IFRS in 1s upp. A beta version of the application solution "1C: Accounting Corp. IFRS" has been released

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Automation of enterprise budgeting in a modern view is always reflected in the use of technologies that are debugged and work accurately. However, it must be said that even in ideal cases, successful automation of IFRS is not guaranteed unless high-quality accounting is adjusted and adjustments are made for the immediate specifics of the enterprise itself and the information systems operating in it. In order to select the most optimal software system that works for the implementation of international reporting standards, it is imperative to develop the right strategy for introducing IFRS. Today, the best software solution for collecting and consolidating data on an enterprise, as well as for generating reporting in accordance with international standards, is undoubtedly IFRS 1C.

Two main schemes for automating reporting according to international 1C standards:

Option 1

Primary accounting information from information systems that are used for accounting at the enterprise is transferred to the chart of accounts of the “Consolidation and IFRS” tab. At the same time, this information does not affect the RAS chart of accounts, i.e. the report is not generated in RAS.

Option 2

Primary information from the sources of the enterprise information support system is first transmitted to RAS. This happens according to specially configured 1C parameters. Then the transactions are consolidated into a single IFRS database, where reporting is generated according to international standards.

These two listed options are the most common, but today there are many other methods of automation that relate to the collection of financial data and subsequent reporting. Therefore, in the case when an enterprise is faced with the need to automate and consolidate reports under IFRS in 1C, the program has the necessary technologies and tools to achieve these goals. Accounting for financial statements according to international standards is implemented by an independent application solution called “International Accounting” or “IFRS Module”. This configuration does not affect the entire information system and does not interfere with its operation, since it is connected only with the “Accounting” system-module, where the initial data for RAS are translated.

Which option is preferable and will become the leading one is decided by both the customer of automation, based on the needs of the business, and the contractor, who will analyze the company’s information systems, identify the goals of automation and the main methods of collecting data through the subsystems of IFRS 1C:8.

Concept and structure of IFRS


  • concept of financial reporting;
  • standards (IFRS, IAS);
  • interpretation of standards.

The concept of financial reporting determines the objectives of the formation of financial reporting documents, as well as the qualitative characteristics of the data, the procedure for measuring and recognizing reporting elements, the concept of capital and the concept of its maintenance.

International financial reporting standards are devoted to the creation of general purpose financial reports, without regulating the chart of accounts, accounting entries, forms of primary documentation and accounting registers.

Experts believe that it is necessary to distinguish between the rules of record keeping and the generation and presentation of reports. There are standards governing the preparation and presentation of documents and establishing the accounting treatment of certain assets and liabilities.

Interpretations of international financial reporting standards clarify their provisions that contain insufficiently clear or ambiguous decisions; serve to ensure uniform application of standards.

Reporting according to international standards is a vital necessity

Nowadays, in order to work in the foreign market, it is necessary to keep records based on international financial reporting standards. Without this, it is almost impossible to cooperate with foreign partners and receive investments. Not so long ago, in order to have financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS, companies had to invite auditors who did the following: after the reporting period ended, they took information from the accounting reports that were compiled in accordance with RAS and brought them in accordance with international rules. Next, the customer company had to involve other specialists who had to check how correctly the reporting was translated into IFRS. This led to large costs, not only financial, but also time. Another problem was the shortage of specialists capable of performing this work; moreover, the reports generated in this way were not relevant enough, but rather formal. The way out of this situation for many enterprises was to improve the level of qualifications of employees and introduce parallel accounting systems that work with IFRS. This allowed organizations to independently maintain records, saving time and money.

An automated accounting system provides the opportunity to both prepare reports that can be presented to foreign colleagues and prepare information for audit. In addition, automation helps to minimize the negative impact of the so-called. “human factor” - i.e. eliminate errors when entering data and make the preparation of reporting documents faster.

Automation of accounting according to international standards

In order for this process to be as effective as possible, attention must be paid to creating an appropriate infrastructure that makes management more efficient and financial reporting more transparent. With the help of special tools - technical proposals for IFRS and instructions - it is necessary to create corporate rules on the basis of which the company's business activities would be conducted. "ITAN" offers a proven solution that can not only facilitate the preparation of documentation in the financial sector, but also optimize the operation of the enterprise as a whole.

