Fairy tales and stories about the benefits of physical education and sports. Poems on the topic "Sport" for kindergarten children Children's works about sports

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Tales about sports and physical education

"Tales about sports and physical education"

“The Tale of How the Hoop Became a Symbol of the Olympic Games”

Once upon a time, in a gym there lived a small hoop. He lived in a closet under the stairs, and it so happened that he had no friends. Everyone laughed at him, and none of the athletes wanted to train with him. And then one day I decided to run away from the gym, and I ran away. The hoop rolls along the paths, along the paths, and on its way it meets four more hoops, and as it turns out, they don’t have any friends either. The hoops decided to become friends.

They began to think. How can they prove that they are no worse than clubs, balls, skis and sleds? We thought and thought and began to build different figures. Two hoops took hands, and three climbed onto their shoulders and also joined hands - they got a pyramid. At that moment, a bus with athletes was passing by; they saw how the hoops built a pyramid, they really liked it. And since then this pyramid has become a symbol of the Olympic Games. And the hoop has become a worthy attribute in artistic gymnastics.

Fairy tale "ROPE"

Once upon a time there was a jump rope. She had her own place in the large gymnasium - a large cardboard box. She wanted to get out of the box, look at the world and show herself. The jump rope lay there, lay there, and then suddenly it jumped, from the box to the floor, from the floor to the porch, and from the porch into the forest.

She gallops through the forest, and a hare meets her. The hare says to her: “Jump rope, jump rope, I’ll jump over you. I want to be strong and healthy." The jump rope replies: “Don’t jump over me, I’ll tell you a story.” I lived in the gym, a lot of kids were jumping over me, and I was tired. I left the children and the hare will leave you. See you then, bye." And she galloped on, only the hare saw her.

She gallops through the forest, and towards her is a wolf who has been working all day. The wolf says to the jump rope: “Jump rope, I’ll sell you, get money and buy myself tennis balls. During my lunch break I’ll play tennis in the fresh air.” The jump rope replies: “Don’t sell me, better listen to my story. I lived in the gym, I was a simple jump rope, many children jumped over me, but then I wanted to see the world and show myself. I left the children, I left the hare, and I’ll leave the wolf.” The wolf burst into tears that he would not be able to buy the balls, and meanwhile the jump rope galloped on, only the wolf saw it.

The skipping rope is walking and wandering through the fairytale forest, and then a bear meets it. He did not work anywhere, walked through the forest all day and was very hungry. When he saw the jump rope, he thought it was a sausage. And then the bear said: “Sausages, sausages, I’ll eat you.” The jump rope said that it was inedible, but could tell him its story. “I lived in the gym, I was a simple jump rope, many children jumped over me, but then I wanted to see the world and show myself. I left the children, I left the hare, I left the wolf, and I left the bear.” The hungry bear fainted. And the rope jumped further, only the bear saw it.

The jump rope goes on, looks at the world, shows itself. And then a fox meets her. The fox says to the jump rope: “Hello dear! My children want to play sports. They have a gym, but no jump rope. Come with me?" Only the jump rope wanted to tell her her story, but the fox objected to her: “No, no. I know you will run away!” They started arguing loudly and woke up the fox cubs. The little foxes came running, saw the jump rope and were so happy that now they could jump over it. They began to somersault and show the jump rope what they had learned in the gym. Seeing this, the jump rope decided not to run away. “Okay, little foxes! I will help you become strong, agile and resilient. I’m a JUMP ROPES!”

Fairy tale “FAVORITE BALL”

In one small city called “Sportivny”. There lived unusual people, they were noted for their love of sports. After all, sport improves health, gives strength and energy. There was a magic shop in this city. And what was there in the store: skates, skis, sleighs, jump ropes, hoops, balls. In winter, everyone bought winter equipment, in the summer, summer equipment. Only one beautiful volleyball was unlucky. Nobody bought it. The ball was offended that no one needed it.

And then a miracle happened. One warm summer day, a mother and daughter walked into the store. There was everything the girl Katya wanted to buy. Katya saw a lonely volleyball on the shelf and immediately asked her mother to buy it. And mom bought Katya a ball. They all went home together.

The next day Katya decided to go outside and took the ball with her. There were many children in the yard, and when they saw Katya’s ball, they began to take it away from the girl and throw it in different directions. Katya cried. But then a miracle happened. Wherever the children threw the ball, it always returned to Katya.

The girl Katya and the volleyball became very good friends. Katya even came up with the name “Sunny” for him because he was orange. She played with him every day.

Many years passed, Katya grew up, and thanks to this ball she got into the Russian volleyball team. Katya always took her favorite ball to competitions and the team won.

So they live together with the ball and sports, always striving for victory.

Publications on the topic:

Money box for parents “All about sports” The benefits of morning exercises! Prepared by teachers Navolneva T.A., Polyakhova N.V. Doing exercises in the morning is useful at any age.

I present to you my laptop about sports for children. I was very interested in this model of the benefit and decided to do it. Developed and.

Age of children: preparatory group. Goal: to promote the generalization of children's knowledge about the biography of the writer D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak, who lived.

Methodological development of the performance using the example of the fairy tale “Twelve Months” based on the fairy tale by S. Ya. Marshak. Fairy tale script Staging a play in kindergarten is a great holiday, and great opportunities for realizing various educational goals. At work.

Project about sports “If you take up sports, you will achieve a lot in life” EASTERN DISTRICT EDUCATION DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW Project “If you take up sports, you will achieve a lot in life.”

Fairy tales and stories about the benefits of physical education and sports

(for children of senior preschool age)

Shulgina Yana Olegovna,

physical education instructor

MDOU kindergarten No. 11 "Rainbow"

Magic nose

And what magical things don’t happen in the world!

The young magician and sorcerer Anton Sidorov had a magical nose. Enjoyed it

Anton told them this: he made the desired wish, after which he wrinkled his nose and... sneezed.

The wish was fulfilled immediately.

Anton Sidorov was in poor health, prone to colds, and therefore sneezed

often. But not all the time. Therefore, it has happened more than once that sneezing in

the necessary, crucial moment was not possible. And no matter how much the young man winced

It was summer. The sneezing thing was pretty bad. Mentor and teacher

Antona is a fifth generation sorcerer, doctor of pseudo-scientific sciences, magician

Santaklausov advised Sidorov to walk barefoot. The sneezing became more frequent and

For some time Anton had no worries with his magical nose. But then

Difficulties arose again: even after getting wet in the rain, I could get

a simple runny nose did not work out.

Events took a serious turn. One day Sidorov did not make it on time

sneeze and a goal flew into the goal of his favorite football team. In another

since the delay led to something that was not at all magical

to escape from the dog of the sorceress Zmeyukina.

