Leading countries in the international tourism market. Rating of the best countries for tourism Leading countries in the development of international tourism

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Leaders in tourist arrivals (total worldwide 880 million, 2009):

1. France - 74 million.

2. USA - 55 million.

3. Spain - 52 million.

4. China - 51 million

5. Italy - 53 million.

Leaders in tourism revenue (worldwide $852 billion, 2009):

1. USA - 94 billion.

2. Spain - 53 billion.

3. France - 49 billion.

4. Italy - 40 billion.

5. China - 40 billion.

For a description of countries, see also ticket 9 question 1.

France. France is the most popular tourist destination in the world. Tourism brings France about 6% of GDP.

For its small territory, France is a very diverse country. plains, mountains, sea coasts, 40 thousand cultural monuments, 6 thousand museums and 28 cultural heritage sites. France is one of the most economically developed countries in Europe and neighbors with other leading European powers: Germany and Great Britain. In addition, France is one of the few tourist destinations from the time of the Grand Tours.

The largest flows (more than 10 million tourists annually) come to France from Germany, Great Britain and the Netherlands. Large tourist flows also come from the USA and the Asia-Pacific region. The Côte d'Azur, Paris and the Alps attract tourists the most. Tourists actively penetrate deep into the country, primarily Burgundy and the medieval castles of the Loire.

The main exit flows of the French go to European countries, former colonies (for example, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia) and the USA.

Moscow, April 20 - “Vesti. Economy". The World Economic Forum has published The Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report. The WEF study has been published every two years since 2007. It involves 136 countries from all regions of the world. The countries are evaluated according to the positions related to the reception of tourists. This includes historical and cultural heritage, the development of the economy, transport, mobile communications, medicine, the openness of the population, and much more. The authors of the rating remind that international tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors of the world economy. In 1956, 25 million people traveled in the world, in 2016 - 1.2 billion. If historically tourists most often traveled between the northern countries of the Earth, now the fastest growing markets are located in Africa, the Middle East and Asia, and in the coming decades this trend will remain. The WEF study shows that between 2016 and 2026, inbound tourism will grow fastest in India, Angola, Uganda, Brunei, Thailand, China, Myanmar, Oman, Mozambique and Vietnam. This year, Russia ranked 43rd in the ranking. She scored 4.15 points. It is noted that compared with 2015, Russia has risen in the ranking by two places. Below are the top 10 leaders in the tourism competitiveness ranking.

1. Spain

Number of points: 5.43 Change since 2015: 0 As explained in the study, Spain's first place is due to the unique combination of natural resources and cultural heritage with developed services. Spain's competitiveness is bolstered by recent fiscal easing. The main task at the moment is to improve the current situation, given the saturation and high development of the tourism sector. Spain ranked only 15th in the land transport category, with the country in need of modernization and improvement as the state of land transport in the country worsens. In addition, the business environment (ranked 75th) also needs to be improved.

2. France

Number of points: 5.32 Change since 2015: 0 France, as in 2015, came in second place, while in the security category, it lost five points due to the terrorist attacks that occurred during this time. Despite this, the number of international tourists has remained stable, experts say. Cultural heritage (3rd place), land transport (7th place) and air transport (13th place) are the factors that make France highly competitive in tourism. The decline in safety levels was offset by significant price cuts for hotels and taxis, leading to an increase in price competitiveness to 21st place in the rankings. In addition, France has improved its environmental sustainability (17th place, +6 places since 2015). The business environment is also conducive to increased investment in the tourism sector.

3. Germany

Points: 5.28 Change since 2015: 0 Germany is ranked as one of the safest travel destinations in the world. Germany is the third most visited country in Europe. Research has shown the following reasons for vacationing in Germany: culture, outdoors/countryside, cities, cleanliness, safety, modernity, good hotels, good gastronomy/cuisine, good accessibility, cosmopolitanism/telecommunications, good shopping opportunities, exciting nightlife life and good value for money.

