Description of the experience of the instructor in physical culture methodical development (physical education) on the topic. "work experience" of a physical education instructor Work experience of a physical education instructor in a preschool

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Formation of healthy lifestyle habits in preschool children.

Work experience of a physical culture instructor Krutenina Yu.S. MBDOU

"Kindergarten No. 2 p. Andreevo"

The health of children is connected with the conditions of their life, depends on the state of health of their parents, heredity and even the profession of their parents. Therefore, strengthening the health of children, promoting their physical development is especially relevant.

At present, scientists and doctors of all countries consider physical exercises and movements in general as an important means of improving the body and preventing morbidity.

In the process of working with children, I noticed that modern children are quite mobile. All moments of their daily life are filled with movement. At the same time, doctors and scientists from all countries prove that the incidence rate is high. Perhaps the reason for their morbidity is not in the lack of movement, but in the wrong organization of physical activity, as well as insufficiently formed knowledge about physical culture among children and parents. Therefore, the purpose of my work is to form the habit of a healthy lifestyle in children through various forms of work. And the expected result is a decrease in the incidence of children in the group. For its implementation, the following tasks were identified:

1. To form health-saving and health-improving motor behavior. To form the correct skills for performing basic movements;

2. To develop in children flexibility, dexterity, speed, endurance, strength, as well as balance and coordination of movements;

3. Maintain interest in motor activity;

4. Cultivate the habit of a healthy lifestyle;

To solve the problems, special conditions were created: sports corners in groups where standard and non-standard equipment is concentrated (ribbed and preventive paths, massage mats, rings, skittles, etc.)

Sports ground on the street (logs, wheels, remote target for throwing, etc.)

For hardening children in the summer, I use games with water, washing with cool water, daily walks, barefoot, etc.)

Having studied the initial knowledge of children about human health, she planned educational activities for the sports and health circle "Movement" for children of senior preschool age, aimed at strengthening the skill of correct posture: General storyline: children help the Dwarf's nose to make his back even and beautiful. During the classes, children get acquainted with their body, with the functions of vital organs that help people see, hear, feel, walk straight and correctly.

To develop movement skills and improve physical qualities, I conduct physical education classes with children in the gym and in the air, in winter with access to the court. In the classroom I use different motivations: "Little athletes", "Olympians". Speaking about the role of movements in the classroom, one cannot but mention the role of breathing exercises. Therefore, I pay great attention to the breathing of children. I teach children proper breathing, deep exhalation for a good cleaning of the lungs and improving their oxygen supply.

Such outdoor games as "Cat on the Roof", "Brown Bear", "Lion of Stone" and "Ninja Turtles" etc. provide invaluable benefits for children's health. Many interesting games are played with a ball, rope and other objects. on children's health and overall development.

Children have become more resilient, better navigate in space, jump correctly on two legs, run fast and catch the ball.

I also organize a Health Day holiday together with parents, where children receive an additional charge of vivacity and health, and also have the opportunity to show their skills. The leading place in the upbringing of a healthy child and the prevention of diseases of frequently ill children is occupied by hardening. I regularly use paths for the prevention of flat feet, deep washing of hands and face with cool water, mini exercise equipment, walking barefoot in the summer, air and sunbaths. This contributed to the training and improvement of the thermoregulation system, the prevention of frequent colds.

I work closely with my family. Meetings-seminars "Children's health is in our hands", "Playing imitative movements" in junior group, "We move together" were held, where I recommended additional literature on children's health improvement to parents. Parents shared their family experience on joint holidays with their children.

Individual conversations with parents helped to draw their attention to the improvement of their children. (“Do exercises”, “Dress for the weather”, “The harm of chips and crackers”), etc.

In order to study a healthy lifestyle of families, she conducted a survey among parents “Motor mode of the family”. Analysis of the questionnaires showed that the number of families leading a healthy lifestyle is increasing every year.

Such a form of work with parents as a photo exhibition allows parents to observe the work of educators, nurses and instructors in the development of children's motor activity. (“Health is in order - thanks to exercise”, “Prevention of flat feet”, “Olympics”), etc.

There is a health corner in the locker room, where I post additional information on improving the health of children. (Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods”, “A storehouse of vitamins”, etc.)

Literature: The main general educational program of preschool education

"Birth to School"

N. E. Veraksy

“...Physical education is
that which provides health
and brings joy.”

One of the priority activities of our preschool educational institution in accordance with the Development Program is the formation of health-saving competence as a prerequisite for maintaining the health of children and, on this basis, the development of its spiritual potential. All physical education and health work in kindergarten is based on the Sibiryachok health saving program developed by kindergarten teachers. The program defines the goal, objectives, content and technologies of work on the formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle for a preschool child.

Physical culture, health and sports work is based on the principles of developing health improvement pedagogy, where the health of preschoolers is a point of effort not only for medical workers, but also for teachers and parents.

Physical culture and health work with children is carried out according to 2 programs: the complex "Rainbow" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. (physical education, morning exercises, sports activities) and the partial “Dewdrop. I grow up healthy ”(Zimonina V.N.)

The content of the Rainbow program includes the main types of movements, general developmental exercises, sports games and exercises, outdoor games for all age groups. The program material provides for the formation of motor skills and abilities in children, the development of physical qualities (dexterity, speed, strength, endurance), the formation of integrative personality qualities (courage, discipline, a sense of collectivism). The main goal is to improve the health of children, develop independence, initiatives in motor actions, a conscious attitude towards them, the ability to self-control, self-esteem when performing movements.

The content of the program “Rosinka. Growing up healthy” includes sections: “I recognize myself”, “I love the sun, air and water”, “School of my nutrition” for each age group. The main goal is to cultivate the desire to be healthy (in children of younger groups), to form the need for a healthy lifestyle (in older preschoolers), to form a value attitude to life and health.

In the preschool institution, in addition to the comprehensive and partial, additional education programs are being implemented, developed by kindergarten teachers and approved by the city expert council. The inclusion of additional education programs in physical culture and health and sports activities makes it possible to expand the motor abilities of children (to maintain static postures, coordination, endurance, meaningful speed, motor skills, agility), to reveal the creative motor potential of each child. All this is due to step aerobics, sports aerobics, synchronized swimming and other non-traditional forms of physical culture, sports and recreational work.

Kindergarten teachers widely use badminton games, towns, skittles, ring throws. Mastering the elements of sports games (basketball, volleyball, football, hockey) at preschool age creates the basis for further sports activities.

