from violations of moral and legal norms. Thus, in the USA these losses are 64 1.5 times higher than defense spending. When determining damage, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that morality, like other characteristics of a person (health, education, intelligence), significantly affects the results of production. It is believed in the world that the main reason for the degradation of the level of morality is the dominant, all-encompassing economic ideology with its cult of competition, self-interest, individualism, and maximizing the consumption of material goods. This conclusion can also be represented graphically. Degradation of the level of morality Decrease in trust Increase in risks Decrease in income and standard of living Decrease in production efficiency Decrease in investments Decrease in deposits Increase in loan fees 2. Trends in the development of the degradation process At the same time, it should be noted that in real life there are mechanisms that, like an "invisible hand", seek to reduce the negative impact of a decrease in the level of morality. Conclusion Each individual throughout the entire working life is faced with a whole block of life-defining problems: employment, organization of work, wages. The successful solution of these problems determines the quality of life of an individual and society as a whole. Participants in the labor process must be convinced of the need for a meaningful community in order to achieve a common goal. The feeling of commonwealth in industrial relations, as world practice shows, is difficult to cultivate in individuals. Losses in the US national economy from the violation of morality and law exceed 1.5 times the cost of defense. 65 CONCLUSION The studied discipline "Economics and sociology of labor" has a dual character. There are different points of view on the methodology of its teaching. One of them points to the need for separate teaching of labor economics and sociology. The other one involves their joint teaching within the framework of one discipline, which is metatheoretical in nature. The author of this course of lectures also agrees with the latter opinion, since these directions have a single (common) source of their origin - human activity. Performing his meaningful and purposeful activity, a person uses the only possible tool to effectively achieve his goal - the methods of economics. Their qualitative use with a certain psychophysiological potential allows a person to successfully solve fundamental problems. The material of the course of lectures includes one of the most important socio-economic topics - needs, which are considered in unity and interdependence with the psychological, sociological, economic and synergistic aspects of labor. Considerable attention is paid to modern problematic areas of labor efficiency of the employee and the team. The issues of ethics, morality, ecology and spirituality discussed directly or indirectly in the course of lectures are important for civilization, since negative processes have become more and more pronounced in society. For modern Russia, the ethical aspects of the socio-economic activity of a person are becoming especially relevant. Labor efficiency factors are considered taking into account the creative and intellectual potential of a person, a team and society as a whole. The connection between labor and the potential of an employee (team) is reflected in a private economic indicator - labor profitability. 66 APPENDIX 67 WORKING PROGRAM Below are the curriculum and thematic plans of the course "Economics and sociology of labor" for the specialty "Applied Informatics in Economics". The discipline is studied in the 3rd semester. Curriculum of the course Type of classes Number of hours 18 16 3 13 Lectures Practical (seminars) Rating-control (number) Credit Thematic plan of the course Theme number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Distribution of hours Ratingpractical control of the entire lecture class Theme name Object, subject and methodology 2 studies disciplines Quality of life, human needs and potential 6 Efficiency and motivation of work Organization of labor processes 8 Research of labor processes and costs of working time Human resource management Total 34 2 – – 4 2 + 2 4 – 4 4 + 4 4 – 2 2 + 18 16 3 METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS Expert method In the conditions of production, situations sometimes arise when it is necessary to determine the values ​​of many factors depending on their rank by one required value in order to distribute funding depending on the rank of the factor. So, for example, a large number of factors affect labor productivity. By distributing them according to the importance of ranks, it is possible to intensify the most significant ones in order to increase labor productivity. For such a situation, the most accessible method of heuristic modeling is the method of expert assessments, which allows using the experience of specialists to obtain quantitative values ​​of the determining factors according to the qualitative characteristics of a multi-parameter object (in this case, the object is labor productivity). Example. Let us assume that labor productivity in a shop is determined by three organizational and technical factors. The quantitative influence of factors is estimated by three experts. Evaluation matrix: 7 3 7 9 3 4 5 1 39 Using the expert method, build a model using this matrix and determine the level of reliability of the coefficient of consistency of expert estimates, build a ranking series of factors. Solution 1. Determine the range of estimates (BR): VR ≥ 2n, where n is the number of determining factors (Χi) with m expert participants (Тj). We accept DO = 1...9; experts - 3 people. 