Andrey Dunaev is the last Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. Holiday romance Andrey Dunaev Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

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Chairman of the Board of Directors of Globex Bank (Moscow); born on August 27, 1939 in the village. Aleshkino, Ulyanovsk region; graduated from the Alma-Ata Special Secondary Police School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Higher Police School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Academy of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs; worked as an detective officer, senior detective officer of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Kustanai Regional Executive Committee (Kazakh SSR), deputy head of the Internal Affairs Department of the Dzhetygarinsky City Executive Committee of the Kustanai Region, head of the Internal Affairs Department of the Terengulsky District Executive Committee of the Ulyanovsk Region, head of the criminal investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; 1979-1980 - Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; 1980-1985 - Head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Vologda Regional Executive Committee; 1986-1990 - Head of the Kaliningrad Special Secondary Police School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs; 1990-1991 - Deputy Minister, from September to December 1991, served as Minister of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR; in 1992 he was appointed First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, removed from office in July 1993; after his resignation he was retired; since 1994 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSCB "New Russian Bank" (Moscow); was elected people's deputy of the RSFSR (1990-1991), was a member of the Communists for Democracy faction; married, has two sons.

On August 19, 1991, during the putsch, the State Emergency Committee brought cadets from police schools into Moscow to defend the White House. He led the combat group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs during the operation to liberate M. Gorbachev from Foros. The reason for his resignation in 1993 from the post of First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs was the accusation of Dunaev and Security Minister Barannikov of abuse of office by the Interdepartmental Commission for Combating Corruption under the President of the Russian Federation. He took part in the events of September-October 1993 on the side of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation. By decree of the “acting President” A. Rutsky was appointed “Minister of Internal Affairs” on September 22 (replaced by V. Trushin on October 3). During the storming of the House of Soviets of Russia on October 4, he was arrested. Released under amnesty in January 1994.

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DUNAEV Andrey Fedorovich

08/27/1939). Acting Minister of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR in the government of B. N. Yeltsin from September 13, 1991 to December 1991; Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation from September 22, 1993 to October 3, 1993 in accordance with the decree and. O. President of the Russian Federation A.V. Rutsky. Born in the village of Aleshkino, Ulyanovsk region. He received his education at the Alma-Ata Special Secondary Police School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Higher Police School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs and at the Academy of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. He worked as an detective officer, senior detective officer of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Kustanai Regional Executive Committee of the Kazakh SSR, deputy head of the internal affairs department of the Dzhetygarinsky City Executive Committee of the Kustanai Region, head of the internal affairs department of the Terengulsky District Executive Committee of the Ulyanovsk Region, head of the criminal investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1979-1980 Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1980-1985 Head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Vologda Regional Executive Committee. In 1986-1990 Head of the Kaliningrad Special Secondary Police School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 1990-1991 Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR. Elected People's Deputy of the RSFSR (1990-1991). He was a member of the Communists for Democracy faction. During the August crisis of 1991, he supported B.N. Yeltsin. He brought cadets from police schools and colleges to Moscow to defend the White House. He led the combat group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs during the operation to liberate M. S. Gorbachev from Foros. From September to December 1991 and. O. Minister of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR. In 1992-1993 First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. In July 1993, he was removed from this position and was retired. The reason for his removal from his post was the accusation that he and the Minister of Internal Affairs V.P. Barannikov were accused of abuse of office: their wives were invited to Switzerland and generously rewarded at the expense of one of the Russian commercial firms. The case was promoted by the Interdepartmental Commission against Corruption under the President of the Russian Federation. During the autumn (1993) confrontation between the president and parliament, he sided with the Supreme Council. On September 22, 1993, by decree of the “acting president” A. V. Rutsky, he was appointed Minister of Internal Affairs. On September 23, 1993, at the last, extraordinary, X Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation, which confirmed him as Minister of Internal Affairs, he assured the congress that the overwhelming majority of the personnel of the internal affairs bodies had a negative attitude towards the dissolution of parliament: “Currently, an extremely difficult situation has developed. I am standing here at your congress not to the sounds of victorious fanfare... Yesterday Erin sent an encrypted message to the internal affairs bodies with a demand (I’m reading this demand right now) “not to carry out the decisions and instructions of the Supreme Council, the acting President of Russia and his Minister of Internal Affairs” ... No, Mr. Erin. You cannot hide the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from the truth. I appeal to my colleagues, employees of internal affairs bodies, figure out where they are taking you. To a small extent, the fate of Russia depends on us. And, apparently, employees of the internal affairs bodies will have to answer for the inaction, and even more so if illegal actions are committed” (Pikhoya R.G. Domestic History. 2002, No. 5. P. 117.) 03.10.1993 was replaced by V.P. Trushin. 10/04/1993 arrested during the storming of the House of Soviets. On October 21, 1993, he, along with 16 other arrested persons, was charged with organizing and participating in mass riots during the October events in Moscow, accompanied by pogroms and destruction. 02/23/1994 amnestied by the decision of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation with the simultaneous abolition of the parliamentary commission to investigate the events of 09/21/10/04/1993 in Moscow. 02/26/1994 released from Lefortovo pre-trial detention center. Lieutenant General. Since 1994, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the joint-stock commercial bank “New Russian Bank”. Married, has two sons.