The following sports clubs and sections operate in the preschool educational institution:

Sports health-improving section "School of the Olympic reserve". There are 15 preschoolers. Teacher Tarasova Yuliya Valerievna - physical education instructor of the 1st qualification category. Every year since 2001, pupils of the MDOU "CRR - Kindergarten No. 25" Vasilek "participate in city sports days, win prizes, and are awarded with certificates. When entering school, children continue to actively engage in sports.

Studio of sports dance "Sayanochka". There are 24 preschoolers. Classes are conducted by Tarasova Yulia Valerievna - physical education instructor. Pupils of MDOU participate in demonstration performances at the competitions of the sections of the Youth Sports School of the city of Sayansk.

Synchronized swimming section "Dolphin". 15 people are involved. Classes are conducted by Svetlana Stanislavovna Fortova - physical education instructor (swimming) of the 1st qualification category. Every year, kindergarten students participate in city competitions, perform demonstration performances on Open Doors Days and Health Days.

The program of additional education "Country of Zdorovyachkov". 17 people are involved. Classes are conducted by a teacher of the 1st qualification category Usenko Olga Anatolyevna.

The results of the performances of pupils of MDOU

№№ Name of the competition Occupied space
2007 I
2008 City Spartakiad of preschoolers II
2009 City Spartakiad of preschoolers II
2009 "Funny starts" together with the team of MDOU No. 21 "Brusnichka" I
2010 City Spartakiad of preschoolers I

Sports events in preschool educational institutions are held not only in the form of classes and circle work. The main type of mass sports events are sports holidays and entertainment.

Holidays help to create a positive emotional mood, contribute to the creation of an optimal motor regime, increase the efficiency and sports hardening of children. During the holidays, all children take an active part in outdoor and sports games, relay races, dances, attractions, musical and rhythmic exercises with elements of aerobics. Sports holidays in the open air are held once a season, leisure activities are monthly, 3-4 times a year sports holidays are held in the pool.

The most massive and spectacular are the “Health Day”, “Sports parade of graduates”, where children, parents, teachers, young athletes of the Youth Sports School (graduates of our kindergarten) participate. The content of the holidays includes sports dances, children's performances with jump ropes, ribbons and balls. Surprises precede the next issue of the holiday, express its main idea and are the most fun moments of the holiday.

Physical culture and sports events inside the kindergarten


Amount of children

1. Knowledge Day

2. "Colorful planets"

3. "Journey to the Country of Neboleika"

4. "Visiting Luntik"

5. “Zimushka-winter is a sports time!”

6. "Bogatyr competitions" (together with dads)

7. "Storm the peaks"

8. "Red, yellow, green"

9. "Fun Starts"

10. "Day of Neptune"

11. "Merry play"

12. "Sports parade of graduates"

13. Walks - trips to the forest clearing "Cheerful backpack" - 1 time per season (together with parents)

14. Health Day (quarterly)

15. Ford "Boyard"

16. Theatrical performances

with demonstrations

young athletes

17. "For health - the whole family"


25 events per year

The physical culture and sports equipment of MDOU is selected taking into account the age characteristics of children, in order to most fully meet the motor needs of each child, the development of motor qualities and abilities.

DOE has:

gym, with an area of ​​48 sq.m., where

  • physical education classes under the guidance of a physical education instructor;
  • classes of sports clubs and sections, health groups;
  • sports holidays, leisure

Where available:

  • Treadmills,
  • exercise bike,
  • machines for training the muscles of the arms and legs,
  • horizontal bars, crossbars, dumbbells, punching bag,
  • wrist dynamometers, pedometers, stopwatches;

swimming pool, with an area of ​​60m², for:

  • swimming lessons under the guidance of a swimming instructor,
  • classes of sports circles and sections, health groups;
  • sports holidays, leisure.

Gym equipment:


  • treadmill;
  • obstacle course;
  • playground for towns;
  • gymnastic stairs, booms;
  • jump pit;
  • arcs for crawling;
  • target rings;
  • basketball backboard;
  • remote pool;
  • sports grounds for games: football, volleyball, basketball, hockey;
  • in winter, a ski track is laid, an ice rink is poured


  • non-standard equipment for the prevention of flat feet;
  • balls of different sizes;
  • swimming circles;
  • life jackets;
  • scuba diving goggles;
  • fun toys for kids;

In groups in the zones of motor activity there is inventory and equipment for independent motor activity of children: massage mats, roller leg trainers, “health” paths for walking on uneven surfaces (corks, pebbles, bumps, sand, ropes), balls of different sizes, hip balls - hops, jump ropes, ring throws, darts, skittles, didactic sports games, equipment for sports games (tennis, golf, badminton, hockey, football, volleyball, camps)

At each group site there are small forms for active motor activity: logs, crossbars, vertical ladders, step-ladders, target rings; play equipment for the development of motor abilities: trains, houses, cars, boats, summer pools.

In early age groups there is equipment for the development of children's motor activity: swings, a slide, exercise equipment, “health” tracks, climbing equipment.

Joint activity of an adult and children Independent activity of children Joint activities with family
- morning exercises (traditional, game, plot); -gymnastics after sleep (warm-up in bed and self-massage, gymnastics of a playful nature, walking along massage paths); - Physical education classes (games, sports-type classes, plot, physical education, circular training); - physical education in the air; - swimming lessons in the pool; - classes in sports circles and sections; - outdoor games; - sports games and exercises; - physical education minutes, finger gymnastics; -holidays, entertainment, sports activities; - hardening. - individual work on the formation of the main types of movements; - independent motor activity of children in the zones of motor activity and on walking grounds; - viewing illustrations about sports; - production of attributes for outdoor games; - inventing options for familiar outdoor games; - didactic and board games. -individual work; - board games "Football", "Hockey"; -reading stories about sports, athletes; - production of attributes for outdoor games. - holding joint holidays, leisure activities, hiking trips; joint activities of parents and children;

Joint work with the family has become one of the important areas in the activities of the preschool educational institution. The priority values ​​that the activities with parents are focused on are the preservation and strengthening of children's health, the establishment of parent-child relationships, and the formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle. Effective forms of interaction have proven to be visual - informational (informational and educational, informational and educational), which solve the problem of familiarizing parents with the conditions, content and methods for improving children's health. Outreach includes:

Occasional individual visits by parents to sections, classes;

Excursions and consultations for parents of children who first came to kindergarten to get acquainted with the created conditions;

Open viewings of classes as part of open days, health weeks, which are held from the younger group 4 times a year.

