Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces of the USSR. Sibirsk Volgota General military regulations of the armed forces of the USSR 1973

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On July 30, a new charter of the Soviet Army was adopted, society became increasingly militarized, and all films featured positive military men or cops. With minor corrections, the document was valid until the very end of the union, since the real ideals were precisely those of the martinet; I present the most significant excerpts in the documentary section of the chronicles.

Approved by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 30, 1975
(with amendments and additions introduced by Decrees of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces
from 10/16/1980 - Gazette of the USSR Armed Forces, 1980, N 43, art. 890;
from 12/24/1980 - Gazette of the USSR Armed Forces, 1980, N 52, art. 1133;
from 03/18/1985 - Gazette of the USSR Armed Forces, 1985, No. 12, art. 199)

The Armed Forces of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics are called upon to defend the freedom and independence of our Motherland, to defend its state interests, and to ensure the peaceful creative work of the Soviet people building communism. To fulfill its historical mission, the Soviet Armed Forces must be in constant combat readiness.

The most important condition for combat effectiveness and constant combat readiness of troops is high military discipline. Its role is especially great in achieving victory in modern war. “To win... you need iron, military discipline” (V.I. Lenin).

Military discipline in the Soviet Armed Forces is based on the high political consciousness of military personnel, their deep understanding of their patriotic duty, the international tasks of our people, and their selfless devotion to their Soviet Motherland, the Communist Party and the Soviet government. But conviction does not exclude the use of coercive measures against military personnel who are negligent in fulfilling their military duty.

All commanders (chiefs) are obliged to maintain high military discipline in units and subunits on a daily basis, strictly guided by the requirements of this Charter.

(approved by the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces dated August 23, 1960 -
Gazette of the USSR Armed Forces, 1960, No. 34, art. 325)

I, a citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, joining the ranks of the Armed Forces of the USSR, take the oath and solemnly swear to be an honest, brave, disciplined, vigilant warrior, strictly keep military and state secrets, observe the Constitution of the USSR and Soviet laws, unquestioningly fulfill all military regulations and orders of commanders and superiors.

I swear to conscientiously study military affairs, to protect military and national property in every possible way, and to be devoted to my people, my Soviet Motherland and the Soviet government until my last breath.

I am always ready, by order of the Soviet government, to defend my Motherland - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and, as a warrior of the Armed Forces of the USSR, I swear to defend it courageously, skillfully, with dignity and honor, not sparing my blood and life itself to achieve complete victory over enemies.

If I violate this solemn oath of mine, then may I suffer the severe punishment of Soviet law, the general hatred and contempt of the Soviet people.
Chapter 1

1. Military discipline is strict and precise observance by all military personnel of the order and rules established by Soviet laws and military regulations.

2. Military discipline is based on the awareness of each military personnel of military duty and personal responsibility for the defense of their Motherland - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

3. Military discipline obliges every serviceman:

Strictly observe the Constitution of the USSR and Soviet laws, strictly fulfill the requirements of the military oath, military regulations, orders and orders of commanders (chiefs);

To endure all the hardships and hardships of military service, not to spare one’s blood and life itself when performing military duty;

Strictly maintain military and state secrets;

Be honest, truthful, conscientiously study military affairs and take full care of entrusted weapons, military and other equipment, military and national property;

Show respect to commanders (superiors) and elders, observe the rules of military politeness and honor;

To behave with dignity and honor outside the location of the unit, to prevent oneself and to restrain others from violating public order, and to contribute in every possible way to the protection of the honor and dignity of citizens.

4. High military discipline is achieved:

By instilling in military personnel a communist worldview, high moral, political and combat qualities and conscious obedience to commanders (superiors);

Maintaining in part (on a ship, in a unit) the statutory order;

The daily demands of commanders (superiors) towards subordinates, respect for their personal dignity, constant care for them, skillful combination and correct use of persuasion and coercion measures.

5. Each commander (chief) is obliged to educate his subordinates in the spirit of strict fulfillment of all the requirements of military discipline, to develop and maintain in them a consciousness of military honor and military duty, to encourage the worthy and strictly punish the negligent.

Particular attention of commanders (superiors) should be directed to studying the individual qualities of military personnel, maintaining statutory relationships between them, uniting the military team, timely identifying the causes and preventing misconduct of subordinates and creating an intolerant attitude towards violations of military discipline. In this case, the commander (chief) is obliged to make full use of the public’s forces.

The commander (chief) must constantly set an example to his subordinates of compliance with the Constitution of the USSR and Soviet laws, impeccable fulfillment of the requirements of the military oath, military regulations, orders, instructions and norms of communist morality.

6. The interests of defending the Motherland oblige the commander (chief) to resolutely and firmly demand compliance with military discipline and order and not leave a single offense of a subordinate without influence.

The order of the commander (chief) is the law for subordinates. The order must be carried out unquestioningly, accurately and on time.

7. In the event of open disobedience or resistance of a subordinate, the commander (chief) is obliged to take all coercive measures to restore order, up to and including arresting the culprit and bringing him to justice. In this case, weapons can be used only in a combat situation, and in peacetime conditions - only in exceptional cases that do not tolerate any delay, when the actions of the disobedient are clearly aimed at treason, disruption of the combat mission, or create a real threat to the life of the commander (chief), others military personnel or civilians.

The use of weapons is a measure of last resort and is permitted if all other measures taken by the commander (chief) have proven unsuccessful or when, due to the conditions of the situation, taking other measures turns out to be impossible.

Before using weapons, if the situation allows, the commander (chief) is obliged to warn the disobedient person about this. The commander (chief) immediately reports the use of weapons upon command.

The commander (chief), who did not take measures to restore order and discipline, bears responsibility for this.

Each serviceman is obliged to assist the commander (chief) in restoring military discipline and order. In case of evasion of assistance to the commander (superior), the serviceman bears responsibility for this.

8. Only direct superiors and supervisors specified in the section “Imposing disciplinary sanctions in special cases” (Chapter 3) can apply incentives and impose disciplinary sanctions.

9. Disciplinary power vested in junior superiors is always vested in senior superiors.

10. Commanders (chiefs) in the military ranks of sergeants and foremen, whose positions are not mentioned in this Charter (Appendix 1), exercise disciplinary power in relation to persons subordinate to them in accordance with the military rank provided for in the states for the position held:

a) junior sergeant, sergeant, foreman of the 2nd article and foreman of the 1st article - by the authority of the squad commander;

b) senior sergeant and chief sergeant - by the authority of the deputy platoon commander;

c) foreman and chief ship's foreman - by the authority of the foreman of the company (team).

11. Commanders (chiefs) in the military rank of warrant officer and midshipman, senior warrant officer and senior midshipman, whose positions are not mentioned in this Charter (Appendix 1), in relation to the persons subordinate to them, enjoy the disciplinary authority of the company (team) foreman.

12. Commanders (chiefs) with the ranks of officers, generals and admirals, whose positions are not mentioned in this Charter (Appendix 1), in relation to persons subordinate to them, enjoy disciplinary power in accordance with the military rank provided for in the states for the position held:

a) junior lieutenant, lieutenant and senior lieutenant - by the authority of the platoon (group) commander;

b) captain and captain-lieutenant - by the authority of the company commander (ship of rank IV);

c) major, lieutenant colonel, captain of the third rank and captain of the second rank - by the authority of the battalion commander (ship of the third rank);

d) colonel and captain of the 1st rank - by the authority of the commander of the regiment (ship of the 1st rank);

e) major general and rear admiral - by the authority of the division commander (ship division);

f) lieutenant general and vice admiral - by the authority of the corps (squadron) commander;

g) colonel general and admiral - by the authority of the army (flotilla) commander;

h) marshal of the branch of troops and special troops, admiral of the fleet, general of the army, chief marshal, Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union and Marshal of the Soviet Union - by the authority of the commander of the troops of the military district, front, commander of the fleet.

Commanders (chiefs) holding positions for which two military ranks are provided in the states enjoy disciplinary power in accordance with the senior military rank.

13. Deputy (assistant) commanders of subunits, units, ships and formations, as well as chiefs of staff in relation to persons subordinate to them, enjoy disciplinary power one level lower than the rights granted to their immediate superiors.

On ships where there is a chief mate and an assistant commander, the latter enjoys disciplinary power one step below the rights granted to the chief mate.

14. In the temporary performance of a position, when this is announced in the order, the commander (chief) exercises disciplinary power over the temporarily performed position.

15. Officers from the deputy regiment commander and below, when on a business trip with units or commands as their commanders, as well as when performing part of an independent task specified in the order of the commander outside the location of their unit, enjoy disciplinary authority one step higher than their position.

Military personnel appointed as team leaders in the above cases enjoy disciplinary authority: soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen - the authority of the company (team) foreman; having the rank of foreman, chief petty officer, warrant officer, midshipman, senior warrant officer and senior midshipman - by the authority of the platoon (group) commander; warrant officers, warrant officers, senior warrant officers and senior warrant officers holding the positions of platoon (group) commanders - by the authority of the company commander.

