Moon in Leo - Leo zodiac sign, moon and plants. Lunar Leo Moon phases in July by day

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The lunar calendar for July 2018 will allow you to always be aware of what the Moon is at the moment and what phase of the Moon and will be able to help you plan your affairs in May 2018 with maximum efficiency.

The second month of summer promises to be very changeable. Both in your personal life and in the professional sphere, favorable periods will be replaced by a series of failures. Find out from the lunar calendar for July 2018 which days this month will be especially successful, and for which it is better not to plan anything. Read the lunar calendar for July 2018 and determine your lucky days.

The lunar calendar for July 2018 has 30 days. New moon and full moon coincide with eclipses; one of them will be extremely favorable, the second - fatal.

Moon phases in July 2018

(time indicated Moscow)

Favorable and unfavorable days in July 2018

In the lunar cycle of July 2018, favorable days, as in the previous month, will constantly alternate with unfavorable ones, which can significantly affect your affairs and endeavors. The main thing is to remain determined and under no circumstances lower your head. After all, despite the Moon, if you cope with your emotions, you can achieve success in any month!

The 13th and 27th will bethe most difficult days in July. Pay close attention to any health warning signs. Do not plan long trips or important meetings. But most importantlytry not to resolve any important issues these days.

July 3 and 17,on the contrary, they promise to be successful in all endeavors. Be purposeful, show character, intelligence and your other strengths. Spend these days profitably, because completely new horizons will open up before you, and tasks that seemed impossible will be accomplished with unexpected ease with some effort!

Favorable days: 3, 8, 17, 22

Unfavorable days: 6, 13, 19, 27

Favorable days for haircuts in July 2018

The quality of hair cutting and coloring can depend not only on the skill of the hairdresser, but also on the lunar calendar

Thanks to the fact that scientists have noticed the influence of the Moon, one might even say a magical effect on the organisms living on our planet, according to the phase in which the night celestial body is located, such calendars are made.

Even our great-grandmothers knew that when the moon grows, hair grows faster, does not split, and becomes strong and healthy. But during the period of the Moon that comes, everything happens the other way around: the curls grow slowly, break, split, and become dull.

Favorable days for a haircut in July 2018: July 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27.

Gardener's lunar calendar for July 2018

  • July 1–3 – waning moon. It is not recommended to carry out sowing and planting. It is better to collect grains and root crops, mow, and spray. You can also trim bushes and trees and weed. Plant celery, radishes, bulbs, graft trees and berry bushes.
  • July 4–6 – it is recommended to prepare jams and pickles. A good period for cultivation, watering and fertilizing. A favorable time to harvest root crops, fruits, berries, medicinal and essential oil crops, and dry vegetables and fruits.
  • July 7–9 – during the waning moon, it is recommended to plant root crops, tuberous and bulbous crops. Start trimming bushes and trees.
  • July 10–12 – it is not advisable to plant and replant herbaceous crops. At this time, it is useful to remove excess shoots, trim and weed. Prepare herbs and medicinal herbs. Now we need to collect everything that cannot be stored for long.
  • July 13–15 – it is advisable not to plant and sow garden crops. A good time to fight pests and also to collect sunflower seeds.
  • July 16–18 – Do not transplant or plant fruit trees and vegetables. At this time, climbing plants will take root well.
  • July 19-21 – Plant stone fruit trees, they will take root well. Propagate plants by roots, collect herbs. Plant cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, pumpkins. Take care of grafting, fertilizing, watering and pest control.
  • July 22–24 is a favorable period to plant greens, onions, garlic, peppers, and medicinal herbs. At this time it is good to plant home flowers, they bloom faster. Collect vegetables, berries, fruits and seeds.
  • July 25–27 – it is very good to plant and replant pear and plum trees. A favorable time for loosening, fertilizing, grafting trees and mowing. It is better not to plant anything during the full moon.
  • July 28-30 – Harvest grains and root vegetables. It is useful to plant celery, onions, and radishes. A good time to prepare pickles and jam.

Lunar calendar for July 2018

July 1, 2018 (Sunday)
19th lunar day from 23:01 // 06:56 Moon in Aquarius

July 2, 2018 (Monday)
20 lunar day from 23:24 // 08:02 Moon in Pisces from 20:31

July 3, 2018 (Tuesday)
21 lunar days from 23:44 // 09:10 Moon in Pisces

July 5, 2018 (Thursday)
22nd lunar day from 00:02 // 11:31 Moon in Aries from 07:50

July 6, 2018 (Friday)
23rd lunar day from 00:19 // 12:44 Moon in Aries 3rd quarter 10:50

July 7, 2018 (Saturday)
24 lunar day from 00:37 // 14:00 Moon in Taurus from 15:51

July 8, 2018 (Sunday)
25th lunar day from 00:56 // 15:19 Moon in Taurus

July 9, 2018 (Monday) 26 lunar day 01:19 // 16:40 Moon in Gemini from 19:59

July 10, 2018 (Tuesday)
27th lunar day from 01:47 // 18:01 Moon in Gemini

July 12, 2018 (Thursday)
29th lunar day from 03:14 // 20:26 Moon in Cancer

Lunar calendar: new moon

July 13, 2018 (Friday)
30 lunar day from 04:18 / 1 lunar day from 05:48 // 21:20

New Moon 05:47 Moon in Leo from 20:31

Lunar calendar: waxing moon

July 14, 2018 (Saturday)
2nd lunar day from 05:35 // 22:00 Moon in Leo

July 15, 2018 (Sunday)
3rd lunar day from 06:59 // 22:32 Moon in Virgo from 20:31

July 16, 2018 (Monday)
4th lunar day from 08:25 // 22:57 Moon in Virgo

July 17, 2018 (Tuesday)
5th lunar day from 09:50 // 23:18 Moon in Libra 22:42

July 19, 2018 (Thursday)
7th lunar day from 12:30 // 23:55 Moon in Libra 1st quarter from 22:52

July 20, 2018 (Friday)
8th lunar day from 13:45 // -:- Moon in Scorpio from 04:13

July 21, 2018 (Saturday)
9th lunar day from 14:58 // 00:15 Moon in Scorpio

July 22, 2018 (Sunday)
10th lunar day from 16:09 // 00:36 Moon in Sagittarius from 13:12

July 23, 2018 (Monday)
11th lunar day from 17:16 // 01:02 Moon in Sagittarius

July 24, 2018 (Tuesday)
12th lunar day from 18:17 // 01:32 Moon in Sagittarius

July 25, 2018 (Wednesday)
13th lunar day from 19:11 // 02:09 Moon in Capricorn from 00:49

July 26, 2018 (Thursday)
14th lunar day from 19:57 // 02:55 Moon in Capricorn

Lunar calendar: full moon

July 27, 2018 (Friday)
15th lunar day from 20:34 // 03:48 Moon in Aquarius from 13:41
Full moon at 23:20

Lunar calendar: waning moon

July 28, 2018 (Saturday)
16th lunar day from 21:05 // 04:48 Moon in Aquarius

July 29, 2018 (Sunday)
17th lunar day from 21:29 // 05:53 Moon in Aquarius

July 30, 2018 (Monday)
18th lunar day from 21:50 // 07:01 Moon in Pisces from 02:28

July 31, 2018 (Tuesday)
19th lunar day from 22:09 // 08:10 Moon in Pisces

YoIP Lunar Calendar is pleased to tell you about today's lunar phase.

