Black garlic. Proper cultivation of black garlic at home How to cook black garlic

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On the shelves of grocery stores where canned goods are presented, as well as in catering establishments, many people noticed the presence of such a product as black garlic. I immediately wanted to know more about what it is and how it is grown. And then a real surprise came: it turns out that this product is not grown in this form, but is obtained from ordinary garlic.

That unusual garlic that attracts attention does not grow in the garden beds in this form. It is obtained from any common variety fermentation method. This product not only lacks the usual bright smell, but also has a sweet taste. In general, it looks more like dried fruit than garlic.

In order for the product to acquire an unusual appearance, it is kept at high temperatures for a couple of months. The sugar and amino acids it contains contribute to the appearance of its characteristic black color.

You can get it yourself, but this will require a lot of time and compliance with certain conditions. The most problematic of them is that throughout two months it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature equal to 60 degrees.

The oven provides this opportunity, but it is unlikely that anyone will be able to keep it constantly on for two months.

It was effectively used in Korea four thousand years ago. It was also given due attention in Thailand. He was given the title of a real gift from God, whose calling is bring people health and longevity.

It's very easy to grow in your own garden. It can be planted in spring, but also in autumn. Although summer residents do this mainly in the spring, using for these purposes material that was not used during the winter. To provide yourself with a harvest, you need to plant only a few heads.

Little space is needed for this; besides, for planting garlic, you can use beds occupied by other compatible crops. As it grows, it will help fight pests, and by mid-summer you can harvest a good harvest of your own garlic.

The benefits and harms of black garlic for the body

Now it is already very widely used not only in cooking, but also in dietary nutrition and alternative medicine. The product provides beneficial effect on the circulatory system, in particular:

  • helps normalize blood pressure;
  • stabilizes heart function;
  • helps in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis;
  • increases the elasticity of blood vessels.

It also has a beneficial effect on digestive processes, helps prevent obesity, and stabilizes liver function. The use of this product by people with diabetes mellitus has a very good effect. This is explained by the fact that it is a real sugar substitute of natural origin.

Consumption promotes rapid cell regeneration, which ensures skin rejuvenation and a tonic effect.

Vitamins and microelements improve the body’s immunity, but also help it fight inflammation and infections.

As for the harm that a vegetable can cause to the body, such cases have not yet been observed. The exception is those people who suffer individual intolerance this product. It is also worth noting that some research is still underway in this direction and not all properties have yet been fully studied.

How to properly eat garlic?

In everyday life, we rarely think about this question. But housewives constantly add garlic to their culinary masterpieces, not only for the sake of taste, but also to add aroma. Helps activate the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive process.

In general, in order for the vegetable to retain its beneficial properties, it is not recommended to subject it to prolonged heat treatment. The same cannot be said about black garlic. As scientific research has established, this product not only retains all the beneficial substances, but also increases their quantity.

The dish is completely ready to eat as soon as you open the jar. You can also use it in cooking. It will go perfectly with meat, fish or vegetable dishes.

Pickled black garlic - completely ready to eat

It may seem strange to many, but all over the world cooks use for making sauces or compound butters. It is added to energy drinks and used in the production of dark chocolate. By the way, regular garlic and chocolate are generally incompatible.

Contains natural antioxidants. If it germinates, the amount of these substances increases significantly. Therefore, you should not throw away the sprouted product.

Used not only as an addition or seasoning, but also as a separate dish(for example, pickled). It is successfully used by chefs not only in our country, but also far abroad. By the way, this product found use for medical purposes much earlier than in cooking. With its help, they hoped to achieve immortality, prolong life, rejuvenate themselves and get rid of serious illnesses.

There are no special restrictions on the amount of garlic consumed, but people suffering from peptic ulcers, gastritis, and hemorrhoids are not recommended to overdo it.

Black garlic is an exception in this regard, since it is devoid of natural pungency, which causes irritation of the mucous membrane.

As you can see, the vegetable has a lot of beneficial properties and does not harm our body at all. Of course, it is very difficult to make this product at home. But you can always grow regular garlic on your plot, which has the same properties and set of vitamins as its ready-made counterpart. The taste will be significantly different, and you can’t really call it a delicacy, but you can eat it at any time. And it is available anywhere at any time of the year.

Black garlic– an unusual product that is successfully conquering the world. The technology for making this unusual vegetable has been known for a long time. For the first time, such garlic appeared on the table of residents of Thailand and Korea; by the way, to this day this product occupies an important position there. Black garlic was created by Scott Kim, but after that the plant went through many different improvements. Today, this unusual vegetable occupies a leading position in the arsenal of famous chefs and housewives.

Interestingly, black garlic is obtained quite naturally through the fermentation process. Considering this, we can say that this vegetable is a completely natural product. The black version differs from the usual garlic for many in its sweet taste, which is compared to caramel. The texture of the vegetable is somewhat similar to raisins or figs (see photo).

Useful properties

Black garlic has many of the properties of the regular version, but it also has no pungent odor or taste, which allows the body to absorb this product much better. After fermentation, the vegetable increases the amount of antioxidants and fructose, as well as it retains the property of a natural antibiotic. The rich composition of the product allows you to stimulate and strengthen the immune system.

Thanks to regular consumption of black garlic, you can get rid of inflammatory processes and colds. In addition, the vegetable helps eliminate atherosclerosis and stabilize blood pressure. Black garlic has a hypotensive and cardioprotective effect on the body. In addition, the vegetable promotes cell division and growth, which helps achieve a rejuvenating effect.

