Oil and gas industry. Organization of enterprise property management What is enterprise property management

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The rational use of fixed assets is one of the main tasks of the enterprise. And the problem of increasing the efficiency of the use of fixed assets occupies a central place in the enterprise.

The concept of efficiency means effectiveness, efficiency, that is, the ability to achieve success, great results at minimal cost. To increase the efficiency of work for an enterprise means to ensure the most effective and profitable way of development, increase in production volume, improvement of product quality and performance of work at the lowest possible cost of labor, material, financial resources, but it is important to use fixed production assets most rationally, especially their active part.

A prerequisite for effective management is the outstripping growth of the final results of production in comparison with the costs due to which these results are achieved.

The efficiency of the use of fixed assets depends on many factors that may not depend on the enterprise itself, and vice versa, be regulated only by internal processes.

External factors include: the general economic situation, the possibility of obtaining funding, participation in government programs, features of tax legislation, etc. Internal factors include the organization of labor production, sales of products, production technology.

The overall efficiency depends on the renewal of fixed assets, improving their structure, improving the maintenance of equipment, providing the required amount of material resources, reducing product losses, reducing the time spent by working capital in production, and using resource-saving technologies.

The result of the thesis work should be a developed program of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of using the property of the enterprise. The program must comply with a number of principles, first of all, the program must meet the strategic goals of the enterprise. Unfortunately, the studied enterprise lacks a management strategy. The main strategic goals that any developing enterprise must comply with are taken as a basis.

Consider a strategic approach to property management. A strategy is a general plan of action covering a long period of time. The main objective of the strategy is the efficient use of available resources to achieve the main goal. In relation to the enterprise, strategy can be characterized as a set of prescribed actions that an organization follows in order to achieve its goals.

In market conditions, a strategic approach to management becomes extremely important. The essence of strategic management decisions is that these decisions are of a fundamental nature and are aimed at a long-term (several years) perspective. This is the main difference between strategic management and operational situational management, when decisions are made based on the current momentary situation.

Distinguish between the general strategy of the enterprise, which can be expressed in the mission of the enterprise, and private or functional strategies subordinate to it.

The strategy in the field of property management, or property strategy is one of the private strategies, it is closely related to other functional strategies: financial, investment, operating, assortment, pricing, technological, etc.

When developing both general and private strategies, one should proceed from the financial and economic state of the enterprise. There are four main types of financial and economic condition and also property strategies corresponding to them.

Enterprises in a difficult (crisis) state are forced to pursue a passive preservation strategy. In the field of management, the enterprise is guided by the principle of minimalism: the volume of production is reduced, the consumption of resources is reduced, technologies are primitivized, the number of personnel is reduced, attempts are made to defer payments. The property management strategy of the enterprise also has similar features: part of the fixed assets are mothballed, a austerity regime is introduced for the consumption of electricity, fuel and auxiliary materials, sometimes they organize a revaluation of fixed assets trying to “cut down”, stocks are reduced to a minimum level, investment activity is practically not carried out.

With the improvement of the financial condition of the enterprise, it is possible to move to an active conservation strategy. The enterprise can update the product range in search of new market niches, a partial reorganization is carried out in the enterprise management system, improvements are made in production technologies, measures are taken to reduce debt, and a medium-term planning system is being established. The property management strategy has the following features: with an increase in production volumes, the loading of equipment and production areas increases, the wear and tear of the premises is overcome by the repair and modernization of existing equipment, the use of existing capacities is redistributed, and excess fixed assets are identified.

Enterprises in satisfactory financial condition are guided by an active conservation strategy with elements of development. Those. the same processes develop as in the active conservation strategy. Regarding property, the enterprise develops operating property complexes by making local changes to them, such as replacing obsolete equipment, partial changes in the equipment fleet for a new product range, etc. The strategy allows you to limit yourself to a moderate need for investments, while forming an optimal investment portfolio.

Enterprises in good financial condition follow a development and growth strategy. In the theory of strategic management, three types of possible growth of companies are noted:

diversified - occupying new niches in the market

integrated - expansion of the enterprise by adding new structures

concentrated - measures are being taken to increase demand for manufactured goods and to expand production capacity.

Property complexes under the influence of changes can develop in different directions. The subordination of this development to the overall goals of the enterprise is achieved on the basis of a strategic approach. Property transformations are strategic transformations, as they are aimed at the future. Since they are implemented through investment projects, the strategy of property transformations by its nature belongs to the type of investment strategies. The property transformation strategy sets a single vector for the entire set of investment projects for the renewal and development of property complexes.

One of the methods to improve the efficiency of property management are investment mechanisms. Property transformations are implemented through investment projects. Investments are cash and other capitals invested in the implementation of projects.

Investments in the property complex are real investments, i.e. are capital-forming investments in real assets, leading to the formation of new and re-equipment of existing industries.

The property objects in which investments are made are classified as investment assets. These include fixed assets, property complexes and other similar assets that require a lot of time and costs for acquisition and (or) construction.

Real investments in property transformations at enterprises for the most part are reinvestments, i.e. directing own free cash, consisting of depreciation and profits, to the development of production.

A small part of real investments may be attracted in the form of loans or third-party investments. The main result is the renewal of property complexes and, in particular, equipment parks.

As a result of the update, there is a change in production capacity, it is also possible to completely or partially update the product or increase its quality.

In order to carry out investment activities, enterprises should develop an investment strategy.

The investment strategy is a system of long-term goals of the investment activity of the enterprise, determined by the general objectives of its development and investment ideology, as well as the choice of the most effective ways to achieve them.

Investment strategy - a master plan that determines the priority, its directions and forms, ways of forming investment resources and the sequence of stages in the implementation of investment goals that ensure the overall development of the enterprise.

Each stage of the life cycle of an enterprise has its own characteristic level of investment activity. An essential condition that determines the relevance of developing an innovative strategy is a fundamental change in the goals of the enterprise's operating activities associated with opening up new commercial opportunities.

When managing property, great importance should be given to alternative uses, maintenance and restoration of enterprise property. Most of the investment projects of property transformations are implemented with the maximum use of the assets already available at the enterprise. When calculating the efficiency for these facilities, the lost alternative revenue is estimated, which is the lost profit associated with another possible alternative use. The alternative use must be legally permissible, practically realizable, the most typical for this type of property and sufficiently effective. For property objects at enterprises, two directions of alternative use are most characteristic and available for evaluation: either sale, i.e. sale on the side, or lease.

One of the important tasks of property management is to overcome the wear and tear of property objects and maintain their working condition. Distinguish between moral obsolescence and physical deterioration.

Due to moral obsolescence, the previously assigned total cost of the object turns out to be higher than its value, calculated by comparison with the price of a more perfect analogue.

To maintain the working condition of property objects, they are periodically subjected to maintenance and repair. Another direction is modernization and reconstruction.

