Horoscope for the year Libra Tamara Globa.

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In 2017, family affairs and relationships with personal and business partners will be of concern. Partners are rising, and you should help them. Successful work is only possible in a team of interesting and authoritative people. Financial affairs will go well. There will be as much money as you need. Fate will give advances in the first half of the year and chances for future earnings. By investing in new enterprises, you are sowing a field of future harvest. Old acquaintances, people from afar, will help you. The financial situation will become stronger - construction or acquisition of real estate is possible, but there will also be a lot of expenses for taxes, loans, and various unforeseen payments. Avoid financial adventures: they will be revealed.

In love, the period is dual. You may lose a friend this year and plans will start to change in February and August. You are interesting and popular in the first half of the year. Venus will shower you with her attention. But unnecessary hobbies are possible, and your partners will not look at your pranks favorably. Conception is likely in 2017. It is necessary to take care of yourself, children and loved ones, especially at the end of February - beginning of March, at the end of May - beginning of June, and also at the end of summer - beginning of autumn. In the second half of the year, relatives will become a support. Meet others halfway, help from the heart and selflessly. There will be a need to learn and expand your knowledge base. They will help you in matters of admission to an educational institution; studying will be an outlet. Summer is a good period for writers and teachers. Mid-autumn will usher in a period of change. The financial side requires attention, but you must help other people, even if your business is not going well. Elders will support you financially, as well as your ingenuity. The end of the year promises drastic changes in your career.

The coming year will bring success in the service, respect from others, but changes related to the future are brewing behind us. In the first half of the year, you endear yourself to people. Compensation comes for what was lost. It is as if scales will fall from your eyes, and you will make discoveries regarding personal matters and spiritual problems. Your professional activity will bring satisfaction, but the events happening around you seem to be delaying some of your success. In winter, you will have a great time with friends and people who love you, but you will be worried about the problems of your parents and career. In February you may lose a friend. You will become a support for those around you, even those who did not believe in you will help you. A period of spiritual renewal will begin. By the end of the year, spiritual achievements will also bring material satisfaction. In February, you should take care of your health and not overload yourself with work, so as not to get sick. Expect the greatest success in personal affairs in spring and early summer. Pregnancy, new love or successful creative projects, support in material matters and spiritual work are likely. Choose honest paths so as not to lose the main thing - yourself. In the summer there will be more money, as well as opportunities to earn it. If you worked honestly, compensation will come. If stolen, there will be losses. In the second half of summer, good luck in your studies, the children’s affairs will delight you, but you will begin to rush between friends and loved ones. Both will help, sisters and female acquaintances will support. The work will make you happy. But in August there is a sharp turn in career and home affairs. Issues of changing place of residence and the affairs of parents will come to the fore. September and October will delight you with creative success and knowledge. The late summer crisis will change attitudes towards personal matters. Your partners are rising, you will be able to succeed in common affairs. Possible marriage or proposals for marriage, partnership with a successful leader. At the end of the year there will be profit. Success shines far from home.

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In 2017 you will enjoy creativity, work, love and relationships with children. But things won't be easy. Luck will be replaced by problems, the opportunity to be with children and loved ones will be interspersed with the need to give up everything and take up new things for the sake of long-term plans. In the first half of the year, fate seems to be watching you, assessing your abilities. But the children’s successes are encouraging; work is going easier than usual. From time to time, I worry about health and financial problems: there is a lot to do, but there are more expenses than I would like. In the first half of the year, original and unusual women will support you. You may get carried away, but the relationship will be friendly or open. In February and March, you will be concerned about the problems of loved ones, the affairs of your parents, especially your father, and your career. Management may change. A new addition to the family is likely, but the children’s affairs will go with varying degrees of success. Numerous worries, successes and changes in relationships with partners will not let you get bored.

The year is filled with successes and profits, losses and difficulties. Together with your friends, you can earn money, despite the difficulties with business partners. Personal matters will also bother you from time to time. Hobbies will appear, but these can also be idealistic relationships that will develop into interesting cooperation, bright, extraordinary plans for the future. Starting this summer, you will make a series of discoveries for yourself. People will meet you halfway, and circumstances will develop in such a way that you will receive recognition for previous achievements and advances of fate, which will still have to be worked out by karma. Some wishes will come true, but someone will leave your life. At the end of summer - beginning of autumn, successes are accompanied by difficulties, and they are associated with long trips, with people from your immediate environment. The problems of loved ones will bother you. But children's successes and creative achievements will still delight you.

In 2017, you will be concerned about housing issues, career, love and children, as well as creativity and family relationships. Numerous concerns related to the home and mother's affairs, moving and changing places of residence are interspersed with changes in career, where success is accompanied by disruptions of plans, problems at work and with employees. In the first half of the year, relationships with friends will be pleasing. Patrons and old friends will support you in your best endeavors. Numerous plans will appear; working in a team for the future will bring useful experience. People related to the field of trade, fashion and beauty, the creation of unfading values, as well as nutrition and ordinary consumption, will find success. There will be an opportunity to improve your affairs, following the dictates of the times. It is possible to purchase real estate. In winter, in February, losses and problems are likely away from home, while traveling, as well as with distant relatives. Away from home, love and creative success will alternate with important career changes and relocations.