Main advantages of automation:

  • improving the quality, transparency and accuracy of accounting and auditability;
  • reduction of labor and financial costs for reporting;
  • minimizing risks and errors in accounting.

Reporting prepared in accordance with IFRS makes the company more attractive for foreign investment. The adoption of the Federal Law “On Consolidated Financial Statements” in 2010 became a kind of signal for many domestic organizations that it was time to switch to reporting standards adopted in other countries. However, Russian companies already knew about the benefits of this method of maintaining documentation: it helps to increase investment attractiveness for potential foreign investors and partners, who almost always ask for reporting prepared in accordance with IFRS.

This method of accounting is also convenient for the company owners themselves, since it allows them to obtain objective and up-to-date data on the financial situation and compare their own indicators with those of foreign competitors. A strictly regulated composition of reporting documents helps to increase the efficiency of staff by minimizing the time spent on additional approvals and eliminating unnecessary reporting overload.

So, who needs to switch to IFRS?

Groups of companies for which preparing reports according to international standards becomes part of the work to attract foreign financing. Without this, it is almost impossible to enter the international market. Standardized reporting allows representatives of foreign businesses to easily get acquainted with a Russian company that interests them, which in most cases increases its chances of profitable cooperation.

If a holding company from Russia seeks to list its securities on world stock exchanges, it also cannot do without reporting under IFRS, since these are the requirements of exchanges for foreign issuers. Obtaining financing from abroad without IFRS is also very, very difficult, if not impossible. This makes it possible to obtain loans necessary for business development on more favorable terms and to use debt instruments more efficiently.

The role of software solutions

The use of modern software products gives companies the opportunity to work more efficiently by strengthening financial control of all departments and increasing the transparency of the turnover of financial resources, quickly receiving reporting by management, effective planning, optimal use of assets and reducing costs. 1C programs have positively proven themselves in the field of automating the generation of reporting documents, which is why most domestic enterprises choose them when deciding on the transition to international standards.

ITAN specialists will help you switch to IFRS, optimizing accounting and financial reporting in any organization interested in its own long-term development and consolidation not only in the Russian but also in the international market.

Automation solution:


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In 2011, we began cooperation with the Edil-Import company. The company had a task to automate management accounting, in connection with which the software product “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet” was purchased. Read more In 2011, we began cooperation with the Edil-Import company. The company had a task to automate management accounting, and therefore acquired software

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The ITAN company and the Regent holding are launching a joint project to automate management accounting, budgeting and cash management. The implementation will be carried out mainly by the IT department of the Regent holding with the participation of ITAN consultants for training and&n

ITAN company specialists have completed work on setting up the cash management model for the specifics of HOMAX GROUP. As part of setting up the model, the following work was carried out: DDS analytics and payment priorities were configured. The DDS budget model has been set up. The types of payment transactions and applications are highlighted. The org is set up. structure and routes for approval of payment applications. Levels of access to applications and sections of the DDS budget have been determined. On

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Within the framework of the project, the following functional blocks were introduced: Cash flow budgeting, Treasury, Document approval. Client: JSC “V.I.P. Service" / "V.I.P. Service" Project: Automation of cash management on the configuration "ITAN: Management Balance" and "1C: Management

In just 2 months, literally from scratch, our ITAN specialists wrote a subsystem for the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management configuration. Now the system allows for correct allocation of accounting items, with convenient scenario planning of the budget for the year. Additionally, we have included a double check method for the reliability of correct calculations, and therefore for the efficiency of financial management. Employees of STS Eventim ru are already successfully working

The ITAN company has begun work on the implementation of a standard management accounting model of the ITAN: Management Balance subsystem for the 1C: Trade Management 11.1 configuration in the AMARE company. The ITAN company has begun work on the implementation of a standard management accounting model of the ITAN: Managerial Balance subsystem "for configuration "1C: Management torus

The ITAN project team completed a project to automate budgeting using a complex economic planning model in the Podruzhka retail chain. The implementation project was carried out according to the standard project methodology and was completed in 6 months. As a result, the budgeting model was tested and Podruzhka formed a budget for 2013 in the new system. In the future, work is planned to implement the “Cash Management” subsystem

Specialists of the ITAN company are implementing a standard management accounting model of the ITAN: Management Balance subsystem for the 1C: Trade Management 10.3 configuration in the TelecomInvest company. Specialists of the ITAN company began to carry out joint work with the Customer on the implementation of a standard model of management accounting of the ITAN: Management BA subsystem

The ITAN company and the Baltis company entered into an agreement on the implementation of management accounting based on 1C: Trade Management and ITAN: Management Balance Sheet. The main implementation work has been completed, the system is undergoing trial operation. "Baltis" is a supplier of canned goods from Latvia and wholesale food products.