Number of points: 5.26 Change since 2015: +5 Japan has become the leader among Asian countries, and since 2015 it has risen in the ranking by 5 places. In addition, Japan was among those countries that showed the largest increase in tourist attractiveness over the past two years. Tourists choose Japan for its unique cultural heritage, as well as for business trips. Japan has a highly developed infrastructure system (10th place), which guarantees a high level of internal accessibility and access to information and services. There is also a high level of development of air transport (18th place), high quality of services (24th place).

5. UK

Number of points: 5.20 Change since 2015: 0 Thanks to its geographical location, historical background and the special temperament of the English, England has always occupied a special place on the map of Europe. Tours to England are inextricably linked with the study of its rich history. Tourists who come to rest in London are happy to visit the mysterious Tower, which was both the residence of the English nobility and the place of their imprisonment. Also, tours to England are not complete without visiting numerous museums, cathedrals, castles, parks, as well as photographs against the backdrop of Big Ben - the main symbol of Foggy Albion.

6. USA Score: 5.12 Change from 2015: -2 Tourism in the US is a major industry that serves millions of tourists each year from both overseas and within the US. Tourists come to the USA to see cities, nature, historical monuments, as well as visit various attractions and places of entertainment. The same is interesting for the Americans themselves, who, among other things, often visit recreation areas.

7. Australia

Score: 5.10 Change from 2015: 0 Tourism in Australia is one of the largest sectors of the country's economy, accounting for about 3.9% of GDP. In recent years, up to 4 million foreign tourists have visited Australia annually. In general, the main countries whose citizens choose Australia as their holiday destination are New Zealand, Japan, UK, USA, China, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and Germany. All foreign nationals in Australia, with the exception of New Zealand residents, are required to obtain prior permission to enter the country. The exceptions are some countries in East Asia and member states of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, with which Australia has a simplified visa regime.

Number of points: 4.99 Change since 2015: 0 Tourism in Italy is a profitable sector of the Italian economy, based on the use of recreational resources. The country, which became the heir of Ancient Rome, involves foreign tourists in an extraordinary journey into the ancient world. Italy - the cradle of European civilization - has preserved its past as best it could and invests millions of euros in the reconstruction of architectural monuments. The length of the Italian coastline is 7455 km. If you add the islands, then the picture of beach Italy becomes simply immense. No country in the Mediterranean basin can boast such a variety of seascape, climate, seas, local traditions and customs. Italy has opened up to mass beach tourism in a few decades.

Score: 4.97 Change since 2015: +1 Canada's only neighboring country is the US. Since this is a populous and rich country, it is obvious that it is she who supplies the largest number of tourists to Canada. Despite the fact that the regions of the country are distinguished by cultural and natural diversity, they are united by the high quality of the services provided.

10. Switzerland

Number of points: 4.94 Change since 2015: -4 As a traditional country of tourism, Switzerland holds a strong position in this area in Europe. The presence of a developed tourist infrastructure, a network of railways and roads, combined with picturesque nature and an advantageous geographical position, ensures the influx of a significant number of tourists into the country, primarily Germans, Americans, Japanese, and in recent years also Russians, Indians, and Chinese. 15% of national income comes from tourism. The Alps occupy 2/3 of the entire territory of Switzerland and annually attract thousands of outdoor enthusiasts to Switzerland. The highest point of the country is located in the Pennine Alps and is called Peak Dufour (4634 m). Also in Switzerland are Europe's highest railway station Jungfraujoch at an altitude of 3454 m above sea level and Europe's highest mountain brewery in Monstein at an altitude of 1600 m

An analysis of the cost indicators of the profitability of tourism indicates its transformation into one of the leading sectors of the world economy. In this regard, most states, understanding

the great importance of the development of tourism in their countries, allocates substantial funds to national tourism administrations to promote the national tourism product. The leader here is Israel - more than 200 million dollars. USA annually. The United States and China each allocate $70 million for these purposes. USA.

