Zoroastrian horoscope for the snake for the year. Favorable months: April, August, September

home / Feelings

The hedgehog is a very mysterious creature. He only seems small and touching, but in reality he is a fighter: stubborn, energetic, persistent. He easily enters into unequal battles and disputes and, characteristically, manages to win them - due to the fact that larger and more experienced opponents simply underestimate the prickly little one. A rebel in life, Hedgehog patronizes changes and reforms designed to break the old. However, this does not mean at all that he throws away everything that has been achieved before him: the thrifty (sometimes to the point of stinginess) Hedgehog takes truly important and valuable things with him into the new era he has begun. Well, what the ruler of the Zoroastrian year has prepared specifically for you depends on your personal totem - the animal that patronizes your year of birth.

Zoroastrian horoscope 2018


Years of the Hedgehog - 1954, 1986, 2018.

The coming year will bring you many worries and troubles, most of which, fortunately, will be pleasant. Many of you will be puzzled by renovations or construction, someone will decide to move to a new home (perhaps in another city or even country), someone will be overwhelmed with family matters - for example, related to the birth of an heir(s). True, these joys will be associated with financial costs, so you will have to tighten your belt for a while. Malice may awaken in you, but no matter how much you would like to sharpen it on those around you, try to avoid sarcasm towards colleagues and barbs when communicating with your “other half” - this is fraught with undermining mutual trust and can ultimately lead to separation.


Years of Lani - 1923, 1955, 1987

You are emotional and sensitive by nature, but in 2018, try not to take events too personally. To overcome negativity, stars recommend going in for sports: it will help both “bleed off” unnecessary emotions and improve your figure. Fortunately, most of your experiences will be positive: for example, many romantic meetings, flirting and pleasant moments are planned in your personal life. Your charm is simply irresistible, but do not use this power to play with or manipulate the feelings of other people: you risk thereby planting a “time bomb” that will derail your plans and hopes at the most unexpected moment.


Years of the Elephant - 1924, 1956, 1988

A powerful, stubborn “heavyweight”, you are not inclined to have your head in the clouds and steadily stomp towards success. This tactic will bear good fruit in 2018. But if you want more, you should speed up the pace a little: don’t waste promising projects and proposals that competitors are literally trying to pull out from under your trunk. To be sure to catch interesting ideas, awaken the party animal in you: do not avoid parties and new acquaintances, meet with friends more often, and participate more actively in work holidays. By the way, social life will also result in improvements on the personal front: Single elephants can finally meet true love.


Years of the Horse - 1925, 1957, 1989

You've been jumping and jumping - and now you've finally arrived: the Year of the Hedgehog rejoices at you being energetic, like family, and promises a respite and an opportunity to relax. Try to devote any convenient time to relaxation (relaxation by the water - on the sea or river coast) will be optimal for you and sacrifice less of yourself. Sympathy and the desire to take on other people’s problems are your “trademark” traits, but in 2018 it is better to keep them in check: with a high probability, petitioners will have one goal - to sit on your neck, although in fact they may well solve their problems on their own . In the personal sphere, stars recommend not to waste time on relationships with uninteresting people, so as not to miss the main thing.

Also read: eastern horoscope for 2018


Years of the Cheetah - 1926, 1958, 1990

0-o-o, in 2018 you will definitely be on the list of lucky ones! The hedgehog promises that you will easily be able to achieve all your goals and plans, make large profits, repay old debts, and realize your most expensive desires. To do this, you just need to observe a couple of points: clearly define (primarily for yourself) what exactly you want, and move forward, “exposing” your innate intuition and razor-sharp mind. Having achieved success, try not to brag about it to others: there is a high risk of running into ill-wishers, whose envy will push them to start gossip and rumors about you. Take care of your own reputation.


Peacock Years - 1927, 1959, 1991

You are used to shining and surprising others with the breadth of possibilities. And most often this brings tangible bonuses. But in 2018, the stars recommend being more inconspicuous: there is a high risk of attracting unnecessary people, or even scammers. If you can overcome frivolity and a passion for boasting, then your year will be more than successful: growth in your professional activities is expected (serious promotions or expansion of responsibilities with a corresponding increase in salary are possible) and improvement in social status. As for your personal life, you will have a little less fans than you are used to. However, this does not exclude meeting with someone important to you.


Years of the Swan - 1928, 1960, 1992

The best thing you can do in the coming year is self-development. Many Swans have been feeling like “ugly ducklings” for a long time, and now is exactly the period when you can start to feather your feathers: sign up for foreign language courses, learn to drive a car, develop your talents, no matter what area they are in. Each new skill is another step towards becoming a proud Swan, capable of delighting others. But, having felt the taste of success, try to cope with its negative side - the snobbery and arrogance that has awakened in you: these qualities can alienate both your partners and your loved one.


Years of the Lynx - 1929, 1961, 1993

The year will offer you many new interesting projects and non-standard ideas that, if you are enterprising, you simply cannot refuse! And this is good: your endeavors will support you both financially and career-wise, providing good social growth. However, Hedgehog warns: carefully weigh the possible risks and try to take on new large-scale projects only with the support of reliable partners. In the personal sphere, passion for business and work can play a cruel joke on you: you may not notice how you cut off a loved one too abruptly or forget about previously assumed family responsibilities. Meanwhile, you don’t need quarrels with your family right now. Be warm.


Donkey Years - 1930, 1962, 1994

You are used to meeting difficulties with dignity and stubbornly plowing, no matter what. The hedgehog will highly appreciate these signature qualities of yours: your efforts will be generously rewarded. Many representatives of the sign can expect a promotion and a significant increase in income. Personal life will also be rewarded as it deserves: singles are promised a significant meeting, families are promised warmth and comfort with their “other half”. Children or younger family members may require attention - invest in it from the heart.


Years of the Polar Bear - 1931, 1963, 1995

You like the scope, but in the Year of the Hedgehog you will have to slightly adjust your priorities: no major projects are expected, and the work will most likely consist of little things that will require responsibility. Don't brush them aside: this is the routine that will bring you success. Personal relationships also promise to be successful if you don’t ruin them by flirting on the side: even the most innocent hobby can lead to the collapse of an old relationship. Place your accents correctly.