From the KGB to the FSB (instructive pages of national history). book 1 (from the KGB of the USSR to the Ministry of Security of the Russian Federation) Evgeniy Mikhailovich Strigin

Dunaev Andrey Fedorovich

Dunaev Andrey Fedorovich

Biographical information: Andrey Fedorovich Dunaev was born in 1939 in the Ulyanovsk region. Higher education, graduated from the Higher School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Academy of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In 1990–1991, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR. From September to December 1991 - Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. In 1992–1993 - First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

On February 4, 1993, he was detained as one of the participants in the events of October 3–4, 1993 in Moscow. In February 1994, he was granted amnesty by a resolution of the State Duma.

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On August 27, Andrey Dunaev celebrates his anniversary. The 70 years of his life contained as many events as could be enough for several destinies. 70 years old means 7:0 in favor of the hero of the day. The win, as they say in sports, is “dry”! Today his relatives, friends and employees talk about the unusually significant scale of Andrei Fedorovich’s personality, the breadth of his horizons, and the diversity of interests.

Plywood suitcase and ticket to Almaty

“In 1957, my friend Anatoly Kovalev and I, having finished 10th grade, together set out to prepare timber. In two months, with one hand saw and two axes, they felled an entire plot of huge pine trees, logged them and prepared them for removal. True, they didn’t even give us half of our wages. But even that money was enough to buy me a wooden suitcase, trousers, a shirt and a ticket to Almaty. At first my father did not agree with my departure, but then with great difficulty he got me a certificate to obtain a passport. It was impossible to travel to the city without a passport, and collective farmers and their children were not given passports.

Having settled down to live with his aunt, he went to study at Alma-Ata agricultural institute, Faculty of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. But there was nothing to learn.

And at this time, representatives of the city committee of the Komsomol were campaigning for study at the police school, where sports, romantic service, free food, uniforms, and even give 40 rubles of money are very developed. For me it was beyond a dream. That’s how I became a cadet at a high school police school.”


Andrei Fedorovich is a lawyer,” continues Anna Evdokimovna. – As they say, let the world perish, but the law will prevail!

When he was minister and deputy minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, our eldest son, already having a big child, lived in a communal apartment.

When he went into business, he was repeatedly hinted: “We pay such huge taxes! Maybe we can somehow circumvent the law, as is often done in the country?” - "No! - answered. - We have to pay! That’s how it’s supposed to be: the money goes to pensioners and state employees. There is only one way out - work more, earn more.”

And, of course, in 1993 he could not come to terms with the decision to illegally dissolve parliament.


“They brought me. Searched. Placed alone. I always thought it was some kind of joke. I could never even imagine this.

I sat for all five months with the firm confidence that I did the right thing. So I wasn’t particularly worried. I started playing sports. I brought push-ups up to 100, squats up to 500, and reached the top of the door with my foot. For the first time, I had time to take care of myself. Came out of prison healthy. I made progress in learning English, but I didn’t start studying it right away, which I regret. I wrote something there from my memories, the most acute periods of my life. Of course, I analyzed my mistakes, but didn’t find them in the strategy. I was right in supporting democracy. It's a bit late. We should have done it earlier and more actively.”

About Chechnya

“In 1974, as a lieutenant colonel, I waited in ambush for three days without food together with Chechen workers for a bandit to drive through the gorge to capture him. It was impossible to leave: either they would kill us or shoot us.

Years have passed. I became a general. So now, will you order me to turn away from these Chechens with whom I then sat in ambush? Before me, six people worked as chiefs of the criminal investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republic in Chechnya for five years. And so, analyzing the situation, I noticed that the small bandit fish were caught, but the large ones remained. All previous heads of the criminal investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Chechnya were repeatedly heard about the capture of bandits, but each of my predecessors ended up being either wounded or killed. I thought: I am no better than these people. Does this mean that this is what awaits me too? And I decided: I will not retreat, I will use all my experience and knowledge here. So I worked in this position alone for six years instead of six previous bosses for five years.”


“My previous work was largely based on operational combinations. Thus, in a certain sense, I am a combinator: it was necessary to analyze the conditions that were created at the moment and use them to the maximum to achieve a certain goal. I used to do this to solve crimes. Now I work for myself. I'm not ashamed."


What, in my opinion, are the defining character traits of Andrei Fedorovich? - Anna Evdokimovna thinks. – Very organized, disciplined. Every minute counts. Extremely obligatory. Purposeful. Practitioner. But, in my opinion, the most important thing is that he never shied away from participating in solving big problems. For example, when we lived in Ulyanovsk, and serious crimes happened in other regions, he got up two or three times a night and went to the crime scene to participate in the detection himself. He is demanding of himself, first of all, but also does not allow laxity in his subordinates.