16. Officers - commanders of cadet units in military educational institutions enjoy disciplinary power in relation to persons subordinate to them at one level above their position.

17. Commanders (chiefs) of military branches of the Armed Forces of the USSR, chiefs of special troops of the USSR Ministry of Defense, heads of main and central departments directly subordinate to the Minister of Defense of the USSR, in relation to the military personnel subordinate to them, enjoy the disciplinary authority of the commander of the military district, front, fleet commander, and the heads of the main and central departments, directly subordinate to the Deputy Ministers of Defense of the USSR, are the disciplinary authority of the commander of the army (flotilla).

18. The Minister of Defense of the USSR in relation to military personnel of the Armed Forces of the USSR, and the Chairman of the State Security Committee of the USSR and the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR in relation to military personnel of the forces subordinate to them, enjoy disciplinary power in the full scope of this Charter.

19. The provisions of this Charter apply to:

a) for all military personnel of the Soviet Army, Navy, border and internal troops;

b) on those liable for military service during training;

c) for warrant officers, midshipmen, officers, generals and admirals in the reserve and retired, when they wear military uniforms.

Text of the document as of July 2016

The document has become invalid


The Armed Forces of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics are called upon to defend the freedom and independence of our Motherland, to defend its state interests, and to ensure the peaceful creative work of the Soviet people building communism. To fulfill its historical mission, the Soviet Armed Forces must be in constant combat readiness.

The most important condition for combat effectiveness and constant combat readiness of troops is high military discipline. Its role is especially great in achieving victory in modern war. “To win... you need iron, military discipline” (V.I. Lenin).

Military discipline in the Soviet Armed Forces is based on the high political consciousness of military personnel, their deep understanding of their patriotic duty, the international tasks of our people, and their selfless devotion to their Soviet Motherland, the Communist Party and the Soviet government. But conviction does not exclude the use of coercive measures against military personnel who are negligent in fulfilling their military duty.

All commanders (chiefs) are obliged to maintain high military discipline in units and subunits on a daily basis, strictly guided by the requirements of this Charter.


(approved by the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces dated August 23, 1960 - Gazette of the USSR Armed Forces, 1960, No. 34, Art. 325)

I, a citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, joining the ranks of the Armed Forces of the USSR, take the oath and solemnly swear to be an honest, brave, disciplined, vigilant warrior, strictly keep military and state secrets, observe the Constitution of the USSR and Soviet laws, unquestioningly fulfill all military regulations and orders of commanders and superiors.

I swear to conscientiously study military affairs, to protect military and national property in every possible way, and to be devoted to my people, my Soviet Motherland and the Soviet government until my last breath.

I am always ready, by order of the Soviet government, to defend my Motherland - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and, as a warrior of the Armed Forces of the USSR, I swear to defend it courageously, skillfully, with dignity and honor, not sparing my blood and life itself to achieve complete victory over enemies.

If I violate this solemn oath of mine, then may I suffer the severe punishment of Soviet law, the general hatred and contempt of the Soviet people.


1. Military discipline is strict and precise observance by all military personnel of the order and rules established by Soviet laws and military regulations.

2. Military discipline is based on the awareness of each military personnel of military duty and personal responsibility for the defense of their Motherland - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

3. Military discipline obliges every serviceman:

Strictly observe the Constitution of the USSR and Soviet laws, strictly fulfill the requirements of the military oath, military regulations, orders and orders of commanders (chiefs);

To endure all the hardships and hardships of military service, not to spare one’s blood and life itself when performing military duty;

Strictly maintain military and state secrets;

Be honest, truthful, conscientiously study military affairs and take full care of entrusted weapons, military and other equipment, military and national property;

Show respect to commanders (superiors) and elders, observe the rules of military politeness and honor;

To behave with dignity and honor outside the location of the unit, to prevent oneself and to restrain others from violating public order, and to contribute in every possible way to the protection of the honor and dignity of citizens.

4. High military discipline is achieved:

By instilling in military personnel a communist worldview, high moral, political and combat qualities and conscious obedience to commanders (superiors);

Maintaining in part (on a ship, in a unit) the statutory order;

The daily demands of commanders (superiors) towards subordinates, respect for their personal dignity, constant care for them, skillful combination and correct use of persuasion and coercion measures.

5. Each commander (chief) is obliged to educate his subordinates in the spirit of strict fulfillment of all the requirements of military discipline, to develop and maintain in them a consciousness of military honor and military duty, to encourage the worthy and strictly punish the negligent.

Particular attention of commanders (superiors) should be directed to studying the individual qualities of military personnel, maintaining statutory relationships between them, uniting the military team, timely identifying the causes and preventing misconduct of subordinates and creating an intolerant attitude towards violations of military discipline. In this case, the commander (chief) is obliged to make full use of the public’s forces.

The commander (chief) must constantly set an example to his subordinates of compliance with the Constitution of the USSR and Soviet laws, impeccable fulfillment of the requirements of the military oath, military regulations, orders, instructions and norms of communist morality.

6. The interests of defending the Motherland oblige the commander (chief) to resolutely and firmly demand compliance with military discipline and order and not leave a single offense of a subordinate without influence.

The order of the commander (chief) is the law for subordinates. The order must be carried out unquestioningly, accurately and on time.

7. In the event of open disobedience or resistance of a subordinate, the commander (chief) is obliged to take all coercive measures to restore order, up to and including arresting the culprit and bringing him to justice. In this case, weapons can be used only in a combat situation, and in peacetime conditions - only in exceptional cases that do not tolerate any delay, when the actions of the disobedient are clearly aimed at treason, disruption of the combat mission, or create a real threat to the life of the commander (chief), others military personnel or civilians.

The use of weapons is a measure of last resort and is permitted if all other measures taken by the commander (chief) have proven unsuccessful or when, due to the conditions of the situation, taking other measures turns out to be impossible.

Before using weapons, if the situation allows, the commander (chief) is obliged to warn the disobedient person about this. The commander (chief) immediately reports the use of weapons upon command.

The commander (chief), who did not take measures to restore order and discipline, bears responsibility for this.

Each serviceman is obliged to assist the commander (chief) in restoring military discipline and order. In case of evasion of assistance to the commander (superior), the serviceman bears responsibility for this.

8. Only direct superiors and superiors specified in the section “Imposing disciplinary sanctions in special cases” (Chapter 3) can apply incentives and impose disciplinary sanctions.

9. Disciplinary power vested in junior superiors is always vested in senior superiors.

10. Commanders (chiefs) in the military ranks of sergeants and foremen, whose positions are not mentioned in this Charter (Appendix 1), exercise disciplinary power in relation to persons subordinate to them in accordance with the military rank provided for in the states for the position held:

a) junior sergeant, sergeant, foreman of the 2nd article and foreman of the 1st article - by the authority of the squad commander;

b) senior sergeant and chief sergeant - by the authority of the deputy platoon commander;

c) foreman and chief ship's foreman - by the authority of the foreman of the company (team).

11. Commanders (chiefs) in the military rank of warrant officer and midshipman, senior warrant officer and senior midshipman, whose positions are not mentioned in this Charter (Appendix 1), in relation to the persons subordinate to them, enjoy the disciplinary authority of the company (team) foreman.

12. Commanders (chiefs) with the ranks of officers, generals and admirals, whose positions are not mentioned in this Charter (Appendix 1), in relation to persons subordinate to them, enjoy disciplinary power in accordance with the military rank provided for in the states for the position held:

a) junior lieutenant, lieutenant and senior lieutenant - by the authority of the platoon (group) commander;

b) captain and captain-lieutenant - by the authority of the company commander (ship of rank IV);

c) major, lieutenant colonel, captain of the third rank and captain of the second rank - by the authority of the battalion commander (ship of the third rank);

d) colonel and captain of the 1st rank - by the authority of the commander of the regiment (ship of the 1st rank);

e) major general and rear admiral - by the authority of the division commander (ship division);

f) lieutenant general and vice admiral - by the authority of the corps (squadron) commander;

g) colonel general and admiral - by the authority of the army (flotilla) commander;

h) marshal of the branch of troops and special troops, admiral of the fleet, general of the army, chief marshal, Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union and Marshal of the Soviet Union - by the authority of the commander of the troops of the military district, front, commander of the fleet.

Commanders (chiefs) holding positions for which two military ranks are provided in the states enjoy disciplinary power in accordance with the senior military rank.

13. Deputy (assistant) commanders of subunits, units, ships and formations, as well as chiefs of staff in relation to persons subordinate to them, enjoy disciplinary power one level lower than the rights granted to their immediate superiors.

On ships where there is a chief mate and an assistant commander, the latter enjoys disciplinary power one step below the rights granted to the chief mate.

14. In the temporary performance of a position, when this is announced in the order, the commander (chief) exercises disciplinary power over the temporarily performed position.