In total, there are eight periods of the moon’s movement, which it passes through during the period from 29.25 to 29.83 Earth days. The generally accepted duration of a complete change of phases of the moon, the synodic month, is considered to be 29 days, 12 hours and 44 minutes.

The phases change in the following sequence: new moon (the moon is not visible), new moon, first quarter, waxing moon, full moon, waning moon, last quarter and old moon.
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Today the Moon is in phase: “New Moon”

The 30th lunar day begins, the moon is visible at 0%
Moon in the zodiac sign Sagittarius ♐ and the constellation Libra ♎

Detailed information about the moon phase today

Household moon phase:
Astronomical moon phase:
Today the moon in the zodiac sign: ♐ Sagittarius
Today the moon is in the constellation: ♎ Libra
Today's lunar day: 30
Exact age of the moon: 29 days, 5 hours and 14 minutes
Moon visibility: 0%
Beginning of the current lunar cycle (new moon): October 28, 2019 at 06:40
The next new moon will be: November 26, 2019 at 18:07
Duration of this lunar cycle: 29 days, 11 hours and 27 minutes
The exact time of the full moon of this cycle: November 12, 2019 at 16:37
Exact time of next full moon: December 12, 2019 at 08:14
Further on the page:
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Moon phases in November 2019 by day.

The phases of the moon are shown for noon of each day of November (12:00 Moscow time, UTC+3)

Date Moon Phase Day Zodiac
Nov. 1 5 ♑ Capricorn
November 2 6 ♑ Capricorn
the 3rd of November 7 ♑ Capricorn
November 4 8 ♒ Aquarius
November 5 9 ♒ Aquarius
November 6 10 ♓ Pisces
November 7 11 ♓ Pisces
November 8 11 ♓ Pisces
November 9 12 ♈ Aries
10th of November 13 ♈ Aries
11th of November 14 ♉ Taurus
November 12 15 ♉ Taurus
the 13th of November 16 ♊ Gemini
November 14 17 ♊ Gemini
15th of November 18 ♊ Gemini
November 16 19 ♋ Cancer
November 17 20 ♋ Cancer
November 18th 21 ♌ Leo
November 19 22 ♌ Leo
20 November 23 ♍ Virgo
November 21 24 ♍ Virgo
November 22 25 ♎ Libra
November 23 26 ♎ Libra
November 24 28 ♏ Scorpio
November 25 29 ♏ Scorpio
November 26 30 ♐ Sagittarius
November 27 1 ♐ Sagittarius
November 28 2 ♐ Sagittarius
29th of November 3 ♑ Capricorn
November 30th 4 ♑ Capricorn

What zodiac sign is the moon in today?

Now the moon is in the sign ♐ Sagittarius and the constellation ♎ Libra.

Moon in zodiac sign or constellation?

Expression "Moon in the zodiac sign", for example, in the sign "Pisces", implies its astrological position within the boundaries of the zodiac sign. The zodiac sign is one twelfth of the ecliptic, which is 30°. Belongs to the tropical zodiac.

Expression "Moon in the constellation", for example, in the constellation "Aquarius", implies its astronomical position within the boundaries of the constellation. The boundaries of the constellations have different shapes, and the moon is there for different times. Constellations belong to the astronomical zodiac.

This difference arose due to the precession of the earth's axis and the associated shift of the vernal equinox point back by about one sign over 2000 years. Therefore, you can often hear the following clarification: “The Moon is in the sign of Pisces and the constellation Aquarius.” In addition, in the astronomical interpretation, the thirteenth constellation “Ophiuchus” is added to the twelve constellations consonant with the signs of the zodiac. You can read more about the dates of intersection of astronomical and astrological signs of the zodiac on the page.

What phase is the moon in today?

The moon is currently in the waning fourth quarter phase.

What are the phases of the moon?

There are everyday and astronomical phases of the moon. Their names are the same, and the only difference is the duration of the new moon and full moon phases. In everyday life, they each last 2-3 Earth days, until the moon is practically invisible (new moon) or visible almost as a full disk (full moon). But in an astronomical sense, the duration of these phases is less than a second.

The reason for this is that the moon moves around the earth at a speed of about 1023 m/sec, and the full moon and new moon are the moments when the earth, moon and sun line up on the same plane, perpendicular to the direction of the earth's movement around the sun. These moments are very fleeting and if you try to calculate their duration with the accuracy of the coincidence of the positions of the moon, earth and sun to at least one meter, then the duration will be less than 1/1023 of a second.

In our calendar, the duration of the astronomical phases is calculated with an accuracy of one diameter of the moon (about 3476 km), which gives approximately 56.5 minutes.

The duration of the household phases is calculated based on the visibility of the moon's disk being less than 3.12% for the new moon and more than 96.88% for the full moon.

Is the moon waxing or waning now?

How do you know if the moon is waxing or waning today?

You can understand what kind of moon is in the sky now using the mnemonic rule for the northern hemisphere: if the moon looks like the letter “ WITH", that is WITH aging or waning moon. If, by adding a vertical stick to the month, the moon becomes like the letter “ R", then she R fading.

For the southern hemisphere the opposite is true. There they see the moon upside down, so they use musical terms to remember C rescendo (or sign "<„) для растущей луны и D iminuendo (“>” sign) for decreasing.

Near the equator, the moon lies on its side, so both of these options will not be applicable. Instead, they are guided by the time when the “boat” of the moon is visible. If in the evening and in the west, then this is the growing moon following the sun, and if in the morning and in the east, then this is the aging moon. The lunar arch at the equator cannot be seen with the ordinary eye, because... it will always fall during the daytime and the bright light of the sun will make it difficult to see it.

What lunar day is it today?

Now the 30th lunar day begins. 5 hours and 14 minutes have passed since the beginning.

Lunar days and lunar days. What is the difference?

Lunar day- this is the period of time that passes from the moment of the new moon until the moon re-crosses the line of the meridian over which the moon was at the moment of the new moon. The first lunar day begins its countdown at the moment when the center of the moon crosses the line connecting the earth and the sun (the moment of the new moon). The second and subsequent days begin when the center of the moon crosses the meridian above which the moment of the new moon occurred in this lunar cycle.

The average length of a lunar day is about 24 Earth hours, 50 minutes and 28 seconds. This happens because the earth and the moon rotate in the same direction and while the earth makes a full revolution, the moon manages to run away from it a little forward and the earth has to turn a little more so that the moon is exactly above the meridian that it was one lunar day ago .

Lunar days are counted from sunrise to sunset of the moon at each specific point on the globe. At the same time, the beginning of the first lunar day occurs like the beginning of the first lunar day at the time of the new moon, and the second and subsequent lunar days are counted from moonrise. The duration of lunar days and their number are different at each point on the globe. The usual number of lunar days is from 29 to 30 per lunar cycle. However, in some places where the moon may not rise or set for several Earth days, the number of lunar days may be much less. This affects the territories beyond the northern and southern polar circles. There you can go for half a year without seeing the sun or the moon.