Very cheerful. Educated. From a young age, Andrei Fedorovich has a habit of working on his improvement at any free moment. Now it’s not only the press, but also television, and the Internet - he definitely needs to be aware of everything.

And also very sociable and hospitable. Thousands of people have visited our house. He can’t stand it when quarrels happen in the team he leads. He had a credo: with such difficult work as police work, a person must have reliable rear support, that is, a strong, friendly family. Therefore, wherever he worked, he always organized family gatherings for his employees on holidays.

Komsomol wedding

Andrei Fedorovich graduated from police school with honors, which means he had the right to choose his assignment, says A. Dunaev’s wife Anna Evdokimovna. – In accordance with the party’s policy, then virgin lands in Kazakhstan were being developed. And Andrei Fedorovich chose Kustanay. The young policeman quickly joined the active life of the city's youth and became a member of the bureau of the regional committee of the Komsomol. And I worked as secretary of the city committee of the Komsomol. It was a very stormy, interesting time. They organized cleanup days and took young people with the orchestra to improve the city. It was in such a business environment that we met. We were friends for eight months and then decided to get married. Komsomol weddings were then played for Komsomol workers. And we had one like that. The city authorities gave us the keys to a one-room apartment. It is a great happiness to start a family life when you have your own corner, your own roof over your head. This year we celebrated 48 years of marriage.

We were always brought together by the fact that we each had our own great interest in our work. There was no time to share little things.

Head of the family

We arrived in Checheno-Ingushetia,” recalls Anna Evdokimovna. “On the first evening, the kids went out into the yard for a walk. The youngest, Rostislav, was six years old and went to kindergarten. The eldest - Vadim - is seven years older, he studied at school. And in the yard the local guys saw them: new people appeared... A fight broke out. They didn’t touch the younger one, but the older one got it!

Father returns from work: “What happened?” They told me. He was upset. But he sat and thought and said: “Of course, I can go out now and punish these boys. But their parents will stand up for them. And this is war... Therefore, you will have to learn to defend yourself.” I bought boxing gloves and a punching bag. In the morning - get up! - and training. Somehow, relations with the local kids gradually improved, and the father taught his sons to play sports. They always respected him infinitely, although, of course, during his work, they did not see him so often.

Vadim followed in his father's footsteps. He is already retired with the rank of police colonel. Rostislav is a candidate of legal sciences, works in Ulyanovsk. They still love their father very much and consult with him.

Dacha "non-partisan" standard

“I came to Kaliningrad, having been appointed head of a secondary police school. Over time, he built a dacha, almost all with his own hands. But it turned out that the height from the ground to the ridge is 6 meters 35 centimeters, and according to the norm, 6 meters 15 centimeters are needed. The regional prosecutor came to look at this 5x5 meter dacha. And I, the general, carried the earth in buckets at night, poured it around the foundation in order to artificially adjust the height to the standard, as the party decided. But that was not all. I am 1 meter 86 centimeters tall, and I made the 2x3 meter basement 1 meter 90 centimeters high. But again I didn’t meet the standard: the permissible height is 1 meter 80 centimeters. I started wearing clay to bring it into line. I wear it, but I think: the system that has developed in our country should not exist.”

Why does the accordion sing?

“We have a wonderful tradition in our family,” says Anna Evdokimovna, “on days off, everyone gathers with us for lunch. My relatives, my husband’s relatives and, of course, it’s a special joy when both sons come with their families. We have two grandchildren, Andrei and Egor, three granddaughters: Maria, Sophia and Stefania - as well as a little great-grandson Dima. Up to thirty people gather at the table. I like to cook. We traveled a lot around the Union: Kazakhstan, the Caucasus, the Baltic states, Russia. That's why our cuisine is varied. Sometimes I cook Kazakh beshbarmak, other times I cook shish kebab, or even classic Russian borscht.

During such cozy family gatherings, Andrei Fedorovich takes out his harmonica, starts playing, and everyone sings with pleasure. He loves lyrical songs. And especially – “Old Maple”...

That's what's interesting. The film “Girls”, in which this song was first heard, was released in the same year when the family life of the Dunaev Sr. began.

Apparently, a person is designed in such a way that no matter what political and economic storms sweep over his head, in his soul he always keeps the most important, the most cherished, expressed in simple words: “Why, why, why does the accordion sing? “Because someone loves an accordion player.” The Dunaev family has been warmed by this love for many years. And may it remain so for many years to come!

Private bussiness

Andrey Fedorovich Dunaev was born on August 27, 1939 in the village of Aleshkino, Terengulsky district, Ulyanovsk region, into a family of collective farmers. In 1957 he entered the Almaty Secondary Police School. After graduation, he was enrolled in the higher school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and sent to the regional department of internal affairs of the city of Kustanay. Worked as an investigator. Then he became the head of the Terengulsky district police department, and in 1970 he became the head of the Leninsky District Department of Internal Affairs in Ulyanovsk.

