Informatics and Computer Science or. Informatics and Computer Science - Bachelor's Degree (03/09/01)

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I study at the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science at the Department of Automated Information Processing and Management Systems at KPI, Kiev Polytechnic Institute, and Information Systems and Technologies is my path.
Actually, an excerpt from the description on the site, so as not to pull the cat by the tail:

Undergraduate curriculum

1. Programming cycle

Algorithmization and programming. Algorithms and data structures. Object-oriented programming. Object-oriented modeling. WEB - technologies and WEB-design. Organization of databases and knowledge. Computer graphics. Computer technologies for statistical information processing. Cross - platform programming. Technology for creating software products. OS. Basics of WEB design.

2. Mathematical cycle

Analytical geometry and linear algebra. Higher mathematics. Elements of the theory of functions of a complex variable and operational calculus. Discrete Math. Probability theory, probabilistic processes and mathematical statistics. Mathematical methods for operations research. Theory of algorithms. Numerical methods. Decision theory. Statistical methods, event flow theory.

3. System-technical cycle

System analysis. Systems modeling. Technologies of distributed systems and parallel computing. Information security technologies. Information systems design. Computer design technologies. Data mining. Methods and systems of artificial intelligence. IT project management. Physics. Electronics and electrical engineering. Computer circuitry and computer architecture. Computer networks. Microprocessor systems.

Areas of activity

Our graduates are specialists of a wide profile. The objects of their specialization are in various areas of human activity - in the areas

  • industry
  • medicine
  • finance
  • transport
  • trade
  • business

Our graduates are able to solve a variety of problems: from accounting automation to the development of computer networks and intelligent decision-making systems. As systems analysts, they deeply understand the essence of complex processes of interaction between various spheres of production, humanitarian and business activities, which gives them advantages for successfully competing in the labor market.

Graduates work wherever software and various information (system) technologies are developed, implemented, adapted or operated, in particular, as:

  • systems analysts,
  • project managers,
  • data scientists,
  • implementation and reengineering consultants,
  • database administrators,
  • application programmers,
  • support engineers,
  • things like that.

The direction “Informatics and Computer Science” includes modern computers, supercomputers, information computing systems, Internet technologies, Ethernet and Wi-Fi, portals and blogs, computer networks, modern high-level programming languages, modern software and network technologies.

The direction “Informatics and Computer Science” belongs to one of the areas of modern information technology. This direction integrates knowledge from the areas of microprocessor technology, programming, modern network technologies and computing complexes and systems, modern information computing systems. If you want to know all this, if you want to actively participate in scientific and technological progress, then this direction is suitable for you.

Having mastered the methods of analysis and design of complex computing systems and distributed microprocessor systems, learned to design wired and wireless local networks, and been trained in circuit design and the fundamentals of digital transmission and processing of information, you will become a sought-after professional in the field of computer and computing technology.

By choosing this direction and gaining knowledge in this area at our institute, you will understand that computers are easy!

So the direction 09.03.01 "Informatics and computer technology" is one of the most promising areas in the field of modern computers, programming, network technologies (Internet, Ethernet).

Our graduates are highly qualified specialists in creating information systems and mastering high-level programming languages.

Students of this direction in the computer rooms of the department study in practice the structure of (Delphi, C++) and others. They master modern information technologies (Internet/Intranet, OLAP, MIDAS, CORBA, DCOM, .NET), gain skills in developing modern architecture of computers, operating systems, programming in high-level languages.

The department is participating in a project for organizing innovative training for students. The department's computer rooms and laboratories are equipped with the latest generation of computer technology, in particular high-performance dual-processor Kraftway Credo pro workstations. To process complex 3D graphic information, the stations are equipped with GeForce 8600GT video adapters based on the NVidia chipset, which together provides users with excellent performance in solving resource-intensive tasks.

Computer rooms are connected using high-speed routers into a single local network of the institute with access to the Internet and the use of Wi-Fi technology. The LAN operation is supported by powerful Kraftway Express ISp ES24 server stations, which ensure high performance and reliability of the entire system.

A lesson in the discipline "Interfaces of peripheral devices" is conducted by candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the department Belov A.A.

The department's laboratories are equipped with stands and specialized measuring equipment, coupled with computer equipment, with a specialized application software package installed on them, which allows for high quality laboratory and practical classes.