Useful tips

The most difficult and stressful month of all 2018 has come to us, which warns: now this is not the time to take on new things, but it’s better to finish, continue what you started in the past or return to unresolved issues!

First, Mars will go retrograde according to the sign of Aquarius, not allowing new business to develop in full force. Besides, July 26, 2018 Mercury will also become retrograde, which also does not advise starting new things.

But that's not all: in July 2018 we will have another eclipse: solar and July 13 and lunar July 27. The days near eclipses are the most stressful and can cause fatal events, the course of which cannot be influenced.

Read more about the events of July 2018 in the article .

Purchases this month should be made with caution, and it is better to exclude large purchases, for example, buying a car. It is quite possible that it will either fail very quickly, or a defect will be discovered. Any purchases made after July 20, 2018, may also turn out to be unsuccessful and with a high probability you will have to return or change them.


♒ 1 JULY, Sunday. 18th, 19th lunar day from 23:01.AQUARIUS

Symbols of the day

The Moon in Aquarius opens July, so nervousness and tension can already be felt and in the air from the very beginning of the month. I want surprises and novelty, so many people will now be drawn to adventure. It is important today to observe moderation in everything, especially when it comes to food and various pleasures. Insatiability and excessive freedom can negatively affect your mood.

What not to do :

Purchases : not a good day for shopping, especially clothes and any beauty items. Today you may have a desire to spend money, but you will regret the excessive extravagance. Most likely, purchases will be useless or will not bring the expected joy and satisfaction. On this day, buy only small things you need in everyday life.

♒♓ 2 JULY, Monday. 19th, 20th lunar day from 23:24.AQUARIUS , FISH from 20:31

Moon without course from 01:56 to 20:30

Symbols of the day : web (spider), eagle.

The Moon without a course all day does not advise you to start doing things whose results are important to you. Today it’s good to plan simple things, you can finish or continue what you started. Not a bad day to visit spa or sauna. Despite the fact that the Moon will be “single”, various kinds of surprises cannot be ruled out. If an unexpected idea comes to your mind, it is better to write it down immediately, because it can easily be forgotten. In the evening, it’s good to meet with friends or chat about topics of interest on forums or on social networks.

What not to do : change place of work; contact your superiors or high authorities; repair computers and devices; overeat; express dissatisfaction, write complaints.

Purchases : The Moon will be out of course for most of the day, so shopping is useless. After 20:30 you can shop online: it’s good to buy equipment or communications equipment.

JULY 3, Tuesday. 20th, 21st lunar day from 23:44.FISH

Symbols of the day : eagle, horse (herd of horses, chariot).

The Water Moon on this day increases sensitivity and receptivity. Favorable aspects of the Moon will help you get what you want. This day is suitable for negotiations and signing documents, but be especially careful! Legal issues can be resolved more easily. Good in the evening plan a party or a date. You can make acquaintances: increased intuition will help you immediately recognize lies or insincerity in another person. Good day for fishing/hunting. It is permissible to marry.

What not to do : give in to emotions, abuse alcohol; engage in harvesting and canning; contact fortune tellers and psychics; trust strangers.

Purchases : Shopping is allowed, but there is a risk of losing money, so be careful when paying and it is better not to carry large amounts of money with you.

Read also:Top 5 Zodiac signs that are at risk of being lonely

JULY 4, Wednesday. 21st lunar day from 00:00.FISH

Moon without course from 12:47

Symbols of the day : horse (herd of horses, chariot).

The first half of the day will be quite successful, but still the approach of the negative aspect of Mercury and Mars makes this day not very suitable for resolving issues related to the preparation and signing of documents, making acquaintances and transferring important information. If you cannot postpone these matters, you will be more careful, as there are possible errors and inaccuracies, some things may need to be redone. You can get married (until about 12:30).

What not to do : draw up and sign important documents; go on long trips abroad, as well as trips by water; conclude important trade deals; conduct experiments and tests; pass exams; argue and believe the promises of advertising companies.

Purchases : shopping under the moon without a course may be in vain. Today is an unfavorable day for buying a car.

♓♈ JULY 5, Thursday. 22nd lunar day from 00:02.FISH , ARIES from 07:50

Moon without course until 07:49

Symbols of the day : elephant (book, golden key).

Today is not the best day to resolve important business issues and negotiations. people will have difficulty understanding each other. Mars retrograde may bring you back to unresolved issues related to papers, transport, travel, but making important decisions today will not be easy. If possible, delay making decisions. Do not decide rashly, but wait for a more suitable time.

Now it's worth being very attentive in statements, since any careless word can cause a storm of indignation, even if you did not mean anything bad. Quarrels and heated arguments will flare up instantly, and it will be difficult to convince anyone of anything.

What not to do : draw up and sign important documents; go on long trips abroad; conclude important trade deals; conduct experiments and tests; pass exams; argue and believe the promises of advertising companies.

Purchases : better to postpone, not a good day. It is especially unfavorable to make large purchases. But even small purchases made on impulse may not bring the desired joy.

OLD MOON from 10:50

6 JULY, Friday. 23rd lunar day from 00:19.ARIES

III quarter, fourth phase of the moon from 10:50

Symbols of the day : crocodile.

A busy day associated with the change of the lunar phase. Now it’s better to rest and relax, but not take on important matters. Any action you take on impulse can turn against you. There is a danger from large crowds of people, so we advise you not to use public transport today, if possible.

What not to do : borrow/lend money; make important decisions, especially if they are rash and impulsive; enter into transactions and agreements (especially those related to financial transactions); to register marriage; sell/buy real estate.

Purchases : It is better to postpone purchases; it is especially not recommended to buy clothes, perfumes, jewelry or cosmetics. It is also not recommended to sell/buy real estate.

♈♉ 7 JULY, Saturday. 23rd, 24th lunar day from 00:37.ARIES , CALF from 15:51

Moon without course from 10:09 to 15:50

Symbols of the day : crocodile, bear.

This day can be quite positive, especially the morning: a good mood and increased activity will help you recharge positive energy and use it in the right direction. Today, new interesting ideas and thoughts may come to you, your partners may surprise you, or you may unexpectedly make a pleasant discovery. However, in the evening, quarrels and disagreements are possible; you should not sort things out with your partners, as it will be very difficult for you to come to an agreement. Until 10:00 you can start looking for work and read job advertisements.

What not to do : sort things out with partners; get into quarrels and disputes; start repairs; exert yourself physically; risk your health or money; borrow/give money, take loans.

Purchases : do not go shopping during the Moon without a course! The rest of the time you can buy beauty items, clothes, shoes.

♉ 8 JULY, Sunday. 24th, 25th lunar day from 00:56.CALF

Symbols of the day : bear, turtle (shell, urn with ashes, two vessels with living and dead water).

Although this day is suitable for starting repairs, it cannot be called very successful. At this time, Mars is still going retrograde, so repair work may most likely not be the most successful and something will have to be redone later. If you still cannot postpone repairs until the fall, we advise you to draw up clear plans actions and monitor the execution of each type of work with increased care.

Today you can move, solve financial issues, invest money, draw up and sign financial documents, sign various contracts and to register marriage(all this is better after 15:30), when the Moon leaves the negative aspects and approaches harmonious ones.

