What to give for the 25th wedding anniversary. twenty five years of marriage

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The wedding died down, the last guests dispersed, the newlyweds were finally left alone with each other. The first days of the joint life of the spouses imperceptibly flow into the first years, the first decades. And now it's almost 25 years of marriage. What kind of wedding, what to give - all these issues will have to be decided by both the invited guests and the heroes of the occasion themselves.

wedding anniversaries

For young spouses, every day spent together is a holiday. But there are more than enough reasons to celebrate living together. After all, almost every year you can celebrate a wedding anniversary.

  • In the first year from the date of the wedding, it is customary to celebrate a calico, or gauze, wedding. It is believed that the first year is the most difficult. Husband and wife are just getting used to each other, and everyday chores sometimes bring not only joy, but also unpleasant moments. Since chintz is a rather thin fabric, it has become a symbol of the first wedding anniversary.
  • In five years, you can celebrate a wooden wedding. It is believed that bonds that have lasted for five whole years are unsinkable and strong. It is customary to give various wooden objects for such a festival - from simple spoons and bowls to exquisite caskets and jewelry.
  • Pink, or tin, wedding is celebrated after ten years of marriage. A pink wedding is the first round anniversary, illuminated by tenderness and charm. At the celebration, it is customary to exchange tin wedding rings, which symbolize the flexibility and softness in the relationship of the couple.
  • After fifteen years of family relations, a crystal wedding is celebrated. Crystal is a symbol of clarity and purity of relations between spouses. On such an anniversary, crystal objects are usually given, and at the end of the feast, a crystal glass is broken for happiness.
  • Twenty years have passed, and the day of the porcelain wedding has come. porcelain is both more expensive and more delicate than crystal and glass. Therefore, such a long-term relationship is, on the one hand, fragile, and on the other, invaluable and stable. Porcelain items are given to a porcelain wedding - sets, dishes, figurines.
  • 25 years of marriage. What kind of wedding, what to give, are largely determined by traditions.

The twenty-fifth anniversary of the celebration is called the silver wedding. The first precious metal is durable, like the relationship of the spouses after a quarter of a century.

Silver wedding - a sign of family stability

So, 25 years of marriage. What kind of wedding, what to give, basically, the guests decide. But tradition has long dictated its own rules. It is believed that silver is a rather hard and durable metal. Year after year, marital relations become stronger and more proven.

Husband and wife have learned to understand each other from a half-word, sometimes even from a half-look. For a long time, the family has experienced many worries and joys. Managed to appear, and grow up children. And the celebration of the silver wedding becomes a well-deserved gift to the spouses for everything experienced together.

How to celebrate 25 wedding years

Silver is not only precious, but also a very noble metal. The planet of silver is the Moon, which symbolizes wisdom and intuition. Relationships between spouses become just as wise and intuitive. After so many years, 25 years of marriage should be well celebrated. What kind of wedding, what to give, what treats to prepare and whom to invite - the hostess is full of pre-holiday chores that are so reminiscent of the very first family holiday! You can celebrate at home, managing on your own. Or you can throw a feast with a mountain and invite guests to a fashionable restaurant. After all, a silver wedding happens once in a lifetime, and the memory of it should remain until the last days.

Traditions and customs

When celebrating a silver wedding, one should not forget about some traditions.

25 years of marriage! What kind of wedding, what to give and how to organize the celebration so that everyone - both the heroes of the occasion and the guests, are satisfied, largely depends on the owners of the house.

  • According to customs, guests for the anniversary must be invited 25 days before the celebration.
  • There should be a lot of guests, at least 25 people.
  • On the day of the celebration, the spouses should exchange silver rings, which they will wear on their right hand. Gold wedding bands are now stored in a box.

  • Great importance is attached to the weather on the day of the 25th wedding anniversary. It is believed that the sun and a clear sky promise a bright and happy family future. Cloudiness portends some difficulties in the life of the spouses.
  • The festive table can be rich and varied. But an essential dish is a loaf, which the spouses should cut together, holding on to one knife. Well, of course, champagne should flow like water on this day.

