Russian folk fairy tales. Encyclopedia of fairy-tale characters: "Geese-swans" Summary of the fairy tale "geese-swans" in the words of children

Home / Feelings

Brief summary of the tale

There lived a family: father, mother, daughter and little son.

Mom and Dad leave home and tell their daughter to take care of her brother. The father and mother left, and the sister began to play, went on a spree and forgot about her brother.

Geese-swans swooped in and carried away the boy. The girl returned, but her brother was not there. She ran out into an open field and only saw swan geese flying away in the distance. She guessed that they were the ones who took her brother away. The girl rushed to catch up with them. I saw a stove. She asked me to indicate the direction where the geese flew away. But the stove made it a condition to eat her rye pie. The girl refused: I will eat rye pie! My father doesn’t even eat wheat...

The stove didn't tell her anything. She asked the apple tree she met to tell her where the geese had flown. The apple tree set its condition: eat my forest apple - I’ll tell you. But the girl refused, saying that her father didn’t even eat the garden ones... The apple tree didn’t tell her. The girl ran to a milk river with jelly banks and also asked for help, but refused to fulfill the river’s request to try her simple jelly with milk, saying that her father didn’t even eat cream.

She ran for a long time through the fields and forests, looking for her brother. In the evening I came across a hut on chicken legs with one window. The hut turns around itself. Baba Yaga lived in a hut, spinning a tow. And my brother was sitting on the bench, playing with silver apples.

The girl entered the hut, greeted the owner, and when asked why she came, she cheated and replied that she had come in to warm up. Baba Yaga told her to spin the tow, and she left. The girl was spinning, and a mouse ran out from under the stove and asked for porridge, and in return promised to say kind things to the girl. The girl gave her porridge. The mouse told her to quickly take her brother and run away, and the mouse promised her his help: to spin the tow for her, so that Baba Yaga would not immediately guess about the escape. Upon returning, Baba Yaga discovered that the captives had escaped. She ordered the swan geese to fly in pursuit. On the way back, the girl respected the river with its jelly banks, and the apple tree with sour apples, and the stove with rye pies, and everyone helped her, so she ran home, and then the priest and mother came.

Sister and brother

In my opinion, the baby - the physical body - was entrusted by the Heavenly parents to the older and more experienced sister - the human soul. Geese perhaps represent the passions of our world, from the smallest to pride and vanity (swans). A small inexperienced child, a man in “leather clothes”, closed from the knowledge of the spiritual world, found himself defenseless in front of them.

When all the passions of this world captured the child, the soul, an experience of life in other planes of existence, rushed to save him.

Our body was created here on Earth, and the soul descends into it from the highest planes of existence. The first thing she meets on her way to earth is the mental (mind) body. In it, all our mundane thoughts are “cooked, fried, steamed” - thoughts related to survival in the physical world. They are not of the same quality as those that the soul possesses, but it is necessary to learn to think in earthly categories: our world “mirrors” the heavenly world, here everything is the other way around. The girl-soul did not immediately understand this and in response to the proposal to learn to think: to eat rye pies, she proudly replied that her father did not eat wheat pies either. That is, where she came from, she did not want to think in higher categories, much less in mundane ones. The same is true in a conversation with the apple tree; she did not respect the apple tree’s request to eat her forest bitter and sour apple: in our world, oh, there is so much of such taste. The soul is dissatisfied here too, it has renounced the earthly feelings of despondency, suffering, pain, compassion, citing the fact that her father’s garden vegetables, which are tasty and pleasant, are not eaten. She ran to a milk river with jelly banks: slowed down time of the physical world. Milk is fed to infants, that is, those who are still unreasonable and cannot eat solid food. We are not given information from above that we cannot yet digest and assimilate. But the soul knows how to do this, but does not want to: it again showed dissatisfaction, did not respect the river. Well, the river didn’t tell her anything. So she ran to Baba Yaga’s house, where she saw her brother sitting on a bench and playing with silver apples.

Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga - perhaps this is the matter of the earth, spinning a tow. From mystics we know that in the worlds from the physical to the mental, ministering spirits - angels create events and connections between people, and earthly energy materializes - manifests them: Baba Yaga. Materialization makes it possible to see the quality of our thoughts: you will recognize them by their deeds.