The volume of receipts from international tourism is widely used to assess the profitability of a tourist destination. More informative, however, are income per arrival and tourism income per capita. Studies conducted by the WTO show that income from one visit averages $708. USA. At the same time, the amount of income varies significantly in individual countries. Thus, income from total arrivals is lower in states (Canada, Mexico) that have a common land border with countries that supply tourists (in this case, the United States). A high level of income from arrival is noted in countries that are geographically remote from large outbound tourism markets, are characterized by a high cost of living, or are focused on elite tourism.

An important indicator reflecting the state of the economy as a whole and tourism in particular is the country's balance of payments (Table 13.8).

Table 13.8

Balance of payments of some countries under the item "Tourism" in 2000 (billion US dollars)

The export of tourist services (serving foreign tourists in the country) is an integral part of the total export of goods and services, and the costs of international tourism by citizens of the country have a direct impact on the volume of imports associated with the outflow of foreign exchange funds abroad. Accordingly, measures taken to attract foreign tourists to a particular country strengthen its economy as a whole, and the dynamics of the development of the balance of payments under the article "Tourism" can be considered one of the indicators of the stable development of the state's economy.

According to WTO forecasts, in the future, an increase in income from international tourism is expected: up to 922 billion dollars. USA in 2010 and up to 2 trillion dollars. in 2020. The cost of tourists per trip will also increase: from 682 dollars. USA in 2000 to 1248 dollars. in 2020

In the development of international tourism at the beginning of the third millennium, the following main trends will appear:

· Logical, economic, cultural, educational, business, thematic, adventure tourism and cruises will be intensively developed;

· fierce competition will require the tourism industry to improve the quality of services provided;

· the market will experience polarization of consumer preferences;

· two categories of the population will travel more actively than others: the elderly and the youth;

· intensive development of information technologies can lead to reduction of traditional sales channels of a tourist product;

· the economically active population will increasingly prefer individual tourism;

· travel expenses in the family budget will increase faster than other items of expenditure;

· Increasingly important in shaping the market attractiveness of the tourist product will acquire additional services and so-called trips without worries;

globalization of the world economy will accelerate the creation of corporations, alliances and other

forms of associations, to the concentration of investments, merger and cooperation of participants in the tourism market. Thus, international tourism in the third millennium will become an important factor in the development of mankind in general and the world economy in particular.

In the 80s. growth slowed down (1991 - 450 million tourist arrivals), but remained stable with a high level of production. On the development of international tourism in the period 60-90s. the following factors had a negative impact: the confrontation between two political and economic systems - the socialist bloc of countries and the capitalist one; economic crises of 1974-1975 and 1980-1982, since they covered almost simultaneously all developed capitalist countries, including the USA, Japan and the countries of Western Europe. The deterioration of international relations and, as a result, military spending associated with the arms race had an even stronger effect on the development of international tourism. For example, the colonial wars in Vietnam (France, 1945-1954; USA, 1964-1973); Anglo-Argentine conflict (1952); the sixty-day war in the Middle East (1967), when Israeli troops invaded the territory of Egypt, Syria, Jordan; the Afghan war (1979-1989); Iraqi wars against Kuwait for the division of oil fields, the tragic events in Yugoslavia (1998), etc. With the global spread of tourism as a service sector and economic sector, the level of its development in different countries differed significantly. Japan and Australia became the leaders of outbound tourism. In terms of inbound tourism, the countries of the Mediterranean, as well as Asia and North Africa, were in the lead. The total indicators of the development of international tourism for the two groups of leading countries are shown in Table 1.

The development of engineering and production technologies in industrialized countries contributed to the improvement of the well-being of the population, an increase in vacation time, which in turn had a positive effect on the development of tourism.

Table 1.

The total share of the "five" countries in the global tourist flow

1st group


Great Britain

2nd group


Great Britain



Great Britain

Great Britain

The characteristic trends of tourism in the 80-90s. there has been an increase in demand for tourism services among people of average and below average income. This further differentiated the tourist market, led to the diversity of the tourist product, designed for people with different material wealth, different interests, goals and requirements for the level of service.