Summer is a period of preparation for new things. There is control behind your back: someone is looking closely at you and your successes, talents, someone is ready to help. Summer is good for relaxation, the implementation of personal plans, and the beginning of a new period. Good earnings will come. In August, financial plans will be disrupted and losses are possible. Take care of your health. From mid-autumn there will be excellent chances for creativity, solving personal and business problems, and progress in work. This is a period of success. Children will support, probably adding to the family or purchasing a pet for the house. At the end of the year, there will be more work, you will see your family less often, but people who love you and partners will support you. There will be more expenses, although you will not be left without money. People around you will help you, seeing the best in you.

Throughout the year, you will be spinning between studies, related affairs, and roads far and near. There will be a lot of trips and business trips. Luck shines in working with words and studying. Relatives rise up, and their success illuminates you with the light of good luck and new opportunities. Support is also expected from people from the immediate environment. You will enter secular circles, an interesting society. New people will appear whom you will want to follow, reach out to, and from whom you will want to learn skills. Good luck awaits you in your studies, working with words and in public affairs. Trips with family and unexpected hobbies will delight you almost all year. There may be difficulties in the family and with partners in February and August. Losses and disappointments are also likely at the end of winter and at the end of summer. In the first half of the year, management will give you good chances for growth. You will be able to teach or impart experience in areas of social activity that interest you.

Starting in the summer, friends will become a powerful support, but you should also help those around you, regardless of their faces. After all, people you never thought of as friends can provide you with invaluable services. From mid-autumn, real estate problems that bothered you in 2016 and early 2017 may be resolved. There will be a period of seduction in love. Children will bother you almost until the end of autumn. But expect new meetings, interesting hobbies and unusual love that can sparkle on long roads or with a person from afar, unusual and original, like a comet, in the first half of the year. Be attentive to your parents, especially your mother. Take care of the house. Expect support from your father. The mother's affairs will please her at the end of the year; significant success is possible. At the end of the year, there will be more work, but some things will have to be abandoned, because personal concerns may be more important.

Financial issues will be resolved throughout the year. Many plans and ideas are being implemented, but not everything is as we would like. Some things, including financial ones, will fail. However, until mid-spring you are laying down a program for the future. All thoughts, words and deeds by which you live will develop and bear fruit, and good or bad largely depends only on you. The good and evil committed by you will bring returns - the laying out of these events goes on for many years to come. Spring will usher in a new period. Ideas will turn into reality, and a lot will come together behind your back. In February and August, losses and problems with partners and at work are possible. Many plans will change.

It is necessary to pay attention to home and housing issues. Parents require increased attention. At the beginning of the year there are difficulties and disputes with partners, possible separation or testing the strength of relationships. Take care of your relatives. Studying is difficult, but difficulties must be overcome in order to get good results in the second half of autumn. During the year, profits will be combined with losses, housing costs, expenses for modern communications, travel, and money will also decrease due to sudden changes that are beyond your control. Prosperity will be brought by people from afar, a change of views and replenishment of knowledge in the spiritual and financial fields, in matters related to travel. Far from home - spiritual happiness, love and revaluation of values. Children and grandchildren will delight. In the middle of the year, goals and plans will change. You will be able to choose the right direction, and useful knowledge and education will help with this. In the fall, summer beginnings will bring profit and the implementation of good and bright ideas. Expect success and recognition, chances to earn good money, but taxes, house affairs, construction will reduce your funds. At the end of autumn - beginning of winter, family, home, and trips will take up almost all your time and attention.

September 24 - October 23

During the year you will experience an upswing and growth in authority. There will be a lot of work. Long-standing achievements will be realized in the first third of the year, but many new directions will open up. The year is dual. Success will be accompanied by losses, opponents will put forward new technologies and unexpected solutions against your traditional methods. Your partners are also hungry for change, and you find it difficult to keep up with their decisions. In the first half of the year, work and personal affairs require increased attention. You will either obey, working tirelessly, or rebel. From May and for the next year and a half, children's affairs and relationships with old friends will come to the fore. The future of the children is being decided, much will bring success now, but some plans are projected for the period that will come in three years. Some plans will be disrupted starting in the spring. At the end of winter, in February, difficulties will arise with friends and people from your inner circle, and they will repeat at the end of summer - beginning of autumn. There will also be difficulties in the service. Older relatives are also worried.

During the year you will have to pay a lot of attention to vehicles. Much will fall into disrepair, and you will have to spend a lot of money on renovations or repairs. You will think about the place of material and spiritual things in your life. The changes taking place around you will force you in the second half of the year, from the summer period, to go in search of the spiritual, the truth. People from afar, mentors and younger people will help you with this. Studying away from home will be beneficial. Authority can grow in the summer and early autumn. In August, some plans will collapse. During this same period, take care of your children and loved ones, take part in their affairs, and support them. At the beginning of autumn, hard work will bring success in material affairs. The end of the year will return to problems at home and the affairs of parents. There may be financial difficulties due to real estate matters. You are actively striving to earn money - you will not be left without money.

At the beginning of 2017, health problems and spiritual experiences will be a concern. There are changes around, work requires increased attention. There will be less money, especially starting from the end of winter. Difficulties will arise in financial matters; more than once you will have to make do with little money or spend more than you can. Success is on the side of personal and business partners, and you should work as a team, accepting outside help. In the first half of the year, family and partners will become a support - do not push away their help. During the year, there is control behind you: successful and authoritative people, hidden enemies and secret patrons are looking at you. You may never know who put in a good word for you and helped you, as a result of which your affairs were resolved positively. Until almost the end of spring, feel free to plan your future, relying on the help of friends. Your endeavors will lead to good results. At the same time, children and their deeds will bring joy.