After such serious trials sent by fate, Anton treated

the problem of getting a cold with all his usual diligence. IN

the program included various events, which, according to Sidorov,

must have had a detrimental effect on his health: walking through puddles

barefoot, dousing with ice water. However, even adding to this

daily eating two hundred grams of ice cream, Anton achieved only

disappearance of the tendency to sore throat. And now, when the magic nose began

involuntarily wincing, the young magician feverishly wished for the most

urgent and urgent desires to use what has become rare now

When in the winter the young magician began to run through the streets in the mornings

training suit, the last sneezing became more frequent for a short time, and

then... disappeared forever!

So Sidorov lost his magic nose, or rather, his nose remained in place and

all one hundred and five freckles are on him, but his magical qualities have been lost. But

But another miracle happened: Anton became surprisingly healthy and strong.

Fabulously healthy. One might say - magical!

About nuts

Click and the nut cracks.

“Wow, what kind of teeth I have,” Grisha boasted and took the delicious food out of the shell.

“And I can do that,” Sasha couldn’t stand it. He put the nut between his teeth, closed his eyes, clenched his teeth as hard as he could and... “Oh-oh-oh!” the boy shouted. The nut remained intact, but the tooth lay on the palm!

No, you cannot crack nuts with your teeth. But it happens that guys open bottles with their teeth and even pull out nails. And how many candies have been chewed by still fragile, childish teeth!

One day, in the kindergarten where Sasha went, a competition for the best drawing was organized. Sasha really wanted the drawing to be bright and beautiful. A battle unfolded on a piece of paper: soldiers were shooting, tanks were burning. What a fight! In his excitement, Sasha, out of habit, chewed on his pencil, so much so that soon there was a stub left from the pencil. The teacher Olga Nikolaevna walked between the tables and watched how the children drew. She came up to Sasha and said: “Please, Sasha, give me a pencil, I’ll correct your drawing.” Sasha held out a pencil, but Olga Nikolaevna did not take it, but only looked attentively and sadly at the boy. At night, Sasha could not sleep for a long time. I kept wondering why Olga Nikolaevna was so upset. And finally he understood! What about you guys?

Gymnastics and Warm-up

Two girlfriends lived in a fairyland - Gymnastics and Warm-up. Most often they could be found at the stadium (this is a place in a fairyland where everyone plays sports). Many children gathered where Gymnastics and Warm-up appeared. With the Warm-up, the children enjoyed playing quiet games; children also gathered in a circle and did various exercises. Gymnastics was fun and perky. The guys laughed merrily, ran, jumped and played. With such friends, children were not afraid of frost, illness, or boredom.

But then one day, when Gymnastics and Warm-up were returning home a little later than usual, they decided to take a shortcut and walked along a path they had never walked on. The path was overgrown with grass, the trees closed their crowns over it and blocked out the sun. It was damp and smelled of either toadstools or mold. The girlfriends were about to go back when the trees parted and a house appeared in the clearing, from which strange sounds were heard: sneezing, coughing and moaning.

It’s strange, said Razmka, it’s summer outside, and someone is sick.

Let's go in and ask if we need help, Gymnastics suggested.
The girlfriends approached the door, swollen from dampness, and knocked. door to them
opened the pale and sick Cold (Gymnastics and Warm-up never
We met this girl because we had never been sick). Despite the heat,
the girl was dressed in a fur coat, but she was still shaking from the cold.

How could you get sick - your friends asked - it’s warm outside?

But I didn’t go outside - Cold answered - why, it’s cool in the house,
The sun doesn't bother you, just lie down and relax. Just a cough and runny nose
overcome, they just don’t get through. I already have grandmother Yagushka Bessmertnovna and
she brought a tincture of leeches and lashed her back with nettles - nothing
It helps, but it only gets worse.

Do you want us to treat you with our own means? - suggested Warm-up and Gymnastics.

    What, swimming in chicken feathers or wiping down with frog slime? - sluggishly
    asked Cold.

    But you'll see!

When Cold appeared at the stadium in her fur coat (this was at the height of summer), the guys were very surprised, but happily invited her to the game “First”. The cold was boring, and somehow lazy. Over time, the exercises began to become more precise, the movements became dexterous and confident, and in general she began to play football better than anyone else. Cold noticed with surprise that she liked going to the stadium, but not lying on her bed at home, that the sneezing and coughing stopped, and her face became ruddy, her skin tanned. The girl fell in love with physical education and sports so much that she began to practice at home. And they began to call her not Cold, but Exercise. And everyone forgot about the old name, because it no longer suits her.

Forest fairy tale

In one fairy-tale forest lived the little hare Fluff, the chipmunk Nut and the bear Trisha. Every day they met in the clearing, played, ran, jumped and had competitions. Only Trisha, when he came to the clearing, immediately climbed into the bushes and ate raspberries. The animals called him to play, but the little bear always refused. He was too lazy to run along the planks and jump from stump to stump. For Trisha, nothing was better than eating a couple of pots of honey and lying in the sun. Therefore, Trisha was clumsy, lethargic and sleepy. One day there was a strong fire in the forest. All the animals fled from the fire. Only Trisha immediately began to feel out of breath from running, he got stuck in ravines for a long time, and had difficulty climbing over fallen trees. Fluff and Nut could not leave their friend in trouble. They grabbed the bear cub by its thick paws and ran with all their might. When the animals ran along the bridge across the river, the bridge broke under the bear’s weight. Miraculously, the friends managed to reach the shore. Trisha realized how bad it was not to engage in physical education and sports, and promised his friends to do morning exercises every day, run and jump in the meadow.

Two brothers

Once upon a time there were two boys - Vitya and Zhenya. Vitya looked like Zhenya, and Zhenya looked like Vitya like two peas in a pod, because they were twin brothers. Yes, their hair was brown, their eyes were blue, and they were the same height. But for some reason Vitya grew up cheerful, vigorous, cheerful, and Zhenya grew up sad, tired, lethargic. This happened to the brothers because one of them loved to harden himself, did exercises in the morning, and was often in the fresh air. And his brother in the morning, instead of doing morning exercises, liked to sleep longer, instead of dousing himself with cold water, he liked to eat five cakes, instead of walking, he liked to play on the computer. In general, I did anything but physical education.

The most joyful holiday has come - New Year. Vitya and Zhenya were looking forward to it, but this time for some reason there were no gifts under the tree. Before the children had time to get upset, Father Frost and Snow Maiden appeared out of nowhere. The children were very happy to see such guests and wanted to receive gifts as soon as possible. But for some reason Santa Claus is in no hurry to untie his huge gift bag. Having looked closely, Vitya and Zhenya saw a large hole in the bag. “It’s our Grandma Yaga who won’t calm down, she’s always thinking about how to ruin the children’s holiday,” the grandfather explained, chuckling into his beard.

