In Vasnetsov Biography for 3. Autobiography

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russian painter artist and architect, master of historical and folk painting

Victor Vasnetsov

short biography

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (May 15, 1848, Vopyal village, Vyatka province - July 23, 1926, Moscow) - Russian painter artist and architect, master of historical and folk painting. The younger brother is the artist Apollinaria Vasnetsov.

V. M. Vasnetsov in 1895

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov was born on May 15, 1848 in the Russian village of Lopyal Urzhum district of Vyatka province, in the family of the Orthodox priest Mikhail Vasilyevich Vasnetsova (1823-1870), which belonged to the ancient Vyatka name Vasnetsov.

He studied at the Vyatka Spiritual School (1858-1862), and then in the Vyatka spiritual seminary. Prew drawing lessons from a gymnasium teacher drawing N. M. Chernyshev. With the blessing of the Father, left a seminary from the penultimate course and went to St. Petersburg for admission to the Academy of Arts. He studied painting in St. Petersburg - first at I. N. Kramsky in the drawing school of the Society for the promotion of artists (1867-1868), then at the Academy of Arts (1868-1873). During the years, he came to Vyatka, met with the reform Polish artist Elviro Andriolly, who asked painting with his younger brother Apollinarium.

At the end of the Academy went abroad. From 1869 to expove our work, first participating in the expositions of the Academy, then - in the exhibitions of the Mobile.

Member of the Mammoth Mug in Abramtsev.

In 1893, Vasnetsov became a valid member of the Academy of Arts.

Portrait V. M. Vasnetsova.
N. D. Kuznetsov, 1891

After 1905, he was close to the Union of the Russian People, although he was not his member, participated in financing and designing monarchical publications, including the "Books of Russian Sorrow".

In 1912 he was awarded the "noble Russian empire dignity with all downward offspring."

In 1915, he participated in the creation of a Society for the Renaissance of Art Rus, along with many other artists of his time.

Victor Vasnetsov died in Moscow on July 23, 1926, at the 79th year of life. The artist was buried on the Lazarevian cemetery, after the destruction of which dust was postponed to the introduced cemetery.

A family

The artist was married to Alexander Vladimirovna Ryazantseva, origin from the merchant family. Five children were born in marriage.


In the work of Vasnetsov, various genres are brightly represented, which became the stages of a very interesting evolution: from life-making to a fairy tale, from machine painting to monumental, from landing movements To the prototype of Modern style. At an early stage, household plots prevailed in the works of Vasnetsov, for example, in the pictures "from the apartment on the apartment" (1876), "Book shop" (1876), "Balagans in Paris" (1877).

Later, the mainly historical becomes the main direction:

  • "Vityaz on the crossroads" (1882)
  • "After traveling Igor Svyatoslavich with Polovtsy" (1880)
  • "Alyonushka" (1881)
  • "Ivan-Tsarevich on a gray wolf" (1889)
  • "Bogaty" (1881-1898)
  • "Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich Grozny" (1897)

In the late 1890s, an increasingly visible place in the work of V. M. Vasnetsov occupies a religious topic: they were performed by work in the Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev and in the temple of the Savior of blood in St. Petersburg, watercolor drawings and generally preparatory originals of wall painting for St. Vladimir's Cathedral, the painting of the Christmas Temple of John the Forerunner in Presnya). Vasnetsov worked in the team of artists, drawn up the interior of the temple-monument of Alexander Nevsky in Sofia.

Collaborated with artists M. V. Nesterov, I. G. Blinov and others.

After 1917, Vasnetsov continued to work on folk fabulous topics, creating a canvas "Fight Dobryni Nikitich with the seminal snake Gorynych" (1918); "Koschey Immortal" (1917-1926).