2. We evaluate the determining factors (Χi) in the interval Pij = (1...9). 3. Compile a table of a priori information. Matrix n×m = 3×3. 4. Determine the arithmetic mean of the scores of the determining factors: P = ∑ Pi = (17 + 16 + 9) / 3 = 42/3 = 14.0. ni = 1 6. Calculate the sum of indistinguishable ranks: ∑ T j = T1 + T2 + T 3 = j =1 =0+2 3+0=6. A priori information Expert evaluation 1 2 3 Expert evaluation of factors, score X1 X2 7 9 3 3 7 4 17 16 X3 5 T1 = 0 1 T2 = 2 3 = 6 3 T3 = 0 9 Factor Sum of indistinguishable ranks (Tj) ∑Т j = 6 j =1 69 7. Determine the coefficient of consistency of expert assessments, which can vary from 0 to 1: W= Δ2 38 = = 0.384. m 1 3 1 ⋅ 3 ⋅ 3(3 1) 3 ⋅ 6 nm(n3 1) m ∑ T j 2 2 j =1 8 ): 2 χ = Δ2 n 1 1 ∑ Tj nm(n3 1) 12 n − 1 j =1 = 38 1 1 ⋅ 3 ⋅ 3(33 1) ⋅6 12 3 −1 = 2.3. Three cases are possible: a) χ 2calc< χ 2табл – коэффициент согласованности находится на достаточном уровне достоверности; б) χ2расч = χ2табл – числовое значение коэффициента согласованности находится на границе уровня достоверности; в) χ2расч > χ2table - the numerical value of the coefficient of consistency The ranking value of the factors is not at the proper level of reliability. 9. We build a ranking series according to the importance of factors that determine Х Х Х labor productivity: 1; 2; 3 . 17 16 9 10. Based on the results of the ranking series, we build a graph of the dependence of values. Conclusion. Depending on the significance15 of the presented factors, 5 allocate financial resources 0 X1 X2 X3 for the implementation of the determinants of bots to increase the schedule of determinants of labor productivity of the workshop. 70 Organization of labor The most general indicators of socio-economic processes are the level of labor productivity and its growth rate. Productivity (productivity) of labor is measured by the number of products (pieces, thousand, etc.) manufactured per unit of time (standard hours), this indicator is also called output; or the amount of working time (norm-h) spent on the manufacture of a unit of output - the labor intensity of the product. Labor productivity in production is calculated as follows: V P = , P where V is the number of manufactured products, pieces, thousand, etc.; H - time, standard hours, spent per unit of production. At the same time, the volume of manufactured products B can be expressed in natural (conditionally natural) units (pieces, sets, etc.), in cost units (rubles) and labor costs (standard hour). The value showing the ratio of the level of productivity at the end (PV) and the beginning (Pb) of the period (reporting or planning year to the base year) is called the labor productivity index (I): P I \u003d c. Pb Growth in labor productivity (%) in the planning period compared to the base period: 100P in P = − 100. Pb . In The dependence of the increase in output from the decrease in labor intensity can be calculated as follows: 100 Р 100α α= ; Р= , 100 + Р 100 − α where α is the percentage of labor intensity reduction; P - percentage increase in output (percentage of growth in labor productivity). 71 If labor savings (reduction in the number of employees) are known in absolute numbers, then the percentage of labor productivity growth is determined by the formula .; ΔЧ - reduction (savings) in the number of employees, people. In the opposite situation, if the percentage of growth in labor productivity is known, labor savings RF b K m ΔCh = , 100 + P where Km is the duration of the measures during the year, due to which the savings in the number of employees are achieved (share of the year). Example 1. Determine the average annual uroDano: ven and growth of labor productivity according to the plan. For Wb \u003d 40 thousand pieces. in the reporting year, the shop produced 40 thousand products with BW = 1 thousand people. the average number of employees 1 thousand people. Vv \u003d 2 Wb, thousand pieces. In the planned year, an increase in NW = NW +0.5 thousand people is envisaged. the volume of manufactured products is doubled, and the number of workers Determine: Pv and P melting - by 0.5 thousand people. Decision 1. Determine labor productivity in the reporting year (Pb): Pb = Wb / Chb; Pb \u003d 40 / 1 \u003d 40 pcs. 2. We establish the volume of output of products and the number of employees in the planned year: Вв \u003d 40 2 \u003d 80 thousand pieces; Nv \u003d 1 + 0.5 \u003d 1.5 thousand people. 3. We determine labor productivity in the planned year: Pv = Vv / Chv = = 80 / 1.5 = 53 pcs. / person 4. We calculate the percentage of productivity growth in the planned year ⎛ 53 ⎞ in relation to the reporting year: Р = ⎜ ⋅100 ⎟ − 100 = 32.5%. ⎝ 40 ⎠ Example 2. Determine the growth of the manufacturer. It took 24 minutes (T1) to process the part up to T2 = 20 min during the implementation of the rationalization proposal. Determine: α and P. After implementation, the time limit was 20 minutes (T2). 