It’s okay,” said the Snow Maiden, “Now the guys will help us.”
fix everything quickly. We will hold a competition and whoever
If he wins, he will be the first to choose a gift.

The conditions were explained to the children, and their task was as follows: to transfer all the gifts from Santa Claus’s bag to two other smaller ones, but still intact. At the signal from the Snow Maiden, the competition began! The boys tried their best, but Vitya did everything much faster, and Zhenya was very tired after a few minutes. When Vita's bag was already full, he, without hesitation, began to help his brother.

Well, - said the Snow Maiden, - in my opinion, it’s immediately clear who won and why! Vitya, choose any gift that you like.

However, Vitya said that he and Zhenya are brothers and always do everything together, so they will choose gifts together. Vitya looked at his brother with gratitude and thought deeply: “Why did Vitya win so easily?” Do you guys know?

Hare path

Once upon a time there lived a Gray Paw Wolf in the forest. And there was no life or peace for the bunnies from him: either he would trample all the beds with carrots, or he would catch them and drag them away by the ears. The hares thought for a long time about how to cope with the bully wolf. Among them was the desperate Bunny Long Ear. This little bunny came up with the most fun games, and told the longest fairy tales on rainy days, when it was impossible to go for a walk. Even the adult hares looked at the lively baby with respect. So it’s not surprising that it was he who came up with the way to defeat the wolf.

One fine, sunny morning, all the animals gathered in a forest clearing. Noise, din, chirping of birds. What's the matter, what happened? It turns out that on the largest birch tree there is a notice written in large letters: “I, Long Ear Hare, run faster than Gray Paw Wolf.” The Wolf himself came to the clearing. He pushed the animals aside, went up to the advertisement and began to read. The Wolf was not very literate; he read for a long time. And when I read it, I fell down on the grass laughing. He laughed and laughed, and then he pulled the Bunny out of the crowd by the ears and lifted him into the air:

    Are you the one who runs faster than me?

    “I,” squeaked the Bunny.

    Well well! - The wolf even unclenched his paw in surprise.

The little hare plopped down on the ground. Then he jumped up, brushed himself off and said:

I challenge you, Wolf, to a competition. We'll race around
forests along the hare path. If you overtake me, we will all be hares for you
serve: chop wood, cook dinner.

And with you I will clean the chimney! - the Wolf laughed.

I agree,” the Bunny sighed. - Well, and if I overtake you, then you
You will leave our forest forever.

So they decided.

When is the competition? - asked the Bear, who loved precision in everything.

In a year. - Said the Bunny.

The Wolf returned to his hut, lay down on the bed and said: “Well, wife, I will now prepare for the competition - lie on the bed all year, take care of my legs!” The She-Wolf went to the forest store, bought a feather bed and three colorful pillows. She wrapped the Wolf up and covered him with a warm blanket. The Wolf is lying down, only his nose is sticking out from under the blanket. The She-Wolf wanted to ventilate the hut, but as soon as she opened the window, the Wolf jumped up on the bed: “Are you trying to kill me? Give me a cold? Close the window and turn on the stove. And when you go outside, just open the door a little!” I missed it before the competition get sick!"

So the Wolf lay there for a whole year, didn’t get out of bed, took care of his legs. And then one day Magpie flew in and knocked on the window:

Are you lying there, Wolf? All the animals in the clearing have already gathered, just you.
are waiting! Competition today.

On this day, all the animals, young and old, gathered in the clearing. So the Wolf and the Bunny stood side by side on the hare path. The Wolf stands big and shaggy, and the Little Hare is shorter than his boot. The Fox jumped forward: “You’re crazy, scythe, how can you compete with the Wolf! Better run away from here before it’s too late.” And all the animals agreed with her: “The Rabbit can’t outrun the Wolf! He shouldn’t have come up with that.”

The Bear waved his flag and the Wolf and the Hare raced along the hare's path. The wolf jumped - once, twice and immediately overtook the Bunny. All the hares hid behind a bush in shame. They covered their eyes and ears.

Oh oh oh! - Squirrel screamed, - what do I see? I can’t believe my own eyes!
I've never seen anything like this. The Hare and the Wolf are running side by side. Oh, hold on
me, otherwise I’ll fall off the branch. The Hare overtook the Wolf, that makes me feel good
it is seen. The Hare runs ahead of the Wolf, only his heels sparkle. And the Wolf is for
he stomps his boots, puffs, puffs, poor fellow. In fifteen minutes the hare
I ran around the whole forest and wasn’t even tired, just a little out of breath. The animals are already
They began to disperse when the Wolf arrived. Lost one of my boots somewhere
limps. He saw the Bunny and growled with rage: “I’ll take you, Bunny, now
I’ll eat it!” “No, Wolf, you won’t eat it,” said the Bear, who in everything
loved precision, “you’ll have to leave our forest, that was the agreement!”
There was nothing to do, the Wolf and the She-Wolf collected their things, packed their suitcases and went
seek shelter in another forest. When they were already leaving the forest, the Bunny came from behind
the bush jumped out:

Fizkult-hello! - shouts - Don’t come back to us again!

Tell me goodbye, how did you manage to overtake me? -sullenly
The wolf asks.

And it’s very simple, while you were lying on the feather bed, taking care of your paws, I was taking care of my paws
trained. I got up early, did exercises, and doused myself with cold water.
Every day I ran along the hare path!

for children of senior preschool age

physical education and sports

    Akselrod, E. Are you tired, bike? On the other shore: [poems] / Elena
    Axelrod; drawn by Elena Belousova // Kukumber: literary-
    illustrated magazine for children. - M. - 2009 .- No. 3 .- P. 49.

    Allenova, E.. Winter fun: [Paintings by artists on the themes of winter and
    winter fun - sledding, ice skating] / Ekaterina Allenova //
    Murzilka: monthly literary and artistic magazine for children
    primary school age. - Moscow. - 2010 .- No. 12 .- P. 17 .-
    (Murzilka Art Gallery).

    Barto, A.L. Exercise: [poem] // Barto A.L. Collected works in 4 volumes -
    M.: Khudozh.lit., 1981.- T.Z.- P.287.

    Berestov, V.D. Ski trail: [poem] / Valentin Berestov;
    drawn by Olga Demidova // Kukumber: literary-
    illustrated magazine for children. - M. - 2008. - No. 10. - P. 10.

    Weizman, M. Kravtsov; Gymnastics; Champion: [poems] / Mark Weizman;
    drawn by Yulia Rodionova // Kukumber: literary-
    illustrated magazine for children. - M. - 2009. - No. 6. - P. 25.

    Zaitsev, G.K. Lessons from Aibolit: growing up healthy / G.K. Zaitsev. - St. Petersburg. :
    Childhood-Press, 2006 .- 40 S.: ill.