The technology for teaching students in the field of "Informatics and Computer Science" involves the use of such tools as visual aids and educational aids on electronic media. The ability to use electronic versions of lectures, visual aids, and methodological instructions is provided by the computer equipment available at the E&VT department.

According to the curriculum, the learning process for university students includes lectures, practical classes and laboratory work, writing course projects and papers, completing various types of internships, passing tests and exams during the winter and summer examination sessions.

A lesson in the discipline "Informatics and Programming" is conducted by Associate Professor Ph.D. Dogadina E.P.

Graduates of this direction master such special disciplines as: computer science, computer graphics, computer circuitry, programming, system software, microprocessor systems, database management systems, organization of information networks, etc.

Coursework and final qualifying papers are carried out by students on current topics using modern computer technology in the computer rooms of the department, as well as at base enterprises.

The final stage of training for bachelors - engineers is the defense of their final qualifying work.

Meeting of the commission for the defense of final qualifying works

The commission for the defense of final qualifying works includes leading specialists from industrial enterprises, teachers of the department who have an academic degree and academic title.

The best graduates, based on the results of excellent studies, defense of final qualifying theses and active research work, are recommended for master's programs.

At the Department of E&VT under the scientific supervision of Professor Yu.A. Kropotov. The training of highly qualified specialists is carried out within the framework of postgraduate studies at VlSU in the specialty 05.13.05 “Elements and devices of VT and control systems”. All graduate students of the department, in addition to working on a dissertation and conducting scientific research on the topic of the dissertation, conduct teaching activities.

Where they work: in small and medium-sized businesses, in design and design bureaus, departments for automation of production control systems, in departments for automation of design and management systems, in banks, in research institutes, in educational institutions and universities.

Who they work with: developers of the architecture of modern computers, programmers, administrators of information networks, consultants on issues of representation on the Internet (Web master, Web designer), specialists in computerization of work in offices and in editorial and publishing activities, specialists in computer automation of technological processes.

In our rapidly changing modern age, computer science and computing have become not just the norm of life, but have become our life. The quality of human existence begins to depend on how successfully people understand them. If a person knows how to handle computer equipment on a first-name basis, then he lives in the rhythm of time and success always awaits him.

The very word “computer science” in almost all languages ​​of the world means a science that is related to computing technology or computers. More specifically, this term has the following definition: this is the name of science, which has as its main task the study of various methods of obtaining, storing, accumulating, transmitting, transforming, and using information.

Applied computer science includes its use in society, software, the fight against computer viruses and the information society. Informatics and computing technology are used in modern life in several main areas:

Development of computer systems and necessary software;

Information theory, which studies all processes associated with it;

Artificial intelligence methods;

System analysis;

Methods of machine animation and graphics;

Telecommunications, which include global ones;

A variety of applications that cover almost all aspects of human activity.

There is no doubt that developing technological progress has an important impact on our lives and constantly presents humanity with new opportunities for obtaining, collecting and storing information.

Information technology (IT) occupy an important place in all spheres of human life and activity. A special place in the diversity of IT is occupied by automated information processing and control systems(ASOIU), the main purpose of which is the automation of activities related to the storage, transmission and processing of information. Since information is the most important resource in the modern world, automated information systems play a decisive role in any field of activity (accounting, banking, warehouse, administrative and management automated systems). Modern automated information systems rely on the use of local and global networks, processing of graphic, video and audio information, multimedia technology, and artificial intelligence systems. Without this kind of systems it is difficult to imagine a modern enterprise, regardless of the size and direction of activity. This largely determines the existing stable demand in all sectors of the economy for specialists in the field of design, creation and use of automated control systems. This also explains the great interest in this area among young people.

“Automated information processing and control systems” is a specialty for those who love mathematics and programming, want to be fluent in modern computer technology and software, network technologies of various scales: from local to corporate and global.

Objects of professional activity: computers, complexes, systems and networks; automated information processing and management systems; computer-aided design systems; software for computer equipment and automated systems (programs, software packages and systems); mathematical, informational, technical, ergonomic, organizational and legal support of the listed systems.

Graduates of this specialty can work:

  • programmers
  • system administrators
  • system programmers
  • web programmers

Assigned qualification

Qualification - bachelor. Training profile- “Automated information processing and management systems”

Positions held

  • Software Engineer
  • Automated production control systems engineer
  • Research Engineer
  • Engineer for the implementation of new equipment and technology
  • Engineer for mechanization and automation of production processes

Universities that offer this specialty

  • Belarusian-Russian University(passing points in, , , )

ATTENTION! When calculating passing scores, the score of the certificate is not taken into account (Russian admission rules)

Graduates of this specialty receive a diploma Russian model, since training is carried out at the expense of the Russian budget and according to Russian educational programs. Citizens of the Republic of Belarus can apply for this specialty on equal terms with citizens of Russia. Free training.

