Omelet from kindergarten. A fluffy omelet - just like in kindergarten Cooking an omelet like in kindergarten

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I am glad to welcome all readers of my homemade recipes.

Today we will not really talk about a homemade dish, but rather about a catering or even restaurant dish. Let's talk about the omelette, which came to us from France and where its preparation is a real test for applicants for the position of chef.

Yes, don't be surprised! After all, proper preparation of such a seemingly simple dish requires compliance with all the subtleties and rules. Interested in how to make an omelet? Well, then you are welcome to the kitchen! Let's roll up our sleeves and get ready for battle! Just kidding, of course! There will be no battle, everything will be peaceful and simple!

We will cook the omelette in the oven according to all the rules. The most delicious and tender omelet, just like in kindergarten. I will tell you how to get a dish of amazing taste very quickly and without hassle.


  • Chicken egg – 5 pieces
  • Fresh milk – 250 ml
  • Butter – 40 grams
  • Kitchen salt - to taste

We also need heat-resistant baking dishes. I have a regular glass form, which I think is most suitable in this case.


As can be seen from the list of ingredients, this dish does not contain any flour or soda, as some housewives think. If you decide to learn how to properly cook an omelette in the oven, a delicious omelette like in kindergarten, you just need to follow simple rules.

Rule one.

The volume of egg mass is equal to the volume of milk used.

On average, this (approximately, since the weight of eggs varies) is 50 ml of milk per egg.

Rule two.

There is no need to beat the eggs with a mixer; you just need to carefully stir them with a regular fork until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Rule three.

Bake the omelette in the oven at a temperature of 180-190 degrees for 15-20 minutes. An overbaked omelette will have a tough structure and will lose its tenderness. In this case, the height of the correct omelet should be 2.5-3 cm.

In principle, these are all not tricky, but mandatory rules. Now let's get down to cooking.

I will make an omelette from 5 eggs. By the way, this is an excellent, light and healthy breakfast for the whole family.

First of all, you need to wash the eggs and then break them into a deep bowl. Use a fork to tear the membrane of each yolk.

At the next stage, add salt and pour in milk.

And again, using a fork, carefully combine the two ingredients into a homogeneous mixture. This way we get the right basis for making an omelet like in kindergarten.

Now take a baking dish and generously (without sparing) grease it with butter. This way our omelette in the oven will have a delicate creamy taste.

Pour the egg-milk mixture into the prepared pan. And immediately we send it to the oven, already preheated to 180 degrees.

We close the door and wait for a miracle to happen. Through the window you can see how our dish reaches the point of readiness. It took me 20 minutes.

Open the oven and take out the pan. The smell was simply magical! Immediately take a piece of butter and grease the surface of the omelette with it.

I want to warn you right away: as the omelette cools, it will settle slightly and liquid will appear at the bottom of the dish. Do not worry! Everything is as it should be. This does not affect the taste of the dish at all!

That's it, the cooking process is complete! And now you know exactly how to properly cook an omelette in the oven, a tasty and tender omelette like in kindergarten.

With love for you Lyudmila

Omelet like in a kindergarten in the oven is a dish that is famous for its tenderness and unique taste. This omelette is easy to prepare at home using the simplest ingredients. Children's chefs shared the intricacies and secrets of baking a tall and airy dish with the taste of childhood.

A tall omelet like in kindergarten is an egg casserole that is traditionally served for lunch in preschools and schools. It is cooked in large roasting pans and cut into portioned squares. To cook an omelet in the oven like in a kindergarten, you only need salt, milk and eggs, but it is not forbidden to add an individual taste to the dish by adding vegetables, meat, seafood and seasonings.

5 cooking secrets

  • Maintain proportions. The kindergarten casserole turns out tall and tender thanks to the milk included in its composition. It is recommended to follow a combination of 1:3 - for one part of eggs according to the omelet recipe as in the kindergarten, you will need 3 parts of milk.
  • Bake in a cast iron or glass pan. They heat up slowly but evenly, and the food rarely burns in them.
  • Cook in a tall, small-diameter container. Remember that the omelette, after falling, will remain 1-2 cm above the level at which it was poured. The more omelette mass in the dish, the higher the casserole, so to cook an omelette in the oven like in kindergarten, fill out the form well.
  • Bake over low heat or low power. A well-simmered omelette will delight the hostess with its fluffiness and rich taste.
  • Do not open the oven door during cooking. A strong temperature change will cause the omelet to collapse prematurely. Also, to prevent the dish from sinking in the plate, chefs recommend not taking the omelette out of the oven immediately, but waiting 5-7 minutes until it cools.