1973-1978 - service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Checheno-Ingushetia as head of the criminal investigation department. He graduated from the Academy of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs and worked as a deputy minister in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Dagestan. From 1980 to 1985 - head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Vologda Regional Executive Committee.

Then he headed a police school in Kaliningrad. He took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident. He was elected as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.

In 1990, he was appointed Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR for Personnel. In August 1991, at the head of a group of officers, he went to Foros to rescue M. Gorbachev. After that, until December 19, 1991 - Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and then until July 1993 - First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - Head of the Criminal Police.

Participant in the events of September-October 1993. As a deputy of the Supreme Council, he was in the White House when it was shelled.

In 1994, Andrei Dunaev retired with the rank of lieutenant general of the internal service, and has government awards.

In retirement, he served as chairman of the board of directors of Globex Bank for ten years.

He restored the church in the village of Eremkino, Ulyanovsk region.

In recent years, he has been Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Ulyanovskresort" His areas of interest also include industry, agriculture, and banking.

Married. Has two children, five grandchildren, and one great-grandson

The best husband

I am happy that fate connected me with such a person as Andrei Fedorovich. In the family circle he is kind, caring, understanding, able to listen and hear. And at the same time very reliable and constant. He always serves as an example to his sons, grandsons and great-grandson in that he cares for every business he undertakes, that he is in constant motion and self-improvement.

Andrey Fedorovich is passionate not only about his work, but also about his hobbies. ! Perhaps his main passion is books. We collected the library all our lives, carefully transporting it from city to city.

He loves billiards, hunting, sports, and fishing. The big dream is to organize a well-equipped fishermen’s club on the banks of the Volga.

I want to wish my husband on his anniversary to always stay healthy, get more rest, and take more care of himself. Longevity, fulfillment of all desires and eternal youth!

Anna Evdokimovna Dunaeva,

wife of the hero of the day.

The grandchildren simply adore their grandfather

For us, sons, father has always been and remains strong-willed, strict and... kind. He will never condemn a person for some action without deeply understanding the reasons, without entering into the situation of this person.

I think that everything we have achieved in life has been achieved through the desire for knowledge, which we undoubtedly adopted from our father.

Grandchildren... Well, his grandchildren simply adore him! With them he is gentle, affectionate, and can pamper them. And after seeing grandfather off to work, they run to the window, because grandfather never left without waving goodbye to them from the street.

Dear father! We love and respect you very much! Good health to you! We wish you to live long and bring joy to us all for a long time. And let your best character traits: courage, determination, responsibility and attentive attitude towards people be passed on in the family from generation to generation!

Your loving sons, daughters-in-law, grandchildren, great-grandson.

You need to put your soul into your work

The first thing that strikes you about Andrei Fedorovich is his determination and enormous capacity for work. I think that in order to work so intensively, money and general instructions are not enough. You have to put your soul into it! This is exactly how our chairman of the board of directors works. Moreover, the entire team teaches them to work with the same dedication, striving for everyone in their place to work with their souls.

Andrey Dunaev understands very well the specifics of the functioning of the sanatorium. After all, on the one hand, we must provide all conditions for our patients, and on the other hand, we must be able to earn money. He feels this line very subtly, and his advice is always wise and useful.

Dear Andrey Fedorovich! The team of the Dubki sanatorium cordially congratulates you on your anniversary! First of all, of course, we wish you health, physical and spiritual. We wish that, as before, your family, friends and employees support, understand you, and live on the same wavelength with you!

Svetlana Zazyanova,

chief physician of the Dubki sanatorium.

Knows every employee by sight

Andrei Fedorovich considers it his duty to talk with a new employee of the team, be it a doctor, a nanny or a cleaner, and ask how the family lives and what problems they have. Therefore, surprisingly, the chairman of the board of directors knows every employee of the four sanatoriums by sight.

Andrei Fedorovich himself endlessly learns, improves, and understands areas of life that he has never encountered before. And he instructs us all to do the same in order to achieve excellence in professionalism.

On the day of the anniversary, the staff of the Bely Yar sanatorium sincerely wishes Andrei Fedorovich excellent health. Let the desire to work remain for many years to come, let him and his family avoid problems, and let good luck accompany him in his activities!


Chief physician of the Bely Yar sanatorium.

For the benefit of the people

Andrey Fedorovich is a person who works for the benefit of people, invests his funds in the development of sanatoriums, and therefore in the health of the people.

It seems to me very important that the chairman of the board of directors expresses his concern for people, which we usually perceive somewhat abstractly, very concretely in relation to the members of the teams of our health resorts. For example, as soon as the average wage of the population rises in the Ulyanovsk region, the board of directors immediately raises the wages of all categories of our employees accordingly.