Joint gift to spouses

What is a wedding without generous gifts? What to give spouses who have lived together for 25 years? Of course, silver, as well as all sorts of interior elements trimmed with silver.

  • A beautiful grandfather clock or a picture in a silver frame can be a luxurious present.
  • A silver service or a set of silverware will not be superfluous.
  • A symbol of family happiness will be a silver horseshoe, subsequently attached above the front door. The product will become a kind of amulet, giving well-being and escaping from negative phenomena.

25 years of marriage… What kind of wedding, what is given in this case, depends on the imagination and capabilities of the guest. The main thing is that the gift should come from the heart and be given with generosity and good intentions.

Mutual gifts of wife and husband

Of course, a quarter of a century lived together is not complete without joint surprises of the spouses to each other. Often a husband asks himself: what to give his wife for 25 years? Which wedding will take on more mystery - with an advance romantic surprise or a traditional gift? Of course, almost everyone loves surprises. But diligent housewives, who become brides after 25 years of marriage, also prefer practical gifts.

Therefore, the best gift from a husband to his wife can be bed linen, household appliances, and even furniture. Of course, do not forget about gifts for the soul. A pleasant surprise will be a romantic trip or a subscription to the spa. Even the most captious lady will not be able to resist an exclamation of admiration when her beloved husband gives a present that she did not expect.

What should a wife give her husband? What wedding - 25 years? This is an unforgettable celebration, and the gift should also be memorable. For a man who is fond of ennobling his own home, a tool kit can be a great gift. Presents necessary for your favorite pastime - a hobby will be pleasant. For example, fishing rods, spinning, a set of original hooks will be a pleasant surprise for an avid angler.

Gifts for parents from children

And what can children give parents? Surprise also depends on the imagination and desire to please loved ones.

First of all, what is a wedding without flowers? 25 years! What to give parents, besides beautiful flower arrangements and lush bouquets? Of course, you can only get by with such a gift. But the spouses will be doubly pleased if the flowers are complemented, for example, by an invitation to a romantic dinner for two in a cozy restaurant. Naturally, a couple should go to such an event only together.

Also, attending an interesting performance or going to the cinema can also significantly cheer you up. A more practical gift will be beautiful bed linen, and even an orthopedic mattress, on which it will be comfortable to relax. However, even the help of children in organizing the celebration will be a pleasant surprise for parents. The main thing is to think over everything in advance and give yourself to the matter with all zeal.

25 years of marriage is a silver wedding. Not many people are able to live together for a quarter of a century, so the celebration should be magnificent and memorable. The invitees should know 25 years of the wedding - what kind of wedding and what to give to the anniversaries.

What do husband and wife give each other for 25 years of marriage?

Gifts can be anything, the most important thing is the love and care with which they were chosen and presented. But there is also a tradition that spouses should give each other modest bouquets of five flowers - a symbol of love and reverent attitude towards each other.

The main symbol of the 25th wedding anniversary is silver rings. Husband and wife exchange them, emphasizing the strength of the vows that they took during the marriage. Silver rings are worn on the middle finger of the right hand.

Gift Ideas for Friends and Family

The 25th wedding anniversary is celebrated on a grand scale, therefore the anniversaries invite all their relatives and friends to the celebration, who present them with gifts. Traditionally, these should be any items made of silver - a precious metal, a symbol of a strong and happy relationship. If you were invited to a 25th wedding anniversary, what to give and what kind of wedding you didn’t think about, then stop at silver.

Interior items

For the home, these things will always come in handy. You can choose any jewelry with silver elements. For example, a clock, a picture, a photo frame, candlesticks, table or wall clocks. The main thing is not to forget that there should be a silver element.


To choose something from the dishes, it is better to know in advance what other guests will give, otherwise the anniversaries may receive several silver spoons, forks and glasses. The silver water jug ​​is an original version, because silver is known to purify water. Whichever option you choose, do not forget to engrave so that the anniversaries remember the holiday date and you.

Silver souvenirs

It is better to buy figurines that symbolize a happy relationship between husband and wife, for example, two hearts, swans, doves, etc. A gift can be not only a symbol, but also a talisman. For example, a silver horseshoe that brings good luck and happiness to the house, or a tree that contributes to the further prosperity of the family of anniversaries.