Projects and buildings

  • Church of the Savior of the Unclean, together with V. D. Polenov, P. M. Samarin (1880-1882, Abramtsevo).
  • "Hut on the bitter legs" (gazebo) (1883, Abramtsevo).
  • Sketch "Chapel over the grave A. S. Mamontov" (1891-1892, Abramtsevo).
  • Own house, together with V.N. Bashkirov (1892-1894, Moscow, Lane Vasnetsova, 13).
  • Project of the iconostasis and writing the icons of the Church at the J. S. Nechaeva-Maltseva glass plant (1895, Gus-Crystal).
  • The tombstone monument Yu. N. Govorukh-Fatherland (1896, Moscow, the necropolis of the sorrowishchensky monastery) was not preserved.
  • The project of the Russian Pavilion for the World Exhibition in Paris (1889) is not implemented.
  • Teremok (architectural fantasy) (1898), not implemented.
  • Mansion I. E. Tsvetkov, construction carried out architect B. N. Snabert (1899-1901, Moscow, Prechistenskaya Embankment, 29).
  • The project of an extension of the main entrance hall to the building of the Tretyakov Gallery, together with V.N. Bashkirov (executed by architect A. M. Kalmykov) (1899-1901, Moscow, Lavrushinsky lane).
  • The project of the Tereme-Transition from the Armory of the Great Kremlin Palace (1901, Moscow, Kremlin) is not implemented.
  • The project of a new painting of the Grand Kremlin Palace (1901, Moscow, Kremlin) is not implemented.

Monument "Viktor and Apollinaria Vasnetsov from grateful countrymen" before the building of the Vyatka Art Museum named after the Vasnetsov Brothers (1992). Sculptor Yu. G. Orekhov, Architect S. P. Hadzhibaronov

  • The memorable cross on the site of the death of the Grand Duke Sergey Alexandrovich (1905-1908, Moscow) was not preserved. Recreated by the sculptor N. V. Orlov and installed in the Novospassian monastery.
  • The project of an income house (1908, Moscow) is not implemented.
  • The tombstone V. A. Gringmut (1900s, Moscow, the necropolis of the sorrowishchensky monastery) was not preserved.
  • The draft Council of St. Alexander Nevsky (1911, Moscow, Mius Square) was put on the architect A. N. Pomerancess as a basis for a partially implemented project.

Creating Marks

In 1914, the Vasnetsov drawing was used for a voluntary gathering brand victims of the First World War, issued by the Moscow City Public Administration.



  • House-Museum V. M. Vasnetsova (branch of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow).
  • Vyatka Art Museum named after V. M. and A. M. Vasnetsov and his branch:
    • The historical and memorial and landscape museum-reserve of artists V. M. and A. M. Vasnetsov "Ryabovo" (Kirov region, Zuevsky district, village Ryabovo).
  • State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg.


  • The monument "Viktor and Apollinaria Vasnetsov from grateful countrymen" is installed before the building of the Vyatka Art Museum named after V. M. and A. M. Vasnetsov.

In Filateli

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov was born in 1848 on May 15 in the village with a ridiculous name of Lopyal. Vasnetsova's father was a priest, as well as his grandfather and great-grandfather. In 1850, Mikhail Vasilyevich took the family to the village of Ryabovo. It was associated with his service. Viktor Vasnetsova had 5 brothers, one of which also became famous artists, called his apollinarian.

Talent Vasnetsova manifested itself since childhood, but a very unsuccessful monetary position in the family did not leave the options, how to give Victor to the Vyatka spiritual school in 1858. Already at the age of 14, Victor Vasnetsov studied in a Vyatka spiritual seminary. Children of the priests took there for free.

So without graduating from the seminary, in 1867 Vasnetsov went to St. Petersburg to enter the Academy of Arts. He had a little money, and Victor put out 2 of his paintings on "auction" - "thrush" and "jince". Before the departure, he never received money for them. 60 rubles for these two pictures he received several months later in St. Petersburg. Arriving in the capital, the young artist had only 10 rubles.

