The topic is economics on the surrounding world of pleshaks. Lesson summary on the world around us “What is economics? I

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1. Solve the crossword puzzle and you will find out what economics is.

Use your textbook to complete the definition.

Economy - This is the economic activity of people.

2. Do you know the sectors of the economy? Label the pictures yourself or with the help of a textbook.

3. In addition to those listed in the textbook, there are other sectors of the economy. For example, forestry, communications, catering, housing and communal services, banking sector, consumer services. Think about and explain (verbally) what each of these industries does.

  • Forestry is a branch of the economy that deals with forests: it studies forests, takes care of their reproduction, protects forests from pests and fires, and regulates the use of forests for economic purposes.
  • Communications is a branch of the economy that develops and regulates means of communication: radio, television, Internet, telephony, etc.
  • Public catering is a branch of the economy engaged in the production and sale of culinary products: restaurants, cafes, canteens, buffets, confectionery shops, bakeries, cafeterias, dumpling shops, etc.
  • Housing and communal services is a branch of the economy that ensures the operation of engineering infrastructure in populated areas: hot and cold water supply systems; supply of heat, electricity, gas to houses; waste collection and landscaping systems.
  • The banking sector is a branch of the economy that ensures the operation of banks and the country's financial system. It includes state and private banks, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and other institutions.
  • Consumer services are a branch of the economy responsible for providing various services to the population: repair services (shoes, clothing, household appliances, etc.), transport services (taxi, transportation of furniture and large items), dry cleaning and laundry services, repair and decoration of apartments, hairdressing services, manicure services, rental services of bicycles, mopeds and scooters, and other services.

4. Our enterprising Parrot offers a task. Collect on p. 69 small collection of coins. To do this, place different coins under the page and use a simple pencil to make their prints.

5. At home, find out from adults what sectors of the economy they work in. Write it down.

My mother works as a teacher in the Education sector, and my father works as a programmer in the Information Technology sector.

6. Using the book “Encyclopedia of Travel. Countries of the World" fill out the table (according to the model given in the first line).



Hungary Forint
Brazil Real
India Rupee
China Yuan
Poland Zloty
Switzerland Swiss frank
Japan Jena

Additional information: message about world currencies.

Message plan:

  1. What is a monetary unit and why is it needed?
  2. Dollar
  3. Euro
  4. GBP
  5. Russian ruble

The most famous monetary units of the world

Once upon a time, people knew nothing about money. They exchanged goods: milk was exchanged for eggs, flour for clothes, and meat for clay mounds. Over time, the variety of goods became so great that it became inconvenient to exchange goods and people came up with a universal means of comparing the cost of things and services - money.

Money, or monetary units, is an equivalent with which you can measure and compare the value of any goods and services. Each country has its own monetary units: the ruble in Russia, the dollar in the USA, the crown in the Czech Republic, the lira in Italy, etc. At the same time, the monetary unit (currencies) of different countries can be exchanged among themselves at a specially established price (exchange rate) and goods from other countries can be purchased with them.

The most common currency units in the world are the US dollar, the European Euro, the British pound sterling, the Japanese Yen and the Swiss franc. These currencies are easily exchanged for any other currency in the world.

The US dollar is a fairly old currency. It became the official currency of the United States of America back in the 18th century, and before that, different coins were called dollars in many European countries. Now the dollar is the national currency of more than 20 countries, and is also considered an international means of payment.

The euro is a very young currency. The Euro became a full-fledged means of payment only in 2002. The Euro was invented specifically as a single monetary unit for the countries of the European Union. The Euro is now the official currency of 29 countries, most of these countries are members of the European Union.

The pound sterling is the national currency of the United Kingdom. This coin appeared in the 12th century and its name originally meant “pound of pure silver.” The coins were actually minted from real silver and 240 of these coins were supposed to weigh exactly a pound (about 350 grams). So counterfeit pounds sterling could be easily identified using a scale. Now the pound sterling is the most expensive currency in the world and, moreover, one of the most stable.

The Russian ruble is the official currency of our country. The ruble has almost as long a history as the English pound sterling - the ruble has been known since the 13th century. Over the many centuries of its existence, the ruble has changed both its appearance and its value many times. For example, in the 16th century, for 1 ruble you could buy a live cow or horse, in the 80s of the last century, for a ruble you could buy half a kilogram of sausage or have a great meal in the canteen, and now for 1 ruble you can only buy a box of matches, and even then not in all cities of Russia.