Holidays in the fresh air, in the gym, in the pool for children with the participation of parents;

Drawing up, with the involvement of parents, a video library about sports events in the preschool educational institution;

Exhibitions of children's works “I am strong and strong”, “It's great in our pool”, etc. - these are joint works of teachers and children, parents and children with drawings and stories;

Photo reports that especially attract the attention of parents and are practiced in groups from 2-3 years old. They are accompanied by short poems, brief information for parents.

Photo shoots of older preschool children performing various exercises;

Joint activities of children and parents;

Exchange of experience in family education in organizing a healthy lifestyle through a newspaper published in the preschool institution "Cornflower Childhood";

Workshops on the prevention of flat feet, posture disorders;

Speeches in the media about the importance of physical education for the preservation and promotion of children's health (newspaper, television). Information and educational forms of interaction are aimed at enriching the knowledge of parents about the features of the motor activity of children at a certain age stage, the significance in life and strengthening the health of the child. Communication with parents here is not direct, but indirect:

Information stands, which present the schedule of sections, information about additional education programs used in kindergarten, as well as games and exercises that can be done at home;

Folders - shifters that acquaint parents in more detail with the system for improving preschoolers in the process of teaching children.

Over the past three years, the number of parents who assess their competence in health care as sufficient has increased from 42% to 74%,

actively participating in sports and recreation activities of preschool educational institutions - from 35% to 71%.

For many years we have been cooperating with the socio-cultural institutions of the city.

As part of the continuity, we annually hold games - relay races, competitions with first grade students of secondary schools No. 4, 5 - graduates of our kindergarten, to which we invite children - graduates attending sports sections in the youth sports school with demonstration performances.

Cooperation with city children's sports organizations is carried out on the basis of an agreement. Kindergarten graduates continue to attend sports schools, clubs, and swimming pools (75%).

The formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle, the desire to engage in physical education and sports among preschoolers is impossible without the example of adults around them. Therefore, kindergarten staff are actively involved in physical education and sports. The kindergarten team annually wins prizes in volleyball competitions among educational institutions of the city (2007 - I place, 2008 - II place, 2009 - I place). Every year, kindergarten employees participate in swimming competitions among educational institutions of the city (2007 - III place, 2009 - I place, 2010 - II place). Once a season, trips are organized to the Yolochka sports base, collective outings to nature with sports programs. Rhythmic gymnastics classes are held weekly in the sports club "Beryozka" by the instructor in physical culture Tarasova Yu.V.

The system of physical culture and sports work that has developed in a preschool institution, interaction with parents and society in this direction has made it possible to form among preschoolers and their parents an interest in physical education and sports, a conscious attitude to maintaining and strengthening their health, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Municipal preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 11 "Rainbow", Georgievsk


Shulgina Ya.O.

Physical education instructor


I believe that today the leading place should be given to the use of technologies for maintaining and stimulating health, as well as technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle and corrective technologies.


Yana Olegovna developed long-term planning of physical culture classes for children of junior, middle, senior and preparatory groups, systematized a variety of didactic material. The teacher has accumulated a "bank" of outdoor games that develop dexterity, speed and endurance. Complexes of therapeutic gymnastics for the correction and prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system have been collected: flat feet and posture disorders. Various methods of prevention of acute respiratory diseases and general health improvement of children are collected and systematized.

The teacher constantly masters innovative methods and techniques that he introduces into his classes, technologies using non-standard equipment

The sports hall has been renovated and re-decorated, sports equipment has been replenished, an information and text stand has been created, in which the instructor prepares thematic exhibitions to familiarize parents and educators with innovative technologies, offers them recommendations for the improvement of preschoolers and preventive methods.

Yana Olegovna works in close contact with parents, organizing joint holidays and entertainment for children and parents: sports contest “Raising Champions”, “What do we know about nature?”, “In the country of funny balls”.

Pupils of Yana Olegovna are able to confidently and actively perform the basic elements of movement technique, ordinal exercises and various ways of rebuilding. Independently organize outdoor games. They master the basic types of movement: running, jumping, walking, balance, throwing, climbing, elements of sports games. Diagnostic resultstestify to high physical level of development of children, moral behavior skills, physical and psychological readiness for schooling.

She is an active participant in pedagogical workshops in a preschool institution, and citywide events..

There are many problems in the modern education system. One of them is the orientation of the entire education system towards health-preserving education and upbringing. Preschool education is currently faced with the acute issue of ways to improve the work on health promotion, development of movements and physical development of children. Today, the problem of children's health and the real deterioration of their physical, mental, moral and spiritual condition are very urgent. We all bear a historical responsibility for the health of future generations, and only together can we change the situation.

Starting to work on this problem, I studied the methodological literature on health work in preschool educational institutions. And also the main tasks, means and literature on the physical education of preschoolers and the solutions offered by the developers of methodological aids on the problem of strengthening and maintaining the health of preschool children are considered.

For several years, the physical culture and health direction has been the main direction of my work. I do not set myself the goal of achieving high results in a short period of time. The main thing is to help children show their own potential, to introduce them to a healthy lifestyle, to instill a love for physical culture and sports.

To successfully complete the tasks of health conservation, I have developed a program to preserve and improve the health of children in a preschool educational institution. The program shows:

The introduction of new health-preserving technologies in the activities of preschool educational institutions (implementationprograms to preserve and improve the health of children in a preschool educational institution), elements of fitball - gymnastics;

The use of valeological techniques to motivate a healthy lifestyle;

Using ICT to better demonstrate the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

She compiled an electronic file of events with children, teachers and parents, a file of games and exercises of various forms of physical activity, as an addition to the main educational program of education and training in kindergarten.Materials from the work experience were published at the international Internet forum of pedagogical workers “MAAM.EN».

In addition to the main comprehensive program, teachers use partial programs and methods: L. I. Penzulaeva "Recreational gymnastics for preschool children", L. I. Penzulaeva "Outdoor games and game exercises for children 3-5 and 5-7 years old", S. Ya. Layzane "Physical education for kids", the valeological program of N. V. Kozlov "I am a man", the author's program of K. K. Utrobina "Entertaining physical education".

To ensure the full timely development of children, the preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health, the prevention of colds, the physical development and rehabilitation of pupils, the preschool institution has a sports hall equipped with the necessary traditional and non-standard equipment, sports corners in groups that are created taking into account the age characteristics of children . The walking areas of the kindergarten have sports and play equipment, where children have the opportunity to develop motor skills at any time of the year.