    Ivanov, A. A. How the Hare learned to swim: a fairy tale / A.A. Ivanov; Artist V.G.
    Arbekov.- M.: AST-PRESS, 1995.- 16 p.: ill. - (Cartoon fairy tales).

    Ilyin, E.I. Everything is here - from A to Z - a sports family / E.I. Ilyin; Artist
    V. Nagaev. - Moscow: Physical culture and sport, 1977 .- 28 p. : ill.

    Isaeva, E.I. For the little ones / E. I. Isaeva. - 4th ed., revised. And
    add. - Moscow: Physical culture and sport, 1977 .- 118 p. : ill. -
    (Physical education and health)

10.Kvitko, L. M. On the rink; Sledging; Runners; Skiers: [poems] // Kvitko L.M. To my friends: poems.- M.: Det. lit., 1969.- P.71, 129, 273, 276.

11. Koshkin, M. F. If you throw a ball into the sky: [poems for juniors. school age] / Mikhail Fedorovich Koshkin; Drawn by V. Sushko.- [Kuibyshev: Book. ed., 1970].- p. :ill.,

12. KpanueuH, V.P. Boy with a sword: a story / V.P. Krapivin; Rice. E. Medvedeva.- M.: Det.lit., 1976.- 320 p. : ill. - (Library series),

13. Marzan, N. How dad brought Zhenyurka into sports: [story] / Nikita Marzan; drawn by Larisa Ryabinina // Kukumber: literary and illustrated magazine for children. - Moscow. - 2010 .- No. 3 .- P. 48-52. - 191 p.: ill.

14. Marshak, S.Ya. Ball: Poems by S. Marshak / S.Ya. Marshak; Rice. A. Pakhomova.- L.: Artist of the RSFSR, 1979.- 12 p. : ill. - (From the best Soviet children's books).

15.Mikhalkov, S.V. Uncle Styopa and Egor: [poems] / St. Mikhalkov; Artist IN.

Nagaev.- Moscow: Physical culture and sport, 1970 .- p. : ill.

16. Mikhalkov, S.V. Ski track and stump; Cyclist; About mimosa: [poems] //

Sergey Mikhalkov. Fun day: Poems and fairy tales. - M.: Det. lit., 1984.-

17.Nosov, N.N. Our skating rink: [story] // Nosov N.N., Nosov I.P. All stories and novellas.- M: Bustard-Plus, 2004.- P.80. 18. Prokofieva, S.L. Rosy cheeks / S.L. Prokofieva, G.V. Sapgir; Artist N. Alexandrova and others - 3rd ed. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1989 .- 191 p.: ill.

19.Sergeev, A. Can you swim?; How Brother Goat Chewed a Rock: (from

American folklore) / Andrey Sergeev; Drawn by Maxim Pokalev

// Kukumber: literary and illustrated magazine for children. - M. -

2009.- No. 5.- P. 51.

20. Uspensky, E.N. Ice / E.N. Uspensky; Artist A.M. Eliseev.- M.:

Physical education and sports, 1973 .- 20 p. : ill.

21.Shapiro, F.B. Fun class; Physical education lesson: For children from 6 to 12 years / F.B. Shapiro; Comp. F.B. Shapiro; Artist N. Kudryavtseva.- M.:

Ast-Press, 1996.- 16 p. : ill. - (Learning by playing: In 9 books / Designed by V.

What is sport? For a child chasing a ball in the yard with friends, this is an exciting team game. For those who watch the broadcast of the Olympic Games or a football match with their parents, this is an exciting spectacle that makes the heart beat faster. And those who started going to a sports club know that sports are real work - both hard and enjoyable.

Acquaintance with “sports themes” begins with children's poems, with “Charging” by Agnia Barto and “On Skates” by Sasha Cherny. And then skates, balls and clubs accompany us constantly. A boy named Tolik with a magic box of matches in his pocket dreams of becoming an excellent hockey player, Munchkins and Wingers play volleyball, and the charm of winter makes Hemulen take up skiing.

Gelsomino scores the ball into the opponent's goal with the power of his voice - and, for the sake of justice, rectifies the situation with an own goal. Maybe he doesn’t really want to, but “otherwise what will sport turn into”? Old man Hottabych knows little about sports, so he considers it normal to interrupt a football match by bringing down an abundance of multi-colored morocco swords on the heads of the players, and then force the goal to play along with one of the teams.

Even bugs and spiders do not remain indifferent to the sport. Writer Vitaly Bianchi and artist Elena Netskaya report from the Zhukamo stadium: Swift-footed Beetles compete in running, Horses compete in jumping, and Scarabs compete in rolling balls. Sports competitions are organized by the inhabitants of the world of insects and in Ondřej Sekora's fairy tale “Ants, Go.” The main character, the ant Ferda, trains his team and strives for victory, despite any obstacles.

There is also a special magical sport - for wizards. Quidditch is played on broomsticks: seven players, four balls; speed, agility - and the sportsmanship of real team competitions. And, of course, magic - a small golden flying ball-snitch remembers the one who caught it first, and also gives as many as 150 points! And wizards, it turns out, are no less gambling than Muggles, so Quidditch tournaments are treated with great attention.

Sport is a rewarding topic. After all, this is a universal background, thanks to which events and characters are revealed more clearly. Sport means honesty, determination, noble competition. Only people with a pure heart and good intentions achieve success - remember “Silver Skates” by M. M. Dodge. Passion for ice skating not only brightens the difficult life of Hans and Gretel, it ultimately brings happiness to their home. For teenagers The middle of the 19th century was also characterized by bright dreams of competitions and a feeling of genuine joy when the goal was achieved.

Krapivinsky boys go in for sailing, fencing, and archery. They are honest, straightforward, brave, knowing the value of friendship and ready to fight injustice. And it can be noted that not only sport shapes character, but, on the contrary, a coward or a deceiver will not stay in sport.

In Soviet times, there were especially many children's stories about sports. The topic became actualized by itself: after all, these books are about self-development, cultivating willpower and the best character traits. And an essential element in the life of any teenager. Alisa Selezneva plays volleyball beautifully, and on the pages of “New Adventures of Electronics” a lot of attention is paid to the description of this game. Realities pass, but the topic does not become obsolete: today you can find re-releases of “Flute for the Champion” by Valery Medvedev, “The Fourth Height” by Elena Ilyina, “The Walk of the White Queen” by Lev Kassil.

Today they also write about sports, and not just in passing. For example, not so long ago the book “When I grow up, I will become a hockey player” by Mikhail Sanadze was published. This is both a detective story and an educational book about hockey. The main character, Seva Mikhailov, finds an autographed hockey stick in the attic. According to family legend, this stick belonged to one of the Soviet hockey players who took gold at the 1956 Winter Olympics, and Seva wants to find out who exactly - which means she will have to dive headlong into the history of hockey.