Based on the analysis of tourism development trends for the period of the 50-90s, made by the World Tourism Organization, the following reasons can be identified that determined the main directions in the history of the development of international tourism:

  • - 50s - the period of restoration of post-war Europe and Southeast Asia, the development of auto and air transport, the beginning of the systematization of data collection on tourism on a global scale;
  • - 70s - a period of well-established tendencies towards peace and stability in most states, the resolution of socio-political conflicts, the search for new forms of relations between countries of a socialist and capitalist orientation, the beginning of the steady development of tourist contacts between these countries;
  • - 90s - a period of high technologies in the tourism industry, the development of large multinational corporations, hotel chains and catering enterprises in countries with a favorable environment for the development of tourism.

In general, the dynamics of the development of world tourism can be depicted in the form of a table (Table 2).

Table 2.

Conclusions. Thus, the development of international tourism in the XX century. contributed political, economic, technical, cultural and social factors (both internal and external). The intensive development of tourism was noted in countries with a favorable domestic and foreign policy, sustainable economic potential, a sufficient level of culture and social support for citizens. It should be noted that the development of transport, increasing its comfort at affordable prices, as well as the development of information and communication media, had a significant positive impact on the growth of international tourist exchanges.

2.3 The current state of tourism in the world

International tourism began to develop rapidly around the world since the 1950s. To a large extent, the following factors contributed to this:

  • * support for government agencies (tax benefits, simplification of the border and customs regime, creation of favorable conditions for investment, increase in budget allocations for infrastructure development, advertising in foreign markets, training);
  • * the growth of social wealth and incomes of the population (averaged data for different countries show that in the total cost of travel costs are 12--19%);
  • * reduction of working hours (at the same time, the intensity of labor increases, which leads to stressful situations and an increase in the need of the human body for rest);
  • * development of transport;
  • * urbanization (the concentration of the population in cities, separation from nature necessitates spending free time outside the areas of permanent residence);
  • * priorities in the system of spiritual values ​​of society (the consumption of material goods fades into the background, giving way to spiritual values, in particular the need for travel).

However, along with positive factors over the past half century, tourism has experienced the negative impact of a number of diverse problems - natural disasters, serious social upheavals, wars, economic crises, terrorist attacks. However, since 1950 - the time of regular accounting - not a single significant decline in the growth rate of international tourism has been noted. During the period 1990-2000. international tourist arrivals grew by an average of 4.3% annually, despite the Gulf War, the conflicts associated with the breakup of Yugoslavia, and the Asian financial crisis.

Currently, the tourism industry in the world is one of the most dynamically developing areas in international trade in services. In the last 20 years, the average annual growth rate in the number of foreign tourist arrivals in the world amounted to 5.1%, foreign exchange earnings - 14%.

The main tourist flows in the world are concentrated within Europe (from Great Britain to France, from Germany to Spain), America (between the USA and Canada), East Asia and the Pacific region (from Japan to Thailand).

As for tourist flows between regions, the leading flows are between America and Europe, Europe and East Asia, Europe and the Middle East, East Asia and America, East Asia and Europe.

International tourism in the world is extremely uneven, which is primarily due to different levels of socio-economic development of individual countries and regions. In the global tourism market, Europe stands out noticeably, accounting for approximately 54.5% of all tourists. This region is very popular among Europeans themselves, as well as among residents of the United States and Canada. The second position has been occupied by the Americas for many years. The European and American regions are the main tourist macro-regions (they account for about 70.5% of all arrivals in the world).

There are also significant differences in the regional dynamics of international tourism (see Table 3).

Table 3

International tourist arrivals by region of the world

International tourist arrivals, million people

Share in the total number

Total in the world

Europe, including:



Central / Eastern

Southern Mediterranean

Asia and the Pacific

Americas region

Near East

The most dynamically developing macro-regions are Asia and Oceania, where the growth rate of tourist arrivals in some years is expressed in double digits. Some reduction in tourist activity in this region in 1997-1998. associated with the global economic crisis. But since 1999, the region has overcome its consequences, as evidenced by the number of arrivals. At the same time, intra-regional tourism is constantly increasing. Residents of the European and American continents show great interest in traveling to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region.