Use in cooking

Thanks to the unusual taste and universal properties of black garlic, this vegetable can be used as a separate original snack. This product goes well with olives, sun-dried tomatoes, cheese, bread and other products. In addition, black garlic can be used as an ingredient for fish and vegetable dishes. Also, an unusual and beautiful vegetable can be a wonderful decoration for various dishes.

Benefits of black garlic and treatment

The benefits of black garlic have been known for quite some time. Regular consumption of this vegetable as a natural antibiotic has been proven to help increase life expectancy. It has been observed that black garlic has the ability to stimulate the cardiovascular system. Some scientists believe that this vegetable can be used as an anticancer agent.

Harm of black garlic and contraindications

Black garlic can be harmful to people with individual intolerance to the product. Since research into the effects of this vegetable has not yet been completed, other contraindications may be identified.

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No, it is not spoiled, and it is not some outlandish variety. This is the most common garlic, “aged” during the fermentation process. Black garlic first appeared on the table of Asian countries and now conquers the hearts and stomachs of gourmets and cooks from all over the world.

Black garlic differs significantly from its white “brother” not only in the inky color that the product acquires after long-term thermal fermentation. As a result of this process, which lasts from a month to six months, the pungent garlic smell completely disappears. The product acquires a softer texture, a caramel aroma and a sweet, not at all hot taste, at the same time reminiscent of dried fruit, balsamic vinegar and licorice.

Black garlic will be appreciated not only by lovers of gastronomic delights, but also by adherents of a healthy diet. The fact is that in addition to excellent taste, this product has an impressive list of useful properties, namely:

  • Contains a high concentration of antioxidants.
  • It has antibiotic, antiseptic, bactericidal and antifungal properties.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Accelerates wound healing when applied externally.
  • Stimulates the heart.
  • It has antitumor properties due to S-allyl-cysteine ​​produced during the fermentation process.
  • Helps overcome insomnia.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system and stabilizes blood pressure.
  • Normalizes blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
  • Protects the body from free radicals 10 times more effectively than regular garlic.
  • Helps with asthma and other respiratory diseases.
  • Increases endurance and fights fatigue.
  • Considered an aphrodisiac.

How to use this product

You can eat black garlic pureed or cut it into thin slices. It goes well with cheese, olives, sun-dried tomatoes, rice and pasta, and also perfectly complements fish and vegetable dishes.

How to get black garlic at home

The preparation process is very simple: the white heads of garlic are placed in a container, which is tightly closed with a lid and wrapped in aluminum foil. And then comes the most difficult part - the garlic must be kept at a constant temperature of 60 ° C for two months. Some people recommend using an old rice cooker for this purpose, and some enthusiasts put garlic on the radiator during the heating season, but very few have succeeded in bringing it to an inky color in this way.

Black garlic is very popular in Asia, the USA, England, the European Union and is widely used in the restaurant industry. Its unusualness lies in the fact that black garlic is odorless, tastes sweet, and its activity is ten times higher than that of ordinary garlic.

Imagine garlic without all the annoying things. Almost odorless, pulp that melts in your mouth.

So what is black garlic?
Black garlic is a 100% natural product!

Now black garlic is the newest hit in the arsenal of professional chefs around the world. It is obtained by special fermentation of ordinary garlic: the product is stored in a room at high temperature for a month. The unique color, taste and texture of this product is obtained without any additives!. Garlic naturally turns black, and its sugar and amino acid content contribute to this.

During fermentation, these elements produce dark-colored melanoidin, the substance that is responsible for the black color of garlic. Black garlic is sweet like caramel or molasses, with a texture like raisins or figs, with a very subtle hint of sweet garlic and no smell at all, valued as a medicinal food.

How to cook black garlic. The recipe is simple.
Place unpeeled heads of garlic on the bottom of the container - as many as will fit. This container should then be tightly packed in aluminum foil. It will protect the garlic during fermentation from the penetration of unwanted bacteria and will not allow the aroma that is formed during this fermentation to evaporate. Place the container in the oven, preheated to 60 degrees. And now all that remains is to wait, unfortunately, up to 40 days. Unfortunately, you cannot use the oven during this time.

Fermented black garlic has many of the properties of fresh garlic and is better absorbed by the body. After undergoing fermentation, black garlic exhibits 10 times greater activity as an antioxidant, the amount of fructose in it increases 7 times, and the properties of a natural antibiotic are preserved.

Black garlic can be used in any number of ways:
Black garlic is a great addition to olives, sun-dried tomatoes, cheeses, meats and breads.

It can be added to any meat, fish or vegetable dish. Moreover, it will decorate any dish with its unexpected color, intrigue and not leave restaurant visitors indifferent. It's as delicious as it is unique.

The usefulness of black stem is higher than that of regular stem.
Due to its complex structure and saturation with useful substances, it is an essential product that stimulates the body's immune system. It can be used in the prevention of cancer.

Effectively helps fight inflammation, colds, is well accepted by the body, helps eliminate vascular atherosclerosis, stabilize blood pressure, and preserve youthful energy.

Stimulates the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. It has a hypotensive and cardioprotective effect, has a beneficial effect on cell growth and division, causing a rejuvenating effect.

According to an ancient legend in Taoist mythology, Korean black garlic is the grant of immortality, and that only the gods can grant this immortality to a person.

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