How to enter data on length of service and calculate it in 1C: ZUP. How to enter information about experience in zup How to change information about experience in 1c

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Let's look at the step-by-step instructions for conducting, accruing and paying sick leave benefits in 1C 8.3 ZUP 3.1.

Suppose that an employee of the Kron-C company, German Eduardovich Baltser, fell ill. In the event that the period of his sick leave turned out to be rolling from month to month, he should have registered a failure to appear for an unknown reason. This is done so that the next time he is absent, nothing is credited to him.

If an employee returned to work but did not immediately provide sick leave, it is possible to issue a leave for an unknown reason. When he brings sick leave, you should start reflecting and calculating it in the program.

You can enter sick leave into 1C:ZUP using the “Salary” menu.

First of all, in the header of the document we indicate that this sick leave for September 2017 is for employee G. E. Baltzer, who works in the Kron-Ts organization.

On the “Main” tab, the period of illness is indicated. Let's say our employee suffered from the disease in the period from September 18 to September 28, 2917. Below we will indicate the reason. Please note that the payment amount may vary depending on the reason. In our case, this will be a common illness, and the accrued amount will directly depend on the length of service and the average salary of G. E. Baltser.

Please note that in the figure above, the program informs us that our employee has no completed work experience. This urgently needs to be corrected, because otherwise the calculations are likely to result in an error. This can be done by clicking on the appropriate hyperlink.

You will see a window with the length of service settings for this employee. Make all the necessary settings and click on the “OK” button. In our case, Beltzer G.E.’s experience was 7 years, 7 months and 24 days. All that remains is to enter the sick leave in 1C ZUP 8.3 and move on to the next step.

Sick leave calculation

Since in our case a common disease was chosen, the amount of the final payment directly depends on the length of service and average earnings. In some cases, average earnings need to be adjusted.

For example, an employee goes on sick leave after a long maternity leave. In accordance with current legislation, in such cases, at the request of the employee, the payroll period can be postponed. By default it is set to the previous two years.

To change data on average earnings, click on the green pencil to the right of the corresponding field.

In the window that opens, you can not only change the billing period, but also adjust the income received for certain months. In addition, this form gives you the opportunity to add a certificate from your previous place of work.

The calculation of sickness benefits itself is carried out on the “Payment” tab of the “Sick Leave” document.

We indicate that the benefit will be paid for the entire period of illness from September 18 to September 28, 2017. Please note that the payment percentage is set automatically based on the specified length of service. In cases where the employee’s insurance experience is less than 5 years, the percentage will be 60. From 5 to 8 years – 80%, and over 8 years – 100%.

In our case, Baltzer G.E.’s experience was 7 years, so the payment percentage will be 80%. To simplify the example, we will not introduce any restrictions or benefits.

Due to the fact that our employee’s illness period was 11 days, two lines automatically appeared in the tabular section on the “Accrued” tab. The first 3 days are paid at the expense of the employer, that is, by our organization. All remaining 8 days are paid by the Social Insurance Fund.

By the way! In the near future, 1C ZUP will have the ability to accept sick leave certificates electronically.

Payment of sick leave

Let's move on to calculating the wages of employee G.E. Baltzer for September, part of which he was on sick leave. We filled in all the data automatically. In the figure below you can see that the amount of time worked is 9 days less than the norm. The program automatically subtracted the period of illness minus days off.

We will immediately pay your wages through the cash register. It includes both accrued wages and sick leave included in the program. In total, 45,476.60 rubles were payable.

In the payslip for employee Baltzer G.E. for September 2017, you can see three lines in the accruals. This reflects the salary, the amount of sick leave paid at the expense of our organization and at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund.

Organizations annually submit reports to the pension fund in the form SZV-STAZH. There are times when you need to clarify, correct or cancel the information provided on this form. In such situations, corrective information is submitted in the SZV-KORR form. Read on to learn how to create an SZV-STAZH adjustment in 1C 8.3.


The SZV-KORR form comes in three types:

  • "Corrective". Submitted in cases where erroneous data needs to be corrected. For example, in the SZV-STAZH form the period of work for the employee was incorrectly indicated;
  • “Cancelling.” Served if you need to cancel any information. For example, an extra employee was mistakenly indicated in the information provided;
  • "Special." Submitted if you forgot to indicate the insured person in the SZV-STAZH form.

How to create a corrective report in 1C 8.3 SZV-STAZH in four steps, read this article.

Quick transfer of accounting to BukhSoft

Also read the article on how to correctly fill out the SZV-STAZH 2019.