What not to do : get into quarrels and disputes; go to law.

Purchases : You can go shopping after 14:00. It's good to buy clothes, shoes, cosmetics, jewelry.

♉♊ 9 JULY, Monday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 01:19.CALF , TWINS from 19:59

Moon without course from 19:10 to 19:58

Symbols of the day : turtle (shell, urn with ashes, two vessels with living and dead water), toad (swamp).

This day is less successful than the previous one, so we do not recommend practicing financial topics, since there is a risk that something will go wrong. On this day, it is better to do some everyday things, for example, cleaning or caring for indoor plants.

What not to do : borrow/give money or apply for loans; conduct negotiations; deal with legal issues.

Purchases : It is better to postpone serious purchases, since there is little chance of buying something worthwhile. You can make small and insignificant purchases. After 20:00 you can make small purchases online.

Lunar calendar 2018: favorable days

10 JULY, Tuesday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 01:47.TWINS

Moon without course from 23:00

Symbols of the day : toad (swamp), trident (rod, ship).

Events of the day : transition of Venus into the sign of Virgo (05:32); Jupiter becomes direct (20:02).

Today is a good time to start sorting things, ridding your wardrobe of everything unnecessary, as well as moving things to other places. Venus in the sign of Virgo gives restraint of feelings; people will no longer be as willing to demonstrate them as in the previous period. You can meet people and start relationships today, but be careful: don’t trust new people, it’s better take a closer look at them, take a closer look at their habits. Today is a good time to visit a church or holy place. Marriage is acceptable.

What not to do : start long-term projects; go on trips by water or swim in open waters; trust strangers; turn to fortune tellers.

Purchases : Today you can make small purchases, such as buying books or stationery well. It is better to postpone large purchases, this is not the best day for them.

♊♋ 11 JULY, Wednesday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 02:24.TWINS , CANCER from 20:59

Moon without course until 20:58

Symbols of the day : trident (rod, ship), lotus (karma).

The moon without a course will prevent you from solving many things if you start them on this day, besides this end of the lunar month when there is very little energy. Therefore, the best thing is to continue and finish what you started in the past. In the evening, it’s good to look through family albums or chat with relatives. Today you should be careful, because you may miss important things. It's good to read books and continue to collect any information.

What not to do : make new friends; start important things; arrange weddings and engagements; engage in any activities that require increased attentiveness and perseverance.

Purchases : It’s better to postpone shopping – the moon is without a course all day! It is especially unfavorable to buy art and jewelry. After 21:00 you can make purchases online, for example, buy dishes or any household items.

♋ 12 JULY, Thursday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 22:32.CANCER

Symbols of the day : lotus (karma), octopus (hydra, Maya).

A solar eclipse is approaching, so today it’s worth starting things with caution, and it’s better to postpone radically new things until better time. Now it is important to monitor your diet. If on this day you are tormented by any ailments in the area stomach or pancreas, which means you should think about your way of thinking and your behavior: something is going wrong and something needs to be changed. Stick to fasting and avoid alcohol. You can go on short trips to bodies of water.

Eclipse in the sign of Cancer can bring out such qualities as touchiness, vulnerability, excessive sensitivity. Many can be disingenuous and hide the true motives of their actions. This is why you should be more careful in your communication.

What not to do : borrow/lend money; engage in heavy physical labor; start any new business; to register marriage; start long trips; start repairs; contact your superiors and high authorities.

Purchases : It’s better to postpone, it’s a bad day for shopping.

YOUNG MOON from 05:47

♋♌ 13 JULY, Friday,29th, 30th lunar day from 04:18; 1st lunar day from 05:48.

Symbols of the day : lamp (lamp, third eye), cornucopia (mouth).

Favorable aspect Venus and Saturn on this day will allow you to take partnerships more seriously. It is good to negotiate with partners, solve current business issues related to finance, and seek financial support. The proximity of the eclipse does not advise starting new things and projects just yet, so it is better to resolve those issues that are brewing by this time, but not start new projects. You can visit the theater or other cultural events.

What not to do

Purchases : A good time for shopping, especially from about 8:30 to 10:00. It is good to buy clothes and shoes for a basic wardrobe, that is, those that will last a long time. After 10:00 there is a risk of spending more than you planned, so if you go shopping, it is better to watch your spending.

♌♍ 15 JULY, Sunday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 06:59.A LION , VIRGO from 20:31

Moon without course until 02:12 to 20:30

Symbols of the day : cornucopia (mouth), leopard (leopard).

This day is created for rest and relaxation, but not for important undertakings. If you have work for that day, it is better to postpone it until a more opportune time. You can visit cultural events or go on vacation outside the city.

What not to do : starting new businesses, concluding important financial transactions; perform operations; sign investment documents.

Purchases : you can shop after 20:30, when the Moon comes out of idle. You can buy books and also clothes online, but it is better to buy basic wardrobe items rather than for special occasions.

♍ 16 JULY, Monday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 08:25.VIRGO

Symbols of the day : leopard (leopard), tree of knowledge.

The Moon in Virgo will make you more careful and responsible, but this does not mean that you will not fly in the clouds. The closeness of the aspect to Neptune may cloud the creation a little, and the world around may seem too perfect and unreal. If we take the issues more seriously, then this is an acceptable day for drawing up and signing documents. This is a good time to do some cleaning and daily chores. All fantasies that arise should not be transferred into reality, but expressed in creativity. It's good to listen to music or watch your favorite movie.

What not to do : experiment with food; undergo complex medical examinations (there is a risk of errors); arrange weddings and engagements; make homemade preserves.

Purchases : a good time to make purchases, especially not too large ones. Be careful with money: there is a risk of monetary losses. For example, banknotes can be easily mixed up, or the store may give you the wrong change. Unfavorable day for purchasing real estate and land.

♍♎ 17 JULY, Tuesday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 09:50.VIRGO , SCALES from 22:42

Moon without course from 13:49 to 22:41

Symbols of the day : tree of knowledge, unicorn.

Not a bad day to start cleaning or sorting things. Routine tasks that require attention and accuracy will work out especially well. You can do paperwork, calculations, and accounting. Get things started before the moon goes idle if you want to get a satisfying result. In the morning you can go to business trip.

What not to do : arrange weddings and engagements; make homemade preserves; meet and go on dates.

Purchases : do not go shopping during the Moon without a course - there is a risk of buying something unnecessary, but not finding the right thing! Today you can buy basic necessities, hygiene items, medicines, and medical instruments. You can also buy books, especially those related to health or medicine.

♎ 18 JULY, Wednesday, 5th, 6th lunar day from 11:11.SCALES

Symbols of the day : unicorn, crane.

Not a bad time to build relationships with partners. Your mood on this day should improve compared to the previous few days. There will be a desire to meet someone or go on a date. You can arrange an engagement party or feasts for other occasions. Good to visit theater, museum or exhibition. Negotiations will go well on this day. You can start decorating your home. Before 10:00 it is good to resolve issues related to business partnerships, for example, to schedule negotiations or interviews.

What not to do : argue and sort things out; ignore your partner's requests; do not listen to other people's opinions.

Purchases : a good day to buy clothes, shoes, jewelry, perfumes. Easy and unburdensome spending today will be welcome. However, remember that on the days of the waxing moon it is more difficult to find good discounts. However, the money spent on this day promises to quickly return to you.