In each group, a zone of physical activity and a zone of solitude have been created, and health corners with information for parents have been equipped in the reception area. All groups have corners of nature. They create a homely, cozy atmosphere and a comfortable, developing and health-preserving atmosphere for children.

Every year, three times a year, to identify the physical development of children in a preschool educational institution, I conduct monitoring using a software-technological complex (PTK) - thisa computer program designed to solve educational, analytical, prognostic and informational tasks related to the management of educational activities in a preschool educational institution. The program is aimed at analyzing the real result of the educational process, helping to see the dynamics of the development of each child according to the main features: social, cognitive, aesthetic and psychophysical.

Analyzing the monitoring results, it turned out that children experience a “motor deficit” due to the poor physical development of children when they enter kindergarten, and therefore the age-related development of all physical qualities is delayed. Children are overweight, postural disorders, as a result of which visually they have clumsiness, baggy, gesticulation and sluggish facial expressions, when walking they drag their legs behind them, they feel stiffness, insecurity, their head is lowered, there is no posture. Therefore, I came to the conclusion that for the full physical development of children, it is necessary to use health-preserving technologies and health-improving techniques, which should contribute to the correction of physical, psychomotor, speech, emotional and general mental development.

A survey of parents of children attending kindergarten revealed the following problem, it turned out that parents have insufficient knowledge about how to improve the health of a child through physical exercises, hardening, and outdoor games. They often protect their kids from physical effort ("do not run, do not jump, do not climb, otherwise you will fall, sit"), even from healthy competition in outdoor games.I have developed an "electronic piggy bank" of events in order to cooperate with parents on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children: parent meetings, consultations, competitions, sports holidays, health holidays, open days, folders, conversations. Information and educational activities are expressed in the formation of a healthy lifestyle among parents, as a value, as well as in the acquaintance of parents with various forms of work on physical education in a preschool institution. Informing about the state of health and physical development, about the level of motor fitness of their child, attracting parents to participate in various forms of joint activities: sports activities and holidays.

For successful work on the involvement of parents and teachers in a healthy lifestyle,a program has been developed to preserve and improve the health of children in a preschool educational institution, which reflects the prospect of a health-preservingactivities for five years.

All work on the physical education of children in the ranks, taking into account their physical fitness and existing deviations in the state of health. The basis is the results of medical and pedagogical diagnostics. For these purposes, I draw up individual cards for each child in the preschool educational institution. Data processing makes it possible to select children for the implementation of a differentiated approach in the process of developing motor skills. This allows you to plan physical culture and health-improving work, taking into account the existing deviations in the state of health. I single out health groups of newly arrived children, determine the level of physical qualities of children, and make anthropometric measurements. Children come to our preschool institution mainly with II and III health groups and with various pathologies. After analyzing the facts, I revealed the contradiction between the need to form a conscious attitude of the child to his health and the absence in the preschool educational institution of a developed integrated system of physical education and health improvement work based on modern health technologies and taking into account local conditions, and the need to introduce non-traditional approaches to working with children.

The educational activity I have built involves a series of conversations with preschoolers: about the need to observe the daily routine, about the importance of hygiene and motor culture, about health and means of strengthening it, about the functioning of the body and the rules for taking care of it. Children acquire the skills of culture and a healthy lifestyle, knowledge of the rules of safe behavior and reasonable actions in unforeseen situations.Caring for a healthy lifestyle of preschool children is the basis of physical and moral health, and health promotion can be ensured only through a comprehensive solution of pedagogical, medical and social issues.

One of the solutions is an integrated approach to the improvement of children through the use of health-preserving technologies, without which the pedagogical process of a modern kindergarten is unthinkable. Their implementation is based on the formation of a child's conscious attitude to his health, which, in turn, should become a system-forming factor in the modernization of the physical culture and health-improving activities of a modern kindergarten.

I start doing finger gymnastics from a younger age, individually and with a subgroup, during the day: during morning exercises, physical education, in my free time in the morning and after sleep for 2-3 minutes. In preschool children, there is often a delay in the development of speech, although they are healthy, and in order to increase the efficiency of the cerebral cortex, improve articulation movements, and prepare the hand for writing, it is necessary to systematically train the movements of the fingers and the entire hand, which are the most important factor in the development of the child. Most often I use poetic rhythm in the work of finger gymnastics, which helps to set the correct breathing, develop speech hearing. Children especially like such gymnastics as: “House and Gates”, “Guests”, “Who Has Arrived?”.

Studies show that 90% of all information about the world around a person receives through the eyes. The load on the eyes of a modern child is huge, and they rest only during sleep. Gymnastics for the eyes is useful for everyone, and especially for children. One of the most common diseases of our time is myopia. To prevent myopia and slow its progression, I use special exercises for the eyes. In my work I use a number of different game exercises according to the method of Professor V.F. Bazarny. Eye exercises involve moving the eyeball in all directions.

One of the main features of the nervous system of preschool children is the slow switching from one state to another, which contributes to the immaturity of nervous processes. That is why after a daytime sleep with children I conduct special exercises that allow them to gradually move to a vigorous state.

In the content of morning exercises I include various constructions and rebuildings, various types of walking, running, jumping with a gradual increase in the physical activity of children. For children I offer balance and coordination exercises, outdoor games and basic developmental exercises.

Awakening gymnastics is performed lying in bed. First, the children stretch out: they bend their backs, stretch their arms up, turn over from side to side. After that, they do exercises accompanied by a text that they especially like (“Pussy wake up”, “Crab”, “Snake”). After gymnastics, children walk along a ribbed or massage path of health, which enhances the healing effect. The importance of awakening gymnastics cannot be underestimated. It develops respiratory muscles, increases the mobility of the chest and diaphragm, improves blood circulation in the lungs, the activity of the cardiovascular system, strengthens the muscles of the back, feet, and increases concentration.

In my teaching practice, I systematically use motor warm-up games, which can reduce the emotional and physical stress of children at the psychological and physical levels. This, in turn, contributes to the formation and strengthening of adaptive mechanisms.

Motor warm-up games are held at the beginning, middle or end of directly organized activities, as children get tired, lasting 3-5 minutes, depending on age. It must be remembered that the intensity of exercises should not be high, their main task is to allow the child to change his posture, use the muscles that are not included in the process of activity, and relax the muscles that worked. And a short, but intense load will only lead to the opposite effect - to additional fatigue and, moreover, already tired children. It is recommended to carry out smooth “stretching” movements for all children as a prevention of fatigue, which relieve muscle tension, increase the level of mental and working capacity, which is why at the beginning of the warm-up, great attention is paid to breathing exercises in combination with various body movements. This contributes to the optimization of gas exchange and blood circulation, ventilation of all parts of the lungs, as well as general health and well-being.

