Statement of book value. What documents are needed to evaluate an apartment and what does a certificate of book value of the property look like, a sample document

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A sample certificate of the book value of assets reflects the current price value of the institution’s property assets on the balance sheet. It reflects information on the valuation of the organization's current and non-current assets. That is why it is necessary in situations where the organization’s activities are directly related to the determination of the book value of assets (BSA).

Internal and external users of financial statements can request such a financial document, such as:

  • founders - to familiarize themselves with the current financial situation of the enterprise;
  • investors, insurance and credit organizations - to check the solvency and stability of the institution in order to make further decisions regarding the investment of funds.

For large organizations, a register may be needed to recognize the scale of the transaction (BSA is an indicator for determining a large transaction). Or to confirm the need to conclude a particular agreement.

How to fill

There is no standardized or legally approved format for this document. A certificate of book value is not required to be completed as part of periodic or final financial statements. Each enterprise makes a decision on the form (template), content, timing and frequency of preparing the register independently, having prescribed these local standards.

Thus, a certificate of book value is generated in free form. To provide the most complete reflection of information, you can include the following information in the document:

  • details of the register itself, number, date and place of compilation;
  • organizational information about the institution - name, tax identification number, checkpoint, address, form of ownership, legal form;
  • reporting period;
  • tabular part: valuation of the organization’s property assets with a breakdown of all types of assets owned by the institution as property rights.

It will not be a violation to draw up the form in an abbreviated version - in the form of a regular letter, reflecting the indicators of current and non-current objects for the reporting period (at the beginning and end of the year).

Despite the fact that a certificate of book value is not included in the mandatory list of accounting documents, it can be useful for internal and external users (creditors, investors or shareholders). A single sample document on the book value of property is not regulated at the legislative level, and the certificate form is filled out by the chief accountant of the enterprise at the request of internal/external users.

In this article

Why do you need a certificate of book value?

This kind of documentation is issued for the property status of fixed assets. Fixed assets are formed through initial contributions and capital investments. These funds have low liquidity and are used in the production process/are production/non-production premises or vehicles. A document reflecting the book value may be useful in the following cases:

  • to analyze the solvency of the company and account for receivables/payables in the overall balance sheet structure;
  • to create and outline a strategy for the management policy of the enterprise;
  • reflects data to attract investors;
  • acts as an auxiliary document for obtaining loans from banking institutions.

If any fixed assets were stolen, then the certificate will be one of the key documents for receiving insurance payments.

Where can I get a certificate of book value?

It has already been mentioned that an example of a document is issued by the accounting or financial control department of the enterprise. The forms have a free form, where the following parameters are indicated:

Theft of fixed assets at an enterprise

If a theft occurs at work, then, in addition to contacting the police, it is necessary to recalculate the property (inventory) in order to submit reports to regulatory authorities and carry out tax calculations. If you discover that fixed assets are missing, you must:

  • file a police report indicating the stolen property;
  • conduct an inventory of fixed assets;
  • calculate the amount of losses from such an incident;
  • draw up an act of write-off of fixed assets and inventories;
  • reflect the shortage, the perpetrators and methods of compensation for losses;
  • submit a certificate of the book value of the enterprise after the theft to the tax authorities.

Since tax legislation is not perfect, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not provide for a clear mechanism for processing/reporting theft in the tax accounting and reporting sector. Therefore, in order not to incur problems with the fiscal authority and unscheduled inspections, it is appropriate to send to the inspectorate a certificate of book value drawn up after the theft.

The generation of a certificate of the current value of assets usually occurs at the end of the reporting period (usually annual), at the request of the management of an enterprise or organization for internal or external purposes.


Why do you need a certificate?

Despite the fact that the certificate is a fairly informative document and can describe in detail the financial picture of the company’s activities, it does not apply to the mandatory documents included in the financial statements.

Most often, it is required to conduct analytical work on the activities of the enterprise and maintain internal reports and records, as well as, in some cases, for interested structures “from the outside.”

The certificate is relevant, for example, when it is necessary to confirm the solvency and reliability of an organization in banking and credit institutions, insurance companies, in front of potential or existing investors, counterparties, etc.

What is included in the certificate

A certificate of the book value of an enterprise's assets reflects information about its current and non-current assets, in particular the total assessment of their value.

Assets include all the property of an enterprise (buildings, structures, equipment, machinery, transport, cash, raw materials, finished products, etc.), both acting as a means of generating profit and simply listed on the balance sheet.

Current and non-current assets

The assets of any company are divided into two types:

  1. Negotiable. These include:
    • inventory, including products ready for sale;
    • cash in the organization’s cash desk and in its current bank accounts;
    • accounts receivable, i.e. everything that can be converted into monetary value in a short period of time.
  2. Non-negotiable. These are fixed assets and non-property assets, which are much more difficult to convert into monetary form (buildings, equipment, production, information systems, etc.).

A good indicator is if current assets are higher than non-current assets - in this case the company is considered successful in terms of financial activities and solvent, which means that the likelihood of achieving its goals is much greater.

When is the document drawn up?

Typically, a document is drawn up at the end of a reporting period (six months, a year). This frequency allows you to timely assess the financial condition of the company, as well as, using analysis, determine the further development strategy of the enterprise (especially when the certificate includes information for several years at once).