Years of the Eagle - 1932, 1964, 1996

As an ardent individualist, you will probably be pleased to know that in the coming year, the greatest success is promised to those projects that you planned and carried out yourself. Independence also extends to money relationships: try not to take out loans or get into debt in 2018. Relying on your own strength will increase both your social status and financial situation. The year is suitable for improving family ties, but the first step, again, is yours.

Also read: numerology horoscope for 2018


Years of the Fox - 1933, 1965, 1997

Cunning, quick wit, quick reaction - your signature traits will come in handy in your work: thanks to resourcefulness, you will be able to beat your competitors and snatch a very cash prize. Nitrogen in love relationships is not worth being cunning and inventing workarounds: here in 2018, only honesty and sincerity will “steer”. If you want something, tell them; if you do something, warn them: this will help avoid unnecessary problems.


Years of the Dolphin - 1934, 1966, 1998

The coming 2018 will sharply activate your already decent creative abilities. You can count on recognition of your talents, no matter what field they are in: someone will succeed in business, someone will pass the casting and get into a major show project, someone will create a book/picture/melody that will be called a masterpiece ... Your personal life will be much calmer and even more boring than your social life, and your loved ones will become your support.


Years of the Boar - 1935, 1967, 1999

You, so assertive and decisive, will “sing along” with the Hedgehog like no one else: the lord of the year promises you the successful achievement of almost any goal. You will easily be able to both achieve the desired position or seriously increase your personal income, and win the heart of a person who only yesterday seemed unattainable. Single representatives of your sign are likely to start the relationship they dreamed of.


Years of the Owl - 1936, 1968, 2000

Thanks to wisdom and responsibility, you are a professional in your field. The only pity is that you often underestimate yourself. You shouldn’t do this in the Year of the Hedgehog: your success depends on how you position yourself. Feel free to agree to offers that seem “beyond your ability”; accept positions for which, in your opinion, you are “not mature enough”; reciprocate with a person from “high society” - all this will allow you to soar to a level that you never dreamed of.


Years of the Falcon - 1937, 1969, 2001

I sit high, I look far away - this is about you: in 2018, representatives of your sign will simply gush with grandiose ideas, far-reaching plans and be distinguished by unconventional thinking. The best part is that those around you will highly appreciate your view of the world: many Falcons are promised a promotion (both career, social, and financial). As for personal relationships, there is a high risk of being too emotional in them. Restrain impulsive impulses.


Years of the Deer - 1938, 1970, 2002

The coming year is very favorable for you, primarily in terms of relationships. You are promised many meetings and new acquaintances, both promising business and love ones. In the sea of ​​flirtation and romance, if you wish, you will find someone who will make your personal happiness. But be careful: there is a risk that they will want to take advantage of your passion. Regarding success in business, the stars recommend being more compliant and ready to compromise.


Years of the Ram - 1939, 1971, 2003

The goal that Hedgehog sets for you is self-improvement. Look for ways to improve your level of professionalism, acquire new knowledge and skills, get to know yourself better, find ways to grow spiritually: this is what will ultimately provide you with the opportunity for advancement - both career, social or financial. The main adviser in all areas of life, from business to personal, is intuition: listen to it so as not to make mistakes.


Mongoose Years - 1940, 1972, 2004

Your motto for next year: “I see the goal - I see no obstacles.” You can truly achieve everything you dream of. But only under one condition: if you set a specific goal for yourself, say it and begin to stubbornly move in the right direction. The ability to instantly navigate a changing situation is your main trump card on the path to success. Transform, absorb new things, agree to the unknown, and luck will not bypass you.


Years of the Wolf - 1941, 1973, 2005

Cheerful, active, you will not remain aloof from events in 2018. But be careful: your inherent adventurism in the Year of the Hedgehog can lead to negative consequences. This is especially true for careers and business. Try not to get into trouble, don’t piss off the “key” people and carefully analyze all incoming proposals. In personal matters, a dizzying romance is expected. Yes, and the family Wolves too. Yes, it's fraught. You decide.


Years of the Stork - 1942, 1974, 2006

It’s good to be away, but better to be at home, you decide quite rightly. Indeed, in 2018, the main joys are expected from your home and loved ones: it is in their surroundings that you will feel most in demand and happy. But new acquaintances are unlikely to bring pleasure and benefit. As for the business sphere, the stars recommend not to talk about the projects you are working on and not to brag about your success - so as not to jinx it.


Spider Years - 1943, 1975, 2007

The coming Year of the Hedgehog will bring you a sea of ​​interesting ideas, and, characteristically, at the perfect time: now you are especially self-confident, energetic and assertive. Partners, colleagues and bosses will readily support your endeavors, so go for it. With courage and perseverance, financial well-being will go up. In personal relationships, too, everything is in chocolate: lonely Spiders are predicted to have that same meeting, and married ones are predicted to have comfort and a possible addition to the family.


Years of the Snake - 1944, 1976, 2008

Ahead of you is an extremely good time to correct previously committed mistakes. What is your history? Losing business partners or jobs? Quarrel with a loved one? Loans you couldn’t get out of? Exhale: 2018 will allow us to solve all these problems en masse. But of course, you will have to take the first step towards a solution. And to remain emotionally stable, the stars recommend that you do yoga or meditation.


Beaver Years - 1945,1977, 2009

Energetic, optimistic and hardworking, you, as always, will be ready for any job that the Hedgehog throws at you. And your efforts will be generously rewarded: the triumphant completion of previously started projects, large financial bonuses, public recognition, etc. are expected. Success will stimulate you to rush into battle even more actively, but stop here: Beaver’s powers are not limitless. Don’t forget to give yourself complete relaxation and enjoy your vacation.


Years of the Turtle - 1946, 1978, 2010

You don't like to rush and fuss, and most often this tactic brings good results. But in the year of the energetic Hedgehog, you still have to give yourself a “magic kick-off” - for example, quickly respond to a lucrative offer or, overcoming slowness, take on a new responsible project right off the bat. If you do, you will receive a tangible financial bonus. In your personal life, try to be less jealous and offended so as not to scare away your “other half”.


Years of Magpie - 1947, 1979, 2011

A bright, eventful year awaits you, who loves to be active and be the center of attention. Fortunately, you have enough innate energy to keep up everywhere - in business, in career matters, and in the field of romantic conquests. Lone magpies will finally meet a person with whom they unexpectedly want to build a nest. But don't be too pushy and don't make promises you can't keep: this can lead to trouble.