An analysis over the past three years has shown that the dynamics of morbidity in kindergarten has decreased, as evidenced by a comparative analysis of PTC.Cognitive moments are organically combined with wellness, educational activities are combined with breathing exercises, eye gymnastics, relaxation, self-massage and other health-preserving technologies.

The results convince of the correctness and effectiveness of the measures I have chosen to improve physical culture and health work. However, I do not stop there. My creative search continues today. In the 2016-2017 academic year, she organized the work of a health circle for preschool children "Fitball School".

Chirkova Marina
Description of the work experience of a physical education instructor

Chirkova Marina Alexandrovna - physical education instructor Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution Child Development Center-Kindergarten "Fairy tale" R. n. Red Baki. Graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University. M. Gorky, specialty teacher physical culture and sports.

My professional activity is carried out within the framework of the main general educational program of MADOU CRR - d / s "Fairy tale", based on"Exemplary basic general educational program of preschool education "Birth to School" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, methodological support of L. I. Penzulaeva. The main tasks in their work consider conservation, strengthening and protecting the health of children, ensuring a harmonious physical development, the formation of the need for daily motor activity, the development physical qualities, education of endurance, independence and creativity in physical activity, beauty, grace, expressiveness of movements, interest and love for sports, the need for a healthy lifestyle of the child when interacting with the family.

In his work to achieve my goal, I use health-saving technologies: morning gymnastics, classes (game, plot, breathing and corrective gymnastics, elements of fitness aerobics, game stretching, communication games, classes from the series "I take care of my health". Systemic Job contributes to a decrease in morbidity and an increase in the percentage of attendance of pupils of the CRR - d / s "Fairy tale".

In addition to the main program physical education I am implementing an additional general education program "Magic Steps", as part of the organization of additional paid services of a preschool educational institution. The purpose of this program is to develop the motor activity of preschool children through step aerobics. The novelty of this program lies in the fact that along with the traditional forms of exercises, special exercises are carried out in step-aerobics, as well as logo-rhythmic exercises. The optimal combination of which in the course of classes allows you to solve not only tasks on physical education but also to develop coordination of movements and speech.

I actively participate in work RMO and other methodological activities of the preschool educational institution and the district. Since 2014 I have been the head of the RMO of educators for physical development of children and introduction to a healthy lifestyle. Within the RMO developed provisions of the review competitions of sports zones (2014) and sports equipment for the development of accuracy and eye measurement in groups of preschool children "Accurate shooter" (2015). His work experience I divide into regional methodological associations: 2014 open pedagogical process "Features of the content of the program in the educational field « Physical Culture in accordance with FGT", 2016 open pedagogical process "The use of elements of children's fitness in the classroom for physical culture with children of preschool age.

Being engaged in self-education, I get acquainted with the latest achievements in the field physical education through publications in periodicals "Child in Kindergarten", « Physical education instructor» . The acquired knowledge and acquired skills allow a creative approach to solving practical problems in work.

I am an active participant in competitions of various level: district, regional, all-Russian, also together with the pupils we participate in various competitions, where we repeatedly won prizes.

Taking into account modern requirements, I use in my Internet resources, for exchange work experience created her page on the sites - the Maam International Educational Portal, "Social network educators» , a site on the educational portal, a2b2, where I post materials with my own practical experience: summaries of classes, consultations, scenarios of sporting events.

For the successful implementation of activities for physical I consider the development of children as allies of the parents of pupils. We organize joint sports holidays: "Autumn Starts", "Winter Olympics"; thematic holidays dedicated to Mother's Day, February 23, Day of family, love and fidelity; based on FOC "Bogatyr" holidays for kindergarten staff and parents of pupils. I touch on the health problems of children at group parent-teacher meetings, conduct individual consultations, questionnaires, post consultations in the corners for parents. Under my leadership, in 2014, a sports club functioned for children and parents "Healthy". We work closely with other kindergartens, it has become a tradition, for three years now, together with MADOU d / s "Spikelet" we do "Winter sports day"- family sporting event. For area teachers developed and implemented "Pedagogical Spartakiad".

Inside the kindergarten I interact with caregivers: in groups conditions for the organization of motor activity of children are created. Physical education corners, equipped with non-traditional equipment, made and designed by the hands of teachers and parents, are in great demand among our pupils. To help my educators developed card file of outdoor games, complexes of morning exercises, exercises for the prevention of flat feet and posture disorders.

For physical culture and recreation work in the preschool educational institution there is a sports hall and outdoor playground. physical education the hall is equipped with sports equipment, both factory-made (hoops, skipping ropes, balls, skittles, cubes, ring throws, steps, exercise equipment, and handmade (braids, scarves, flags, tunnels, bags, snowballs for throwing, masks for outdoor games, aids for corrective work- corrective paths, manuals for training the respiratory system). In his work I use visual and didactic benefits: albums "Winter and summer sports", "Daily regime", "Sport equipment"; to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, to foster interest in sports and sports games, to consolidate the terminology, she made didactic games with her own hands "Collect a picture", "Sport equipment", "Find a Pair". Improving the subject-developing environment, this academic year I created a mini-museum of sports, where models of summer and winter sports are presented sports: basketball, football, hockey, volleyball, table tennis, rhythmic gymnastics; the folder presents the history of the Olympic games: who is the founder, symbols of the Olympic games: what is the motto, flag, fire, awards, symbol, oath of the Olympic Games; flags of the countries participating in the Olympics, a stand is decorated "Pride of the land of Nizhny Novgorod", where the Nizhny Novgorod athletes-winners of the Olympiads of different years are presented.

Our preschool educational institution cooperates with society on physical culture-health direction (FOK "Bogatyr", a stadium where we organize various events.

Summing up, I would like to note that physical culture and health-improving work is carried out in the system, aimed at children, interaction with educators and families of pupils, cooperation with society.

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From the experience of the instructor in physical culture of the MDOU "Center - Kindergarten No. 115" Ignatenko T.E.

"The therapeutic effect of physical culture and health-improving methods in work with preschool children"

Non-traditional methods inphysical culture and health work.