Icons and pectoral crosses

Such gifts are made only to believers; you can also present a Bible with a silver frame and icons in a silver frame.

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Traditions are good, but you don’t always want to give silver items if you have something unusual and original in mind for your 25th wedding anniversary. What kind of wedding and what to give the original, you will have to think in advance, otherwise you will not have time to prepare. But we want to warn you that it is better to make such gifts for anniversaries to children, close relatives or good friends.

Useful gifts

So that the gift is definitely needed and liked by the couple? It is worth paying attention to the wishes of the parents, perhaps they themselves will tell you an idea.

  • a set of towels or bed linen. As experienced housewives say, there is never enough linen and towels, so yours will definitely come in handy. To make the gift special and remember you, order embroidery of the names of the anniversaries and the memorable date of the 25th wedding anniversary. What kind of wedding and what is given goes by the wayside, even if one of the guests makes the same gift, yours will remain exclusive;
  • new home appliances. You do not know what the heroes of the day have, and what they would like to buy? Do not take risks, it is better to purchase a certificate in a household appliance store and give it as a gift;
  • interest gifts. If you know what the husband and wife are interested in, then give them something that will be useful for their hobby. For example, lovers of outdoor recreation can choose a brazier or barbecue, a picnic basket or a cooler bag, and for admirers of classical music there is no better present than two tickets to the opera house or the Philharmonic.

25 years of marriage is an important date for every family that has managed to carry love and tenderness through the years. Gifts for such an anniversary should be special, you can present traditional silver or opt for something useful and unusual. Learn also

25 years is a solid experience for family life. A quarter of a century lived together suggests that the spouses were able to make their relationship flexible, but strong and not subject to corrosion. No wonder people call this anniversary a silver wedding. Silver is a noble metal, resistant to oxidation, is not afraid of time, but, on the contrary, acquires a special beauty over the years.

As a rule, the Silver wedding is celebrated magnificently. Numerous guests, relatives, friends, work colleagues are invited. Naturally, the gifts for this significant anniversary should be special.

Silver gifts

First of all, symbolic gifts made of silver, the metal with which this holiday is inextricably linked, are welcome.

You can buy silver watches for parents for a silver wedding, such a gift will become a symbol of the time spent together. In memory of the solemn date, the watch can be decorated with a congratulatory engraving. Lest it occur to anyone to remember the senseless superstition that watches are given for parting, it should be said that the newlyweds will receive the next watch for their golden anniversary.

You can also buy silver chains, rings, bracelets as a gift. You don't have to buy the same gifts. A man will be pleased to receive silver cufflinks, a tie pin or a key ring made of this precious metal. A woman will be delighted with a brooch, earrings or pendant. Both spouses will like silver coins. They will always remind you of donors and a significant occasion.

Silverware has always been valued not only for its beauty, but also for its healing and disinfecting properties. For friends or colleagues for 25 years from the wedding day, you can give silver spoons, a figurine, a candlestick, a tea strainer, a jug, a symbolic cup, glasses or piles. A chic gift - a tray made of silver. If a large item does not fit into the budget, you can buy a small copy of the tray.

A wonderful gift for a silver wedding is a medal minted in honor of this significant event. Such a gift will forever remain in the family and become a kind of relic. Commemorative medals are now available at any major jewelry store. But, it should be borne in mind that other guests may come with medals, especially if the anniversaries are going to celebrate their wedding in a large company.

Gifts for the soul

A great gift from children or a group of friends can be a tourist package for two. It is not necessary to buy an expensive tour to an exotic country. A weekend trip to a country boarding house will also be to the taste of the silver newlyweds and will give them the opportunity to retire.

Another option is to book a table for parents in a cafe or restaurant and let them celebrate their holiday in private in a pleasant environment. It is better to choose a date for dinner not on the wedding day, otherwise there may be a discrepancy between events.

As an inexpensive alternative, you can consider theater or cinema tickets, a certificate for visiting a spa or massage parlor. Such gifts are good because they will be a great occasion to spend time together.