15. Officers from the deputy regiment commander and below, when on a business trip with units or commands as their commanders, as well as when performing part of an independent task specified in the order of the commander outside the location of their unit, enjoy disciplinary authority one step higher than their position.

Military personnel appointed as team leaders in the above cases enjoy disciplinary authority: soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen - the authority of the company (team) foreman; having the rank of foreman, chief petty officer, warrant officer, midshipman, senior warrant officer and senior midshipman - by the authority of the platoon (group) commander; warrant officers, warrant officers, senior warrant officers and senior warrant officers holding the positions of platoon (group) commanders - by the authority of the company commander.

17. Commanders (chiefs) of military branches of the Armed Forces of the USSR, chiefs of special troops of the USSR Ministry of Defense, heads of main and central departments directly subordinate to the Minister of Defense of the USSR, in relation to the military personnel subordinate to them, enjoy the disciplinary authority of the commander of the military district, front, fleet commander, and the heads of the main and central departments, directly subordinate to the Deputy Ministers of Defense of the USSR, are the disciplinary authority of the commander of the army (flotilla).

18. The Minister of Defense of the USSR in relation to military personnel of the Armed Forces of the USSR, and the Chairman of the State Security Committee of the USSR and the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR in relation to military personnel of the forces subordinate to them, enjoy disciplinary power in the full scope of this Charter.

19. The provisions of this Charter apply to:

a) for all military personnel of the Soviet Army, Navy, border and internal troops;

b) on those liable for military service during training;

c) for warrant officers, midshipmen, officers, generals and admirals in the reserve and retired, when they wear military uniforms.


20. Incentives are an important means of educating military personnel and strengthening military discipline.

Each commander (chief), within the limits of the rights granted to him by this Charter, is obliged to encourage subordinate military personnel for reasonable initiative, diligence, exploits and distinction in service.

In the event that the commander (chief) recognizes that the rights granted to him will be insufficient, he can apply for incentives for distinguished military personnel with the authority of a senior commander.

21. For courage and bravery shown in the performance of military duty, for excellent performance in combat and political training, for excellent mastery of new, complex military equipment, for exemplary leadership of troops and other outstanding services to the Soviet state and the Armed Forces of the USSR, superiors from the regiment commander , commander of a ship of the 1st rank, their equals and higher, commanders of individual battalions (ships of the 2nd rank), as well as commanders (chiefs) of individual units, using in accordance with Art. 12 disciplinary authority of the battalion commander (ship of the 3rd rank), have the right to nominate military personnel subordinate to them for awarding orders and medals of the USSR.

Incentives applied to soldiers, sailors, sergeants and petty officers

22. The following incentives apply to soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen:

a) declaration of gratitude;

c) authorization of one out-of-turn dismissal from the unit's location or from the ship to shore for soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen of conscript service on the days and hours established for this by the unit commander;

d) rewarding with diplomas, valuable gifts or money;

e) awarding a personal photographic card to a serviceman, taken with the Military Banner of the military unit unfurled;

f) a message to the homeland or place of previous work of the serviceman about the exemplary performance of his duty of service and about the incentives received;

g) assignment of the military rank of corporal (senior sailor);

h) assignment to sergeants and foremen of long-term service of the next military rank one step higher than that provided for in their regular position;

i) awarding an excellent student badge;

j) entering in the Book of Honor of the unit (ship) the names of soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen;

23. The following incentives apply to female military personnel in the positions of soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen:

a) declaration of gratitude;

b) removal of a previously imposed disciplinary sanction;

d) awarding a personal photographic card to a female serviceman, taken with the Military Banner of the military unit unfurled;

e) a message to the homeland or place of previous work of a female military personnel about her exemplary performance of her duty of service and about the incentives received;

f) assignment of the military rank of corporal (senior sailor);

g) awarding an excellent student with a badge;

h) entering the names of female military personnel in the Book of Honor of the unit (ship).

The rights of commanders (chiefs) to apply incentives to the soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen subordinate to them

24. The squad leader and deputy platoon commander have the right:

a) express gratitude;

25. The sergeant major of a company (team), platoon (group) commander, company commander (ship of rank IV) and battalion commander (ship of rank III) have the right:

a) express gratitude;

c) allow one out-of-turn dismissal from the unit's location or from ship to shore for soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen of conscript service.

Commanders of individual battalions (ships of rank II), as well as commanders (chiefs) of individual units, using in accordance with Art. 12 by the disciplinary authority of the battalion commander (ship of the 3rd rank), in addition, they have the right to apply the incentives specified in Art. 26, pp. "g" - "g", "i", "k".

26. The commander of a regiment (ship of 1st rank) has the right:

a) express gratitude;

b) remove disciplinary sanctions previously imposed on him;

c) allow one dismissal out of turn from the unit’s location or from ship to shore for soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen of conscript service;

d) reward with diplomas, valuable gifts or money;

e) award a personal photographic card to a serviceman taken with the Military Banner of the military unit unfurled;

f) report to the serviceman’s homeland or place of previous work about his exemplary performance of his duty of service and about the incentives received;

g) assign the military rank of corporal (senior sailor);

h) award an excellent student with a badge;

i) enter the names of soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen in the Book of Honor of the unit (ship);

j) provide short-term leave to soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen of conscript service - up to 10 days.

27. The commander of a division (division of ships), the commander of a corps (squadron), the commander of an army (flotilla), the commander of troops of a military district, front, air defense district, a group of forces, the fleet commander in relation to the soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen subordinate to them use the right to apply incentive measures to the full extent of this Charter.

Incentives applied to warrant officers and midshipmen

28. The following incentives apply to warrant officers and midshipmen:

a) declaration of gratitude;

b) removal of a previously imposed disciplinary sanction;

c) rewarding with diplomas, valuable gifts or money;

d) entering the names of warrant officers and midshipmen in the Book of Honor of the unit (ship).

The rights of commanders (chiefs) to apply incentives to subordinate warrant officers and midshipmen

29. The platoon (group) commander, company commander (IV rank ship) and battalion commander (III rank ship) have the right:

a) express gratitude;

b) remove disciplinary sanctions previously imposed by them.

Commanders of individual battalions (ships of rank II), as well as commanders (chiefs) of individual units, using in accordance with Art. 12 by the disciplinary authority of the battalion commander (ship of the 3rd rank), in addition, they have the right to apply the incentives specified in Art. 28, pp. "c" and "d".

30. Commander of a regiment (ship of the 1st rank), commander of a division (division of ships), commander of a corps (squadron), commander of an army (flotilla), commander of troops of a military district, front, air defense district, group of forces, fleet commander in relation to subordinate ensigns and midshipmen enjoy the right to apply incentive measures to the fullest extent of this Charter.

Incentives applied to officers, generals and admirals

31. The following incentives apply to officers, generals and admirals:

a) declaration of gratitude;

b) removal of a previously imposed disciplinary sanction;

c) rewarding with diplomas, valuable (including personalized) gifts or money;

d) early assignment of the next military rank to officers up to and including lieutenant colonel, captain of rank II;

d) awarding with registered cold steel and firearms.

The rights of commanders (chiefs) to apply incentives to subordinate officers, generals and admirals

33. The commander of a company (ship of IV rank) and the commander of a battalion (ship of III rank) have the right:

a) express gratitude;

b) remove disciplinary sanctions previously imposed by them.

Commanders of individual battalions (ships of rank II), as well as commanders (chiefs) of individual units, using in accordance with Art. 12 by the disciplinary authority of the battalion commander (ship of the 3rd rank), in addition, they have the right to apply the incentives specified in Art. 34, item "c".

34. The commander of a regiment (ship of the 1st rank), the commander of a division (division of ships), the commander of a corps (squadron), the commander of an army (flotilla), the commander of troops of a military district, front, air defense district, a group of forces, the commander of a fleet have the right:

a) express gratitude;

b) remove disciplinary sanctions previously imposed by them;

c) reward with diplomas, valuable (including personalized) gifts or money.

35. Deputy Ministers of Defense of the USSR, in addition to the rights granted to the commander of the military district, front, and fleet commander, have the right to award registered cold steel and firearms.

Procedure for applying incentives

36. Commanders (chiefs) can apply incentives in relation to an individual serviceman and incentives (declaration of gratitude, awarding a certificate) in relation to the entire personnel of the unit (team), unit.

When determining the type of incentive, the nature of the serviceman’s merits or distinctions, as well as his previous attitude to service, are taken into account.

37. Short-term leave as an incentive for a period of military service may be granted:

For soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen with a one-and-a-half-year and two-year service period - no more than once;

Sailors and foremen with a three-year service life - up to two times.

38. The badge of excellence is awarded only to those soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen who have been excellent students continuously during two periods of training.

