Charm as an assistant in communication. Notes on the Russian language “The main assistant in communication is the native language” (2nd grade) Section “The World of Communication

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Lesson 15. The main assistant in communication is the native language (p. 2930)
Objectives: to show the need for language proficiency for successful communication.
Objectives: formation of the need for language proficiency for successful
communication, justification of the need to know letters, formation of skills
transmission of oral speech into writing; repetition of the alphabet, consolidation of knowledge
students learning about speech, improving their ability to write sentences,
development of spelling vigilance, formation of skills to participate in
educational conversation, follow instructions, answer questions, form
children’s ability to listen to their friends and answer questions.
I. Organizational moment.
II. Updating knowledge.
Vocabulary orthographic work.
Today we will introduce two words that you should
make up your own from these letters:
The words that came out were: Room and good.
What is a room? (separate room in the house)
In what meanings can the word good be used? (With the help of this
words evaluate behavior, actions, actions).
The word is well spoken when one agrees with someone or something.
Like, okay, I'll come.
The word well can mean threat. For example, well, good!
Mark "four" is called well. What can you say about the spelling of a word?
Fine? (The word contains the combination oro).
Write both words in your notebook, put the emphasis, underline the vowels,
which you need to remember.
Make up a sentence that includes these two words at the same time.
(Children's options)
Words are written on the board.
S..September,, ave..goodbye, d..revya, v..robey,, room..ta, x..good.
Now you will need to insert the letters into the words and explain your choice.
What two groups can words be divided into according to their spelling patterns? ( Unstressed
vowels that can be checked and unstressed vowels that need to be
remember.(September, goodbye, sparrow, room, good)

III. Self-determination for activity
Guys, please tell me what helps us communicate with each other?
What kind of speech is there? (oral, written)
What kind of speech do we call oral? (which we pronounce orally)
What about written? (which we write down)
Which organ helps a person communicate? (language)
How many meanings of the word “language” do you know? (One of the meanings is language as
human organ, and the second meaning is language as a means of communication.)
Formulate the topic and purpose of our lesson (Language is the main assistant in
verbal communication. Let's study its riches)
IV. Work on the topic of the lesson.
1. Work according to the textbook.
Exercise 31 page 29.
You have already learned to read. Read the letters. What letters call
difficulties7 (in the second sentence) Why? (we haven't studied them).
Read the sentences? Which sentence is problematic? (second
row). Why? (they are not familiar to us).
Read the words of Professor Samovarov p.29
What language do we communicate in?
What is your native language?
Read on the board:
Mother tongue is a holy language
Mother tongue is the holy language, the language of father and mother,
How beautiful you are! I have comprehended the whole world in your wealth!
Rocking the cradle, my mother revealed you to me in song,
And I learned to understand my grandmother’s fairy tales.
Native language, Native language, with you I boldly walked into the distance,
You elevated my joy, you enlightened my sadness.
Native language, together with you for the first time I prayed to the Creator:
“Oh, God, forgive my mother, forgive me, forgive my father!”
Why did the author call his native language the holy language? (students' answers)
What does the phrase Russian language mean to you?
In order to clarify the meaning of the phrase “Russian language” I now
I will read you a short text.

There are many languages ​​on Earth. And every language is native to someone. Russian
language is the native language of the Russian people. Everyone understands Russian
peoples living in Russia.
Guys, what is the main idea in this text?
Now let's write down the main sentence about the Russian language.
Russian language is the native language of the Russian people.
Let's read the professor's message in the textbook on page 30
Samovarov about the Russian language.
V. Physical education minute.
VI. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson.
Ex. 33 pp. thirty
Write down any of the statements about language (You can write down your own version)
Language is the clothing of all thoughts.
There can be no thought without language and no language without thought.
The duty of the tongue is to speak good.
Ex. 32 pp. 29
Read the assignment. What should be done? (Help Uncle Fyodor competently
write a letter)
– What language is the letter written in?
Is it clear to you?
Look carefully at what Uncle Fyodor missed when he wrote this
Let's help the boy write difficult words. Write down the text
inserting missing letters.
Have you noticed that the boy began his letter with an appeal to
What did Uncle Fyodor forget to write at the end of the letter? (Who is this letter from).
VII. Reflection.
Ex. 36 pp. 33
Verbal creativity
Write down sentences that talk about the Russian language and its wealth.
The Russian language in skillful hands and experienced lips is beautiful, melodious,
expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and capacious (A.I. Kuprin).
VIII. Lesson summary.
In relation to each person’s attitude towards his or her language, one can absolutely accurately
judge not only its cultural level, but also its civic value.
True love for one's country is unthinkable without love for one's language.