Belka Years - 1948, 1980, 2012

For you, who are as cheerful and thrifty as the ruler of 2018, the year promises to be predictable, calm and successful. Since both professional, financial, and personal affairs will mostly please you, do not miss the moment and devote a period of calm to laying the foundation for future achievements: learn a foreign language, acquire new skills or profession, start construction or renovation. In general, set up a launch pad.


Years of the Raven - 1949, 1981, 2013

After a rather difficult 2017, large-scale prospects are opening up before you again. Try to cope with the suspicion and mistrust acquired in the past: now, more than ever, communication skills, optimism and faith in a bright future are important for your success. 2018 is favorable for moving to a higher social level: you can safely get married, take on new job responsibilities, etc.


Years of the Rooster - 1950, 1982, 2014

The Hedgehog will like your brightness and initiative, as well as your disruptive qualities. But in order to move forward and get what you deserve, you need to develop other qualities in yourself: in particular, the ability not to get scattered about trifles, but to focus on the main thing. What it will be is not so important: having decided on the goal, the Roosters will “peck” success for themselves in any area - be it in business, in their career, or in their personal life.


Tour years - 1951, 1983, 2015

In general, you are not interested in what the Hedgehog is bringing with him: reasonable, impenetrable Turs meet both joys and hardships with the same smile. But just in case you are a fireman, let’s note: in 2018 there will be much more calm joys. If for some reason you want to “jump in over your head” financially, career-wise or romantically, the stars give only one piece of advice: develop your leadership skills and go communicate with people.


Badger Years - 1952, 1984, 2016

In 2018, you are promised many pleasant and promising acquaintances that will help you get a good job, improve your financial situation, take advantage of an excellent discount on real estate or other pleasures. But all this will be realized only if you overcome your inherent shyness and show yourself to be an optimistic and sociable person. In the love sphere, it is also recommended to be more open so as not to cause mistrust.

Also read: zodiac horoscope for 2018


Years of the Camel - 1921,1953,1985, 2017

You have a great sense of humor! But in the year of the prickly Hedgehog, it risks turning into unfounded sarcasm, malice and barbs, which you, without noticing it, will begin to make towards others. And this, you understand, does not contribute to friendliness. Therefore, hold your tongue if you don’t want to be alone and lose reliable partners because of a stupid joke. Plus of the year: Hedgehog recommends that you treat yourself to pleasant purchases.

The Zoroastrian horoscope for 2018 will tell you what awaits people in the future and will be able to point out their main disadvantages and advantages. If you carefully read all the information, you will not be afraid of the trials that fate has prepared.

There are many ways in which people can determine their future: fortune telling, clairvoyant prediction, numerology, horoscopes. It is horoscopes that have recently become very popular among people, since they are accessible and very understandable to everyone.

Year of the Hedgehog 2018 predictions according to the 32-year Zoroastrian calendar: what is the Zoroastrian horoscope

The Zoroastrian horoscope represents the ancestor of all movements that we generally know; it predominates in astrology. Zoroastrianism has been known since the times of the ancient peoples of the Middle East, Central Asia, China and Iran.

The Zoroastrian horoscope is one of the most ancient religions, named after the prophet Zarathushtra. This religion preaches about the struggle between good and evil, which are closely related. Zoroastrianism worshiped fire and rejected the burial of the dead: it was customary to feed the dead to predatory animals.

The Zoroastrian calendar is a cycle of 32 years. Each year is dedicated to a separate animal - a sacred symbol, which has its own totem and a certain color. After all, ancient people believed that totems protected them from evil spirits, and also gave them strength and character.

Each totem also has its own antitotem - a creature that can warn us about our shortcomings, weaknesses, temptations that we are able to succumb to on our life path.

If a person does not try to fight weaknesses, but succumbs to them, then over time he will become like an antitotem and personality degradation will occur. Therefore, all people should strive to become like their totem, which will help heal the soul, cleanse themselves of evil and protect themselves from all troubles and problems.

The new cycle of the Zoroastrian calendar will begin on March 21, 2018, when the Sun will enter the constellation Aries. Those who were born between February and March (before the 20th) will follow the totem of the previous and next year. 2018 is the year of the Hedgehog.

Year of the Hedgehog 2018 predictions according to the 32-year Zoroastrian calendar: horoscope for 2018 - the year of the Hedgehog

2017 was the year of the Camel. He is replaced by the Hedgehog. Previously, this year was also presented in 1922, 1954 and 1986. The patron saint of the Hedgehog is grace and happiness, but he is also characterized by stinginess, rage and greed.

Those born in the year of the Hedgehog have excessive energy, enterprise and fussiness. It is not uncommon to see them in some disputes and unequal battles, but the special techniques that Hedgehogs possess help them remain victorious in any battle of varying complexity.

Because of the nature of the Hedgehogs, they acquired a large number of enemies and ill-wishers. Very often Hedgehogs act as rebels, they never think about what they say, while hurting others and their family.

At the same time, the Hedgehog can be called a good friend and lover, but they will never share their thoughts and secrets, and will never become a best friend for someone. Hedgehogs have good intuition; they can also easily distinguish between lies and truth. If the Hedgehogs find out that you lied to them, then you may still regret it.

Hedgehogs are quite attentive to every little detail. But very often they do not believe in people, since very often they draw the wrong conclusions. Hedgehogs have a very good memory, but they are always in a hurry, and the rush always gives them a lot of problems.

Many, because of the calmness of Hedgehogs, may think that they are quite indifferent to everyone and everything, but inside them sits a violent beast that can get out and then you will be in trouble. Hedgehogs are careful in choosing their environment; because of this, they very rarely find good friends.

Despite their constant rush, Hedgehogs are always ready to listen to you, support you or help you with a certain problem. This helps them learn about real threats that may come from others.

Hedgehogs love to take risks, but only if it's really worth it. Behind their character they are very cheerful, but this does not make them frivolous. The actions of Hedgehogs are always cute and do not pose a threat, so you cannot be harmed by their activities or suffer any losses.

Year of the Hedgehog 2018 predictions according to the 32-year Zoroastrian calendar: horoscope for all totems for 2018

  • Hedgehog – 1954, 1986, 2018

You are the symbol of this year and its favorites. Hedgehogs will have to take their fate with a tight grip. It's up to you to decide whether you will control your destiny or give in and not resist it. Everyone around you is waiting for your initiative and decisive action. In the new year, you should work on your image, perhaps change your image.

