Congratulations to classmates on the day of the defender of the fatherland. Congratulations to the boys on Defender of the Fatherland Day Congratulations on February 23 to the schoolboy

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Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day to classmates in verse

Happy Russian Soldier's Day,
Young beardless student! ..
Get older - for the country once
Rise to death, formidable and great.
Only to any enemy in the sea,
Break in the air and on the ground,
Gotta do well in school
Love the great motherland!
... For girls to live without fear,
Boys should serve in the army!

"Congratulations to classmates on Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Our boys, classmates,
Happy twenty-third of February everyone!
Let the holidays become daily
For you, such native children!

We wish you to be noble
become famous people
And feel free
And honestly protect the weak!

Let the school years fly by
Leaving no trace
But you, our modest men,
Let's never forget!

"Poems on Defender of the Fatherland Day to classmates"

Though you don't wear a uniform,
But we know that in difficult times
You are just like all soldiers
Save the Motherland and us!

Today we congratulate our guys -
Defenders of our future homeland.
We place our hopes on them.
For the peace and tranquility of our future life.

We wish you many beautiful victories,
Great accomplishments under a good start.
And that would be at least a thousand years
Our friendship blossomed, grew and grew stronger.

"Beautiful poems to classmates on Defender of the Fatherland Day"

dear classmate,
I want to wish with all my heart
So that you are always lucky
To be happy, to spite everyone.

May February 23
Good luck whole fields
Will bring you today
And luck awaits ahead!

You are the future guardian of the Fatherland,
The future of the country is in your hands.
Honorary title defender-winner,
To which all men are faithful.

We have a very important holiday today.
Not without reason on the twenty-third of February
Any boy looks brave
As if knee-deep all the seas.

I want you to grow up to be a hero
Lead the way through life with confidence.
What would the world around - beautiful and calm,
And find more happiness in it.

"Beautiful congratulations to classmates on Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Classmate, on men's day
I wish you a happy life.
To become a protector for the weak,
And life would be great.

I wish you happy, bright days,
Good friends, selfless,
And only happy moments
And the brightest impressions!

There is not much happiness
And it's not an easy road!
Only our boys do not care,
After all, there are only future heroes around!
Calm down, let the Motherland sleep,
Behind her is a generation
That there is no reason to worry
But there is a reason to get together on a holiday!

To become a brave defender,
You have to listen to your mom and dad.
Read about everything useful, important,
Eat porridge steadily, until the end.
It's menacing in the girls' yard
Protect from other boys.
Forget weakness and tears
And always forgive insults to everyone.

I haven't gone to school yet
And science - did not study.
But about the feat, honor and conscience
My dad told me.
Explained what to be a man
Everyone should from an early age!
Protect your Fatherland -
This is our male secret!

We wish the future generation
For many, many years to come
To make the country a reliable fortification
Protected the Russian people!
Look, here come the boys
That then peace will be preserved!
You can safely entrust them with a banner,
And guard the borders of the Motherland!

For me, you are a friend and classmate,
Russian future defender, high school student,
On the calendar today is February 23,
I congratulate you on the holiday!
I wish that happiness accompanies
Luck and luck, and so that there is no bad weather,
So that for your parents you were only pride,
We never forgot about our friendship.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day,
The young boy is a student!
Get older - for the country once
Rise to death, formidable and great.
Only to any enemy in the sea,
Break in the air and on the ground,
Gotta do well in school
Love the great motherland!
Girls to live without fear,
Boys should serve in the army!

The most fashionable, the most stylish,
Well, of course it's you!
You have a cool mobile
Yes, and other show-offs.
Change - shoes on wheels.
Pipe jeans, tattoos...
You are a specialist in glamorous matters.
Zverev - can be seen a mile away.
Then you come to class as a blond,
A couple of days later - a brunette.
Where do you find your image?
Give the girls some advice.