Who draws up the document

The responsibility for drawing up the document is usually assigned to an employee of the accounting department, i.e. an employee who has access to the financial performance of the company.

After the certificate is generated, it must be submitted to the chief accountant for signature, then it must be endorsed by the director.

You need to be very careful when drawing up the certificate; the future of the enterprise sometimes depends on how correctly it is filled out. That is why no errors, inaccuracies, and especially unreliable or deliberately false information in the certificate are unacceptable. If a mistake does occur, you should not correct it; it is better to fill out a new form.

Rules for drawing up a certificate

Today there is no unified form for a certificate of the book value of assets, so employees of enterprises and organizations can write a document in any form or, if the enterprise has a developed and approved document template, based on its sample.

Sometimes a document is drawn up based on the requirements of the institution for which information about the company’s financial activities is collected.

The only thing is that in any case you need to take into account that the certificate must indicate a number of mandatory information:

  • Title of the document;
  • name of the enterprise;
  • place and date of drawing up the form;
  • if the certificate is of an outgoing nature, you can indicate which organization it is intended for;
  • information on the book value of assets for the period of time for which it is required (it must be indicated). Here their total value is indicated, broken down into current and non-current assets.

If necessary, this data can be described in more detail in the form of a table.

Registration of a certificate

The certificate can be written by hand or typed on a computer, on an ordinary A4 sheet or on the company’s letterhead (the latter option is preferable because it a priori includes the company’s details).

It is important to strictly observe only one condition - the document must be signed by the head of the organization (or a person who is his official representative), as well as the chief accountant. In this case, the signatures must be “live” - the use of facsimile autographs, i.e. printed in any way is unacceptable.

Today it is not necessary to certify a certificate using various types of stamps - this should be done only when the norm for the use of seals and stamps for endorsing papers is enshrined in the internal local legal acts of the company.

The certificate is usually made in one original copy, but if there is any need, additional certified copies can be made.

Information about the certificate is entered in a special accounting journal, and if it is intended for a third-party institution, also in the outgoing documentation journal.

A certificate of the book value of fixed assets shows their value according to accounting data as of a particular date. It does not apply to mandatory forms of accounting reporting, but may be of interest to a certain circle of users.

Fixed assets belong to the category of capital investments of the organization. They have a lower degree of liquidity than, for example, working capital, and show the property and financial situation of the company.

A certificate of the book value of fixed assets can be used for internal analysis of the solvency of an enterprise, for management accounting purposes, and can also be provided for consideration by third-party users - investors, credit institutions, insurance companies and others. Fixed assets can act as collateral in commercial transactions.

Where can I find a form for a certificate of book value?

The form of a certificate of the book value of fixed assets is not approved at the legislative level. This means that you can use any form of this document. Let us remind you that business entities have the right to develop forms of certain documents based on their needs and characteristics of their activities. Therefore, the enterprise can also approve the form and type of this document independently, securing it with the appropriate order.

Fixed assets in the certificate can be listed by name (if there are a small number of them) or divided into groups: non-residential buildings, machinery, inventory and equipment for production needs, and so on.

You can see an example of preparing such a certificate on our website. We offer 2 options for formatting this document.


A certificate of the book value of fixed assets is an optional document when submitting financial statements. It contains information about the cost of fixed assets that are listed on the organization’s balance sheet. Therefore, the certificate may be of interest to potential investors, banking and insurance organizations. A certificate of the book value of an enterprise's assets is filled out in any form due to the lack of a legally established form.

Certificate of book value - sample it will be given in the article - it is a document necessary for disclosing information about fixed assets. Before drawing up such a document, you need to familiarize yourself with the requirements for it, which will be discussed further.

Purpose of a certificate of book value of fixed assets

Before revealing the purpose certificates of book value of fixed assets, it is worth noting that it is not mandatory for preparation and is not included in the financial statements. At the same time, the information reflected in it is valuable for carrying out activities and making various types of management decisions. This is primarily due to the fact that fixed assets, unlike current assets, are less liquid and therefore more fully reflect the picture of the organization’s financial condition.

Also, in addition to using this certificate in the company’s own interests, investors, creditors and insurers can use it to assess the payment capabilities of their partner, as well as identify objects that can be used as collateral.

Form of certificate of book value - example

The forms mentioned can be easily found on the Internet, but most likely they will differ in form from each other. This is due to the fact that book value certificate form is not approved by any regulatory legal act, and therefore each organization, using its right to develop documents, approves the form of the certificate depending on the characteristics of its activities.

It should be noted that if there is a large number of fixed assets, the specified form does not need to be overloaded with their transfer - it will be enough to divide all the property into groups and reflect their value (for example: non-residential buildings, cars).

In addition, the certificate can reflect the value of fixed assets not only at the end of the reporting period, but also at the end of the period preceding the reporting period. This reflection will allow you to compare the dynamics of property values.

For clarity, we present to your attention several options for filling out a certificate of book value.


Certificate of book value is not included in the financial statements and therefore does not need to be presented along with the balance sheet and other forms. At the same time, it may be needed by the organization's commercial partners to disclose its financial condition. It should also be noted that the certificate in question is drawn up in any form.

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