The African macro-region and the Middle East, whose attendance is growing relatively quickly, with low absolute values ​​of the arrival rate, do not have a significant impact on the dynamics of international tourism.

The uneven growth of international tourism has led to a change in its regional structure. If in the 50s and 60s 20th century the share of Europe and North America was more than 80%, by 2006 their share had decreased to 70.5%, with a significant increase in the share of the Asia-Pacific region (from 3.2% in 1970 to 19.7% in 2006) and some stabilization of the situation in other regions of the world.

Taking into account the pace and rapid dynamics of the economic development of the Asia-Pacific region (Japan, China and other "new industrial countries"), the degree of concentration of demographic potential and population growth in the largest countries (China, India, Indonesia, etc.), as well as outstripping the pace of development of international tourism, it should be expected that in the first half of the XXI century. will increase the value of this region.

According to WTO forecasts, in 2020 the number of tourist arrivals will amount to 1 billion 602 million people. At the same time, Europe will retain its dominant position (44.8% of the total number of arrivals), the Asia-Pacific region will come in second place (27.3%), ahead of America, which traditionally occupied it (17.7%).

Among the countries of the world market, it is advisable to single out the top ten leaders both in terms of international tourist arrivals and leaders in inbound tourism.

According to WTO forecasts, in 2020 China will become the leader of world tourism in terms of the number of tourist arrivals (Table 4), and Germany - in terms of tourist departures (Table 5).

Table 4 Leaders of inbound tourism in 2020

Table 5. Leaders in international tourist arrivals in 2020

Along with tourist flows, the most important characteristics of international tourism are tourist income and expenditure. They represent the value of tourism, necessary to study its impact on the national economy, in particular the country's balance of payments.

In 2006, international tourism spending (excluding international transport) amounted to $733 billion. Most of it (more than $374.5 billion) falls on Europe. Europeans spend as much on travel as tourists from all other regions combined. In second place is America, followed by the Asia-Pacific region.

The main expenses for international tourism, according to the WTO, are borne by the population of industrialized countries, mainly Germany, the USA, Great Britain, France and Japan (Table 6).

Table 6

Top countries in international tourism spending (excluding international transport spending) in 2006

Tourism spending, $ billion

Market share, %, 2006

Population, million people

Costs per person, $

Total in the world


Great Britain

the Russian Federation

These countries account for more than a third of all global tourism spending. In addition to them, China, Italy, Canada, the Russian Federation and Korea play a significant role in the formation of international tourism expenditures, their values ​​and structures.

Receipts from international tourism are concentrated in the group of developed countries of North America (USA, Canada) and Western Europe (France, Great Britain, Germany), Mediterranean (Spain, Italy) and Alpine (Austria, Switzerland). They account for about half of the world's income from international tourism.

The long-term leader in terms of income from international tourism is the United States (Table 7). According to the WTO, in 2006, receipts from international tourism in the United States were almost 2 times higher than their volume in Spain and France, which follow this indicator. China broke into the top ten, moving up from 25th place (in 1990) to 5th place (in 2006). The income of the Russian Federation from international tourism in 2006 amounted to $7 billion.

An analysis of the cost indicators of the profitability of tourism indicates its transformation into one of the leading sectors of the world economy. In this regard, most states, realizing the importance and high profitability of tourism development in their countries, allocate substantial NTA funds to promote the national tourism product.

The volume of receipts from international tourism is widely used to assess the profitability of a tourist destination. More informative, however, are income per visit and tourism income per capita. WTO studies show that income from one visit averages $860. However, this value varies significantly in individual countries. Thus, the income from one arrival is lower in countries that have a common land border with countries that supply tourists (Canada and Mexico in relation to the United States). A high level of income from arrivals is noted in those countries that are geographically remote from large outbound tourism markets, are characterized by a high cost of living, or are focused on elite tourism.