The main goal of non-traditional methods of work in physical education classes in kindergarten is to increase interest in physical education classes and the effectiveness of these classes, to preserve and improve the psychological and physical condition of children. In physical education classes, in addition to traditional methods of complex impact on physical and neuropsychic development, as well as the correction of early deviations in the health status of children, I use non-traditional methods:

    elements of psycho-gymnastics, meditation, relaxation (hatha yoga system);

    rational application of "music therapy";

    the presence in the classroom of a surprise moment, motivation, plot;

    introduction of breathing exercises, including from the "hatha yoga" system;

    application of BAT self-massage;

    the use of preventive exercises for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Mental processes in children are most adequately formed in play activities. Developing during the game, feelings of love for relatives, sympathy for loved ones, friendly affection, are enriched by changing and become the basis for the emergence of complex social feelings.

Psycho-gymnastics- these are special classes (etudes, exercises, games) aimed at developing and correcting the cognitive and emotional sphere of the child. These exercises help to create a positive emotional mood in the classroom, eliminate isolation, and relieve fatigue. With their help, children develop the skills of concentration, plasticity, coordination of movements. Creativity, fantasy, which is an indispensable condition for most outdoor games - one of the manifestations of the will to live - enhances brain impulses, which in turn stimulate the pituitary gland, the activity of the thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system.

Psycho-gymnastics and meditation have a complex effect on the physical and neuropsychic development of the child, as well as coordinate early deviations in the state of children's health, help relieve emotional and muscle tension, form skills for interacting with each other, develop attention, speech, perception, imagination, and overcome stressful conditions. .

Meditation means concentration. In the classroom, meditation is in the nature of a short-term focus on one or another image offered in a playful way. So, for example, in the game "The Sun" children stand in a circle, reach out to the sun with their hands, the sun generously gives each child a sunbeam that settles in the hearts of children. The children then send sunlight from their chests to all beings around them. Children enjoy those pleasant emotions that they give to the world around them. Meditation games should preferably be accompanied by music.

Relaxation- it's a complete shambles. It is needed in order to restore physical energy, mental vigor and clarity of mind as soon as possible. The ability to relax is very important for mastering the body, for relieving mental stress.

To relieve psycho-emotional stress, a children's version of the psycho-muscular training developed by A.V. Alekseev for young athletes is used, which in turn is adapted for preschoolers. The psychophysical peace achieved as a result of psychomuscular training restores the child's strength, he develops a pleasant drowsiness.

Emotions have a very vivid form of expression through facial expressions and pantomime. When a child's imagination works, the emotional attitude to imaginary images can also be seen on his face. In physical education classes, I set myself another task - to help children communicate with each other and with adults without embarrassment and conflict. To this end, in the classroom I use games that contribute to the development of basic communication skills. These games are divided into several different areas:

    "Me and my body" Games are aimed at overcoming the isolation, passivity, constraint of children, as well as at motor emancipation. This is important, because only a physically free child is calm and psychologically protected. As an experience with their body, children are taught simple muscle relaxation skills. This group also includes finger games that help the development of children's speech.

    "Me and my language". Games are aimed at the development of language, gestures, facial expressions and pantomime, at the understanding that in addition to speech, there are other means of communication. These games are very effective for introverted, shy children who don't want to and don't know how to communicate. When working with them, my task is to form in them a desire to communicate and develop communication skills. It's no secret that introverted and shy children can connect more easily using nonverbal forms of communication that help them express themselves more freely and expressively.

In physical education classes, games are used that contribute to the development of children's speech.

    "Me and my emotions." These games are aimed at getting to know a person's emotions, understanding their emotions, as well as recognizing the emotional reactions of other people and developing the ability to adequately express their emotions.

My task is to correct the emotional state of children, to form and consolidate positive emotions in the process of engaging in motor activity, to create motivation for it, to develop the right emotional reactions to certain motor (game) situations.

    "I and I". Here are collected games aimed at developing the child's attention to himself, his feelings, experiences. It is known that the level of self-esteem is not set once and for all. It can change, especially at preschool age. Each of our appeals to the child, each evaluation of his activities, attitude to his successes and failures - all this affects the child's attitude towards himself. Therefore, in the classroom, I use a number of games that help children to better understand, to form a positive attitude towards themselves.

    "Me and Others" . These games are aimed at developing the skills of joint activities, a sense of community, understanding the individual characteristics of other people, the formation of attention, a friendly attitude towards each other.

    "I and my family" . Here are selected games aimed at understanding yourself as a full-fledged, accepted and loved by others family member.

Music therapy. Music has also been used as a healing factor since ancient times. V. M. Bekhterev believed that with the help of musical rhythm it is possible to establish a balance in the activity of the child’s nervous system, moderate too excited temperaments and disinhibit inhibited children, regulate incorrect and unnecessary movements. Rhythmic tasks help to involve, activate and awaken to activity in general. The organization of movements with the help of musical rhythm develops children's attention, memory, internal composure (N.S. Samoylenko, V.L. Griker, E.V. Konorova). The musical accompaniment of games leads to even more effective development and consolidation of useful qualities and skills, complete coordination of movements in terms of speed, fosters a sense of rhythm, favors the balancing of nervous processes, promotes better coordination and regulation of muscle efforts with the functions of various analyzers of the child's body. The use of music in physical education classes contributes to the formation of students' correct ideas about the nature of movements, develops accuracy and expressiveness in them when performing exercises, has a positive effect on the aesthetic, moral and physical development of students, contributes to the formation of correct posture and athletic gait, movements become beautiful, smart, economical.

In physical education classes, I use various pieces of music, recordings of the sounds of the forest, sea, birds, etc. Background music is given at the beginning of the lesson, which activates positive emotions and serves to set children up for subsequent movements: during the warm-up, moving music makes it easier for children to exercise. We often carry out outdoor games with musical accompaniment - it is especially desirable for children with neuroses and more serious disorders of the nervous system. Knowing that music organizes the child to perform exercises, helps him to express himself freely, often in the classroom I conduct a set of general developmental exercises to music.

One of the important elements of a healthy lifestyle is physiologically correct, rational breathing, which contributes to the preservation and promotion of health. There are several variants and types of breathing that mix two different concepts: breathing exercises and everyday breathing.

