Presentation "Plant in the interior of a residential building" on technologies - project, report. Presentation for the technology lesson "Indoor plants in the interior of a residential building" presentation for the technology lesson (grade 6) on the topic Technology presentation on the theme of the plant

home / Divorce

Problematic situation.

We recently installed a new window in the living room, and now we have a wide window sill, but there are no flowers on it yet. At the technology lessons, I learned a lot about the use of plants in the interior (phytodesign) and decided to try myself as a phytodesigner.

Objective of the project.

Study the issue of using plants for home decoration and purchase a plant that matches the interior of our house.

Project objectives:

  1. Find out online where you can buy indoor plants.
  2. pick up several plants for the purpose of their further acquisition, find out their biological names.
  3. Familiarize yourself with the help of Internet resources with the technologies for growing these plants.
  4. choose from the studied plants one that is most suitable for the conditions of our home.
  5. use the data of my research for further care of the plant.


I visited a flower shop. The variety of beautiful plants amazed me. There are also decorative flowering:


saintpaulia or violet with various flowers,

azalea or rhododendron,


cyclamen or alpine violet and others.

There are also many ornamental leafy plants that will decorate the interior well.

These are plants such as arrowroot, ficus,


sansevieria (very useful plant),

codiaum (croton),



dracaena and many more.

Most of all I liked decorative flowering plants.

At home at the computer, I continued my research. I visited various sites. From the information I received, I learned what kind of care these plants need, what kind of lighting they need, what size they can reach.

Choosing the best idea.

With relatives, we discussed which plant is most suitable for our living room.

Solution: decorative flowering plant will decorate our room.

The choice of a particular plant.

The window of our living room faces the north side, there is no sun there, there is not much light in the room. All this allows you to choose a low shade-tolerant plant.

colorful violets

My research has shown that room violet meets these requirements, otherwise it is called Saintpaulia (Ozambara violet).

plant conditions.

Here's what I learned from the Internet. the violet plant has oval leaves (sometimes with notches), collected in a rosette. The flowers are simple or double and range in color from purple, blue, red to pure white. The root system is superficial, so the pot for violets should be small and low.

Reproduction. Most often, Saintpaulias are propagated by leaf cuttings. For this, an adult leaf is selected from the plant. This leaf is cut off with a sharp knife, leaving a stalk at least 5 centimeters long. After that, it is placed in wet sand so that the leaf itself does not touch the soil. The earth around the handle is slightly rammed.

When planting, use a greenhouse or cover the plant with polyethylene. When the cutting takes root and the young growth grows, it is divided and each plant is planted in a separate pot.

Care . Violets do not like sudden fluctuations in temperature and drafts. The optimum temperature is + 18 ... + 24 degrees Celsius. They prefer bright light but dislike direct sunlight.

Violet should be watered carefully, in a pan. The surface layer of the soil should be constantly wet, but the plant cannot be flooded. Excess water from the pan must be drained. The leaves of the plant do not tolerate spraying.

The ground for violets should be loose, well breathable and easy to absorb water. It is better to buy a ready-made earthen mixture for Saintpaulia. In order for the violet to grow well and bloom, it must be fed with mineral fertilizers once a week.


Violet is fully suited to the conditions of our living room. You just need to decide where to get this plant. You can buy a young plant or ask someone for a leaf cutting. I have friends who have violets of various colors. They promised to give me one leaf from each plant. I will plant them in the sand and grow some plants.

Self-assessment and assessment.

beautiful violet

I hope that in the future my plants will look the same on the windowsill as in the photos in the textbook and on the Internet.

1. Problem situation My parents have finished building a new house. We like the house very much. It is spacious, each member of the family has their own room. One thing is upsetting so far: it is not yet very comfortable. At the technology lessons, I learned a lot about the use of plants in the interior and decided to try myself as a phytodesigner.

2. Purpose of the project To study the issue of using plants for home decoration and to acquire a plant that matches the interior of our house. For this you need: 1. Visit a store that sells indoor plants. 2. Select several plants for their further acquisition, find out their biological names. 3. Get acquainted with the technologies of growing these plants using Internet resources. 4. Choose from the studied plants one that is most suitable for the conditions of our home. 5. Use the data of your research for further care of the selected plant.