Modern teenage stories about athletes are the stories of young tennis players, figure skaters, and gymnasts. “The Ice Princess” tells about the girl Masha, who came to sports as a child and stubbornly followed her goal, “The Queen of Gymnastics, or the Road to Victory” - about two girl gymnasts who first competed with each other and then became friends. A real athlete cannot have a black and envious heart, and honest work is rewarded with victory and medals.

Educational literature, as a rule, is devoted to one or another sport. For example, “Running and Walking” by Evgenia Yartseva is a book about all sports disciplines related to running, from walking to marathon. It contains historical facts, interesting information, and excursions into the history of different cultures. And “My First Book About Football” by Clive Gifford talks about the rules, all the important techniques and tricks, equipment and famous football players.

An excellent educational book about the Olympic Games was published in the “Nastya and Nikita” series. It tells in a simple and accessible way about the history of the games, about their traditions and symbolism, about old and new awards, about the first Olympians and innovations of the twentieth century, in general, about everything related to this topic that is in demand today.

Despite the fact that modern authors do not often put sport in the spotlight as it was in teenage stories about forty years ago, in many books it latently accompanies positive characters. Fair competition and personal growth, nurturing positive moral qualities and a strong spirit are an integral part of sports trials. And, of course, it’s nice to just go for a run on ice skates, ride a bike or ski, especially since at the end of any trip there will probably be some kind of adventure.


Very good illustrations in the books.

Comment on the article "For children about sports: the best books and fairy tales about training and victories"

A. Demchenko - president of luge, an official, says that athletes trained with our money, citizens, went to Korea to show themselves, and not the country, “THERE WAS NO COUNTRY THERE, there were athletes there.”

High performance sport involves training a child through constant long hours of training from an early age. The answer is negative: emotions pass quickly, and neither economics, nor science, nor education as a result of winning in sports is either better or worse...

Loses physical fitness. Children and parents. Teenagers. Education and relationships with teenage children: adolescence, problems at school, career guidance, exams, Olympiads, Unified State Examination And there are those who want the unrealizable (I’m talking about children/teenagers).

But in our sports dispensary, where mine are assigned, without referrals, everything is done once every six months. Now the eldest has something else. That the child is healthy and can play sports and general physical training. And they gave me one and the sports school accepted it. But my daughter doesn’t study seriously and...

Please recommend books about children, about friendship, about life, so that the child can follow the example of the hero. The boy is almost 7, he doesn’t read yet, i.e. I will read. My moral teachings lead to little, but when listening to books, I associate myself with the heroes. Maybe there will be some point?

Raising a child from 10 to 13 years old: education, school problems, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers. He likes stories about the everyday life of children of his age, ordinary everyday life, without shocks and dramas. Just living day by day.

Please recommend books about the exploits of animals, preferably dogs, during the Great Patriotic War. During the war, especially at the very beginning, anti-tank dogs were actively used. They were well trained...

Given: daughter is in 9th grade, seriously involved in sports, and an average student. It is possible to take the test ahead of schedule, as an athlete, at your school and with your teachers. Yes, for me, let it pass normally, with everyone. But the coaches insist on early because team sport.

Afterwards we run and run to our son’s sports and he doesn’t have time to eat properly. If our main sport were not chess, then from the parents of children of athletes and musicians. Discussion of issues of adoption, forms of placing children in families, raising adopted...

Child and sport. Circles, sections. Children's education. Child and sport. I have a 9-year-old daughter, 5 of whom are engaged in rhythmic gymnastics. She studies seriously, not really seriously, seriously, we go to school, of course, and we don’t aim to be an Olympic champion...

Children about sports: the best books and fairy tales about training and victories. situation with the coach. But with children it’s a hassle, yeah) With three children An aggressive bully in training. A 7-year-old child attends judo training, the groups are divided, but in the youngest there are children from 7 to 11.

Teenage athletes. Sports, hobbies. Nothing reminds me of sports (and besides, she gained weight after giving up sports and childbirth), except for health problems. Children about sports: the best books and fairy tales about training and victories.

Sports camp? ...I find it difficult to choose a section. The child is from 10 to 13. The daughter swims in the “Youth of Moscow” - a swimming pool-sports school of the Olympic reserve. And the coach voluntarily - compulsorily obliged us from January 2-8 to be in a dispute camp, near Moscow somewhere along Leningradsky. ..

At the age of 14 he will receive a master of sports and we will continue to watch, train until the end of school, or think about something else. Physical education and sports are very beneficial for the health and development of children. Children about sports: the best books and fairy tales about training and victories.

But she didn’t even know how to tell fairy tales. what should happen in a fairy tale? what does your textbook say? Transformations, good wizards - what? what elements? should it be repeated three times? You need to look at everything in the book, write it down in detail and arrange it...

Sports for the bespectacled person. Parental experience. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine Sports for the “bespectacled person”. Girls, my son has been wearing glasses for a year now, and the doctor decided to continue wearing them. Is the athlete wearing glasses? Whose children wear glasses all the time, tell me if they do...

They asked us to compose a fairy tale..... Education, development. Child from 7 to 10. Daughter is in 2nd grade. They asked us to compose a fairy tale about (one of) the sky and stars, about fire and water, about roses and thorns. For some reason we slowed down.... Maybe you can advise ?

"We are on the island of Saltkroka." Another good book, trans. from Polish - Badalska, "Jendrek and others". Also (maybe it’s too early at the age of 9? Although the boy was my first book at ten. Without fairy tales and fantasy for this age there is also “Lullaby for a Brother”, “The Other Side...

Children about sports: the best books and fairy tales about training and victories. Children's books about sports and the Olympic Games. What to read to children. Acquaintance with “sports themes” begins with children's poems, with “Charging” by Agnia Barto and “On Skates” by Sasha Cherny.

Age: “For children about sports”

About sports for children

What is sport:

Sport is the main component of physical education. Also in sports, competitions are organized in various sports disciplines (sports) - from banal football to windsurfing. Sports can be amateur or professional.

As it was before… :

The first attempts at the emergence of sports arose among cavemen; it was wrestling. A wide variety of sports already existed in Ancient Greece. Various types of wrestling, running, discus throwing and chariot competitions received the greatest development.

Who is an athlete?

An athlete is a person who engages in any sport professionally or amateurly.

Professional sports

These are sports in which athletes compete for awards and participate in competitions.

Amateur sport is a sport where a person engages in the sports he wants.

Kinds of sports

There are a lot of sports: swimming, jumping, running, wrestling, tennis, hockey, football, basketball, golf, volleyball, throwing, gymnastics.

Sports are divided into group and individual.

More than one person participates:


1 person participates:


Every athlete receives awards!

