Vasily Lanovoi, death of his youngest son. Vasily Lanovoy: trial by war and death of his son

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Vasily Lanovoy and Irina Kupchenka did not immediately find their happiness. In their lives there were meetings and partings, gains and losses. But they have been together for 45 years. And all these years, deep mutual respect, an atmosphere of co-creation and, of course, love have reigned in their family.

First love of Vasily Lanovoy

Vasily Lanovoy was married twice before meeting Irina. He was considered the most beautiful and promising student at the Shchukin School. Everyone knew him, because even before he started his studies, he starred in the film “Certificate of Maturity.” Therefore, Tanya Samoilova, a girl from a parallel group, was instantly fascinated by him. They had everything: student romance of first love, tender dates, first joint work in the theater.

After the wedding, Tanya became pregnant, and Vasily was happy that they would have a child. But doctors categorically forbade the young actress to give birth. And it was as if something had broken in her. Four years later, Tatyana and Vasily broke up.

Vasily Lanovoi and Tatyana Samoilova in the film "Anna Karenina". / Photo:

Later they will play together in Anna Karenina. In the frame they will be in love with each other again, and in life each of them will already have new relationships and new hopes.

Scarlet Sails of Love

A new love settled in the actor’s heart, for actress and television director Tamara Zyablova. It was for her sake that the actor woke up all of Yalta in the summer of 1961. He persuaded him to raise scarlet sails on a yacht, which was heading for Koktebel, where “Scarlet Sails” was filmed, and Vasily played Gray in this film. He knew that his wife would be waiting for him at the pier in Yalta. And he persuaded the captain of the sailing ship to try those same scarlet sails. All residents and all vacationers gathered to look at this amazing spectacle.
But what is the whole world to him if his beloved Tamara, his Assol, his goddess, is waiting on the shore.

They were happy together, these two beautiful talented people. The pregnancy of Tamara, who was five years older than her husband, inspired both of them. But the tragedy treacherously cut short happiness, love, and hopes. In 1971, Tamara Zyablova died in a car accident, without having time to give birth to a child.

Vasily Lanovoy suffered the death of his wife very hard. It seemed that his wound in his heart would always bleed. But life went on, filming, rehearsals, and performances continued. Work helped him cope with grief. At the Vakhtangov Theater he again found the joy of life, here he met the charming Irina Kupchenko, who soon became his wife.

Irina Kupchenko

During her student years, the young actress had a reputation for being touchy. She avoided noisy student parties and long gatherings. Irina studied hard, dreamed of becoming an actress and devoted a lot of time to improving her profession. While filming “The Noble Nest,” she met the artist of the film group, Nikolai Dvigubsky. Immediately after the film was released, the young lovers got married.

Irina Kupchenko in the "Noble Nest". / Photo:

This marriage was accompanied by a lot of everyday difficulties and problems. The young people lived in an artist’s studio, sleeping on an old sofa with springs sticking out. And they also had a sweet dachshund dog living with them, with whom the newlyweds tinkered with during breaks between filming. But the relationship between Irina and Nikolai quickly grew from passionately romantic to friendly, and then they separated completely.
By this time, Irina was already serving at the Vakhtangov Theater. It was there that she met the love of her life.

“I don’t need more in my life!”

They became an amazing couple - Vasily and Irina. He is a brutal handsome man with regular features and a decisive look. And next to him she is thin, fragile, almost weightless. The actor has finally found the family happiness he had dreamed of for so long. Irina acquired in Vasily not only a loving husband, but also a faithful friend. By the time they got married in 1972, they both knew what the pain of parting was and therefore diligently protected their happiness from all sorts of life’s adversities. Each of them understood how difficult the life of an actor could be, and therefore the husband and wife tried not to transfer their creative tossing into the family.

In 1973, Vasily and Irina had their first son, Sashenka, and three years later, their second son, Seryozha. Vasily Lanovoy was very fond of the works of Pushkin and Yesenin, so he named his sons in their honor
Vasily was often jealous of his beautiful Irina, but she herself did everything to preserve an island of fragile family happiness. He admitted that he was very amorous, but at the same time he could never offend the one who was next to him with treason and betrayal.