Andrei Fedorovich knows the value of money very well. When a new direction of development is being developed, he calculates everything very carefully and does not spend an extra penny.

It is difficult to overestimate his contribution to the social sphere. For example, he always helps our employees prepare children for the new school year. This is a responsive and at the same time demanding person when it comes to work.

I think that the 70th anniversary of Andrei Fedorovich Dunaev is a great holiday not only for him, but also for Anna Evdokimovna, his wife, his best assistant, who went through all the joys and sorrows of a long family life with her husband. Therefore, on behalf of the staff of the Pribrezhny sanatorium and on my own behalf, allow me to wish the Dunaev spouses long life!


Chief physician of the Pribrezhny sanatorium.

Do it well, reliably, for years

Dear Andrey Fedorovich! On the day of your anniversary, I really want to address you with words of respect and deep gratitude. Since you became chairman of the board of directors of OJSC Ulyanovskkurort, great changes have occurred in the sanatoriums of the joint-stock company.

A native and passionate patriot of the Ulyanovsk region, you always strive to prove that rest and treatment on the banks of the Volga can be made no less comfortable and effective than abroad. Your dream that not only our fellow countrymen, but also residents of other regions of Russia would come to the health resorts of the Ulyanovsk region is coming true. The flow of vacationers is constantly increasing.

Over the years of working together, we have learned a lot from you. You have always been guided by the principle: if you do something, do it as best as possible, soundly, reliably, for years to come. It is this approach to business that is manifested in all strategic directions of development of Ulyanovsk health resorts: in the renovation of buildings, in expanding the range of services, in the purchase of the latest medical equipment.

Dear Andrey Fedorovich! Your rich life experience, sharp mind, education, ability to understand the most diverse areas of human activity and immediately apply this knowledge in practice constantly serve as an example for us. Working next to you helps each employee not to stand still, to learn, to improve. Thank you for that!

On my own behalf and on behalf of the entire team of OJSC Ulyanovskkurort, allow me to congratulate you with all my heart on your anniversary birthday! From the bottom of our hearts we wish you and all your loved ones health and joy. May the excitement of striving for something new never leave you for many years to come!


General Director of OJSC Ulyanovskkurort.

Unique person

Dear Andrey Fedorovich!

We cordially congratulate you on your anniversary!

We have been working with Ulyanovskkurort OJSC for about ten years.

During this time, your sanatoriums have changed. The team works harmoniously and has become more professional in dealing with vacationers.

The resort business is not an easy business. In our lives, sometimes extraordinary situations occur when mutual understanding and trust between partners are especially needed. And we are happy to work with a partner like you, Andrey Fedorovich. Despite the well-known strength of character, you always know how to carefully understand a problem and come to the rescue in difficult times.

Undoubtedly, economic assistance is important. It was not for nothing that the ancients said: “He who gives on time gives twice!” But, in my opinion, it is almost more important when a person remains a person in any situation. Moral support and good advice from you have always helped us a lot in our work.

Your name is widely known among Russian spa treatment organizers. The breadth of your interests and ability to become a professional in various fields of economics are admirable! You are simply a unique person!

With all our hearts we wish you, dear Andrey Fedorovich, health and long life. May your beautiful wife Anna Evdokimovna always be by your side. Let your children and grandchildren make you happy. We are confident that all your best qualities: versatility, determination, firmness, kindness and humanity - will manifest themselves in the next generations of the Dunaevs! I wish you happiness and great success in business!

Director, Fadeev Vladimir Vasilievich and the team of LLC "Samara Bureau SCO "ROSYUGKURORT"

Best friend, wise brother

Andrei Fedorovich and I have known each other for almost thirty years. Our acquaintance grew into a strong male friendship, which we both value very much and are proud of. He is a man of principle: for friends he is the best friend, but for enemies he does not need friends.

I consider Andrei Fedorovich not only my best friend, but also a wise brother. And I am happy that there is such a person on whom you can rely, with whom you can consult in difficult times.

Dunaev is not one of those people who do things half-heartedly. He reached the top in the police service, going from a simple police detective to lieutenant general, minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Now Andrey Fedorovich is on the way to his heights in business. And I am confident that he will achieve great success in this area and will make a significant contribution to the development of the country’s economy, since he has truly state-like thinking and the inner strength to achieve the goal.

Dear Andrey Fedorovich! Please accept my warmest congratulations on your anniversary! I sincerely wish you and your loved ones health! And let there be no obstacles on the thorny path to business success!


businessman, candidate of economic sciences,

President of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Chechen Republic.

Learning from a professional

Dear Andrey Fedorovich!

Congratulations on your anniversary!

You are a person who, in a short period of time, managed to perfectly understand all the intricacies of the work of credit institutions, with your characteristic professionalism and perseverance, as in other areas of business.

We are amazed by the wide range of your interests and continuous work on studying the most diverse areas of the economy.

We, the employees of Simbirsk Bank, are trying to learn these working techniques from you.