72 Solution 1. We determine the reduction in the labor intensity of processing the part: 20 α = (1 −) ⋅ 100 = 16.7%. 24 2. Calculate the growth of labor productivity: 100 α 16.7 ⋅ 100 Р= = = 20.05%. 100 − α 100 − 16.7 Planning to increase labor productivity To determine the growth in labor productivity in the planned year (%), the following is calculated: ., rub./person; b) reduction (savings) in the number of employees (ΔChz) based on the task of increasing labor productivity in the planned year (Pz) in accordance with the development of production: Pz ΔChz = Chb; 100 + Rz c) reduction (savings) in the number of employees due to organizational and technical measures (Ch pl elev); d) the ratio of the planned savings in the number of employees and the actual savings in the number of employees: (ΔЧ pl otm /ΔЧз)≥1; e) growth in labor productivity in the planned year (%): Р= 100ΔЧ pl otm Chb Ch pl P pl or Р = 100 Pb pl 100, pl − ΔH otl. Planning the number of employees in the workshop (on the site) It is customary to distinguish between calendar (Fk), nominal (Fн) and effective (Fe), or estimated annual funds of work time. Calendar annual fund of time Fk = 24 h 365 days. = 8760 hours. The nominal annual fund of time Fн is the number of working hours per year in accordance with the operating mode of the enterprise (without taking into account the loss of working time within the limits of the current legislation). The effective (calculated) annual fund of time Fe is the nominal fund of time minus the inevitable 73 losses. Losses include: annual leave, study leave, sickness, maternity leave and other absences permitted by law. The total number of working shops for the planned period Q Ch pl, total = P b (1 + Rz / 100) where Q is the volume of marketable products for the planned period; Pb - labor productivity for marketable products in the base period; Pz is the growth of labor productivity according to the production task, %. The number of pieceworkers on the main jobs B t H sd \u003d pl ed, Fe K vn where Vpl is the planned volume of production of products, pieces; tizd is the labor intensity of manufacturing a unit of a product, standard hours; Kvn - planned coefficient for the implementation of standards. Example 1. Determine productivity growth Given: Pb = CU 2800/person. labor (%) for the planned year (P). Labor productivity pl B = CU 1.4 million in the base period was CU 2800/person. The volume of production in the planned period will be 1.4 million CU, and the number of PL otm = 40 people. the laziness of those working in the workshop due to the introduction of an organization Define: Rational and technical measures will be reduced by 40 people. Decision pl 1. Determine the number of employees in the planned year (H) for the production of the base year: Vpl 1400000 H = = = 500 people. Pb 2800 2. The growth of labor productivity in the planned period 100ΔCh pl otm = 40 ⋅ 100 = 8.7%. P = N b - ΔN pl 500 - 40 Example 2. Calculate the total number of pl Given Pb = 3444 CU / person. pl B = 6944 thousand CU Pz \u003d 7.8% Determine: P working shops in the planned period (Ch pl total). The labor productivity of one worker in the base year was CU 3444/person. In the planned period, products will be manufactured in the amount of 6944 thousand CU. with an increase in labor productivity (Rz) compared to the base year by 7.8%. 74 Solution We calculate the total number of employees: Vpl 6944000 = = 1870 people. P b (1 + Rz / 100) 3444 (1 + 7.8 / 100) Example 3. Determine the planned number of settlements: pl pl B \u003d 150 thousand pieces. new pieceworkers on the site (Ch sd). Annual tizd = 0.81 standard-hour production of parts (Vpl) is 150 thousand pieces. The complexity of manufacturing parts for all operations of technoloKvn = 1.1 Fe = 1842 hours of the logical process (ted) is 0.81 standard hours. Efpl Determine: H sd effective fund of time (Fe) of one worker - 1842 hours, coefficient of fulfillment of the norm Kvn \u003d 1.1. Solution We determine the planned number of pieceworkers in the main production: Ctotal = Vpltizd 150000 ⋅ 0.81 = = = 60 people. Fe K vn 1842 ⋅1.1 Payroll planning The total annual payroll for all categories of employees of an enterprise (workshop) is calculated according to the wage standard for 1 rub. products: H pl sd Zob.n \u003d N s Vpl, pl where N z is the wage standard for 1 rub. commercial products; B - the planned volume of marketable products. The annual fund of direct piecework (tariff) wages of the main pieceworkers m З sd.t = N Σ T j H j = N (T1h1 + T2 h2 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + Tm hm), j =1 where N is the annual output parts, pcs.; m is the number of operations of the technological process of processing parts; Tj is the complexity of processing the part at the j-th operation, standard hours; hj is the hourly rate for work performed at the j-th operation, rub. The annual fund of direct time (tariff) wages of the main time workers n Zpv.t = Fe s Σ TiCi = Fe s (T1C1 + T2C2 + ⋅⋅⋅ + TnCn), i =1 75 worker, h; s is the number of work shifts per day; Ti - hourly tariff rate of