Practical gifts

Of course, it is not necessary to buy only silver for your 25th wedding anniversary. Many families will be happy to receive practical gifts. It is quite appropriate to give household appliances, dishes, bedding, blankets, pillows for a silver wedding.

A wonderful gift for parents will be an orthopedic mattress or a good woolen blanket. Friends can buy a painting or a miniature fountain as a gift. As an option, you should consider a small TV for the kitchen, a bio-fireplace, a home theater, a clothes steamer, an ionizer and a humidifier. It is quite possible that the family does not have a digital camera, and it will be a very welcome gift on the silver anniversary of living together.

If the newlyweds have a summer cottage, then they will definitely be delighted with a hammock, an outdoor table, a barbecue, a smokehouse, a beautiful flowerpot or a garden figurine. Fans of outdoor activities can be presented with a large suitcase or a cooler bag.

It is desirable to complement any gift for a silver wedding with flowers. It is best to come to such a celebration with white or pink roses, white lilies or lush white chrysanthemums. For practical reasons, you can order a bouquet of sweets or balloons.

25 years of marriage - a silver wedding. The relations of people who have been married for a quarter of a century are stable and strong, harmony and mutual understanding reign in them. This wedding anniversary is a must. And in order for the holiday to be a success, you need to know what kind of wedding it is, how to celebrate it correctly and what to give.

What wedding

25 years of marriage is called a silver wedding. For 25 years of marriage, the feelings of the spouses for each other become as strong as silver itself. This metal personifies the wisdom that the husband and wife have acquired over the years they have lived together, the purity that distinguishes the thoughts of the spouses, and the confidence with which the heroes of the day look to the future.

Silver spouses are characterized by warm, deep, trusting relationships based not only on passion, but also on mutual respect, trust, sincerity, devotion, love, the desire to support each other and boundless devotion.

holiday traditions

The celebration of the silver wedding has certain customs. So, on the morning of the 25th anniversary of marriage, barely getting out of bed, the husband and wife must kiss and wish each other a good day. After that, the spouses conduct a ritual of joint washing. To do this, the husband and wife collect water in a silver bowl and rinse each other's faces three times. According to the hint:

  1. the first ablution removes fatigue,
  2. the second relieves sadness,
  3. the third fills the soul with joy.

If water remains, put it on the windowsill until it evaporates completely. Together with droplets of water, everything bad leaves the relationship of the spouses. And the faster the liquid disappears, the more happy the future awaits the couple.

On the 25th anniversary of marriage, spouses can exchange silver rings as a sign of sincerity of feelings.

On the day of the silver wedding, a married couple receives dear guests - their parents. The latter bless adult children for many years of happy life together. After that, the husband and wife perform the most important holiday ceremony - they exchange silver rings as a sign of love and sincerity of feelings. You can do this alone or in the presence of loved ones. If desired, the ceremony can be held at the registry office at a pre-ordered festive ceremony.

gifts for wife from husband

A wedding anniversary is a great occasion to please your loved one with a valuable gift. So, a husband can give his wife silver jewelry: a bracelet, a pendant on a chain, a ring, a watch, earrings, a necklace or a brooch. Also, beautiful underwear or perfume will be good gifts.

gifts for husband from wife

A tie clip or sterling silver cufflinks can be a gift from a wife to her husband. You can also give something that is in the interests of a man, for example, an interesting gadget is suitable for a business person who loves modern technology, and a new spinning rod for a fishing lover.

Gifts for spouses from relatives

Friends and relatives, as a rule, give silver anniversaries something for the home - silver dishes or souvenirs from this noble metal. Spouses will be pleased to receive a beautiful jug, a set of elegant cups, expensive cutlery or a patterned tray. Figurines of swans or doves will be symbolic - these birds personify marital fidelity.

How to note

To celebrate a silver wedding, spouses can rent a room where their wedding took place a quarter of a century ago, and arrange a similar evening - make a similar decoration of the hall, remember which contests for guests were popular 25 years ago, put on beautiful outfits (ideally, if the wife kept his wedding dress and can wear it to the party).

If the spouses do not want to have a noisy party, they can limit themselves to home gatherings with loved ones or even a romantic dinner for two. For the most active and inquisitive anniversaries, a two-day trip on a ship or a short forest hike is suitable.