39. Encouragement - entry into the Book of Honor of a unit (ship) applies to:

Soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen of the last year of service, who have achieved excellent results in combat and political training, who have shown impeccable discipline and high conscientiousness during service, - before their transfer to the reserve (cadets of educational units and military educational institutions - upon completion of training) ;

Sergeants and foremen of extended service, warrant officers and midshipmen for impeccable service in the Armed Forces of the USSR - upon their transfer to the reserve;

All specified military personnel who particularly distinguished themselves in the performance of their military duty - during the entire period of their service.

40. Incentives are announced orally or in an order, before the formation or at a meeting (conference) of military personnel.

The announcement of orders for incentives, as well as the presentation of awards to distinguished military personnel, is usually carried out in a solemn atmosphere.

Simultaneously with the announcement of the order of incentives, military personnel, as a rule, are presented with awards, and the texts of messages to their homeland or place of previous work are read out about their exemplary performance of duty.

When an incentive is announced for being included in the Book of Honor of a unit (ship), the serviceman is presented with a certificate of commendation signed by the commander of the unit (ship).

41. Short-term leave as an incentive to a conscript soldier must be granted no later than a month and, as a rule, in the part where this incentive is announced. In exceptional cases, the period for granting short-term leave may be extended by the unit commander (chief).

42. The right to lift disciplinary sanctions belongs to those superiors who imposed them, as well as other direct superiors who have no less disciplinary power than they do.

Only one disciplinary sanction can be removed from a serviceman at a time.

The superior has the right to lift a disciplinary sanction only after it has played its educational role and the serviceman has corrected his behavior by exemplary performance of military duty.

Disciplinary sanctions - deprivation of the sergeant (senior) rank, reduction in military rank (position) - can be withdrawn:

For military personnel of fixed-term and long-term service - no earlier than six months from the date of deprivation of the sergeant (senior) rank, reduction in military rank (position);

For warrant officers and midshipmen - no earlier than six months from the date of reduction in military rank (position);

For officers - no earlier than one year from the date of reduction in military rank (position);

For generals and admirals - no earlier than one year from the date of demotion;

For officers in the reserve or retired - no earlier than three years from the date of reduction in military rank.

Officers, warrant officers, midshipmen, sergeants and foremen, reduced in military rank, as well as sergeants and foremen of conscript service, deprived of the sergeant (senior) rank, regardless of their position, are restored to their previous military rank simultaneously with the removal of the disciplinary sanction.

A disciplinary sanction - demotion - can be removed from a serviceman without simultaneous reinstatement to his previous position.


43. If a serviceman violates military discipline or public order, the commander (superior) must remind him of the duties of the service, and, if necessary, subject him to disciplinary action. Moreover, within the limits of the disciplinary power granted to him, he can apply any penalty that, in his opinion, will have the greatest educational impact on the serviceman who committed the offense.

44. For the purpose of public condemnation of violators of military discipline and public order, the misconduct of military personnel, by decision of commanders (superiors), can be discussed: soldiers and sailors - at meetings of personnel of companies, batteries, battalions, divisions, ships and their respective; sergeants and foremen - at meetings of sergeants and foremen of battalions, divisions, ships and their respective; warrant officers and midshipmen - at meetings of warrant officers and midshipmen of regiments, ships, and in certain units and corresponding to them - at meetings of warrant officers, midshipmen or at meetings of warrant officers, midshipmen and officers; officers - at meetings of officers of regiments, ships, individual units and their respective ones.

In addition, misconduct by officers, warrant officers, midshipmen and long-term servicemen can be considered in comradely courts of honor for officers, warrant officers, midshipmen and long-term servicemen. The decision to review by comrades' honor courts the misconduct of officers, warrant officers, midshipmen and long-term servicemen is made by the commanders (chiefs) of the units (institutions, establishments) in which the court is established, as well as their senior commanders.

It is prohibited to make a decision to refer the misconduct of officers, warrant officers, midshipmen and long-term servicemen to the comradely courts of honor and at the same time subject them to disciplinary action for the same misconduct.

45. Military personnel bear criminal liability for crimes committed by them in accordance with current legislation.

In cases where the relevant law provides for the possibility of applying disciplinary measures for a military crime committed, the commander (chief), taking into account the circumstances and consequences of this crime, decides to transfer the material on the guilty person to the military prosecutor or limit himself to disciplinary action. The solution to this issue and the determination of the disciplinary measure itself belongs in this case to the commander (chief) on whom the transfer of materials to the military prosecutor depends by law.

46. ​​A military serviceman subjected to disciplinary action for a crime committed is not exempt from criminal liability.

47. In extreme, urgent cases, officers, generals and admirals may be removed from office.

Removal from office of officers, generals and admirals is carried out by those commanders (chiefs) who are given the right to appoint them to office.

The commander (chief), who removed a subordinate from duty, is obliged to immediately report this to the command, setting out in detail in the report the reasons and circumstances that led to the removal from office.

A commander (chief) who removes a subordinate from his post without sufficient grounds bears responsibility for this.

Disciplinary sanctions imposed on soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen

48. The following penalties may be imposed on soldiers and sailors:

a) remark;

b) reprimand;

c) severe reprimand;

e) appointment out of turn to a service outfit (with the exception of appointment to guard duty, on watch and combat duty) - up to 5 outfits;

f) arrest with detention in a guardhouse - up to 10 days;

g) deprivation of an excellent student badge;

h) deprivation of the military rank of corporal (senior sailor).

49. The following penalties may be imposed on sergeants and foremen of conscript service:

a) remark;

b) reprimand;

c) severe reprimand;

d) deprivation of the next dismissal from a unit or from a ship to shore;

e) arrest with detention in a guardhouse - up to 10 days;

f) deprivation of an excellent student badge;

g) demotion;

j) deprivation of the sergeant (senior) rank;

k) deprivation of the sergeant (senior) rank with transfer to a lower position.

50. The following penalties may be imposed on sergeants and foremen of extended service:

a) remark;

b) reprimand;

c) severe reprimand;

e) deprivation of an excellent student badge;

f) warning about incomplete official compliance;

g) demotion;

h) reduction in military rank by one step;

i) reduction in military rank by one step with transfer to a lower position;

j) transfer to the reserve before the end of service;

k) deprivation of the sergeant (senior) rank with transfer to the reserve in peacetime.

51. The following penalties may be imposed on female military personnel in the positions of soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen:

a) remark;

b) reprimand;

c) severe reprimand;

d) deprivation of the badge of excellence;

e) demotion;

f) reduction of sergeants and foremen in military rank by one step, and soldiers and sailors - deprivation of the military rank of corporal (senior sailor);

g) reduction of sergeants and foremen in military rank by one level with transfer to a lower position;

h) deprivation of the sergeant (senior) rank;

i) deprivation of the sergeant (senior) rank with transfer to a lower position.

The rights of commanders (chiefs) to impose disciplinary sanctions on soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen subordinate to them

52. The squad commander has the right:

b) deprive soldiers and sailors of their next discharge from the unit’s location or from ship to shore;

c) assign soldiers and sailors out of turn to a service outfit - for 1 outfit.

53. The deputy platoon commander has the right:

a) announce comments, reprimands and severe reprimands;

b) deprive soldiers and sergeants of their next dismissal from the unit;

c) assign soldiers out of turn to a service outfit - up to 2 outfits.

54. The foreman of a company (team) has the right:

a) announce comments, reprimands and severe reprimands;

c) assign soldiers and sailors out of turn to a service outfit - up to 3 outfits.

55. The platoon (group) commander has the right:

a) announce comments, reprimands and severe reprimands;

b) deprive soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen of their next discharge from the unit’s location or from ship to shore;

c) assign soldiers and sailors out of turn to service outfits - up to 4 outfits.

56. The commander of a company (ship of rank IV) has the right:

a) announce comments, reprimands and severe reprimands;

b) deprive soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen of their next discharge from the unit’s location or from ship to shore;

d) subject soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen to arrest - up to 3 days.

57. The commander of a battalion (ship of rank III) has the right:

a) announce comments, reprimands and severe reprimands;

b) deprive soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen of their next discharge from the unit’s location or from ship to shore;

c) assign soldiers and sailors out of turn to service outfits - up to 5 outfits;

d) subject soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen to arrest - up to 5 days.

Commanders of individual battalions (ships of rank II), as well as commanders (chiefs) of individual units, using in accordance with Art. 12 disciplinary authorities of the battalion commander (ship of IV rank), in addition, have the right to: demote squad commanders, deputy platoon commanders and their corresponding ones; deprive a corporal (senior sailor) of his military rank; warn about incomplete service compliance of sergeants and foremen of extended service.

58. The commander of a regiment (ship of 1st rank) has the right:

a) announce comments, reprimands and severe reprimands;

b) deprive soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen of their next discharge from the unit’s location or from ship to shore;

c) assign soldiers and sailors out of turn to service outfits - up to 5 outfits;

d) subject soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen to arrest - up to 7 days;

e) deprive an excellent student of the badge;

f) warn about incomplete service compliance of sergeants and foremen of extended service;

g) demote sergeants and foremen of fixed-term and long-term service - from the company foreman corresponding to him and below;

h) deprive a corporal (senior sailor) of his military rank;

i) reduce the military rank of sergeants and foremen by one step from senior sergeant, chief foreman to junior sergeant, foreman of the 2nd article, including with transfer to a lower position.

