Preparation of sponge dough. Dough dough

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Unleavened yeast dough.
A straight dough is prepared when we add a little baking to the dough: butter, eggs. We knead this dough immediately, in one step.
Dissolve the yeast in warm milk or water (temperature 35-37°C) and stir until the yeast is completely dissolved in the water.
Add the egg, sugar, salt, gradually add flour and knead the dough (it is better to first grind the egg with salt and sugar, and then add it to the dough).
At the end of kneading, add melted and cooled butter and vegetable oil and knead until the dough stops sticking to the bowl and hands (the dough should not be stiff).
Grease the finished dough with vegetable oil, place in a large bowl, cover with a napkin or towel and place in a warm place.
When the dough rises, knead it and let it rise again. After which you can start baking.

Sweet yeast sponge dough.
Sponge dough is prepared when you need to add more baking - butter, eggs, sugar, for example, for sweet pies, buns, etc.

Examination yeast quality.
Pour 50 ml of warm milk (35-37°C) into a small deep bowl, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and stir.
Crumble the yeast into the milk and stir until the yeast dissolves (it’s convenient to stir with your fingers or a wooden spoon).

Place the yeast mixture in a warm place for 10-20 minutes. The yeast should foam and rise like a cap.

Preparation sponge.
Sift flour (150-200 g) into a large bowl, pour in the remaining milk (400-450 ml) and mix - the dough should look like pancakes.
Stir the foamed yeast with a fork or small whisk and pour into the milk-flour mixture.

Mix well and put the dough in a warm place for 40-60 minutes.

During this time, the dough should double in volume, “shrink” and begin to fall off.
As soon as the dough begins to fall off, it is ready.

Prepare baked goods.
In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with sugar and salt well (you can also add vanilla sugar, vanilla, saffron and other additives for flavor).

Melt the butter and cool to room temperature (so as not to burn the yeast).
Add crushed eggs to the prepared dough and mix.
Gradually adding flour in small portions, knead a soft, elastic dough.
While kneading the dough, grease your hands and table alternately with melted butter and vegetable oil.
Kneading the dough is one of the main points when kneading yeast dough. The dough loves to be kneaded by hand for a long time. Knead the dough, preferably for at least 20 minutes.

Then put it back in the dish, cover with a napkin or towel and place in a warm place to rise for 1.5-2 hours.

Here is my proven favorite recipe for yeast dough, which I always use to prepare sweet yeast pies and pies.

Milk - 250 ml

Yeast - 30 g (or 11 g dry)

Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon

Flour - 3 tbsp. l. with a slide


Sugar - 100 g

Eggs - 2 pcs.

Butter - 100 g

Salt - a pinch

Vanilla sugar - optional

Vegetable oil - 1 table. spoon

Flour - 3 cups (250 ml volume) = approximately 450 g flour

First we prepare the dough. Add a spoonful of sugar, yeast (see quantity according to your recipe) and a little flour to a warm liquid at 35 - 40°C. Mix everything until the yeast and sugar dissolve. I usually cook with milk, and the baked goods turn out soft and airy, sometimes with kefir or sour milk. There is an opinion that baked goods made with kefir do not go stale for a long time. In practice, it was not possible to test it; usually the goodies do not stay for a long time and are eaten quickly. Sometimes, when there is no milk or kefir, I take a glass of water and dissolve a couple of spoons of sour cream.

Leave the dough in a place where there are no drafts for 30 minutes. During this time, the yeast will begin to “work” and you will get such a lush “cap”. Later, the cap will begin to fall off, and such bubbles will appear. This means that the dough is ripe. Now in a separate bowl, mix all the baking: eggs, sugar and soft butter. There is no need to whip it vigorously into a foam, just stir until the ingredients combine. When the dough has come up, combine the dough with the baking and mix. If the recipe calls for the addition of vanilla sugar and salt, then it should be added at this moment. Sometimes in books they write that when kneading dough, add liquid ingredients to dry ones, make a mound of flour, make a hole in it and... I don’t do that. I'll explain! Different flours work differently and absorb liquid, so I gradually add the sifted flour, one glass at a time, into the liquid and stir with a spoon in one direction. For some reason, it is believed that yeast dough should be stirred in one direction. In general, housewives have accumulated a lot of warnings and recommendations: you need to cook in a good mood, with love and not on critical days. Yes, the mass is alive, but what, I wonder, does it matter to the yeast what kind of day it is for the housewife? When it is no longer possible to mix the mass, I put it on the table and knead it with my hands. To prevent the dough from being too heavily floured and to prevent it from sticking to my hands, I use vegetable oil. I just grease my hands with vegetable oil and knead. It doesn’t stick to your hands, and I don’t add extra flour. You need to knead for about five minutes until it becomes smooth, elastic, but soft and fluffy. You have to learn to determine the consistency intuitively; it’s difficult to describe, well, like the soft part of your earlobe. After a couple of successful kneading, your hands will remember what density it should be. I wrote the approximate amount of flour in the recipe, but sometimes it turns out to be not enough. For pies and pies I knead a soft dough, and for yeast rolls a little denser. Our rich yeast dough is mixed, but it is not ready yet. I put the kneaded smooth lump in a bowl or pan, cover with a clean towel, and put in a warm place for 1 - 2 hours. After an hour the dough almost jumps out. Now you can knead it, knead it again (do not add flour) and you can use it to make different pretzel loaves from it. Yeast pie dough can be risen twice. After the first kneading, I make it, put it to proof and bake.