Lesson 15. The main assistant in communication is
native language

Objectives: to show the need for language proficiency for successful communication; justify the need to know letters to convey oral speech in writing; repeat the alphabet.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Updating knowledge

Vocabulary and spelling work

Make words from these letters. (Room, okay.)


What is a room? (A separate room in the house.)

When can the word good be used? (With the help of this word one evaluates behavior, actions, actions.)

The word is said well when one agrees with someone or something. For example: ok, I'll come.

The word well can mean threat. For example: well, good! Mark "4" is called well. What can you say about spelling a word well? (The word contains the combination ORO.)

Write both words in your notebook, put the emphasis, and underline the vowels that you need to remember.

Make up a sentence that includes these two words at the same time. (Children's options.)

III. Self-determination for activity

(Acquaintance with an excerpt from L. Geraskina’s work “In the Land of Unlearned Lessons.” See additional material) for the lesson (met. pp. 45-46)

They read until the verdict, then listen to the children’s opinions: what would they do, the verdict is read out.)

Draw a conclusion. (Children's answers.)

In the textbook on p. 30 read the message of Professor Samovarov. (You need to study all the riches of your native language in order to be able to use them competently in your speech. Language - Thismain assistant in speech communication.)

Formulate the topic and purpose of our lesson . (Language - main assistant in verbal communication. We will study the riches of the robotic language.)

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Work according to the textbook

Ex. 33 (p. 30)

Write down any of the statements about language. We will offer our option.

Language is the clothing of all thoughts.

There can be no thought without language and no language without thought.

The duty of the tongue is to speak good.

2. Completing tasks in the workbook

Ex. 23 (p. 16)

V. Physical education minute

VI. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

1. Completing tasks in the workbook

Ex. 24 (p. 16)

Game "Who is faster"

Try to come up with the names of animals or birds based on the letters of the alphabet.

A - stork, B - squirrel, C - ...

2. Work according to the textbook

Ex. 32 (p. 29)

Read the assignment. What should be done? (Help Uncle Fyodor write a letter correctly.

- What did Uncle Fyodor forget to write at the end of the letter? (Who is this letter from?)


Work ontextbook

Ex. 16 (p. 33)

VIII Summing up the lesson

We will remember every moment:

Our best friend is our native language!


Compose and write down a short story with any of these titles: “My native language”, “Why is a language like the Motherland, native”, “How beautiful the native language is!”

What type of text did you get?