The ITAN company has completed work on setting up a management accounting system for the Museum company. The implementation project lasted two months, and as a result, a management accounting model was customized to meet the Customer's needs. The ITAN company completed work on setting up a management accounting system for the Museum company. The implementation project lasted two months, and as a result, we

Company JSC "V.I.P. Service" increased the efficiency of financial management at the enterprise by introducing modern management accounting automation technologies based on the ITAN: Management Balance software. The implementation was carried out by the Customer’s own IT service, with consulting support from ITAN company specialists. Client: JSC “V.I.P. Service" / "V.I.P.

The company had a task to automate management accounting and budgeting. To implement these tasks, the company's management decided to purchase the ITAN: Management Balance software product. Cooperation with the company MIR GAZA began in November 2014. The company had a task to automate management accounting and budgeting. To achieve these tasks, management

The ITAN company has completed work on the development of the “Contract Management” subsystem for the tasks of “NPF Sberbank” in accounting for business contracts. The ITAN company has completed work on the development of the “Contract Management” subsystem for the tasks of “NPF Sberbank” in accounting for business contracts

Implementation of an automated system The implementation will take place according to the standard project methodology, with a preliminary examination of the methodology for transforming RAS data into IFRS, and its subsequent description in the “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet” system. Synovate Comcon is part of the international research network Ipsos, one of the top three in the global market. Globally, Ipsos is represented in 80 countries. In Russia Synovate Comcon and

The ITAN company's implementation department has completed a project to implement and configure the "Budgeting" subsystem of the "ITAN: Management Balance" configuration to automate PL budgeting and generate Plan-fact reporting for STS Eventim.Ru. The ITAN company's implementation department has completed a project to implementation and configuration of the “Budgeting” subsystem of the “ITAN: Management Balance” configuration to automate PL budgeting and form

The Avtobau company turned to the specialists of the ITAN company on a recommendation to solve the problems of creating accurate and prompt management reporting. The Avtobau company turned to the ITAN company specialists on a recommendation to solve the problems of creating an accurate and prompt management

In 2012, the Lendor company acquired the software product “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet” in order to automate the accounting and reporting system according to IFRS. In 2012, the Lendor company acquired the ITAN: Management Balance software product in order to automate the system

The ITAN project team completed a project to automate the generation of management reporting in the Podruzhka retail chain. The implementation project was carried out according to the standard project methodology and was completed in 4 months. As a result, the management reporting system based on “ITAN: PROF Management Balance” has undergone trial operation, and allows you to quickly receive reports such as: OBDR, OBDS, Father

Sberbank NPFs use ITAN: Management Balance Sheet for budgeting, contract management and treasury purposes. The accounting service needed a tool to record the location of contracts. more details Sberbank APFs use “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet” for budgeting, contract management and treasury purposes. The accounting department needed a tool

The Mircon company previously worked on the ITAN: Wholesale Trading House 7.7 program, which comprehensively automated the operational and management accounting of a trading enterprise. more detailsThe Mircon company previously worked on the ITAN: Wholesale Trading House 7.7 program, which integrated the operational and management

Start of a joint project to automate management accounting in the Museum company based on “ITAN: Management Balance”. Integration of the management system is planned to be carried out with 1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7. The main activities of the Museum company are tea and coffee for enterprises in the HoReCa segment.