Years have no power over love

Their marriage was not just successful, it was filled with the happiness of love. Once upon a time, a long time ago, they agreed that they would never discuss their creative problems in front of their children. Vasily and Irina did not want their sons to choose a theatrical career. Surprisingly, the couple tried to take their children to the theater infrequently. And the sons did not fall ill with their parents’ profession; Alexander graduated from the history department, and Sergei from the economics department of Moscow State University.

Still from the film "Strange Woman". / Photo:

Only once did the star acting couple play in the same film. It was “Strange Woman,” a very unusual picture for Soviet cinema, in which it turns out that happiness is more important than work and the opinions of others.

In 2013, a great misfortune occurred in the acting family - their youngest son Sergei died. The couple tried not to expose the details of the tragedy to the public and, fortunately for them, the loss of their son was not exaggerated in the press. Together they dealt with the bitterness of yet another loss in their lives. She didn’t break them, but made their family even stronger. On the day the couple learned about the misfortune, he and his wife were supposed to perform in the theater. Vasily Lanovoy came and said that his wife would not be able to work, and he himself went on stage and played his role.

Even today, 45 years after they met, they look at each other with undisguised tenderness and love. Vasily Lanovoy himself always says: if life gave him another chance, he would not change anything about it. At the same time, the actor speaks with pride about his beautiful, wise wife.

Irina Kupchenko and Vasily Lanovoy are still trying to protect their family from prying eyes. They almost never comment on their personal lives or the personal lives of their loved ones. Apparently, there is some higher meaning in this, because happiness does not like noise and prying eyes.

Irina Kupchenko and Vasily Lanovoy never betrayed each other’s trust. But they tested their feelings more than once.

An outstanding theater and film actor, Honored Artist of Soviet and Russian cinema, Vasily Lanovoy, was born in a Ukrainian village in the Odessa region in 1934. At that time there was a terrible famine, from which his relatives also fled. Lanovoy Vasily and his family moved to the capital of Russia to live with his uncle. When the Great Patriotic War came, Lanovoy was only 7 years old. After the war, the boy received a secondary education with honors, then began studying at the Shchukin Theater School. Vasily Semenovich’s first film is “Certificate of Maturity.” Two years later, the actor starred in the film “Pavel Korchagin”.

The actor first tied the knot while a student, when Tatyana Samoilova became his wife. The marriage lasted three years and broke up.

For the second time, Vasily Semenovich married the artist Tamara Zyablikova. The wedding took place in 1961. Ten years later, the happy family ceased to exist due to the death of Lanovoy’s other half, who died under tragic circumstances in a car accident.

A year later, the actor married for the third time. His chosen one is the actress of Soviet and Russian cinema, the famous Irina Kupchenko. There is a 14 year age difference between them. But this has not become an obstacle to warm and trusting marital relations to this day. Today, many people have heard of the outstanding Vasily Lanovoy. Lanovoy’s personal life and biography is one of the frequently discussed topics.

The aspiring artist made his debut on the theater stage with the production “My Dear Boys.” Vasily Lanovoy simultaneously developed on the theater stage and succeeded on the set of films. Famous films of that time with the participation of actor Lozovoy are “Anna Karenina”, “War and Peace”, “Days of the Trubinins” and others.

Thanks to the film “Officers” released in 1971, Lanovoy not only became popular, but also earned the universal love of fans for his talent and work. The film was very famous in Soviet circles, and many admirers of Soviet cinema are still fans of this work. The actor received the title of Best Artist of 1971 precisely for filming in this film.

In addition to filming, the actor managed to work in the field of dubbing. In 1979, he voiced the film “The Great Patriotic War”.

Perhaps not everyone knows, but Vasily Semenovich is also a writer. The book “Happy Meetings”, the author of which is Lanovoy, was published in 1985.

Vasily Lanovoy and his wife Irina Kupchenko

Irina Kupchenko, Lozovoy’s wife, is a famous actress. Fate brought them together in 1972. The future Lozov family managed to meet on the theater stage. Soon, the couple got married. In their marriage they had two sons. Vasily Lanovoy and his wife Irina Kupchenko are a touching married couple who are role models for many.

Lanovoy Vasily and his children: sons Alexander and Sergei

Soon after the wedding, the Lanov couple had their first child, Alexander. In 1976, a second son, Sergei, was born. By that time, the actor was already quite famous, so the public was often interested in Vasily Lozovoy and his children.