There are difficulties in love at the end of winter - beginning of spring. Take care of your children during this time. There will be a turning point in the career in the second half of winter and in the second half of summer. You can change your place of work, and at the end of summer and autumn - your place of residence. In the first half of the year you will enjoy love, creativity, children's affairs, sports, support for women in the service and help from loved ones. Changes will come in the summer. Good luck awaits you in spiritual work, helping other people, and charity. And by the end of summer, living and working conditions will change. A period of reassessment will come, and these changes will benefit you. Friends will take part in your affairs in the fall, and patrons will propose. Or you yourself are implementing projects that you have been working on for a long time. From the second half of autumn, expect recognition. Despite the financial difficulties, things will get easier. November will bring personal and creative success. There will be an opportunity to earn money, and good luck awaits you in intellectual and social work.

In 2017, friends will play a leading role in your life and affairs. Some will help in solving personal and financial problems. Powerful, authoritative patrons will appear. In the first half of the year, you will pay most attention to your home and loved ones. Are you planning to add to your family? You will enjoy communicating with children. New love or sudden infatuation is possible, but the relationship may not be very reliable. From the end of spring, you will begin to repay moral and material debts to people from your immediate circle. Roads far and near decide the future and return to the past from the end of spring - and for one and a half to two years. You can plan to move, change your place of residence, study, and even change your religion. In February, difficulties will arise for relatives; they will be concerned about road issues, problems with wheeled transport, and flights. Things at home will be disturbed at the end of February - in March.

From the end of February, problems with health and finances will appear; they will concentrate by the end of August and will bother you almost until the end of the year. When looking for the right doctor and treatment, winter and spring are good times. Employees will provide support and take care of your financial affairs and housekeeping. At the end of summer you may lose a friend. In August, difficulties will arise for loved ones - you can help overcome them. Study plans will be partially disrupted. Roads far and near will be filled with adventure. You plan to move, but the roads may be disrupted at the end of August. Much is realized in the second half of autumn. During this period, you will be immersed in work and personal affairs. Friends will back down, but your ideas can be realized thanks to the help of your family, original thinking, and established authority. Your ideas will bring promotion in November, December 2017 and January 2018. At the end of the year the children will be happy. Find time to relax with your loved ones; traveling together will warm your soul.

In 2017, you will be concerned about issues of home and career, financial and social changes taking place around you. Until late autumn, you are in an ambivalent position: you have difficulty obeying management, but at the same time you understand that only in this case can you achieve success in your career. You will rush between home and business. Moves are likely, someone will leave home, new “tenants” will appear. There are relatives in the house at the beginning of the year and in the spring, one of your relatives will play an important role in your life. Also in the house are loved ones in the first half of the year. Rearrangements, repairs, change of furniture, interior design. Children will delight you in the first half of the year; there may be an addition to the family. In February - losses, the affairs of relatives will worry. At the end of February - beginning of March, increased attention while driving: difficulties in driving vehicles, problems with movable property are possible.

Work will delight you in the second half of the year. In August - financial, moral and material losses. Friends will support you from afar. Children are away from home, moving is possible. Changes are brewing, the essence of which you do not yet know. Autumn will begin with interesting work, new opportunities - personal, business, intellectual, social. Good luck in sports, on the road, in love. But disappointments will come from time to time. The second half of autumn will bring success in new endeavors, and you need to take advantage of this period. The time from mid-autumn to the end of the year will contribute to this. It's worth taking care of your health. At the end of the year, you will be concerned about financial and personal problems, chronic diseases, as well as problems of bones and spine. False diagnoses are likely. But friends and family will help. Support awaits in a friendly circle. And the return will come when you no longer expect it.

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Roads far and near will determine your success and the scope of daily changes. Success awaits far from home. Profit possible. Income will grow - thanks to old friends and the embodiment of old ideas in a narrow circle of trusted people, but from time to time relationships with friends will be tense because of money. The most difficult period may be the end of August - beginning of September. At this time, you should not invest anything or plan your financial affairs. Financial and personal problems will also be of concern in February - early March. During the year, especially in the first half, interesting meetings, hobbies, unusual company and connections with extraordinary people are possible. Relatives and their affairs also require attention in the first half of the year. Women will play a big role in your plans, ideas, changes. Possible work in the field of information, television. Eccentric characters will teach you life lessons. From May and almost two years - the period of implementation of previous plans, compensation of previously expended spiritual and moral forces. In the first half of the year you will feel best at home. Deal with real estate, construction, and renovation issues. In the summer, children and loved ones will become your support. Possible addition to the family.

Success will grow in the second half of the year, but in August there may be difficulties in matters of personal affairs and health, in relationships with personal and business partners. A breakup and difficulties in relationships are brewing. And at the end of August, friends will worry. But it can strengthen you. In the second half of autumn, luck awaits you away from home. From the second half of autumn until mid-autumn 2018, management takes a closer look at you and dictates its terms. The end of the year will bring attention to your affairs and control behind your back. But from November and throughout the winter, you can safely plan for the future, relying on the successes of the past. Hurry up to realize what was impossible before. But save your strength.