WALKING MOON from 22:52

19 JULY, Thursday, 6th, 7th lunar day from 12:30.SCALES

First quarter, second phase of the moon from 22:52

Moon without course from 22:53

Symbols of the day : crane, wand (wind rose, keys).

A weak Moon on this day does not recommend starting new and important things. Now it is best to continue things started in the past. On this day there is a risk of quarrels and disagreements with partners, it is better not to provoke quarrels or argue, especially over trifles, as this can lead to more serious consequences. It is possible that someone may use cunning to get what they want, rumors may spread, and intrigue may arise in teams.

What not to do : borrow/lend money; sort out relationships with partners; enter into disputes and discussions; start any new important things; schedule important negotiations; sign important documents.

Purchases : It’s better to postpone, it’s a bad day for purchases, especially large ones.

Favorable days of the lunar calendar

20 JULY, Friday, 7th, 8th lunar day from 13:45.SCALES , SCORPION from 04:13

Moon without course until 04:12

Symbols of the day : rod (wind rose, keys), phoenix.

This is a difficult day when your not-so-pleasant emotions and manifestations may come to the surface. To avoid quarrels and disagreements with those around you, you should control your behavior. However, other people can irritate and anger you, so it won't always be easy to control your emotions. It's best to focus your energy on searching for lost things, for research work, for intellectual activity. Beware of electricity, sharp objects and fire.

What not to do : get into quarrels and disputes; failure to comply with safety precautions at home and at work; to go on a trip; start a new position; lend/borrow money; put on new clothes for the first time.

Purchases : Today you should shop with caution, but buying clothes, shoes, cosmetics, jewelry on this day is a bad idea, especially before 15:00. You can make small and insignificant purchases after 15:00.

21 JULY, Saturday, 8th, 9th lunar day from 14:58.SCORPION

Symbols of the day : phoenix, milky way (bat, mother's milk).

On this day, intuition and sensitivity seriously increase, you may see prophetic dreams, or some important premonitions. Notice any signs that come your way. Think about what they might mean. Today you can continue your research work, it is good to focus on intellectual work. Maybe just read an interesting book.

What not to do : borrow/lend money, apply for loans and other important documents; meet; register a marriage; start a new job; go on trips.

Purchases : Another bad day for shopping, if possible, it is better to postpone shopping trips.

22 JULY, Sunday, 9th, 10th lunar day from 16:09.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 13:12

Moon without course from 12:18 to 13:11

Symbols of the day : milky way (bat, mother's milk), fountain (mushroom, source of water, phallus).

Venus and Jupiter in a favorable aspect on this day will bring joy and pleasure, especially in the first half of the day. Treat yourself to something nice this Sunday, you can indulge yourself in something tasty or do nice gift to a loved one. You can go on trips, but you will be more careful with your luggage and documents. You can make new acquaintances and go on dates. Marriage is acceptable, especially before 12:00. After 13:30 you can borrow/give money or apply for loans.

What not to do : deal with important matters related to land and construction; starting new things under the Moon without a course.

Purchases : this day is more successful for shopping than the previous two, but you should still be on alert: slow Mercury may prevent you from buying a really worthwhile item. Don't make purchases during the Moon without a course!

23 JULY, Monday, 10th, 11th lunar day from 17:16, SAGITTARIUS

Symbols of the day : fountain (mushroom, source of water, phallus), crown (ridge, fire sword, labyrinth).

Event of the day : transition of the Sun into the sign of Leo (00:00).

With the transition of the Sun into the sign of Leo, opportunities open up for creative realization and demonstration of one's talents. However, today the Moon will be in negative aspects with Venus and Neptune, so you should not plan important things related to partnerships (marriage, dating, dating) for this day. You can travel, but it’s better not by water. Mercury is approaching a static position, so there is no point in drawing up documents and signing them now. The day can be associated with mistakes and illusions when we take wishful thinking.

What not to do : make new friends; go on dates; register a marriage; work with documents; sign contracts.

Purchases : It’s better not to make particularly important purchases today. You should not buy clothes, shoes, or beauty items. Today there is a risk of losing money. Be careful when making calculations!

24 JULY, Tuesday, 11th, 12th lunar day from 18:17.SAGITTARIUS

Moon without course from 11:22

Symbols of the day : crown (ridge, fire sword, labyrinth), bowl (heart).

Venus-opposition-Neptune. This is an aspect of illusions and deceptions, especially in the areas of finance and partnership, so all matters related to these areas may turn out to be unsuccessful. The Moon in Sagittarius can heighten feelings and desires aimed at achieving goals. However, you should remember that not everything can be clear and understandable to you. After this day, misunderstandings and unclear feelings may remain, which will still have to be sorted out in the future.

What not to do : risk money; engage in capital investments; register a marriage; start advertising campaigns; make important financial transactions; go on a journey by water.

Purchases : not the best day for shopping, it’s better to postpone. There is a risk of wasting money or running into fraud and deception!

♑ 25 JULY, Wednesday, 12th, 13th lunar day from 19:11.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 00:49

Moon without course until 00:48

Symbols of the day : bowl (heart), wheel (spinning wheel).

A good time for cleaning, despite the fact that the Moon is still waxing, but will soon become waning. All things, started before 08:45, may encounter serious obstacles, so if you plan something, it is better after this time. This day may be associated with some surprises that will be difficult to accept. The Moon in Capricorn does not like change, so it is better to make a concrete plan and build strategies. In any case, remember that there will still be some surprise. Stay away from electricity. You can get rid of bad habits. Since Mercury is static, exclude any matters related to it.

What not to do : move to a new job, change place of residence; contact your superiors with requests and suggestions; carry out important financial transactions in the bank; engage in commerce; go on trips; borrow/lend money; sign important documents; conduct important negotiations.

Purchases : It is better to make any purchases with caution - static Mercury! This is not a good day for large purchases.

♑ 26 JULY, Thursday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 19:57.CAPRICORN

Moon without course from 16:41

Symbols of the day : wheel (distaff), pipe (call).

Event of the day : Mercury enters retrograde motion (08:02). And again Mercury becomes retrograde, so in the next three weeks we advise you to carefully monitor documents, purchases, and agreements. There may be errors, inaccuracies, delays, travel delays, transport problems, and so on.

The day is suitable for more routine daily activities, for example, you can do cleaning or any other work that requires concentration and concentration. I don’t want to communicate on this day. People will be more drawn to being alone. It will be difficult to agree on something. Plans may be disrupted.

What not to do : move to a new job, change place of residence; contact your superiors with requests and suggestions; carry out important financial transactions in the bank; engage in commerce; go on trips; borrow/lend money; sign important documents; conduct important negotiations; go where there are large crowds of people.

Purchases : It’s better to put it off, it’s not a good day for shopping.

WANING MOON from 23:20

♑♒ 27 JULY, Friday, 14th, 15th lunar day from 20:34.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 13:41

Moon without course until 13:40


FULL MOON at 23:20

Symbols of the day : trumpet (call), fiery serpent (jackal with wings).