Sons Alexander and Sergei were named after two great Russian poets - Pushkin and Yesenin. The older brother graduated from college and received an education in history, the younger brother received an economics education. Four years ago, the youngest son Sergei Lanovoy died due to heart disease. On the day when this grief occurred, both Vasily Lanovoy and his wife were scheduled to perform on the theater stage. Vasily Semenovich, as a professional in his field, despite the mourning, came out and played his role. His wife couldn't.

Good deeds

The actor also proved himself as a philanthropist. In the 90s, he contributed in every possible way and organized concerts for military personnel in places such as Abkhazia, Tajikistan, Chechnya. There, people in war conditions especially needed support and understanding.

Also, for quite a long time Vasily Lanovoy served as the head of the Artek International Film Festival for Children. Also, the honored actor chairs the board of trustees of the Immortal Regiment, which has recently become a symbol of Victory Day on May 9. Vasily Semenovich himself constantly participates in the procession with photographs of his parents.

The famous actor has many awards both since the times of the USSR and in modern times. The actor worked hard and fruitfully all his life and achieved stunning success. As surprising as it may be, many creative individuals do not find time for family, but this is not about our hero. Lanovoy succeeded both as a talented actor and as a caring husband. Today, the actor is entering his ninth decade of life, and he is not going to sit idly by. A shining example to follow.

Vasily Semenovich Lanovoy is not only an outstanding artist, theater and film actor, but also a great man, with a big heart and good intentions. This man survived hunger, war, the death of his wife and son. His fate cannot be called simple and easy, but, despite everything he has experienced, he continues to bring light and joy to people with his creativity and good deeds.

For more than four decades of marriage, the famous acting couple Vasily Lanovoy and Irina Kupchenko became parents twice, giving birth to two sons - Alexander and Sergei. By the way, both are named after the great poets Pushkin and Yesenin. However, if the eldest heir of the acting couple prefers not to show off his life, then the younger son Sergei Lanovoy often attracted the attention of the press while drunk. And therefore, his death did not go unnoticed by representatives of the media, who immediately began voicing all sorts of versions of the tragedy in the celebrity family.

In the photo - the youngest son of Vasily Lanovoy Sergei

According to male acquaintances, since childhood, which occurred in the difficult 90s, Sergei Lanovoy was distinguished by a complex character. However, the influence of intelligent parents left an imprint forever - the hero of our publication was fond of classical music, loved poetry, and even wrote poems and stories himself, which, however, were never published. Dreaming of following in his parents’ footsteps, he nevertheless gave in to their insistence and received a diploma in economics from Moscow State University. Sergei Lanovoy was married twice, but none of his wives managed to give him children. It was during this period of his life that the name of Vasily Lanovoy’s son often graced the front pages of newspapers, either because of an accident of which he was the culprit, or because of an allegedly obsessive lover who prevented not only himself, but also famous relatives from living a normal life.

In the photo - Sergei Lanovoy and his last love Olga Korotina

Thanks to all the publications, the public has a strong opinion that Sergei Lanovoy is a spoiled person, spoiled by his parents’ well-being and a degenerate person. However, this is completely untrue. The son of Vasily Lanovoy still managed to pull himself together and improve his own life, in which there was a place for poetry, and a passion for sports and technology. He also managed to communicate with his only illegitimate daughter, Anya, whose existence he did not know at all for many years. He also met personal happiness in the person of psychologist Olga Korotina. According to her, the youngest son of Vasily Lanovoy had an inexplicable charm that no woman could resist. Unfortunately, at the beginning of October 2013, Sergei Lanovoy passed away due to heart failure, probably never allowing him to reveal all the talents and hobbies that his parents and life had endowed him with. And his daughter today remains the only granddaughter and consolation for Vasily Lanovoy and his wife, since the eldest son Alexander, apparently, has completely devoted himself to history and is in no hurry to start his own family.

Famous actors Vasily Lanovoy and Irina Kupchenko faced great grief - the loss of their thirty-seven-year-old youngest son Sergei.

The “shop workers” - the actors of the Vakhtangov Theater - also sympathize with the “star” couple. Numerous fans of Vasily and Irina did not remain indifferent. Although the actors demonstrate very great willpower, because even after such a disaster, Lanovoy continued to play in the theater.