Even though you are a little boy,
But still you are that true man
Which helps forever without problems,
When we all need it.
I congratulate you on the holiday
And I wish you to grow strong
Let the holiday on February 23
Today will make you loved.
May plans and dreams come true
And the fire inside the soul does not go out.
I wish you a sea of ​​beauty
Treasured, cloudless happiness.

There are flowers on the table, I draw tanks.
It's all for a reason - dad's gifts!
He will wake up in an hour, I will hand them to him,
After all, he protected all of us, I will not upset him.
I'll thank dad and the other soldiers.
They did not let us offend all sworn enemies.
And today, in honor of the heroes, I draw tanks,
But they are not at war, but at a bright parade!

You are still a boy, but already a hero,
I congratulate you on the holiday of men,
I believe that I will be proud of you,
I wish you to be strong and brave.
Grow up healthy, study well
And strive for the heights, achieve goals,
If it gets hard, just smile
Victory is waiting for you, believe and do not give up.
Peace to you, the sun and the radiance of the eyes,
And bright successes, and many surprises,
May you be happy every day and hour,
And let your path lead to success.

I look at the soldier: he is tall, slender.
And I say to the soldier boldly and with dignity:
You are the protector of all seas, all forests, edges,
Protect our country and my toys.
Do not let the enemy come close,
Do not be afraid of war, or trouble, or risk,
The soldier answers me, standing very straight:
Be calm, little boy, I'm always with you!

Every boy can become a soldier
Fly through the sky, sail through the sea,
Guard the border with a machine gun,
To protect your Fatherland.
But first on the football field
He will protect the gate.
And for a friend in the yard and school
He will accept an unequal, difficult battle.
Do not let other people's dogs to the kitten -
Harder than playing war.
If you didn't protect your little sister,
How will you protect your country?

Soon after the end of the winter holidays, the guys, their parents and teachers are puzzled - what kind of congratulations for the boys on February 23 should they choose this year. In addition to festive concerts dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day, funny competitions are held in schools and kindergartens. Schoolgirls of the middle classes give the boys of the class gifts made at labor lessons - scarves, napkins, coasters. High school girls often prepare gifts for their classmates that they bought together - mugs with logos, cool military-style T-shirts, and stationery sets. In addition to gifts on Men's Day, boys also receive postcards with funny congratulations in verse and prose. We decided to collect for you the simplest, but at the same time, original ideas for congratulations and gifts for schoolchildren and kindergarten children on February 23.

Cheerful congratulations to boys on February 23 from girls at school - Dance and flash mob in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day

Coming up with congratulations to the boys on February 23 at school, the girls of the class can agree in advance and prepare a flash mob for classmates. Such congratulations are no longer as rare as a few years ago, but, due to the effect of surprise, the surprise will be especially pleasant. Girls can prepare a dance for the boys or some funny, funny scenes from army life. After the mini-concert, the future defenders of the Fatherland will need to present holiday gifts - lanterns, pens, beautiful postcards with poems.

Ideas for funny and funny congratulations for boys from girls on the holiday of February 23 at school

A few days before February 23, girls can prepare and record a video message to the boys in their school. Turning to the boys on Defender of the Fatherland Day, classmates may wish them health, excellent studies, and friendly relations with peers. Another great idea for Defender of the Fatherland Day at school could be an organized flash mob or a cool pre-arranged dance. At the end of the performance, the boys are always given postcards and small gifts.

The boys have a holiday today
February twenty-three.
At school, every classmate
Not flipping through the calendar

Congratulations awaits
Right from early morning.
Sighs unobtrusively:
Where are you girls? Hooray!

So the lessons are over.
Soon to be congratulated
Songs to sing under karaoke
And give gifts!

Wrote a couple of lines
We are for each of you.
If you didn't guess,
Strictly do not judge us.