You are very efficient, you do not leave any half-thought out, unfinished “little things” that could prevent you from moving on. If there is a problem, then take responsibility for solving it yourself, without shifting it onto the shoulders of your subordinates.

Investing money wisely is a rule for you. The amounts spent do not go down the drain, but serve to increase work efficiency.

When it comes to developing the activities of an institution or introducing a new banking product, you demand clarity from your subordinates, and the first question is: “What would you like?” And this is a very correct approach!

Every employee knows that you will listen to their opinion and answer any questions that arise.

Your extraordinary determination gives every bank employee to understand the future, think about it and strive to achieve the best result. And you taught us this, because you are sure that you can achieve success only with faith in your work!

The team of Simbirsk Bank cordially congratulates you, dear Andrey Fedorovich, on your anniversary birthday!

We wish you good health for many years to come. Happiness, love and success to you, your children, grandchildren and great-grandson, and, of course, to your wife, Anna Evdokimovna, who is next to you in all matters. You are an example of family love, loyalty, respect and support.

We sincerely wish you growth in your financial capital. Always remain courageous and firm in your views, wise in your decisions and faithful to your work!

With deep and sincere respect,

team of Bank "Simbirsk".

We sincerely thank Anna Evdokimovna Dunaeva for the interview she gave to our correspondent by phone from Moscow.

Essay about Andrei Dunaev - on the Internet at

Moscow - former Chairman of the Board of Directors of Globex Bank, Minister of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR in 1991, again - from September 21 to October 4, 1993,


Born in the village of Aleshkino, Ulyanovsk region. Mordvinian by nationality.

He graduated from the Alma-Ata Special Secondary Police School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs in 1959, the Higher Police School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Academy of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. He worked as a detective officer from 1959 to 1965, a senior detective officer of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Kustanai Regional Executive Committee (Kazakh SSR), then until 1967 - deputy head of the Internal Affairs Department of the Dzhetygarinsky City Executive Committee of the Kustanay Region, head of the Internal Affairs Department of the Terengulsky District Executive Committee of the Ulyanovsk Region, head of the criminal investigation department of the Checheno-Ingu Ministry of Internal Affairs shish ASSR.

In 1979-1980 - Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1980-1985 - head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Vologda Regional Executive Committee, major general of police. In 1986, he was relieved of his post and transferred with a demotion: in 1986-1990 - head of the Kaliningrad Special Secondary Police School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

He was elected as a people's deputy of the RSFSR from the Kaliningrad region (1990-1991), and was a member of the Communists for Democracy faction.

In 1990-1991 - Deputy Minister, from September to December 1991 - Minister of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR. On August 19, 1991, during the putsch, the State Emergency Committee brought police cadets into Moscow to defend the White House. He led the combat group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs during the operation to liberate M. Gorbachev from Foros. In 1992, he was appointed First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and was removed from office in July 1993. By decree of the acting President A. Rutsky on September 22, he was appointed Minister of Internal Affairs (on October 3 he was replaced by V. Trushin). During the storming of the House of Soviets of Russia on October 4, he was arrested. Released under amnesty in January 1994. After his resignation he was retired.

Since 1994 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSCB New Russian Bank (Moscow).

Married: two sons Vadim and Rostislav, five grandchildren, one great-grandson.

Andrey Fedorovich Dunaev born on August 27, 1939 in the village of Aleshkino, Terengulsky district, Ulyanovsk region. He graduated from the Alma-Ata police school, the Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and was sent to the Internal Affairs Directorate of the city of Kostanay as an investigator.

He worked as the head of the Terengulsky district police department, the head of the Leninsky District Department of Internal Affairs in Ulyanovsk, and the head of the criminal investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Checheno-Ingushetia. He graduated from the Academy of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, worked as a deputy minister in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Dagestan, and as head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Vologda Regional Executive Committee. He headed a police school in Kaliningrad. He was elected people's deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.

In 1990, he was appointed Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR for Personnel. Until December 19, 1991 - Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, until July 1993 - First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - Head of the Criminal Police. In 1993 - Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, then - acting. Minister for Special Assignments.

In 1994, he retired with the rank of lieutenant general of the internal service and went into business. He worked as chairman of the board of directors of Globex Bank for ten years. Currently, he is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Ulyanovskkurort.

Recognized by many government and departmental awards. Honored Worker of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Married. Has two children.

- Andrey Fedorovich, your area of ​​interest includes various types of activities - sanatorium-resort, banking, public catering, industrial production, agricultural production... However, if you enter the words “Andrey Dunaev” in the search engine, then the first In turn, links appear to sites associated with the health resorts of OJSC Ulyanovskkurort. Does this mean that this area is a priority for you?