Vasnetsov coped perfectly with the painting exam and immediately enrolled in the Academy. About a year he was engaged in a drawing school, where he met his teacher.

Classes at the Academy of Arts Vasnetsov began in 1868. At this time he began his friends with, and even one time they lived on the same apartment.

Although Vasnetsov liked the Academy, but he did not finish her, left in 1876, where he lived for more than a year. At this time there was also a repin on a business trip. They also supported friendly relations.

After returning to Moscow Vasnetsov immediately accepted mobile art exhibitions in the partnership. By this time, the drawing style of the artist varies significantly, and not only the style, Vasnetsov himself moves to live in Moscow, where it gets closer to Tretyakov and Mammoth. It was in Moscow that Vasnetsov revealed. He liked to be in this city, he felt easily and fulfilled various creative work.

More than 10 years Vasnetsov issued the Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev. This was helped by M. Nesterov. It was after the end of this work, Vasnetsov can be rightfully called a great Russian icon painter.

1899 became the peak of the popularity of the artist. At its exhibition Vasnetsov presented to the public.

After the revolution, Vasnetsov began to live no longer in Russia, but in the USSR, that he was seriously oppressed. People destroyed his paintings, treated disrespectful to the artist. But until the end of his life, Viktor Mikhailovich was faithful to his work - he painted. He died on July 23, 1926 in Moscow, and without finishing the portrait of his friend and the student M. Nesterov.

When it comes to artists who worked on the "revival" of the epic, fairy tales and legends, one of the first is Vasnetsov. Biography for children will traditionally begin from the moment of the birth of a talented master and his childhood.

How was the childhood of the future artist?

And Viktor Mikhailovich was born on May 15, 1848 in the village called Lopyal, near Vyatki. His father, Mikhail Vasilyevich, was a local priest. After the birth of the Son, he was forced to move to another place - the village Ryabovo. Mom of the future artist, Apollinaria Ivanovna, raised six sons (Victor himself was second).

The life of Vasnetsov's family could not be called particularly rich. In their house, simultaneously attended customs and stacked, characteristic of both rural and urban life. After the death of his wife, the father of the family, Mikhail Vasnetsov, remained. Biography for children telling about the basic moments of the life of the future artist continues. Mikhail Vasilyevich was a smart and well-educated person, so he tried to instill inquisition, observation, to give them knowledge in various fields. But to draw children taught grandmother. Despite the poverty, adults always found funds to buy interesting scientific journals, paints, brushes and other accessories for creativity and studies. Victor Vasnetsov, in childhood, showed an extraordinary leaning towards drawing: on its first sketches there are picturesque village landscapes, as well as scenes of rural life.

Other villagers Victor Vasnetsov perceived as his good buddies and gladly listened to fairy tales and songs that they told during the gatherings with the muted light and cod of Lucin.

Vasnetsov did not imagine his life without drawing from early years

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, whose biography today is the theme of our conversation, began to draw very early. But in those days it was decided that the son was walking in the footsteps of his father, so he first went to study in a spiritual school, and then in a seminary in Vyatka. Being a seminarist, Vasnetsov constantly studied the chronicles, the lives of saints, chronographs, various documents. And special attention was attracted by the Old Russian literature - she further strengthened the love of Russian Starne, who was already distinguished by Vasnetsov. Biography for children dedicated to this amazing artist should mention that it was in the seminary Vasnetsov received deep knowledge in the field of Orthodox symbolism, which then came in handy during work on

Training in the seminary did not prevent Viktor Mikhailovich to take a diligence to study painting. In 1866-1867. From under his hands, 75 wonderful drawings came out, which eventually served as illustrations for the "Collection of Russian proverbs" N. Praticin.

A strong impression on Vasnetsov was acquainted with E. Andrioli - the Polish artist who was in the link. Andrioli tells her young friend about the Academy of Arts, which in St. Petersburg. Vasnetsov immediately caught up with the desire to do there. The artist's father did not objection, but immediately warned that he could not help materially.