Repair can be planned (current, medium and capital) and unscheduled. In accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation, the enterprise should develop a system of preventive maintenance. This system is based on a certain dependence of repair work on the number of hours worked on equipment without repair. Therefore, it provides for the implementation of scheduled repairs after a certain number of hours worked. The main standards of this system include: the repair cycle, its structure and duration. Those. for any equipment in the enterprise, a repair cycle should be drawn up in order to prevent the cost of unscheduled repairs and complete replacement of equipment.

Current and medium repairs do not affect the market value of objects, they maintain a given useful life. Overhaul directly affects the market value of the object in a positive direction.

Industrial buildings and structures should also be under systematic supervision and subject to scheduled technical inspection twice a year. The heads of departments to which the buildings are assigned should be responsible for the correct operation, safety and timely repair of buildings and structures.

For each building in operation, a technical passport containing the design and technical and operational characteristics of the building and its elements must be issued. Drawings of plans and requirements for operation are attached to the technical passport.

Accounting for all maintenance and current repairs should be kept in a technical journal, the information in which reflects the technical condition of the building at a given time, the history of its operation.

The cost of repairing fixed assets is included in the cost of production. In order to evenly allocate the cost of repair work, the enterprise should create a repair cost fund.

On the other hand, it is also necessary to carry out periodic modernization. Modernization means bringing something in accordance with modern requirements and norms for the use of an object by means of its constructive change.

When developing investment projects for the modernization of the equipment fleet, the problem of assessing its economic efficiency arises. Since the modernization of equipment is carried out simultaneously with its overhaul, as a result, both physical wear and obsolescence are eliminated. It is advisable to evaluate the effect of modernization in combination with a major overhaul on the basis of a cost approach. Modernization increases the cost of the object to a level close to the cost of a new, more advanced analogue.

State support can also be one of the methods to increase the efficiency of property management. Currently, the Russian Federation has a state program to support agricultural producers, as well as a state program to manage federal property.

The State Program for the Development of Agriculture and the Regulation of Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Food Markets for 2013-2020 was approved in the latest edition by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2014 No. 315.

The main goals of this program are: ensuring food independence of the country; reproduction and increase in the efficiency of the use of land resources in agriculture, greening of production; increasing the competitiveness of agricultural products based on the innovative development of the agro-industrial complex, increasing the investment attractiveness of the industry; ensuring the financial stability of agricultural producers.

The state program includes the following subprograms [state program]:

Development of the sub-sector of crop production, processing and sale of crop products: in relation to the enterprise under study, it implies support for lending to the sub-sector of crop production, processing of its products, development of infrastructure and logistics support for crop product markets, as well as providing unrelated support to agricultural producers in the field of crop production;

Development of the livestock sub-sector, processing and sale of livestock products: in relation to the enterprise under study, it implies support for breeding livestock, development of dairy cattle breeding, state support for lending to the livestock sub-sector, processing of its products, infrastructure development and logistics support for livestock product markets, subsidies from the federal budget to reimburse part of the costs, related to the provision of support to agricultural producers engaged in the production of pork, poultry meat and eggs, due to the increase in the cost of purchased feed;

The development of beef cattle breeding: in relation to the enterprise under study, it involves subsidizing part of the interest rate on investment loans for the construction and reconstruction of beef cattle breeding facilities

Technical and technological modernization, innovative development: in relation to the enterprise under study, it implies support in the renewal of the agricultural machinery fleet, the implementation of promising innovative projects in the agro-industrial complex, and the development of biotechnology.

UDC 330.526.33 BBK U9(2)-57


V.A. Kiseleva, P.V. Ovchinnikova

The concepts of the property complex of an enterprise, effective management of the property complex are revealed, approaches to determining the effectiveness of complex management are analyzed, and an author's approach to determining efficiency through a system of managing rights to real estate objects is proposed.

Key words: property complex, property complex management, management efficiency, trust management.

The concept of "property complex of an enterprise" is closely related to the concept of its production structure. The production structure of an enterprise, as you know, is understood as the totality of its divisions (productions, workshops, services, farms, sites, warehouses, laboratories, etc.), organizationally and technologically interconnected in the implementation of the overall production process for the production of products or the provision of services. The production structure gives an idea of ​​the composition and number of production, auxiliary and service units, their functions, specialization and mutual relations for the implementation of various production processes.

Since the property is the production and technical base of the production processes taking place in the divisions of the enterprise, the property structure of the enterprise is, as it were, a reflection of the production structure, showing the distribution of property between these divisions. Property is a set of material objects that are diverse in purpose, nature and structure, in addition, various intangible objects (patents for inventions, know-how, trademarks, etc.) also belong to property. Enterprise property management is possible only with a clear structuring of this set.

The composition and structure of the property of an enterprise depend on the nature of its production and economic activities, the adopted technology and the organization of production, auxiliary and management processes, the development of local infrastructure, the degree of cooperation with other enterprises and many other factors.

Each element of the production structure (production site, workshop, building, farm, laboratory, etc.) within the enterprise is endowed with its own property complex. “The property complex is understood as a set of property objects, technologically and organizationally united for the production of products or the provision of services within the framework of a defined

divided organizational unit of the enterprise ". In other words, each property complex is a material and technical base for the implementation of production processes in which the considered organizational unit specializes.

The composition of the property complex of the enterprise is represented by movable (machinery and equipment, vehicles, production and household inventory) and real estate (land, buildings, structures, internal communications).

As practice shows, enterprises often face difficulties in accounting and in organizing the management processes of real estate. This task often becomes a key one in solving issues of increasing the efficiency of using property and reducing costs.

The efficiency of the use of property affects simultaneously several main indicators of production: the volume of production and sales, the cost of a unit of production, profit, profitability, business activity and financial stability of the company. To effectively use the property complex at your disposal means to be able to manage it. In the modern economic dictionary, management is "a conscious purposeful influence on the part of subjects, governing bodies on people and economic objects, carried out in order to direct their actions and obtain the desired results."

We share the point of view of S.N. Maksimov, that in management it is advisable to single out such areas as economic (revenue generation and analysis of expenses), legal (determination of rights to real estate), technical (maintenance of objects in accordance with the functional purpose)

In accordance with the above definition of "management", the concept of "management of the property complex" can be formulated. It is understood as the implementation of a complex of management decisions and, on the basis of their necessary

actions for the effective use of real estate objects as part of the property complex in the interests of the owner and maintenance of objects in a technically suitable condition.

The interests of the owner are the main factor in organizing the effective management of the property complex. The interests of the owner, as practice shows, differ significantly, but can be summarized, according to S.N. Maximov, to the following main options:

Receipt during a given period of the highest possible income from the operation of the facility with its subsequent resale at the highest possible price (functional investment);

Getting the maximum income from the resale of the object (speculative investment);

Increase in the value of the object (protection of funds from inflation);

Use of real estate to host your own business or personal use while minimizing the costs of maintaining and operating the facility;

Use of real estate to increase the prestige of the owner.