In 2017, you will be on the wave of change, participating in socially beneficial activities. You will be spinning between social activities and personal interests, earnings and charity. Engage in learning, teaching, literary work or working with words. In the first half of the year there was a successful acquisition of movable property, and in the second - immovable property. For writers, trade workers, people of art or those creating material values, fighting for the truth, the period is successful. Things are likely to change at the end of August. The team will change, some employees will leave. Successful participation in the areas of nutrition, fashion, beauty, creative activity, literature, scientific work, research of new technologies, work related to projects of the near future, social activities. Starting in the spring, difficulties will arise with leadership. Goals may change along with a change in management. Father's affairs will bother him. But in the first half of the year, personal success, attention and growth in personal popularity will begin to please. For more than six months, the spotlight is on your taste, appearance - you can decide a lot through the innate charm, education and mercy that is inherent in you by nature. And in this regard, you will show yourself in an unexpected way. At the end of February and at the end of August, take care of your health.

Starting in the summer, you will deal with real estate issues and construction. But at the end of summer and in the first days of autumn, do not invest heavily in construction. Your relationship with your mother will become warmer. Summer, autumn and early winter are the best times to feel at home. Repair and construction activities will be enjoyable. From the second half of autumn, success comes from afar. Far from home, recognition, new opportunities and the implementation of major plans await you. Things will go with varying degrees of success, but by the end of the year everything will turn out well. Difficulties will turn into benefits, changes will turn into success. The children will be happy.

The peculiarity of the horoscope for 2017 from Tamara Globa for all zodiac signs is the unusual presentation of human interaction for which Tamara is famous.

Horoscope for 2017 for women and men from Tamara Globa

According to Tamara Globa, people can “communicate” on several levels. The first level is ordinary everyday interaction; the second is the level of falling in love, which also includes close friendship and respect; the third is a passionate connection, all-consuming love for a person or several people (for example,); the last level is universal love, a deep platonic feeling of connection with all that exists. All these levels will take place in the fate of every person in the coming year of the Rooster, and will affect them in a fateful way.

Which zodiac signs will be lucky in 2017?

Tamara Globa first of all describes people’s relationships, and only then all other areas of life. For example, in her opinion, the primary task of Gemini, Libra and Pisces in 2017 will be to maintain strong marriage bonds, because fate will tempt them in the most insidious way. But Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius will pay more attention to external relations. In the coming year, Aries and Sagittarius will be more absorbed in solving health problems than others, so they may simply not have energy left for other tasks. Cancers, Leos and Scorpios will find calm and tranquility, which will be greatly facilitated by the activation of the fourth level of social interaction.

Tamara Globa: horoscope for 2017 - Aries

With the onset of the first days of the New Year 2017, Aries will have a great desire to take care of themselves: their health and appearance. Aries will begin to pay attention to other people who lead a healthy lifestyle, and will gradually pick up their wave, dreaming of finding the body of their dreams. The most wonderful thing is that Aries will succeed in the best way!

Tamara Globa: horoscope for 2017 - Taurus

First of all, from Tamara Globa, she promises Taurus all-consuming attention from the people around her. Most of all, Taurus will attract representatives of the opposite sex. Perhaps this will help Taurus meet a special person who will help them take a fresh look at life.

Tamara Globa: horoscope for 2017 - Gemini

Frequent small conflicts in the Gemini family will slowly erode the strong foundation of a love relationship. The horoscope strongly recommends that Gemini listen to the voice of reason and not succumb to exciting feelings. Be patient and don’t get into trouble, soon your soulmate will cool down, and family life will sparkle with new colors.

Tamara Globa: horoscope for 2017 - Cancer

A surprisingly calm and peaceful time awaits Cancers in the coming 2017. Cancers will have a desire to listen to higher matters, which will certainly tear them away from the banality of everyday life and cause a number of pleasant emotions that put them in a peaceful mood.

Tamara Globa: horoscope for 2017 - Leo

Calm and reasonable Leos will have special luck in 2017: the stars provide them with an amazing opportunity to change their lives in the most pleasant way. Leos should have no problems with money, and with time and health too. Therefore, Leos need to use all their intelligence and patience in order to achieve their goal.

Tamara Globa: horoscope for 2017 - Virgo

Virgos have great prospects for making new business connections. Virgos will meet the right people who will help them not only in the work field, but also expand their general dating horizons. Virgos will learn to better understand people and appreciate those who are always there for them.

Tamara Globa: horoscope for 2017 - Libra

Most likely, Libra will meet a person who will turn their whole world upside down. Of course, this fateful meeting will bring Libra a lot of unforgettable surprises. But only those Libras who are not in a relationship with someone else at this moment will be able to truly taste all the delights of falling in love. Others will be faced with a choice: new and vibrant relationships or old and proven ones.

Tamara Globa: horoscope for 2017 - Scorpio

The measured life of Scorpios will soon get boring for them, and they will go on a journey. Maybe it will be distant countries, or maybe just a house in the countryside. However, a pleasant feeling and a therapeutic change of scenery are guaranteed for Scorpios.

Tamara Globa: horoscope for 2017 - Sagittarius

The favorable financial situation of Sagittarius will more than once tempt them with abundant gluttony. This is why some representatives of this sign will gain extra pounds and the accompanying heaviness and health problems. Sagittarius will be helped to rectify the situation by playing sports, eating moderately and taking frequent walks.

Tamara Globa: horoscope for 2017 - Capricorn

The Capricorn family has a real idyll, since their other half is on the same wavelength with them. Therefore, Capricorns easily come up with joint entertainment and spend a lot of time together. Capricorns will have the opportunity to meet a group of interesting people, which will easily include their chosen one.