Start of independent life in St. Petersburg

However, Vasnetsov did not remain without support. Andrioli and his familiar bishop Adam Krasinov talked to the governor Campanichechov, and he helped them to sell the paintings "Merry" and "Jince", which Drawn Vasnetsov. Biography for children should include some more interesting points related to this. For sold paintings Vasnetsov received 60 rubles, and with this amount went to St. Petersburg. The modesty and the insecurity of the young man did not allow him to even look at the list of cases enrolled in the Academy after passing the exams. Victor through acquaintances was able to get a drawer to earn himself to live. Later Vasnetsov finds a lesson in the soul and begins to draw illustrations for magazines and books. At the same time, he enters the Society of Society for the promotion of artists, where he gets to I. Kramsky, who has yet to play an important role in the life of the young artist.

Training at the Academy of Arts and the Fair Life of the Artist

In 1868, Vasnetsov again makes an attempt to enter the Academy of St. Petersburg. And he learns that last time he managed to successfully pass the exams.

Training time at the Academy presented Viktor Mikhailovich many new interesting acquaintances. Here he gets closer and begins to be friends with Repini, Polenovyov, Queenji, Surikov, Maksimov, Brothers Pukhov, Anticolish, purple.

Already during the first year, Vasnetsov's studies receive a silver medal, and then two more small medals for the studio from nature and drawing "two naked tooltar". Two years later, the teachers awarded him for the drawing "Christ and Pilate in front of the people", this time - a large silver medal.

This period has become very difficult for Vasnetsov. In 1870, the Father of the artist died, and he began to take care of his uncle on the maternal line, which also dreams about the glory of a talented artist and is looking for an opportunity to earn. Starting from 1871, Vasnetsov still appears in the Academy, mainly due to lack of time and deteriorating health. However, he still worked fruitful: during this time, it fulfilled more than 200 illustrations to the "soldier's alphabet", "People's Alphabet", "Russian alphabet for children" (water carriers). The artist is engaged in illustrating the fairy tales "Fire-Bird", "Konk-Gorbok" and some others. Putting Vasnetsov to draw for themselves - as a rule, it was drawings on household topics.

1875 became the year of the cardinal change in the life of Viktor Mikhailovich. He leaves the Academy due to the fact that the need to make money becomes for him in the first place, and besides, because he wants to independently develop his talent. At the exhibition of the heads, his picture "Tea Party in the Tavern" appears, the work on the "poor singers" is also ends. In 1876, he represents the paintings "Book shop" and "from the apartment on the apartment."

In the same year Vasnetsov seems to be able to visit Paris. The visit to France is striking the imagination of the artist, and under the impression of him he writes the famous "Balagans in the vicinity of Paris" (1877).

A year later, the artist returns to his homeland, marked with Alexandra Ryazantseva and moves out with the newly minted wife to Moscow.

The painting of the Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev is the most important work in the life of Vasnetsov

In 1885, A. Prakhov invites Vasnetsov to participate in the painting of the recently built thinking, the artist agrees. He has already received the minimum experience, working on the Abrahantse Church of the Savior and Epic Cloths. Being a deeply believer man, it is in the painting churches Vasnetsov begins to see his real vocation.

Above the painting in the Vladimir Cathedral Vasnetsov worked more than ten (!) Years. After all, he was instructed to paint and the main nave, and Assida. The artist skillfully portrayed important plots from the new and Russian saints, set the arrangements with the help of amazing ornaments. In the history of art of the whole XIX century, the scale of the work carried out is not equal. After all, during this time, Viktor Mikhailovich created over four hundred sketches, and the total painting area takes more than 2 thousand square meters. m.!