Mental wounds

But his wife still chose to remain off stage. On that ill-fated day, the actress was supposed to play in a short story. Alexey Kuznetsov, Irina’s colleague, said that Irina will not demonstrate her talent to fans. He broke the news right on the stage of the theater. He explained Irina Petrovna’s absence to the public by saying that at the moment the woman is having a very difficult time, because artists are no different from ordinary people. They also have their troubles.

Vasily Lanovoy behaved with dignity. He skillfully played the main role in the play, thereby not disappointing his TV viewers and work colleagues. At the moment, the cause of death of the son of the star couple is being clarified. The parents themselves have not yet recovered from the shock and, accordingly, cannot explain anything on this issue. But we hope that after some time the pain will subside, and the actors will tell why Sergei died.

Eyewitnesses' opinions

Journalists from one of the capital's publishing houses established contact with Elena Kuzmina, the theater's press secretary. But the woman did not want to tell the media anything. She only explained that this is a very difficult time for Vasily and Irina Lanov.

What the media says

According to a trusted source, Vasily learned about the sudden grief when he was in Krasnodar. In this city, a man planned a creative meeting for the tenth of October. After it was held, the actor left the city the next morning. It is reported that Sergei Lanovoy was buried five days later. The media also explained that after saying goodbye to their son, the couple left their home country and went abroad.

A little history

Vasily and Irina have been walking hand in hand for forty years. This is exactly how old their eldest son Alexander is now. Although journalists say that the actors did not really like to tell details from the life of their family. Although the media knows that the descendants of famous artists did not “take over the baton” of their parents. An example for this is Alexander, who is an economist.

We remind you that according to the zodiac sign. And people born under this star are very strong and do not at all strive to show their true feelings in public.

They talk about drug problems

As already mentioned, Elena Kuzmina, press secretary of the Vakhtangov Theater, has so far refrained from making any comments about the death of the son of Vasily Lanovoy and Irina Kupchenko. At the same time, as Express Gazeta reports, classmates of Sergei Lanovoy directly say that the cause of his death may be related to drug abuse.
During his life, which ended so early, Sergei Lanovoy was the hero of various newspaper scandalous publications several times. So, in 2007, while backing his car, Sergei hit the Mercedes of a businessman from Turkey. The victim would not have made a fuss, but the son of famous artists behaved very defiantly, so the traffic cops were called by the patrolmen. They sent Sergei for an examination, which showed the presence of a significant amount of alcohol in his blood.
And just two years later, Vasily Lanovoy had to protect his youngest son from his own mistress, who terrorized their entire family with her hysterical phone calls.

In connection with the death of Sergei Lanovoy, writer Olga Belan and artist Stanislav Sadalsky expressed condolences to the actors in their personal blogs. Olga Belan writes that the fate of children of famous parents is often unpredictable and tragic. It turns out that Sergei was one of the twin brothers who survived the birth. Since childhood, the parents had problems with their son. And it was a cruel time - the 90s. Troubled times, alcohol and drugs all around.
Lanovoy and Kupchenko tried to hide their misfortune as much as they could. But the tragedy still happened. And it will be difficult for parents to survive this terrible test. Moreover, hundreds of newspapers will appear with millions of versions of the death of their son. Apparently, that’s why immediately after the funeral of their son, Vasily Lanovoy and Irina Kupchenko went abroad.

Galina USHKOVA. Published October 21, 2013

Famous actor spouses buried their youngest son

There is terrible grief in the family of people's artists Vasily LANOVOY and Irina KUPCHENKO. Their youngest, 37-year-old son Sergei, passed away. Colleagues at the Vakhtangov Theater, where the couple serve, sincerely condole with Vasily Semenovich and Irina Petrovna.

Lanovoy and Kupchenko named their children in honor of two wonderful poets: the elder - Alexander, like Pushkin, the younger - Sergei, like Yesenin. The boys grew up in a strong family, with loving and caring parents, received a good education, and from childhood their father instilled in them a love of sports and taught them by his own example to uphold justice.
“Agree, this is incredible courage and heroism, professional and human, in such grief as Vasily Semenovich Lanovoy’s, to go on stage and brilliantly play in the play “The Pier,” says director and actor Boris Lvovich.
In fact, having received the terrible news of Sergei’s death, Lanovoy did not cancel the performance, during which he reads Pushkin’s poems. Kupchenko, who was participating in a short story, was unable to go on stage. Before the start of the performance, Vakhtangov actor Alexey Kuznetsov spoke to the public, apologized for Irina Petrovna’s absence and, sighing, remarked:
- Artists are people like everyone else, and sometimes they have serious problems.