3. Research I visited a flower shop. The variety of beautiful plants amazed me. There are decorative flowering plants - saintpaulia, azalea, begonia, cyclament, etc. There are also many derocatifolia plants that will decorate the interior well - arrowroot, ficus, sansevieria, dieffenbachia, dracaena, etc. Most of all I liked decorative flowering plants violet, aporocactus, orchid and glaxinia. At home at the computer, I continued my research, visited sites about indoor plants. From them I learned a lot of useful information: what kind of care these plants need, what kind of lighting they need, what size they can reach.

Gloxinia Description. Gloxinia (Gloxinia), or Sinningia (Sinningia) is a perennial tuberous plant. The Gesneriev family. Gloxinia is native to South America. It blooms from April to October, depending on the length of daylight hours and conditions of detention. Has a winter dormant period. Gloxinia are amazing plants with exquisite flowers - gramophones. Another name for this plant is synningia. Both names owe their origin to the botanist Sinning and the doctor Gloksin. For us, the name gloxinia sounds more familiar.

Diseases: Viruses, bacteria. Fungal diseases: Tuber rot, fusarium, late blight, gray rot, powdery mildew, etc. Care. When growing, the temperature regime should be observed - in summer there are enough degrees, at night it is permissible to lower the temperature to 18 degrees. In winter, about 12 degrees Celsius, Gloxinia also needs periodic fertilizing with fertilizers for flowering houseplants. Between April and August, she is fed once a week, using half the dose indicated on the package. But during the dormant period, gloxinia should not be fertilized.

Description. Violet (lat. Viola) is a genus of herbaceous plants of the Violet family (Violaceae). Violet has a short stem bearing a rosette of hairy highly pubescent leaves. The leaves are broadly oval or round, the shape of the edge of the waviness varies depending on the variety. In different varieties, the diameter of the outlet can vary from 7 to 40 cm or more. Flowers are simple five-membered or double, of various colors, collected on pedicels of 2-7 pieces.

Diseases: late blight, fusarium, rust, gray rot, etc. Care. You need to spray the violet carefully, in small portions of water and trying not to get on the flowers. The ideal watering for violets is from a pallet. But if you pour water directly into the pot, try to pour it in a thin stream, do not get on the leaves and in the center of the outlet - this will cause the flowers to rot and die. Fertilizers are advised to use no more than once a month. Too much fertilizer affects the leaves - they turn yellow and fall off.

Orchids Description. Orchids are like works of art, they delight and enrich us with their beauty. And the shapes of these flowers are the most exquisite. They resemble birds, butterflies, lizards, swans. Subtle aromas of these flowers are dizzying. Perhaps, orchids are one of the most perfect creations of nature, and it is not without reason that many call them "aristocrats" among plants. Orchids grow all over the globe. But in the north they are modest and discreet. Most orchids grow in the tropics, most often they are epiphytes, and settle on other plants, but do not feed on their juices. Many of the orchids are vines, their stems climb the tree to great heights. They are attached to the tree with antennae, hairs and thus bring their flowers to the light. Luxurious garlands sometimes hang from the trees - inflorescences of beautiful large fragrant flowers.

Diseases: sluggish (flabby) leaves, cracks in the middle of the leaf (along the lobar vein) Care. You can take your time with a transplant, since an orchid in its substrate can grow for two years. During the period of adaptation to home conditions, the plant needs to be fed regularly. Immediate transplantation is required when the flower, when sold, grew in sphagnum moss. One of the features of orchid care at home is its habit of insufficient moisture in the substrate and high humidity. Therefore, the root system of the flower is able to quickly absorb and retain enough moisture for a long time.

Description. Aporocactus (Aporocactus) epiphytic plants of the Cactaceae family, originally from Mexico, grow on rocky slopes, clinging to ledges of stones, branches of shrubs and trees, often forming mighty hanging thickets. Aporocactus has a strongly branched stem, reaching 1 meter in length and 1.5-3 cm in diameter, covered with thin, weakly expressed ribs with short bristle-like spines. In young plants, the stem grows up, and then falls down in the form of lashes. The lashes are bright green, shiny, but become gray-green with age. The flowers are tubular, up to 10 cm long, pink or crimson. The fruit is a round red berry covered with bristles.

