Sandwiches with cheese and greens. Hot sandwiches with cheese

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Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Cheese cheese combined with Borodino bread is an ideal snack. You can supplement it with any fresh vegetables and herbs, arrange it as holiday sandwiches or serve it as a spread on bread.

For sandwiches with cheese you will need the following products:

- sheep cheese – 200 grams,
- butter – 50 grams,
- garlic – 3-4 large cloves,
- fresh dill – 1 bunch,
- Borodino bread or for toasting,
- fresh tomatoes with dense pulp – 2 pcs.,
- small fresh cucumber – 1 pc.

How to cook with photos step by step

1. To obtain a more homogeneous mass, grate the cheese on a fine grater. If the cheese is oily, you can mash it with a fork.

2. Peel the garlic cloves and squeeze through the garlic press. The amount of garlic in the recipe is approximate; it is better to adjust the spiciness to your taste. If you stick to the recipe, the appetizer will turn out quite spicy.

3. Mix feta cheese and garlic in a bowl, add pieces of soft butter.

4. Grind everything. You will get an almost homogeneous sandwich mass with feta cheese, which can already be spread on bread. If you do not need a festive decoration, then at this stage the preparation ends. Taste the spread, adjust it and put it in the refrigerator for 10 minutes so that all the ingredients are saturated with the aroma of garlic. Any bread will do, but given the high calorie content of the appetizer with feta cheese, give preference to rye or bran bread.

5. If you need to decorate the appetizer beautifully, you will need dill, tomatoes, and cucumber. Finely chop the dill.

6. Stir with cheese. There should be a lot of dill; it will give not only color and taste, but also aroma.

7. Roll the resulting mass into a sausage.

8. Place it on a piece of cling film, wrap it and put it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. The butter will harden slightly, this will make it easier to further prepare sandwiches with cheese.

9. Place a glass or glass on a slice of bread and press lightly. You will get smooth, neat circles. This will be the basis.

10. Take out the cheese and unfold it. Place on a cutting board. Thread a thin thread under the cheese. Pull the ends, as if tying a knot, and an even circle of spread will be cut. If you cut with a knife, the cheese may crumble.

11. Cut the circles to the desired thickness.

12. It is better to take tomatoes for sandwiches that are ripe, but with dense pulp and thick skin. Cut them into circles.

13. You can alternate layers in any order. Sandwiches with cheese look very impressive, decorated with slices of cucumber or radish, fresh herbs or in combination with lettuce leaves. Such a spectacular appetizer can be served on the table together with other

    Making sandwiches at home is not difficult if you prepare all the ingredients for them in advance. There are many varieties of classic sandwiches with cheese and sausage, as well as multi-level ones with meat, pate, herbs, vegetables and sauces.

    Sandwiches with cheese and tomatoes take about ten minutes to prepare. The cooking recipe is close to Greek cuisine and is very suitable for vegetarians, as it does not contain meat products. Even novice cooks can prepare such a tasty and simple dish.

    Sandwiches with cheese

    So, to prepare sandwiches with cheese and tomatoes, you need the following: croutons or fresh bread, cheese, tomatoes, salt, pepper. For sandwiches with tomatoes and cheese, you can also use garlic and dill.

    The cheese should be chosen not dry so that it does not crumble. Its consistency should be homogeneous and easily mixed with other ingredients.

    Brynza should be mixed with crushed heads of garlic and spread on slices of bread. Place a slice of tomato on top, salt and pepper it and garnish with dill. You can also consider options with bread, for example, instead of regular fresh bread, make croutons from black bread, pre-fried in vegetable oil.

    In addition, you can add beaten eggs to the cheese mashed with a fork, mixing the resulting mass well, then apply to slices of bread and add tomato. The resulting sandwiches should be baked on a baking sheet in the oven. After cooking, they need to be sprinkled with chopped parsley and dill.

    Another simple and delicious recipe includes almonds and nuts. To prepare sandwiches, you need to pour boiling water over the almonds for ten minutes to easily remove the film from them. After soaking, the almonds need to be dried in a frying pan for about seven minutes, then mixed with cheese. Slices of bread should be spread with butter and put on top of them mugs of tomatoes without skin and seeds. Place a mixture of cheese and almonds on top. The sandwich can be decorated with olives and dill. This is how quickly and easily you can surprise your family and friends.

If you have long been unable to think of something new to feed your beloved spouse and children in the morning, then our site will help you start bursting with ideas, using at least this hot sandwich recipe as a basis. It would seem that what could be simpler and more prosaic than an ordinary hot sandwich? In fact, even the preparation of this simple snack can be approached with imagination. Even a child can cut off a piece of bread and sausage and place them on top of each other, but you can try making an original hot sandwich, after eating which you can not think about food and not be distracted from your business until lunchtime.

What’s best is that you don’t spend a lot of time preparing these hot sandwiches with cheese and eggs, but from the very morning you have hot and satisfying food, which is very important if you have a working day ahead of you. And if you cool these hot sandwiches, they are perfect as a snack with vodka or strong red wine.

You can make your own cheese for sandwiches by adding pepsin powder to boiled milk and draining it in a colander after a couple of hours. The resulting mass, reminiscent of cottage cheese, is placed under a weight for several hours and then kept in salt water.

A simple recipe for hot sandwiches with cheese and eggs step by step with photos.

If you have long been unable to think of something new to feed your beloved spouse and children in the morning, then our site will help you start bursting with ideas, using at least this hot sandwich recipe as a basis. It would seem that what could be simpler and more prosaic than an ordinary hot sandwich? In fact, even the preparation of this simple snack can be approached with imagination. Even a child can cut off a piece of bread and sausage and place them on top of each other, but you can try making an original hot sandwich, after eating which you can not think about food and not be distracted from your business until lunchtime.

What’s best is that you don’t spend a lot of time preparing these hot sandwiches with cheese and eggs, but from the very morning you have hot and satisfying food, which is very important if you have a working day ahead of you. And if you cool these hot sandwiches, they are perfect as a snack with vodka or strong red wine.

You can make your own cheese for sandwiches by adding pepsin powder to boiled milk and draining it in a colander after a couple of hours. The resulting mass, reminiscent of cottage cheese, is placed under a weight for several hours and then kept in salt water.

  • National cuisine: European cuisine
  • Type of dish: Second courses
  • Recipe difficulty: Simple recipe
  • Preparation time: 19 minutes
  • Cooking time: 20 minutes
  • Number of servings: 2 servings
  • Calorie Amount: 59 kilocalories
  • Occasion: Snack, breakfast

Ingredients for 2 servings

  • Loaf 0.5 pcs.
  • Cheese cheese 100 g
  • Butter 10 g
  • Ground black pepper 0.5 tsp.
  • Salt 1 pinch
  • Chicken eggs 1 pc.

Step by step

  1. For hot sandwiches we will need 5-6 pieces of loaf, an egg and lightly salted cheese, grainy cottage cheese is also good.
  2. Mash the cheese, add the eggs and mix well. If you cook with cottage cheese, add another pinch of salt and ground black pepper.
  3. Brush the loaf pieces with the mixture.
  4. Heat the butter in a frying pan and place the sandwiches with the filling facing up, close with a lid and cook for 2-3 minutes.
  5. During this time, the egg will “set” a little and the bread can be turned over.
  6. Fry with the filling down for 2-3 minutes, making sure that the sandwiches with cheese and eggs do not burn.

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