Tamara Globa: horoscope for 2017 - Aquarius

Colleagues and friends will appreciate Aquarius for being a part of their lives. And Aquarius will be happy to help everyone who needs them. Deep mutual understanding and establishing strong connections with others will help Aquarius not only better understand other people, but also understand themselves.

Tamara Globa: horoscope for 2017 - Pisces

Fate will decide to tempt Pisces not only with an interesting acquaintance, but also with the opportunity to completely change their usual activities. If in a love relationship Pisces has to make a choice based on the dictates of the heart, then in the second case they should carefully assess their strengths. But there is no need to be afraid of big changes. They will help Pisces find what they have long dreamed of - self-realization.

We have the Year of the Rooster 2017 ahead. A horoscope for all signs from Tamara Globa will help you lift the veil of the future and start with a clean slate. Soon everything will be a little better than yesterday. 😉

To succeed in 2017, Aries must be persistent and determined. The implementation of the plans will depend on this. Inspiration should come in the second half of the year, when representatives of the sign feel additional strength and a desire to try themselves in something new. This is a good period to change an uninteresting job that takes up all your time. Aries will receive a lot of attention, which is why you need to be careful in your statements and actions. To avoid conflict situations, you need to act thoughtfully and not trust the first person you meet.


The Year of the Red Rooster will bring a lot of new things to Taurus. They will have a series of philosophical reflections about their life and their chosen path. You need to show restraint in your thoughts and not rush from one extreme to another. Reasoning about your personality will help you find a lot of energy, which will be enough for many useful things. New interests and abilities will help change your life for the better. For Taurus, it is important to be confident and persevere. Thanks to these qualities, everything planned can come true; the main thing is not to give up what you started, but to go to the end. Support can be found from loved ones who can point you in the right direction. .


The coming year promises a lot of new things for Gemini. To implement your plans you will have to devote a lot of your own strength and talent. It’s worth taking a closer look at the people around you and understanding who to move forward with and who is better left in the past. Some individuals are capable of dragging to the bottom; it is better to say goodbye to them and have nothing in common. Thanks to such decisions, a certain plan will appear according to which it is worth living. The coming 2017 is preparing many opportunities for Gemini that are yet to be realized. Those who show courage and hard work will achieve great success. On the way to your goal, you should think about all your actions and consult with loved ones. You must always believe in yourself and not give up. .


A good and successful year for Cancer. The main task is to be optimistic and then everything will go as it should. You should only think about good things, because thoughts are material. For the year to go well, you must always believe in yourself, even when there are many difficulties. Any trouble is a small obstacle on the path to success; it must be overcome. There may be some problems in work and personal life, they can be overcome thanks to the support of relatives. The stars advise Cancer to carefully consider any risky undertaking, since only through this is it possible to achieve their goal. .

a lion

Leo's talent and patience will lead them to success in 2017. Their efforts will not go unrewarded. At the beginning of the year, Leos need to gather all their strength and begin to act. The Year of the Rooster will give them the opportunity to develop, they will become wiser, and will be able to rethink many of the events that have happened. The view of some people will also change. It is in 2017 that Leo will be able to deal with some of their problems that interfered in the previous time. They will easily understand the reason for their failures and draw the necessary conclusions.


The Year of the Fire Rooster will be remembered by Virgos for a long time. It will contain many interesting events that will leave a mark on their lives. New acquaintances will appear, whom you should not always trust. Self-confidence and family support will help you overcome difficult situations. A return to the previous relationship is possible, which can be successful. There is a high probability of meeting a soul mate with whom you will be able to find harmony. In the coming year, the stars recommend that Virgos be restrained and think about their upcoming actions. Vivid events should not overshadow the mind; it is important to always maintain composure. .


The coming year promises to be successful for Libra if they do not sit idle. They should determine their priorities and direct all efforts towards achieving the goal. Representatives of Libra should be reasonable and think through their every step. Regular success in business should not be intoxicating; Libra must be diligent throughout the year. There are several important events coming up this fall. By gathering all their energy and showing character, Libra will be able to cope with all difficulties. The Year of the Rooster will be remembered for Libra with bright events and memorable meetings.


In 2017, Scorpios will not be bored. They will be at the center of various events that will be remembered for a long time. There will be enough energy and strength for many undertakings, but it is better to save them for the most important matters. Fate will be on the side of this sign, the main thing is to take advantage of the chance that it will provide. The Year of the Fire Rooster is a great time for Scorpios to learn something new, and they will take advantage of this opportunity. Thanks to their hard work and openness, representatives of this constellation will be able to achieve a lot in all areas of life.


The Year of the Rooster will bring a lot of impressions to Sagittarius. They will make many useful discoveries for themselves, learn something new and get to know themselves from a different perspective. The charm of Sagittarius will attract many people to their side, who will play an important role during this period. The main factors for success will be diligence and patience. In 2017, Sagittarius will discover hidden talents that were previously dormant. Thanks to this, there will be a lot of strength to solve pressing issues.


2017 will bring a lot of positive emotions for Capricorns. In spring, the stars recommend being especially restrained, showing sensitivity and accuracy in all matters. In the second half of the year, representatives of the Capricorn constellation must be very active and show all their skills to achieve results. But every step must be weighed; you should not commit rash actions. Capricorns are encouraged to expand their horizons and make useful connections. Success will be achieved by those who can mobilize their strength to achieve their goal. The stars advise thinking positively, then all your plans will come true. .