Those who profess Christianity on the day of the 25th anniversary of their legal marriage can get married in a church. A beautiful ceremony will be remembered for a long time and will mark a new stage in family relations.

The wedding faded, the wedding sparkled, the newlyweds saw off the last guests and finally were left alone. Quite imperceptibly, the first weeks of married life flow smoothly into years, and then into decades, and now the family is on the threshold of the 25th anniversary. How the silver wedding will go, what gift to give to each other, whom to invite to the family's birthday - all this is up to the so-called newlyweds to decide.

Why is it called an anniversary?

Twenty-five years of life together can rightly be called the first significant event for any married couple. If two people have lived together for a quarter of a century, then they have managed to maintain love and mutual respect during this time. This day just needs to be celebrated! To celebrate the anniversary of their life together, spouses, as a rule, invite only relatives and closest friends.

A silver wedding is an important and solemn event for a family. During this period, the two halves who once met managed to survive both the joys and hardships of family life. The children have already grown up, and, perhaps, there are grandchildren. On this date, the spouses, trying to surround their soul mate with care and sensitivity, thereby revive the former romance in their relationship. Isn't this the best gift for each other for a silver anniversary?

Why exactly twenty-five years of marriage is called a silver wedding? The fact is that silver is considered a fairly hard and durable metal. Accordingly, it symbolizes the strength and stability of relations. Spouses have long understood each other not only from the first word, but also from one glance. Common habits and traditions emerged.

On this day, the spouses are full of pre-holiday troubles, because everything happens exactly the same as 25 years ago. A silver wedding happens only once in a lifetime, and this event must be celebrated on a grand scale.

How to celebrate this holiday together?

A chic high-profile wedding today is not always and not everyone can afford. Even some newlyweds, when they are going to cross the threshold of the wedding hall for the first time, prefer to celebrate a family holiday either in a narrow circle, or just together. If you calculate all the expenses for the celebration, you can see that the family budget will suffer serious damage. And who will like a crowd of drunken revelers shouting "Bitterly"?

Therefore, a wedding for two away from numerous relatives, boring contests, fuss and other routines is gaining more and more supporters. You can celebrate a family birthday in a relaxed, inexpensive, but chic way! After all, a wedding is a solemn day for only two, and not for a huge number of relatives.

If the spouses are going to celebrate the anniversary of marriage only between themselves, then for this you can arrange a romantic candlelit dinner at home, book a table in a small cafe, or just spend the whole day together devoting it to each other. Although there are a number of options for celebrating the anniversary of living together:

  • a married couple can take a walk in the same place as 25 years ago;
  • it would be nice to make a trip to such romantic places as Rome, Paris, Venice;
  • you can organize a picnic in nature, where only two guests will be;
  • It would be a good idea to arrange a joint viewing of photos and videos from the very first wedding;
  • you can take a horseback ride, a balloon flight or a small water trip;
  • an interesting solution would be a joint visit to the photo studio, theater and other cultural institutions.

We invite relatives

Those who prefer not to arrange noisy gatherings can celebrate the anniversary in a close family circle. Moreover, such an event will allow you to communicate with your closest people, because in everyday life there is sometimes no time for meetings at all. In this case, the silver wedding can be celebrated as follows:

  • gather at the family table only the closest and dearest people;
  • organize a small picnic against the backdrop of a forest or pond;
  • rent a guest house outside the city for the weekend;
  • arrange a collective visit to entertainment events (zoo, attractions);
  • play entertaining home games (bingo, Monopoly, forfeits, interesting board strategies and word guessing).


  • Spouses can arrange a remarriage, this will evoke the feelings that they experienced on their wedding day.
  • Church wedding. The Silver Wedding Anniversary is considered the perfect day to seal your marriage before God.
  • Event in a restaurant. The method, of course, is banal, but it has long become traditional and beloved in terms of holding various celebrations.
  • A wedding anniversary can be celebrated in an unusual way. For example, arrange a masquerade ball or organize an evening in retro style. In addition, you can invite friends and relatives to a disco in the spirit of the 80s.