ITAN company specialists have completed work on setting up the management accounting system to suit the specifics of the Terra Auri company. As part of the project, the following settings were made: The “ITAN: Management Balance” system in the Customer’s “1C: Accounting 3.0”. The chart of accounts for management accounting has been set up. The management accounting analytics has been set up (6 features: CFS, CZ, Project, Article, Counterparty, Agreement), and the rules for filling it out. The correspondence between the RBSU and ex. accounts has been completed. accounting. Nastro

IMPLEMENTATION OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING AND “ITAN: MANAGEMENT BALANCE” IN “SUMOTORI GC” The independent implementation of the “ITAN: MANAGEMENT BALANCE” system in “SUMOTORI GC” has been successfully completed. Tasks of automation of financial accounting of Sumotori Group: Automation of the process of preparing individual and consolidated financial statements based on

ITAN company specialists have automated cash management in the Aktion media group. As a result of the “Standard Project,” the following business processes for cash management were automated: 1. Setting budget limits for the Central Federal District, budget items and projects; 2. Formation, budget control and electronic approval of applications for payments; 3. Formation of a register of payments; 4. Postro

The Ethan company has completed the stage of trial operation of an automated cash management system at JSC Ostek Enterprise. The system has been put into commercial operation and is functioning stably. All cash movements are reflected in the system, and payment requests are routinely entered and approved. Forecasting payments and creating a payment calendar is carried out

Specialists of the ITAN company successfully completed a project to install and automate a financial management system at AKTION-DEVELOPMENT and launched the systems into commercial operation. Specialists of the ITAN company successfully completed a project to install and automate a financial management system at AKTION-DEVELOPMENT and launched systems in production

The ITAN implementation team began work on automating operational cash management in the Aktion group of companies. The implementation will be carried out according to the methodology of a standard project, guaranteeing successful implementation. The ITAN implementation team has begun work on automating operational cash management in the Aktion group of companies. The implementation will be carried out according to the standard project methodology, gar

TEL improves the efficiency of financial management using the ITAN: PROF management balance system. The implementation will be carried out by the TEL IT service. Today the TEL group has its own fiber optic network, which covers the whole of Moscow and the immediate Moscow region, with a total length of over

ITAN company specialists implemented a test example of accounting for business contracts in the ITAN: Management Balance system with integration with the existing budgeting, management accounting and cash management system in the Aktion group of companies. As a result of the test analysis, work is planned to implement the “Contract Management” subsystem. Aktion-Development is a dynamically developing company in the commercial real estate market. She owns several

The ITAN design department has completed the refinement and implementation of the contract management system for the specifics of Terra Auri. During the setup process, the following work was completed: System “ITAN: Management Balance” in “1C: Accounting 3.0” of the Customer. The contract management model has been configured. Improvements were made to fill out accounting documents from contracts. The accounting of primary documents under contracts has been set up. Accounting and planning analytics expanded

Automation of budget management is carried out using the “Budgeting” subsystem, which is an important component of the software and methodological system “ITAN: Management Balance Sheet”. Implemented: 1. Automatic calculation of the cash flow budget based on the profit and loss budget, taking into account coefficients, VAT calculation, calculation payment schedules and cash gap planning.

The ITAN company won the tender for automation of the financial module in the Vipservice holding. The ITAN company won the tender for the automation of the financial module in the Vipservice holding. Within the framework of the “Financial Module” project, the following functional blocks will be introduced: Management accounting Budgeting&

The ITAN company begins work on a project to automate consolidated management accounting and budgeting for the AGAMA group of companies. The ITAN company begins work on a project to automate consolidated management accounting and group budgeting

The Omsan Logistics company began cooperating with us in mid-2011. The main task was to automate the accounting and reporting system according to IFRS. Read more The Omsan Logistics company began cooperating with us in mid-2011. The main task was to automate the accounting and reporting system according to IFRS. The company's management decided to automate IFRS based on the ITAN: Management Balance software product, using

The cooperation of the companies "ITAN" and "Alpen Pharma" began with the implementation of the first test example of accounting according to IFRS of the Customer in the system "ITAN: Management Balance Sheet". The cooperation of the companies "ITAN" and "Alpen Pharma" began with the implementation of the first test example of accounting according to IFRS of the Customer in system "ITAN:U"

The ITAN company won the tender for the creation of an information system for property management, consolidated management accounting and budgeting for the Voentorg group. The ITAN company won the tender for the creation of an information system for property management, consolidated management accounting and budgeting.

The Digimarket company acquired the software product ITAN: Management Balance Sheet in 2008 in order to automate management accounting in 1C: Trade Management. Read moreThe Digimarket company acquired the software product ITAN: Management Balance Sheet in 2008 in order to automate management

If you are interested in automation of budgeting, implementation of treasury or accounting according to IFRS, check out our.