59. The commander of a division (ship division), in addition to the rights granted to the commander of a regiment (ship of 1st rank), has the right:

a) arrest soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen - up to 10 days;

b) reduce the military rank of sergeants and foremen from chief sergeant, chief petty officer and below, including with transfer to a lower position;

c) deprive sergeants and foremen of conscript service of sergeant and petty officer ranks from senior sergeant, chief petty officer and below, including with transfer to a lower position;

d) dismiss sergeants and foremen of long-term service into the reserve before the expiration of their term of service.

60. The commander of a corps (squadron), in addition to the rights granted to the commander of a division (division of ships), has the right to deprive sergeants and foremen of conscript service of the military rank of foreman, chief naval foreman, including with transfer to a lower position.

61. The commander of an army (flotilla), the commander of the troops of a military district, front, air defense district, a group of forces, the commander of the fleet in relation to the soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen subordinate to them enjoy the right to impose disciplinary sanctions in the full scope of this Charter.

Disciplinary sanctions imposed on warrant officers and midshipmen

62. The following penalties may be imposed on warrant officers and midshipmen:

a) remark;

b) reprimand;

c) severe reprimand;

d) arrest with detention in a guardhouse - up to 10 days;

f) demotion;

g) reduction of senior warrant officers and senior midshipmen in military rank by one step;

h) transfer to the reserve before the end of service;

i) deprivation of the military rank of warrant officer, midshipman with transfer to the position of conscripts until the expiration of the period of active military service;

j) deprivation of the military rank of warrant officer, midshipman, senior warrant officer, senior warrant officer with transfer to the reserve in peacetime.

The rights of commanders (chiefs) to impose disciplinary sanctions on warrant officers and midshipmen subordinate to them

63. The platoon (group) commander and company commander (IV rank ship) have the right to issue comments, reprimands and severe reprimands.

64. The commander of a battalion (ship of rank III) has the right:

a) announce comments, reprimands and severe reprimands;

b) arrest warrant officers and midshipmen with detention in a guardhouse - up to 3 days.

Commanders of individual battalions (ships of rank II), as well as commanders (chiefs) of individual units, using in accordance with Art. 12 disciplinary authorities of the battalion commander (ship of the 3rd rank), in addition, have the right to subject warrant officers and midshipmen to arrest and detention in a guardhouse for up to 5 days and to warn about incomplete performance.

65. The commander of a regiment (ship of 1st rank) has the right:

a) announce comments, reprimands and severe reprimands;

b) subject to arrest and detention in a guardhouse - up to 7 days;

66. The commander of a division (ship division) and the commander of a corps (squadron) have the right:

a) announce comments, reprimands and severe reprimands;

d) demote.

67. The commander of an army (flotilla) has the right:

a) announce comments, reprimands and severe reprimands;

b) subject to arrest and detention in a guardhouse - up to 10 days;

c) warn about incomplete official compliance;

d) demote;

d) be transferred to the reserve before the end of their service life.

68. The commander of the troops of a military district, front, air defense district, group of forces, the commander of the fleet in relation to the warrant officers and midshipmen subordinate to them have the right to impose disciplinary sanctions in the full scope of this Charter.

Disciplinary sanctions imposed on officers, generals and admirals

69. The following penalties may be imposed on officers:

a) remark;

b) reprimand;

c) severe reprimand;

d) arrest with detention in a guardhouse: junior officers - up to 10 days, senior officers - up to 5 days;

e) warning about incomplete official compliance;

f) demotion;

g) reduction in military rank by one step;

h) deprivation of a junior officer's military rank.

70. Regimental commanders, commanders of ships of the 1st rank, commanders of formations, deputy commanders and chiefs of staff of formations, senior officers with the rank of colonel, captain of the 1st rank, as well as female military personnel holding officer positions are not subject to arrest and detention in a guardhouse.

71. The following penalties may be imposed on generals and admirals:

a) remark;

b) reprimand;

c) severe reprimand;

d) warning about incomplete official compliance;

d) demotion.

The rights of commanders (chiefs) to impose disciplinary sanctions on subordinate officers, generals and admirals

72. The company commander (ship of rank IV) and the battalion commander (ship of rank III) have the right to announce comments, reprimands and severe reprimands.

Commanders of individual battalions (ships of rank II), as well as commanders (chiefs) of individual units, using in accordance with Art. 12 disciplinary authorities of the battalion commander (ship of the 3rd rank), in addition, have the right to warn officers about incomplete performance.

73. The commander of a regiment (ship of 1st rank) has the right:

a) announce comments, reprimands and severe reprimands;

b) subject junior officers to arrest and detention in a guardhouse - up to 3 days;

c) warn about incomplete official compliance.

74. The commander of a division (ship division) has the right:

a) announce comments, reprimands and severe reprimands;

b) subject junior officers to arrest and detention in a guardhouse - up to 5 days;

c) warn about incomplete official compliance.

75. The corps (squadron) commander has the right:

1) Regarding officers:

a) announce comments, reprimands and severe reprimands;

b) subject junior officers to arrest and detention in a guardhouse - up to 7 days;

c) warn about incomplete official compliance.

2) In relation to generals and admirals - announce comments, reprimands and severe reprimands.

76. The commander of an army (flotilla) has the right:

1) Regarding officers:

a) announce comments, reprimands and severe reprimands;

b) subject to arrest and detention in a guardhouse: junior officers - up to 10 days, senior officers - up to 3 days;

c) warn about incomplete official compliance.

a) announce comments, reprimands and severe reprimands;

77. The commander of the troops of a military district, front, air defense district, group of forces, fleet commander have the right:

1) Regarding officers:

a) announce comments, reprimands and severe reprimands;

b) subject to arrest and detention in a guardhouse: junior officers - up to 10 days, senior officers - up to 5 days;

c) warn about incomplete official compliance;

d) demote officers from battalion commanders, commanders of ships of the third rank, corresponding to them and below.

2) Regarding generals and admirals:

a) announce comments, reprimands and severe reprimands;

b) warn about incomplete official compliance.

78. Deputy Ministers of Defense of the USSR, in addition to the rights granted to the commander of the military district, front, and fleet commander, have the right:

a) demote officers from deputy regiment commanders, senior assistant commanders of ships of the 1st rank, corresponding to them and below;

b) reduce officers in military rank from lieutenant colonel, captain of rank II and below.

Imposition of disciplinary sanctions in special cases

79. Chiefs of garrisons, senior naval commanders and military commandants of garrisons have the right to impose disciplinary sanctions on all military personnel of the garrison or those temporarily staying in the garrison (Article 8) in the following cases:

a) when the offense concerns violations of garrison or guard duty;

b) when a violation of military discipline or public order is committed outside the unit’s location;

c) when the offense was committed while on vacation, a business trip, undergoing treatment in a medical institution or while being kept in a garrison guardhouse.

Chiefs of troop movements, chiefs of military highways and military commandants of all types on communication routes have the right to impose disciplinary sanctions on military personnel for committing offenses while traveling along communication routes.

80. In relation to military personnel who committed misconduct in the cases specified in Art. 79, superiors enjoy the following disciplinary rights:

Chiefs of garrisons and senior naval commanders - by the authority granted to them by their main staff position;

Chiefs of troop movements and chiefs of military highways - by authority in accordance with the military rank provided for in the states for the position held (Article 12);

Military commandants of garrisons and military commandants of all names on the routes of communication - power one level higher than the rights granted to them in accordance with the military rank provided for in the states for the position they hold;

Non-staff military commandants of garrisons have power one level higher than the rights granted to them in accordance with the military rank provided for in the states for the main position held.

81. The bosses who imposed the penalty in accordance with Art. 79 and 80, report this to the commanders of those units, ships and the heads of those institutions and institutions to which the military personnel who committed offenses belong.

Upon arrival at the place of permanent service, a military serviceman is obliged to report to his immediate superior about the disciplinary sanction imposed on him.

A serviceman who fails to report a penalty imposed on him bears disciplinary responsibility for this.

82. The following disciplinary sanctions may be imposed on warrant officers, midshipmen, officers, generals and admirals who are in the reserve and retired, if they violate military discipline or public order when wearing military uniforms:

1) For warrant officers and midshipmen:

b) arrest with detention in a guardhouse - up to 10 days;

c) reduction of senior warrant officers and senior midshipmen in military rank by one step;

d) deprivation of military rank.

2) For officers:

a) reprimand, reprimand and severe reprimand;

b) reduction in military rank by one step;

c) deprivation of a junior officer of military rank.

3) For generals and admirals - reprimand, reprimand and severe reprimand.