Care. The plant needs some shade. Should be protected from direct sunlight. In the summer, you can take out to fresh air. The optimum temperature in summer is 20º-25º. For successful flowering, it is necessary to ensure a cool wintering with a temperature of 8º-10º. Plants that are preparing for flowering are not recommended to be disturbed and rearranged. Diseases: dropping buds, stem rot. Pests: spider mites

6. Conclusion These plants are completely suitable for the condition of our room. You just need to decide where to get them. You can buy, ask someone for a tuber or petiole. To get a tuber, you need to wait for someone to plant these plants. My friends have these plants. They promised to give me tubers when transplanted, I will plant them in the proper potting mix and grow large plants.

7.Self-assessment and evaluation. I enjoyed reading about indoor plants and learning about their diversity and features. My parents said that I made the right choice. Now it all depends on proper care. A pot of violets, aporocactus, orchids and gloxinias were placed on the south window in the living room. In the family, we agreed that only I would water the flowers, so that it would not happen that everyone would water and the violet, aporocactus, orchid and gloxinia would get sick from excessive moisture. I hope that in the future our flowers will look in the interior, as in the photo.

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Orchids Description. Orchids are like works of art, they delight and enrich us with their beauty. And the shapes of these flowers are the most exquisite. They resemble birds, butterflies, lizards, swans. Subtle aromas of these flowers are dizzying. Perhaps, orchids are one of the most perfect creations of nature, and it is not without reason that many call them "aristocrats" among plants. Orchids Description. Orchids are like works of art, they delight and enrich us with their beauty. And the shapes of these flowers are the most exquisite. They resemble birds, butterflies, lizards, swans. Subtle aromas of these flowers are dizzying. Perhaps, orchids are one of the most perfect creations of nature, and it is not without reason that many call them "aristocrats" among plants. Orchids grow all over the globe. But in the north they are modest and discreet. Most orchids grow in the tropics, most often they are epiphytes, and settle on other plants, but do not feed on their juices. Many of the orchids are vines, their stems climb the tree to great heights. They are attached to the tree with antennae, hairs and thus bring their flowers to the light. Luxurious garlands-inflorescences of beautiful large fragrant flowers sometimes hang from the trees.

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Flowers in your house 7th grade. Section “Culture at home” Author of the idea: Martynova E.P. Technology teacher 1 sq. cat. MBOU secondary school No. 58 of the Soviet district of Kazan.

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Stories, myths and legends about the origin of flowers Legends about flowers, myths and stories. How did the legends about flowers, plants and herbs come about? Why are some plants attributed supernatural properties? The amazing features of plants are one of the main reasons for the emergence of legends. Flowers have been bred since ancient times and they have played an important role in the life of all peoples. There are many beautiful stories associated with them. Each flower had its own story, and a very ancient story turned into a legend. In ancient times, flowers not only made people happy, but also helped them heal, protected them from the evil eye, served to decorate altars and sacrifices, and much more. You can read stories, myths and legends about the origin of flowers. Do you know how the white rose turned into red? What flower did the goddess Flora endow with miraculous power to return people's memory

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Elecampane. According to an ancient myth, a plant grew - elecampane from the tears of Helen, the very beautiful Helen, the daughter of Zeus, because of which the Trojan War began. The tulip, according to legend, was born from the tears and blood of a young man shed because of an unhappy love for a girl. Legends of the rose This flower was born from sea foam together with Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love, and at first it was white, but from a drop of the goddess's blood, pricked on a thorn, it turned red. The ancients believed that this flower inspires courage, and therefore instead of helmets they put on wreaths of these flowers, their image was embossed on shields. The petals of these flowers strewed the path of the victors returning from the war. This flower, like an order, was awarded for heroism.