The work was interesting, but also very complicated. After all, V. M. Vasnetsov, whose biography is the topic of our conversation, carefully studied the topic with which he had to work with. To this end, he got acquainted with the monuments of early Christianity, preserved in Italy, frescoes and mosaics, which existed in the Kiev Sophia Cathedral, the painting of Mikhailovsky and Kirillovsky monasteries. The close attention of Vasnetsov has given and study the adjacent areas of art: folk art, ancient Russian book miniature. In many ways, when working, he focused on Moscow and besides, Vasnetsov always checked whether his work with the spirit of the Church is consistent. Many sketches The artist was forced to discard due to the fact that he himself considered his works not enough church, or because the consent did not give the church council.

Vasnetsov himself believed that his work in the cathedral is his personal "path to light," to understand the great values. Sometimes he was very difficult due to the fact that it was not possible to depict one or another plot exactly as he saw him in thoughts.

One of the most favorite images was the Virgin Vasnetsov, first depicted "with warmth, courage and sincerity". In many Russian houses of the late XIX-early XX centuries. It was possible to meet her reproductions.

The work was completed in 1896, and in the presence of the family of the king the cathedral was solemnly consecrated. The painting Vasnetsov had a huge success, and already in the same year, many proposals for the design of St. Petersburg, Warsaw, Darmstad, and other temples were sprinkled on the artist. The top of the creativity of Vasnetsov as a monumental decorator was his cloth "Scary Court".

Vasnetsov - an experimenter combining in its work of centuries, traditions and lively

The painting of the Kiev Cathedral, Vasnetsov in his free time does not stop working in other genres. In particular, at this time he created a whole cycle of historical and epic paintings.

For some time, Viktor Mikhailovich devoted the creation of theatrical scenery.

In 1875-1883 Vasnetsov is entrusted to draw an atypical picture of the "Stone Age" for him, which was supposed to decorate the Moscow Historical Museum opening soon.

But above one of the most famous paintings - "Bogati" - the artist worked for several decades, and finished his work in 1898. Vasnetsov himself called this picture with his "obligation to his native people." And in April of the same year, he gladly took this picture to make it forever become one of the brightest exhibits in his gallery.

Pictures Vasnetsov never left people indifferent, although fierce disputes often developed around them. Someone leaned and admired them, someone - criticized. But amazing, "live" and working their souls could not remain unnoticed.

Died Vasnetsov on July 23, 1926 at the age of 79 due to heart problems. However, the traditions that he laid began continued and continue to live in the works of the artists of the following generations.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov The brief biography of the famous Russian artist is set out in this article.

Victor Vasnetsov Brief biography

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov was born on May 15, 1848 in the deaf Vyatka village of Lopyal in a large family of a rural priest. Victor from childhood loved to listen to folk tales and songs, legends. They gave love to Russian folk art in the boy.

The boy's talent manifested itself at an early age, but due to the lack of money, he was given to the spiritual school, and then the seminary. Children of priests took there for free. However, a 19-year-old seminarist from Vyatki to St. Petersburg, to the Academy of Arts, led the art of art.

Studying at the Academy, the young artist worked a lot (as an engraver and draftsman, collaborated with a number of Petersburg magazines.). With great interest created illustrations for alphabet. But most of all the artist captured the thoughts about the Bogatlish power of Russian warriors, about beauty, about freedom.

In 1876, Vasnetsov arrived at the invitation of Repin to Paris. At the exhibition, the artist's attention attracted a large picture of fabulous knights. And again he remembered his idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a picture dedicated to Russian heroes.

In the summer of 1881, Vasnetsov's goal wrote etudes in Abramtsev and begins to work on the picture "Bogatyry". But only in 1898, Vasnetsov finished this picture.

Since 1893 Vasnetsov becomes a valid member of the Academy of Arts of Russia.

In 1899, Vasnetsov opens its first exhibition in Moscow, the picture "Bogatyry" becomes the central work.

Victor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1848 - 1926) - a Russian artist, famous for images of historical, folk scenes.