  • Doe - 1955, 1987

You will spend the whole year leisurely, in safety and stability. In your personal life, everything will go smoothly, so there is no reason to worry.

  • Elephant – 1956, 1988

This year you will be disappointed in your partnerships, but everything will end peacefully.

  • Horse – 1957, 1989

Do not forget to rest in pursuit of material values. And be fair to others. Also in 2018, you should reconsider your priorities in life and change something.

  • Cheetah – 1958, 1990

New and useful acquaintances and connections await you. The year will pass calmly and will be successful. If you are single, then look forward to your soulmate in the new year, and for those who are in a relationship, you should not worry about problems.

  • Peacock – 1959, 1991

In 2018, material well-being awaits you. Large expenses will be spent on offspring.

  • Swan – 1960, 1992

You will have to fight for your place in the sun this year. If you believe in yourself and your strengths, then you will succeed.

  • Lynx – 1961, 1993

In the new year, if you set your priorities correctly, you can hit a big jackpot. It is also worth paying attention to the signs that fate will present to you.

  • Donkey – 1962, 1994

This year will be happy. You will play a big role in society and in personal relationships.

  • Polar Bear – 1931, 1963, 1995

The whole year will be filled with intrigue and secrets. You should open your eyes to those around you and take a close look at everyone, because not everyone can be trusted.

  • Eagle – 1932, 1963, 1996

Career growth awaits you, as well as proper social status. You will also find your soulmate.

  • Fox – 1933, 1965, 1997

There are many good and bad surprises waiting for you this year. Luck can either slip away or unexpectedly come to your aid.

  • Dolphin – 1934, 1966, 1998

In the new year, you should be more selfish and decisive, otherwise your plans will not come true.

  • Vepr – 1935, 1966,1998

This year you will change your anger to mercy, you will not be so ruthless, but will acquire rationality. This will help you deal with all quarrels and grievances.

  • Owl – 1936, 1968, 2000

This year you will show miracles of insight. All secret conspiracies will be presented to you on a silver platter. What to do with it is up to you.

  • Falcon – 1937, 1969, 2001

You should adequately assess your capabilities and skills. Don't be modest, otherwise someone might take your place.

  • Deer with golden antlers – 1938, 1970, 2002

Extremes will not be safe in 2018. Find the “golden” mean, as well as harmony with yourself and the world around you.

  • Mouflon – 1939, 1971, 2003

You will become aware of things that you had not noticed before. It will open your eyes and make you think. It is important to set your priorities in life correctly. If you place a bet on a mercantile account, you will lose.

  • Mongoose – 1940, 1972, 2004

If you accept all the realities of life, then you will be able to overcome all difficulties.

  • White Wolf – 1941, 1974, 2006

Be swift in your progress. Be a leader so that people can look up to you.

  • Stork – 1942, 1974, 2006

Don't make the situation worse with your beliefs. Don't persist and you can avoid many troubles and problems.

  • Spider – 1943, 1975, 2007

Be prepared for surprises and surprises. You can present yourself at your best this year. But don’t forget to take off your mask in front of your loved ones.

  • Already - 1944, 1976, 2008

The ability to elude can bring you good results. Help those who need your help and support. You can be generous and selfless in the new year.

  • Beaver – 1945, 1977, 2009

Roll up your sleeves and start taking control of your destiny. Don't rely on anyone but yourself. Those who were on the same side with you in 2017 will become your enemies.

  • Turtle – 1946, 1978, 2010

A successful year awaits you in all areas. The passive resistance method can bring good results. As they say: “The slower you go, the further you will go.”

  • Soroka – 1947, 1979, 2011

Don't poke your nose into other people's affairs. As long as you are involved in other people's intrigues and gossip, your train will leave forever.

  • Belka – 1948, 1980, 2012

The year will not be the most pleasant, but at the end of the year you will receive a reward.

  • Raven – 1949, 1981, 2013

Fortune will come and go - be prepared for it. Your prophetic abilities will be useful to you.

  • Rooster – 1950, 1982, 2014

You can count on the support of the people around you, but also do not forget about mutual assistance.

  • Tour – 1950, 1983, 2015

You don't have time to think in 2018. You need to act immediately and for sure. The contradictions of 2017 will not end, but will only get worse.

  • Badger – 1952, 1984, 2016

Don't go off track, both in your career and in your personal life. Don’t experiment with finances, otherwise you’ll end up with nothing.

  • Camel – 1953, 1985, 2017

The ability to control the situation and past experience will help you get on the right path. You will not be able to achieve it in the near future, but do not be discouraged - with small steps you will achieve your goals.

The mythology of the Zoroastrians influenced astrology and formed the basis for the creation of various horoscopes, including the Zoroastrian proper, associated with the thirty-two-year cycle. Since each year is assigned a patron - an animal or a bird - this horoscope is also called a totemic horoscope.

The peculiarity of the Zoroastrian horoscope is that it gives the totem almost unlimited power over a person; the determining factor for success is that a person should try to be like his totem, and not try to change its weaknesses or correct behavior.

In addition, the Zoroastrian horoscope assumes some external similarity between a person and his totem, which is also a favorable factor for future fate.

Every year gives birth to people, both good and bad; in the Zoroastrian horoscope we see, respectively, a totem that imparts positive qualities, and an anti-totem that imparts negative qualities. Of course, traits of a totem and an antitotem can appear in one person; It is also possible to give birth to a personality with a neutral character.

The Zoroastrian calendar is one of the most ancient in the world. The beginning of the year is associated with the spring equinox, which should be remembered by people born in January, February and March when determining their sign.

1st year of the cycle (1906, 1938, 1970, 2002).

The totem of the year is a deer with golden antlers, a symbol of ascension, pride, grace, and higher power.

People of this year are often pioneers; they are usually characterized by a great sense of self-esteem, concentration on the main thing, impetuosity, determination, and clear thinking. The year is associated with treaties, but also (in the worst case) with lawlessness and violation of treaties. Manifestations of the antitotem are eternal dissatisfaction, the desire for power at any cost, arrogance, pouting, and arrogance.

2nd year of the cycle (1907, 1939, 1971, 2003).

Totem - mountain ram, mouflon, symbol of connection with ancestors, great external activity with internal peace, uniting people (in a herd, in a team).