Silver apple

The apple has long been included in the myths of the peoples of the world. It has a double meaning: it may be an apple of discord, but it is also a symbol of the Tree of Life, denoting secrecy, mysterious joy, knowledge, wisdom. Baba Yaga, the giver, gave the apple to the baby. Giver of what? Opportunities from discord through gaining the experience of compassion, to gain the wisdom of life and return to the Creator - the Mother of the Universe, that is, to the Heavenly parents, to your original state of Love.

Silver, on the one hand, symbolizes the perishability of a human being, which must constantly struggle with its negative inclinations if it wants to achieve perfection, on the other hand, refined silver symbolizes innocence, sincerity, and fidelity. In Christian symbolism, silver is identified with divine wisdom.

Having reached the very bottom of the physical world - to the very thick of the forest, the girl-soul finally begins to see the laws of this world: what goes around comes around. The return to Divine wisdom began with a small thing: the mouse asked the girl for porridge. The girl fed her and the mouse helped out - for some time she replaced her in work with Baba Yaga and the girl was able to run away from the house with her brother: as you want people to do to you, do so; as it comes back, so will it respond. Through suffering for a brother, the soul and body learn the laws of compassion, mercy and love.

Baba Yaga's House

Baba Yaga's house with one window on chicken legs. “Chicken's legs,” in my opinion, mean that below our three-dimensional world there is no solid support - there is death, worlds through the looking glass. The only way out is to return “home” to our Heavenly parents. What is a “window” in a house? This is the opportunity to receive information - Light through the prophets, who conveyed to the inhabitants of the physical world knowledge about the Heavenly Homeland in the form of fairy tales, myths, legends, that is, allegorically.

It is interesting that this is a Russian folk tale, adapted by A.N. Tolstoy. Many famous writers turn to the genre of fairy tales. It would seem that they have such powerful historical works, but here they are children’s fairy tales. Why did they write them? The answer to this question may be that historical works described the reality of a specific time, but they almost did not create mental images of getting out of the dead-end situations of the dual world.

In the history of an individual, clan, people, country and our entire civilization of the planet as a whole, many difficult situations constantly occur, repeating from generation to generation: “they spun and spun the thread - the thread of fate.” Of course, the most painful situation is the transition of humanity to another world, which we know about only from mystics, with the exception of the 4-dimensional world, in which during sleep we almost all find ourselves and we dream about something there.

The writer, apparently, becomes great because he somehow realizes that the world was created and developed differently than we thought about it. The Holy Scripture says that we are created in the image and likeness of God, but the image is given, and the likeness must be confirmed. The commandments of God say that God is Love, that God is Light, and there is no Darkness in him, that God is a plus, and there is no minus in him. And who are we? We, the humanity of the planet, have all the disadvantages that you can think of. How to restore the image of God in yourself? Perhaps the idea was to create a plane of existence in which everything materializes - manifests itself in slow motion and can be examined and changed. The Holy Fathers tell us in their works, and advanced scientists have confirmed their words with experiments on the influence of human thoughts and feelings on the world around us, that we can change this world, make it bright and joyful, if we saturate it with the energy of Goodness and Love.

And there is no other way out of this world of ours: only with Love upward, or with fear and pride downward, to complete destruction. And the third is the wheel of samsara - the re-entry of the soul into the earthly world until it can break out of this destructive world back to the spiritual world - to gain a second birth.

Orpheus and Eurydice

I suppose that Nikolai Dobronravov in his poems on behalf of the Savior, in the voice of Orpheus, addresses - appeals to our human Soul:

Everything has melted away like smoke, Your voice is lost in the distance...
What made you forget the melody of love?

You are my doubt, the mystery of the long journey...
Through the autumn rains I hear a bitter “sorry.”

You are my melody, I am your devoted Orpheus...
The days that we have passed, They remember the light of your tenderness.

Become my Universe, revive the silenced strings.
To the inspired heart, return the melody of love!
This couple N. Dobronravov and A. Pakhmutova, in which male and female energies harmoniously merged, mutually complementing each other, where Love reigns, which gave birth to a huge number of beautiful children - songs, highlighted - voiced the cry of the Universe about the lost human soul of Love.