The ruble is used as a national currency not only in Russia, but also in some other countries: in Belarus the Belarusian ruble is used, in Moldova - the Transnistrian ruble. Now our state is striving to make the Russian ruble the same global currency as the euro dollar or pound sterling.

Summary of an open lesson on the surrounding world on the topic

“What is economics?”, 2nd grade, educational complex “School of Russia”

Lesson topic. What is economics?

Target. Form the concept of “economy”.



Form a new concept of “Economy”;

Ensure the understanding of the interconnection of parts of the economy;

Develop the ability to see relationships between people within various sectors of the economy;

To teach the transfer of knowledge about economics to everyday situations.


Develop the ability to analyze, group, generalize;

Develop the ability to work in a group.


Cultivate interest in the subject through understanding the interaction between humans and economic sectors.

Methods and methodological techniques: verbal, visual, partially search, practical, game.

Forms of work: frontal, group, individual.


For the teacher:


Cards with names of economic sectors for groups;

Cards identifying the products of industries;

Badges for group leaders “Minister” (5 pcs.);

Cards – tests for individual questioning;

Exhibition of drawings “Professions of Parents”


For students.

Pleshakov A.A. The world around us. Textbook for 2nd grade. Part 1. M.. Education, 2009.


Test book.

During the classes.

    Updating knowledge, problem statement.

    Determining the topic and goals of the lesson.

U. –Wherever a person lives, no matter what he does, both an adult and a child: going to school, buying bread, reading a book or going on a visit by bus - everywhere there is...

Slide.  BUT ECO KA MI

U. –What word is encrypted?

D. –Economics.

U. – That’s right, the topic of the lesson"What is economics?"

Let's define the purpose of the lesson. To do this, use the beginning of the phrase

I think I'll find out...

I would like to know...

U. So, we will get acquainted with the concept of “economy” and learn its components.

2. Acquaintance with the meaning of the word “economy”.

U. Where can you find the meaning of an unfamiliar word?

D. In the explanatory dictionary, on the Internet

U. – We will turn to the dictionary on the Internet. In the search engine we enter the word “economy”.

 We get the answer. Enlarge the text. Reading...

D. Economics - from ancient Greek. The words EKOS - house and NOMOS - law, literally - rules of housekeeping or


The teacher opens the cards.

U. The basis of any activity is PERSON.

U. - Goods are what a person needs for life.

3. The importance of economics.

U. – Let’s determine whether economics is important, what a person needs for life, what benefits?

D. – Food, clothing, housing.

U. – Where does this come from in your family?

D. – Parents buy it.

U. -What can you use to buy the necessary goods?

D. – With the money that the parents earn.

U. -Your parents work in various parts of the economy: on the railway, there are mothers and fathers who are sellers, drivers, seamstresses... Having received money for their work, parents in the family, as well as in the state,

Bottom line. U. – Is the economy important for you, for your family, for the state?

D. Economics is important because it provides benefits.

4. Parts of the economy. Compiling a table

U. - Let’s compile a table “Parts of the Economy” (Workbook, p. 38).


U. - I will present the economy (economy) of our country in the form of a tree, and you make a table in your notebooks.

The parts of the economy are called

The teacher puts the names of industries on the tables of the groups, the group leaders receive the “MINISTER” badge.

Bottom line. U. – What sectors of the economy did you write down?

What industry do your parents work in?

Read the text on p. 100. Look at the pictures.

Read dad's words. (This is the CONCLUSION).


    Application of acquired knowledge through the creation of a problem situation.

a) U. – So, you have gained new knowledge, now you need to apply it to solve a problem situation.

Slide. 

To ensure your body is strong and develops well, every day at school you receive a glass of milk. I propose to play the game “How did a glass of milk come to us?”

“Ministers” must hold a meeting in their industry and decide how the industry helps the state so that every schoolchild receives a glass of milk every day.

"Ministers" report.

Bottom line. – All sectors are interconnected.

B) Why do we need money?

U. – Imagine this situation: a crane was made from steel at a machine-building plant. The construction industry needs it. What should CONSTRUCTION and INDUSTRY do?

D. – You need to buy it, i.e. exchange for money.

IV . Lesson summary.