Congratulations to the boys on February 23 in kindergarten - Matinee in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day

February 23 in kindergarten is always organized by parents and educators. Of course, the main event on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day is the matinee. Children of kindergarten age cannot yet concentrate their attention on one thing for a long time, so the concert program of the matinee should not last more than twenty minutes.

Congratulations ideas for February 23 in kindergarten - Matinee for boys

When preparing a matinee on February 23 for boys in kindergarten, give the girls of the group one short poem dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day. Try to choose different verses - from serious to the most ridiculous. If there are girls in the kindergarten group attending dance classes, teach them a costume dance about the army and navy. A week before the holiday, give each girl "homework" - draw a homemade card for the boy in honor of the day of real men.

You are a young fighter, you are not afraid of obstacles
And you amaze everyone with courage.
Protector of the family, real soldier,
You know and know a lot.

I wish you this February day
Become stronger and wiser
So that dad and mom love you
And tears forgot eyelashes!

You will grow up the most courageous, believe me
And conquer all the oceans
And you will live life without shame and loss,
After all, all your plans will come true!

Every boy knows
On the big planet
Defender's Day -
The best day ever!

Girls give gifts
Pies are baked
Moms, dads on this holiday
They give us money!

That's why it's a February day
We love very much:
For gifts, surprises...
Really, guys?

number twenty third
You boys know
Important holiday! All things
Drop it quickly!

We are working for you now
We will fulfill!
Forget your worries
And go for a walk!

number twenty third
It's time to rest!
Because all year round
You have a thousand troubles!

Best congratulations on February 23 to boys - Surprises and gifts for schoolchildren on Defender of the Fatherland Day

The best congratulations to schoolchildren on February 23 at all times were concerts and skits prepared for the boys by the girls of the class. Ideas for scenes for Defender of the Fatherland Day are today found on the Internet. The most creative schoolgirls, their teachers and parents come up with sketches themselves. February 23 is not complete without gifts - each of the boys of the class receives a pleasant surprise in the form of a disc with records, books, mugs or puzzles. The choice of a gift depends on the age of the children, on the budget of the parents and the school.

Examples of congratulations to boys on February 23 - Surprises for Defender of the Fatherland Day at school

If the girls of the class decide to put on skits for the boys on February 23, they can use our ideas. For example, re-enactments of well-known jokes “About Vovochka”, “About the army”, “About paratroopers”, etc. will turn out to be very funny. Finding funny collections of funny jokes is easy - just spend half an hour searching for suitable funny short stories on the Internet. Some smartphone apps offer tons of ready-made jokes. Choose the funniest, harmless stories and act out, based on them, skits on Defender of the Fatherland Day at school.

Twenty third of February
Special day for men
For guys like you -
Peak Conquerors.

They don't have the courage
Everyone is ready to fight
Fight for the Fatherland
Keeping her calm.

Maybe you too, my friend
Soon you will join the army
Many roads to choose
And you will sweep away enemies from the earth!

Guys, on such a brave day,
Believe me, it is very important for everyone,
We wish you kindness
In the hearts of goodness and beauty.

So that you grow worthy
And your souls to bloom
Kindness, love, mood,
And good luck to you all in life.

Funny congratulations for February 23 to boys - Funny songs and poems about Defender of the Fatherland Day at school

In order for the holiday dedicated to February 23 at school to be fun and memorable for a long time, preparations for it must begin in a few weeks, literally shortly after the end of the winter holidays. Depending on the age category for which the concert script is being written, it can include funny songs-alterations about the army and men, cool poems about Defender of the Fatherland Day, dance performances by children and a solemn part with the presentation of gifts.

Ideas for cool congratulations for boys on February 23 at school - Funny poems and songs

Today, alterations have gained great popularity. As you help the girls in the class prepare a surprise performance for the boys on February 23rd, offer them a selection of songs remastered to the tune of popular pieces. The concert for the Defender's Day at school should not include more than two songs. Be sure to use our examples of funny army poems; put on a fun dance with the girls in honor of the men.