For many enterprises today, it is a priority to use global experience in the field of corporate conduct standards in their work. By doing so, the company wants to improve its attractiveness to investors. In order to fully automate the process of preparing financial statements under IFRS, a new software and methodological complex was developed, based on the solution.

IFRS 1C is a software solution that was developed specifically for domestic companies and enterprises whose structure has several branches. In addition, IFRS 1C began to be actively used by representative offices in Russia of foreign enterprises that need to generate all or most financial and other reports within the framework of international standards.

Tasks of 1C IFRS

Automation in IFRS 1C allows you to solve the following tasks:

  • the program provides important recommendations regarding the specifics of accounting according to international standards, including the conduct of operations in accordance with regulations and the methods used to transform the obtained data;
  • implementation of the 1C IFRS program allows you to fully automate management accounting, as well as generate all consolidated reports in accordance with the requirements of international standards;
  • when installing the program, it becomes possible to transform data from the RAS system into the standards required by global business;
  • the program also makes it possible to simultaneously conduct reporting according to both domestic and international standards. This is necessary in those areas where the differences between these standards are very significant;
  • the program provides accounting based on the internal documentation of the enterprise. In this case, we are talking about such items as expenses, accounting for reserves, depreciation of assets, etc.

Additional modules 1C IFRS

The IFRS 1C software developer company has created a number of modifications according to the functions and industries in which enterprises operate. In order to prepare consolidated reporting in accordance with international standards, the IFRS Microtest complex itself was created. A separate module allows you to transform data obtained during operational accounting in IFRS into Russian standards (RAS). This is important primarily for representative offices of foreign enterprises. In order to load reporting data obtained in IFRS into other formats followed by Western countries, a special module has also been created.

A separate module is responsible for automating the calculation of reserves, and also controls contingent liabilities and assets so that they are accounted for according to international standards. There is even a module that keeps track of royalty payments for the use of patents or copyrights.

IFRS 1C has a subsystem whose functions include consolidating data from several companies united into one enterprise or holding. However, such consolidation can occur in different ways. The basis may be the company's reporting, then the reporting data of each division of the holding will be used. Another option is to use an information system. It is important to emphasize that the system gives the company the opportunity to eliminate turnover between departments.

The reporting system according to international standards is so flexible and labile that it makes it possible to receive personal reports on the balance sheet, profit and loss of the company, what changes have occurred in the capital, as well as the movement of financial resources in general.

The implementation of 1C IFRS makes it possible to generate standard reports, create account cards, balance sheets, etc. This also includes a trial balance, the main function of which is to obtain the most general information and data on the state of accounting under IFRS.

Consolidated reporting in accordance with internationally accepted standards is also generated by those companies that use special information bases that stand separately when maintaining records.

Due to the fact that the IFRS 1C program has a large number of settings and modules, it makes it possible not only to keep records, but also to receive reports in absolutely any company, regardless of what type of activity it is engaged in. Naturally, the program is written in several languages.

Basic methods of reporting according to IFRS standards and features of their application in 1C:ERP Enterprise Management.

There are 3 ways to prepare international accounting reports:

  • Parallel accounting method
  • Transformation method
  • Operation translation method

Parallel accounting method

Separate documents are developed to enter international accounting transactions. The advantage of this method is:

  • Independent accounting in two subsystems,
  • Operational data analysis for decision making.
  • The preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS does not depend on the closure of the period for regulated accounting and it is possible to comply with IFRS requirements with maximum accuracy.
The disadvantages of this method are:
  • Significant labor costs for record keeping,
  • Double data entry into different accounting systems,
  • Lack of ability to reconcile data from two systems in optimal mode.

Reporting transformation method

The main input data for this method are financial statements compiled according to Russian rules.
According to the settings, this data is transformed into IFRS reporting.
Advantages of this method:

  • No need for daily data entry into the accounting system,
  • Simplicity of approach. This method is usually used when preparing reports using Excel.
Disadvantages of this method:
  • There is no possibility of analyzing the data source, that is, it is impossible to decipher the report indicator to the primary document.
  • It may take a long time to prepare reporting under RAS and its subsequent transformation into reporting under IFRS. During this time, the data becomes irrelevant.
  • The accuracy of the resulting reports is not high, since mainly only significant items are adjusted and a large number of assumptions can be applied.
  • Inconvenient storage and high risk of data loss in Excel. Typically, a reporting set consists of a dozen files, many sheets and cross-references.