Direction Number:

Form of study:

Cost of education:

From 122,960 rubles

Number of seats:

Budget: 100
Contract: 30

The level of education
and duration of study:

Bachelor's degree 4 years

Minimum points:

Mathematics: 55
Computer Science and ICT:  55
Russian Language: 36
Passing score for the budget in 2018:   221


Are you hardworking and love to gain new knowledge? Are you not afraid of difficulties and are you ready to become a real specialist? Do you love working with programming languages ​​and analyzing technical data and scientific information? If yes, then this area of ​​training is ideal for you.

The main goal of the educational program is to train qualified personnel in the field of computer science and computer technology. In addition, an important task is the formation of knowledge and skills in various fields, such as the humanities, social, economic, mathematical and natural sciences. Our graduates receive higher education, which allows them to easily carry out developments and research aimed at creating and ensuring the functioning of automated management and control systems, measurement and corporate information systems. Thanks to the acquired universal and subject-specific skills, the graduate feels confident in the labor market. The educational program includes the choice of individual educational trajectories by students. Training forms the readiness of university graduates for active professional and social activities.

After completing your studies, you will be able to successfully continue your studies in master's programs not only at UrFU, but also at leading universities in Russia. You will have a unique opportunity for promising work at enterprises of various forms of ownership: from analytical departments of large financial organizations to software development departments of modern IT companies.

Core disciplines

  • Foreign language
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Computer and engineering graphics
  • Algorithms and data structures
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Metrology and standardization
  • Electronics
  • Basics of professionalism
  • Software engineering, etc.


UrFU students have access to the entire spectrum of world knowledge at the highest level. For example, this is manifested in such an instrument as the minor. Minors are educational programs specifically designed to give students knowledge and competencies in areas different from the main field of study. An important feature is that when teachers prepare such a minor module, they initially strive to make it interesting and exciting for a wide range of students, and not just for students with specialized training. The opportunity to master minors appears in the 3rd year, and they last one year (autumn and spring semesters). In each semester, a student can choose only one minor and the one who successfully completes the training and passes the test will be issued a certificate

Difficulties that a student may encounter

1. Lack of time and inability to properly distribute it
2. Issuing a large number of different types of work at the end of the semester for a short period of time
3. You have to learn a lot on your own, a large amount of homework
4. Insufficient level of school knowledge base for mastering new, more complex subjects

Who to work with?

Database Administrator

Specialist responsible for maintaining database management systems.

Engineer programmer

Specialist responsible for software development and website development.

Circuit Engineer

Specialist responsible for the development of circuit solutions, printed

System Administrator

A specialist responsible for maintaining the proper operation of computer equipment

It is worth noting that today IT specialists are in great demand. Over the past decades, the world has been rapidly acquiring new technologies, and specialists in the field of computer science and computer technology are needed more and more. The graduate will have prospects for building a successful career.
1. Database administrator- Specialist responsible for maintaining database management systems. His main responsibility is to ensure constant operation of the server and user access to the necessary information. A database is a collection of various materials (articles, calculations, regulations, tables, customer data, etc.), which are structured in accordance with certain rules, stored in computer memory and processed using its computing power (special software)
2. Software engineer- Specialist responsible for creating control programs, software development, website development. There are also those who create mobile applications. In general terms, a software engineer is involved in the development, debugging (finding and fixing errors), performance testing and further modification of the software.
3. Circuit engineer- Specialist responsible for the development of circuit solutions and printed circuit boards. He provides technical support for the production of prototypes, debugging and configuration, prepares and approves technical specifications, and draws up technical documentation for the product in accordance with ESKD standards.
4. System administrator- A specialist responsible for maintaining the proper operation of computer hardware and software and the information security of the organization.
5. Systems Analyst- Specialist responsible for solving organizational problems using system analysis. It is impossible to describe this profession in broad terms. Such a specialist analyzes the tasks assigned to the company and comes up with exactly how to solve them: how the system will work, what technologies should be used. This profession in Russia arose quite recently. Its emergence is directly related to the increased demand for process automation in large companies.

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