The second eclipse of July will also be difficult. Influence Uranus and Mars will be especially strong and will give sharp surprises and changes, aggressive manifestations. This eclipse of the Moon can snatch out deep-seated experiences and emotions that have been accumulating for a long time, and now they can unexpectedly make themselves felt. Therefore, we advise you to especially carefully monitor and control your emotions on this day. Now it’s good to free yourself from negative emotions with the help of psychological practices.

The nervous system will be overloaded, so breakdowns are likely. It will be good to help meditation and relaxation techniques. In the evening, you can visit swimming pools or spa salons (but it’s better not to steam in saunas and baths at high temperatures; now it’s better to visit a Turkish bath). This will also allow you to relax and relieve the burden of negative emotions. Before the eclipse, think about what you would like to get rid of, what you would like to throw out of your life to make it easier.

Near an eclipse, cardiovascular diseases may worsen, and high blood pressure may occur. This is worth considering for those who suffer from problems with the heart and blood vessels!

What not to do : borrow/lend money; start new important things; conduct important negotiations;get into quarrels and disputes; make requests to superiors and high authorities.

Purchases : Better to postpone, bad day for shopping.

♒ 28 JULY, Saturday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 21:05.AQUARIUS

Symbols of the day : fire snake (jackal with wings), butterfly (dove).

The Moon in the sign of Aquarius requires freedom and lightness; do not overload this day with complex affairs. It is better to do intellectual work, relax and meet with friends and like-minded people. If relaxation and stress relief are sports for you, you can go in for sports.

What not to do : enter into financial transactions; go to court; register firms and enterprises or create commercial public pages on the Internet; contact your superiors with requests and suggestions; go on long journeys.

Purchases : not the best day for shopping; we especially do not recommend buying communications equipment, phones and computers, despite the fact that this is the day of the Moon in the sign of Aquarius. The equipment may quickly fail, or you will have to replace it for another reason.

♒ 29 JULY, Sunday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 21:29.AQUARIUS

Moon without course from 12:25

Symbols of the day : butterfly (dove), bunch of grapes (bells).

Nervousness and sensitivity to words may increase on this day. People can misunderstand each other, choose their words incorrectly, ultimately offending or hurting the pride of others. This especially applies to virtual communication, when the other party does not see your emotions, but reads the words, superimposing on them the emotions and feelings that he wants. That's why in the first half of the day We advise you not to communicate virtually at all. Stop at personal communication, pay more attention to your loved ones. It's still a good time to be physically active. After 13:00 you can advertise, write advertisements, lend/borrow money.

What not to do : move to a new place of work; take on new responsibilities; plant/replant garden crops; contact your superiors with requests and suggestions; to register marriage.

Purchases : Bad time for shopping before 12:25. If you need to go shopping, it is better to go shopping in the afternoon. Buy computer equipment, electrical appliances and phones with caution. Make sure that you can exchange the product or get your money back if there is a problem.

♒♓ 30 JULY, Monday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 21:50.AQUARIUS , FISH from 02:28

Moon without course until 02:27

Symbols of the day : bunch of grapes (bells), mirror (monkey, ice).

What not to do : contact fortune tellers, psychics; trust strangers; starting to take potent medications; canning vegetables and fruits; go to the mountains.

Purchases : You can make small purchases. Remember that Mercury is retrograde, so you should check the product carefully before purchasing.

JULY 31, Tuesday, 18th, 19th lunar day from 22:09.FISH

Symbols of the day : mirror (monkey, ice), net (spider).

Today, sensitivity and intuitiveness will increase even more, as the Moon is still visiting the sign of Pisces and will meet the planet Pisces on its way Neptune. This means that you should listen even more to your intuition and your desires and act as your subconscious tells you. It is better not to plan particularly important matters related to solving financial issues for today. You can engage in social activities, charity, and resolve issues related to hospitals and medicine. You can visit holy places or churches.

What not to do : contact fortune tellers, psychics; trust strangers; take strong medications; canning vegetables and fruits; go to the mountains.

Purchases : bad day for shopping, better postpone. We especially do not recommend buying clothes, shoes, jewelry, perfume, and cosmetics.

Various things to do and the most favorable days for them in July 2018

Cleaning:7-9, 16, 17, 25, 26
Wet cleaning:1, 2, 10, 11, 18, 19, 28, 29
Wash:3, 4, 12, 30, 31
Washing windows and glass: 1, 2, 5-7, 10, 11, 28, 29
Ironing:1-12, 28-31
Dry cleaning:1-12, 28-31
Start of repair:8
Start of house construction: No
Moving:1, 8, 28, 29
Signing important documents: 3, 8, 16
Looking for a new job: 7, 10, 16
Appeal to the authorities: 7, 22, 24
Transfers and receipts of money, loans, debts: 22, 29
Dating, dates, engagements: 3, 8, 10, 14, 18, 22
Recreation trips to bodies of water: 3, 12, 30, 31
Trips to holiday homes and sanatoriums: 3, 23
Trips to the mountains:No
Business trips: 17
Visiting theaters, concerts, cinemas, museums, exhibitions: 7-9, 14, 15, 18, 19
Banquets and celebrations: 8, 14, 15, 18, 19, 22-24
Weddings:3, 4, 8, 10, 21, 22
Judicial and legal issues: 3
Solving important financial issues: 8, 14, 16
Investments: 3, 8, 22
Commercial activity: 8, 10, 16
Winnings from gambling and lotteries: 14, 22
Exchange transactions: 8
Preparation of documents: 3, 8, 22, 16, 17
Making wills: 8, 14, 20, 22
Insurance:16, 20
Advertising:3, 22, 29, 30
Small purchases:3, 9, 10, 15-17, 20, 22, 29, 30
Large purchases: No
Shopping for cosmetics, perfumes, clothing, jewelry: 7, 8, 14, 15, 18
Real estate purchases: No
Buying a car: No
Probability of unexpected expenses: 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 24, 27
Loss of money, deception, scam, fraud: 3, 10, 16, 23, 31
The most successful and favorable days of the month: 3, 8, 14, 16, 22
Dangerous and unfavorable days of the month: 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 25-27

In the house of the Sun - the god of love, joy, creativity, awareness. On the throne of Pluto - the god of magic, sexual, transformational energies, influence on others, power. In the element of Fire.

Emotions and behavior. When the Moon enters the sign of Leo, the emotions gain sparkle and radiance. People are drawn to boast, to show their nobility and generosity. There are a lot of emotions, but they are less vulnerable compared to previous days when the Moon was in Cancer. Men strive to behave in a chivalrous manner; the fiery masculine Yang principle predominates. This period is also conducive to heroic emotions and promises. Lots of fun, craving for joy, relaxation, wanting to be recognized. It becomes important for people to feel their weight, strength, influence, to be the “Lion King”.

Job. This is the most favorable position for sociable people who are not afraid of the audience and attention, and feed on it. This period is good for politicians, actors, artists. Various shows can be very successful: fashion, advertising. Great time for performances and fairs. This is a wonderful time for celebrations and weddings: love, passion, sparkle will accompany them. This period is also favorable for fashion designers who create images for presentation, photographers, and child psychologists. This period is less favorable for everyday tasks: you want to relax and enjoy yourself rather than work.