Milk (or other liquid: kefir, yogurt, whey) for the dough should not be overheated, otherwise the yeast will burn and will not rise. Test the temperature in the same folk way as testing formula before giving it to a baby - drop a drop of heated liquid on your wrist, if it’s not hot, then it’s what you need. To make the dough fluffy and light, the quality of the flour is important. Choose the highest grade flour and be sure to sift it. Pastry chefs advise sifting the flour twice to enrich it with oxygen. The butter should be at room temperature, it can be melted, but the butter should not be added to the dough while it is hot. Butter can be replaced with margarine or a vegetable-butter mixture. Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of the yeast, it must be fresh. As, indeed, all products. If you have kneaded the dough, but the mass does not fit, put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, and then in a warm place. The temperature change should “wake up” the yeast. Yeast dough is afraid of drafts and noise; the best place for it is the oven. I don't preheat the oven, I just put a bowl in there and wait. In order not to oversaturate the dough with flour, instead of dusting, grease your hands and table with vegetable oil when kneading. Vegetable oil should be odorless and just a little bit. Then the yeast dough buns will be fluffy and airy.


Usually you need to bake at a temperature of 160-180 degrees. It is advisable to use the “Pastry baking” mode; modern models have this mode. Place the baked goods in the middle. If you bake at a very high temperature, the product may turn out toasted on the outside and damp on the inside. Before cutting dough products, turn on the oven to warm up. At this time, place the pieces prepared for baking to proof so that they rise in front of the oven. After 15-20 minutes, the products are brushed with beaten egg yolk and sent to the oven. At first, you should never open the oven, otherwise the dough will fall due to the flow of cold air. When the dough has already browned and set into a crust, then you can open the door and move the baking sheet or mold where the baked goods are located. Baking time usually ranges from 20 minutes to an hour, depending on the size of the baked product. Small pies, for example, can be baked in 25 minutes, a poppy seed roll in about 40 minutes, and a loaf of bread will take even longer.

What could be tastier than pies or bread with delicious holes? It seems that only professional bakers can prepare such dough. But in fact, any housewife can do this. If only the dough for yeast dough was “correct”!

What is dough?

It’s not for nothing that dough is called starter in English. This is truly the beginning of all yeast baking. Dough is a liquid mixture for quickly dissolving yeast. In it, yeast bacteria breathe freely, which means they process sugar faster and multiply. The carbon dioxide released in this process forms nice bubbles that distinguish yeast baked goods from yeast-free ones. Dough is also needed in order to:

  • check the quality of the yeast without spoiling a large amount of flour;
  • the dough was airy;
  • as a result of the formation of esters, the baked goods acquired an amazing aroma;
  • increase the volume of the test.

Advantages of yeast dough on sourdough

The main advantage of sponge dough is its plasticity. This allows you to make baked goods in more perfect shapes. In addition, sponge yeast dough is stored longer both in the form of a workpiece and in the finished product. As for the influence of dough on the quality of the dough, the following advantages can be highlighted:

  • intensive accumulation of lactic acid has a positive effect on the taste of baked goods;
  • the formation of melanoidins guarantees a smooth, golden brown crust;
  • the swelling of flour particles causes the porosity of the cakes.

Best Recipes

Before you start preparing the dough, you need to consider the following nuances.

  • The optimal temperature of water intended for kneading dough is about 20 degrees Celsius (except for cases of using dry yeast, but the required temperature indicators are always indicated on the packaging of this type of product).
  • To speed up the fermentation process of the dough, you need to increase the amount of flour when kneading. Just don’t get too carried away - the consistency of the dough should resemble a suspension.
  • Fine flour ferments more slowly than whole grain flour.
  • The amount of sugar for baking must be calculated to take into account the large consumption of fermentation. This is important also because a lack of sugar will result in a pale crust of the finished product.