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Green cosmetics healing and rejuvenating Green cosmetics. The use of medicinal plants, flowers, herbs in cosmetology and perfumery. Preparation of cosmetics at home. Creating perfume compositions from petals, flowers... Summer is the time of beautiful flowers and herbs that not only delight us, but also become our first helpers in the eternal struggle for perfection and beauty. Medicinal plants, herbs, flowers have been used in cosmetology since ancient times. They have healing properties due to the extremely complex and unique set of chemical elements they contain. Medicinal plants, herbs in the form of oily, hydroalcoholic, extracts are part of ready-made shampoos, creams, lotions. But even at home, you can prepare cosmetics, both from fresh and dried medicinal herbs and flowers. Healing herbs: yarrow, chamomile, calendula flowers, tricolor violets and many others. To prepare the infusion, chopped grass (1 part) is poured into a thermos, poured with boiling water (10 parts) and the thermos is closed. After 30 minutes, the infusion is cooled and filtered. Milk can be used instead of water. Infusions are stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days. Often, vegetable oil is used to prepare infusions. The plant, after grinding, is placed in a glass vessel, poured with oil (sunflower, corn, olive), the vessel is placed in a saucepan with cold water and put on low heat. After the water boils, the oil is kept in a water bath for another 30 minutes. Then the vessel with oil is removed, tightly closed and insisted in a dark, cool place, but not more than a month. Fragrant oil is used for washing, compresses and masks.

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Aloe gives beauty If you have an agave, then consider that you have an instant cosmetic mask. The juice of this plant has antibacterial properties. Used to wipe oily, porous skin prone to inflammation, such as acne in teenagers. Rose oil Rose is used in perfumery both on its own (rose oil) and to create perfume compositions. Bulgaria is famous all over the world for the production of rose oil. Large plantations are set aside for growing oil roses. Chamomile in cosmetology Chamomile is a favorite flower of cosmetologists. Contains tannins, essential oils, has anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect. The infusion is prepared at the rate of 1 tablespoon of raw materials per 1 cup of boiling water. This infusion is especially recommended for teenagers with oily skin...

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Lily legends Many stories, myths and legends have been composed about these beautiful flowers. She is called the lady of flowers. She got her name from the ancient words meaning "white-white". In Rus', she was affectionately called clear eyes, solar dew. She has always been associated with purity and innocence. This is the flower of France, its symbol. In France there is even an order - a silver flower on a white silk ribbon. And in the Middle Ages, it was believed that this flower contributes to the transformation of metals into gold. The legend of the chrysanthemum In the East, this autumn flower is called the flower of the white dragon. There is a legend: a cunning and evil white dragon, wanting to annoy people, decided to encroach on the Sun itself. The only thing the white dragon did not know was that he had chosen his prey beyond his strength. The dragon tore the Sun with teeth and claws, and hot sparks turned into flowers and fell to the Earth. This flower is depicted on the coat of arms of Japan, on seals and coins. And at the same time, in the East, salads and cakes are prepared from it.

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Encyclopedia of indoor plants and flowers. Indoor plants, of course, have a special energy, and without them, you can’t create a truly cozy home! The house will take on a completely different look if at least one house plant in a pot appears in it, they will give a special charm to our interior. Among indoor plants there are many different species, representatives of different families. They are usually divided into flowering (fuchsia, pelargonium, cyclamen, azalea, saintpaulia) and ornamental leaves, often with beautiful and variegated leaves (diffenbachia, chlorophytum, palm trees, monstera, philodendron, laurel, myrtle, etc.). Many amateur flower growers grow and collect such wonderful ornamental plants as Saintpaulias (indoor violets), begonias (decorative and flowering flowers) and many others. The most popular are cacti and succulents.

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in interiors, as a rule, the most unpretentious plants are used. These are species with hard leathery leaves (sansevieria, monstera, dieffenbachia, dracaena, ficus). Ampelous and climbing plants (columnea, ivy, tradescantia, peperomia, etc.) are used in landscaping. Some species are grown for decorative and sometimes edible fruits (lemon, orange, pomegranate, indoor pepper). By selecting different species, you can have flowering plants almost throughout the year. Coniferous and deciduous species are also grown indoors. In Japan, for example, it has long been customary to grow spruce, pine, larch, oak, plum, cherry, etc. in rooms, while using special methods to slow down their growth, resulting in dwarf plants. Indoor plants originate from tropical and subtropical regions of the globe. Plants of tropical origin tolerate high temperatures well, but they need high humidity. Subtropical species (oleander, laurel, myrtle, Chinese rosan, etc.) successfully develop in winter only at low temperatures (10-12 degrees). On the southern windows, cacti and succulents, originating from open desert places, develop better. On windows facing north, various ferns and conifers grow well. It should be noted that some flowering ornamental plants are poisonous (spurge, because of the milky juice, oleander, etc.). When working with them, care must be taken so that their juice does not get on the skin.