Love. What could be more amazing than love when the Moon is in Leo? This period is especially suitable for weddings: there will be a lot of passion, love, sparkle. A romance started at this time (if you don’t ruin everything on the first day) will last a long time - feelings will be deep, partners will attract each other. The easiest way for romance to begin is with an open, even exaggerated compliment. Give compliments generously - it will bring joy and will be well received. The strength of this Moon position is a radiant openness of feeling. Such a romance will be full of joy, passion, elation, brilliance, generosity. These are the best days for love.

Finance and values. When the Moon is in Leo, people are more inclined to spend money rather than save. Trade related to beauty and luxury accessories: jewelry, clothing, perfume, cosmetics will be successful. This period is fertile for theaters and various places of entertainment. Items purchased during this period will be luxurious, valuable and durable, but sometimes impractical and rarely used.

Health. Sensitive parts of the body: heart, back, solar plexus. It is better not to overload these areas, not to operate. This period is successful in treating the eyes, nervous system, legs, tendons; operations on blood vessels, the heart, and removal of dilated capillaries are prohibited. Do not touch moles, warts and rough spots on the skin. In addition, one should not waste physical energy in vain, since this requires more physical energy than usual. At this time, all vascular diseases and diseases of the nervous system (convulsions, tremors) can be treated. Treatment of lower legs, joint diseases, and diseases of the organs of vision is recommended. In the diet of all signs, fatty foods are undesirable, because... These days are important in terms of the fight against excess weight. Include exercises for breathing and increasing the flexibility of the dorsal and cervical spine in your morning exercise routine. It is very important to maintain a straight posture throughout the day - this will significantly improve heart function and reduce fatigue in Leos. At dawn and dusk of the day, Lionesses should protect their hearts from stress and overly strong emotions. Women of all signs should protect their eyes from bright light.

Children. Children at this time are especially active, cheerful, and proactive. It would be really nice to just play with them without any challenges. Children should accumulate positive experiences of shared joy, love, and relaxation. Let them laugh, be happy, be creative, express their love and affection. Rejoice and relax with them. Let the children be lion cubs, tell them: “You are the best, beloved, important to me, I love you very much!” (Adults, especially men, need the same thing these days, sometimes even more than children).

  • Entry of the Moon into the sign of Leo in 2019 in Moscow:
  • January 21 at 06:54
  • February 17 at 18:20
  • March 17 at 03:56
  • April 13 at 10:50
  • May 10 at 16:13
  • June 6 at 22:15
  • 4 July at 06:19
  • July 31 at 16:18
  • August 28 at 02:53
  • September 24 at 12:19
  • October 21 at 19:28
  • November 18 at 00:57
  • December 15 at 06:56
Entry of the Moon into Leo in other years
Moon in Leo 2018 Moon in Leo 2019
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Moon in Leo. A haircut on such days makes your hair beautiful, voluminous and silky. But know that this position of the Moon in the sky is considered unfavorable for a haircut if your business is going well, and favorable if you want to change the way or rhythm of your life.


A person in whose horoscope the Moon is in Leo has a truly fiery temperament. As a rule, he is choleric; It is difficult to imagine him depressed and depressed. Therefore, when the latter happens and the blues roll over the lunar Leo, he represents the complete opposite of the royal sign. Namely, he behaves defiantly, demonstratively neglects other people, boasts without restraint, considers himself the “navel of the earth” and makes others think the same, overestimates his own talents and exaggerates his successes. At the same time, he shows a noticeable tendency towards pompous luxury and excessive comfort, loves to command, is demanding and picky, wasteful, arrogant, two-faced, suspicious. A shameless manipulator. However, the described case is a variant of the development of a “lion” character with a minus sign. A good upbringing, plus success in life, plus just a good mood give society an energetic, independent, active person, full of real enthusiasm. He is able to move forward without stopping and lead others.

Lunar Leo will not rest until his work is completed, his work reaches perfection, and his professionalism reaches genius. He is very responsible. He may dump some of the work on another person, but he will constantly worry and eventually finish everything himself.

If the credit for the achievement does not belong to him, he will not claim laurels, but if he has worked in a distinguished team, he considers himself first among the best. When the lunar Leo has completed a difficult task alone, he will not be able to get enough of praise for a long time, and a flattering word for him is much more valuable than bonuses or awards. In the end, he will earn money himself, but you can’t buy a good word. At the same time, he will not refuse to help a colleague, or indeed a comrade who finds himself in a difficult situation. Leo will take pleasure in doing another person a favor. But this “other” must appreciate his efforts, otherwise Leo will harbor a deep grudge.

Job. Whatever work the lunar Leo does, it is important for him that it leads to the fulfillment of his need for play. After all, work for him is a game, a stage where he feels like a director and actor. It is thanks to this attitude that he is able to convince other people of the correctness of his information and the indisputability of his information. This helps him achieve success not only in the acting profession, if he chooses one, but also in other communication-related fields: journalism, sales (especially direct sales), and marketing. The downside of this character trait is the tendency to dramatize and theatrical effects. However, if you get to know this person well, he will not be able to deceive you with such a game.

Relationship. In friendship, the lunar Leo shows nobility, generosity, magnanimity, devotion, and kindness. The same applies to romantic relationships. With such a partner you can feel like you are behind a stone wall. Moreover, the lunar Leo does not at all refuse responsibility for another and will gladly take the reins of power into his own hands. He will manage the situation with his characteristic aplomb, self-confidence, enthusiasm and unsurpassed self-esteem.

Communication. With strangers or unfamiliar people, the lunar Leo is traditionally polite and friendly, never stoops to sycophancy, and knows his own worth. He will not allow anyone to doubt his talents, knowledge and skills. Moon Leo is always vain, and if there is no one around to praise him, he will calmly do it himself. Hates criticism. To criticize Leo means to lose his sympathy once and for all.

Career. He also does not like to be subordinate. At work, he prefers leadership positions not so much because of money, but because of independence. Fair with subordinates. In addition, a position of authority means a more or less respectable title. And for Lunar Leo, being called a “sales employee” is real torture. Maybe he would be better off as “Director of Market Development,” even if the department consists of three people, including himself? And with all this, the lunar Leo neglects the opinion of the public. How two such contradictions coexist in him - vanity and disregard for the opinions of others - is known only to him. But the fact remains: if the lunar Leo does something, then it doesn’t matter to him what society thinks about his actions. This is a born nonconformist, moreover, such an attitude allows him to once again demonstrate independence and self-sufficiency, which the lunar Leo has more than enough of.

Aspirations. His intuition is also fine. Especially in matters related to profit and success. We are not necessarily talking about money: it can be the successful completion of a business, the start of a risky project, the search for reliable partners, the verification of delivered information. If the lunar Leo gets down to business, nothing can stop him. This is a real locomotive. When he sets a goal, only death can prevent its achievement - he shows such incomprehensible zeal, hard work and perseverance.

Lunar Leo pays attention to his appearance. She takes care of her wardrobe, hairstyle, and if she is a woman, then her makeup. She is interested in fashion, loves to experiment, strives to create her own style and an impressive, memorable image. If he chooses some famous personality as a standard, he will easily and successfully copy the star’s image, in which he will look organic, even without having a star’s wealth.