Operation translation method

All business transactions are first entered into operational or regulated accounting, and then, according to predetermined rules, translated into international accounting.
Advantages of the method:

  • The ability to reconcile data from two subsystems using special reports.
  • Operational analysis of activities.
  • The ability to analyze the components of a reporting item with detail down to the primary documents.
Disadvantages of the method:
  • Difficulty setting up rules for reflecting financial accounting documents.
  • Dependence of operations in one subsystem on operations in another subsystem.
When using the parallel accounting method and the transaction translation method, all data is stored in international accounting registers. Reports are based on them.
In the reporting transformation method, regulated accounting data is used to construct IFRS reports.

Which of these methods is used in 1C ERP Enterprise Management?

1C ERP Enterprise Management is characterized by a mixed approach that uses all these 3 methods. At the same time, the facts of economic activity are recorded by operational accounting documents. It is based on them that transactions in international accounting are generated and, therefore, there is no need for double entry of information.
Reconciliation of international and regulated accounting turnover is carried out using special reports based on the table of correspondence between IFRS and RAS accounts.
There are a number of documents developed only for international accounting. In some cases, it is possible to generate reports according to IFRS using a transformation method from financial statements.

Now let's take a closer look at each of these three methods and the way they are implemented in 1C ERP Enterprise Management.

Site news

The 1C company announces the release of a beta version of the software product 1C: Accounting CORP IFRS.

"1C: Accounting KORP IFRS" is designed to automate accounting, tax accounting and accounting under IFRS for enterprises that do not have subsidiaries. Thanks to the subsystem "Accounting according to IFRS", previously implemented in the application solution "1C: Holding Management", in addition to accounting according to Russian standards, "Accounting CORP IFRS" provides parallel assessment according to IFRS of the following accounting objects:

  • fixed assets;
  • intangible assets;
  • assets held for sale;
  • financial instruments carried at fair or amortized cost;
  • lease issued and received;
  • reserve for doubtful debts;
  • reserve for reduction in the value of inventories;
  • other income and expenses;
  • deferred taxes;
  • cost and financial results.

In order to reduce the labor intensity of accounting under IFRS, the application solution provides translation of transactions and accounting data from the accounting and tax accounting subsystem to the IFRS subsystem with the ability to select an accounting option for various accounting objects (translation of data from RAS or parallel accounting).

The following configuration options will reduce the closing time of the IFRS reporting period:

  • in addition to batch translation - “documentary” translation of transactions;
  • “double” period closing, providing the possibility of closing a period under IFRS earlier than RAS with translation into the next IFRS period of changes in the RAS period after the date of translation;
  • portal of planned accruals, which allows you to reflect uninvoiced transactions in accounting and compare them with actual transactions of the next period.

The system implements a package of individual reporting and notes to it.

"1C: Accounting KORP IFRS" expands the range of standard solutions from the company "1C", with which you can keep records and generate IFRS reporting. For comprehensive automation of accounting for manufacturing enterprises interested in accounting according to IFRS and having a high degree of convergence of the accounting policies of RAS and IFRS, it is recommended to use the 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 software product.

To automate accounting and prepare consolidated statements under IFRS for holdings, it is recommended to use “1C: Holding Management 8”, which, in addition to the functionality of “CORP IFRS Accounting” in terms of IFRS, includes the following functions:

  • import of data from external accounting systems and data collection packages in Microsoft Excel format;
  • transformational accounting model;
  • accounting for business acquisition/disposal;
  • management of the perimeter of a group of companies;
  • calculation of the effective share of ownership of group organizations for perimeters with indirect and counter ownership;
  • consolidation and elimination adjustments;
  • intragroup transaction reconciliation portal;
  • possibility of generating consolidated reporting.

The configuration "Accounting CORP IFRS" was developed on version 8.3 of the 1C:Enterprise platform (see information letter No. 16733 dated May 29, 2013).

To learn the capabilities of this application solution, it is recommended to take a course on the IFRS subsystem in the 1C: Holding Management 8 program: http://1c.ru/rus/partners/training/uc1/course.jsp?id=433.