the i-th category, rub.; Ci - the number of workers of the corresponding category of work in one shift, people. Example. Determine the tariff fund of earnings. Annual N = 250 thousand pieces. output of products - 250 thousand pieces. Norm of time T = 1.7 min h = 5.0 CU/h neither for product processing - 1.7 min, hourly tariff Determine: Zsd.t rate - 5.0 CU (rub.). Solution We determine the annual wage fund of the worker-pieceworker. With one operation Zsd.t = N T1 h1 = 250,000 1.7/60 5.0 = 35416 rubles. Creative approach of students to the certification of knowledge As the practice of the author of this publication shows, when students study the discipline "Economics and sociology of labor", one of the effective methodological approaches to mastering the material covered is independent creative work of students to develop tasks on various socio-economic topics, tests on problematic areas of discipline, etc. Efficiency lies in the student's logical understanding of the studied material, concentration and investing it in the form of a short sentence-question, the ability to select nearby possible answers to the test questions, of which only one is correct. The development of tasks is carried out in the following sequence, taking into account the observance of the necessary conditions. 1. The student must propose a situation (plot) that requires resolving any issue or finding out the result of any process. 2. The situation must be of economic interest, a certain complexity and be solvable. 3. It is necessary to briefly formulate and write down the situation and its development. 4. The task statement should contain a question or a requirement to define something. 5. Specific moments of the situation must be quantified (in numbers). 6. Quantitative values ​​must be scaled (in terms of their size) commensurate with each other. 76 7. It is necessary to establish the mathematical and logical dependence of quantitative values ​​that reflect the characteristic moments of the situation. 8. The student must write down the solution of the proposed version of the problem in the required sequence. 9. The solution of the problem must have at least two actions using known formulas or mathematical dependencies (for a logically justified increase in actions when solving the problem (complexity of the problem), the score increases). 10. The solution of the problem should be completed with an answer and a conclusion regarding the question or requirement. The names of the indicators necessary for compiling the task, the student chooses from the thematic blocks proposed by the teacher. Examples are given below. The student determines the symbols of indicators and indices independently and explains them. FIXED ASSETS: structure of fixed assets; value of fixed assets at the beginning/end of the year; input/withdrawal (written off) of fixed assets in any month; update factor; growth/retirement ratio; the share of the active part of fixed assets; depreciation rate; proportional method; accelerated method; original, replacement and residual value; capital productivity; gross, net, marketable output; the growth rate of capital productivity; load factor. CURRENT FUNDS: the cost of supplying material resources; cost of consumption per decade; planned delivery interval; stocks: insurance, transport, technological; number of turns; duration of one turn; sold products; gross profit; average balance (norm) of working capital; the cost of released working capital; share of fixed production assets; profit share. COST: savings on fixed costs; the cost of commercial products; share of semi-fixed costs; the growth rate of the volume of marketable products; growth rates of semi-fixed costs; saving material costs; material consumption rate; material utilization rate; price of material resources; savings on depreciation charges; specific depreciation charges; shop cost of production; cost structure; share of depreciation costs in shop expenses; other shop expenses. 77 Problems developed by the student are evaluated according to the following criteria. 1. Write down the complete conditions of the problem. 2. Separately and correctly write down the information of the task (what is given and what needs to be determined). 3. Write down the solution formulas, open the letter designations of the quantities included in the formula. 4. Substitute the numerical values ​​of the letters in the formula. 5. Correctly solve the problem. 6. Make a conclusion (answer the question posed in the problem). 7. Write down legibly. 8. Cleanliness of the record. Tests are developed by students under the following conditions and requirements of the creative task. PURPOSE - to assess the level of preparedness of students in specific sections of the discipline "Economics and sociology of labor" and their creative potential in developing tests based on existing knowledge. CONDITIONS. Students must be notified in advance of the start and date of the ranking; know the amount of material submitted for rating; understand the essence of concepts well. When writing tests, students are supposed to use any sources of information on a specific topic/topics (lectures, study guides, textbooks, notebooks of lectures/practices, etc.). REQUIREMENTS. Each student develops 20 tests. The test must contain at least two answers, of which one is correct. The test should be short, meaningful and reflect any particular moment of the topic. Form of tests: question; a suggestion to correctly write down the formula from the given set of indices; any statement with the answer "true / false"; a proposal to insert the missing words in this definition. The students of the group should not have the same text tests. The work is carried out during one lesson (90 minutes). METHODOLOGY and sequence of work on compiling tests. 