Awards are prizes received by an athlete in competitions.

These are medals, cups, wreaths, bowls, figurines, certificates.

Awards and certificates

Athletes train 4 hours a day in order to compete

Types of competitions:



World (World Championship)

European (European Championship)

All competitions are judged by judges. Their number depends on the sport and type of competition. This is from 2 to 8 judges!

The most important competitions are the Olympic Games. They are held every 4 years.

There are summer and winter

Exercise equipment

They exist so that an athlete can train his muscles and simply maintain physical shape.

Nutrition for athletes

Athletes expend a large amount of energy, so their food must contain protein, as well as carbohydrates and fats, but in smaller quantities. Proper nutrition for an athlete ensures good health for winning competitions.


A sports team game, the goal of which is to score the ball into the opponent’s goal, using individual dribbling and passing the ball to partners with the feet, head and other parts of the body - except for the hands. The team that scores more goals wins the match.

A sports team game on an ice or grass field in which a ball or puck is driven into the opponent’s goal with special sticks.


Two teams play basketball. The goal of the game is to throw the ball into the opponent's basket and prevent the other team from gaining possession of the ball and throwing it into their own basket. The ball is played only with hands.


A team sports game in which two teams compete on a special court, separated by a net, trying to direct the ball (with their hands only) to the opponent's side so that it lands on the opponent's court.

A sports game with a ball and rackets on a special court (a court divided by a net. The goal of the game is to hit the ball with a racket to the opponent’s half so that he cannot hit it or hits it in violation of the rules.


A sports game with a shuttlecock and rackets on a court divided in half by a net. The goal of the game is to land the shuttlecock on your opponent's side and prevent it from falling on your side.


A sport that involves overcoming certain distances by swimming in a minimum amount of time.

A sports team game with an oval-shaped ball on a special site. The goal of the game is to pass the ball to each other with your hands (backwards only) or feet (in any direction), land it in the in-goal or kick it into the goal (in the shape of the letter H) of the opponent.

Team sports game with a ball and bat. Two teams are participating. The essence of the game: players of the attacking team stand in turn at the base and hit the ball sent to them with a bat. While the ball is flying, players run from one base to another. The defenders try to catch the ball and hit the “defender” with it.

Sports acrobatics.

A sport, competition in performing acrobatic exercises related to maintaining balance (balancing) and rotating the body with and without support.

Riddles about sports

1. I don’t understand, guys, who are you?

Birders? Fishermen?

What kind of net is there in the yard?

Wouldn't you interfere with the game?

You'd better go away.

We play… ___

2. There is a game in the yard in the morning,

The kids were playing around.

Shouts: “puck!”, “past!”, “hit!” -

So there is a game -... ___

3. In this sport the players

Everyone is agile and tall.

They love to play ball

And throw it into the ring.

The ball hits the floor loudly, so this is it.

4. Everyone hits the ball with their feet, kicks,

Like hammering a nail into a gate,

Everyone shouts with joy: “Goal! "

The name of the ball game is… ___

5. One hit with the racket -

The shuttlecock flies over the net.

Although Seryozha hit him hard,

The shuttlecock hit the net.

Anton won today.

What were they playing? IN ___

6. The tournament is underway. The tournament is in full swing.

Andrey and I play together.

The two of us go out onto the court.

We hit the ball with rackets.

And against us are Andre and Denis.

What do we play with them? IN … __

7. Boxers have an equipment - a pear.

And in this sport the “fruit” is better.

An athlete scores a ball there

At the gate in the shape of the letter H,

The ball looks a lot like a melon.

Can you name this sport?

Attached files:

detyam-o-sporte_bldjn.ppt | 4788.5 KB | Downloads: 281


Designing the process of forming initial ideas about certain sports in children of senior preschool age


Relevance of the topic

Every year the percentage of children with health problems increases, and there is a tendency for a continuous increase in the overall level of disease among preschoolers. This is due to a lot of negative phenomena of modern life: severe social upheavals, environmental problems, low level of development of the institution of marriage and family; massive spread of alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction; weak healthcare system, insufficient material base of educational organizations and educational potential of the family.

One of the priority directions for the implementation of the preschool education strategy in modern conditions is the preservation and strengthening of children’s health through the development of physical culture and sports in the system of preschool education organizations, the active introduction of health-saving technologies, and the development of a health-preserving environment.

One of the tasks of the physical development of preschool children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 N 1155) is the development of motor activity, the formation of initial ideas about certain sports.

Physical activity helps to improve the functioning of the main physiological systems of the body - nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, improve the physical development of children, and cultivate moral and volitional qualities. It is very valuable that organized motor activity contributes to the development of positive character traits in preschoolers and creates favorable conditions for the development of friendly relations in the team. It can be organized in the open air in summer and winter, which is an effective means of hardening a child. In preschool age, the need for physical activity is natural; initial ideas about some sports will allow preschoolers to independently organize physical activity and contribute to the development of interest in sports.

This year our country took part in the Olympic Winter Games, which required enormous preparation for this event. Sports complexes and stadiums were built, and the younger generation's interest in playing various sports increased.

The analysis of pedagogical and methodological literature, as well as the identified shortcomings of teaching practice, show that there are a number of contradictions:

1. between the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education for the conditions for the implementation of educational educational programs and the real state of conditions in domestic municipal kindergartens for the physical development of preschool children;

2. the real amount of physical activity of children is not performed during the day (sports games, sports festivals);

3. insufficient level of theoretical and practical training of educators in matters of preschoolers’ health.

Professional problem: how to organize the educational process in the senior group, aimed at developing initial ideas about certain sports in children of senior preschool age.

Tasks, the solution of which will provide a new educational result aimed at solving the problem.

1. Outline the ways of forming initial ideas about some sports in children of senior preschool age.

2. Determine the content of ideas about sports that are accessible to children of senior preschool age to understand and master.

3. Develop a mechanism, outlining methods, means, techniques and forms of work to develop initial ideas about certain sports in children of senior preschool age.

4. Determine the possible achievements of children as a result of the implementation of the developed mechanism.


The mechanism of formation of initial ideas about certain sports in children of senior preschool age

Components of models Models of organization of the educational process in the logic of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education

Joint activity of the teacher and children Conditions for independent activity of children Cooperation

with parents

OD Regime moments

Target component 1. Tasks aimed at children gaining cognitive experience

1.1 To form in children initial ideas about the sports included in athletics (running, jumping, throwing)

1.2 Give an idea of ​​safety precautions when performing basic movements

1.3 Introduce children to the history of the Olympic Games.

2. Tasks aimed at children gaining emotional experience

2.1 To form a sustainable interest in athletics in children.

2.2 Foster the need for physical activity in the family.

2.3 Ensure interaction between the preschool institution and the family through physical education activities and holidays with elements of athletics.