    Collective compilation of syncwine ECONOMY.

Slide. 


State-owned, reliable.

Produces, buys, sells.

Economics gives people benefits.



Continue the sentence:

It was interesting to know that...

I was surprised...

It was difficult…

Now I know that...

3. Homework. P. 100 (repeat conclusion), 101, 102-103 – reading. Notebook pp. 37-38.

4. Assessment. 5 students - for working on cards. For active work on the largest number of chips received.

Let's read the information .
Crop production- part (branch) of agriculture that is engaged in the cultivation of cultivated plants. Livestock- part (branch) of agriculture that is engaged in breeding domestic animals. Main industries: electric power industry, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, mining, chemical, light, food industry. Main livestock sectors: cattle breeding, pig farming, sheep farming, poultry farming, fish farming, beekeeping. Main branches of crop production: field growing, vegetable growing, fruit growing, viticulture, meadow growing, forestry, floriculture.
In economics, various sectors are interconnected.
Industry connections:

  • chemical industry → food industry
  • mining industry → chemical industry
  • mining industry → metallurgy
  • mechanical engineering → chemical industry
  • metallurgy → mechanical engineering
Relations between agricultural sectors:
  • crop farming → livestock farming
  • livestock → food industry
  • crop production → food industry
  • chemical industry → crop production
  • crop production → light industry
  • mechanical engineering → crop production
Let's look at examples .

Industry links

Chemical → food

The plant produces plastic packaging and containers for food products.

Mining → chemical

Oil workers extract oil to make gasoline.

Mining → metallurgy

Miners extract iron and aluminum ore to smelt aluminum, cast iron, and steel.

Mechanical engineering → chemical

Machine-building enterprises manufacture machines and mechanisms for the production of plastic packaging and containers.

Metallurgy → mechanical engineering

Metallurgists produce aluminum, cast iron, and steel for the production of pots, scissors, spoons, buckets, etc.

Relations between agricultural sectors

Crop farming → livestock farming

Grain growers prepare food for domestic animals.

Livestock → crop production

Domestic animals provide manure to fertilize the fields.

Connections between agricultural sectors and industrial sectors

Livestock → food

People have long known the healing properties of milk. It contains more than 100 substances beneficial to human health. Factories produce a variety of dairy products from milk.

Plant growing → food

Sunflowers are grown in the fields. Sunflower oil is obtained from the seeds of this plant.

Chemical → crop production

Chemical plants produce various mineral fertilizers that are used to feed plants.

What is economics

Solve the crossword puzzle and you will find out what economics is

Use your textbook to complete the definition.

Economy- This is the economic activity of people. All components of the economy are interconnected.

Do you know the sectors of the economy? Label the pictures yourself or with the help of a textbook.

In addition to those listed in the textbook, there are other sectors of the economy. For example, forestry, communications, catering, housing and communal services, banking sector, consumer services. Think about and explain what each of these industries does.
Forestry- a branch of the economy whose functions include: study and accounting of forests, their reproduction, protection from fires, pests and diseases, regulation of forest use, control over the use of forest resources.
Connection- Anyone who wants to use the services of telephony, television and radio broadcasting, and the Internet encounters the communications industry. Postal services are engaged in the receipt, forwarding and delivery of postal items, namely: parcels, letters, parcels, transfers.
Catering is a branch of the national economy engaged in the production and sale of prepared food and semi-finished products.
Department of Housing and Utilities(housing and communal services) - includes about 30 types of activities. The sub-sectors are home maintenance; landscaping (road and bridge maintenance, landscaping, sanitation and waste disposal)
Banking sector- providing clients with a wide range of banking services.
Consumer services for the population- part of the service sector, where non-productive and production services are provided to the population. (Hairdressing salon services, Dry cleaning of clothes, laundry services, Photography services. Bathhouse services. Professional cleaning services, Repair and maintenance services of household radio-electronic equipment, household machines and appliances. Sewing and repair of garments. Manufacturing and repair of furniture, etc. )

At home, ask adults what sectors of the economy they work in. Write it down.

Mom and dad work in the consumer services sector. Mom works in a tailoring shop, and dad repairs household appliances and equipment. Grandmother works in the education industry - she is a teacher, and grandfather works in the transport industry - he is a driver.

Using the book "Encyclopedia of Travel. Countries of the World" fill out the table (according to the sample given in the first line).

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