  • Salt is not added to the dough, as it slows down the reaction between bacteria and sugar.

Bread dough

To make the bread tasty, the dough must be prepared in advance. By the way, there is a recipe for French bakers who keep the dough for 3 hours and only then add it to the dough. But there are also faster ways to prepare yeast starter, including using dry yeast.


  • 1 tbsp. filtered water (about 30 degrees);
  • 1 packet of dry yeast;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour.


  1. Slowly add the yeast, stirring constantly.
  2. Add sugar and flour, mix well (if the consistency is thicker than liquid kefir, add water, otherwise add flour).
  3. Cover the workpiece with a cloth and place it in a warm place without drafts for 20-25 minutes.

Of course, preparing bread dough according to the classic recipe requires fresh, not dry, yeast. Professional bakers are convinced that comparing baked goods with dry and fresh yeast is like comparing the sound quality of vinyl and digital.


  • ¼ briquette of fresh yeast;
  • 1 tbsp. warm (about 20 degrees) filtered water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 4 tbsp. l. flour.


  1. After 2-3 minutes, pour in sugar, wait 15 minutes until foam begins to form.
  2. Pour the mixture into a bowl and add flour, cover with a napkin.
  3. Place in a warm place for 20 minutes.

Pie base

To prepare pies or pies, you can make the dough with milk - then the baked goods will be even softer.


  • 50 g fresh yeast (or a standard packet of dry yeast);
  • 2 tbsp. fresh homemade milk;
  • 1 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.


  1. In a wide bowl, mix milk with yeast.
  2. Stirring constantly, add flour and sugar.
  3. Cover with a napkin and place in a warm place for 1.5 hours.

If there is no milk, then the same dough can be prepared in water. The number of products remains unchanged.

How to evaluate the quality of the dough?

To appreciate the “real” taste of baking with yeast dough, you should prepare a high-quality dough. After the dough piece has stood and fermented, it should have the consistency of liquid sour cream. However, no less important is how further kneading of the yeast dough occurs. Namely, how flour is poured into the fermented mixture. This should be done slowly, preferably sifting through a sieve and stirring occasionally to prevent lumps from forming.

Dough for yeast dough is an important step in preparing delicious baked goods. And even though such recipes take a little more time, the result can be predicted in advance: the dough mixed with dough will be tasty, airy and smelling very appetizing. So the costs will be completely justified.


The sponge method of preparing dough is divided into two stages:

1. Preparation and fermentation of the dough,
2. Preparation and fermentation of the dough.

1. Dough is a liquid dough that is kneaded using the full amount of liquid, half the amount of flour (if the dough is very rich, then only half a half of flour is put into the dough) and the full amount of yeast.

The liquid (milk and water) should be warm - not lower than 28-30 ° C. Yeast, previously “fed”, and flour are diluted in it, stirred with a spoon, sprinkled lightly with flour on top; then the bowl with the dough is tightly tied with a napkin and placed in a warm place for fermentation. The fermentation time of the dough will depend on the temperature, the thickness of the batch, the quality of the flour, the quantity and quality of the yeast. Before use, the yeast should be “fed”: it is diluted in a small amount of water or milk with 1 teaspoon of sugar, mixed well and set for 30 minutes in warm place. After this, the yeast is used for dough. With well-fed yeast, the dough ripens quickly, doubles in volume, its surface becomes covered with bubbles, and this is a sign that the dough is ready. As soon as the dough begins to settle, you should knead the dough on it. Add all other ingredients according to the recipe to the finished dough (eggs mixed with salt, sugar, aromatics), gradually add the remaining flour and knead for 5-8 minutes until a homogeneous dough is obtained. At the end, add oil, heated to the consistency of thick sour cream. The dough is thoroughly mixed in a bowl and then placed on a board sprinkled with flour. Then the dough is beaten until elastic, i.e. until the dough begins to easily come off your hands. The dough knocked out in this way is put back into the bowl, tied with a napkin and placed in a warm place for 1-1.5 hours to mature. During this time, it is advisable to knead the dough 1-2 times on the board, as during kneading.

