Yaroslavl Medical Academy (University): information for applicants. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Yaroslavl State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

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The need to create a higher medical educational institution in Yaroslavl was dictated by the Great Patriotic War, which required a manifold increase in medical personnel. In 1943, the Belarusian Medical Institute, formed from the evacuated Minsk and Vitebsk medical institutes, resumed its activities in Yaroslavl. After the liberation of the western regions of the country, the university returned to its republic, and on its basis, on August 15, 1944, the Yaroslavl Medical Institute was opened. In the year of its 50th anniversary (in 1994), the university received the status of an academy, and in the year of its 70th anniversary (in 2014) - the status of a university.

Currently, Yaroslavl State Medical University is a multidisciplinary university that provides training, professional retraining and advanced training for doctors and pharmacists for many regions of Russia, an important scientific center in which fundamental and applied research is conducted, information technologies and innovative activities are actively developing.

The university successfully operates 6 student faculties (medical, pediatric, pharmaceutical, dental, secondary vocational and pre-university education, clinical psychology and social work), which train specialists in 7 areas of higher education (specialist and undergraduate) and 2 specialties of secondary vocational education , as well as the Institute of Postgraduate Education with two faculties.

Currently, the university has over 4,000 students, interns, residents and graduate students, including those from foreign countries. Over 600 teachers work at 60 departments, of which more than 100 are doctors of science and more than 330 candidates of science. The team of teachers includes Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honored Scientists, Honored Workers of Higher Education, Honored Doctors, Honored Health Workers and Honored Cultural Workers of the Russian Federation, members of public Russian, international and foreign academies.

During its activity, the university has trained more than 30 thousand doctors and pharmacists, including for the countries of Asia, Africa and America. More than 48 thousand doctors, pharmacists and teachers have undergone various forms of professional retraining and advanced training. University graduates successfully work in different regions of Russia, as well as in countries near and far abroad. Among the graduates are famous scientists, healthcare leaders, respected specialists in many branches of medicine, and prominent public figures.

Modern medicine requires qualified specialists who have not only an education diploma, but also current knowledge. You can get a quality education, and along with it a document confirming this, only in one of the universities in Yaroslavl. Yaroslavl (university) is the name of this educational organization.

History of the establishment

Officially, the history of the medical educational organization currently existing in Yaroslavl began in 1944. The Yaroslavl Medical Institute was founded in the city. However, he had predecessors. He appeared on the basis of the Belarusian Medical University, which was evacuated due to the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War.

For approximately 50 years it functioned in training medical workers. In connection with the improvement of the educational process and achievements in science, the university was awarded the status of an academy in 1994, and in 2014 - the status of a university. Today this educational organization is considered a fairly large multidisciplinary university. Several thousand students study there in 7 bachelor's and specialty programs and 3 programs of secondary vocational education.

and entrance examinations

Yaroslavskaya (university) offers only one bachelor's degree. Its name is “social work”. People entering after graduating from school must provide Unified State Examination results in the Russian language, social studies and history. Persons with higher education or higher education take the test at the university.

Similar rules regarding passing entrance tests apply to specialty programs. The only difference is in the items handed over. In “medical biochemistry”, “general medicine”, “pediatrics”, “dentistry” and “pharmacy”, Russian language, chemistry and biology are required.

It is easy to enroll in vocational education programs (“pharmacy”, “preventive dentistry”, “laboratory diagnostics”). Yaroslavl Medical Academy does not require passing any exams. If the number of applicants and the number of places are equal, all people who have submitted a complete package of documents are enrolled.

Minimum points

Every year, the Ministry of Health of our country sets such an indicator as the minimum number of points. It allows you to exclude from the admissions campaign those individuals who do not have a sufficient level of knowledge. If, for example, an applicant receives too low values ​​on the Unified State Examination results, then his documents will not be accepted by the Yaroslavl Medical Academy.