In order to understand whether the property at the disposal of the owner is effectively used and which of the options is most effective for him, it is necessary to determine the criteria by which the effectiveness of the management of the complex will be assessed.

It seems to us possible to use the set of criteria proposed by A.B. Krutik, which, in his opinion, are able to reflect the level of efficiency of enterprise property management (see table).

Profitability indicators are relative characteristics of the effectiveness of enterprise property management. Solvency indicators reflect the ability of the enterprise to repay its debts in a timely manner and in full.

The above criteria for management efficiency can be used for individual property complexes within the enterprise. To do this, it is necessary to document the property that belongs to each property complex, which will allow calculating indicators characterizing the effectiveness of property management as part of the complex and establishing the level of efficiency of using the property complex as a whole. And this, in turn, will create a basis for making management decisions aimed at improving the management efficiency of both the property complex and the property of the enterprise as a whole.

However, these criteria will be able to reflect the true picture of property management only from an economic point of view, since

how the proposed criteria are based on the economic performance of the enterprise.

The question arises: is this an exhaustive list of criteria by which it is possible to evaluate the effectiveness of enterprise property management? Will the management of only economic indicators achieve the maximum effect from the management of the property complex?

We see that it is not only from the point of view of economic criteria for determining efficiency that efficiency should be judged. After all, the activity of managing the property of an enterprise involves a system of interrelated management functions, which, as we indicated earlier, are carried out in three directions - economic, technical and legal. All this makes it necessary to develop such a mechanism that will ensure maximum efficiency in the management of the property complex, by performing a number of necessary managerial actions on this complex, taking into account economic, technical and legal aspects in the management of this property complex.

The technical aspect of managing the property complex is manifested in the concluded contracts for the supply of various resources, organization of maintenance, facilities, technical maintenance of the objects included in the property complex in working condition (cleaning, etc.), security and other additional services.

The results of the economic and technical aspects of managing the property complex can be determined by analyzing the activities of the enterprise.

But how to determine the results of the legal aspect of management, understand how it is used in the management of the property complex and how to evaluate its effectiveness? A similar question arises as a result of the fact that not enough attention is paid to the legal aspect, because the management of the real estate of an enterprise or a property complex includes the use of rights to real estate.

We share the opinion of S.N. Maksimov that "the owner is not always able to independently effectively use the property belonging to him and manage it with the proper benefit for himself, in this regard, there is a need associated with the transfer of the owner's real estate complex to another person" . Therefore, we believe that in order to achieve the most effective result of managing the legal aspect in relation to the property complex, the owner can transfer the management functions in relation to these aspects to another person - a highly specialized specialist.

We are talking about the so-called trust management of property, known in foreign practice as a "trust". The main regulatory

Kiseleva V.A., Ovchinnikov P.V.

To the question of the efficiency of enterprise property management

Criteria for the effectiveness of property management

Indicators Formula Legend

1. Profitability indicators:

Return on total capital (return on assets), ROA ROA = (NP/Asr)*100% NP - net profit, after paying income tax (Form No. 2, line 190 = line 140 - line 150); Vsr - the average value of assets

Return on equity, ROE ROE \u003d (NP / SKavg) * 100% NP - net profit, after paying income tax (form No. 2, line 190 = line 140 - line 150); SKav - the average value of equity capital

Profitability of sold products (profitability of production), Rp Rp = (Рр/З) * 100% Рр - profit from the sale of products (works, services) (form No. 2, page 050); Z - cost of sales of products (works, services) (form No. 2, line 020)

Profitability of sales, R„ Rn = (Рр/У)*100% Рр - profit from the sale of products (works, services) (form No. 2, page 050); V - sales proceeds (form No. 2, line 010)

2. Solvency indicators:

Balance coverage ratio (current liquidity ratio), kCur.lik. ktek.lik. Tek-A/K0 Tek. A - current assets of the enterprise (f. No. 1, p. 290); KO - short-term liabilities (f. No. 1, line 690)

Critical liquidity ratio (quick liquidity ratio), ksr.liqk kliq = Ob.A-Z / KO Ob.A - the value of current assets (f. No. 1, p. 290); Z - the amount of reserves (f. No. 1, p. 210); KO - short-term liabilities (f. No. 1, line 690)

Agility coefficient, km km = Ob.A / SK Ob.A - the value of current assets (form No. 1, p. 290); SC - the value of equity (f. No. 1, p. 490)

Coefficient of autonomy (coefficient of financial independence), kc/a kc/a = SK/A SK - the value of equity (f. No. 1, p. 490); A - the value of all assets of the enterprise (f. No. 1, p. 300)

the act regulating "trust relations" is the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, namely Chapter 53 "Trust management of property". Under a property trust management agreement, one party (the founder of the management) transfers the property to the other party (the trustee) for a certain period of time in trust management, and the other party undertakes to manage this property in the interests of the founder of the management or the person specified by him (the beneficiary) .

The transfer of the property of an enterprise or a property complex to trust management does not entail the transfer of ownership of it to the trustee. When carrying out trust management of property, the trustee has the right to perform any legal and actual actions in relation to this property in accordance with the trust management agreement in the interests of the beneficiary. The law or the agreement may provide for restrictions on certain actions for trust management of property.

The trust management agreement is concluded in writing, the subject of which is not the property transferred for management, but those legal and actual actions that the manager of the property complex must perform.

This agreement provides, in accordance with Art. 1016 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation compliance with the essential terms of the agreement, such as the composition of the property transferred to trust management, an indication of the person in whose interests the property is managed, the amount and form of remuneration to the manager, if the payment of remuneration is provided for by the agreements, and the duration of the agreement. An agreement on trust management of the property of an enterprise or a property complex is concluded for a period not exceeding five years.

The purpose of transferring property to trust management is its more efficient use compared to the use of property by the owner, as well as reducing operating costs and obtaining the maximum possible profit, return on property, which in the future can increase its investment attractiveness.

How, after the conclusion of a trust management agreement, can the owner of the property determine whether his property is being effectively managed or not?

In our opinion, it is possible to determine the effectiveness of management by a trustee of a property complex transferred to his management by comparing performance indicators before the transfer of an object to trust management and after legal

Management of socio-economic systems

and the actual actions of the manager in relation to the object transferred for management, that is, the results achieved in the course of the implementation of trust management.

First of all, it should be noted that the effective management of the legal aspect can be accompanied by an increase in the above criteria for the effectiveness of management, which are based on economic indicators.

The growth of specific economic performance indicators for the property complex, namely the indicators of profitability and solvency, can be regarded as a manifestation of the effectiveness of management with the help of the legal aspect.

Article 1016 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for a number of essential conditions that must be determined by the parties in a trust management agreement. In addition to the conditions stipulated by law, in our opinion, it would be advisable to include additional conditions in the contract, such as the establishment of specific indicators of economic efficiency, which must be achieved without fail during the trust management procedure.