Relationships with the opposite sex are successful, they trust him, and he himself is sincere. But it is important to find someone who wants to play the second violin part. Another quality of an ideal partner is the ability to praise and provide moral support in a difficult situation. Moon Leo is very, very worried if he doesn’t succeed in something. But it’s difficult for him to ask for help: he’s used to relying only on himself.

Gardener - sowing

Leo is the most barren sign. You should not plant or sow, but you can control weeds and cultivate the soil. Only trees and shrubs are allowed to be planted.

Collection of herbs

Violation of cardiac activity and blood circulation.

Planning the gender of the child

The moon is in the male zodiac sign.

Weather forecast

The Day of Heat reigns in the world. Most often the weather is good these days, this time is suitable for a walk outside the city. Even if the whole sky is covered with clouds, it seems that it is warm outside. In the sign of Leo, days are dry, so you need to drink a lot. Sudden thunderstorms often occur in summer.

Nutrition and weight loss

When the Moon passes through the signs of the element of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), the body requires more protein. It is on these days that protein is best absorbed by the body and brings it the most benefits. This means that on the days of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, you need to make sure that your diet consists mainly of protein foods, and the proteins should be half of plant and half of animal origin.

Animal proteins are found in lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, cottage cheese; vegetable - in legumes (soybeans, beans, peas), as well as in various cereals.

But the amount of fat and carbohydrates on “protein” days should be reduced. Therefore, it is recommended to trim the fat from it before cooking meat, and the meat should not be fried, but boiled, stewed, or cooked on a grill or steamed. It is advisable to consume milk, cottage cheese, kefir with a low percentage of fat content or, even better, low-fat. It is better to avoid cheese on protein days, even though it contains enough protein, since cheese is a very fatty product.


Procedures and operations on the eyes and legs will go well.
You cannot perform any procedures or surgeries on the heart or back. Today these organs are especially vulnerable.


The moon is in Leo, one of the best periods for marriage.


Buy gifts, jewelry, decorations and things that you will rarely use. Shoes purchased these days quickly wear out and become unusable. The Moon in Leo is the best time to choose gifts. If you are planning to give someone a present, then choose it on these days - you won’t regret it. You can buy some decoration for your home. It is very good to buy products made of gold, precious metals and stones. However, on days when the Moon is in Leo, spending money needs to be seriously controlled, since at this time the Moon tends to be excessively wasteful. This is a time of uncontrollable emotions, exaltation and bright colors - the Moon is visiting the royal Sun! You will be tempted to buy something amazing, unique and super fashionable - shoes or a dress that will dazzle those around you. You have the right! But keep in mind that, most likely, you will wear these things only a few times, and not because you will be disappointed in them, but because they will quickly lose their shape and appearance. This is especially true for shoes: the Moon in Leo is the worst time to purchase them. As for clothing, an exception can be made for warm sweaters: they will really keep you warm in winter. Perfumes and decorative cosmetics are also a good investment at the moment.


Magic for gaining power over others, courage, giving birth to a child. Types of magic associated with winning disputes and influencing others are suitable. In addition, it gives confidence, courage, physical strength and leadership abilities. Magic is also aimed at changing one’s appearance and other people’s attitudes towards oneself. Ideal time for haircuts.


Perfect for chin plastic surgery, anti-aging procedures in the face, neck and whole body, anti-wrinkle creams these days will give maximum effect. It is not recommended to do deep facial peeling; steaming is also undesirable. These days are perfect for reconsidering your style and appearance in general. Nourishing creams and masks will be especially effective during the Moon in Leo.

Description of all lunar signs of the Zodiac all moon signs → Share

The Moon in Leo promotes an upbeat, cheerful mood.

Muscles bulge, play, determination reigns, a person gathers his courage, dares to make a decision.

The boundaries are somewhat blurred and seem easily overcome.

It seems to us that we can do everything, are capable of everything, just a little more - and the whole world is at our feet.

In the days of Leo, we want everyone to praise us and give us compliments. Do not be stingy with kind words for others - they will answer you in kind.

Leo is good for celebration and fun.

Presentations go well. It is advisable to dress smartly, put yourself in order and go somewhere where there are a lot of people and a festive atmosphere reigns: to the theater, to a concert, to visit.

These days people pay especially great attention to appearance: the way you look will certainly be noticed. If you want to make a favorable impression, use Leo days to the fullest.

Moon in Leo (Leo days) – HEALTH

The impulse of the Moon in Leo makes the entire circulatory system “sing.”

Now she is much more active than on other days. On Leo days, sometimes your back hurts more and your heart goes a little crazy.

Moon . Those with heart problems should avoid tiring travel and anything that overstrains the heart and circulatory system.

It is advisable to refrain from unnecessary worries. Do not put stress on the heart, as this can result in a heart attack or heart failure.

In the days of Leo, a person is susceptible to various radiculitis. You cannot waste physical strength in vain, as this will require significantly more energy expenditure than usual.

After such a waste of energy, when the Moon moves into the sign of Virgo, a painful state may occur. Therefore, physical strength during the stay of the Moon in Leo should be spent sparingly.

Nervousness and insomnia may occur.

At this time, all vascular diseases and diseases of the nervous system (convulsions, tremors) can be treated. Treatment of shins, joint diseases, and organs of vision is recommended.

Do not touch moles, warts and rough spots on the skin.

When the Moon is in Leo, surgical intervention in the area of ​​the heart, the entire cardiovascular and circulatory systems, the spine and chest, the diaphragm, and the spleen is excluded.

Heart surgery is contraindicated, as well as anything that puts stress on the heart. However, in Leo days, you can operate on the eyes and legs and put stress on these areas of the body.

Plastic surgery on the face to correct the shape of the chin, eliminate folds and deposits on the neck and hips will be successfully completed.

Removal of benign tumors, thermal and surgical lifting, peeling, and physiotherapy are permitted.

Moon in Leo (Leo days) – BEAUTY, HAIR CUT

The moon in Leo is a very favorable time for cutting hair. Hair becomes stronger and more voluminous. If Leo's days fall on a full moon, the effect of the haircut is enhanced.

If the child's first haircut is done at this time, then the baby will eventually develop a lion's mane.

On Leo days, hair perm works well - it turns out especially curly. For those who do not strive to get a curly mane, but prefer light curls, getting a perm during the Moon in Leo is not recommended.

Your appearance will benefit if you take mineral and radon baths these days, as well as steam baths and hot masks - they are very refreshing.

On Leo days, you can choose your own cosmetics and do your makeup - the choice will be successful. But shoes bought these days quickly wear out and become unusable.

Moon in Leo - influence on plant growth and development

Leo is the second sign of the Fire verse. The Sun patronizes him. Therefore, it is considered one of the driest and barren signs.

When the Moon passes the sign of Leo, at this time you absolutely cannot plant or replant anything. The only exception is green beans.

In general, on Leo Days the mood is always high, you want to have fun and relax. Therefore, arrange a holiday for yourself and the earth. Rest and do not disturb her if it is possible to reschedule the planting.

Leo days are good for collecting medicinal herbs, drying roots and fruits.

If there are dry branches on trees and bushes. Weed and fight weeds.

But, it should be remembered that these days plants are very sensitive to damage, so care is necessary not to damage neighboring plants, along with weeds.

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