Lesson summary
Class 2 "A"
Subject: Russian language
Program: Perspective
Topic: The main assistant in communication is the native language
Goal: to create conditions for expanding vocabulary and language skills.
Objectives: 1) show the need for language proficiency for successful communication; create a visual and figurative idea of ​​the structure of language (the units of which it consists); show the benefits of lexically rich speech; justify the need to know letters to convey oral speech in writing; repeat the alphabet.
2) promote the development of calligraphy skills and the ability to speak spoken language.
3) cultivate interest in the Russian language, tolerance, accuracy, perseverance.
Equipment: visual material: cards with sentences, text, words, handouts with sentences.
Stage of the lesson Teacher's activity Students' activity I Org moment - Hello, guys. My name is Antonina Mikhailovna. Check if you have prepared everything for the Russian language lesson. II FNZ
Problematic question
Communicating the topic and purpose of the lesson
Working with the textbook
Working with a drawing
Read the sentences written on the board.
Which sentence do you understand and which do you not? Why?
Open the textbook to page 29. Read Samovarov’s message in a low voice.
-What does the message say? What do you understand?
-What do you think is the topic of today's lesson?
-Look at the picture from exercise 34. What riches are stored in our language?
-What does language consist of?
On what street do words live?
Do words always make sentences? When?
Compare and define the words and sentence:
-In summer we like to eat watermelon.
- watermelon summer we love
-What is a proposal?
-In what city is Proposal Street located?
What does the text consist of?
-Compare sentences and identify text and unrelated sentences:
-Yesterday I was at the circus and saw tigers. What did they do! First they stood on their hind legs, then they jumped from pedestal to pedestal and even through burning rings.
- Yesterday I was at the circus and saw tigers. It's spring outside. I Love Mom. My friend invited me to go for a walk.
-What is text?
- Let's repeat how language is built.
-My name is Lida.
My name is Lida.
The first is clear, but the second is not, because it is not in Russian
-You read the first sentence because you know Russian. If you do not speak English, you will not be able to read the second sentence, write it down and understand it.
To use a language when communicating, you need to know it well.
-The main assistant in communication is the native language
-word, sentence, text
-from words
Street offer
No, when the words are related in meaning
-words related in meaning
-in the city Text
-from sentences
-unrelated sentences
Sentences related in meaning
-words go into sentences, sentences into text, and text into language
Working with aphorisms
Text correction
FizminutkaWorking with TVE
Myself. R.
Work in pairs -Read the statements from No. 33.
-Which statement did you like best? Why? Explain its meaning.
Write down your favorite statement in your notebook.
Continue the sentence: The richness of language is sounds, letters, words...
Write down the sentence.
What's missing from this text?
Correct the text.
Alyosha has a puppy, his name is Druzhok, Druzhka has a red tail and a crochet tail. Alyosha and the puppy often play together; they are great friends.
One - rise, stretch Two - bend, straighten Three - clap your hands three times Head - three nods Four arms wider Five wave your arms Six Six - sit quietly at your desk
-Open your workbook to page 16. Answer the questions from No. 23. How many letters are in the Russian alphabet?
What sounds do letters not represent?
-We will hold a competition “Who is faster.”
Write the names of animals or birds using different letters of the alphabet.
Count the number of words written down. Whoever has the most and correctly written down wins.
There are offers on the cards in front of you. Tick ​​the boxes that can be used to compose text. Write down the sentences so that you get a coherent text. 1.Language is the clothing of all thoughts.
2. There can be no thought without language and no language without thought.
3. The duty of the tongue is to speak kindly.
-sentences, text, language
-dots, capital letters
A squirrel has a lot of worries in the fall. Winter will come soon and snow will fall. A squirrel jumps along the branches, carrying three nuts. Here is an old oak tree, the squirrel stopped. She jumped into the hollow and hid the nuts. The squirrel will be well-fed in winter.
Homework Page 32 No. 35. Write down the answer to the first question from the text. Reflection, summary -What did you learn in the lesson?
-What does our language consist of?
- Restore the confused logical chain of words.
Continue with suggestions. Today in class:
I learned, I learned, I can...
Thank you for the lesson! -from text, sentences, words

Option 1

  1. Write down the test words:
Pine - _______________, traces - ________________

field - ________________

See ()lchak, tr(__)vinka, gr(__) for

3. Find in which line all the words are correctly separated for hyphenation

A) Shop-ga-zin hundred-lik, she-ya

B) Red arrival take-off

4 .Underline the words that end in pairs of voiced and voiceless consonants

January frost maple table sound ram

5 . Insert a hard or soft separator where the letter is needed.

In (__) drove, with (__) eats, under (__) eats, along (__) drive, with (__) capacity, in (_) south, pen (_).

6. Underline the synonym for the word fire:
7. Underline the main parts of the sentence:
A birch tree grew timidly at the edge of the forest.
The kids are skiing along a forest path.

8. Find a sentence with homogeneous members:

A) Large and small rivers disappeared under the ice.

B) The earth is resting under a snow coat.

A) Spring has come.

B) Is it snowing outside?

C) Wash your hands before eating!
D) I read an interesting book!

Vitya walks along a forest path.