Classic recipe

How to prepare a fluffy omelet like in kindergarten to please your child? This omelet requires eggs, whole (not skim) milk and butter. The dish does not need the addition of soda and yeast - the whole secret of its splendor lies in the correct combination of ingredients. A kindergarten-style egg omelet contains 1.5 times more milk than a traditional one, so the consistency of the dish becomes more airy and porous.

  • eggs - 6 pieces;
  • milk - 1.5 cups;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • salt.
  • Separate the eggs into yolks and whites. Mix the first ones with milk until smooth. Add some salt.
  • In another container, beat the egg whites until stiff. Add the protein mixture into the mixture in portions and mix.
  • Grease the mold with a thin layer of butter, fill it with the omelette mixture and place in an oven preheated to 200°.
  • Bake without opening the oven for about half an hour. The dish is ready!

When greasing an omelette baking dish with butter, it is recommended to be careful: excess oil may prevent the dish from rising. Some cooks sprinkle the bottom and sides of the pan with breadcrumbs - this makes the casserole even tastier and more appetizing.

Egg casserole does not tolerate beating with a mixer: to make the dish airy and porous, mix the omelette mass by hand.

Original recipes

With sausage and tomatoes

It’s not forbidden to diversify a classic omelette with fillings, just like in childhood: it will be even healthier and tastier. Adding sausage, meat, vegetables and other products to the recipe for an omelet with milk and egg, as in kindergarten, if the correct proportions are observed, will not affect the splendor of the dish.

  • eggs - 4 pieces;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • boiled sausage - 60 g;
  • smoked sausage - 60 g;
  • ham - 60 g;
  • tomato - 1 piece;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • salt.
  1. Mix eggs with milk and salt until smooth.
  2. Cut each type of sausage, tomato into small cubes, and onion into half rings.
  3. Place the onion in a frying pan and fry in vegetable oil until the color changes. Add the tomato and wait until it releases its juice, then add all types of sausage to the vegetables. Simmer for 7-10 minutes.
  4. Grease a baking dish with butter and, after transferring the vegetables into it, fill it with the egg mixture. Place in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 200-220°. Once the top of the casserole begins to brown, it is ready.

An omelet with sausage, like in childhood, can be prepared not only for breakfast, but also for lunch - as an appetizing and satisfying second course. You can also diversify the recipe for a lush omelet like in kindergarten with mushroom, fish, cheese filling, and also turn the dish into a dessert by adding sweet ingredients to the omelet mass: sugar, orange zest, dried fruits, vanillin.

Despite the obvious benefits of omelettes, scientists do not recommend eating chicken egg dishes for people suffering from carbohydrate metabolism disorders, hypertension and diabetes mellitus more than once a week.

With seafood in a frying pan

An omelet with the addition of seafood will become a valuable source of iodine, proteins, rare microelements (selenium, taurine), essential acids (lysine, arginine), as well as Omega 3 fatty acids, which allows its use in sports or dietary nutrition. Mussel meat contains a quarter of the daily requirement of vitamin E, which is responsible for strengthening the immune system and restoring metabolism, being an excellent prevention of oncology.

  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • milk - ¾ cup;
  • mussels - 100 g;
  • octopus tentacles - 100 g;
  • olive oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt.
  1. Fry seafood in a frying pan with oil until cooked.
  2. Mix milk, eggs and salt in a separate container.
  3. Pour the omelette mixture over the seafood and cover with a lid and cook over low heat for 4-5 minutes. Ready!

If the seafood is frozen, it must be thawed in a dry frying pan and fried after the excess liquid has evaporated. The kindergarten omelet recipe in a frying pan is adapted to cooking on the stove, but it is better to achieve the maximum height of the dish by baking it in the oven.

With cheese in the microwave

It’s easy and quick to cook an omelette in the microwave like when you were a child, and due to the absence of oil in its composition, the dish can be called dietary. Considering that the omelette will rise during baking, you should not fill the mold with egg mass more than 2/3. If you do not open the microwave doors during cooking, the casserole will not settle.