The solution to the problem of determining the effectiveness of management from the point of view of the legal aspect is seen in the establishment of control measures, the procedure and conditions of which will be reflected in the contract. Control is designed to compare the numerical values ​​of economic indicators at the time of the conclusion of the trust management agreement with the numerical values ​​achieved in the course of trust management.

It is definitely necessary to establish a specific date for monitoring and comparing indicators in the contract, which can be carried out already after six months from the date of conclusion of the trust management agreement.

Achieving certain economic indicators as a result of trust management within the timeframe agreed by the parties will be an assessment of the effectiveness of managing the property complex with the help of the legal aspect.

Based on the foregoing, it can be assumed that the management of the property complex with the help of the legal aspect can be an effective control lever. Paying due attention to the legal aspect of managing the property complex, it is possible to increase the economic performance of the entire enterprise.


1. Kovalev, A.P. Enterprise property management: textbook / A.P. Kovalev. - M.: Finance and statistics; INFRA-M, 2009. - 272 p.: ill.

2. Real estate management: textbook / ed. S.N. Maksimova. - M.: Case of the ANKh, 2008. - 432 p.

3. Krutik, A.B. Real estate economics. Series “Textbook for universities. Special literature” / A.B. Krutik, M.A. Gorenburgov, Yu.M. Gorenburgov. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2000. - 480 p.

4. Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part Two) dated January 26, 1996 No. 14-FZ (as amended on February 7, 2011).

5. Marchenko, A.V. Economics and real estate management: textbook /A.V. Marchenko. -3rd ed., revised. and additional - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2010. - 352 p. - (Higher education).

6. Economics and real estate management: a textbook for universities / under the general. ed. P.G. Grabovoy. -Smolensk: Smolin Plus; M.: ASV, 1999.

7. Raizberg, B.A. Modern economic dictionary / B.A. Reisberg, L.Sh. Lozovsky, E.B. Starodubtsev. - M.: INFRA-M, 2006.

Kiseleva Valentina Alexandrovna Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Economics of the Firm and Markets, South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk). The field of scientific knowledge is economics and management at enterprises, the efficiency of the use of property and labor resources. Contact phone (8-351) 905-28-06.

Kiseleva Valentine Aleksandrova is a Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor of Firms and Markets Economy Department of South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk. Research Interests: economics and management at enterprises, efficiency of the use of property and labor forces. Tel.: (8-351) 905-28-06.

Ovchinnikova Polina Vladimirovna Master student of the Department of Economics of the Firm and Markets, South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk). Research interests - economics, law and real estate management. Contact phone: (8-908) 042-53-83.

Ovchinnikova Polina Vladimirovna is a Master's degree student of Business and Markets Economy Department of South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk). Research interests: economic, law and real estate administration. Phone: (8-908) 042-53-83.

In the economic literature, everything that an enterprise has and uses in production activities is called the property of the enterprise. In accordance with Art. 132 of the first part of the Civil Code “an enterprise as an object of rights recognizes a property complex used for entrepreneurial activities. The structure of the enterprise as a property complex includes all types of property intended for its activities, including land plots, buildings, structures, equipment, inventory, raw materials, products, rights of claim, debts, as well as rights to designations that individualize the enterprise, its products, work and services (company name, trademarks, service marks), and other exclusive rights, unless otherwise provided by law or contract.”

The property of the enterprise includes all types of property that are necessary for the implementation of economic activities.

Usually, tangible and intangible elements are distinguished in the composition of property.

Material elements include land plots, buildings, structures, machinery, equipment, raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products, cash.

Intangible elements are created in the course of the life of the enterprise. These include: the firm's reputation and circle of loyal customers, the firm's name and trademarks used, management skills, personnel qualifications, patented production methods, know-how, copyrights, contracts, etc., which can be sold or transferred.

The relevance of the chosen topic of work lies in the fact that the property of an enterprise is the subject of study of various disciplines: law explores the legal aspects of existence, protection, transfer of property rights and obligations; in the analysis of economic activity, the effectiveness of the use of various types of property of the enterprise is considered; in the course of economics, the property of an enterprise is considered as an economic, economic resource, the use of which ensures the activities of the enterprise; accounting reflects the movement of property and the main sources of its formation.

The principles of enterprise property management are different depending on the organizational forms of the enterprise. Currently, in Russia, the following main organizational and legal forms approved by law can be distinguished:

1. Individual with the use of hired labor

enterprises without the use of hired labor

full 2. Limited liability partnerships


open 3. Joint-stock companies closed federal 4. State municipal

5. Non-profit public organizations

The purpose of the work: to determine the basic principles and methods of enterprise property management from the point of view of management.

A prerequisite for effective management is the existence of goals. The goals for managing an enterprise as an economic entity are financial and economic indicators that can be determined as a result of forecasting the future activities of an enterprise. Target indicators can be determined only if the enterprise has a developed business plan, from which it follows: how, in what time frame, and why certain financial and economic indicators can be achieved.

The owner of any enterprise is able to assess how efficiently his property is used, only by comparing the planned indicators with those achieved. Unfortunately, over the past 10 years, the state has not taken any practical steps to create a more or less efficient planning system in the real sector of the economy.

You can create any number of bodies involved in the management of state property, but it is impossible to manage without clear goals and high-quality information. No plans - there will be no constructive and consistent actions aimed at achieving certain goals.

Work tasks:

1. To study the main legal acts regulating the issues of enterprise property management in the Russian Federation at the present stage.

2. To study the system of state and municipal property management;

3. Describe the anti-crisis management of the property of an enterprise at the stage of bankruptcy.

The work was carried out on the basis of information obtained from educational and reference literature, as well as from other sources: legal acts, periodicals, enterprise documentation, expert opinions, open statistical information.

1. Types and forms of enterprise property management

1. 1 Legal regulation of enterprise property management

The Federal Law "On State and Municipal Unitary Enterprises" determines, in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (CC RF), the legal status of a state unitary enterprise and a municipal unitary enterprise (hereinafter also referred to as a unitary enterprise), the rights and obligations of the owners of their property. A variety of unitary enterprises are state-owned enterprises. State-owned enterprises are state-owned enterprises that are directly under the control of state bodies.

The property of a unitary enterprise is owned by the Russian Federation, a subject of the Russian Federation or a municipality.

The property of a unitary enterprise is formed by:

Property assigned to a unitary enterprise on the right of economic management or on the right of operational management by the owner of this property;

Income of a unitary enterprise from its activities;

Other sources that do not contradict the law.

The property of a unitary enterprise is indivisible and cannot be distributed among contributions (shares, shares), including between employees of a unitary enterprise.

The difference between the rights of economic management and operational management lies in the content and scope of the powers received by the subjects of these rights from the owner to the property assigned to them.

Only legal entities existing in special organizational and legal forms - "enterprises" and "institutions" can be subjects of the rights of economic management and operational management.