Breathing exercises increases metabolic processes that play a major role in blood supply, including the respiratory system. At the same time, the mechanisms of the central nervous system, including the brain, which were disturbed during the course of the disease, are gradually restored, the drainage function of the bronchi improves, and nasal breathing is gradually restored. Painful formations (for example, adhesions, adhesive processes) in the bronchopulmonary system are quickly eliminated. Resorption of inflammatory formations occurs, normal blood and lymph circulation is restored, and congestion in the organs of the respiratory system is eliminated. The functions of the cardiovascular system are improved and the entire circulatory apparatus is strengthened in general. Various deformities of the chest and spine that develop during the course of the disease are gradually corrected. The overall resistance of the body, its tone increases, the quality of immune processes increases and the neuropsychic state of the sick improves.

Taking into account the peculiarities of children's breathing, I definitely include breathing exercises in physical education classes. This includes hatha yoga breathing exercises and plot complexes. (Annex 6)

I give special static and dynamic breathing exercises against the background of general strengthening and general developmental exercises. The basis of these breathing exercises is their implementation with enhanced and lengthened exhalation. This is achieved by pronouncing vowels (aaa, uuu, oooh), hissing consonants (zh, sh) and a combination of sounds (ah, oh, uh). I carry out these exercises in a playful way (a bug buzzes, we cool tea, an airplane hums, etc.). The ratio of restorative and breathing exercises is 2:1. I gradually increase the load due to the number of repetitions and the complication of exercises.

I also use Hatha yoga breathing exercises in my classes. They contribute to the development of the skills of lower (abdominal) breathing with the subsequent transition to harmoniously full breathing: the cleansing breath “Ha”. It well removes excitement and fatigue after dynamic loads, restores strength, clears the airways.

Yoga is the progenitor of all systems and methods of self-improvement. Yoga is a way of natural development of the body and mind. Yoga helps children grow properly and makes them strong and strong. The whole system of exercises and individual asanas (static postures) aim to bring the body into a state of balance, i.e. normal functioning of the body and mind. By health, yoga understands not the fact of eliminating the disease, but a feeling of fullness of energy, the joy of being, not only the ability to work daily, but also the absence of laziness. According to yoga, a disease is a deviation from the state of balance and the normal functioning of the organs of the body and psyche.

From the point of view of medicine, the great value of yoga lies in the fact that with a minimum expenditure of energy, muscles are strengthened and stretched in all parts of the body. The principles of slow movements and postures in yoga are based on the fact that such a pace of movement stimulates and promotes the proper functioning of the internal organs and endocrine glands.

A feature of yoga exercises is that their therapeutic effect is due to the fixation of postures. Each exercise purposefully affects a certain organ of our body or organ system.

It also has a beneficial effect on the child's body massage of biologically active points. It increases the protective properties of the mucous membranes of the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and other human organs. Under the influence of massage, the body begins to produce its own drugs, such as interferon, which is very often much more effective than tablets, acupressure as an element of psychophysical training helps to relax muscles and relieve neuro-emotional stress. So, for example, energetic morning work with a toothbrush can give a good charge to the whole organism as a whole, since on the oral mucosa there is a representation of almost all the most important organs - the heart, upper respiratory tract, lungs, stomach, intestines, liver and kidneys. With regular use of gum massage, the delicate mucous membrane gets a kind of hardening: it thickens; resistance to mechanical factors, cold, heat increases; improves blood circulation, nutrition of the gums and teeth. All this contributes to their health.

By acting on biologically active points, blood circulation and innervation of the bone marrow are normalized, as well as the blood circulation of the esophagus, trachea, bronchi, lungs and other organs is improved, the functional activity of the brain is increased, and the entire body is toned. In a word, acupressure strengthens the health of the child, raises his vitality, and hardens the body.

So that acupressure is not performed purely mechanically, I suggest that children communicate with their bodies in a game situation, mentally pronouncing affectionate words (sweet, kind, good). The child, playing, sculpts, crumples and smoothes his body, seeing in it an object of care, affection and love. Performing self-massage exercises in the classroom in a playful way, children get joy and good mood. Such exercises contribute to the formation of a conscious desire for health in the child, developing the skill of their own healing. The most accessible in children are BAP located on the hands and feet. The massage of these points does not require special medical knowledge and is therefore often used by me in the classroom. For educators, a calendar plan for conducting BAT massage for children of different ages is recommended.

Calendar plan for BAT massage in children of different ages

Week number (from October)

Material used

Implemented task

Junior group (13 games; massage duration 1-2 minutes)

Water at room temperature.

Splash, slap with the palm of your hand, fingers on the surface of the water.

Water and stones.

Throw pebbles into the water, pick up.

Water, colored sponges.

Take water into sponges, wring them out, beat with a jet into the palm of your hand.

Run the tips of the pen over your fingers and palms.

Medium sized rope

Roll with bare feet.

Determine which direction the wind is blowing

Hand washing brush.

Clean hands, "marigolds" - stimulate BAP at the fingertips, palms.

Cotton wool, fur, sponge.

Touch, compare, feel the difference.

Collect sand in a handful, spill through your fingers.

Pine cones.

Hold it, sort it out, put it in your purse, pocket.

Ribbed pencils.

Roll the pencil across the table with the palm of your hand.

Spiked ball.

Give to another child or adult and take.

Pebbles in the opposite.

Stand barefoot, in socks on pebbles, trample.

Medium group (18 games; massage duration 2-3 minutes)

Water of different temperatures.

Splash, urging the boat, wring out the sponge, slap the water with the palm of your hand.

Stand on the pebbles barefoot, trample.

Sand, bright bead.

Find a "wonderful" pea buried in the sand.

Ribbed pencils.

Roll the pencil between your palms.

Spiked ball.

Throw the ball to each other and catch it.

Rope (d=3cm; d=8cm).

Bars, rocks.

Compare sharp edges with round, smooth surfaces.

Compare visually and by touch.

Turtle with 50 loops and buttons.

Unbutton and fasten the turtle before a walk.

Ribbed board.

Walk on it barefoot and on a prickly rug.

Walkway with feet silhouettes.

Walk along the path, putting your bare feet exactly in the trail.

Walkway with heel and toe marks.

Walk on heels, toes, putting them exactly on the trail.

Path with traces of palms, knees.

Pass on all fours, getting exactly on the trail.

Walkway with colored circles.

Pass only through red circles, then through green circles, etc.

Small mosaic.

Sort by color, sorting them.

Sand with small sharp stones.

Choose from the sand small sharp pebbles on a tray.

Large balls-beads and cord.

String balls on a tubular cord.

Pebbles are large, medium, small.

Examine, compare, arrange in a row, in a circle, around the largest stone.