When Orpheus led Eurydice out of hell, he was told not to look back. What is this condition? This means, in my opinion, that we are led through life and towards a return to the spiritual world without knowing what each situation in which we find ourselves means. They are not at all interested in our opinion, how we feel in these events. And we are alive, thinking, feeling.

And Eurydice could not stand the silence, she was overcome by doubt about Orpheus’s love for her, she did not want to go further, and he was forced to look back. Eurydice immediately disappeared. He failed to bring her out of hell.

What made you forget the melody of Love?

There is a wonderful film “Come See Me”, the script of which is based on N. Ptushkina’s play “While She Was Dying”. The elderly mother felt that she would soon die. Later, repentance touched her soul: her daughter was completely alone. In all likelihood, after the death of her husband, the woman was afraid of loneliness in old age. This fear of hers and her daughter’s love and compassion for her did their job: her daughter stayed with her, did not marry, read her smart, good books, and looked after her. But mother could not get out of the chair - her legs gave out. Ten years passed like this. In the mother’s soul, slowly, slowly, a doubt ripened that everything was so good. She suddenly noticed that the apartment was somehow gloomy, her daughter was reading a funny book, but neither her daughter nor herself showed any emotions of joy.

Revive the silenced strings

The elderly woman begins to feel regret for the fate of her daughter, but also for herself: how can I die, because you will be left completely alone, how hopelessly, infinitely late, we understand our mistakes. She asks her questions that she has never touched: was her daughter ever in love and why didn’t she get married? It's too bad that you were so obedient. The daughter’s surprise is great: she has already practically erased the concept of “family joys” from her soul. What remained in her life was compassion for her mother and the compassion of caring for her. And this closed world does not receive new fresh inspiring energy of the joy of life, there is simply no one.

The old woman, with her senile mind, naively but stubbornly wanted to have such joy, citing the fact that she would die with a calm soul if she had a son-in-law. She apparently really wanted this, and unselfishly: at her daughter’s age there are already men who are either divorced or widowed. The guardian angels probably appreciated her request and found a suitable candidate.

What is the power of the soul?

If the soul wakes up and sees that destructive meanings are beginning to prevail in it, it puts its inner observer, the voice of conscience, its little prince, etc., each can have its own definition, into the zone of building constructive meanings, it finds within itself state – a zone where the situation can change. Destruction is destruction, disruption of the normal structure of something, destruction. A constructive path is one that can be used as the basis for something, a fruitful one.

The power of materialization

Mother Earth has enormous power. This is the power of materialization, it is the power of intention of each of us, as well as the force leading to the resolution of any process on Earth. The energy of materialization supports anyone on Earth, regardless of his tasks and the forces that he represents. And we, the people of the earth, are representatives of many civilizations of the Universe, that’s why we are so different, we are here fulfilling their “task”: to become friendly, happy, loving. We can already build with our thoughts the world we need, and in our dreams and reflections we are already building it. The faster we learn to think constructively, the faster we will get out of the state of wars and various conflicts: we will be able to resolve them at the negotiating table. How to learn this? Writers and directors from all over the world have created many works that teach how to dream constructively and materialize your desires - dreams.

“Light is penetrating into the darkest recesses of the planet as the Earth becomes filled with more and more of the higher vibrational frequencies of Spirit. Mind and Spirit are the builders, and we are the co-creators of a new paradise on Earth. Whatever we need will be provided, but we must hold fast to our vision for the highest good of all.”