The subject of the right of economic management under the current legislation may be a state or municipal unitary enterprise (Articles 113 - 114 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) as a type of commercial organization.

The subject of the right of operational management can be both unitary enterprises (Article 115 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) belonging to the category of commercial organizations, and institutions (Article 120 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) belonging to non-profit structures, as well as enterprises belonging to private property.

The right of economic management, owned either by the enterprise as a commercial organization; or an institution carrying out entrepreneurial activities permitted by its owner; therefore, it is broader than the right of operational management, which may belong either to non-commercial institutions by the nature of their activities, or to state-owned enterprises.

In accordance with Art. 294 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the right of economic management is the right of a state or municipal unitary enterprise to own, use and dispose of the property of the owner within the limits established by law or other legal acts.

The right of operational management in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 296 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - this is the right of an institution or a state-owned enterprise to own, use and dispose of the property of the owner assigned to it within the limits established by law, in accordance with the goals of its activities, the tasks of the owner and the purpose of the property.

The founder-owner has the right to withdraw property from the subject of the right of operational management only in three cases provided for by law (excessive, unused or not used for its intended purpose), and dispose of it at its own discretion. A state-owned enterprise is not entitled to dispose of any property, except for finished products, without the consent of the owner.

1.2 Tasks and general principles of state property management

The tasks of state property management include two main blocks: strategic management and operational management.

Strategic management issues include:

Investment decisions;

Decisions on debt obligations of enterprises, especially to the state budget (both in taxes and on loans and guarantees issued);

Problems of choosing directions for the development of specific state-owned enterprises.

Operational management includes three main groups of tasks: planning, control and management decision making. High efficiency of state property management can be ensured through the implementation of one of the most common concepts of modern management - "management by objectives". Management by objectives implies the existence of clear, measurable and achievable goals, as well as a strategy and action plan that will ensure the achievement of the set goals. Business planning is not a step backwards, but a professional look into the future. Lack of goals and plans give rise to irresponsibility in the management of enterprises. If there are no goals and no ways to achieve them, then there are no clear criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of management. As a result, control procedures on the part of the owner (in this case, the state) turn from the most important management functions into an empty formality. Thus, the presence of a business plan that includes certain goals (in the form of financial and economic indicators), as well as the main provisions of the enterprise development strategy and operations, is the most important condition for creating a management system by goals.

Real estate management is a process of interrelated actions aimed at achieving positive results in the use or disposal of property. This process involves many subjects, each of which performs a specific function.

general characteristics

The municipal management system is a set of interrelated means and methods for the implementation of targeted actions in relation to the subject of the management process in order to achieve the planned results.

The process of state real estate management includes its transformation, use and reproduction. To achieve the best results and greater effect from the use of property, a systematic method is used, carried out by state-authorized bodies. These bodies apply a set of measures that together constitute the system of state real estate management.

The whole system works in two directions: in accordance with the general principles of management theory, on the one hand, and in accordance with the specific features that arise from the conditions and rules that are established by the owner of the property - the state, on the other hand.

System elements

The real estate management system of the state includes five main elements:

  1. Goals.
  2. Principles.
  3. Methods.
  4. Functions.
  5. Ways (options) of the disposal of real estate.

The entire procedure for managing real estate is based on the following functions:

  • work planning;
  • organization of activities;
  • process regulation;
  • stimulation of work;
  • execution control.

Work planning

Drawing up plans for the operational management of real estate and other types of management is a means of implementing ideas. Planning consists in setting goals and objectives, as well as determining the means necessary to achieve them.

In planning, the management decides what will be the areas of activity in the field of real estate management and what areas and actions will be priority.

Planning is the most complex and important stage of property management, so it has three sub-functions:

  1. Forecasting.
  2. Modeling.
  3. Programming.

Forecasting is a scientifically substantiated method of predicting various options for choosing the directions for the development of a given object in the future, taking into account interaction with the outside world. With qualitative forecasting, you can use the obtained feasible options as the basis for planning.

Forecasting options for managing your own real estate is carried out in the form of modeling or programming.

Modeling makes it possible to predict different situations and system states during the period specified in the plans. The economic form of modeling is equated with the method of experimentation. Programming involves transitioning to a planned state based on current knowledge. It includes the development of algorithms, the establishment of a list of required resources and the definition of a methodology.

For the successful implementation of the process of operational management of real estate and other types of management, it is necessary to set goals and objectives for different periods of time. In connection with these, long-term, medium-term and short-term planning are distinguished.

The long term covers a period of fifteen to twenty years. It defines the overall objectives and goals, and chooses a strategy. includes a five year period. The main goal of this type is the choice of effective means for the realization of the set goals.

Short-term (current annual) quarterly planning is a more detailed consideration of the findings of the medium-term period.

Organization of activities

The organization of various types of real estate management consists in establishing a hierarchy system between different state bodies that take part in the implementation of relevant activities, as well as in determining their relationships and features of the use of resources determined to achieve goals.

Organization is not only a process of creating the necessary system, but also a process of streamlining and improving it. This activity consists in the distribution of functions between employees, groups and divisions, as well as in the coordination of the actions of these entities.

Process regulation

Regulatory activity allows you to ensure the normal functioning of the system that was created as a result of the organization as a whole. It directs the management process at the federal, regional and local levels.

Regulation is an activity aimed at maintaining the parameters set in the previous stages. Its tasks include maintaining an ordered state in the system. In relation to private sectors, regulation is expressed in the establishment of rules, incentives and restrictions, as well as in adjusting the direction of specific enterprises according to goals.

Territorial or state, economic regulation is a system of indirect interference in the activities of an economic entity by amending the legislation (taxation system, customs duties, exchange rates, etc.), as well as by using other tools to motivate or restrict activities.

Determining the nature and severity of the region's social and economic problems makes it possible to choose directions, scales and forms of regulation. It allows you to provide stable connections and links between different links and management levels and thus coordinate the entire process.

The regulation of real estate management with or without a contract as a main function contributes to the smooth and uninterrupted operation of the facility and the synchronization of all considered functions.

Stimulation of work

Stimulating activity contributes to the development of individual links in the system of striving to achieve the goals and objectives in relation to real estate management. Often this function is implemented through budget regulation and attraction of investment funds.

In connection with the recent change in the forms of ownership of organizations and enterprises, as well as their reorganization, the system of financing social spheres has undergone major changes. Trade and catering enterprises have passed into private hands, while others (for example, the consumer services sector) have become unattractive as investments.

Execution control

Control activities in the field of real estate management include the adoption of measures necessary for the implementation of planning and implementation of the set tasks, which ultimately contribute to the achievement of all goals and the correspondence of tasks to the planned goals. The implementation of the control function helps to achieve maximum efficiency of the management system.

Control is the process of ensuring the effective achievement of the goals set by the organization. It includes the collection and processing of information with further analysis of the results obtained, comparison with plans, identification of inconsistencies and analysis of the reasons for this. The control also includes the development of various activities that contribute to the achievement of goals.