An incident brought me into the resort industry: during my service in the Internal Affairs bodies, my family and I had to serve in more than ten regions of the Soviet Union. And this is different water, different food, work stress, which gave rise to urolithiasis in me. In 2000, on New Year’s Day, I came to relax and receive treatment at the Lenin sanatorium in Undory. I saw that the health resort had not been thoroughly renovated for 18 years and had more than 47 million rubles in debt. Because of the debts I had in the sanatorium, the power engineers tried to turn off the electricity. Imagine what would happen to the guests and staff of the sanatorium if the lights were turned off in winter!

And by that time I already knew the miraculous properties of Undoria water, other healing factors of Undoria, and everything that I had accumulated by that time began to invest in the development of the resort. The results were not long in coming: around 2003, the Ulyanovskurort and Simbirskkurort sanatoriums became profitable. In general, I want to note that when a person’s spiritual need is combined with business interest, his business goes well.

- I know that you personally never took advantage of the profit received from resort activities; you continue to actively invest in the health resorts of OJSC Ulyanovskkurort...

Indeed, all profits are invested in improving the working conditions of the team, in the medical and material base, and in the medical equipment of our sanatoriums. We pay great attention to providing vacationers with organic food. We have our own state farm “Resortny”, we have our own mill, bakeries, apiary, always fresh milk, we make kumys ourselves, we almost completely meet the needs of health resorts with meat from our own farms - environmentally friendly beef and pork, we feed all living creatures only with hay, haylage and grain.

Currently, the renovation of buildings in our health resorts is being completed, and we are preparing for the construction of new modern buildings. It must be admitted that the resort sector in our country is developing very poorly. Our sanatoriums justify their maintenance, are profitable, people come here to relax and be treated from all over Russia.

I am glad that the health resorts of OJSC Ulyanovskkurort are receiving recognition at the highest level. In recent years, our resorts, especially the Lenin sanatorium, regularly take first place in many nominations at all-Russian forums - exhibitions, shows.

And from the recent forum in Sochi “Zdravnitsa-2011” we brought back ten (!) awards! OJSC "Ulyanovskkurort" was awarded gold medals in the categories "Best resort of regional importance", "Best technologies for the therapeutic and prophylactic use of therapeutic mud", "Best health resort for patients with socially significant diseases", "Best physiotherapeutic technologies", "Best technologies for sanatorium and resort treatment " We received silver medals in the nominations “Best association (association) of sanatorium and resort organizations”, “Best health resort for organizing health and therapeutic nutrition”.

In addition, we brought a medal and cup from Sochi to Ulyanovsk for services to the development of the resort business. Personally, I was awarded a Diploma “For outstanding contribution to the revival and prosperity of the resort.”

- At what stage is the cooperation between OJSC “Ulyanovskkurort” and the Bakulev Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences?

Now the Bakulev Center has begun producing heart valves from the heart bags of our piglets and calves, recognizing them as completely environmentally friendly. We are engaged in a very difficult matter; agriculture in our country, and throughout the world, is an industry subsidized by the state. But high-quality food is the basis of any treatment, and we will continue to develop the “Resort” state farm for the benefit of vacationers in our health resorts, we will deepen ties with the Bakulev Scientific Center - not only by the supply of raw materials, but also by the participation of scientists of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in the development of cardiology treatment of our clients, which will significantly increase the level of treatment of patients.

- If it were possible to rewind the tape of history half a century ago, admit it, would you throw in your lot with law enforcement agencies?

I don’t want to change anything in my life. I have served impeccably in the Internal Affairs bodies for 38 years and have dozens of awards. It was me who was entrusted by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs to restore order in Lenin’s homeland, when the centenary of the leader’s birth was celebrated in Ulyanovsk, I was awarded for this too. I went from cadet to general, from private to minister. I'm proud of my service. Yes, unfortunately, I finished my service in Lefortovo, but I served time there because I stood up for the defense of the country’s Constitution as a people’s deputy. Russian society has long concluded that the shooting at parliament was illegal, and I think the corresponding conclusions will be drawn by the authorities.

- Let me suggest that your rich, completely non-trivial biography is a ready-made script for an action-packed film with action elements. Tell us about the most tragic “frames”...

Yes, indeed, there were many events, activities, and risky decisions. All of them in a certain way influenced both my life views and subsequent actions.

I remember how in the summer of 1969 a group of criminals escaped from a colony in the Ulyanovsk region. The head of the criminal investigation department was my friend Vladimir Matkov. One evening, towards the end of the working day, he came to the Leninsky District Department of Internal Affairs, and we resolved official issues with him. An urgent call comes in, Matkov is summoned to the regional police department. Literally half an hour later I received an order to assemble a detachment of police department personnel and go to the area of ​​the Sviyaga River near Barataevka. He quickly arrived at the indicated place and learned the terrible news: the bandits captured our employee and took his pistol. Hearing a cry for help, Matkov rushed to rescue the hostage, and the bandits mortally wounded my friend.