Return the melody of love to the inspired heart

Our elderly heroine did not stop at “getting a son-in-law.” She was inspired! She began to worry that she would not live to see her grandchildren and that she would die, still unhappy. Holy science of hearing each other! A granddaughter was also found. How could it be otherwise? Even “daddy” almost admitted it: who hasn’t had the sins of their youth? The old woman gradually comes to life, as if she is no longer in a hurry to pass on to another world: her death was originally a day later, the acquisition of a son-in-law significantly shifted this moment of transition. With the appearance of her granddaughter, the apartment became completely bright and cheerful, and the grandmother somehow forgot that she was going to die, she got up and went. But her happiness was not yet complete: her granddaughter must have a husband, otherwise, where would a great-grandson come from? It turned out that the great-grandson had already arrived, to the great joy of the grandmother and everyone else. It’s so good that in the world around us there are corners “where the master’s closets and souls are not locked, thank that house for everyone’s daily bread - the bread of trust.” The Lord said: “It was not you who found each other, it was I who found you for each other.” Like this! It’s interesting that my grandmother involved several people in this performance, and they felt good about it. The film is simply wonderful, and even pre-New Year, corresponding to our current mood: if you wish something heartily and wisely, it will definitely come true! And Orpheus and Eurydice will meet, but not in hell, but in the House that we will create together with the Son of God in the spiritual world: “My Father has many mansions, we will come and build a new abode.” We have the power to bring the Earth and our Heavenly home closer together.

The fewer people support destructive scenarios - situations in the space of the Earth, the weaker they become. In the fairy tale, geese - swans, flying after the children - these are the passions and vices of this world, trying to keep us in their power: by acquisitiveness and hoarding in the physical plane - we stick to it (a milk river with jelly banks); envy, resentment, condemnation on the plane of feelings (astral plane - apple tree); vanity, pride in thoughts - thoughts (mental plane - stove). The Lord said: “He who endures to the end will be saved”!

One of the tips on how people can build a better life with their feelings and thoughts is wishes to each other on holidays. New Year's "generous gifts" are interesting. It is important, very important that they come from the depths of the heart, repeated by many people, they gradually manifest themselves - materialize. Shchedrivkas are ritual songs, their essence is congratulations on the New Year, wishes for goodness, well-being, health, prosperity. Shchedrivki got their name from the holiday - Generous Evening, dedicated to the celebration of the old New Year on January 13. Simply, these are our greetings and wishes for each other on various occasions, in which we reflect our desire for abundance of love, good health, joyful affectionate relationships, youthful vigor and creativity, as we learn that these are not just things that bring us happiness and satisfaction , but also “the state of Being and the quality of life.” This applies to individuals, and to entire nations and states of our, in general, small planet Earth.

This is such an interesting New Year's fairy tale, but this is my vision of the semantic content of this fairy tale, and yours may be completely different. Why New Year's? All dreams come true in the New Year!

I love you, LIFE, and I want you to become better!

Information from sites was used: fairy tales of the peoples of the world, the Russian film “Come See Me”, the American “Groundhog Day”, M Stelmakh “Generous Evening”, the myth “Orpheus and Eurydice”, Verkhosvet, D. Wilcock “Study of the Source Field”, poems by N .Dobronravova “Give me back the music”, etc.

Maria Popova
Lesson notes. “Retelling of the Russian folk tale “Geese and Swans” (senior group)

Purpose of the lesson: developing the skill of independent coherent retelling of a fairly large text.


Formation of the skill of planning a detailed statement;

Development of the ability to analyze the content of a work (reflection of the content using a diagram); development of the skill of current control over the construction of a detailed statement; development of dialogical speech skills;

Cultivate a sense of responsibility for one’s actions, teach to seek compromise in relationships with people.

Equipment: book “Geese-Swans” with large colorful illustrations, typesetting canvas, rectangular blocks (5 pieces) made of thick paper 20/30 cm. Silhouette images of fairy tale characters and individual objects.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational part. Setting a goal. Guessing the riddle about the goose:

Red paws,

Pinches your heels

Run without looking back.

2. The primary reading of the fairy tale with demonstration of illustrations is carried out the day before by the teacher. As he reads, he comments on rarely used vocabulary.

When reading again, children complete individual sentences unfinished by the teacher with the necessary words or phrases.

Geese are swans.

There lived a man and a woman. They had a daughter and a little son.

One day, father and mother went to the market, and their daughter was ordered to look after her brother.

And the daughter sat her brother down on the grass under the window, and she ran outside and started playing.

Geese and swans swooped in, picked up the boy, and carried him away on their wings.

The girl returned, and lo and behold, her brother was gone. She ran out into an open field and only saw how the geese disappeared behind the dark forest. Then she realized that they had taken her brother away.

The girl rushed to catch up with them. She ran and ran and saw that there was a stove.

Stove, stove, tell me. Where did the geese and swans fly?