83. The right to impose disciplinary sanctions on warrant officers, midshipmen, officers, generals and admirals in the reserve and retired (Article 82) belongs to:

a) for warrant officers, midshipmen and junior officers - to garrison chiefs, senior naval commanders, military commandants of all titles and district (city) military commissars, who enjoy the authority of the battalion commander (ship of the 3rd rank);

b) for senior officers - chiefs of garrisons, senior naval commanders, military commandants of all names, regional (territorial, republican) and city (district) military commissars, enjoying the authority of a regiment commander (ship of the 1st rank);

c) for generals and admirals - commanders of troops of military districts, commanders of fleets.

Senior warrant officers and senior midshipmen may be reduced in military rank by one step or deprived of their military rank, and warrant officers and midshipmen may be deprived of their military rank by the authority of the commander of the military district or the fleet commander. Junior and senior officers may be reduced in military rank by one step, and junior officers may be deprived of their military rank by the authority of the USSR Minister of Defense.

84. Warrant officers, midshipmen, officers, generals and admirals who are in the reserve and retired, if they commit offenses that degrade military honor and the dignity of their military rank, may be deprived of the right to wear a military uniform:

Ensigns and midshipmen - by the authority of the commander of the military district, the commander of the fleet;

Officers, generals and admirals - by the authority of the commanders-in-chief of the branches of the Armed Forces of the USSR or the Minister of Defense of the USSR.

85. When serving together by military personnel who are not subordinate to each other, when their service relationships are not determined by the superior, the senior of them by position, and in the case of equal positions, the senior by military rank, is the superior and enjoys the disciplinary power granted to him by his position.

86. For violation by a junior in the presence of a senior of military discipline, public order or the rules of salutation, the senior is obliged to give the junior a reminder and, if this is unsuccessful, he may arrest the junior.

The right of arrest in these cases belongs to: in relation to junior officers - generals and admirals; in relation to warrant officers and midshipmen - to generals, admirals and senior officers; in relation to soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen - to generals, admirals and all officers.

The procedure for executing the arrest is defined in Appendix 4, paragraph 7.

87. Persons who do not comply with the demands of a superior to go under arrest (Article 86) are subject to liability as for failure to comply with the order of a superior.

The procedure for imposing disciplinary sanctions

88. Any disciplinary sanction as a measure to strengthen military discipline and educate military personnel must correspond to the severity of the offense committed and the degree of guilt. When determining the type and measure of punishment, the following are taken into account: the nature of the offense, the circumstances in which it was committed, the previous behavior of the perpetrator, as well as the time he was in service and the degree of knowledge of the service procedure.

89. Arrest is one of the extreme measures of influence and is used, as a rule, in cases where other measures taken by the commander (superior) were unsuccessful.

90. When imposing a disciplinary sanction, the commander (chief) should not be hasty in determining the type and measure of punishment, humiliate the personal dignity of a subordinate and be rude.

91. It is prohibited to impose several penalties for the same offense or to combine one penalty with another, to impose penalties on the entire personnel of units instead of punishing the direct culprits, and also to subject them to arrest in the form of a disciplinary sanction without determining the period of arrest.

92. The severity of disciplinary sanctions increases: when the culprit has repeatedly committed misconduct or participated in a group violation of military discipline and public order, when the misconduct was committed in the performance of official duties, during combat duty, while drunk, or when it resulted in a significant violation of order.

93. If the superior, based on the gravity of the offense committed by the subordinate, recognizes the disciplinary power granted to him as insufficient, then he initiates a petition to impose a penalty on the perpetrator by the authority of the senior superior.

94. A boss who has exceeded the disciplinary power granted to him is responsible for this.

95. A senior superior does not have the right to cancel or reduce a disciplinary sanction imposed by a junior superior due to the severity of the penalty, unless the latter exceeded the authority granted to him.

The senior superior has the right to cancel a disciplinary sanction imposed by a junior superior if he finds that this sanction does not correspond to the gravity of the offense committed, and to impose a more severe penalty.

96. Any disciplinary sanction must be imposed before the expiration of 10 days from the day the boss became aware of the offense committed, and if an investigation is carried out, then from the day it was completed.

97. The imposition of a disciplinary sanction on persons included in the daily squad (combat duty) for offenses committed by them during service is carried out after changing the squad (from combat duty) or after replacing them with other military personnel.

98. The imposition of a disciplinary sanction on a culprit who is in a drunken state, as well as obtaining any explanations from him, are postponed until he sobers up, for which purpose, if necessary, he may be placed in a guardhouse or in a temporary detention cell for up to one day, after which a decision is made regarding his responsibility.

The procedure for enforcing disciplinary sanctions

99. A disciplinary sanction is carried out, as a rule, immediately and in exceptional cases no later than a month from the date of its imposition. After the expiration of the month, the penalty is not enforced, but is entered into the service card. In the latter case, the person through whose fault the imposed penalty was not enforced bears responsibility.

100. The execution of the imposed disciplinary sanction when filing a complaint is not suspended until an order from the senior superior is issued to cancel it.

101. Disciplinary sanctions imposed are announced to: soldiers and sailors - in person or in front of the ranks; to sergeants and foremen - in person, at a meeting or in front of a formation of sergeants or foremen; for warrant officers and midshipmen - in person, at a meeting of warrant officers or midshipmen, as well as at a meeting of warrant officers, midshipmen and officers; to officers, generals and admirals - in person, in an order or at a meeting (senior officers - in the presence of senior officers, generals and admirals - in the presence of generals, admirals).

Disciplinary sanctions may be announced in the order for all specified military personnel.

It is prohibited to announce disciplinary sanctions to commanders (superiors) in the presence of their subordinates.

102. The procedure for executing the arrest of soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, warrant officers, midshipmen and officers is set out in Appendix 4.


103. Immediate superiors must report or inform the team about rewards and disciplinary sanctions:

a) for soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen - to company commanders and their respective counterparts;

b) for sergeants and foremen of extended service, warrant officers, midshipmen and officers - to the commanders of units and ships;

c) to commanders of units, ships, as well as generals and admirals - to higher headquarters.

104. Records of rewards and disciplinary sanctions are kept in all units (from company and above), units, formations, institutions and establishments of the Armed Forces of the USSR.

105. All incentives and disciplinary sanctions provided for by this Charter, with the exception of comments, are entered in the service card (Appendix 2), including incentives announced by the commander (chief) to all personnel of the unit (team), unit.

When a disciplinary sanction is lifted from a serviceman, a corresponding entry is made in the service record in the “Incentives” section, and in the “Penalties” section a note is made when and by whom the sanction was lifted.

Service cards are maintained:

a) in a company - for soldiers and sergeants;

b) at the unit headquarters - for long-term service sergeants, warrant officers and officers;

c) on ships of 1st and 2nd rank: for sailors and foremen - in combat units, services and individual commands, for foremen of long-term service, midshipmen and officers - as assistant commander of the ship;

d) on ships of the third rank for the entire personnel of the ship - as an assistant to the ship’s commander;

e) for all personnel of ships of rank IV - in the division control.

106. Service cards for commanders of units, ships, generals and admirals are maintained at higher headquarters.

107. Each entry in the service card for soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen must be certified by the commander of the company (corresponding unit).

In the service card for sergeants and foremen of long-term service, warrant officers, midshipmen and officers, each entry is certified by the chief of staff of the unit (assistant ship commander, commander of a division of ships of rank IV), and for commanders of units, ships, generals and admirals - by the chief of higher headquarters.

108. Commanders of battalions, regiments, ships and their respective officers are required to periodically review service cards in order to verify the correctness of the incentives applied and penalties imposed. Each serviceman must be familiarized with his service card once a year against his personal signature.

109. In case of movement or transfer of a serviceman, the service card is sent to the place of his new service.


110. If a serviceman discovers anywhere theft or damage to military property, illegal expenditure of funds, abuses in the supply of troops, deficiencies in the state of equipment or other facts that are detrimental to the Armed Forces of the USSR, then he is obliged to report this to the command, and may also send a written proposal or statement to eliminate these shortcomings to the senior commander, including the Minister of Defense of the USSR.

111. Every serviceman has the right to file a complaint about illegal actions and orders of commanders (superiors) in relation to him, about violation of the rights and benefits established in the service, or about dissatisfaction with his due allowance.

112. The complaint is made to the immediate superior of the person whose actions are being complained about, and if the person filing the complaint does not know through whose fault his rights were violated, then the complaint is filed on command.

113. A complaint may be made orally or submitted in writing.

114. A complaint against the regiment commander, the commander of a ship of the 1st rank and senior superiors above them is submitted only in writing, with the exception of complaints stated during a survey.

115. A military serviceman has the right to file a complaint only on his own behalf. Filing group complaints or on behalf of others is prohibited.

116. It is prohibited to file a complaint while in service (with the exception of complaints filed during a survey of military personnel), on guard, on watch, on combat duty, as well as on daily duty and during classes.

117. It is prohibited to complain about the severity of a disciplinary sanction if the commander (chief) has not exceeded the disciplinary authority granted to him.