3rd grade

Test No. 3 in the Russian language

Topic: “Language is the main assistant in communication”


Learn _____ _______________________________________________

1. Write down the test words:

Sea - _______________, water - ________________

nest - ________________
2. Fill in the missing letters (a, e, o, i)

Under(__) rip, t(__) tire, l(__) drains

3. Find in which line all the words are correctly separated for hyphenation
7. Underline the main parts of the sentence:

The crow left loops of its tracks.

The guys filled the skating rink in the yard.
8. Underline the sentence with homogeneous members:
A) Beautiful snowflakes swirl and fall to the ground..
B) Snowdrifts sparkle in the sun
9. Describe the proposals.
A) The long-awaited spring has arrived.

B) Do mushrooms grow in the forest?

C) Guys, come to class quickly.
D) I painted a wonderful picture!

10. Write out phrases from this sentence.

A transparent icicle melts on the roof.

Analysis of test No. 3 in the section “Language is the main assistant in communication.”

  1. Ability to correctly select test words – 3 points.

  2. Practicing the spelling “Unstressed vowels” - 3 points.

  3. Ability to divide words for hyphenation – 1 point.

  4. Finding letters of paired consonant sounds by deafness and voicedness - 2 points.

  5. Spelling of separating signs ь and ъ - 2 points.

  6. Knowledge of antonyms and synonyms – 1 point.

  7. Identification of the main members of the sentence – 2 points.

  8. Finding a sentence with homogeneous members – 1 point.

  9. Ability to characterize sentences – 4 points.

  10. Ability to find word combinations – 1 point.
High level – 19-20 points.

Average level – 14-18 points.

Below average -9-13 points.

Low -8 points and below.

Lesson 15. The main assistant in communication is the native language (p. 29-30)

Objectives: to show the need for language proficiency for successful communication; justify the need to know letters to convey oral speech in writing; repeat the alphabet.


I. Organizational moment.

II. Updating knowledge.

Vocabulary and spelling work.

Today we will get acquainted with two words that you must independently compose from these letters:


The words that came out were: Room and good.

What is a room? (separate room in the house)

In what meanings can the word good be used? (With the help of this word one evaluates behavior, actions, actions).

The word is said well when one agrees with someone or something. Like, okay, I'll come.

The word well can mean threat. For example, well, good!

Mark "four" is called well. What can you say about spelling a word well? (The word contains the combination - oro).

Write both words in your notebook, put the emphasis, and underline the vowels you need to remember.

Make up a sentence that includes these two words at the same time. (Children's options)

III. Self-determination for activity

Introduction to an excerpt from Geraskin’s work “In the Land of Unlearned Lessons” (Read before the verdict, then listen to the children’s opinions on what they would do, reading out the verdict)

Draw a conclusion (children's answers)

In the textbook on page 30, read the message of Professor Samovarov (You need to study all the riches of your native language in order to be able to use them competently in your speech. Language is the main assistant in verbal communication)

Formulate the topic and purpose of our lesson (Language is the main assistant in verbal communication. We will study its riches)

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Work according to the textbook.

Ex. 33 pp. thirty

Write down any of the statements about language (You can write down your own version)

Language is the clothing of all thoughts.

There can be no thought without language and no language without thought.

The duty of the tongue is to speak good.

2. Work from a printed notebook.

Ex. 23 p. 16

Let's start our study with the alphabet.

How many letters are in the Russian alphabet?

What sounds do letters not represent?

V. Physical education minute.

We wrote

We wrote! We wrote!

Our fingers are tired.

We'll rest a little

And let's start writing again.

VI . Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Work from a printed notebook

Ex. 24 s. 16

Game "Who is faster"

Try to come up with names of animals or birds based on different letters of the alphabet.

3. Work according to the textbook

Ex. 32 pp. 29

Read the assignment. What needs to be done? (Help Uncle Fyodor write a letter correctly)

What did Uncle Fyodor forget to write at the end of the letter? (Who is this letter from).

VII. Reflection.

Ex. 36 pp. 33

Verbal creativity

Write out sentences from the poem that talk about the Russian language and its wealth.

On a sunny day in July -

Flowers, flowers all around!..

My Russian language is beautiful,

Like this summer meadow.

I'm walking along a narrow path -

Trees to the sky!

Mighty is my Russian language

Like this Russian forest.