Composition of the product

Delivery of the product "1C: Accounting CORP IFRS. Beta version" includes:

  • platform "1C:Enterprise 8.3",
  • configuration "Accounting CORP IFRS" in beta version status,
  • license agreement for the use of the software product,
  • software protection pin codes,
  • a set of documentation on the platform and configuration included in the delivery.

The license included in the delivery of the product "1C: Accounting CORP IFRS. Beta version" ensures the use of the application solution in a file version on one workstation. To use this product on a larger number of workstations, 1C:Enterprise 8 client licenses are required, which are purchased separately. You can also use 1C:Enterprise 8 client licenses purchased for other products. The 1C company offers client licenses for 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 300, 500 and 1000 workstations. A complete list of client licenses and their prices are provided in the appendix to this information letter.

To use this application solution in a client-server version, a license for the 1C:Enterprise 8 server is required. The list of recommended server licenses is given in the appendix to this information letter. With this product you can also use previously issued licenses for the 1C:Enterprise server for versions 8.0, 8.1 and 8.2 of the platform.

The product "1C: Accounting CORP IFRS. Beta version" comes only with software protection, but you can use client and server licenses with software or hardware protection.

The delivery includes one copy of the documentation books, see the table below. Additional copies of documentation can be purchased in accordance with the regulations, see information letter No. 8538 dated June 20, 2008.

Sales procedure

To purchase the specified software products, you must fill out, sign and submit an application to a partner of the 1C company. Unified supply application form: template - ZIFRS.XLS (http://static.1c.ru/news/files/ZIFRS.xls), sample filling - ZIFRS-EX.XLS (http://static.1c.ru/ news/files/ZIFRS-EX.xls).

Based on the user's application, the partner submits an electronic application to the 1C company, which will be reviewed within three working days. If the application is incomplete or incorrect, consideration may take longer. Based on the results of the review, the partner will be informed of a decision to approve the application and the possibility of purchasing the product or a reasoned refusal.

Procedure for using the beta version and pilot implementations

To work with the "Accounting CORP IFRS" configuration, you must use version 8.3.10 and higher of the 1C:Enterprise platform.

We draw the attention of users that the application solution included in the delivery package - the "Accounting CORP IFRS" configuration - is not a complete commercial supply and is supplied at a special (low) price. When deciding whether to use a configuration during a project, you should take into account the preliminary nature of the standard functionality's readiness for implementation.

Pilot implementations of the product "1C: Accounting KORP IFRS" can be carried out both with the help of partners of the 1C company, and by the users' own IT services. When choosing a partner for pilot implementation, 1C strongly recommends that you contact first of all partners - participants in the 1C: Consulting project, who have certified specialists and experience in implementing 1C: Holding Management 8 and 1C: Consolidation 8 PROF. Information about the implementation of these products is posted at the addresses http:/v8.1c.ru/consolid/1022cons.htm and http://v8.1c.ru/cpm/stories.htm.

The 1C company plans to supervise pilot implementations of the 1C: Accounting CORP IFRS product carried out by partners, which are of interest from the point of view of testing and development of new functionality. For questions regarding cooperation, please contact [email protected].

Beta User Support

User support during the period of beta testing of the configuration until the release of the final version is provided by a partner of the 1C company, performing the pilot stage of implementation.

If beta configuration updates are released, users will be able to receive them through partners or in the 1C: Software Update service of the 1C: ITS portal at portal.1c.ru.

Users who purchased the product "1C: Accounting 8 CORP IFRS. Beta version" before the release of the final version can send error messages and suggestions for functionality development to [email protected].

Final Version Information

The release of the final version is planned in the first quarter of 2018. The planned cost of the final version is 100,000 rubles.

The upgrade of the product "1C: Accounting CORP IFRS. Beta version" to the final version will be made on preferential terms, which will be announced upon release of the final version of "1C: Accounting CORP IFRS". When switching to the final version, the accumulated data from the beta version infobases will be saved.

It is planned to support updating the information databases of the "Accounting of an enterprise CORP" configuration to the final version of the configuration "Accounting of a CORP IFRS" with the preservation of accumulated data.