Our young men
We hasten to congratulate you.
We wish you health
Friendship is strong, a lot of strength.

To in sports and studies
They have always been the best.
And in all matters from now on
It was a well-deserved success.

We wish you good luck
And wishes of fulfillment.
All girls don't hesitate
They send their congratulations to you.

Congratulations boys.
Everyone, I know, is a daredevil.
On men's day I wish you peace
To forget about the fist.

I wish you my strength
Show intelligence,
This will always give you the opportunity
It's hard to win in life.

To the motive of a song from the film "Three Musketeers". Remastered songs for February 23rd.

February again, and the red number,
So, Defender's Day according to the plan!
And we were brought back to the stage,
Hiring an ensemble is not yet affordable!
It's time, it's time, let's rejoice
In your lifetime
Because there are men
Free day!
Bye-bye-bye we have such defenders,
We whisper to fate more than once:
- Merci to the side!
men need money
- Se la vie!
And women need them all the more!
But most importantly, we wish you love!
And may good luck accompany you!

Preparing congratulations for the boys on February 23 , use our ideas for a flash mob for girls at school, staging dances for boys, including songs-alterations about the army dedicated to classmates in a school concert. Try not to make the congratulations and the concert boring for the boys. If you are collecting material for Defender of the Fatherland Day in kindergarten, our sample poems and ideas for holding matinees will definitely help you.

is a wonderful holiday that has its roots in the beginning of the 20th century. Accepted on this day. Schoolchildren are no exception.

On this day, the most popular type of congratulations in schools will be a festive concert. Just for such concerts, we have a ready-made one. You can beautifully arrange the scene in a military setting. For this, military paraphernalia in the costumes of the hosts, or some kind of military props, which will harmoniously fit into the decoration of the stage, is suitable. For example, you can hang red stars (the main symbol of the army) on the curtain, or sheathe microphone stands in camouflage.

From the stage, let the warmest congratulations to males, military songs, poems for February 23 for schoolchildren, and other performances. You can invite an active officer, let him tell the guys how things are now in the modern army. You can conduct a mini-quiz on the knowledge of military equipment or ranks. There can be a lot of options, but the most important thing is that the concert should not be too long. An hour and a half is the optimal duration of a festive concert.

There were bumps on the forehead,
Under the eye - lanterns.
If we are boys
Then we are rich.

Scratches. Splinters.
We are only afraid of iodine.
Here, without hesitation, tears
The commander himself is pouring.

Let the head be green
And in plasters leg,
But there are still strengths
To defeat the enemy.

Stubborn, in the morning we
Back to battle, on patrol...
Scars from those battles
Remained so far.

We are proud of you guys
You are always our protection
May you be in the army for now
Did not serve - it does not matter!

We know for sure: grow up -
The country will call you all
As long as you study honestly,
Gain strength, mind!

In our Russian army
The Pope protects all the people of the country.
He does not let the enemy into our house.
Russia is protected from war.

Grow big soon
As a dad, I promise to become
And then I'm with him
I'll be at the border.

While I'm small, they can't take me into the army,
There is no place for a child
And while I will protect
My beloved kitten.

The path is long with you and me
Cheer up, soldier, look!
The banner of the regiment winds,
Commanders ahead.

And for you, dear,
There is a field post office.
Goodbye! The trumpet is calling
Soldiers on the march!

Every warrior, brave guy,
Looks like a falcon in the ranks.
We are born with glory
Glory was won in battle.

Let the enemies remember it
We do not threaten, but we say:
We have traveled with you half the world,
If necessary, we will repeat.

Soldiers, go, go, go!
And for you, dear,
There is a field post office.
Goodbye! The trumpet is calling
Soldiers on the march!

Defenders of the Fatherland
On this day we will glorify
You are our property
And we won't leave you.

We will give you smiles:
Thank you guys!
Grow up strong
Worthy soldiers!