Step 1. Create a new form SZV-KORR in 1C 8.3

Go to the “Salaries and Personnel” section (1) and click on the link “PFR. Packs, Registers, Inventories” (2). A window will open for creating the SZV-KORR form.
In the window that opens, click the “Create” button (3) and click on the link “Data on updating the information of insured persons, SZV-KORR” (4). A window will open for creating the SZV-KORR form.

Step 2. Fill out the SZV-KORR form in 1C 8.3 with the “Corrective” attribute

In the window for creating the SZV-KORR form, fill in the fields:
  • "Organization" (1). Please indicate your organization;
  • “Correct. Period" (2). Specify the period for which you are submitting the adjustment;
  • “Reporting period” (3). Indicate the period in which you will submit the SZV-KORR form;
  • “Type of information” (4). Specify "Corrective".
Next, click the “Selection” button (5). The directory of individuals will open.

In the directory that opens, click on the employee for whom you need to submit the adjustment (6) and click the “Select” button (7). Close the directory by clicking on the cross in the upper right corner (8). The selected employee will appear in the SZV-KORR form.

Next, click on this employee (9). A window will open for editing data on it.

In the editing window, check the data on length of service (10) and, if necessary, correct them. Next, click on the cross in the upper right corner (11) to close the data editing window.

Save the SZV-KORR form by clicking the “Save” button (12). To check the created adjustment, click the “Check” button (13). To upload a file for sending to the pension fund, click the “Upload” button (14). Click on the “Print” button (15) to print the form.

Step 3. Fill out the SZV-KORR form in 1C 8.3 with the “Cancelling” attribute

Fill out all fields in the SZV-KORR form as in. In the "Information Type" field (1), enter the value "Cancelling". Use the “Selection” button (2) to select the employee for whom you want to submit canceling information. Check and, if necessary, change the employee data as in step 2 of this article. Save the SZV-KORR form by clicking the “Save” button (3). To check the created adjustment, click the “Check” button (4). To upload a file for sending to the pension fund, click the “Upload” button (5). Click on the “Print” button (6) to print the form.

Configuration extension for ZUP 3.1

When working in the "Labor Activity" window, if work places are filled,

Calculation of length of service and substitution of values ​​occurs automatically.

1. Open "Administration/Print forms, reports and processing/Extensions"
2. "Add from file..."
3. Open the file "Calculation of Experience.cfe"
4. Restart the program, check the extension indicator, it should be green:

5. Open the “Work activity” of the desired employee
6. Fill out the “Places of Work” table (just fill out the “From” and “To” fields)

7. Click the inscription “Click to fill”

8. Data is entered automatically on the date of reception

9. Save.
10. If you click on the line with the completed experience, then a reconciliation occurs.
If the calculated data matches, a match message is displayed:

if the data does not match, a NOT match message is displayed:

1C:Enterprise 8.3 (

Salary and personnel management, edition 3.1 (


Updated 3.1

I leave the processing for 3.0:

Developed and tested:

1C:Enterprise 8.3 (

Salary and personnel management, edition 3.0 (

Operating procedure in 3.0:

1. Start processing.

2. Select the desired Individual from the list.

3. We work in the “Name: Labor activity” window

3.1. If the “Places of Work” table has not been filled in, fill it in (just fill in the “From” and “To” fields) with the necessary data. Processing works with real data in the database.

3.2. Click the "Arrange" button (optional). Sorting by field "C".

3.3. Clicking the "Fill" button will display the calculated length of service.

3.4. When you click on filling out information about the length of service, if the fields are not filled in, processing will calculate using the current table “Places of work” and insert the length of service into the form. "Reference date" - the day the employee was hired.

3.5. If information about the length of service is filled out, processing will compare it with the calculated data and, if there is a discrepancy, display a message. The data is not recalculated if the information is filled out “from the date of hiring.”

3.6. We save the data in the database by clicking the "OK" button.

4. Next Individual.

ATTENTION! When calculating length of service, overlapping periods are counted once!

SZV-STAZH in 1C 8.2 should be formed by all organizations that have employees. It is handed over to the Pension Fund annually. The deadline is March 1 of the year following the reporting year. To fill out SZV-STAZH in 1C 8.2, you need to fully reflect in the program all personnel documents that reflect the hiring, dismissal or transfers of an employee.

Read in the article:

Let us recall that the SZV-STAZH form comes in three types:

  • Original. Submitted to all employees of the organization for the reporting period;
  • Complementary. Submitted for those employees for whom there were errors in the original form;
  • Assignment of pension. Served for employees who are retiring.