The stove answers her: eat my black flour pie - I’ll tell you.

I won't, I'll eat it.

The stove didn't tell her.

Apple tree, apple tree, tell me, where did the geese and swans fly?

Eat my sour forest apple - I’ll tell you.

I won't eat your apple.

The apple tree didn't tell her.

River, river, tell me - where did the geese and swans fly?

Eat my jelly with milk - I’ll tell you.

I won’t, I’ll eat your jelly.

The girl ran for a long time through the fields and forests and got lost. He sees a hut standing on a chicken leg, and under the window his brother is sitting, playing with silver apples. The girl took her brother and ran.

Baba Yaga saw that the boy was gone, and sent geese and swans in pursuit.

The girl and her brother ran to the milk river. He sees geese and swans flying.

River, hide me!

Eat my simple jelly.

The girl ate, and the river covered her under the jelly bank.

The geese and swans did not see them, they flew past.

The girl and her brother ran again.

The geese and swans have returned, they are flying towards us, they are about to see you. What to do? The apple tree is standing...

Apple tree, apple tree, hide me, says the girl.

Eat my sour forest apple.

The girl quickly ate it. The apple tree covered it with its branches. The geese and swans did not see them, they flew past.

The girl ran again. Again the geese and swans began to catch up. The girl ran to the stove.

Stove, stove, hide me,” says the girl.

Eat my black flour pie.

The girl ate the pie and climbed into the oven with her brother.

The geese and swans flew and flew and flew away to Baba Yaga with nothing.

The girl said thank you to the stove and ran home with her brother.

And then the father and mother came.

3. Lexical analysis of the text.

Why did the geese and swans steal the boy?

Who did the girl meet at the beginning of her journey? Why didn't the stove help the girl?

Who else did the girl meet in the open field? Why didn't the apple tree help the girl?

What unusual river did the girl meet on her way? Why didn't the river help the girl?

Who did the girl turn to for help when she was running away from the geese and swans?

Why did the stove, apple tree and river help the girl this time?

4. Drawing up a visual diagram of the plot of a fairy tale.

Children should place silhouette images of characters and individual objects in rectangular blocks. Rectangular blocks are placed on the easel, and silhouette images of fairy tale characters (swan geese, boy, girl, stove, apple tree, river, Baba Yaga's hut) are placed on the typesetting canvas.

The teacher helps with leading questions.

5. In the final part During the lesson, the teacher asks the children to answer the question: “What does this fairy tale teach?”

Publications on the topic:

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Analysis of the fairy tale “Geese and Swans” - theme, idea, what the fairy tale “Geese and Swans” teaches

“Geese and swans” fairy tale analysis

Subject: The fairy tale tells how the Swan Geese who served Baba Yaga stole his brother when his sister was playing with her friends, then she rushed to save him and saved him.

Idea : Nothing can replace your native home, native land, love for your family. Kindness, resourcefulness, and ingenuity are praised.

What does the fairy tale “Geese and Swans” teach?

The fairy tale “Geese and Swans” teaches children love for family and friends, responsibility, determination, courage, and the ability to achieve goals. The fairy tale also teaches respect for the requests of loved ones.

The main meaning of the fairy tale “Geese and Swans” is that the most precious thing to a person is his family. Love for family and friends, responsibility for their fate - such themes run like a red thread through the entire fairy tale. The fairy tale also teaches the reader to be resourceful and decisive, and not to get lost in difficult situations. Although the sister made a mistake by leaving her brother unattended, she made every effort to correct the situation and was successful in returning the little brother home. The sister set a goal for herself - and she achieved this goal, despite the obstacles put in her way.

Heroes of "Geese-Swans":

  • Brother
  • Sister
  • The stove, the river and the apple tree- wonderful helpers
  • Baba Yaga.
  • Geese-Swans

Features of the composition of the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”:

  • Start fairy talestraditional: Beginning (Once upon a time there were….)
  • Exposition (parents' order)
  • The beginning (I kidnap my brother by geese and swans, my sister went in search of her brother)
  • Climax (sister found brother at Baba Yaga)
  • Denouement (escape from Baba Yaga's hut and return to her parents' house)

The tale is very dynamic, it contains many verbs of motion conveying sudden and quick actions. For example, about Geese - Swans they say: “They swooped in, picked them up, carried them away, disappeared” they convey the severity of the situation.