You may not be a soldier
But you must become a man!
Do not avoid thread duties,
With which you are always bound.

Under the sun and in the rain you serve
You stand, like a hero-knight.
Your country, love and friendship
You must always appreciate.

And those who live next to you
And those who live in your land,
You must always protect
And die in the final battle!

The holiday of all our warriors -
That's what this day means!
Day of brave defenders
Yes, and just all the guys.

After all, each of them dreams
Protect children, family,
Conquer at least something in the world
And find your destiny!

Every boy can become a soldier
Fly through the sky, sail through the sea,
Guard the border with a machine gun,
To protect your homeland.

But first on the football field
He will protect the gate.
And for a friend in the yard and school
He will accept an unequal, difficult battle.

Do not let other people's dogs to the kitten -
Harder than playing war.
If you didn't protect your little sister,
How will you protect your country?

We traditionally meet the last month of winter with joy and impatience, because along with frosts and blizzards, wonderful holidays come to visit. One of the most long-awaited and beloved "red" dates of the calendar is February 23, a universal men's holiday. On this day, men accept congratulations and gifts from their beloved girls and women, colleagues and acquaintances. In kindergarten and school, classmates and teachers congratulate the boys heartily - thematic morning performances are held with songs, dances and poems about the army, a festive "sweet" table is being prepared. With our help, you can organize a beautiful congratulation from all the girls of the class to the boys on February 23, arranging a real holiday for the future defenders. We offer a selection of cool congratulations for February 23 with a video - kindergarten kids, as well as older schoolboys. How to congratulate classmates on Defender of the Fatherland Day? Take advantage of our original ideas and the holiday on February 23 will be remembered for a long time by the participants and the "culprits" of the celebration. We are sure that grateful boys will respond to the main women's holiday with the same sincere congratulations and interesting surprises.

Beautiful congratulations to boys on February 23 from girls at school - in verse and prose, by the names of classmates, video

Every year, girls congratulate their classmates on February 23 and give symbolic gifts - notebooks, beautiful pens, mugs with names, key rings in the form of cars, tanks and other military equipment. Regardless of the cost of gifts, the future defenders of the Motherland are extremely pleased with such attention from the girl half of the class. And let on the threshold of adulthood, many of today's schoolchildren choose a "peaceful" specialty and will not even serve in the army - every man rightfully considers February 23 to be his holiday. Defender of the Fatherland Day is just around the corner, so it's time to prepare congratulations for boys who will appreciate such an initiative from girls with pleasure. How to choose a beautiful congratulation for boys on February 23? We bring to your attention a selection of congratulations in prose - to schoolchildren from the girls of the class, as well as a cool video with congratulatory ideas for Defender of the Fatherland Day. The original solution is congratulations in verse from February 23 by the names of classmates. Such an individual congratulation is always preferable to "template" traditional phrases, from year to year "passing" into the scenario of the holiday on February 23. We have selected several examples of poetic congratulations to boys on Defender of the Fatherland Day, with the most common names.

Congratulations to the boys on February 23 - prose for Defender of the Fatherland Day:

Congratulations on February 23! I wish you to cultivate willpower in yourself, a real masculine character and those qualities that are inherent in men - masculinity, courage, the ability to win, as well as the ability not to give up if something does not work out. Let life bring only pleasant surprises, but for now - study and gain your mind!

I congratulate you on February 23, on the men's holiday! After all, this day is celebrated not only by adult men, but also by boys - future men and defenders of the country! I wish you to grow strong, resilient and self-confident, smart and generous! Because only real boys have a great future ahead of them!

You are strong, smart, funny and brave, and for that I respect you. And on this winter, frosty, but sunny day, I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day. May all your goals be easily achieved, desires come true, and only worthy people surround you, just like you!

Personal congratulations on the holiday of February 23 for classmates - examples of verses:


Do not take your courage!


Let mentally - but you are with a sword!