  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • hard cheese - 50 g;
  • milk - ½ cup;
  • greens, salt.
  1. Mix eggs with milk, add salt.
  2. Place the container with the omelette mixture in the microwave and bake, covered, at 200 W for fifteen minutes.
  3. Season the finished dish with cheese (grated) and herbs.

Microwave casserole is an excellent option for baby food, especially if you add vegetables to it: boiled zucchini, carrots, broccoli, bell peppers. Some housewives add flour and semolina to the recipe, believing that this will make the dish higher, but the traditional omelette, as in childhood, is not combined with flour. For greater density, cooks recommend replacing the milk in the recipe with mayonnaise or sour cream (3-4 tablespoons).

To prepare a fluffy omelet like in kindergarten, use the advice of Soviet culinary specialists. To the universal joy of children and adults, you can serve this rosy and fluffy egg casserole for breakfast and lunch: in any case, it will be both healthy and tasty.

What to cook for breakfast quickly and tasty

In this article you will learn the secrets of preparing a delicious, airy and rosy omelette. Exactly what we were all given for breakfast in kindergarten.

25 min

150 kcal

5/5 (2)

Secrets and myths of cooking an airy omelet

  • The omelette we tried as children has velvet structure. Its secret is that it is used for cooking. only butter. Under no circumstances should you replace it with vegetable oils, otherwise instead of a fluffy dish you will end up flat, like in a frying pan.
  • The “correct” omelet should have a dense structure and few holes. To do this, pay attention to the baking time. Do not try to keep it in the oven for up to 30 minutes, otherwise the structure will become porous and a lot of liquid will appear.
  • Exist myths about the height of the omelet. Some housewives try to add soda or flour to make it extra fluffy. In fact, according to the standards, the height of an airy omelette should not exceed 4 cm. No additional ingredients other than those indicated in the recipe are used by cooks in kindergartens.

Step-by-step recipe for children's omelet with milk

To prepare an omelet we will be needed:

Let's get started:

  1. Before cooking, wash the eggs under cool water and dry with a towel, and then break them into a deep plastic bowl.

    Advice: Utensils with an enamel surface are not suitable for driving in food.

  2. Beat the eggs well. To do this, all the yolks are pierced with a fork and driven in.

    Advice: You need to use a fork to prevent foam from forming.

  3. Next, you need to pour the milk into the bowl, add salt and beat again.

    Advice: Some housewives beat in milk separately before pouring it into the eggs. This will make the omelette more fluffy.

  4. Now you need to turn on the oven and set the temperature 200 degrees.
  5. Grease a baking dish with butter and pour the prepared mixture of milk and eggs into it. Place the baking dish in the preheated oven for 15 minutes.
  6. The finished dish is brushed with melted butter, cooled slightly and cut into portions.

What should I do to prevent the omelet from falling off?

In any case, the omelette will initially rise during baking and then fall a little. This is considered normal. If you want to make it taller, choose a small, deep pan.

How to make an omelette fluffy?

Please note that this recipe for making a real omelet does not use any mixers, blenders or whisks. Even cooks in kindergartens use a fork. Beat carefully but thoroughly to prevent foam from appearing on the surface. But the yolks and whites must be mixed so that they are saturated with oxygen (the formation of bubbles), otherwise the omelette will be “heavy”.

Which baking dish to choose?

The standard omelet pan is rectangular in shape. You can choose based on the number of ingredients. If you take a smaller form, the omelette will be taller. To please and surprise children, you can purchase shapes in the form of stars, apples or bunnies.

What's better to add to an omelette?

This dish goes well with cheese, herbs, ham, sausage, and tomatoes. These products can either decorate a dish or add them during cooking. Some restaurants even use seafood to prepare it. For children, you can make an omelet with strawberries or apples.

In addition, using, you can prepare this wonderful dish even faster.

As you can see, preparing this dish is not at all difficult. Both an experienced housewife and a beginner in the culinary arts can make it. Treat yourself and your loved ones with such a wonderful and simple dish!

First of all, take the eggs out of the refrigerator and rinse them with cold water. Beat the eggs into a deep plate.

Add salt to the eggs. Add milk to the resulting mass; it should be at room temperature.