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HOME FLOWERS AND SIGNS (ROOM FLORICULTURE) House plants are in almost every house, and in other apartments there are real winter gardens that give the house an indescribable charm and comfort. The variety of houseplants is amazing and it is often difficult to make a choice when you want to grow this or that houseplant in your home. There are many examples associated with flowers, moreover, different ones - both good and bad. To listen to them or not, everyone decides for himself, but it will probably be interesting to know what beliefs exist about certain colors. So, it has long been believed that the fern promises good luck in cards and gambling in general. But they say that the ficus takes energy from a person, and the rose blooms only when someone is seriously ill at home, and they also say that the monstera separates the spouses. But in addition to old signs, we know so much interesting and important information about home flowers that we are unlikely to have any doubt about the need and importance of their presence in the house. We all remember from school that plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, and it is ficuses that clean the air from carbon dioxide best of all. Thus, flowers by the window not only provide aesthetic pleasure, but also solve an environmental problem. To figure out how many flowers you need to have in order not to worry about the freshness of the air, then use an approximate calculation: for example, 10 flower pots in a room of 18 square meters. m is sufficient. .

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Chlorophytums are even used in sewage treatment plants, so they are good to grow in the kitchen. Philodendrons, sansevieria (better known to us as "pike tail") and spathiphyllum reduce the content of formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene in the air. And aloe, all palm trees, shefflera, fatsia, alpine and Chinese roses maintain natural air humidity in the apartment, which is especially lacking in winter. Castor pots repel flies, ivy geraniums repel moths. And if you have a cat in your house, then it is good for her to plant cyperus - a kind of sedge. But, of course, some security measures should also be taken if there are pets in the house, people are sick or small children. So, geranium, primrose, cardamom - plants with strong aromas, and in people prone to allergies to odors, they can cause a painful reaction. Some flowers, such as dieffenbachia, are not recommended to be kept in a house where small children grow up, and it is recommended to work with some flowers only with gloves. Therefore, when breeding home flowers, be sure to ask how this or that plant of yours differs so that it does not harm you and your loved ones.

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GERANIUM (PELARGONIA). FEATURES OF CARE FOR GERANIUM (PELARGONIA) One of the most ancient indoor plants is geranium or pelargonium. The name of this home plant comes from the Greek pelargos - stork: by the resemblance of the fruit to the beak of a stork. And in Rus', geraniums have long been called "crane nose", "crane". Pelargonium (geranium) has been known since 1690 as an ornamental plant. Now there are about 280 species of annual and perennial herbaceous plants, shrubs and shrubs, distributed mainly in South Africa. Pelargonium (geranium) first came to Russia in 1795, among the plants sent by the English King George III as a gift to Catherine II for a garden in Pavlovsk. Now in our country there are up to 40 species of geraniums. The geranium flowers are really beautiful! Umbrellas of red, pink, white flowers are located on a graceful stem, and the leaves look like human palms. But if the geranium does not have enough light, then it will reduce its flowering, and the leaves and flowers will fade. Therefore, if you decide to plant geraniums at home, then choose a sunny place for it, and in winter the plant needs to be additionally illuminated with fluorescent lamps.

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Until now, geranium is one of the most familiar and beloved houseplants. You will find unpretentious, hardy and beautifully flowering geraniums in almost every home. Geranium is also found in the wild. Usually, geraniums (pelargonium) are chosen for breeding at home because of their beautiful flowers and strong smell. But, interestingly, just the most fragrant varieties of geraniums do not have flowers. If you lightly rub a leaf of fragrant geraniums, you will feel a refreshing pink, lemon, apple, mint aroma. Essential oil is obtained from geranium, which has long been used in perfumery and aromatherapy. With the help of the healing properties of geranium essential oil, they regulate hormonal metabolism, it is also useful for migraines, painful menstruation, hypertensive crises, edema and obesity. In addition, geranium essential oil helps to cope with infection, especially of the respiratory system, especially it helps with inflammation of the vocal cords, accompanied by loss of voice. And about the fact that in a house in which geranium grows there are no moths, flies, and other insects, all housewives know, because the smell of geranium repels insects.