Determining the readiness of the dough is not an easy task, since it usually has a different consistency, which means that the fermentation process is not the same. For example, in a liquid dough, fermentation proceeds faster than in a thick dough; a soft dough is also determined not only by time, but mainly by the signs characterizing its maturity: a freshly kneaded dough is dense, moist and slightly elastic, while in a mature state the dough increases in volume by 1.5-2 times, becomes fluffy, smooth and elastic.

The taste and aroma of sweet yeast dough are enhanced by aromatic substances. To the dough made from 2 cups of flour, you can add the zest of 1 orange or 1/2 lemon or 1/2 nutmeg, or 2-3 finely ground cardamom fruits, 1-2 g of vanilla sugar or 10-15 vanillin crystals. Aromatic substances are added at the beginning of kneading, after grinding.

What should you do if the dough does not ferment? The dough cooled below 10°C must be heated to 30°C, but so that during heating it does not come into contact with objects with a temperature above 50°C. Dough that is too warm must be cooled to 30°C and fresh yeast added.

If too much salt or sugar is added to the dough, fermentation will slow down or stop. In this case, you need to knead a new portion of the dough and mix it with the over-salted or over-sweetened one.

The dough may not ferment due to poor quality yeast. To test the fermentation ability of yeast, you need to prepare a small portion of dough and sprinkle it with a thin layer of flour. If after 30 - 40 minutes no cracks appear in the flour layer, then the quality of the yeast is poor. In this case, you should take dry yeast “Pasha” or “Dzhanmaya”.

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Baking pies, homemade bread or Easter cakes requires a special type of dough - yeast. Culinary experts divide yeast dough into sponge and unpaired dough.

Find out below what is the difference between sponge and straight and for what purposes is each type used.

Unleavened yeast dough

Straight yeast dough is used for preparing dishes with a small amount of baking (eggs, sugar and butter), for example, for making pies, cheesecakes or the Italian version of Easter cake - panettone.

The main feature of straight yeast dough is the technology of its preparation: yeast (usually dry), salt, sugar, eggs and all the flour are placed in warm water or milk, kneading the composition for 5-8 minutes until the lumps are broken and a homogeneous dough structure is obtained. Before the end of kneading, add vegetable or butter to the dough, less often margarine.

Then the dough is placed in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours so that it “rises”. The increase in dough is caused by the fermentation of fungi contained in the yeast, which “loose” the dough, filling it with carbon dioxide.

After the dough has risen, knead it - that is, release bubbles of carbon dioxide from the dough and saturate it with oxygen for even greater rise during baking.

Recipe for straight yeast dough

0.5 tbsp. Heat the milk to 40 degrees, add 1.5 tsp. dry yeast and stir the mixture thoroughly. Add 1 egg, 1 tbsp. sugar, a pinch of salt and gradually adding 2 tbsp. flour, knead the dough for 7 minutes until smooth with your hands or with a mixer using a dough attachment. Add 2 tbsp. melted butter or margarine, and mix everything thoroughly again. The dough should not be tough and soft enough.

Gather the finished dough into a ball, place it in a plastic or ceramic container and put it in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours under a towel or cling film.

Sponge yeast dough

Sponge yeast dough is most often used for making baked goods - fried pies, pancakes or Easter cakes.

The difference between sponge yeast dough and straight yeast dough is in the technology of its preparation: in sponge yeast dough, the base is a mixture of warm milk, yeast (usually pressed), sugar and a couple of spoons of flour. After the yeast “cap” appears (usually after 1.5-2 hours), the remaining ingredients are poured into the dough and a soft, pliable dough is kneaded, which is again put in a warm place for 1-2 hours.

For sponge yeast dough, one kneading is enough for the rising time.

Recipe for sponge yeast dough

Heat 0.5 liters of milk to 40 degrees, add 50 grams to it. fresh pressed yeast, 2 tbsp. sugar and 0.5 tbsp. flour. Leave the finished dough in a warm place under a towel for 1 hour.

Beat 8 eggs with 700 gr. sugar until foamy, add 60 g. melted margarine and 50 gr. melted butter mixed with 100 gr. fat sour cream.

Add 1 kg of sifted flour, vanilla, 50 ml of vegetable oil to the risen dough and pour in the egg mixture. Knead the dough thoroughly for at least 10 minutes!

Fill the molds with dough and give it time to proof - 30-40 minutes.

Both sponge and straight yeast dough need silence and warmth. The ideal temperature for rising the dough is 28-30 degrees, so if your house is poorly heated or there is a cold winter outside, postpone preparing the yeast dough until later or leave the container with it in a warm oven (preheat the oven to 50 degrees, turn off the heating and put the dough there without opening the oven for 15-2 hours.

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