Mix everything. For convenience, you can use a whisk. If you don’t have it on hand, you can use a regular fork. There is no need to beat the eggs, just mash the yolks.

Prepare the baking dish. It is best to prepare a glass dish. This will make it easier to monitor the readiness of the omelet. Grease the mold with butter.

Pour the egg-milk mixture into it.

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Bake the omelette in the oven, setting the temperature to 200 degrees. It will take no more than half an hour to prepare.

5 minutes before readiness, brush the omelette with oil. This will create an appetizing crust. At the end of the allotted time, remove the dish from the oven, cut it into portions, and invite the whole family to the table.

Sometimes it seems to me that all children, based on the way they eat, are divided into two categories: “little” and “all”. It is clear that more problems arise with the first ones, when you don’t know what to cook for them, just so that they eat. It is especially striking when a child refuses the finest, lovingly prepared homemade delicacies and demands kindergarten “canteen” food. Now it has even become somehow fashionable to remember and prepare dishes, such as this very omelette in the oven like in kindergarten. If you don’t know how to prepare it so that it is fluffy, porous, tall, retains its shape and does not fall, our recipe is in front of you. Step by step and with photos. Oh, by the way, if you want to cook right away, click on the corresponding content link and jump straight to the process. If you want to know about the features of the dish, continue reading in order.

How is a kindergarten omelet so different from a regular one?

Firstly, the number of ingredients and their proportions. You can't make this with 1-2 eggs. You will need at least 4-5 eggs. Despite the fact that I indicate the exact amount of milk below, you should adjust the proportion yourself, since it also depends on the size of the eggs. This means, break them into a bowl, just shake, evaluate, at least by eye, the volume. Then pour milk into another bowl, the volume of which will exceed 3 times. Thus, the proportion of volumes of egg: milk is 1: 3. Of course, in kitchens in kindergartens, cooks were guided not by this principle, but by technological maps that were attached to recipes for dishes prepared according to GOSTs (state standards) of the USSR. There the weight of each ingredient in grams was always strictly indicated, even a standard egg of the category needed for an omelet. But why do we need these difficulties at home? Therefore, it’s simple – proportion.

Secondly, the cooking method. Unlike the morning omelet, which everyone is used to frying in a frying pan, the kindergarten omelet is baked in the oven, like a casserole. What kind of utensils were used then? Deep, rimmed baking sheets, cast iron or enamel-coated, which no matter how you grease them, the casserole will still stick to them. No matter how they write on the Internet that a real omelet like in kindergarten can only be obtained in such a baking sheet... Well, nonsense! Cookware should be thick-walled and non-stick, so modern glass and ceramic pans work best. In them, the omelette will not stick to the walls, and you can easily take it out after baking. It is also important that the sides are high and at least 5-6 cm high. As for the size, you need to fill it with the egg-milk mixture at least half, and preferably 2/3 of its height. If the mixture spreads along the bottom and is 1 centimeter high in liquid form before baking, don’t expect it to be fluffy! Thus, the height (or thickness, if you like) of the mixture in the mold should be no lower than 2.5-3 centimeters.

Thirdly, the time and conditions of baking. The temperature should be average - about 180°C. The oven, of course, needs to be preheated. The omelette should simmer and grow in it, and not immediately set into a crust from the high temperature. You cannot open the oven, or even pull the door. It’s like with a sponge cake or meringue, the splendor of which also depends on the eggs. Opened it - the temperature dropped, pulled it - the air came out of the mass ahead of time, before the bubbles became fixed. Baking time is about 30-40 minutes. Moreover, after turning off the oven, it is better not to open it for some time and let the omelettes stand for another 5-7 minutes inside.

Fluffy omelette in the oven like in kindergarten - recipe with photo

It's time to move from theory to action. Let’s prepare all the components, my mold is ceramic, it’s even convenient to put an omelette on the table in it, and we’ll proceed to the step-by-step execution of the dish.


  • chicken eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • milk – 200-250ml;
  • salt – 2 pinches;
  • butter – 0.5 tbsp.

How to cook an omelet in the oven like in kindergarten

Serve it to your little ones and your little ones, and don’t refuse it yourself.

Enjoy your meal!

P.S. For those who are interested in an omelet for a one-year-old child, I would still recommend turning to more knowledgeable sources than culinary sites - pediatricians and nutritionists, in order to first of all listen to their advice.

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