In 2017, representatives of Aquarius will be able to fully realize themselves. Thanks to their inherent perseverance and hard work, they will solve all problems and be able to achieve what they want. An active life position will bring results, Aquarius will develop new hobbies and acquaintances. Due to the ability to think through every step and act according to the plan, troubles will be avoided. Perhaps a new job will appear that will bring satisfaction. Aquarians will discover new talents in themselves and will be able to express themselves beautifully in creativity. The ability to easily and naturally communicate with different people will play a positive role during this period. .


In 2017, representatives of the Pisces sign will be able to achieve success. Patience, diligence and hard work will be their faithful helpers. The stars advise you to be more courageous and remain optimistic in your thoughts. In the Year of the Rooster, Pisces will be very active, they will be able to find activities that will bring pleasure. New acquaintances are possible, which will be very useful. Thanks to new impressions, Pisces will find hidden strengths and talents in themselves, which are quite enough for effective work. At the end of the year, plans are destined to come true, especially for those who prefer to act. .

That's it for us about the Year of the Rooster 2017. Bookmark the horoscope for all signs from Tamara Globa so you can return to it from time to time. This is useful. 😉

According to Tamara Globa, people can “communicate” on several levels. The first level is ordinary everyday interaction; the second is the level of falling in love, which also includes close friendship and respect; the third is a passionate connection, an all-consuming love for a person or several people (for example, children); the last level is universal love, a deep platonic feeling of connection with all things. All these levels will take place in the fate of every person in the coming year of the Rooster, and will affect them in a fateful way.

Which zodiac signs will be lucky in 2017? Tamara Globa first of all describes people’s relationships, and only then all other areas of life. For example, in her opinion, the primary task of Gemini, Libra and Pisces in 2017 will be to maintain strong marriage bonds, because fate will tempt them in the most insidious way. But Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius will pay more attention to external relations. In the coming year, Aries and Sagittarius will be more absorbed in solving health problems than others, so they may simply not have energy left for other tasks. Cancers, Leos and Scorpios will find calm and tranquility, which will be greatly facilitated by the activation of the fourth level of social interaction.


With the onset of the first days of the New Year 2017, Aries will have a great desire to take care of themselves: their health and appearance. Aries will begin to pay attention to other people who lead a healthy lifestyle, and will gradually pick up their wave, dreaming of finding the body of their dreams. The most wonderful thing is that Aries will succeed in the best way!


First of all, the astrological forecast for 2017 from Tamara Globa promises Taurus all-consuming attention from the people around them. Most of all, Taurus will attract representatives of the opposite sex. Perhaps this will help Taurus meet a special person who will help them take a fresh look at life.


Frequent small conflicts in the Gemini family will slowly erode the strong foundation of a love relationship. The horoscope strongly recommends that Gemini listen to the voice of reason and not succumb to exciting feelings. Be patient and don’t get into trouble, soon your soulmate will cool down, and family life will sparkle with new colors.

A surprisingly calm and peaceful time awaits Cancers in the coming 2017. Cancers will have a desire to listen to higher matters, which will certainly tear them away from the banality of everyday life and cause a number of pleasant emotions that put them in a peaceful mood.

Calm and reasonable Leos will have special luck in 2017: the stars provide them with an amazing opportunity to change their lives in the most pleasant way. Leos should have no problems with money, and with time and health too. Therefore, Leos need to use all their intelligence and patience in order to achieve their goal.


Virgos have great prospects for making new business connections. Virgos will meet the right people who will help them not only in the work field, but also expand their general dating horizons. Virgos will learn to better understand people and appreciate those who are always there for them.


Most likely, Libra will meet a person who will turn their whole world upside down. Of course, this fateful meeting will bring Libra a lot of unforgettable surprises. But only those Libras who are not in a relationship with someone else at this moment will be able to truly taste all the delights of falling in love. Others will be faced with a choice: new and vibrant relationships or old and proven ones.


The measured life of Scorpios will soon get boring for them, and they will go on a journey. Maybe it will be distant countries, or maybe just a house in the countryside. However, a pleasant feeling and a therapeutic change of scenery are guaranteed for Scorpios.


The favorable financial situation of Sagittarius will more than once tempt them with abundant gluttony. This is why some representatives of this sign will gain extra pounds and the accompanying heaviness and health problems. Sagittarius will be helped to rectify the situation by playing sports, eating moderately and taking frequent walks.


The Capricorn family has a real idyll, since their other half is on the same wavelength with them. Therefore, Capricorns easily come up with joint entertainment and spend a lot of time together. Capricorns will have the opportunity to meet a group of interesting people, which will easily include their chosen one.


Colleagues and friends will appreciate Aquarius for being a part of their lives. And Aquarius will be happy to help everyone who needs them. Deep mutual understanding and establishing strong connections with others will help Aquarius not only better understand other people, but also understand themselves.


Fate will decide to tempt Pisces not only with an interesting acquaintance, but also with the opportunity to completely change their usual activities. If in a love relationship Pisces has to make a choice based on the dictates of the heart, then in the second case they should carefully assess their strengths. But there is no need to be afraid of big changes. They will help Pisces find what they have long dreamed of - self-realization.

The symbol of 2017 is the Red Fire Rooster. It is he who will set the tone for the whole year, so it is worth taking into account the hot temperament of this bird. In 2017, many will face conflict situations and difficulties. Health issues are also possible.

However, those who engage in business, self-development or creativity will definitely not lose out, since the Rooster loves luxury, work and money. Since many people will be very tired at work, you should not neglect rest. Such advice was given to all signs of the Zodiac by the famous astrologer Tamara Globa.