People of this year are distinguished by their integrity, a great sense of duty, commitment to traditions, to the land, they are good family men. Manifestations of the antitotem are alarmism, stupid stubbornness, obsession, desecration of the family, ancestors, traditions. The year is associated with karmic retribution, with the unification of people, with collective energies.

3rd year of the cycle (1908, 1940, 1972, 2004).

The totem is a mongoose, a symbol of dexterity, surprise, and the fight against all kinds of evil spirits.

People of this year are characterized by great creative activity, flexible thinking, the ability to quickly navigate difficult situations, switch from one thing to another, as well as great loyalty and devotion. The traits of the antitotem are chaos, cunning, deceit, deceit, stupidity, uncleanliness. The year is associated with adventures, with happy occasions, with retribution for the desecration of good creations (there may be explosions, fires).

4th year of the cycle (1909, 1941, 1973, 2005).

Totem - wolf, symbol of independence, courage, responsibility, endurance.

People of this year are characterized by a sense of pack, high activity, especially in extreme conditions, struggle with the elements, they can survive in any circumstances, withstand any test. Manifestations of the antitotem are the need to break and destroy everything, to mock others, but at the same time there is terrible cowardice if there is a danger of punishment. The year is associated with magic, with elemental forces, with powerful cataclysms that upend the lives of huge masses of people, in the worst case - with riots and wars.

5th year of the cycle (1910, 1942, 1974, 2006).

The totem is a stork, a symbol of peace, the conquest of space, adherence to the established order, asceticism, and willingness to help.

People of this year are distinguished by a penchant for solitude, clarity and precision in actions, silence, fatalism, conservatism, and a gift for teaching. Features of the antitotem - fussiness in thoughts, poor coordination of movements, inadequate active gestures, incoherent speech, lack of commitment. The year is associated with maintaining order, cutting off extremes, giving birth and raising children, and strengthening the family.

6th year of the cycle (1911, 1943, 1975, 2007).

Totem is a cross spider (the one that weaves a web and catches flies), a symbol of the fight against evil spirits, exorcism, healing, a symbol of the well-being of the home.

People of this year are characterized by determination, tenacity, good instincts, creativity, and the ability to do a lot with their hands. Manifestations of the antitotem are permissiveness, mockery of sacred objects, the spread of diseases, theft. The year is associated with drastic changes, with the acquisition of harmony, but in the worst case - with the collapse of foundations, with the destruction of religion.

7th year of the cycle (1912, 1944, 1976, 2008).

Totem is a snake (the only snake in this calendar), a symbol of the wheel of incarnations, karmic rewards, the flow that carries people, hidden currents.

People of this year are distinguished by good intuition, flexibility, secrecy, striving for a high goal, a mystical mindset, and unpredictability. The traits of the antitotem are looseness, superficiality, lack of composure. The year is associated with the return of karmic debts, a return to the original state, strengthening of foundations, a clash of huge secret forces, and in the worst case, with the collapse of states and bloodshed.

8th year of the cycle (1913, 1945, 1977, 2009).

The totem is a beaver, a symbol of natural harmony, beauty and love, the inviolability of laws.

People of this year are characterized by thriftiness, hard work, reliability, thoroughness, the desire to equip the earthly world, their home, and family life. Manifestations of the antitotem are dirt, greed, destruction of nature, strife, unrest, superstition. The year is associated with lawmaking, the formation of states, and in the worst case, with the release of enormous elemental forces of evil.

9th year of the cycle (1914, 1946, 1978, 2010).

The totem is a turtle, a symbol of wisdom, consistency, modeling situations, caution.

People of this year are slow, secretive, conservative, always try to have reliable protection, have a good memory, and steadily strive for their intended goal. The traits of the antitotem are deceit, impudence, gluttony, fussiness. The year is associated with the discovery of the bowels of the Earth, the development of new lands, but also with earthquakes, with revenge, with stagnation, with the punishment of initiative.

10th year of the cycle (1915, 1947, 1979, 2011).

The totem is a magpie, a symbol of connection with the higher world, as well as prayer, gaining protection, verbal magic, and spreading the word.

People of this year are distinguished by the fact that they always have time everywhere, do not mince words, they are characterized by cunning, good logical thinking, the ability to do several things at the same time, and unraveling intrigues. Traits of the antitotem are tongue-tiedness, inhibition, undermining of roots. The year is associated with all sorts of small incidents, which then lead to major events, in the worst case - with deception and disappointment, damage and the evil eye.

11th year of the cycle (1916, 1948, 1980, 2012).

Totem is a squirrel, a symbol of thought, knowledge of the family tree, testing beliefs, identifying truth, searching for faith.

People of this year are characterized by a lively mind, clarity and speed in the performance of duty, homeliness, independence, sober realism, affection, and a tendency to repeat. The traits of the antitotem are grumpiness, senseless fantasy, chaos, disorder, stupid actions. The year is associated with repeating events, with the restoration of what was lost, with discoveries and inventions, in the worst case - with seduction, delusions, and renunciation of roots.

12th year of the cycle (1917, 1949, 1981, 2013).

Totem is a raven, a mediator between heaven and earth, a symbol of seriousness, severity, isolation, loneliness, cleansing from filth, inflexibility.

13th year of the cycle (1918, 1950, 1982, 2014).

Totem is a rooster, a fighter with the forces of darkness, a symbol of victory over demons, the manifestation of hidden evil spirits, the exposure of evil, the triumph of justice.

People of this year are characterized by cockiness, courage, determination, a penchant for reform, emotionality, love, an abundance of ideas and ebullient energy. Manifestations of the antitotem are selfishness, hatred, senseless anger, rebellion for selfish purposes. The year is associated with the activation and open manifestation of the forces of evil, with an active fight against them, in the worst case - with senseless bloody riots, murders, and strife.

14th year of the cycle (1919, 1951, 1983, 2015).

Totem - aurochs, a bull, a symbol of peace, prosperity, great hidden strength, duty, dedication, self-sacrifice, but also vulnerability.

15th year of the cycle (1920, 1952, 1984, 2016).

Totem is a badger, a symbol of storing wealth, traditions, memories, frugality, gradualism, strengthening the material world.