Biography Viktor Vasnetsova

Vasnetsov was born on May 3, 1848 in a small village of Vyatka province in the family of a priest. Education in Vasnetsov's biography was obtained in a Vyatka spiritual seminary. But the artistic style of Vasnetsov was improved during training in the school of artist of St. Petersburg. The completion of the study was the end of the Academy of Arts in 1873.

At the end of the Academy went abroad. From 1869 to expove our work, first participating in the expositions of the Academy, then - in the exhibitions of the Mobile.

Member of the Mammoth Mug in Abramtsevo.

In 1893, Vasnetsov becomes a valid member of the Academy of Arts. After 1905, he was close to the Union of the Russian People, although he was not his member, participated in financing and designing monarchical publications, including the "Books of Russian Sorrow".

In 1912 he was awarded the "noble Russian empire dignity with all downward offspring."

In 1915, he participated in the establishment of the Society for the Renaissance of Artistic Rus, along with many other artists of his time.

Victor Vasnetsov died on July 23, 1926 in Moscow, buried in the Lazarevian cemetery, after the destruction of which the dust was postponed to the introduced cemetery.

Creativity Vasnetsov

In the work of Voznetsov, various genres are brightly represented, which became the stages of a very interesting evolution: from life-making to the fairy tale, from easel painting to monumental, from martiality of mobiles to the prototype of Modern style.

At an early stage, household plots prevailed in the works of Vasnetsov, for example, in the pictures "from the apartment on the apartment" (1876), "Book shop" (1876), "Balagans in Paris" (1877).

Later, the main direction becomes the epic and historical - "Vityaz on the crossroads" (1882), "After the participation of Igor Svyatoslavich with Polovtsy" (1880), "Alyonushka" (1881), "Ivan-Tsarevich on a gray wolf" (1889), "Bogatyry" (1889) "(1881-1898)," Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich Grozny "(1897).

In the late 1890s, a religious topic (work in the Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev and in the Temple of the Resurrection (Savor-on-Blood Temple) in St. Petersburg, watercolor drawings and generally preparatory originals of wall painting for the cathedral are occupied St. Vladimir, the Chinese Temple of St. John the Forerunner in Presck.

Vasnetsov worked in the team of artists, drawn up the interior of the temple-monument of Alexander Nevsky in Sofia.

After 1917, Vasnetsov continued to work on folk fabulous topics, creating a canvas "Fight Dobryni Nikitich with the seminal snake Gorynych" (1918); "Koschey Immortal" (1917-1926).

About what an evil joke can play uncertainty in herself, one fact of the biography of V.M. Vasnetsova.

Arriving from distant Siberia to enter the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, the young man was very worried. On the exam, he painted everything that was set, and began to look around. He noticed his horror that an applicant standing at the next easel is skeptical of his drawing and even frankly smiles, almost laughing.

"Everything - failed!" - I decided Vasnetsov and came to such despair that I did not even learn the results of the exam. After spending a few days in someone else's city, the future artist entered the drawing school I.N. Kramsky in the hope of even stronger and try their luck to the next year.

What was his amazement, when, having come to submit documents to the Academy of Arts, he found out what he did back for the first time and the year was already on the first year!


  • Kulzhenko S. V. Cathedral of Sv. Equal to the Apostolnago Prince Vladimir in Kiev. - Kiev: Publisher S.V. Kulzhenko, 1898.
  • Bakhrevsky V. A. Victor Vasnetsov. - M.: Young Guard, 1989. - (Life of wonderful people). - ISBN 5-235-00367-5.
  • Bouda N. Yu. Vasnetsov Viktor Mikhailovich: Afterword // Journal of Moscow Patriarchate. - 1994. - № 7/8. - P. 124-125.
  • Iovleva L. I. Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1964. - 56 p. - (People's Library for Art). - 20,000 copies.
  • Kudryavtseva L. Vasnetsov. - M.: White City, 1999. - ISBN 5-7793-0163-8.

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