Senior group (20 games; massage duration 3-4 minutes)

Matches without heads.

Lay out figurines.

Buttons sewn in a row on strips of cardboard.

Ruler - plates with cuts of figures.

Circle with the fingertips of both hands.

Cones, pines, spruces, larch, alder.

Examine and name, understanding the difference.

Stencils with sharp edges.

Examine, "draw with fingers" - all in turn.

Rough, prickly rugs.

Get up, walk barefoot.

Hazelnut (1-2 pieces).

Roll between the palms and in one hand.

The buttons are smooth, rough, many different.

Examine, compare, choose the best, the worst.

Beads with a sharp edge in the center from old children's bills.

The stones are sharp and round.

Explore, compare, sort.

"Wonderful bag"

Spiked ball.

Throw, catch; answer questions by returning the ball.

Rope (d=3cm; d=8cm).

Roll your bare feet on the floor.

"Help Cinderella."

Disassemble cereals: buckwheat, rice, oats, millet, pearl barley, corn.

Labyrinths of rough paths (sandpaper and velvet paper).

"Pass" but with the fingers of both hands.

Colored cords.

Rough to the touch application.

Guess - circle, square, triangle, etc.

Miscellaneous paper.

Pick up the same to the touch.

School preparatory group (20 games; massage duration 4-5 minutes)

Wire (d=1-2mm.).

line up figures (mushroom, leaf, etc.)

Metal clips (stationery).

To make a chain, beads, bracelet by stringing.

Run along the finger (eyes closed), determine which one.

The fingers of an adult and the back of a child.

Determine how many fingers are on the back.

Wooden toothpicks.

Draw faces with the tip of a toothpick on the fingertips.

Foot massager (ribbed).

Roll your bare feet back and forth.

"Wonderful bag"

Identify toys by touch without a sample for memory.

Seat massager (for motorists).

Feel the "knuckles" on different parts of the back, hips.

Bright cube puzzles, "mailbox"

Examining the edges of the slots with your fingers, determine what kind of figure it is.

The coil is ribbed.

Turn the thread spool with all fingers.

Nail massage.

Massage with the lower phalanges of all fingers - pads.

Ear massage.

Massage the place where there is a puncture on the earlobes.

"Slits" with all fingers.

Starting line: nail on the pad of the thumb.

Small sharp mosaic.

Sort into cells based on the color of the chips.

Tubular massager with spikes (plastic curlers).

Roll between palms and fingers.

Spicy melon seeds.

Lay out the silhouettes of objects, animals according to the model.

Stand up undressed in a baking sheet with pebbles, trample, spin.

Chestnut massage.

Roll between palms and fingers.

Massage rings (from chestnut).

Massage the fingers of both hands.

Massager on the handle with spikes.

Massage the feet of both feet.

Corrective exercises. The inclusion of corrective exercises in physical education classes is due to the need to form the correct posture in a preschool child.

The basis for the prevention and treatment of posture disorders, especially the initial ones, is the general training of the body of a weakened child. It is known that the stereotypes of incorrect posture must be destroyed in the prone position. Therefore, it is necessary to include as many preventive exercises as possible in general developmental exercises that strengthen the muscles of the back, while lying on the floor, and be sure to beat them (goldfish, bunny, boat, star, etc.). The development of the correct posture is helped by outdoor games for coordination of movements, balance.

At the beginning and at the end of a physical education lesson, visual control of posture is carried out. As a result, children get used to standing and walking correctly. Thus, the general physiological effect of exercises, with their appropriate dosage, ensures the harmonious development of the child's muscles, creates sufficient strength endurance of the muscles, which makes it possible to maintain a certain posture in space for a long time.

Often one of the causes of poor posture is flat feet. It also occurs in weak, physically poorly developed children. The main reason for the development of flat feet is the weakness of the muscles and ligaments involved in maintaining the arch.

Early recognition of flat feet and its timely treatment through public gymnastic exercises will help save children from this shortcoming, or at least reduce it. For this purpose, general developmental and special gymnastic exercises are used in physical education classes, which are the most active therapeutic agent, not only compensating for foot defects, but also correcting its configuration, and dramatically increasing the functionality of the foot. In addition, it is advisable to include these exercises in morning exercises, on a walk during outdoor games.

The main purpose of corrective exercises is active pronation of the foot (the position of the feet on the outer edge), strengthening the entire ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the foot and lower leg against the background of the general development and strengthening of the child's body. Specially selected general strengthening exercises serve as the foundation on which local foot correction is built (Appendix 6)

Movable healthpouring games. Outdoor games are the most effective and efficient method of healing and improving the body of children. They, to a much greater extent than all other forms of physical culture, correspond to the needs of a growing organism in movement. The game is always associated with personal initiative, creativity, fantasy, causes an emotional upsurge, meets all the laws of a developing organism, and therefore is always desirable. The game usually uses natural movement. They not only contribute to the physical development of the baby, but also, which is very important, stimulate the activity of his brain, and hence all organs and systems.

It has been established that when outdoor games are included in the complex treatment of children, full recovery and restoration of their vitality, with a variety of diseases and conditions, occurs much faster. The use of outdoor games contributes to the harmonious physical and mental development, the formation of the necessary skills, coordination of movements, dexterity and accuracy.

Outdoor games harden the body, strengthen the immune system. But it should be noted that the healing effect of games is possible only with frequent and long-term exercises.

The healing role of the game is also manifested in the formation of the emotional world of the child. Positive emotions that arise in game actions are considered as a reliable anti-stress factor. Games of a cognitive and entertaining nature can prevent the development of disorders in the state of the nervous, cardiovascular and other systems of the child's body. The most powerful therapeutic factor is the child's play together with the parents. During the game, unexpected, funny situations often arise. This causes sincere laughter in both children and parents. A relaxed, cheerful atmosphere does not allow the child to "leave" the disease, allows parents to show more attention to him and increases joint communication with children in an atmosphere of love, care and joy.

It is possible to achieve success in health promotion and full-fledged physical development of their motor activity only with unified approaches to physical education in kindergarten and at home. However, in many families, the need of preschoolers for movement is far from being fully satisfied, preference is given to TV, at best, “sedentary” games (mosaics, lotto, etc.). This does not take into account the following: a child can become assiduous only if his natural need for movement is fully satisfied. Children first master the skills of controlling movements, and then statics. Consequently, one of the main tasks of an adult is to organize the correct motor mode of the child while ensuring a variety of motor activities, both in content and in the composition of movements.

To this end, we carry out

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