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How to choose the right soil for geraniums? Pelargonium (geranium) needs loose fertile soil. Many types of geraniums thrive in acidic, slightly acidic and neutral soils. For home breeding, greenhouse soil for geraniums with the addition of sand is suitable. Water the flower should be plentiful, as the earth dries out, but avoid waterlogging the soil. In winter, watering should be reduced. But it is recommended to feed geraniums from April to September every week with liquid fertilizer for geraniums. Geranium (pelargonium) can be propagated by seeds, but the best breeding method is splitting the rhizome into parts that carry shoots or buds. It is recommended to do this in autumn or early spring). Another geranium (pelargonium) propagates vegetatively and by seeds. But when the fruit ripens, the seeds are scattered, so it is difficult to catch the best moment to collect them. If you want to plant geraniums in the garden, then the seeds collected in August should be immediately sown in the ground. But it is more reliable to sow the seeds before winter, then mass seedlings appear in May, and the seedlings bloom the next year. Sometimes geraniums are damaged by powdery mildew. To avoid this, cut the plant back after flowering or at the beginning of the wilting period. With fungal diseases, manifested in the appearance of brown spots on the leaves, the affected leaves must be cut and burned.

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FLOWER HOROSCOPE. by date of birth How to overcome evil spirits with the help of a cactus? Even in the lessons of botany, they explained to us that plants absorb carbon dioxide, releasing oxygen in return, which is so necessary for breathing. But few people know that the same rule applies in the emotional sphere. Plants are able to absorb the energy of evil and pessimism and transform it into the energy of goodness, activity and love of life. Moreover, a plant in a pot copes with the task much more efficiently than a cut plant. A flower in a vase directs life-giving energy, first of all, to the place of the cut, so that the strength of the plant does not leak into the water. Therefore, it is best to keep plants in pots in the house. If they get sick or do not take root at all, it means that in your environment there is a person with a bad temper, constantly irritated and producing such an amount of negative energy that the plant simply cannot cope with. In principle, you can plant any plants on the windowsill, but in order for their effect to increase, it is worth relating them to your zodiac signs.

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Aries is best suited for azalea, which supports the energy of vivacity in the house. This flower will help to clear the atmosphere in which gossip and petty thoughts walk. If the owner of the house wants to succeed, but is afraid to take on hard work, azalea will also come to the rescue. She invisibly disturbs a person all the time, awakens him from intellectual hibernation. The calf should be planted on the windowsill with cyclamens. This plant will help people with a changeable mood, a weak character to overcome isolation, teach them to defend their point of view. Thanks to cyclamen, a relaxed atmosphere will reign in the house. The flower will calm capricious children, unite family members in an effort to please each other. Gemini is especially suitable tradescantia - a plant of joy and true feelings. If there are often envious people in your house who suffer from other people's successes and achievements, immediately start a tradescantia. It neutralizes the "evil eye". This plant develops a sense of humor in people, helps to look at life with a smile. In addition, it protects against inflammation of the lungs and bronchitis.

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Cancer must certainly acquire agave. When a husband and wife are constantly arguing, and the children suffer from this, when the issue of "fathers and children" is acute in the house, urgently bring a pot of agave into the house. She pacifies the atmosphere, filling it with tenderness. Agave will benefit someone who is sure that "he and his grandmother know the truth." It will help such a person broaden his horizons. If you have stomach and intestinal problems, agave will relieve them too. If family happiness is dear to Leo, then he needs to start a calla. It will effectively transform the negative emotions of arguers and stubborn people into ringing joy. Next to her there is no place for dejection and despondency. It will help those who react painfully to any criticism. And calla develops imagination, makes speech beautiful and emotional: now even ardent opponents will be imbued with your words. This flower has a beneficial effect on the heart, protects it from a heart attack. Monstera is simply created by nature for the Virgin. This plant calls to order those who constantly have "porridge" in their heads. If chaos reigns in the house, not a single thing is put in place, thoughts and crazy ideas are randomly swarming in the head of the owners, start a monstera, she will put everything in its place. This plant also protects people from poisoning.