1. The main source of information (lectures, study guide, textbook, etc.) is determined, which the student can freely use. 2. In the source chosen by the student for compiling test questions, the material is divided into parts (pages, paragraphs, sections, subsections, etc.), and a certain number of tests are developed for each part. 78 EVALUATION of creative tests is carried out according to the following indicators: accurate and legible recording of tests; location of the text of the test questions and answers (paragraphs, subparagraphs); brevity, richness and clarity of the test; availability of 20 tests; completion of the task at the time set by the teacher (within one lesson). The best tests will be used in testing future students, indicating the name of the student-author and the group. An example of a creatively designed test (fragment of work) in the discipline "Economics and forecasting of environmental management." M.V. Tretyakova (VlSU, KhE-101) Which of the following scientists formulated the principles of human communication with nature: a) D. Meadows; b) B. Commoner; c) T. Lebsack? V.A. Akimova (VlSU, KhE-101) In what year was the Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Protection” adopted: a) 1993; b) 1992; c) 1991? A.I. Nikerova (VlGU, KhE-102) Which of the following is within the authority of the administration for nature management: a) encouraging employees of the enterprise for the rational use of resources; b) organizing the collection of fees for natural resources; c) setting environmental quality standards? E.A. Khludova (VlSU, KhE-102) Choose from the following answers the most “young” branch of law: a) criminal law; b) environmental law; c) family law. 79 REFERENCES Main literature 1. Upton, G. Analysis of contingency tables / G. Upton. - M. : Finance and statistics, 1982. - 143 p. 2. Genkin, BM Economics and sociology of labor: textbook. for universities / B. M. Genkin. - M. : NORMA, 2001. - 448 p. – ISBN 5-89123-499-8. 3. Pecchi, A. Human qualities / A. Pecchi. - M. : Progress, 1985. - 312 p. 4. Rumyantseva, E. E. New economic encyclopedia / E. E. Rumyantseva. - M. : INFA-M, 2005. - 724 p. – ISBN 5-16-001845-X. 5. The meaning of life: an anthology / ed. N. K. Gavryushina. - M. : Progress-Culture, 1994. -591 p. Additional reading 6. In search of meaning / comp. A. E. Machekhin. – Ed. 2nd, revised. and additional - M. : OLMA-PRESS, 2004. - 912 p. – ISBN 5-224-04726-9. 7. Philosophy: encyclopedia. dictionary / ed. A. A. Ivina. - M. : Gardariki, 2004. - 1072 p. – ISBN 5-8297-0050-6. 8. Economics of the enterprise: textbook. for universities / ed. prof. V. Ya. Gorfinkel. - M. : UNITI-DANA, 2003. - 718 p. – ISBN 5-238-00204-1. 80 CONTENTS Foreword............................................................... ................................................. ...... 3 Topic 1. OBJECT, SUBJECT AND METHODOLOGY OF STUDYING THE DISCIPLINE ............................................... ............................................... 5 Theme 2. QUALITY HUMAN LIVES, NEEDS AND POTENTIAL .............................................................. .........................................................10 Topic 3. EFFICIENCY AND MOTIVATION OF LABOR. .........................................19 Topic 4. ORGANIZATION OF WORK PROCESSES .................. ............28 Topic 5. RESEARCH OF LABOR PROCESSES AND COSTS OF WORKING TIME .............. .................................36 Theme 6. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT .................................. .......42 Additional topics in the discipline "Economics and sociology of labor" .................................................. ...................................................52 Topic 1. OPTIMIZATION OF WORK PROCESSES AND INCOME DISTRIBUTION..... .............................................52 Topic 2. FEATURES OF THE ORGANIZATION OF LABOR IN INDUSTRY AND RESEARCH ORGANIZATION.................................................58 Theme 3. SOCIAL AND LABOR RELATIONS OF EMPLOYEES OF ORGANIZATIONS..... ...............................................62 Conclusion.... ................................................. ................................................. 66 Appendix................................................... ................................................. .....................67 Bibliographic list .......................................... ....................................80 KA AND SOCIOLOGY OF LABOR” Signed for publication on 19.12.08. Format 60x84/16. Conv. oven l. 4.88. Circulation 100 copies. Order Publishing House of Vladimir State University. 600000, Vladimir, st. Gorky, 87. 82

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