118. During an interview with military personnel, a complaint can be made orally or submitted in writing directly to the person conducting the interview.

119. Military personnel who were absent for any reason from the survey may submit complaints in writing directly to the superior who conducted the survey.

120. The commander (chief) is obliged to consider the received proposal (application, complaint) within three days and, if the proposal (application, complaint) is considered correct, immediately take measures to implement the proposal or satisfy the request of the complainant (application).

If the commander (chief) who received the proposal (statement, complaint) does not have sufficient rights to implement the proposal or satisfy the request of the person filing the complaint (statement), then he immediately sends the proposal (statement, complaint) to the command or to the appropriate institution (institution).

It is prohibited to forward complaints (applications) for consideration to those persons whose actions are being appealed.

The serviceman who submitted the proposal (application, complaint) must be notified of the sending of a proposal (application, complaint) to another institution (institution).

121. Proposals (applications, complaints) of military personnel are permitted:

In the directorates of military districts (groups of troops, air defense districts, fleets) and the Ministry of Defense - within 15 days from the date of their receipt;

In units and institutions (institutions) - immediately, but no later than 7 days from the date of receipt.

In cases where in order to resolve a proposal (application, complaint) it is necessary to conduct a special inspection, request additional materials and take other measures, the deadline for resolving the proposal (application, complaint) can, as an exception, be extended by the commander of the unit, ship (head of the institution, institution), but for no more than 15 days, with notification of this to the military personnel who submitted the proposal (application, complaint).

122. Commanders of units, ships and formations (heads of institutions, establishments) are required to carry out an internal audit of the status of work on the analysis of proposals, statements and complaints at least once a quarter.

123. A serviceman who has filed a knowingly false complaint (statement) is held accountable.

124. A commander (chief) who commits injustice or illegal action towards a subordinate for a complaint (statement) filed by him bears strict liability for this.

125. All proposals, statements and complaints are entered in the book of proposals, statements and complaints (Appendix 3), which is maintained and stored in each military unit (on a ship, in an institution, an institution).

Complaints raised during a survey of military personnel during an inspection (check) are not entered into the book of proposals, statements and complaints.

126. In the book of proposals, applications and complaints, a record is made of the decision that followed for each proposal (application, complaint).

The book of proposals, statements and complaints is presented to verify the correctness of the orders made: to the commander of the unit (ship) - monthly, and to the inspectors (verifiers) - at their request.

127. The book of proposals, statements and complaints must be numbered, laced, sealed with wax and certified by the commander of the unit (ship).

Annex 1


┌──────────────────────────────┬───────── ───────── ───────────────┐ │ Soviet Army │ Navy │ ├─────────────── ───────── ──────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │Squad commander, guns │Squad commander │ │ │ │ │Deputy platoon commander │ - │ │ │ │ │Foreman of company, battery, │Foreman of team, group, tower, │ │air squadron │battery │ │ │ │ │Platoon commander │ Group commander, towers │ │ │ │ │Commander companies, batteries, │Commander of a ship of rank IV, │ │aviation unit, separate platoon │battery, combat unit (service) │ │ │ships of rank II and III │ │ │ │ │Commander of a battalion, division,│Commander of a ship of rank III, │ │ air squadron, separate │division of ships of rank IV, │ │company (battery) │combat unit (service) │ │ │ship of 1st rank │ │ │ │ │Commander of a separate battalion │Commander of a ship of rank II, │ │(division, air squadron) │division ships of the third rank │ │ │ │ │Commander of a brigade, separate and│Commander of a ship of the 1st rank │ │individual regiment │ │ │ │ │ │Commander of a division, separate │Commander of a division of ships, │ │brigade │brigade of ships │ │ │ │ │Corps commander │Squadron commander, military - │ │ │naval base │ │ │ │ │Commander of a separate and │Flotilla commander │ │non-separate army │ │ │ │ │ │Commander of military forces │Fleet commander │ │district, front, district │ │ │air defense , │ │ │group of troops │ │ └──────────────────────────────┴ ────────── ───────────────────────┘

Note. When a serviceman is assigned the military rank of warrant officer, midshipman, first officer rank, as well as the first rank of senior officer or first general, admiral rank, a new service card is issued for him. Disciplinary sanctions previously imposed on the serviceman are not entered into the new service card, but only incentives are entered, except for incentives for the removal of penalties. The previous service card is destroyed.

All disciplinary sanctions, except for the deprivation of the military rank of warrant officers, midshipmen, senior warrant officers, senior warrant officers and junior officers, as well as the reduction of senior warrant officers, senior warrant officers and officers in military rank, imposed on military personnel and not removed by the day of their transfer to the reserve or retirement, lose their force after one year from the date of dismissal, if during this time the dismissed person has not received a new penalty.

Appendix 3


┌───┬───────┬────────────┬────────────┬── ──────┬── - │ name and │ contents │ when │execution-│ and │ in │ │ │ leniya │ patronymic │proposals,│transferred│what │who-│ │ │ (year │ of the │ submitted │ application, │ for │ │accepted│ swarm │ │ │ month ,│proposal,│complaints │implemented │ │decision│sub-│ │ │ number)│ statement, │ │ opinions │ │ │shits │ │ │ │complaint and its│ │ and distribution │ │ │documents │ │ │ │ attitude │ │ squeak │ │ │cops│ │ │ │ to military │ │ enforcement ─┼───────┼─── ─────────┼────────────┼────────┼──────┼── ─────┼─── ──┤ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │

2. A note on the arrest of soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen is signed by the commander of the company (relevant unit), and in his absence - by one of the officers of the company (relevant unit) and certified by the seal of the unit.

The commander who applied the arrest must indicate, and the company commander must make a note in the arrest note, in which cell (solitary, general) the arrested serviceman should be kept.

A note on the arrest of an ensign, midshipman and officer is signed by the commander of the unit (ship) or the chief of staff of the unit (assistant to the commander of the ship), the head of the department (institution, institution) and certified by the seal of the unit (department, institution, institution).

NOTE ABOUT ARREST "___" ______________ 19____ N company (such and such team) _____________________________________ Position _____________________________________________________ Military rank ______________________________________________ Last name, first name and patronymic _______________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Arrested by whom and when _________________________________ Reason for arrest ________________________________________________ For how long he was arrested _________________________________ In which cell to be kept _________________________________ When washed in the bathhouse _________________________________________________ Doctor's report _______________________________________________ Commander ____________________________ company (team) (military rank and signature) M.P. unit MARK OF THE GUARD GUARD HEAD (unit duty officer) Accepted _______________________________________________________ Subject to release ________________________________________ Guardhouse Head (unit duty officer) _________________ (military rank and signature) Changes in the regime of detention ______________________ Released _________________________________________________
Head of the guardhouse (unit duty officer) _____________________ (military rank and signature) On the back The arrested person's belongings consist of _________________________________ Commander _______________________________________ of the company (team) (military rank and signature) The indicated items were found to be complete (or with the exception of this and that) _________________________________________________________ Head of the guardhouse (chief guard) _____________________ (military rank and signature)

3. Persons entrusted with carrying out the arrest are obliged to first inquire about the availability of free places in the guardhouse and request, if necessary, escorts or an escort.

4. Before being sent under arrest, the weapons and ammunition in their possession are confiscated from all arrested military personnel, and from soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen of conscript service, in addition, money and things that are not required are taken according to the inventory to have in the guardhouse.

Orders, medals and bars with order ribbons, as well as badges, are deposited by all arrested military personnel at the unit headquarters or at the military commandant's office of the garrison.

Officers, warrant officers and midshipmen, as well as sergeants and foremen of long-term service who were arrested on a disciplinary basis, when sent to the guardhouse, must be dressed in everyday uniform for the formation, and soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen of conscript service - in working uniform and have overcoats. In addition, each arrestee must have with him a towel, handkerchiefs, spare clean undercollars and toiletries (soap, toothbrush, comb), and if a serviceman is arrested for a period of more than 7 days, then a change of clean linen. Arrested soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen of conscript service are prohibited from possessing tobacco (cigarettes, cigarettes) and matches (lighters), as well as other things.

Before being sent to the guardhouse, all those arrested undergo a medical examination, and, if necessary, sanitary treatment (washing in a bathhouse, disinfection of uniforms), which is noted by the doctor in the arrest note.

5. Soldiers and sailors arrested in a disciplinary manner are sent to a military or garrison guardhouse under escort, sergeants and foremen of conscript service - accompanied by sergeants and foremen, and sergeants and foremen of extended service - accompanied by sergeants and foremen of extended service.

Arrested warrant officers, midshipmen and officers are sent to the garrison guardhouse independently.

6. The procedure for escorting (escorting), surrendering and receiving arrested persons to the guardhouse, their maintenance and release from arrest is set out in the Charter of the Garrison and Guard Services.