Table 7

Top countries in international tourism revenue (excluding international transport revenue) in 2006

Tourism, among other sectors of the non-productive sphere of the economy, is more exposed to external factors. In this sense, the impact of the global financial crisis on the global tourism industry is no exception, and, of course, most experts talk about the negative consequences of the instability of the global economy for the further development of the tourism business.

According to the World Tourism Organization, most regions of the world in the second half of 2008 showed a drop in the growth rate of international tourism. This is especially true for exotic countries, long-haul destinations (Southeast Asia, the Caribbean) and fashionable resorts. At the same time, the tourism market entered the crisis earlier than other industries. As early as June 2008, stagnation began, and in some directions there was a decrease in the tourist flow. In such a situation, most tour operators were not able to pay for charters and blocks of places in hotels, because in the conditions of the financial crisis, banks refuse loans to those sectors of the economy that are low-income and risky. In this regard, prices for accommodation and air travel are rising, and the number of charters is declining. The fall in demand for organized holidays and the increase in costs for tour operators have already led to the bankruptcy of several large travel companies.

In order to increase international tourist arrivals, the WTO has formulated the following main tasks for the next decade facing countries:

  • · increasing the overall responsibility and role of coordination on the part of the governments of countries that rely on the development of tourism;
  • Ensuring security measures and timely informing tourists;
  • · increasing the role of state policy in the field of tourism;
  • · strengthening the role of partnership between the state and private tourism business;
  • · the need for public investment in the development of tourism, primarily in the promotion of the tourist product and the development of tourism infrastructure.

The implementation of these tasks will contribute to the real transformation of international tourism into an important factor in the development of mankind in general and the world economy in particular.

Conclusions. International tourism in the world is extremely uneven, which is primarily due to different levels of socio-economic development of countries and regions. The greatest development of international tourism has received in Western European countries. This region accounts for over 70% of the world tourism market and about 60% of foreign exchange earnings.

Approximately 20% is accounted for by America, less than 10% - by Asia, Africa and Australia combined. This development of international tourism relations has led to the creation of numerous international organizations that contribute to the improvement of the work of this sphere of international trade.

Many highly developed countries in Europe, such as Switzerland, Austria, France, have built a significant share of their wealth on tourism income. So, international tourism, a characteristic feature of which is that a significant part of the services are produced locally with minimal costs, is playing an increasingly prominent role in the world economy. The tourism industry is one of the economic forwards, providing an impressive amount of added value.

There are many countries in the world that are of great tourist interest. Each of them has its own history, mentality and unique sights. The reader is presented with most visited countries in the world— the rating is based on data for 2016.

10. Mexico (22 million)

Opens the top 10 most visited countries. On average, the state is visited by more than 22 million people per year.

Mexico is a vibrant, distinctive country known for its festivals and quirky celebrations. It is the birthplace of the Mayan civilization, which disappeared under the onslaught of the Spanish conquistadors. The most visited monument of Mayan architecture are the ruins of the ancient city of Chichen Itza. In ancient times, it was a political and cultural capital, but the 11th century was marked by the final decline for the city and at the same time the last inhabitants left it. No less popular with tourists are the beaches of Yucatan. Every tourist season, many people flock there to take a dip in the turquoise waters. Hotels, as well as holiday homes in this country are able to please even the most fastidious guests.

9. Russia (30 million)

The top ten countries most visited by tourists include. According to the International Tourism Organization, the Russian Federation is visited by an average of 30 million people a year. The most popular cities among foreign tourists are Moscow and St. Petersburg, tours to Kazan and Sochi are also in demand. Excellent popularity among tours that lead their route literally throughout the country, allowing you to see all the beauty of the wild nature of Russia.

8. United Kingdom (31 million)

The state attracts travelers not only with its ancient history, but also with such famous monuments of antiquity as Stonehenge. In addition, a huge number of medieval castles are scattered throughout the country, in which various excursions are often held. London is also one of the most visited cities in the world, if we count the internal movements of citizens. One of the most interesting places is Windsor Castle (the ancient residence of the royal family), as well as Westminster Abbey, where all English monarchs were crowned, starting with William the Conqueror.

7. Germany (32 million)

It is considered one of the most expensive countries in terms of tourism, however, this does not prevent it from being one of the most popular, as it is visited by about 32 million people a year. Mostly people go there from neighboring countries, since there is no need to apply for a visa. It is interesting that Berlin is famous for its music festivals, and interesting fairs are held in Frankfurt. A lot of people from all over the world come to Munich for Oktoberfest, which is a massive folk festival. These are not only countless tents for several thousand people, where you can taste famous German beer, but also a full range of recreational activities. Among the attractions provided are roller coasters, a Ferris wheel, and a flea circus.

6. Turkey (39 million)

V Turkey more than 39 million people visit each year, making the country one of the most visited in the world. First of all, Turkey became famous for the fact that most of the architectural monuments of the ancient era have been preserved here. One of the most visited cities in the country is the former capital - Istanbul, which is also the largest city in all of Europe. Mersin and Antalya are next. Famous resorts and hotels are designed for a large influx of tourists into the country. Such popularity is due to the huge selection of vouchers of the All Inclusive type.

5. Italy (48 million)

It confidently enters the top 10 most visited countries in the world. About 48 million tourists a year come to this state and replenish their knowledge about the history of our civilization, combining it with an excellent vacation. Tours to Italy are available all year round. Despite the fact that this country has the status of an elite European resort, which has a strong influence on prices, there are only more travelers over time. During the winter, tourists travel to the Alps to ski, while during the summer months they visit beaches across the country. At the same time, absolutely everyone wants to visit cities such as Rome, Milan, Venice and Florence. All of them have their own history and unique architectural monuments of different eras. It was in Italy that one of the most prominent personalities of the Renaissance lived.

4. China (57 million)

On average, it is visited by 57 million people a year. First of all, tourists are attracted by the Great Wall of China, which is about 9 kilometers long. The width of the wall is such that four riders can ride on it at the same time. However, over time, most sections of the wall began to collapse and restoration was required, which began in the 80s of the last century. At the moment, only tourist areas have been repaired, in some places the stone from the wall is used to build villages or highways. The second most famous monument of Chinese culture was the Terracotta Army. This is a huge tomb, in which more than 8 thousand statues of Chinese warriors and horses are buried. Some especially zealous tourists strive to obtain permission to visit Tibet, but this step requires a lot of time and material costs.

3. Spain (68 million)

Opens the top three most visited countries in the world in 2016. 68 million satisfied tourists confirm this fact. Spain receives its main income from tourism, which is not surprising, given the wonderful weather, excellent cuisine and the friendliness of the locals, and most importantly, reasonable prices for tours. People come to Spain for holidays literally from all over Europe, as well as from the USA. Basically, travelers go to the Canary Islands, and also tend to visit Madrid and Barcelona.

2. USA (77 million)

It is a rather vast country, it has a huge number of attractions, ranging from the Grand Canyon to the Yellowstone volcano. These places attract a huge number of people who want to experience the beauty of the wild nature of the United States. In turn, the most famous cities in America are Las Vegas, New York, Miami and Los Angeles. World-famous parks, a well-established entertainment industry and the price diversity of hotels contribute to the fact that the number of arriving tourists often reaches 77 million people a year.

1. France (86 million)

According to the World Tourism Organization, it is France is the most visited country in the world. The number of tourists is more than 86 million people a year. For the most part, people are attracted by the local color and special atmosphere. In addition, France is famous for its fine wines and special cuisine. Paris is one of the most popular tourist cities in the world thanks to such attractions as the Eiffel Tower. Many people come to rest on the Cote d'Azur, and in order to enjoy first-class wine, tourists often visit the city of Bordeaux. France has beautiful nature and friendly locals. Once having visited this country, many vacationers often promise themselves to come again.

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