A fairy tale is one of the folklore and later literary genres. This is an epic work, usually of a prosaic nature, with heroic, everyday or magical themes. The main features of this genre are the lack of historicity and the undisguised, conspicuous fictionality of the plot.

“Geese and Swans” is a folk tale, a brief summary of which we will consider below. That is, it does not have an author as such, it was composed by the Russian people.

The difference between a folk tale and a literary fairy tale

Folklore, or folk, fairy tales appeared earlier than literary ones and were passed on for a long time from mouth to mouth. Hence the many discrepancies in plots and variations of such stories. So, we will present here the most common summary of the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”. However, this does not mean that in other areas and regions of our country this work has exactly the same heroes. The plot as a whole will be the same, but may differ in nuances.

The literary fairy tale was originally invented by the author. Its plot cannot be changed under any circumstances. In addition, such a work originally appeared on paper, and not in oral speech.

Russian folk tale “Geese and Swans”: summary. The beginning

A long time ago there lived a husband and wife. They had two children: the eldest daughter Mashenka and the youngest son Vanya.

One day her parents went to the city and told Masha to look after her brother and not leave the yard. And for good behavior they promised gifts.

But as soon as the parents left, Masha sat Vanya under the window of the house on the grass, and she ran outside for a walk with her friends.

But then, out of nowhere, geese-swans appeared, the birds picked up the boy and dragged him towards the forest.

Masha returned and looked - Vanya was nowhere to be found. The girl rushed to look for her brother, but he was nowhere to be seen. She called Vanya, but he did not respond. Masha sat down and cried, but tears couldn’t help her grief, and she decided to go in search of her brother.

The girl ran from the yard and looked around. And suddenly I saw geese-swans flying in the distance and then disappearing into the dark forest. Masha realized who kidnapped her brother and gave chase.

The girl ran out into the clearing and saw the stove. She asked her to show the way. The stove replied that it would tell where the swans flew if Masha threw some wood into it. The girl fulfilled the request, the stove told where the kidnappers flew. And our heroine ran further.

Baba Yaga

Masha continues to find out where the geese-swans flew. The fairy tale (a summary is presented in this article) tells how a girl meets an apple tree, the branches of which are dotted with ruddy fruits. Masha asks her where the geese-swans went. Apple Tree asked to shake the apples off her, and then she would tell you where the birds had flown. The girl complied with the request and found out where the kidnappers went.

Mashenka runs further and sees a milk river with jelly banks. A girl by the river asks where the geese-swans flew. And she answered: “Move the stone that prevents me from flowing, then I’ll tell you.” Masha moved the stone and pointed to the river where the birds went.

The girl ran to the dense forest. And then the hedgehog showed her the way. He curled up into a ball and rolled to the hut on chicken legs. Baba Yaga sits in that hut, and Vanya plays with golden apples at the porch. Masha crept up, grabbed Vanya and started running.

Baba Yaga noticed that the boy was missing and sent the swan geese in pursuit.

The denouement of the work

“Geese and Swans,” the fairy tale, a summary of which we present here, is coming to an end. Masha runs with her brother and sees that the birds are overtaking them. Then she rushed to the river and asked it to shelter them. The river hid them, and their pursuers flew past without noticing anything.

And the children are running again, it’s not far from home. But then the birds noticed the fugitives again. They strive to snatch their brother out of his hands. But then Masha noticed the stove, in which she took refuge with Vanyusha. The geese-swans could not reach the children and returned back to Baba Yaga.

The brother and sister got out of the stove and ran home. Here Masha washed and combed Vanya’s hair, sat him down on the bench, and sat down next to him. Soon the parents returned and brought gifts for the children. The daughter didn’t tell them anything. So the geese-swans were left with nothing.

The fairy tale (the summary confirms this) belongs to the so-called magical ones. Such works are characterized by the presence of a magical villain (Baba Yaga in our case) and magical assistants (stove, apple tree, river, hedgehog).