I feel very sorry for Ira Kupchenko,” continues Boris Lvovich. - And the outstanding master and extraordinary professional Lanovoy, even in this situation, could not let the audience and colleagues down, because he is the connecting thread of the entire performance. This has already happened in the history of the Vakhtangov Theater, when Yulia Konstantinovna Borisova’s husband died, but the performance was not cancelled. She said that she would play, the audience applauded and cried, because she knew what it would cost her.
Only a few people in the room knew about the tragedy in Vasily Semenovich’s family. The cause of Sergei Lanovoy's death is not discussed in the theater - it is a closed topic. One thing is clear: it is high time for our entire society to pay attention to the broken destinies of many children of celebrities, to their tragic stories (there are a lot of examples, and Express Gazeta has written about this more than once). Yes, in general, all of us, mere mortals, should pay a little more attention to our offspring, even those who have already grown up and, it would seem, can stand up for themselves and solve their problems.
Alas, during his short life, Lanovoy Jr. more than once became the hero of scandalous newspaper publications. For example, in the summer of 2007, Sergei, while backing his car, hit the Mercedes of a Turkish businessman. The victim did not want to make a fuss, but, according to him, the son of famous artists behaved so defiantly that the patrol officers called the traffic cops. They took the man for an examination, which showed the presence of alcohol in the blood.

Irina Petrovna with her sons

Burnt Jacket

In 2009, many media outlets wrote how Vasily Semenovich, with the help of the police, defended his adult child from the attacks of his mistress, who terrorized him over the phone and did not allow the entire star family, including Sergei’s wife, to live in peace. Then it turned out that the story had been going on for more than two years and this love drama had already cost Lanovoy Jr. one broken family and could have destroyed a second. But when the operatives found the young lady, she complained that she was the one who suffered.
- I’ll write a counter statement against Seryozha! - the girl was seething. - When I come to him, he is usually in an inadequate state, crying, complaining about life, and it all ends with a request to give him money. And if I don’t give, sometimes he even hits me.
This spring, his classmate at Moscow experimental school No. 91, Dmitry Cherny, suddenly remembered Sergei Lanov. In his LJ diary, he, now a famous poet, journalist and bass guitarist of the rock band “Echelon,” shared stories of their hectic youth:
- Seryozhka Lanovoy’s birthday - I remember, because mine was also on the 10th, a month earlier. When we celebrated in the family circle (mostly with his friends and our classmates, cinema mom and cinema dad only showed up at first) on Nikitsky, then Suvorovsky Boulevard, we were already smoking, hiding on the flat roof of the house above the glass grocery store... I was wearing an iridescent GDR or a Hungarian jacket in metallic blue, the cosmic surface of which turned out to be easy to burn with a cigarette

//img1..jpg width=/Vasily Semenovich put his whole soul into Seryozha and Sasha

This was done, it seems, by a certain local Zheka - from a simple family, Seryoga respected such people and was drawn to them, which determined his fate and outcome from elite honors into the field of auto sales, Bukhalov and even scandals in the yellow press...
We then brazenly descended from the roof - they say, at home no one will notice anything before moving on to eating the cake... And Kupchenko heard us on the stairs, rushed - and we darted into adult street life, realizing that we were hopelessly smoked...
He was echoed by another blogger, wlodek_black, who probably also studied at the same school with the Lanov brothers (by the way, a classmate of Alexander, who is three years older than Seryozha, was the now famous actress Maria Mironova and, according to her confessions, she had a soft spot for him):
- ...Two brothers, completely opposite in appearance and character. I can’t remember the name of the bright and quiet one offhand. But I remember the dark one right up until he graduated from school - he could be heard well at school.
I found Black.
“I haven’t talked to Sergei Lanov for a long time,” he said. - Although we were in the same company for some time, we communicated very honestly, I realized that he was dabbling in various... how can I put it, drugs, but then we didn’t intersect with him much, he became isolated. I remember about 13 years ago Vasily Semenovich called me: “Sergunya has disappeared.” There were no more calls. Probably everything worked out fine then...

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