People of this year are characterized by traditionalism, thriftiness, a heightened sense of justice, strict morals, high efficiency, insight, logical thinking, and isolation. Manifestations of the antitotem are lightness, a break with traditions, lack of internal foundations, hatred of others, the desire to interfere in the psyche of other people. The year is associated with memories, with the restoration of the past, the restoration of justice, with accumulation, with the end of wars, the collapse of unstable systems, in the worst case - with the suppression of people, the destruction of traditions.

16th year of the cycle (1921, 1953, 1985, 2017).

The totem is a camel, a symbol of skepticism, asceticism, humor and ridicule, perseverance.

People of this year are distrustful, critical, mocking, sarcastic, picky, meticulous, independent, cautious, always ready for the worst, but rejoice in the good, know their worth, and are loving. The traits of the antitotem are sweetness, pompousness, a diffuse personality, intolerance, the desire for pleasure at any cost, malice. The year is associated with revelations, noisy processes, the unification of people, the formation of parties, the reconciliation of enemies, in the worst case - with terror, covered by considerations of justice.

17th year of the cycle (1922, 1954, 1986, 2018).

Totem is a hedgehog, a symbol of grace, unpredictability, freedom, novelty, revolution.

People of this year are distinguished by prickliness, the ability to keep secrets, a tendency to experiment on themselves and others, unexpected actions, courage, a desire to expose, and corrosiveness. Manifestations of the antitotem are promiscuity in relationships, contacts, cowardice, looseness, rudeness. The year is associated with unexpected phenomena, with prophecies, changes in laws, reforms, in the worst case - with violent coups, with the manifestation of vulnerabilities.

18th year of the cycle (1923, 1955, 1987, 2019).

Totem is a doe, a symbol of the birth principle, harmony, beauty, restoration of righteousness.

People of this year are distinguished by grace, romance, aspiration for high goals, faith in ideals, elitism, artistry, refined emotionality, and vulnerability. The features of the antitotem are heaviness, excessive rationalism, lies, dirty language, atheism. The year is associated with the rewarding of defenders of justice, the flourishing of culture, with the exposure of vices, with a test of strength, in the worst case - with the manifestation of dishonesty, with the persecution of culture, with the confusion of the concepts of good and evil.

19th year of the cycle (1924, 1956, 1988, 2020).

The totem is an elephant, a symbol of stability, strength, seriousness, thoroughness, and balance.

People of this year are characterized by slowness, firmness, perseverance, great inner strength, suddenly manifested passion, love of freedom, distrust, balanced character, and the ability to lead. Manifestations of the antitotem are fussiness, talkativeness, unreliability, deceit, cowardice, meanness. The year is associated with construction, the development of new spaces, the drawing up of long-term plans, and in the worst case, with volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and people’s self-delusion.

20th year of the cycle (1925, 1957, 1989, 2021).

Totem is a horse, a symbol of justice, contract, hard work, striving forward, leadership.

People of this year are distinguished by self-confidence, breadth of outlook, firmness, perseverance, endurance, commitment, and desire for a team. The traits of the antitotem are cowardice, opportunism, lack of performance, and optionality. The year is associated with the conclusion of treaties, with punishment for breaking treaties, with drastic changes, in the worst case - with the outbreak of civil wars, with splits and with excessive self-confidence.

21st year of the cycle (1926, 1958, 1990, 2022).

The totem is a cheetah, a symbol of the fight for a just cause, belligerence, unpredictability, and fearlessness.

People of this year are characterized by courage, indomitability, independence, great strength, sharpness, pressure, ability to play, foresight, surprise, nobility. The features of the antitotem are cruelty, sadism, actions from around the corner, deceit. The year is associated with the struggle against the forces of evil, the aggravation of problems, with revelations, with unexpected beginnings, in the worst case - with the outbreak of wars, revolution.

22nd year of the cycle (1927, 1959, 1991, 2023).

The totem is a peacock, a symbol of overcoming illusions, learning the true essence of things, but also games and disguises.

People of this year are distinguished by their brightness, penchant for play, theater, flirtatiousness, diversity and unexpectedness of manifestations, versatility, independence, dreaminess, sparklingness, and the ability to present themselves. Manifestations of the antitotem are isolation, dullness, dullness, the desire to merge with the crowd. The year is associated with seductions, illusions, deceptions, their exposure, and in the worst case, with the appearance of false prophets.

23rd year of the cycle (1928, 1960, 1992, 2024).

The totem is a swan, a symbol of purification, faith, mutual assistance, spirituality, hope.

People of this year are characterized by pride, idealism, attachment to loved ones, self-sufficiency, religiosity, selflessness, expectation of a miracle, and detachment from material problems. The features of the antitotem are greed, obsession with matter, infidelity, hatred of neighbors. The year is associated with the spiritual unification of people, with the restoration of lost integrity, with retribution for injustice, in the worst case - with the destruction of foundations, with greed and trade, with behind-the-scenes intrigues and impossible obligations.

24th year of the cycle (1929, 1961, 1993, 2025).

The totem is a lynx, a symbol of enlightenment, insight, transformation, fun, surprise.

People of this year are distinguished by their softness, dull appearance, external calm, but also the ability to quickly concentrate and show frantic activity, a joyful perception of life, generosity, and love of freedom. Traits of the antitotem are drunkenness, dirt, rudeness, violence, clinginess. The year is associated with trials, with insight, the unexpected realization of hidden events, with the revelation of secrets, in the worst case - with revelry, intoxication, collapse, and disasters.

25th year of the cycle (1930, 1962, 1994, 2026).

Totem - donkey, symbol of abundance, peace, patience, passive resistance, search for the true path.

People of this year are characterized by peacefulness, balance, a solid inner core, endurance, lack of aggressiveness, they avoid extremes and sharp corners. Manifestations of the antitotem are cowardice, lust, scatteredness, uncontrollable emotions, mental disorders. The year is associated with the end of wars, stability, the beginning of a way out of dead ends, with a reward for honest work, in the worst case - the manifestation of uncontrollable instincts, manias, chaos and chaos.

26th year of the cycle (1931, 1963, 1995, 2027).

Totem - polar bear, totem of the Aryan peoples, symbol of the Aryan mission, healing, magic, unexpected upheavals, unpredictability, generosity, slow buildup and fast, sharp actions.