The admissions committee annually informs applicants about the minimum acceptable results. The highest minimum scores for 2017 were approved for “dentistry”. Applicants need to score at least 60 points in Russian language and biology, and at least 50 points in chemistry. The lowest minimum scores are set for “social work” (36 points in Russian language, 32 points in history and 42 points in social studies).

Passing scores

Yaroslavl Medical Academy has quite high budgetary positions. This situation is explained by great competition. Below are statistics for 2016 on budget places:

  • free places were not allocated for “social work”, so the passing grade on the budget was not determined;
  • the lowest minimum acceptable value was in the direction of “clinical psychology” - 195 points;
  • higher scores were observed in “medical biochemistry” (217 points), “pharmacy” (222 points), “pediatrics” (226 points);
  • the highest passing scores were in “medicine” (234 points) and “dentistry” (248 points).

Interesting information for applicants will be a competition in existing areas of training (on a budget). In 2016, he had the least amount of “medical care” - 8 people per place. The highest competition was observed in “medical biochemistry” - 34 people per place.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the educational organization considered is a large, developing university. It deserves the attention of applicants, because the Yaroslavl Medical Academy has a lot of budget places. The cost of training is set depending on the direction. The fewest jobs in 2016 were “social work” (about 27 thousand). The highest cost was for “medical biochemistry” (over 136 thousand rubles).

6. Procedure for considering appeals

6.1. An appeal is a reasoned written statement by an applicant (legal representative, authorized representative) about a violation of the procedure for entrance or certification tests or about doubts about the correctness of the grade given.
6.2. An appeal for an entrance or certification test is accepted the next day after the announcement of the assessment.
6.3. The appeal is considered on the basis of a written application from the applicant (legal representative, authorized representative). Appeals from third parties will not be considered or accepted.
6.4. The appeal is considered by the appeal commission only in the presence of the applicant (legal representative, authorized representative). One of his legal representatives has the right to be present with the minor applicant during the appeal. The legal representative does not participate in the discussion of the examination or certification work and does not comment on the actions of the appeal commission.
6.5. When filing and considering an appeal, the applicant must have with him a document proving his identity.
6.6. During the consideration of the appeal, it is determined whether the test procedure was violated, and the correctness of the assessment of the applicant’s answer is checked. An appeal is not a re-examination. Additional questioning of the applicant, making corrections to the work and protocols is not allowed.
6.7. When considering an appeal based on the results of entrance and certification tests in the form of testing, the chairman of the subject commission re-checks the correctness of comparison of the applicant’s answers with the standard ones. At the same time, familiarization of the applicant with the methodology for correctly solving tasks and standards of answers is not provided. The applicant is allowed to view the work. The content of test tasks is not a subject for discussion.
6.8. The appeal is considered by the chairman of the appeal commission and/or his deputy, members of the appeal commission, as well as the chairman of the relevant examination commission. The appeal commission is authorized to consider the appeal in the presence of at least three commission members.
6.9. After considering the appeal, the appeal commission makes a decision on the assessment of the examination or certification work. The decision of the appeal commission is recorded in the minutes.
6.10. In controversial cases, the decision of the appeal commission is made by majority vote and is not subject to revision. The assessment after an appeal is final and, in case of change, is subject to inclusion in the examination or certification sheet, examination or certification work, or the protocol of the decision of the appeal commission.
6.11. The decision of the appeal commission, documented in the protocol, is brought to the attention of the applicant (legal representative, authorized representative) against signature.
6.12. Repeated appeals based on the results of entrance and certification tests are not carried out. A repeated appeal for an applicant who does not appear at the meeting of the appeal commission at the appointed time is not scheduled or carried out. Claims will not be considered.
6.13. The applicant's application with the decision of the appeal commission is submitted to the admissions committee and is stored in the applicant's personal file.

The "" section contains detailed information on the 2018 admissions campaign. Here you can also find out about the passing scores, competition, conditions for providing a hostel, the number of available places, as well as the minimum points that were required to obtain it. The database of universities is constantly growing!

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