3. Tasks aimed at children gaining experience in action

3.1 To develop basic skills in organizing the environment for performing basic movements (running, throwing, jumping).

3.2 Develop physical qualities such as endurance, agility, reaction speed

3.4 Practice the technique of performing basic movements: running, throwing, jumping.

Topic: “Types of sports

Theme: “A healthy mind in a healthy body”

Topic: “History of the Olympic Games”

Final event

Topic: “The ABCs of an Athlete”

1. “Summer sports”

2. Songs: “A coward doesn’t play hockey” (music by A. Pakhmutov, lyrics by N. Dobronravov, O. Grebennikov performed by E. Khil, “Sochi Olympics”

(music and lyrics by S. Yarushin. Fidgets)

3. Finger gymnastics “Aty-Bati soldiers were marching”

4. Reading by the teacher of S. Olegov’s poem “I have loved sports very much since childhood”


1. “Autumn Marathon”

2. “We are athletes”

1. Creative activity “My talisman”

2. Reading G. P. Shalaev “The Big Book about Sports”, children’s encyclopedia “Section on Sports”

3. Watching cartoons: “Well, wait a minute,” a collection of cartoons about the Olympics.

5. D/games: “Cut pictures”, lotto, dominoes “Summer sports”

6. Conversation: “My family’s favorite sport”

7. S/r game

"We will build a stadium."

8. Reading proverbs and sayings.

9. Making medals for the relay winners

Current developmental subject-spatial environment

Photo album “Famous Athletes”;

Subject pictures about sports

Sports themed posters

Placing works of art on the topic in the book corner;

Attributes for the role-playing game “We will build a stadium”;

Children's songs about sports;

Paints, colored pencils; markers, sheets of white paper, plasticine

Physical education, sports equipment (balls, baskets, skittles, hoops, ribbons, sandbags, jump ropes, masks - caps)

1. “National games with elements of sports.”

2. “Organization of motor activity of children outside kindergarten.”

3. “What makes up our health.”

4. "Sports family."

Technological (procedural) component of OD 1

1. Conversation “Healthy lifestyle”

2. D/game “Remove the excess.”

3. Guessing riddles about sports

1. Conversation “Sports and Safety”

2. Physical education session “We stood up together for exercise.”

3. D/i “Magic Cube”

1. Creative storytelling “I am an athlete”

2. Looking at the photo album “Visiting the Olympians”

3. Finger gymnastics “My Family”.

Final event

1. Sports entertainment “I remember”

2. Photo collage “Do physical exercise”

3. Olympic quiz Forms of organization

Methods and techniques

1. Conversation.

2. Didactic game.

3. Role-playing game.

4. Reading works of fiction.


1. Outdoor games.

2. Relay

3. Path of health.

1. Discussion of proverbs and sayings about sports.

2. Productive activity (drawing, modeling).

3. Watching cartoons.

4. Reading.

5. Role-playing game 6. Didactic game.

Ways to interact with materials and attributes

Methods and techniques

Encouragement to jointly consider, discuss, compose stories;

Encouragement to produce attributes and materials for role-playing games;

Encouragement to depict the impressions received (what they saw, what they remembered, what they liked most);

Encouraging children's initiative and activity. Forms and methods of interaction

Round table

Photo exhibition


Participation in the design of a thematic album (providing photographs of parents and children).

Writing stories with children

Performance component

(possible achievements of the child) Has basic knowledge about sports (athletics).

Mastered safety rules when performing basic movements.

Strives to engage in physical education and sports.

Knows the qualities that allowed athletes to become Olympic winners.

Has an understanding of the history of the Olympic Games.


1. Personnel conditions: senior group teachers, music director, fine arts teacher.

2. Scientific and methodological conditions:

“Physical education in kindergarten” by L. I. Penzulaev. Library of the program “From birth to school” 2012

3. Material and technical conditions:

Record player



Outdoor sports ground

Motor center in the group

Physical education, sports equipment (balls, baskets, skittles, hoops, ribbons, sandbags, jump ropes, masks - caps)

Organizational conditions

Development of OD notes, scenario of the final event;

Development of plans and outlines of forms of work with parents;

Selection of cartoons about sports

Selection of musical accompaniment for sports entertainment


Project for children of primary preschool age “Sports in the lives of children”

Project topic:

"Sports in the lives of children"

Type: Cognitive and informational, group.

Duration: short term

Implementation period: November 2013 school year. year

Project participants: children of the 2nd nursery group, teachers.

Educational areas: “Physical education, “Cognition”, “Health”, “Communication”, “Music”

Goal: To develop children's interest in physical education and sports. As well as creating a need for new knowledge about ways to preserve and improve health.

Objectives: Introducing children to different sports; development

positive motivation for playing sports and introducing a healthy lifestyle; expanding the child’s motor capabilities by mastering new movements; enrichment with knowledge in the field of physical culture and sports; developing interest in sports; arouse parents’ interest in cultural leisure activities with their children

Project implementation stages

1 preparatory

creating card files

Outdoor games

Morning exercise complex

looking at illustrations about sports to introduce children to sports

reading poetry about sports

participation in the opening of the Mini-Olympiad

Stage 2. Working with parents

Consultations on “how to teach a child to do morning exercises”, “How to interest a child in physical education”, “Exercising is fun”, “Prevention of flat feet”, “Hardening a child’s body”

Exhibition of photographs “We are athletes”

Stage 3 final

presentation of the project “Sports in the lives of children”

forms of project implementation

Carrying out morning exercises

Physical education classes

Working with illustrative material

Walking in physical activity

Participation in the “Fun Workout” competition

Making riddles

Reading poems about sports

Expected result

Development of physical qualities of children

Form the need for physical activity.

Preschool age is decisive in the formation of physical and psychological health. It is during this period that the functional systems of the body are intensively developing, the basic personality traits are being formed, character is being formed, the attitude towards oneself and towards others. It is important at this stage to form in children a base of knowledge and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports.

Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions under which the full physical development of children occurs and the need for movement is realized.

We begin to develop the need for a healthy lifestyle and exercise by developing cultural, hygienic and self-care skills.

Morning exercises with musical accompaniment are held daily, which allows children to be in a positive mood.

We introduce sports in classes and in everyday life.

The group has created conditions for sports

Skiing promotes the development of spatial orientation and coordination of movements, as children move on skis in conditions of constantly changing terrain

Skiing has a beneficial effect on the formation of posture

Walking on a limited plane promotes coordination of movements

And walking along a massage path gives a double effect

Ball games help sharpen the coordination of vision and movement

Outdoor games with attributes teach spatial orientation

Children attended the opening ceremony of the Mini-Olympiad

Children enjoy working out in the gym

The children of our group took part in the “Fun Warm-Up” competition

performed the dance "Carousel"

The project was compiled by teacher Minenkova S.A.