The control function allows you to organize activities and establish feedback that allows management to be aware of the implementation of tasks and the implementation of management decisions.

In the process of control, management goes through three stages:

  • setting standards and norms;
  • measuring the degree of compliance with specified standards;
  • change and correction of plans in accordance with the established deviations.

The analysis carried out during the control, on the one hand, is a function in itself, and on the other hand, it is the basis for the planning function. Thus, a closed system is formed in the implementation of the process of renting and managing real estate.

Property distribution

The property owned by the state is divided into two parts. One of them is transferred to state legal entities (institutions and enterprises) for economic management or operational management. The other part remains at the disposal of the state and is considered the treasury of the respective municipality.

Decisions on the implementation of actions within the framework of the redistribution of state property are made by the Federal Agency for State Property Management (FAUGI) on the basis of federal laws.

FAUGI may grant an organization or institution the right to operational management of real estate in the following cases:

  1. The organization belongs to strategic objects or remains in the ownership of the state.
  2. The bankruptcy procedure has not been initiated against the enterprise.
  3. The use of the transferred property will ensure the implementation of activities of a statutory nature in the organization in accordance with legislative norms.

FAUGI may grant the subject or municipality the right of ownership to the said property in the following cases:

  • for the needs of federal significance this property is not needed;
  • property is needed in order to ensure the powers of the executive authorities of the subject or to resolve issues at the local level.

FAUGI may give consent to the privatization of property in the following cases:

  1. This property is not needed for federal needs.
  2. Property cannot be transferred into the ownership of a municipality or a subject of the Russian Federation.
  3. The property is not classified as confiscated or limited in circulation.

With regard to property related to the treasury of the Russian Federation, the FAUGI may decide to transfer it to a third party on the basis of civil law agreements (for example, under a real estate trust management agreement, lease or other types of agreements). All FAUGI decisions of this type must be approved by a higher authority.

Territorial departments of the Federal Property Management Agency are engaged in the conclusion of a real estate management agreement according to the model by announcing a tender. Property is transferred directly in the following cases:

  • by decision of the President or Government of Russia;
  • property is a replacement for the seized for state needs;
  • the obligation to conclude a lease agreement is established by the court;
  • property is transferred to the owner of other real estate if these objects are inextricably linked by purpose, location or characteristics (technical).

The price of such property is determined by conducting an appraisal according to the market value.

The state real estate management system is based on the development of a detailed classification of this property, including the distribution of immovable objects into groups of a homogeneous type. These groups are formed according to common essential features that determine the nature and content of management-type decisions in relation to immovable objects.

State policy in the field of real estate management at the municipal and state levels is based on the need for a competent distribution of real estate between different forms and types of ownership. At the same time, the distribution should meet the interests of the state as a socio-economic unit.

Property belonging exclusively to the Federation

Federal property includes the following groups, objects in which cannot be the subject of a real estate management agreement.

  1. National wealth of the country (resources of the shelf, economic maritime zone or waters of the territorial type, natural resources used, objects of natural and historical and cultural heritage, cultural institutions of the state level).
  2. Objects that support the work of government federal bodies (the state treasury, including the Social Insurance Fund, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the budget, off-budget funds, gold, diamond and foreign exchange funds and reserves; property of the FSB, the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.; educational and healthcare institutions; control environmental enterprises; reserves and reserves for state and mobilization purposes; patent enterprises and polygons).
  3. Defense production facilities (defense enterprises, special-purpose facilities for communications and infrastructure, protected premises for emergency control and government bodies).
  4. Economic facilities (mining, fuel and energy, electric power, gasification facilities, federal highways and related organizations, television and radio communications enterprises, plants and centers for growing plants and animals).

Federal objects in relation to which the transfer of rights can be carried out

These objects include the following types:

  • the largest national economic enterprises employing more than ten thousand people;
  • nuclear and power engineering enterprises;
  • sanatorium and resort organizations of the state level, which are not included in the property of enterprises, as well as hotel facilities that are under the jurisdiction of central management bodies;
  • educational, healthcare, sports and cultural institutions that are not included in the previous list;
  • organizations of research, design, exploration and survey type or NGO associations;
  • enterprises engaged in road transport, not included in the previous list;
  • construction and operating enterprises related to the type of water facilities and systems;
  • enterprises of radio broadcasting, television, publishing, printing, as well as telegraph and information agencies run by the Russian Press Committee;
  • enterprises of all-Russian importance in the field of construction, production of building materials and structures;
  • premises of wholesale and warehouse type, elevator facilities and refrigeration complexes of all-Russian significance;
  • enterprises engaged in the elimination of the consequences of various emergencies.

Management activities in relation to state real estate include many elements that are interconnected and interact with the aim of the most rational use and distribution of this property.

Management of the property complex of enterprises and organizations of state or municipal property in the Russian Federation is carried out on the basis of the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as on the basis of Federal Law No. 161-FZ “On State and Municipal Unitary Enterprises” by-laws.

The main task of managing the property complexes of enterprises and organizations of state and municipal ownership is to fulfill the requirements of the owner (state, municipality) for accounting, use and disposal of property. At the same time, the markers of the effectiveness of managing the property complex are the following.

1. Completeness of registration and registration of rights to property, which is ensured by taking into account the composition of the property complex in state registers and in particular:

conducting an annual inventory to control the composition of the used property complex with its actual inspection;

conducting a technical inventory to identify real estate objects;

  • - cadastral registration;
  • - entering information into the register of federal property;
  • - approval of lists of immovable and especially valuable movable property;

ensuring state registration of property rights of the Russian Federation;

  • - ensuring state registration of the property rights of the owner of the property.
  • 2. The use (involvement) in the implementation of the statutory activities is ensured by taking into account the use of objects and the high quality of management of each object:
    • - the absence of unused objects;
    • - targeted use of the property complex, i.e. the presence of a program for its use with indicators, taking into account which unit, on what basis, in what conditions uses the object;
    • - for objects of movable property - the presence of financially responsible persons, checking the actual availability of the object, its workload, the development and observance of standards for use and functioning.
  • 3. Sufficiency of property is ensured by determining the optimal composition of the property complex on the basis of feasibility studies, planning appropriate activities.
  • 4. The technical quality of property is ensured by taking into account its technical condition, which is carried out by identifying the degree of wear, compliance with safety requirements, energy efficiency, planning work to maintain the property complex in proper condition.
  • 5. Cost efficiency is ensured on the basis of their analysis and determination of the optimal cost structure for the maintenance of the property complex, the presence of strict management accounting for the cost structure, and the exclusion of excessive costs.
  • 6. The efficiency of the investment use of property is ensured by taking into account income from the disposal of the property complex, with the exception of cases of disposal that entail a negative financial result, the availability of a feasibility study for property disposal transactions, the availability of income from each transaction.