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Aquarius should get indoor maple. It will help fight sadness, bad thoughts, painful experiences. Melancholic and pessimists dissatisfied with everything will experience a state of elation next to the maple tree. If life is boring and work is a burden, plant a maple tree, it will awaken your love for people. This plant extinguishes conflicts well, removing offensive words and intonations from our speech. A beautiful orchid flower protects the exalted Pisces from life's upheavals. In a house where there are orchids, you want to enjoy life, there is no place for depression. White orchids purify thoughts, yellow ones inspire creativity, red ones can stir up sloths, and pink ones will help you achieve the love of others. These delicate flowers will bring complete order to the human body, they will not ignore a single sick cell.

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Hydrangea is very useful for Libra, it will save everyone from feelings of painful jealousy and contempt for people. This flower will benefit both those who are in the clouds and are completely devoid of a practical vein, and those who are too mundane. Practicality and dreaminess will come into harmony. Hydrangea draws a person's attention to the beauty of the body: in her presence it becomes easier to refuse sweet and fatty foods. Cactus is a Scorpion plant. If unexpected bouts of anger and rage happen in the house, get a cactus, it will "put out" the spiritual fire. Scorpios are by nature touchy and vindictive. The cactus will protect them from bad deeds. If there is a cactus in the house, family members will make less remarks to each other. And the most valuable property: put a cactus next to the front door and on the windowsills, and it will protect you from evil spirits. Sagittarians will have to fork out, because indoor bonsai are most suitable for them. If everything in the house is measured by money, bonsai will return people to thoughts about the spiritual and eternal. Bonsai help to easily solve dreams, establishing a connection between a person and the subtle world. Possessing a strong body, these plants increase immunity, protect the body from diseases. Capricorn is an ascetic sign, so a silver fat woman (it is also called a money tree) will suit him. The fleshy leaves of this plant will distract from thoughts of poverty. It is especially good for those who work with money - accountants, bankers. Anxious thoughts about work, financial responsibility do not allow these people to relax, then a fat woman will come to the rescue, a stable, calm atmosphere will be established in the house. And it also develops industriousness in a person.

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Aries can fearlessly buy azaleas, asparagus, all kinds of cacti, succulents and pelargoniums. From these flowers, you can create an interesting composition, diversify it with neutral indoor plants, and you will get a real corner of wildlife in your apartment. The horoscope says that it is undesirable for Aries to grow indoor roses and violets, but this does not mean that they should definitely be abandoned. Taurus is favored by ferns, ivies, primroses, indoor roses, amaryllis and hippeastrums. Problems can arise with orchids, but not everyone is interested in breeding exotic plants! Gemini can devote their free time to decorative flowering begonias. Now there is such a variety of varieties of these truly royal plants that you will hardly regret that sansevera, amaryllis and clivia are not your indoor flowers according to the horoscope. Cancers - that's lucky! The most fastidious, the most exotic and the most beautiful plants are submissive to crayfish. There is no point in listing them. Just buy what you like, everything will grow and smell sweet. Everything except pelargonium - this flower, which adorns the window sills in almost every house, for some reason does not favor those who were born under the sign of Cancer.

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Leo is the zodiac sign that welcomes those born under it with a whole collection of tub plants. Palms, philodendrons, ficuses and monsteras are your plants, and large flowers need a spacious home. Perhaps indoor flowers according to the horoscope will help you solve the housing problem? Women's magazine JustLady wishes you this with all its heart! Virgo is a feminine constellation, so the love of this sign for vines and ampelous plants is quite understandable. With proper care, ampelous plants can outshine the most expensive specimens of upright ornamental foliage plants with their beauty. Falling cascades, "living" walls and bizarre weaves of vines and ampels will decorate any home. Libra - representatives of this zodiac sign can afford the cultivation of flowering indoor plants, which are not available to every amateur gardener. Azaleas, roses, cyclamens and pelargoniums will delight you with their colorful splendor, but with bromeliads and cacti you can fail. Scorpions - succulents and euphorbias - are a good addition to the room collection of flowers, and they are great for you as indoor flowers according to the horoscope, but, you see, they look a bit boring alone. You can diversify the composition with any plants, except for chrysanthemums and indoor roses.