Physical culture and child health

The role of physical culture is invaluable. Moderate loads contribute to the full formation of the muscular skeleton and joints, make breathing deeper, help remove harmful substances from the body, have a positive effect on the digestion process and form correct posture.

And what can we say about the emotional component: a sports person feels strong, cheerful, happy, confident, beautiful and agile!

Sports for preschool children

Swimming. Strengthens the musculoskeletal corset, nervous system, normalizes blood circulation and breathing. In addition, it hardens and, accordingly, increases resistance to various diseases.

For very young children, you can offer the most basic, simple exercises or water games in the pool. It is recommended to practice effectively from the age of 6–8, when children can already listen intently and attentively, distinguish “right” from “left” and are fully familiar with the parts of their body.

Football, volleyball and basketball. Popular team games develop the ability to win and concede, serve as a prevention of scoliosis and flat feet, and build muscles.

Little players learn to interact, help a teammate and quickly navigate a difficult situation.

Gymnastics. For “princesses” over 4 years old. Plasticity and flexibility, graceful posture are acquired, self-esteem increases, and the appearance of flat feet is eliminated.

Coordination and clarity of movements are honed, girls become more musical and artistic, free and relaxed.

Horseback riding. Its popularity is gaining momentum. Communication with kind, calm animals solves psychological problems, improves general condition, the ability to maintain balance, treats and prevents diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

You can start doing it around the age of 5.

Tennis. Suitable for older preschoolers. Jumping ability, concentration, assertiveness, endurance, excellent coordination and reaction - these characteristics are developed on the court.

In addition, the functioning of blood vessels and the heart improves.

Skis. An excellent option for hardening, gaining independence, endurance, and organization. It is better to start between 4 and 6 years old.

Dancing. Ballroom, folk and modern, any - increase performance, impart plasticity and artistry, improve the cardiovascular system.

How to choose a sport?

Before enrolling your child in any section, consult with him. If you dreamed of playing hockey, but never became the next Ovechkin, then you should not “sculpt” your son into a hockey player. He is a different person.

Consult a doctor who will assess your health condition and give the necessary recommendations. Meet the future coach, find out his qualifications, listen to reviews.

Note to parents. Clothes and shoes for classes should please the young “athlete”, then he will attend them with great pleasure.

If your child is disappointed in his choice, find out what the problem is: even a small bruise or an awkward fall from an apparatus can be very upsetting. Support him, convince him of the need to overcome difficulties. But, if he is unable to do it, then training should be stopped.

Sport in children's lives is a reliable platform for successful development. So always encourage them. A tiny victory today is a huge success tomorrow!

Material from the site kinder-tweet.ru

Consultation for parents

“Introducing preschool children to physical education and sports.”

“At what age and what sports can preschool children be taught?” - Parents often ask coaches with this question. And they are often surprised when they hear in response: “It’s about time!”

Of course, it’s too early to talk about real sports in preschool age, but various types of games and entertainment with elements of sports are quite accessible to children 5–6 years old.

The education program in kindergarten, starting from the age of 3, provides for sports entertainment: sledding, sliding on ice paths, cycling, water games. In the middle, senior and preparatory groups, skiing, swimming, badminton, skating, gorodki, and table tennis are added.

Games, sports and physical exercises should not be carried out on an empty stomach or in a poorly ventilated area. You should not start them immediately after eating: at least 30 minutes should pass after eating. You should stop sports activities 1.5–2 hours before bedtime.

When starting classes, you should keep in mind that children are not the same in their physical development, character, and health. The load in games is dosed taking into account the individual and age characteristics, mood and well-being of the child.

Preschool children tend to overestimate their strength and often play around (to the detriment of their health). Therefore, both learning and the game itself cannot be long: they must be alternated with rest. Games of great activity are replaced by calm ones.

It is better not to finish the game a little, so that the game for the child is always tempting, attractive and does not cause damage to health.

The load during play should be distributed evenly across all muscle groups and increase gradually from year to year.

Parents can and should help the child choose a mode of movement, beautiful posture, teach

breathe correctly, without holding your breath, in accordance with physical exercises, deeply, evenly. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

Each game and sports entertainment has clearly defined boundaries and lasts a certain time, but parents can determine by external signs whether the load exceeds the child’s physical capabilities. With normal exertion, breathing quickens, the face turns pink, the child sweats slightly, but is alert and cheerful.

Excessive stress affects the child’s nervous system, loss of appetite, and disturbed sleep. In this case, you need to reduce the load or even stop exercising altogether.

Clothing must be appropriate for the weather, type of game, stage of training (at the beginning of training - regular clothes, then sports clothes), individual characteristics, age, gender, degree of hardening and state of health of the child. Sportswear should be light, comfortable, warm, not restrict movement, not interfere with free breathing, blood circulation, and not irritate the skin of children.

Winter clothes: a jacket that protects well from the wind, a ski suit (woolen or brushed) or a coat (preferably made of woolen fabric), a warm scarf and mittens. Shoes - cloth boots with thick soles or leather boots (skiing, skating, figure skating), dressed with plain or woolen socks, boots.

On the head is a hat with earflaps or a woolen cap with lining. Summer clothes - tracksuit, shorts, T-shirt. In sunny weather, light caps with a visor are worn on the head. Shoes – light sneakers, in warm weather – barefoot.

Clothes are chosen correctly if your hands and feet are dry and warm after a walk.

Children must have their own sports equipment: sleds, skis, skates, rubber circle, bicycle, badminton rackets, table tennis, tennis rackets, balls, chess, checkers, etc. It must be appropriate for the child’s age and stored in a certain place. The children themselves monitor the safety of equipment, especially in older preschool age: they clear it of snow and wipe it from dust.

During games and entertainment, the child’s mood should be even and cheerful. Try to keep your kids in good tone. Keep in mind that his psyche is unstable and easily vulnerable.

Sometimes the most trifling word or remark may seem offensive to a child, he may burst into tears, lose faith in his abilities, and this will push him away from this or that type of game for a long time. When pointing out a mistake to your child, be tactful.

Nothing strengthens self-confidence like intelligently expressed approval. When using this powerful stimulant of success, you should know when to stop - the child may become arrogant. But a kid who hasn’t been able to do some exercise for a long time, and then finally succeeds, definitely needs to be praised.

During classes, the parent’s place depends on the specific type of game and sports entertainment: he should always be there to show something, help, provide backup in time, giving him, as he learns and masters the movement, more independence.

Parents should also know how to provide first aid in case of accidents.

We hope that these consultations will help parents introduce preschool children to physical exercise, make them healthy and cheerful.

Educational Resources:

M. D. Makhaniva Raising a healthy child M. 1998

G. I. Kershk, N. N. