Victor Mikhailovich Shkulev daughter Natalya. Natalya Shkuleva - biography, information, personal life

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Natalya Viktorovna Shkuleva. Born on May 31, 1980 in Moscow. Russian publisher, editor, lawyer. Wife of TV presenter Andrei Malakhov.

Natalya Shkuleva was born on May 31, 1980 in Moscow. Father - Viktor Mikhailovich Shkulev, Soviet and Russian journalist, publisher, media manager, candidate of legal sciences. President of Hearst Shkulev Publishing, which produces and distributes such publications as Elle, Maxim, Antenna-Telesem, Psychologies, Happy Parents, etc. He headed the Guild of Periodical Publishers. He was one of the five most influential Russian media managers according to a number of authoritative publications, as well as the most influential people in Russia.

Mother - Tamara Shkuleva, corporate HR director of Hearst Shkulev Publishing and Intermediagroup. Younger sister – Elena Shkuleva. She graduated from one of the prestigious schools in Moscow. After receiving a diploma of secondary education, she entered MGIMO, where she graduated in 2002 with a degree in lawyer in international law.


Natasha Shkuleva's parents were seriously involved in her education and gave her a rich store of knowledge. From an early age, little Natasha attended various clubs and educational courses and studied quite well. She was almost always ahead of everyone, and all this thanks to her parents, who taught her the basic rules of life. By the end of school education, she already had great knowledge and developed in the humanitarian direction. I was not interested in sports, since there was no special time for it. Besides everything, I received a lot of experience from my father. The parents devoted a sufficient amount of time to the girl, despite their busy lives.

During her school years, Natalya dreamed of becoming a famous actress or singer, but she had no inclination for creativity. She was creative and most of all she was interested in humanitarian areas. Of course, the genes of his famous father, who at that time already worked as the head of Komsomolskaya Pravda, had an effect. At school the girl studied very well and received only excellent marks. She strove for the goals that her parents set for her.

After graduating from school, Natalya followed in the footsteps of her parents, that is, she decided to devote her life to the media business. Natalya Shkuleva successfully graduated from MGIMO, receiving a degree in international law as a lawyer.

At the institute, Shkuleva combined her studies with work at the AFS publishing house. Later, Natalya became an executive editor at this company, and also began to head the corporate department in her father’s holding company, Intermediagroup.

After graduating from MGIMO, Natalya Shkuleva continued her studies in London, taking a course under the FIPP (International Federation of the Periodical Press) program. Her father’s financial resources and the knowledge that Natalya Shkuleva possessed allowed her to go to London to study. There, the girl easily completed an English-language course at the International Press Federation. This training is carried out by leading specialists working in senior positions in the most famous and largest magazines. Studying abroad was not the only thing, as Natalya was always looking for new ways and opportunities to improve her skills. In 2006, Natalya Shkuleva received the corresponding certificate.

Professional activity

His professional career began while still studying at a Russian university. In 2002, a young and promising journalist was invited to work at the AFS publishing center. A successful career and studying at the best institute helped her a lot. After some time, she took the position of executive editor of AFS. Working in a publishing house captivated the young and creative Natalia. She was constantly at the very center of events and it was thanks to her creative approach that many magazines became popular. Incredible success lay ahead of her. Shkuleva’s father invited her to work for his Inter Media Group holding. She immediately received the position of head of the corporate department. In fact, they always spoke only positively about Natalya Shkuleva. The entire staff dreamed that she would always occupy this leadership position. Inter Media Group at that time remained one of the largest publishing houses throughout the Russian Federation. The best specialists from the field of printing worked here.

In general, her career was going up; after finishing her studies at MGIMO, she needed a specialized education. After this, it was decided to go to London. The course was short-term, so upon returning, Natalya immediately began her duties. Thanks to her talent and the education she received, it became possible to create more creative projects. She was never afraid to take on difficult work and did it with incredible success. Almost everyone admired her achievements.

In 2005, he received a unique offer to become an executive editor in one of the largest holdings. Of course, it was my father's company. During this period, Inter Media Group and AFS merged, which became the reason for the search for creative and professional specialists. The collaboration with my father was as fruitful as possible, and continues to this day. Natalya helps many aspiring editors find themselves in this field and achieve incredible success.

The magazine “Departures” began publishing in 2008 under the publishing house of Shkuleva. A professional approach to work and a fairly large number of achievements in the field of editor allowed the young and promising Natalya to become famous. Information about the personal life of Natalya Shkuleva, incriminating articles about her biography and children, began to appear on Wikipedia. In general, with popularity and fame, rumors began to grow.

After just a year of fruitful work, a new magazine, “Home,” appears. Then the idea came to launch another project called “Marie Claire”. Already working on several magazines, she managed to take a variety of courses and work in other publishing houses. In general, the success was colossal. The demand for the young specialist was at the highest level.

It was simply impossible not to notice the professionalism of the young and ambitious specialist. Many large companies and publications dreamed that Natalya would join them. The next place of work was the HFS/IMG holding. Here Shkuleva received the position of executive editor. During this period, an incredibly large number of magazines were published under her editorship. Afterwards she began working as the publisher of the new magazine “ELLE”, and it was published in several variations.

Natalya Shkuleva also worked in other publications, where she was invited as a master and professional in her field. She was truly an incredible editor. Each stage in her career was accompanied by new achievements and creative ideas. Every magazine she worked for is still popular and published in sufficient volume.

Today, speaking about Natalya’s professionalism, one cannot fail to note her achievements in the publishing industry. She achieved everything thanks to her talent and skill. Currently she is the full owner and heiress of the Inter Media Group holding. Magazines under her publishing house have been published for ten years and they are all very popular and in demand.

Of course, she always remained in the shadow of her work. But after marrying Andrei Malakhov, many found out thanks to whom popular magazines were published throughout the country. The wedding of the young couple took place in 2011, and it was one of the most exciting events in the television industry. Natalya Shkuleva is never done with her work; for her, this is the most important aspect in life, which helps her develop and move forward. Throughout her career, Natalya continues to work in her father’s holding company, Inter Media Group, and is one of the most successful female editors. Her works are highly valued not only in the Russian Federation, but also far beyond its borders.

The love story of Natalia and Andrei Malakhov

Fans of Andrei Malakhov can’t wait to find out how their idol met Natalya Shkuleva. It is known that the lovers got married in 2011. The couple Andrey and Natalia are an example of a closed marriage. Fans will not learn anything extra about them. Andrey and Natasha try to protect their personal space from the press. They “filter” what gets to readers and listeners. Moreover, Malakhov and his wife adhere to the same rules in life as Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel once adhered to. If a man and woman have a family, this does not mean that they should not have a personal life. Personal life in this case means personal hobbies, the opportunity to go out alone without a spouse and periodically living separately. Lovers believe that such an experience is exclusively beneficial for the relationship.

For those couples who are on the verge of divorce, Andrei and Natalya advise giving each other more freedom. It is possible that this “little detail” will change the relationship beyond recognition.

Where did Malakhov and his wife meet?

There is nothing unusual in the acquaintance of Andrei Malakhov and his wife Natalya Shkuleva. Their personal life began with a meeting at work - at the Hearst Shkulev Media publishing house. Andrey knew a little about Natalia’s biography. At that time, she was already the publisher of the women's magazine Elle. As for Andrey, at that time he had just become the editor of the magazine about stars Starhit. He needed outside help.

Initially, communication between Natalya and Andrey was exclusively of a working nature. But gradually they realized that there was something more between them than just work.

Andrei says that he immediately realized that Natasha was not like everyone else. He was well acquainted with the girls who work in glossy magazines. It seemed like they came to a party, not to work. Despite the fact that Natalya was a stylish and modern woman (which she remains to this day), he immediately realized that she was focused on work, and only then on entertainment. “It’s like in a greenhouse: there are geraniums everywhere, geraniums and bam - some kind of exotic plant,” Andrei Malakhov recalls his first meeting with his future wife. Although he liked Natasha, Andrei was in no hurry with courtship.

What tragedy happened in the personal life of Andrei Malakhov?

There is a serious reason why Andrei did not immediately start courting the girl he liked. The fact is that the TV presenter has a very unsuccessful love experience behind him. When Andrey was a student at Moscow State University, he dated a girl named Lisa from Sweden. Lisa's life was tragically cut short - she jumped out of a window. Fans learned about the tragedy in the idol’s personal life several years after the incident. Andrei himself commented on this: “My first love died. She is no longer alive. From her I still have Nina Simone’s CDs, my love for Stockholm and Sweden.” The tragic story could not leave fans indifferent. All of them unanimously sympathized with the TV presenter and shared his pain with him.

How did your relationship with Natalya develop in the future?

Despite the bereavement, Andrei could not remain alone all his life. He desperately needed a loved one. After some time from the moment he met Natalya, the man realized that he had recovered from his heart wounds.

What is happening in the personal lives of Andrei and Natalia now?

Everything is fine in the couple's personal life. None of them even thought about giving up a career in television or publishing. Andrey and Natasha believe that every person should self-actualize. Family is not the place to do this. Lovers should have some kind of personal life.

For example, spouses practice separation. Many people will think that this is not the best way to strengthen relationships. But Andrei and Natalya think completely the opposite. Lovers are sure that this practice helps maintain newness in the relationship.

The TV presenter is fine with the fact that the press wants to know as much as possible about the biography of his wife Natalya Shkuleva, and whether they have children or not. By mutual agreement, the couple prefers not to advertise their personal life.

You can learn something new about the biography and personal life of Andrei Malakhov’s wife Natalya Shkuleva on social networks. Here the woman often posts photos with comments. It is possible that in the future photographs of children together with TV presenter Andrei Malakhov will appear on her pages.

After my post about the marriage of the famous TV presenter Andrei Malakhov to the publisher of the ELLE group of magazines, there were many comments about how old Natalya Shkuleva is, and if the girl is young, then why does she look 40. I present to your attention Natalya’s biography and photos in which she is very even a pretty, young woman. It’s just that in some cases the makeup and hairstyle are not chosen well. Biography Shkuleva Natalya Viktorovna born May 31, 1980. Natalya began her professional career at the AFS Publishing House as a junior lawyer, while a student at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. In 2002, Natalya graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations with a degree in international law, Faculty of International Law, and continued to work at the AFS Publishing House as a lawyer. In 2006, she received a “Magazine publishing management certificate” after completing a training course in London under the FIPP (International Federation of the Periodical Press) program. In 2002 – 2004 worked as part of the consolidation project of AFS Publishing House LLC and InterMediaGroup CJSC, was responsible for the legal component of this project. In October 2005, Natalya was appointed to the position of corporate executive editor of the AFS/IMG group of companies and headed the corresponding Corporate Department. In September Natalya was appointed publisher of the magazine "Departures" in 2008. In the fall of the same year, as a result of further development of the institute of publishers at AFS/IMG, Natalya received a new appointment - publisher of the magazines "Marie Claire", "HOME. Interiors plus ideas." Natalya's new responsibilities were added to her current work as the Corporate Executive Editor of the HFS/IMG Publishing House. On May 12, 2009, Natalya Shkuleva was appointed publisher of the ELLE group of magazines: "ELLE", "ELLE Decor", "ELLE Girl", " ELLE Deluxe". June 2009, Star Hit magazine party Unsuccessful makeup and image of Natalya, adding age: Natalya with good friends Andrey - a colleague on Channel One Updated 07/02/11 22:28: As they say in Malakhov’s close circle, Andrei dotes on his future wife and considers her the most beautiful, gentle and intelligent woman in the world. Some photos can be viewed in larger sizes. Natalya supports Andrey in holding home parties. Natalya Shkuleva with Andrey’s colleague on Channel One Dmitry Borisov and actress Larisa Golubkina, home party dedicated to May 9 Updated 08/02/11 23:00: Updated 09/02/11 14:03: Updated 09/02/11 14:04: Video source - RIA Novosti Updated 11/02/11 16:21: Let us recall that at the end of last year, as a sign of engagement, Malakhov presented Shkuleva with a BVLGARU ring in white gold, with a 7-carat diamond of an exclusive cut, made to order, with a preliminary cost of about 280,000 €. Natalya liked the ring and she takes great pleasure in appearing in it at various events.

Natalya Shkuleva: biography

Natalya Viktorovna Shkuleva is a talented publisher and editor who collaborates with serious foreign and Russian magazines. She is a lawyer by training, so many of her clients turn to her with legal projects in the field of publishing and printing. Since June 2011, Shkuleva has become the wife of the well-known TV presenter Andrei Malakhov.

Childhood, family of Natalia Shkuleva

Natalya was born in Moscow into a family of educated people. Father - Viktor Mikhailovich Shkulev was the general director of the publishing house of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. Mother - Tamara Konstantinovna Shkuleva worked in the family holding company in public relations. The parents were able to give their daughter a decent education.

The girl attended various clubs at school and developed diversified. Although I gravitated most toward the humanities. The only thing Natalya didn’t have enough time for was sports. She was content only with physical education lessons. Like all girls, the girl in childhood, and later during her school years, dreamed of an acting biography, but her dreams remained dreams, since Shkuleva did not have any special talents in this direction.

Natalia in childhood
Natalya always studied well, which is why she entered the capital’s Institute of International Relations. The girl decided to continue her studies abroad at a business course in London. Sometimes her father’s connections helped her make her way in life, but mostly the successes that Natalya achieved and achieved were largely due to her determination and knowledge.

Natalya Shkuleva: Work

Natalya Shkuleva began her work biography by working as a lawyer in a Moscow publishing house. The same AFS company entrusted its employee with the post of executive editor. The girl’s father offered the leadership of the department in his Intermediagroup holding.

And from then on, the publishing business completely captured the girl, and the first independent magazine projects appeared. This is how Shkuleva entered the family’s business. In addition, she managed to defend her PhD thesis in the field of legal sciences.

Personal life of Natalia Shkuleva

Natalya Viktorovna’s husband was the famous TV presenter Andrei Malakhov. The young people met through work in the business of the Shkulev family. During this period, the presenter sometimes worked with the magazine, which was part of the family holding. The lovers' relationship was unofficial for two years. The civil marriage was in its early stages in the established family of Andrei and Natalia. The entire elite saw young people together when Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko got married. At this point, the couple decided to make their relationship public, and since then they have been constantly seen together. The wedding of Shkuleva and Malakhov took place in the palace at Versailles.

In the photo, the wedding of Natalia Shkuleva and Andrei Malakhov
Only the closest and dearest people were at the celebration. Before the young people decided to link their biographies into one, Natalya was introduced to the groom’s mother. The bride immediately won the trust of Lyudmila Nikolaevna. And Andrei was happy that he now had not only a loving woman next to him, but also a creative, self-sufficient person. Career has always come first for spouses.

Natalya Shkuleva’s family life is built on mutual respect and love. Natalya Shkuleva’s family lives on Arbat in an elite apartment. The media often tried to quarrel the spouses with information that their family had some kind of relationship problems, but each time they came across love, mutual assistance and trust of the young people. For Natalia, Monica Bellucci is an example in a relationship.

About the children of Natalia Shkuleva

Media personalities are always in sight, their problems become public domain. The couple did not have children for a long time, but soon everyone began to say with one voice, with the light hand of the presenter, that Natalya Viktorovna Shkuleva would finally become a mother. It soon became clear that the information was false. More than once, a married woman has been recognized by public opinion as one of the most stylish in Russia. Her clothing style tends towards the classics, but each of them has taste and individuality.

The media exposure of Natalya and her husband left an imprint on the process of choosing a name for their newborn son. Andrei was so happy to have a baby in the family that he decided to hold a vote on choosing a name for his heir. Natalya was not against it, and in the “Live Broadcast” program, the son of Shkuleva and Malakhov received the name Alexander. The couple liked this name, as it reminded them of the great commander Alexander Nevsky.

Natalya Shkuleva now

For some time nothing was heard about Natalya Shkuleva in the press or on the Internet. Information about the heir again after some time began to appear in the media. The couple have already been living together for six years, and Andrei announced his wife’s pregnancy through official sources. The young couple were vacationing in Sardinia.

The husband did everything possible to make the vacation romantic for his wife and to ensure that her pregnancy proceeded smoothly. A child is long-awaited in the family. But this condition of Natalia Shkuleva did not at all affect her attendance at all social events. She continued to be the center of attention at many receptions and evenings. The boy was born with a heroic weight, while the worried father waited in the ward for the appearance of his son.


On Wikipedia, there is no biography of the chosen one of the presenter Andrei Malakhov. So far, fans of the star couple have not created a woman’s account in the most popular encyclopedia of the Russian Internet. Perhaps you will be the first who is ready to publish a complete information about Natalia’s career and personal life on Wikipedia.

Another interesting fact. It is known that the star couple celebrated 100 days of marriage in Paris. Perhaps this is the most romantic gift that lovers could give to each other. Getting to Paris, and even on a significant date for yourself, is an unattainable dream of many non-celebrity couples in love.

Natalya turned out to be more assertive than Andrey. It was on her initiative that the lovers’ wedding took place in Versailles. Agree that the choice is very successful. A romantic place and a loved one nearby - this day was truly memorable for the couple for the rest of their lives.

The first date of Andrei and Natalya was not as romantic as their entire subsequent life together. The lovers turned out to be... you'll never guess. In a colony located in Bryansk. Andrey went there to film a story for the show “Let Them Talk.” The choice for a first date is a very unusual one. Moreover, not every girl would agree to continue a relationship with a young man if she were invited to such a place.

But Natalya turned out to be not one of the timid ones. Moreover, in the future Andrei “made amends” for his meeting in the colony with other more romantic meetings in more romantic places.

Zodiac sign: Twins

Education: Higher, MGIMO

The future businesswoman grew up in a dynasty of native Muscovites and the famous media magnate and entrepreneur Viktor Shkulev. Many people know Natalya Shkuleva as his wife; there are too few facts about her biography on the Internet. The direction of the parents' business had a strong influence on the professional preferences of the young girl in the future. The well-known publisher and successful entrepreneur Viktor Shkulev is today the current head of the Hearst Shkulev Media holding, which produces top tabloids Maxim, Psychologies, Elle and StarHit in the Russian Federation (the editor-in-chief today is Andrey Malakhov himself). The HR director, who controls the area of ​​employee selection and international relations, is Tamara Shkuleva (the girl’s mother).

Photo of Natalya Shkuleva with her father and husband Andrei Malakhov

Natalya Viktorovna Shkuleva: to career in publishing

The girl managed to build a brilliant career surprisingly quickly:

  • Natalya began to grow and develop professionally early; during her student years, she combined the activities of a lawyer in her father’s publishing company, AFS. Combining her career with lectures at MGIMO, and also being young and talented, the student with great ambitions achieved recognition from colleagues at the publishing house and showed good results.
  • In 2002, Natalya brilliantly graduated from the Faculty of International Law at MGIMO.
  • The next step in the girl’s career in 2006 was mastering the FIPP training program. This is a training course aimed at magazine management, which was conducted in England. As a result, Natalya received the FIPP-GIPP Magazine Management Certificate, which opened up new professional horizons for her.
  • And in 2005 she already worked as the corporate director of AFS/Intermediagroup. After some time, Natalya decides to partially move away from jurisprudence and devote herself entirely to publishing.
  • In 2008, Natalya was already the publisher of the tabloid Departures. AFS/Intermediagroup continued to actively develop, and in 2009 she received the position of publisher in the glossy publications Marie Claire, “Home. Interiors plus ideas" and Elle.
  • Natalya still manages the group of publications of the Russian version of Elle today.

In the summer of 2011, Natalya Shkuleva became the wife of Andrei Malakhov. The businesswoman continues and develops her family’s publishing business to this day, being the heir to the Hearst Shkulev Media empire.

Business and creativity

In one of her interviews, Natalya admitted that even as a child she became an unwitting witness to her parents’ business conversations at the dinner table. Absorbing random conversations and information, Natalya, without hesitation, consciously decided to enroll in the Faculty of International Law and began to continue the dynasty of her father.

Natalya considers strategic management and control to be her strength, stating that:

Natalia has always adhered to this principle in her profession:

  • After all, even while working on finances and promoting the publishing house, Natalya is in the creative process, interacting with the characters and discussing new projects. She monitors the profitability and promotion of brands, while making them interesting for readers.
  • Natalia is an active user of social networks. On her Instagram account, the businesswoman posts personal photos and videos, sharing funny and memorable moments with fans. Natalya considers blogging more of a job than a hobby. After all, this is what people are interested in today. By updating interesting news on the Internet, Natalya tries to keep abreast of events in the world and the lives of her colleagues and friends.

Love affair at work

I met Andrei Malakhov 5 years ago within the walls of the Hearst Shkulev Media publishing house, where they began an easy office romance. At that time, none of them even imagined that they would connect their lives with each other. Andrey only recently became the editor of StarHit, and Natalya has already managed to prove herself and become the main figure in Elle magazine. They spent a lot of time at work, so it was easier to find the other half within the walls of the publishing house. In one of his interviews, Andrei Malakhov noted that Natalya was very different from the ladies working in glossy magazines. She attracted him with her personality and serious approach to work.

Photo of Natalia and Andrey

The young people’s first date took place in the Bryansk men’s colony, where Andrei was supposed to film a television story. According to Natalya, Andrei invited her on a joint trip, they met on Paveletskaya and boarded the train, in the compartment of which a table with candles and wine had been set in advance. The final destination for Natalia was a surprise until the last moment.

Photo of Natalia and Andrey together

Andrei Malakhov’s wife Natalya is 37 years old, this is a great age to start a family. The couple did not show off their wedding celebration, showing only photographs of their 100 days after the wedding on the cover of StarHit.

Photo of Natalia from social networks

Even before the wedding ceremony, the lovers stayed in a Florentine palazzo during a joint trip to Italy. This is one of the most romantic and suitable places for a marriage proposal. However, this already happened in New York. During dinner at the Bagatelle restaurant, Andrei got down on his knee and made a proposal. This scene was reminiscent of the plot of a Hollywood film, as Natalya says. The evening ended with joyful dancing and champagne.

Photo by Natalia and Andrey Malakhov

The wedding ceremony was held at the Palace of Versailles without outsiders and journalists. The news about the wedding of the famous journalist and TV presenter Andrei Malakhov quickly spread across the Internet, so the lovers had to resort to a trick, coming up with a fake wedding date.

For a long time, the country's most popular TV presenter Andrei Malakhov was listed as an eligible bachelor. Relatively recently, the public learned the name of his beloved. She became Natalya Shkuleva, whom we will talk about in this material.

Natalya Viktorovna Shkuleva: short biography

Natalya was born on May 31, 1980. Her dad worked in a major publishing house and was considered a fairly wealthy man. He tried to instill in his daughter from an early age the knowledge and experience that would be useful to her in order not to need anything. It is not surprising that young Natasha entered one of the most prestigious universities in Russia, MGIMO, at the Faculty of International Law. In 2002, she successfully completed her studies.

Moreover, in parallel with this, the talented girl managed to work first as a legal assistant, and after receiving her diploma, she took the honorary position of a lawyer herself.

However, all that she achieved was not enough for her, and Shkuleva wanted to continue her studies abroad. No sooner said than done, especially since the opportunities allowed. I went to London to gain new knowledge.

  • In the fall of 2005, Natalya Shkuleva received the position of executive editor of the AFS Publishing House LLC and InterMediaGroup CJSC.
  • A little later he heads the Corporate Department of Consolidated Companies.
  • In 2006, Natalya Viktorovna was awarded the prestigious Magazine Publishing Managerment Certificate for successful completion of the course in London.
  • In 2008, our heroine becomes the publisher of her dad's magazine, Departures. And after that he begins to work on projects such as the magazines “Home. Interior + ideas" and Marie Claire.
  • In 2009, Natalia headed the publishing house of the ELLE magazine group.

Has Natalya Viktorovna Shkuleva given birth to a son?

Andrei Malakhov and Natalya Shkuleva could not help but meet. The owner of StarHit magazine is the girl’s father, and the editor is the TV presenter himself. These people have a lot in common: they are ambitious, purposeful and have achieved a lot in life through their work.

Andrey Malakhov and Natalya Shkuleva

  • They appeared in public together in 2009, at the wedding of Evgeni Plushenko and Yana Rudkovskaya.
  • Until 2011, they lived together in a civil marriage.
  • The official wedding ceremony took place at the Palace of Versailles in 2011, without the media.
  • The married couple Shkuleva and Malakhov live on Arbat, in their elite apartment.

There were often rumors in the press that Natalya Shkuleva allegedly became a mother, but all this information was ordinary gossip. The fact is that Shkuleva and Malakhov became godparents, but no more.

But on November 16, 2017, a small miracle happened - Natalya Viktorovna Shkuleva became a mother. The boy was named Alexander.

Interesting facts about Natalia Viktorovna Shkuleva:

  • Height 170 cm
  • The name of Natalia's child was chosen by TV viewers live
  • In 2013, Hello magazine included Natalya Viktorovna in the list of contenders for the title of the most stylish in Russia. Even Malakhov himself asked his fans to support his wife in this vote! Where, by the way, she looked like a very worthy candidate for victory.

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