People of this year are distinguished by courage, missionaryism, chivalry, love of life, openness of nature, high efficiency, love of freedom, the ability to lead, breadth of soul, passion for the game, and a penchant for unexpected actions. Manifestations of the antitotem are ferocity, deceit, terrible crushing force, laziness, cowardice, tediousness, pettiness, sadism, senseless anger, disguised as good nature and sharp outbursts of rage. That is, all of these are those traits (good and bad) that have long been attributed to the Russian character. The year is associated with difficult trials, and above all for Russia, with sharp changes in plans, revolutions, with testing people's strength, with the crushing of illusions, with the laying of great events that will play out later, in the worst case - with fatal mistakes, with the destruction of foundations, with outbursts of causeless anger.

27th year of the cycle (1932, 1964, 1996, 2028).

Totem is an eagle, a symbol of royalty, power, statehood.

People of this year are characterized by aristocracy, pride, the ability to lead, isolation, striving for high ideals, a heightened sense of self-esteem, and the ability to behave in society. The traits of the antitotem are malignancy, intemperance, dirt, clinginess, gluttony. The year is associated with the creation of a system, with the founding and strengthening of empires, the unification of states, with the beginning of grandiose projects, with the fall of unrighteous kingdoms, and in the worst case, with the spread of epidemics.

28th year of the cycle (1933, 1965, 1997, 2029).

The totem is a fox, a symbol of cunning, lot, harmonious changes, restoration of balance.

People of this year are distinguished by dexterity, subtle intelligence, irony, humor, the ability to overcome force with cunning, good instincts, foresight, caution, and changeable fate. Manifestations of the antitotem are base instincts, gluttony, lust, cowardice, stupidity. The year is associated with accidents that decide everything, with a return to spiritual traditions, with the triumph of reason over blunt force, in the worst case - with behind-the-scenes intrigues, deceit and deceit.

29th year of the cycle (1934, 1966, 1998, 2030).

The totem is a dolphin, a symbol of knowledge of secrets, help, salvation, travel, good thoughts, guidance. People of this year are characterized by determination, courage, sharpness, honesty, the desire for active self-affirmation, primacy, and the ability to submit not only to force, but also to true power. The traits of the antitotem are rudeness, treachery, malice, resourcefulness, groveling before the powerful. The year is associated with the aggravation of contradictions, with the deployment of enormous forces, and in the worst case, with the outbreak of wars, which, however, often end in the death of their instigators.

31st year of the cycle (1936, 1968, 2000, 2032).

Totem - an owl or an owl, a symbol of mystery, the hidden essence of all things, the destruction of invisible evil spirits, the fight against the forces of darkness.

32nd year of the cycle (1937, 1969, 2001, 2033).

The totem is a falcon, a symbol of creative insight, transformation, fidelity, courage and consistency.

People of this year are characterized by courage, devotion, a tendency to revolution, attachment to home, determination, alternating periods of inactivity and great activity, excitement, orientation to the past, brightness. The features of the antitotem are collapse, lack of composure, cowardice. The year is associated with turning points, reforms, splits, the struggle for justice, breakthroughs into the unknown, in the worst case - with the outbreak of wars, with the active destruction of people, with the abandonment of the past.

And let us note once again that the character traits of a totem and antitotem do not appear in all people born in a given year, but only in those marked by light or dark forces, respectively. The same can be said about the similarity of a person’s external appearance to the image of a totem or antitotem. Here a lot depends on the choice of the person himself. In the same way, the manifestation of the event characteristics of the year depends on the choice of society and its rulers. Each year favors endeavors associated with its characteristics and discourages opposing aspirations or lays down a program to punish people who make wrong choices.

The Zoroastrian horoscope for 2018 for all signs will tell you about upcoming events and indicate points that are worth paying attention to. After studying the materials in this article, you will adequately cope with all the possible difficulties that the coming year has in store for us.

Humanity has come up with many ways to determine its destiny. These include fortune telling, clairvoyant predictions, and numerology. Horoscopes are especially popular, because they are the most understandable and accessible method of obtaining information about the future.

Zoroastrianism is considered the ancestor of all currently existing movements in astrology. The origins of Zoroastrianism were observed among the ancient peoples of China, Central Asia, the Middle East and Iran.

Zoroastrianism is usually considered to be an ancient religion, the founder of which is the prophet Asho Zarathushtra. The teaching is based on the struggle between two principles, closely related to each other - good and evil. Belief defines three main virtues: good thoughts (humata), good words (hukhta), good deeds (hvartsha).

The cycle of the Zoroastrian calendar consists of 32 years, for each of which a specific animal is chosen, which has its own totem and color and is a sacred symbol. Therefore, the Zoroastrian horoscope is also called the totem horoscope. According to ancient people, the totem had the ability to protect a person from evil spirits, giving him strength and character.

An antitotem is a creature that warns us about the weaknesses of our personality and the temptations that may occur on our life path.

A distinctive feature of the Zoroastrian horoscope is its duality. This means that from birth a person possesses both good and evil in equal proportions, therefore it depends only on him which traits will prevail in his personality. By succumbing to weaknesses, a person will become closer to the antitotem, thereby starting the process of personality destruction. To cleanse yourself of evil and protect yourself from troubles, you should cultivate worthy qualities of a totem.

The beginning of the year according to the Zoroastrian calendar occurs on March 21, the day of the spring equinox. People born at the junction of the last month of winter and the first month of spring (before March 20) fall under the influence of the ending and beginning of the year. 2018 will be the year of the Hedgehog according to the Zoroastrian horoscope, so we will dwell on this animal in more detail.

About the horoscope for Hedgehog

In 2018, the Hedgehog will replace the Camel. This totem fell in 1922, 1954 and 1986. The symbolism of this sign is greed, fury and stinginess. Ized (patron) Hedgehog – hvarna and grace.

People born in the year of the Hedgehog are very active, fussy and energetic. They love to get into unnecessary conflicts and disputes. However, no matter how difficult the confrontation may be, Hedgehogs always emerge victorious from the situation thanks to their special behavioral tactics.

Because of their rebellious nature, they often make enemies and ill-wishers. Hedgehogs are very impulsive and rarely think about what they say, and this leads to resentment from people around them, in particular loved ones.

However, Hedgehogs are good and loyal friends and will never cheat on their significant other, but they are unlikely to share their deepest secrets with anyone. Thanks to their developed intuition, Hedgehogs are able to recognize truth and lies. Therefore, you should not deceive the Hedgehog, because he will definitely get to the bottom of the truth.