7. When a serviceman is arrested in accordance with Art. 86 the senior is obliged to send the arrested person to the military commandant of the garrison or order him to appear before the military commandant of the garrison. The arrested person is obliged to report to the military commandant of the garrison by whom and why he was arrested. The person who made the arrest is obliged to notify the military commandant of the garrison on the same day (in person, by telephone or in writing) of the reason for the arrest. In turn, the military commandant of the garrison is obliged to notify the commander (chief) of the arrested person about this.

It is allowed to send the arrested person to his commander (chief), if this turns out to be more convenient; In this case, the reasons for the arrest are reported to the commander (superior) of the arrested person.

The period of arrest is determined by the military commandant of the garrison or the commander (chief) of the arrested person.

Sailor in casual uniform

Sailor(Dutch matroos, - military rank of enlisted personnel of the Russian Navy. Introduced in 1946 instead of the rank of Red Navy man. There is also the rank of senior seaman. In the Russian fleet there were ranks: sailor of the 2nd article (a recruit who had just taken the oath) and sailor of the 1st article (served for more than a year).

Origin of the word

Comes from French. matelot “sailor”, which, in turn, comes from Middle Dutch. matten-noot. In the form of matrosa (pl.) found in Peter I, 1694; also with Radishchev; in the form of a sailor - from Kurakin, 1705. Borrowed. via Goll. matroos (pl. matrozen).


Until the 18th century, the system of naval ranks was quite conventional and ranks were more positions (or ranks) than ranks in the modern sense of the word. However, even then (under Peter the Great) the word “ matroz ».
Around 1706, a division into sailors appeared first , second , third And fourth articles. Moreover, the first article was the highest among sailors, the fourth was the lowest.
In the Naval Charter of 1720, the division no longer occurs into 4 articles, but into two: Sailor of the first article And sailor of the second article. At the same time, as before, “sailor” is a rank designating an ordinary deck crew, and not all junior sailors on ships. So, for example, sailors of the second article in the charter were placed next to other junior ranks - dekyunga , cabin cabin , trumpeter , sailing student , profosom. and the sailors of the first article stood next to first trumpeter , first provos
In the Table of Ranks of 1722 the familiar word “ sailor » Since 1732, the word “sailor” has been used to describe all ordinary ranks on ships, above which come non-commissioned officers.
In 1764, sailors were again divided into 4 articles - from the lowest fourth to the highest first. However, in 1798, the division of sailors into 2 articles returned.
This division lasted until the revolution of 1917, after which, along with numerous other changes, the word “sailor” was replaced by the word "Red Navy"
In 1940, another title was added to that title. "senior red navy man". Together they designate the entire rank and file of sailors on ships (i.e. changing the name did not change the essence).
In 1943, the reverse renaming took place and junior ranks have since been called “sailor” and "senior sailor". The same names were preserved in the fleet of the Russian Federation.

Excerpt from the statutes

Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the USSR 1975

139. In peacetime and war, a soldier (sailor) is responsible for the accurate and timely fulfillment of the duties assigned to him and the tasks assigned to him, as well as for the condition of his weapons and the military and other equipment entrusted to him. He reports to the squad commander.
140. A soldier (sailor) is obliged:
- deeply understand your duty as a soldier of the Armed Forces of the USSR, sacredly and inviolably observe the Constitution of the USSR and Soviet laws, fulfill the military oath; to be vigilant, honest and devoted to the cause and interests of the Soviet state, the Communist Party, and in the fight for this not to spare either one’s strength or life itself;
- conscientiously study military affairs, diligently and firmly remember everything that commanders (chiefs) teach him; perform their official duties in an exemplary manner; firmly know and conscientiously fulfill the requirements of military regulations;
- unquestioningly, accurately and quickly carry out the orders and orders of commanders (superiors);
- be brave and disciplined; not to allow unworthy actions oneself and to keep comrades from doing them;
- strictly maintain military and state secrets;
- show respect to commanders (superiors) and elders, strictly observe the rules of military politeness, behavior and salute;
- know perfectly and always have in good working order, ready for battle, cleaned weapons, military and other equipment;
- know the positions, military ranks and names of your direct superiors up to and including the commander of the division (ship brigade);
- take care of state property, wear clothes and shoes carefully, repair them promptly and accurately, clean them daily and store them where indicated;
- observe the rules of personal and public hygiene;
- strictly follow safety measures when handling weapons, working with military and other equipment and in other cases, as well as comply with fire safety rules;
- if it is necessary to leave within the location of a unit (unit), ask permission from the squad commander, and after returning, report to him about your arrival;
- be in uniform and neatly dressed at all times;
- when outside the unit’s location, behave with dignity and honor, prevent violation of public order and unworthy actions towards the population.
141. For exemplary performance of official duties, success in combat and political training and exemplary military discipline, a private may be awarded the rank of corporal, and a sailor - senior sailor.
The corporal (senior sailor) is obliged to assist the squad commander in the training and education of privates (sailors).

Drill Regulations of the USSR Armed Forces of 1975

25. A soldier (sailor) is obliged:
- check the serviceability of your weapon, military and other equipment assigned to it, ammunition, personal protective equipment, entrenching tools, uniforms and equipment;
- have a neat hairstyle;
- carefully tuck in the uniform, put on and fit the equipment correctly, help a friend eliminate any deficiencies noticed;
- know your place in the ranks, be able to quickly take it without fuss; while moving, maintain alignment, the established interval and distance; do not disable (the machine) without permission;
- in formation, do not speak without permission and maintain complete silence; be attentive to the orders (orders) and commands (signals) of your commander, quickly and accurately carry them out, without interfering with others;
- being an observer, transmit orders, commands (signals) without distortion, loudly and clearly.

Charter of the internal service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in 1993

154. In peacetime and war, a soldier (sailor) is responsible for the accurate and timely fulfillment of the duties assigned to him and the tasks assigned to him, as well as for the serviceable condition of his weapons, military equipment entrusted to him and the safety of the property issued to him. He reports to the squad commander.
155. A soldier (sailor) is obliged:
- deeply understand your duty as a warrior of the Armed Forces, perform the duties of military service in an exemplary manner, master everything that commanders (chiefs) teach;
- know the positions, military ranks and names of your direct superiors up to and including the division commander; - show respect to commanders (chiefs) and elders, respect the honor and dignity of fellow service members, observe the rules of military courtesy and military greeting;
- harden yourself every day, improve your physical fitness, observe the rules of personal and public hygiene;
- be in uniform and neatly dressed at all times;
-know perfectly and always have in good working order, cleaned, ready for battle weapons and military equipment;
- wear clothes and shoes carefully, repair them promptly and carefully, clean them daily and store where indicated;
- strictly comply with safety requirements when handling weapons, working with equipment and in other cases, as well as fire safety requirements;
- if you need to leave within the regiment’s location, ask the squad commander for permission to do so. and after returning, report to him about his arrival;
- when outside the regiment’s location, behave with dignity and honor, and prevent violation of public order and unworthy actions towards the civilian population.
156. For exemplary performance of the duties of military service, success in combat training and exemplary military discipline, a soldier may be awarded the military rank of corporal, and a sailor - senior sailor.

Ship's Charter of the Russian Navy 2001

247. The sailor reports to the squad commander (team chief) and answers:
for the accurate and timely fulfillment of the duties assigned to him and the tasks assigned to him;
for the state of his management and the safety of the property issued to him.
The sailor is obliged:
a) know the purpose, structure of their management, as well as the means of combating survivability at a combat post (in the compartment), personal protective equipment and rescue;
b) know and be able to perform the duties according to the “Combat Number” book;
c) know the general structure of the ship, strictly follow the ship's rules;
d) maintain in good condition and prepare for combat use the weapons and technical equipment of his department, eliminate malfunctions and damage;
e) comply with safety requirements when handling weapons and technical equipment and when carrying out ship work;
f) know and perform duties when performing ship duties;
g) know the positions, military ranks and names of their direct superiors up to and including the commander of the formation of ships;
248. At a combat post, a sailor is obliged to:
a) act in accordance with the duties specified in the Combat Number book;
b) operate weapons and technical equipment in accordance with the instructions and directions of the commander of the combat post;
c) immediately report to the commander of the combat post about the failure of serviced equipment, the flow of water, fire, or other circumstances affecting the activities of the combat post;
d) fight for the survivability of the combat post and eliminate the consequences of the enemy’s use of radiation, chemical and bacteriological weapons;
e) operate and maintain the submarine’s gas control, regeneration and air purification systems, systems and means of combating survivability;
f) show courage, reasonable initiative and perseverance in the performance of their duties.
The sailor, who is the commander of the combat post in accordance with the combat alert schedule, also performs duties in accordance with Article 246.


Types of shoulder straps of the Russian Navy

Shoulder straps of the Russian Empire

Sailor's shoulder straps of the second article

Shoulder strap of a sailor of the first article

Shoulder straps USSR

Red Navy shoulder straps

Shoulder straps of the Russian Federation

Russian sailor's shoulder straps

Rank position in the Navy

Military rank sequence

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