Application. Client licenses and licenses for the 1C:Enterprise 8 server



Permanent partner

1C:Enterprise 8.3 PROF.
Server license (x86-64)

1C:Enterprise 8.3 PROF.
Server license (x86-64) (USB)

1C:Enterprise 8.3 PROF.
Server license

1C:Enterprise 8.3 PROF.
Server license (USB)

1C:Enterprise 8.3. MINI server for 5 connections

Please note: "1C:Enterprise 8.3. MINI Server for 5 connections" is recommended to be purchased for a remote, and not for the main information base.



Permanent partner

Client license for 1 rub. m. 1C:Predpr. 8

Client license for 1 rub. m. 1C:Predpr. 8 (USB)

Client license for 5 rubles. m. 1C:Predpr. 8

Client license for 5 rubles. m. 1C:Predpr. 8 (USB)

Client license for 10 rubles. m. 1C:Predpr. 8

Client license for 10 rubles. m. 1C:Predpr. 8 (USB)

Client license for 20 rubles. m. 1C:Predpr. 8

Client license for 20 rubles. m. 1C:Predpr. 8 (USB)

Client license for 50 rubles. m. 1C:Predpr. 8

Client license for 50 rubles. m. 1C:Predpr. 8 (USB)

Client license for 100 rubles. m. 1C:Predpr. 8

Client license for 100 rubles. m. 1C:Predpr. 8 (USB)

Client license for 300 rubles. m. 1C:Predpr. 8

Client license for 300 rubles. m. 1C:Predpr. 8 (USB)

Client license for 500 rub. m. 1C:Predpr. 8

Client license for 500 rub. m. 1C:Predpr. 8 (USB)

Home Manufacturing Enterprise Management

Accounting according to international financial reporting standards

A necessary condition for a radical expansion of cooperation between Russian enterprises and foreign partners, as well as for attracting foreign investment, is the publication of financial reports prepared in accordance with international financial reporting standards (IFRS). To solve this problem, a special accounting subsystem according to IFRS is included in the configuration.

The IFRS accounting subsystem was developed by 1C with consulting support from PricewaterhouseCoopers. The subsystem provides the financial services of an enterprise with a ready-made methodological basis for accounting in accordance with IFRS and can be adapted to the specifics of the application of standards at a particular enterprise.

The IFRS accounting subsystem provides:

  • maintaining financial records and preparing both individual and consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS;
  • translation (transfer) of most of the accounts (postings) from the accounting subsystem according to rules that can be flexibly configured by the user;
  • parallel accounting according to Russian and international standards in those areas where the differences between Russian standards and IFRS requirements are significant (for example, accounting for fixed assets, intangible assets);
  • Carrying out your own regulatory documents (for example, accrual of expenses, accounting for reserves, accounting for asset impairment and a number of others), as well as making adjusting entries in a “manual” mode.

The subsystem includes a separate chart of accounts that complies with IFRS requirements and can be customized by the user. Methods for obtaining data for accounting under IFRS are explained in the diagram.

The subsystem implements accounting and reporting according to IFRS by broadcasting Russian accounting entries. In this case, a parallel accounting mechanism is used for individual areas (for example, fixed assets, inventories), a number of functions and documents are used to take into account business transactions in accordance with the specifics of IFRS, as well as adjust the data obtained during translation in order to take into account differences in accounting principles according to Russian accounting standards and IFRS.

Thus, accounting according to IFRS in the configuration is not carried out promptly. This avoids unnecessary stress for accountants and other users in their ongoing work.

The IFRS accounting subsystem allows you to:

  • minimize the labor intensity of accounting according to IFRS through the use of Russian accounting data;
  • compare data from Russian accounting and accounting under IFRS, thereby facilitating data reconciliation before preparing financial statements under IFRS
  • consolidate the reporting of a group of enterprises

Accounting can be maintained in foreign currency, which in special cases is permitted by IFRS standards. The subsystem can also be configured for accounting and financial reporting in accordance with other foreign standards, including US GAAP.

The subsystem provides for the generation of basic forms of financial reporting in accordance with IFRS standards:

  • Balance;
  • Gains and losses report;
  • Statement of changes in capital;
  • Cash flow statement.

The structure of these reports may change in accordance with the characteristics of the company's activities.

The subsystem ensures the generation of consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS. Such reporting can be generated for a group of organizations using a single information base, as well as for organizations using separate information bases for accounting.

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