The tradition of celebrating wedding dates has existed for many years, and when preparing for the event, the following nuances must be taken into account.

  • Any date of family life has its own name, and therefore each year lived together is traditionally celebrated in accordance with the symbols inherent in the name of the date. For example, a print wedding, pewter or silver.
  • Family birthday can be celebrated both at home and in a restaurant. Depending on the venue of the festival, you can think over the theme of the event and the appropriate design of the hall.
  • Round wedding dates are usually celebrated more lavishly, so you need to decide on the number of guests. If at home, according to calculations, it will be crowded, you will have to take care of the banquet hall.
  • Money problem. Whatever one may say, the scale of the solemn celebration of the silver anniversary directly depends on the availability of funds that the spouses are willing to spend on their wedding anniversary.

Since ancient times, there has been an interesting custom of washing. As soon as the spouses wake up, they must wash each other three times, and the water must first be infused in a silver dipper or jug. It is believed that silver cleanses, expels all adversity, envy, and illness from the family.

It is also a good idea to exchange silver rings. It is not necessary to choose elaborate options, the simpler the rings, the better. It is worth wearing such jewelry for a year, then you can return to your usual rings.

When decorating the table, give preference to silver appliances, be sure to complement it with candlesticks made of the same material. You can put a beautiful silver service, which will be in perfect harmony with the theme of the holiday.

Gift ideas for parents

What gift can children present to their parents for a silver wedding? Whether the surprise will be successful or not, it all depends on the imagination and a great desire to please such dear people. First of all, you need to think about colors. A beautiful lush composition will be very helpful. You can, of course, stop at this, but the “newlyweds” will be much more pleasant if an invitation to a romantic dinner is in addition to the bouquet.

Tickets to the theater or to a movie show can also make spouses very happy. The practicality of a gift sometimes becomes an important aspect, an example for this can be a set of beautiful bed linen or decorative pillows with embroidered names of the “newlyweds”.

In addition, even the participation of children in the design of the holiday will be a pleasant surprise for the heroes of the occasion. Kids can draw beautiful drawings, participate in the design of the room, learn songs and rhymes, make postcards.

The obligatory gift is also a cake. It is best to make it yourself, but you can turn to the master, who will make a real work of art. Place the number "25" in the middle of the cake.

Good presents will be silverware, beautiful silver jewelry, cufflinks, lighters, belts with silver buckles.

Options for original congratulations to friends

Surprises in the traditional style are very wonderful, but sometimes there is a desire to present something peculiar as a gift in order to cause a pleasant surprise among wedding anniversaries. It can be either a fun entertaining show or an evening dedicated to some topic that is close to all those present. Gifts of this kind can be given not only by children or close relatives, but also by best friends.

Some unusual gift ideas might look like this.

  • You can stun the hosts of the evening and guests with amazing fireworks or a light or fire show.
  • An excellent gift would be the launch of air lanterns. A soaring fiery heart will look amazing in the night sky, surrounded by several small lanterns, which, together with their spouses, will be launched by guests.
  • Children and friends together can prepare a wedding ceremony in the registry office. True, it is advisable to notify the “young” about this in advance so that on this solemn day they look as amazing as they did 25 years ago. A wedding march, an exchange of rings, a kiss will help to awaken slightly extinguished feelings and add romance. During the entire ceremony, without stopping, congratulations to the couple should sound.
  • Helping spouses surround themselves with an aura of love and former romance can rest at a sea or mountain resort, as well as walk along the quiet streets of one of the European cities.
  • You can capture the beautiful moments of this solemn day with the help of photography. It can be a studio shoot, or a master photographer's trip to your home or to the bosom of nature.
  • A large chic wedding cake with miniature figurines of "newlyweds" will also pleasantly amaze the hosts and guests of the evening.

A fairly common practical gift is household appliances. But in this case, it is better to consult with the anniversaries in advance about the appropriateness of the presentation. To keep the surprise until the end, it will be easier to present a gift coupon.

If silver anniversaries have common hobbies, then you can give them a gift that meets the interests of both. For example, for theater fans, these can be tickets to a fashionable performance, but for avid picnic lovers, a cooler bag, barbecue or a grocery basket is suitable.

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