Russian folk tales

Russian folk tale about how insidious geese and swans The main character's little brother was kidnapped, but she was not afraid, found him and returned him to his home, hiding from the pursuit of evil birds. While running away from the geese and swans, she managed to refresh herself with pies and apples, took a bite from the jelly bank and washed it all down from the milk river. Everything ended well - the brother was saved, the sister was happy and well-fed and would not be punished, the geese-swans were left with nothing.


F or man and woman. They had a daughter and a little son.

Daughter,” the mother said, “we’ll go to work, take care of your brother.” Don't leave the yard, be smart - we'll buy you a handkerchief.

The father and mother left, and the daughter forgot what she was ordered to do: she sat her brother down on the grass under the window, and she ran outside for a walk. Geese-swans swooped in, picked up the boy, and carried him away on their wings.

The girl returned, looked - but her brother was gone! She gasped, rushed to look for him, back and forth - he was nowhere to be found! She called to him, burst into tears, lamented that it would be bad for her father and mother, but her brother did not respond.

She ran out into an open field and only saw: geese-swans darted in the distance and disappeared behind the dark forest. Then she realized that they had taken away her brother: there had long been a bad reputation about geese-swans that they carried away small children.

The girl rushed to catch up with them. She ran and ran and saw that there was a stove.
- Stove, stove, tell me, where did the geese-swans fly?
The stove answers her:
- Eat my rye pie, I’ll tell you.
- I’ll eat rye pie! My father doesn’t even eat wheat...

The stove didn't tell her. The girl ran further - there was an apple tree.
- Apple tree, apple tree, tell me, where did the geese-swans fly?
- Eat my forest apple - I’ll tell you.
- My father doesn’t even eat garden ones... The apple tree didn’t tell her. The girl ran further. A milk river flows on the banks of jelly.

The milk river, the banks of jelly, where did the swan geese fly?
- Eat my simple jelly with milk - I’ll tell you.
- My father doesn’t even eat cream... She ran for a long time through the fields and forests. The day was approaching evening, there was nothing to do - I had to go home. Suddenly he sees a hut standing on a chicken leg, with one window, turning around.

In the hut, the old Baba Yaga is spinning a tow. And my brother is sitting on the bench, playing with silver apples. The girl entered the hut:

Hello, grandma!
- Hello, girl! Why did she appear?
“I walked through mosses and swamps, got my dress wet, and came to warm up.”
- Sit down while you spin the tow. Baba Yaga gave her a spindle and left. The girl is spinning - suddenly a mouse runs out from under the stove and says to her:
- Girl, girl, give me some porridge, I’ll tell you something nice.

The girl gave her porridge, the mouse said to her:

Baba Yaga went to heat the bathhouse. She will wash you, steam you, put you in an oven, fry you and eat you, and ride on your bones herself. The girl sits neither alive nor dead, crying, and the mouse tells her again:
- Don’t wait, take your brother, run, and I’ll spin the tow for you.

The girl took her brother and ran. And Baba Yaga comes to the window and asks:
- Girl, are you spinning?

The mouse answers her:
- I’m spinning, grandma... Baba Yaga heated the bathhouse and went after the girl. And there is no one in the hut.

Baba Yaga shouted:
- Geese-swans! Fly in pursuit! My sister took my brother away!..

The sister and brother ran to the milk river. He sees geese-swans flying.

River, mother, hide me!
- Eat my simple jelly.

The girl ate and said thank you. The river sheltered her under the jelly bank.

The geese-swans did not see it, they flew past. The girl and her brother ran again. And the geese-swans returned to meet us, they are about to see. What to do? Trouble! The apple tree is standing...

Apple tree, mother, hide me!
- Eat my forest apple. The girl quickly ate it and said thank you. The apple tree shaded it with branches and covered it with leaves.

The geese-swans did not see it, they flew past. The girl ran again. He runs and runs, it’s not too far left. Then the geese-swans saw her, cackled - they swooped in, beat her with their wings, and look, they would tear her brother out of her hands. The girl ran to the stove:

Oven, mother, hide me!
- Eat my rye pie.

The girl rather put a pie in her mouth, and she and her brother went into the oven, sat down in the stomata.

© 2024 -- Love, betrayal, psychology, divorce, feelings, quarrels