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Sagittarius - palm trees, ficuses, sansevieria will help to attract the attention of stars to you and create a special, patriarchal comfort in your home. This is how you see a fireplace, a Scottish plaid and a rocking chair. Do you want something more modern? Decorate the interior with bamboo - this plant helps archers in all areas of life. Capricorn - noble laurel, yucca, fan palm and fat woman will bring you good luck. These plants are quite unpretentious in any hands, but for Capricorns they are the best houseplants according to the horoscope. Aquarius - dracaena and cordelins - this is for you. Complement the composition with indoor maple and euphorbia, and you can easily solve any, the most difficult life issue. Fish - pelargonium, palm trees, orchids and ficuses will charge you with energy and direct it in the right direction. Try to pick up geraniums of various shades, this will diversify your life and drive away boredom. If you were not attracted by any of the plants proposed by the horoscope, this is not a reason to refuse flowers. Buy and accept Fatsias and Chefleurs, Crotons and Dieffenbachia as a gift, take care of them, give them a piece of your warmth, and they will answer you the same.

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A plant in the interior of a residential building Technology teacher MBOU Lyceum No. 1 named after G. S. Titov, o. Krasnoznamensk, Moscow Region Kotova Elena Vladimirovna. 2017

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1. Problem situation My parents and I moved to a new apartment. We like the apartment very much. It is spacious, each member of the family has their own room. So far, only one thing is upsetting: my room is not very comfortable yet. At the technology lessons, I learned a lot about the use of plants in the interior (about phytodesign) and decided to try myself as a phytodesigner.

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2. The purpose of the project The purpose of the project: to investigate the issue of using plants for home decoration and to purchase a plant that matches the interior of our apartment. Project objectives: Visit a store that sells indoor plants. Select several plants for their further acquisition, find out their biological name. Familiarize yourself with the help of Internet resources with the technologies for growing these plants. Choose from the studied plants one that is most suitable for the conditions of our home. Use the data from your research to further care for the selected plant.

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3. Research I visited a flower shop. The variety of beautiful plants amazed me. There are decorative flowering - begonia, violet, decorative leaves - ficus, dracaena, and there are also cacti. Most of all I was attracted by ornamental flowering plants. At home at the computer, I continued my research, visited sites about indoor plants. From them I learned a lot of useful information: what kind of care these plants need, what kind of lighting they need, what size they can reach.

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4. Choice of the best idea In the process of collecting information, a number of options for houseplants were considered: I liked four flowers. They were an orchid, a rose and a violet. I had a difficult choice, but in the end I chose an orchid. I hope she grows up with me.

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5. Description of the plant Orchids are like works of art, delight and enrich us with their beauty. And the shapes of these flowers are the most exquisite. They resemble birds, butterflies, lizards, swans. Subtle aromas of these flowers are dizzying. Perhaps, orchids are one of the most perfect creations of nature, and it is not without reason that many call them "aristocrats" among plants. Orchids grow all over the globe. But in the north they are modest and discreet. Most orchids grow in the tropics, most often they are epiphytes, and settle on other plants, but do not feed on their juices. Many of the orchids are vines, their stems climb the tree to great heights. They are attached to the tree with antennae, hairs and thus bring their flowers to the light. Luxurious garlands sometimes hang from the trees - inflorescences of beautiful large fragrant flowers.

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6. Care With a transplant, you can take your time, because the orchid in its substrate can grow for two years. During the period of adaptation to home conditions, the plant needs to be fed regularly. Immediate transplantation is required when the flower, when sold, grew in sphagnum moss. One of the features of orchid care at home is its habit of insufficient moisture in the substrate and high humidity. Therefore, the root system of the flower is able to quickly absorb and retain enough moisture for a long time.

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7. Reproduction Division is the easiest way to propagate orchids. To do this, it is enough to divide the rhizome of the flower. Quite often, such orchids are separated themselves. The main thing is that at the same time the orchid is already an adult. Each of the resulting parts must have at least 3 false bulbs that are fully developed. The best time for division is the beginning of spring. In order to divide the orchid, we take it out of the pot, separate the substrate from the roots. Between the false bulbs, we cut the rhizome through and through. Before using the knife, we calcine it on fire to prevent infection of the flower. The rhizome should be sprinkled with charcoal, preferably powder. This will help prevent diseases. After that, we will plant new orchids in pots prepared in advance.

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8. Diseases Sluggish (flabby) leaves, cracks in the middle of the leaf (along the lobar vein).

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