Both in joy and in sadness -

He is with me every hour,

My native language is Russian

Like the Motherland, dear! (A. Shibaev)

Frontal check with commenting.


"!" - completed the task correctly!

“+” - completed the task, but made mistakes.

"?" - completed tasks by asking for help.

VIII. Lesson summary.

We will remember

every moment

Our best friend -

native language!

IX. Homework (Optional).

Compose and write a short story with any of these titles. What type of text did you create? (“My native language”, “Why is the language like the motherland”, “How beautiful is the native language!”)

Additional material for the lesson

The main character, Vitya Perestukin, finds himself in the Land of Unlearned Lessons.

The old man looked at me importantly.

Stop doing that! Don't be angry, Comma! - he ordered the old woman.

How can I not be angry, Your Majesty? After all, the boy has never once put me in my place!

The old man looked at me sternly and beckoned with his finger. I went.

Comma fussed even more and hissed:

Look at him. It is immediately obvious that he is illiterate.

Was it really noticeable on my face? Or could she also read eyes, like my mother?

Do you know grammar? - Comma asked sarcastically

I replied that I knew grammar as well as anyone else.

Let's get the documents! - the old woman screamed in a disgusting voice.

Little men with identical round faces ran into the hall. Two little men brought in some kind of huge blue folder. When they unfolded it, I saw that it was my Russian notebook

language. For some reason she became almost as tall as me. The comma showed the first page on which I saw my dictation. Now that the notebook had grown, he looked even uglier. An awful lot of red pencil corrections. Under the dictation there was a deuce, looking like a big red duck. Seeing this, the Verb said sternly:

Fourth grade student Viktor Perestukin, who arrived to us, discovered a rare, ugly ignorance. Showed contempt and dislike for his native language. For this he will be severely punished. I retire for sentencing. Put Perestukin in square brackets!

The verb is gone. Comma ran after him and kept saying as he walked:

No mercy!

The exclamator became even more upset and began to groan in every possible way.

Do you know that a comma can decide a person’s fate? - asked Questioner.

Comma and several Dots entered the hall, carrying a large

folded sheet of paper.

“This is a sentence,” Comma announced.

The dots unfolded the sheet. I read: VERDICT in the case of an ignoramus. Viktor Perestukina:


You can't execute! Have mercy! Hooray! Have mercy! - Exclamation rejoiced.

You can't execute! Hooray! Wonderful! Generously! Hooray! Wonderful!

Do you think it is impossible to execute? - Questioner asked seriously. Apparently he had great doubts.

What are they talking about? Who should be executed? Me? What right do they have? No, no, this is some kind of mistake!

But Comma looked at me sarcastically and said:

The signs misunderstand the verdict. You must be executed, you cannot be pardoned. This is how it should be understood.

Execute for what? - I shouted. - For what?

For ignorance, laziness and lack of knowledge of the native language.

But it is clearly written here: you cannot execute.

I felt scared.

Let him finally understand the meaning of a comma,” the hunchback said importantly.

A comma can even save a person's life. So let Perestukin try to save himself if that’s what he wants.

Of course I wanted it!

Comma clapped her hands, and a huge clock appeared on the wall. The hands showed five minutes to twelve.

Five minutes to think,” the old woman creaked. - Exactly at twelve, the comma should be in place. At twelve o'clock and one minute it will be too late.

I went to the table and drew a large comma in the sentence after the word “impossible.” At the same minute the clock struck twelve times.

Hooray! Victory! Oh! Fine! Wonderful! - jumped joyfully


The comma immediately became better.

Remember that when you give your head a job, you will always achieve your goal. Do not be angry with me. Better be friends with me. When you learn to put me in my place, I won't hurt you

no troubles.

I firmly promised her that I would learn.

If you want to beat fate,

If you are looking for joy in a flower garden,

If you need solid support, -

Learn Russian language!

He is your great, mighty mentor,

He is a translator, he is a guide.

If you storm knowledge steeply -

Learn Russian language!

Gorky's vigilance, Tolstoy's vastness,

Pushkin's lyrics are a pure spring

They shine with the mirror image of the Russian word.

Learn Russian language!

(S. Abdullah, Uzbek poet)

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