Horoscope for 2017 by Tamara Globa for Aries

Work, career, finances. The year promises to be successful. To achieve success, you need enough persistence. You have important projects ahead that will become a stepping stone in your career. Express yourself. A difficult period for you is spring, but your bosses will note your efficiency. The end of the year is preparing for a promotion for you. Save money, autumn will delight you with a worthy purchase. For relaxation, choose a dacha, go to the sea. You want to go abroad, but it is better to postpone this event for one year. It will be calmer this way.

Family, love, children. Your charm attracts everyone's attention to you. Numerous love adventures await you. Avoid business adventures. If you have a soulmate, take care of her and don’t make her jealous. Cheating can ruin your life together. Romances at the resort and various small affairs are also dangerous.

Health. Your health doesn't bother you. You have good immunity. However, continue to strengthen it. Play sports, eat right. You can work out in a sports hall or gym. This will help you avoid colds and flu, epidemics of which occur every year. You are at risk of injury, so you have to be very careful. And then the coming year will not spoil your mood.

Horoscope for 2017 by Tamara Globa for Taurus

Work, career, finances. Be careful in your conversation so you don't lose your job. The spring period will be difficult. You will get irritated over trifles. It will bother you. But you need a good reputation, and this requires some effort. Think through the work you are doing, never stop halfway. Don't expect a raise this year. You have accumulated fatigue. Therefore, plan to have a good rest in July - August. You will remember your vacation for a long time. In September, you may receive an offer to take up a new job.

Family, love, children. When conflicting at work, do not lose sight of your family. Don't bring trouble home. Take a walk if you feel very tired or irritable. You will calm down, and the conflict will disappear by itself. This year is a time of change. Free Taurus will find their soul mate. Be very attentive to her. Everything should work out. Marriage awaits you.

Health. Take care of your stomach. Don't buy exotic foods. Beware of an allergic reaction. Don't eat anything fatty. Food poisoning may occur. Eat your usual food. A skin disease can cause you trouble; beware of rashes. Take vitamins, eat more vegetables and herbs. If you follow simple hygiene rules, the year will not give you any trouble.

Horoscope for 2017 by Tamara Globa for Gemini

Work, career, finances. Good, lucky year. Success awaits you. Fate pleases with the entry into a new position and a significant increase in salary. You will have to implement your own ideas and control ongoing activities. There will be a lot of work in the summer, and vacation awaits at the beginning of autumn, you can take advantage of the velvet season. To do this you need to save money. Therefore, it is better to think about waste.

Family, love, children. Choose your words when you start communicating with relatives so that there is no scandal. You should be especially careful when communicating with relatives of the older generation. Take care of a good relationship with your soul mate. The horoscope for 2017 from Tamara Globa recommends Gemini women to be attentive and diligently avoid disagreements. Outbreaks can develop into conflict, and this is unnecessary.

Health. It is necessary to give up bad habits. Forget about smoking, do not abuse alcohol, it will harm your health. Think about sports. Visit the pool and gym. Do some hardening. Pay attention to your health, and it will not let you down.

Horoscope for 2017 by Tamara Globa for Cancer

Work, career, finances. The year will be successful and stable for you. If you are offered a job change, you should agree. The Year of the Rooster supports any changes. You can get support and open your own business. Serious cash receipts are not expected, but you will have a stable job and a regular income. To save money, try to spend less.

Family, love, children. There will be no changes for you. Cancers will face everyday problems. A lot of them. Behind them you forget about your family. Try to disconnect from your problems and try to show concern for your family. If disagreements arise, do not despair. If you are passionate about novels and new acquaintances, remember: for you they are fleeting, changes will come only next year.

Health. Beware of colds, don't get too cold, drink plenty of tea and water. Keep your feet warm. Avoid stress so as not to get neurosis. Play sports, you need it. Running and cycling are shown to you. You can also visit the gym. This, of course, takes a lot of time, but it's worth it. And everything will work out.

Horoscope for 2017 by Tamara Globa for Leo

Work, career, finances. You have the role of a leader. You are about to take a leadership position. A fast-paced career awaits you. Your boss appreciates you. New vacancies and salary increases await you in the fall. Save money savings. Don't rush into making significant purchases unless absolutely necessary. A well-deserved bonus will await you, and your salary may also increase. There will be new interesting things to do. Take risks. Success awaits you.

Family, love, children. Leo is prosperous, all family members agree with his authority. The main thing is not to bully family members. Don't moralize, you are not perfect. Show gentleness to your spouse, give her care. The year will be rich in surprises - the family is expecting a new addition. This will reward you with a sea of ​​new sensations. In addition, those born in the year of the Rooster have long been called the darling of fate; good luck accompanies him.

Health. Try not to be nervous. Don't put too much on your shoulders. Try to get enough rest. This will strengthen your body. Avoid injury. The most dangerous things for you are fractures and sprains. Long treatment and subsequent rehabilitation are quite unpleasant. Beware of icy sidewalks. Prepare for icy conditions. Choose appropriate shoes.

Horoscope for 2017 by Tamara Globa for Virgo

Work, career, finances. At the enterprise you are known as a careerist, although you only work conscientiously. The year does not promise you drastic changes. And yet he will be prosperous. Be careful in your communication, don't talk about trifles. Collect money for a large, long-awaited purchase. This year brings you new real estate or the purchase of an apartment.