Ready to protect all women

Well, then, so be it!

Capture great moments!

I want to be your minister!

No, better than the president!

Or maybe there is a vacancy for the king?

Andrew - means "brave", and it's not in vain,

That's how I picture you

You are also powerful, good and bright.

I dedicate these verses, Andrei, to you.

I wish you health and happiness in your destiny.

May there be luck, good luck and joy,

You are responsive, Valentine, and sensitive,

You will come at any time of the day

To help relatives and friends.

How can we not appreciate all this?

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.

We wish you good luck, happiness, inspiration,

And wonderful mood.

Congratulations to the boys on the holiday of February 23 in kindergarten - poems in honor of Defenders of the Fatherland Day, ideas with video

On the eve of February 23, rehearsals of festive morning performances are in full swing in the kindergarten - teachers prepare dance and song numbers with the participation of girls and boys. As a rule, by the cherished date of the matinee, children's poems on patriotic themes are learned. Little artists try to memorize their words properly in order to surprise and please the parents invited to the festive performance in honor of the Defenders of the Fatherland Day. If skits are planned according to the scenario of the holiday, it is important to prepare the costumes and props necessary for staging in advance. For such a significant day, it is better to choose congratulations for boys, taking into account age - so, for a girl in the younger group of a kindergarten, it will be easier to remember a short poem in four lines. In the senior or preparatory group, the pupils usually congratulate the boys on February 23 with longer verses. In any case, such a congratulation needs to be rehearsed and made sure that the children learn their words well.

Options for congratulations in verse from February 23 to kindergarten boys:

Dad, grandfather and brother,
Congratulations guys.
Even if I'm still quite a baby
I will give you a basket
From goodness, love and light,
Let the whole planet laugh.
I'll tell you a poem
Know that I am with you.

You are our boys, boys,

Defenders of the Russian Land!

Let me just congratulate you

Read poetry at your leisure.

May our dear boys

What books read about the war

Sleep sweetly under a peaceful sky

Let no bombs fly in the sky

And rockets don't explode

In different parts of the world,

We wish you many years

You save peace on the whole earth!

Ideas for congratulating kindergarten boys on Defender of the Fatherland Day - for a matinee in honor of February 23

In kindergarten, congratulations to boys from February 23 can be organized in the form of short theatrical performances on the theme of the army and navy - the themes for the scenes are selected the most simple and understandable for kids. Girls can learn a perky dance, poems for boys-future defenders of their native Fatherland, patriotic children's songs about the army and brave soldiers and sailors. A great idea for a matinee would be to alternate such performances of different genres with each other - after a lyrical song, it is appropriate to put on a fun dance number or a competitive competition for boys. Popular songs of the war years, as well as compositions by contemporary performers, are selected as musical accompaniment. At the end of the festive event, the boys are given beautiful greeting cards with gifts-toys, and then a “traditional” sweet table awaits all the little participants. Such congratulations on February 23 will cheer up children and adult guests and spectators - for many of them, the creative talents of their own child will be a pleasant discovery.

Short congratulations on February 23 to schoolboys in verse - holiday ideas

Congratulations on February 23 for schoolchildren is considered a traditional part of the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day. So, girls can beautifully decorate the class by hanging cool posters with pictures and military-patriotic poems on the walls, friendly caricatures of classmates boys. Include in the script for Defender of the Fatherland Day a few fun wind-up competitions - in tug of war, in accuracy, passing through a "mined" field. Interesting ideas just do not count! In addition, surprise gifts and short congratulations on February 23 to schoolchildren from classmates will be a pleasant addition to this wonderful holiday.

A selection of short poems-congratulations on February 23 for schoolchildren:

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day,
The young boy is a student!
Get older - for the country once
Rise to death, formidable and great.
Only to any enemy in the sea,
Break in the air and on the ground,
Gotta do well in school
Love the great motherland!
Girls to live without fear,
Boys should serve in the army!

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