In the original and supplementary form, you must fill out Section 1, Section 2 and Section 3; in the form for assigning a pension - sections 1-5.

Employers who have employees for whom there are no accruals for wages and insurance contributions still provide reporting in the SZV-STAZH form.

Self-employed individuals (individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, arbitration managers, notaries engaged in private practice) do not submit reports in the SZV-STAZH form.

We'll tell you how to make a SZV-STAZH report in 1C 8.2 in 4 steps.

Step 1. Go to the window “Information about the insurance experience of insured persons, SZV-STAGE”

Step 2. In the “Information about insurance experience...” window, fill in the required fields

In the window that opens, fill in the field “Organization” (3), “Reporting year” (4), and select the type of information (5). By default, the information type is set to “Initial”, but you can select another option you need, “Additional” or “Pension assignment”:

  • Submit the SZV-STAZH report with the “Additional” type for employees for whom the report with the “Initial” type was submitted with errors. For example, the full name was incorrectly indicated. or SNILS;
  • Submit the SZV-STAZH report with the “Pension Assignment” type for employees who are retiring.

Step 3. Create the SZV-STAZH form in 1C 8.2

On the “Employees and work periods” tab (6), click on the “Fill in” button (7), and then click on the “Working insured persons” link (8).

The 1C 8.2 program will automatically fill in information about employees. In the completed form you will see a list of employees (9), SNILS for each employee (10), and his length of service (11). If necessary, this data can be edited. The completed data will look like this:

Step 4. Create a file in 1C 8.2 to send SZV-STAZH to the pension fund

After filling out, save the SZV-STAZH form. To do this, click on the “Write document” button (12). To save and close the form, click OK (13). The document is generated and saved in the program. If your organization has more than 25 employees, then you are required to submit the SZV-STAZH form electronically. If the number of employees is less than 25, then the SZV-STAZH form can be submitted on paper. To download the SZV-STAZH form in electronic form, click the “Burn file to disk” button (14). To print the report, click the “Print” button (15).

The types of general experience that are taken into account in the program are described in the directory Types of experience(menu Salary calculation - Setting up salary calculation - Types of experience). This directory is intended to store the types of experience of individuals that must be taken into account in the program. If it is necessary to take into account other types of experience of individuals, these types of experience must be described in the directory Types of experience.

Predefined types of experience:

  1. Continuous experience- this is the duration of the last (without interruption) work in the organization, and in cases provided for by law, also the previous work or other activity. Total scientific and pedagogical work experience is the total duration of work in scientific and educational institutions. Records of this experience are kept for scientific, scientific and pedagogical workers.
  2. Total experience– for this type of length of service, the total duration of work under an employment contract or other socially useful activity is taken into account.
  3. Teaching experience– the total duration of work in educational institutions in positions related to the educational process. Records of this experience are kept for scientific, scientific and pedagogical workers.
  4. Experience required to pay sick leave, taking into account non-insurance periods (since 2010)– “extended” insurance period, taking into account non-insurance periods. Accounting for this type of length of service is carried out only for employees who have such non-insurance periods. This type of length of service is necessary to determine the amount of additional costs for the payment of temporary disability benefits associated with the inclusion of non-insurance periods in the insurance period of the insured person, the financial support of which is carried out through interbudgetary transfers from the federal budget provided to the budget of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.
  5. Length of service for long service bonus– length of service giving the right to a long service bonus. This type of length of service is recorded if the organization pays a bonus for length of service.
  6. Insurance experience for paying sick leave– insurance experience to determine the amount of benefits for temporary disability.

Entering information about an employee’s length of service is carried out in the form Labor activity called by button Labor activity from the form for editing the data of an individual in the directory Individuals(menu Personnel records - Individuals).

  1. In the tabular part of the form Labor activity provide information about the employee’s previous places of work.
  2. In the tabular part of the form General experience Enter information about the employee's length of service. In order to enter data about a certain type of experience, you need to add a new row to the tabular section (use the right mouse button to select Add) and indicate:
  • in the props Type of experience- type of experience;
  • in the props Reference date- the date of employment in the institution, in the Years detail - the number of full years of experience as of the reference date;
  • in the props months- the number of full months of service as of the reference date;
  • in the props Days- number of days of service as of the reference date.
  • In chapter Work in the North A record of “northern” experience is kept. To save and post the document, click on the button OK.
  • Based on the entered data, the length of service to determine the amount of sick leave accrual is calculated automatically: the number of years, months, days that have passed from the date of counting the length of service (date of admission) to the date of the start of the insured event is added to the number of years, months, days.

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