Task for reflection

Describe each of the indicated performance criteria, if possible, highlighting several constituent elements in each of them, on the basis of which it is possible to determine the degree of effectiveness of managerial influence. Is it possible to single out among these criteria those that are basic and those whose significance is insignificant?

At the same time, decisions can be made on repair, reconstruction, sale, lease, waiver of the right of operational management, etc.

The management of a property complex with a state or municipal form of ownership is carried out on the basis of the same principles and approaches that are applicable to the management of state and municipal unitary enterprises.

In the Russian Federation, in order to improve the quality of corporate governance in organizations with state participation, measures are being taken to create an adequate system of remuneration for management bodies in conjunction with the achievement of key performance indicators; application of balanced approaches to the payment of dividends by joint-stock companies with state participation; development and implementation of programs for the alienation of non-core assets and core assets in organizations with state participation.

Currently, when deciding on the amount of dividends paid by joint-stock companies with state participation, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Federal Property Management Agency, they are guided by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2006 No. 774-r according to which the position of the Russian Federation as a shareholder on issues of dividend policy should be formed based on the need to allocate at least 25% of the companies' net profit for the payment of dividends, excluding income (expenses) received from the revaluation of financial investments, unless otherwise established by acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the adoption by the Government of the Russian Federation in 2012 of the amendments proposed by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia to the specified Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation concerning the determination of a fixed minimum amount of the part of net profit allocated to the payment of dividends by companies with state participation, allows for more accurate forecasting of the amount of federal budget revenues in the planning period from the participation of the Russian Federation in the authorized capital of joint-stock companies with state participation.

In addition, in pursuance instructions of the President of the Russian Federation dated 02.04.2011 No. Pr-846 2 and dated April 27, 2012 No. Pr-1092 3 work continues on the phased replacement of civil servants in the management bodies of business entities, the shares (shares) of which are owned by the Russian Federation, by professional directors 4 .

Under the Federal Property Management Agency, a commission has been formed and is functioning to select independent directors, representatives of the interests of the Russian Federation and independent experts for election to the management and control bodies of joint-stock companies with state participation. This commission includes representatives of public and professional organizations, employees of sectoral federal executive bodies and the Federal Property Management Agency. The activities of the Commission are open in nature, ensuring the transparency of the procedures for filing applications and selecting candidates from among professional directors to participate in the management and control bodies of joint-stock companies.

As part of the execution of paragraph 4 instructions of the President of the Russian Federation dated 05.06.2013 No. Pr-1474 The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia has developed guidelines for the use by state corporations, state companies, state unitary enterprises, as well as business entities in the authorized capital of which the share of participation of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the aggregate exceeds 50%, key performance indicators, including, among other things, indicators of the company's capitalization and rates of return. Subsequently, the achievement of key performance indicators will be taken into account when making decisions on the remuneration of the management of organizations with state participation and personnel decisions.

Supervisory and control functions regarding the management of property complexes of enterprises and organizations of state or municipal ownership are assigned to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, whose main tasks in this direction are:

  • - ensuring the optimization of the composition of property complexes of enterprises and organizations, including by monitoring the activities of enterprises and organizations that are part of the property complex, with the right to reorganize, transform into business companies or other organizational and legal forms, liquidate enterprises and organizations of state or municipal form property that does not conduct financial and economic activities;
  • - formation and implementation of a system of economic monitoring and control over the activities of enterprises and organizations, including the adoption and implementation of their development strategies and activity programs, the formation of a system for assessing the performance of enterprises and organizations of state or municipal ownership, whose property is part of the property complex, and the effectiveness use of federal property;
  • - effective property management of enterprises and organizations of state or municipal ownership.

Features of management of property complexes. With regard to the management of the property complex of organizations and enterprises of state and municipal ownership, there are also unresolved problems.

So, in the management of these property complexes, they often distinguish techno oriented and human-centered approaches. The goal of both approaches is to focus on meeting human needs, but they differ in the means of achieving it and in performance indicators. In particular, each of the approaches has its own system of indicators (indicators) for achieving performance results and feedback methods for tracking the degree of achievement of goals.

The technology-oriented approach focuses primarily on infrastructural indicators as a means of meeting the needs of the population. With this approach, it is assumed that the availability of means to meet the needs of the population automatically leads to the satisfaction of these needs.

Feedback in this case is carried out through tracking statistical information of a technical type (for example, the number of square meters of housing, the amount of assimilated funds, the number of beds in hospitals, etc.), and the degree of achievement of certain tasks and the feasibility of implementing appropriate actions are determined by employees of the governing bodies . According to the techno-oriented approach, the end users of services - the communities - are practically excluded from the processes of management and feedback.

The human-centered approach is aimed at the end result - the satisfaction of the needs of the population. In this case, the feedback is carried out directly through the population on the basis of social rather than statistical information. The indicators for this approach are the human development index: longevity, level of education, income per capita, degree of satisfaction with various services, the state of security, the environment, etc.

The combination of these approaches in the field of state and municipal property has its advantages and disadvantages. The first approach allows state authorities and local self-government to form tasks independently of the community; these tasks turn out to be economically more promising and large-scale. Although this approach is possible environmental and social losses. In the second approach, the attention of local government officials is directed to solving current social problems that are close to society, but not so promising from an economic point of view, and therefore the likelihood of applying innovations in this approach is quite low.

In foreign and domestic practice of managing a complex of enterprises and organizations of state and municipal ownership, techno-oriented approaches have become widespread. But through the elimination of the community from managing the organization of its own life, from participating in decision-making, from monitoring the activities of state and local authorities, the ground is created for committing corruption and there is a feeling of inefficiency in applying this approach to managing the property complex of enterprises and organizations of state and municipal ownership. one . The way out of this situation is seen in building transparency and openness in the process of managing the property complex of enterprises and organizations of state and municipal ownership, which can be achieved through the use of information and communication technologies in management.

Given these shortcomings of the techno-oriented approach to management, democratically developed countries are trying to apply human-oriented approaches next to it. They provide for such social technologies for involving citizens as referendums and consultative polls, public hearings and discussions, local initiatives as a form of public consultation, strategic planning for the development of society with the participation of representatives of relevant communities, etc. Thus, techno- and human-oriented approaches complement each other. However, for informed management decisions, indicators of a human-centred approach must be transformed into technical indicators of action plans of management structures. One of the main indicators of the human-centered approach and its evaluation is the human development index, which is closely related to the implementation of management on the principles of sustainable development, the value of which lies in a comprehensively balanced development.

Management of property complexes of enterprises and organizations with state and municipal ownership is carried out in the Russian Federation in order to ensure sustainable development of both the state as a whole and the municipality in particular, in order to ensure controlled development. Consequently, the main element of such development is the managerial activity of public institutions.