Family, love, children. Minor family disagreements will be easily resolved, and you will solve everyday problems together. You are bound by fairly strong ties of marriage. It will be difficult for Virgos who are alone. True, they can get married in December.

Health. You should think about your health. Avoid getting sick, even if they are minor. To support the body, use folk remedies. All kinds of herbal teas will strengthen your immune system. Not everyone likes them, but they help a lot. If your health worsens, contact the clinic. You shouldn’t delay treatment, and a year won’t bring much trouble.

Horoscope for 2017 by Tamara Globa for Libra

Work, career, finances. The stars say that you will complete the work started in previous years. It will give you satisfaction. Kindness and calmness are your helpers. They advise you to think things through. Don't rush to spend money, make a reserve for the future. You will definitely need them.

Family, love, children. The coming year will be successful, if you listen to the horoscope, for those Libras who are not married. Your soul mate will appear in winter. Possible marriage. New acquaintances will appear, some will have a strong influence on you. Spring, mid-summer and early autumn will be significant for you. Comfort and family coziness await Libra, who has a family. Cherish your well-being.

Health. This year promises good health, without serious illnesses. However, maintain your body, exercise, eat right. Don't overdo diets. Go swimming. It will provide serious support to your body. If this is difficult, visit the gym.

Horoscope for 2017 by Tamara Globa for Scorpio

Work, career, finances. Don't expect to get a pay increase or promotion. Expect good stability. Don't take the initiative. Be careful when speaking about someone. Don't do anything rash. Employers don't like this. You may be fired, so hold on to your money. Finding a new job is quite difficult. This will take a lot of effort and time. Financial problems will gradually be resolved and everything will get better.

Family, love, children. Scorpio is constantly occupied with the problem of money, but love is a joy for him. His relatives support him, he feels good in his family. Single Scorpios can expect to meet their soulmate and enter into a legal relationship. The family union will be happy and strong. Attention and care will only strengthen it even more.

Health. You are overstressed and need rest. Take a vacation. There are many amazing places around where you can visit for health benefits. Traveling will strengthen your body. You may feel unwell. You should think about your stomach condition and intestinal disease. Don't test them. Consult your doctor in time. This will save you from many problems. Follow the recommendations and everything will be fine.

Horoscope for 2017 by Tamara Globa for Sagittarius

Work, career, finances. The coming year is successful for Sagittarius. He will stand out at work and will expect a promotion. Will be able to save some money. Think about his business. You just need to be careful and attentive. Calculate everything in several steps.

Family, love, children. Sagittarius is emotional, and you can’t deny him increased activity. These qualities are strengthened by the Rooster and supported by members of the household. The year will consist of stormy bursts of events. This is typical for Sagittarius, but you will have to learn to restrain your emotions. The stars say that you won’t get bored with him.

Health. You should pay serious attention to the health of your stomach and intestines, stick to a diet, and eat right. To prevent illness from sending you to the hospital, consult your doctor in time. Do not self-medicate. Is it dangerous. Follow your doctor's recommendations and your health will improve.

Horoscope for 2017 by Tamara Globa for Capricorn

Work, career, finances. Capricorn is expecting a promotion. You can get rewarded with money, don't just spend it. Everything is changing quickly. You may need money in the fall. Evaluate all incoming proposals, do not rush to make decisions. A vacation abroad awaits you, feel free to go. You will have a good rest and stock up on new impressions for a long time.

Family, love, children. Try your best to maintain existing family relationships so as not to experience loneliness. Give attention to your partner. Single Capricorns will have empty new romances. Look for your soul mate among old acquaintances. Such a union can turn out to be very successful.

Health. You have a strong immune system. You are not tormented by illness. Good health makes you happy. Continue to take care of yourself. Eat more vegetables, do not give up fruits, this is necessary to strengthen the body. Avoid diets. A healthy year is a happy year.

Horoscope for 2017 by Tamara Globa for Aquarius

Work, career, finances. The coming year promises a promotion or change of position for this Sign. Don't spend a lot of money. You need to make the necessary purchases, otherwise you will find yourself in an unexpected situation and will have to look for a way out. Do not rush headlong into an ill-conceived undertaking. Think everything over and calculate it. Otherwise, you will face a lot of unnecessary hassle.

Family, love, children. The horoscope advises not to use a raised tone to solve your problems. You'll have to learn to control yourself. Relationships can go wrong due to betrayal. Therefore, you should think a lot about it. Take good care of what you already have. It is important to constantly think about your loved ones.

Health. This year is dangerous with unexpected stress. A lot of experiences await you. But it will pass. Use a sedative. Take care of your liver. Think carefully about your diet. Do not abuse processed foods, do not eat dry food. You need to think about health constantly. And it will certainly thank you.

Horoscope for 2017 by Tamara Globa for Pisces

Work, career, finances. The Year of the Rooster brings you success. They predict a promotion for you. Think about what you say: other people's ears hear you. Try to avoid unexpected expenses. You will need money in the summer, try not to borrow. Solve problems that arise calmly, and the year will not let you down.

Family, love, children. Be kinder, and your relationship with your partner will become brighter. The horoscope for 2017 from Tamara Globa promises you a happy year. Joy and good luck will be near you. Single Pisces are expecting a wedding. Go on your honeymoon. Enjoy every happy day.

Health. You are prone to feeling unwell. You need vitamins. You should strengthen your body, walk more, and go on excursions. Rest will support you and give you strength. And this is very important for you. Don't eat exotic foods. Don't eat processed foods. This will help you strengthen your body.

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