At Vladimir's funeral, the management of the Internal Affairs Directorate instructed me to speak. On behalf of my comrades, I swore at my friend’s grave that the killer would not survive him for long. And indeed, two days later, while being detained, the bandit was killed in a shootout. The death of a friend, someone close and dear to me, made a real revolution in my thinking. I thought that Vladimir Matkov was the most developed among the relatively young bosses, prepared both physically and professionally, but he died. And from then on, I prepared especially carefully for arrests, and began to have a completely different attitude towards preserving the lives of myself and my employees. And, thank God, hundreds of arrests of armed criminals occurred without casualties.

I remember how difficult and tragic it was to arrest the head of the KGB of the USSR Kryuchkov and other members of the State Emergency Committee in 1991, to risk employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs during the release of the country's President Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev from Foros... A lot of things happened in my life...

- What character traits do you think have helped you succeed in business?

In business, the most important thing is honesty and integrity. If a businessman has these traits, then he is trusted with profitable deals and invited to participate in joint ventures. Well, naturally, a person must be hardworking. And it is also very important to combine personal interests with the interests of the team. By the end of 2010, OJSC Ulyanovskkurort had good profits. I, as a shareholder, prepared documents in order to withdraw this money as my own dividends. But at the last moment I thought that I personally could manage without this money, and decided to give ten thousand rubles to everyone working at the Ulyanovskkurort company as an incentive. I think the team will earn even more this year.

- Tell me, do command - general - notes slip into your voice when you communicate with your subordinates?

I, like any boss, can scold my subordinates. I especially don't like slackers. But I don’t consider myself vindictive, I quickly move away. And then, you know, among my subordinates there are three doctors of medical sciences, their status is no less than that of a general, try yelling at them (laughs)!

- You once called yourself a strategist who, both during service and in civilian life, knows how to analyze the current conditions in order to achieve certain goals as efficiently as possible. Which combination do you think is the most brilliant?

Yes, combination is a great force. When even the most unfavorable circumstances arise, you need to force yourself to play to achieve your goal. There are many examples. So, before the default, on August 14, 2008, the management of Globex Bank decided to buy short-term government bonds worth billions of rubles. I conducted a systematic analysis of the GKO movement and assumed that this state pyramid would soon burst, and categorically opposed this deal. It came to a point of disagreement with the management of the bank, but I insisted on my own. On August 17, the state bonds burst, the bank was left with the money, and we easily and profitably went through the default.

- This year you and your wife Anna Evdokimovna celebrated the golden anniversary of your life together. Does the family happiness of the Dunaev couple have its own secret?

Yes, on July 8, my wife and I celebrated our fiftieth wedding anniversary with our family and friends. She and I have one secret - we love and pity each other. I also really like the words of the writer Dmitry Lazutkin: “A wife should be, if not an ally, then at least a fan for the cause for which her husband is fighting.”

- What are your main traits you see in your sons?

My wife and I raised two sons. Vadim has three children, commands the Uzlovsky Machine-Building Plant, he completely repeated my path, rose to the rank of police colonel. Rostislav has two children, he is the general director of OJSC Ulyanovskkurort. The eldest grandson Andrey is a builder; he is currently erecting a building in our holiday home “Glory of the Black Sea” in Sochi. Both sons are candidates of legal sciences, they are kind, strong, honest people, they work well. Hard work is valued in our families. I'm proud of my children.

- Admit it, do you spoil your grandchildren?

I love my grandchildren, they have everything for good development, but they study and live in normal conditions.

- You have a reputation for being a bookworm. What books are you willing to re-read several times?

I have a very good library. Unfortunately, there is very little time to read. But from time to time I try to at least leaf through the works of Plutarch, I admire Michel Montaigne’s Essays, I love the works of Fyodor Tyutchev and Vasily Belov.

- Your environment knows you as a cheerful person. What makes you most happy today?

I am glad that, despite the difficulties, private enterprise and democracy are still strengthening their positions in our country. This is a proven path to development and people's well-being. “Ulyanovsk resort” is a living example of this.

- Andrey Fedorovich, who do you feel more like now - an Ulyanovsk resident or a Muscovite?

I consider myself more of an Ulyanovsk resident. I even want to register here to pay taxes in the Ulyanovsk region. I am proud that I was born and raised in the Ulyanovsk region. I am glad that the region, richest in people and natural resources, is rising from its knees. I see that the leadership of the region, Governor Sergei Ivanovich Morozov, Chairman of the Regional Legislative Assembly Boris Ivanovich Zotov, is creating an increasingly favorable environment for attracting investment, for business development, and this means additional jobs, good salaries, taxes.

And I will continue to direct all my efforts to the development of my native Ulyanovsk region. Under my leadership, a church was restored in the village of Eremkino, a church was built in Bely Yar, three gas pipelines were installed - twenty or more kilometers each, water pipelines are being repaired and installed, and the construction of new, interesting facilities in the resort system of the region is planned.

My kindest and best wishes to you, my dear fellow countrymen. I'm with you!

Tatiana Zadorozhnaya

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