The concept of "sustainable development" marks the balanced functioning of three components: nature, society and economy. The environmental aspect of sustainable development consists in directing the efforts of society towards the conservation and rational use of natural resources, regulating the activities of economic entities from the position of minimizing the negative impact of their activities on the environment. The economic aspect is self-development based on highly efficient, resource-saving, environmentally friendly, economical technologies. Social - in creating conditions for the individual, for its development and self-education. The social component of sustainable development is directly related to the human development index. Human development involves, on the one hand, the formation of human capabilities (health improvement, acquisition of knowledge and professional skills), and on the other hand, the use of these opportunities for leisure, work, cultural, social, political activities.

Thus, at the present stage, attention should be focused on the introduction of socially safe for the territorial community technologies for managing the property complex of enterprises and organizations of state and municipal ownership, focused on the person and his needs. Such technologies can be based on social-functional and diversified approaches.

The model for improving the management system for the property complex of enterprises and organizations of state and municipal ownership, based on the use of the proposed social-functional and diversified approaches, is shown in fig. 5.1.

Rice. 5.1.

As practice shows, the social-functional approach in the management of state and municipal property is traditional, due to the awareness of the very nature of communal property, although today it needs to be improved and brought into line with the requirements of the current stage of development of local self-government in Russia and economic trends. Improving the application of the socio-functional approach is:

  • - in attracting society to self-government (by forming a public infrastructure and directly influencing the organization of the provision of vital services);
  • - improving the functioning of municipal unitary enterprises;
  • - establishment of inter-municipal organizational and economic relations for the management of state and municipal facilities, development and implementation of joint projects of territorial communities on the basis of state and municipal property.

The involvement of the population of the municipality in the process of managing the objects of the property complex of enterprises and organizations of state and municipal ownership contributes to the development of the population's corporate interest in the management of such objects. As world practice shows, this brings not only social results, but also purely economic ones (the development of various forms of self-organization for the provision of services and, accordingly, a more efficient organization of their provision, transparent reasonable tariffs, quality control of services, an “economical” attitude towards the object, and, consequently, , and to state and municipal property). In Russia, at the current stage, such a process may be hindered by the unwillingness of the population of municipalities to apply self-governing mechanisms for managing a part of state and municipal property, which is directly related to the real ability of society to self-government as a whole.

Case Study

The European Charter of Local Self-Government (1985) is not limited to declaring the right of local authorities to independently make decisions on issues of local importance, but focuses on their real ability to do so. In Russia, “right” is constitutionally enshrined and mostly regulated by law, but the level of “real ability” remains low. The discrepancy between the material and financial autonomy and economic self-sufficiency of local self-government, both with the assigned powers and international traditions and acts, gives reason to believe that the competence of the population of the municipality in managing as a subject of economic relations, in comparison with other countries, is limited.

Effective management of the property complex of enterprises and organizations of state and municipal ownership, which is the basis of the state / municipal sector of the economy, without taking into account interaction with the population of the state and (or) municipality, is impossible. The presence of sufficient financial, property, personnel, organizational, information resources, etc. at the disposal of local governments is also essential for the real ability to independently manage local affairs. This approach is extremely important, since it allows us to find out in which cases the institution of local self-government actually functions, and in which cases it remains only declared, and its formal legal model is not put into practice.

Self-governing mechanisms the property complex of organizations and enterprises of the state/municipal form of ownership includes:

  • - the possibility of creating organizations with special functions of supervision (management) in relation to social facilities, conducting social expertise of various kinds of projects at the state or local level;
  • - social initiatives and innovations;
  • - monitoring the quality of services and their compliance with regulatory requirements;
  • - creation/maximum distribution of bodies of self-organization of the population and providing them with separate functions for managing and ensuring the availability of state/municipal services.

Problem analysis

Today, the public sector of the economy and the sphere of life support for the population of the state as a whole or the municipality in particular are gradually being mastered by private structures in the framework of cooperation with the authorities on a partnership basis. Cooperation between the private and public/municipal sectors and the provision of quality services to the population is most appropriate in such areas of life support for the population as water supply, sanitation and waste disposal, public energy, transport, healthcare and education, i.e. in sectors traditionally classified as public services.

The essence of public-private partnership comes down to the transfer by a public partner (at the local level - a local government body) to a private partner of certain functions for managing state or municipal property objects in a certain area of ​​​​providing the life of the municipality on clearly established conditions based on the effective distribution of resources, benefits , responsibility and risk.

The involvement of a private partner in the management of objects of the property complex of state or municipal ownership contributes to the use of market and economic mechanisms.

It is worth noting the following competitive advantages:

  • - low price per unit of product (service) while ensuring its quality; entrepreneurial skills and the ability to economically justify the price-quality ratio;
  • - the ability to promote your product on the market and pursue a policy of partnerships with the consumer;
  • - Improved business efficiency based on flexible response to fluctuations in demand;
  • - experienced management and access to new technologies, which was limited under the state monopoly of public services;
  • - the possibility of capital movement and access to credit resources.

Thus, we have reason to assert that at the present stage it is necessary to focus on improving the management system of the property complex of enterprises and organizations of state and municipal ownership by identifying socially safe management technologies focused on a person and his needs. A possible option to achieve this is the proposed rational combination of social-functional and diversified approaches.

The first one is an objective necessity in relation to the institution of state and municipal property as a whole, it ensures the actual performance of the basic functions of state administration and local self-government. The second one creates opportunities to use the advantages of market mechanisms in the state and municipal sector.

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 774-r dated May 29, 2006 “On Forming the Position of a Shareholder - the Russian Federation in Joint-Stock Companies whose Shares Are in Federal Ownership”.
  • List of instructions for the implementation of priority measures aimed at improving the investment climate in Russia dated 02.04.2011. URL: http://kremlin.ru/events/president/news/10807 (date of access: 11/29/2015).
  • List of instructions on the development of competition and entrepreneurship dated 27.04.2012. URL: http://kremlin.ru/events/president/news/15166 (date of access: 11/29/2015) .
  • Federal Property Management Agency dated September 16, 2011 No. GN-15/28327 “On the execution of subparagraph “e” of paragraph 1 of the Order of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 2, 2011 No. 846”. URL: http://base.consultant.ru/cons/cgi/online.cgi?req=doc;base=LAW;n=120137 (accessed 11/29/2015) .
  • "Guidelines for the application of key performance indicators by state corporations, state companies, state unitary enterprises, as well as business entities in the authorized capital of which the share of participation of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the aggregate exceeds fifty percent" (vtb. Rosimuschestvo). URL: http://base.consultant.ru/cons/cgi/online.cgi?req=doc;base=LA W;n=17105(W=134;dst=100002.0;rnd=0.056764388210389205(accessed: November 29, 2015).
  • Klenov S. N. Legal support of state and municipal management. M., 2015. P. 82.
  • Shamarova G. M. Fundamentals of state and municipal management. M., 2013.S. 116.
  • European Charter of Local Self-Government (done in Strasbourg on 10/15/1985).

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