Representatives of this sign tend to pay attention to the smallest details, but often make the wrong conclusions, and therefore lose faith in people. They have a well-developed memory, which allows them to remember a large amount of information, and this helps them both while studying at school and in their professional activities. However, they are often hampered by their excessive haste, due to which they draw incorrect conclusions without waiting to receive an answer to the question.

At first glance, hedgehogs seem calm and indifferent to everything, but this is far from the case. Inside the Hedgehog hides a violent beast, which it is better not to anger. He treats people with great caution and distrust, so it is difficult for him to find true friends.

Although Hedgehogs are characterized by haste in their actions, they are excellent listeners. Their prudence helps them to sensibly assess the current situation and promptly recognize the danger posed by people around them.

A hedgehog will not put itself at risk without a good reason. First, he will weigh the degree of possible risk and evaluate its significance and benefit. Although this sign is a cheerful person by nature, it is not at all frivolous. He loves to perform various pranks, but they are usually not capable of offending or causing damage to anyone.

About the totem

Tousled hair, pointed nose, monotonous voice - the spitting image of a Hedgehog. Such people often forget themselves and begin to cling to little things for no reason, thereby pushing people away. At the same time, they are endowed with excellent visual memory, curiosity, and are not without stubbornness.

Hedgehogs are unpredictable, you can never know in advance what they will do in one case or another. Without meaning to, Hedgehogs often find themselves in difficult situations because they make hasty decisions. They are distinguished by devotion, so they become faithful spouses and caring parents.


The antitotem of the Hedgehog is the Shrew. Outwardly, this is a smooth and flexible creature, incapable of betrayal. But such people can harm their family and friends and do not avoid lying. Although Shrew is a coward, she is confident that she will not be punished for any actions.

How does the antitotem manifest itself in people?

If a Hedgehog falls under the influence of an antitotem, qualities that were not previously characteristic of its nature develop in it. He seems quite pleasant in appearance, accommodating and harmless.

But all this is just an external manifestation of personality. Hypocrisy and deceit may lurk inside such a person, which at one point may spill out onto the closest people. The hedgehog begins to manipulate people in order to achieve his goals, and tries to hide all the nasty things he has committed. It becomes impossible to be friends with such a person.

Having noticed such qualities in oneself, a person should begin to fight them as soon as possible, otherwise the person will completely fall under the power of the Shrew and it will be impossible to return back.

Video horoscope

There are many ways to determine your destiny. These include numerology, fortune telling, clairvoyant predictions and horoscopes. By the way, the latter were able to gain great popularity among the population. They were always clear and accessible. The Zoroastrian horoscope is also ready to tell about the future of people in 2018. He always points out not only the main strengths, but also weaknesses. Let's take a closer look at the information that the Zoroastrian horoscope for 2018 gave us.

What is the Zoroastrian horoscope

People say that Zoroastrianism is considered the ancestor of all the movements familiar to us that predominate in astrology. Even during the existence of the ancient peoples of Central Asia, China and Iran, this horoscope was encountered. Astrologers attribute it to the oldest religion, which was named after the prophet Zarathushtra. Belief speaks of the struggle between two principles - good and evil. They are closely intertwined with each other. In addition, Zoroastrianism revered fire and did not allow the burial of the dead. Then the dead were given to predatory animals to be eaten.

The unique Zoroastrian calendar includes a 32-year cycle. Each of them is assigned a specific animal. Animals are a sacred symbol that have their own color and totem. It is worth noting that ancient people believed that the totem would give them strength, character and protect them from various evil spirits.

Horoscope for Hedgehog

The Camel is being replaced in 2018 by the Hedgehog. Previously, such a totem fell on 1922, 1954 and 1986. This sign is characterized by rage, greed and stinginess. The patron of the Hedgehog is hvarna and grace. If you were born in the year of the Hedgehog, then you have a lot of energy, you are fussy and enterprising. Quite often, Hedgehogs get into unequal battles or disputes. It is worth noting that you have special techniques that allow you to emerge victorious from a fight of any complexity.

What else are characteristic of people of this sign? Of course, they have ill-wishers and enemies who cannot come to terms with your character. Hedgehogs are rebellious in life and rarely think about what they are talking about. It is because of this that Hedgehogs hurt both their loved ones and strangers.

If we talk about the advantages of the Hedgehog, then they are good friends and faithful lovers. However, Hedgehogs rarely trust their innermost secrets and share secrets with friends. The Hedgehog has good intuition and is excellent at recognizing lies. If someone lied to you, then you will not be lazy and will get to the bottom of the truth with all your might.

Hedgehogs have another wonderful quality - listening. Despite their haste, it is the Hedgehogs who are ready to listen to you. And not only that. Hedgehogs are able to support and give competent and sober advice. They will easily understand who is to blame in this situation and tell the truth straight to the face. Hedgehogs have always loved to take risks. However, they don't do this for no apparent reason. If the game is not worth the candle, then it's time to pack up and look for a new direction.


The Hedgehog totem, oddly enough, is Already. They are very similar. The hair is always tousled, the voice is necessary, and the nose is pointed. Only such people are ready to boast of a wonderful memory, stubbornness and curiosity. Forgetting, you begin to cling to little things, thereby scaring others away. You can never guess what the Hedgehog will do in one situation or another. You show excessive fussiness and get into trouble because of this. Although, you yourself do not want this. Hedgehogs are characterized by devotion, thanks to which you make excellent spouses and good parents.


The antitotem of the Hedgehog is the shrew. Outwardly, it cannot be said that this creature can betray, because it is docile and smooth; this type of people easily puts up with lies. Shrews are capable of harming their relatives and friends. Despite all the cowardice, this creature is confident in its impunity.

It happens that the Hedgehog falls under the protection of an antitotem. Then they begin to display character traits that do not suit their nature. The hedgehog becomes harmless, docile, outwardly pleasant and contented. However, this is just a shell. It's hard to say what's going on inside you at the moment. The time will come when all the hypocrisy and deceit will come out. By doing this, the Hedgehog will harm its loved ones. It is unpleasant to be friends with such a person, because he begins to take advantage of your kindness and forces you to fulfill small requests. If you find these disadvantages in yourself, then think about it as quickly as possible. Try to correct the situation, otherwise the transformation will be delayed.

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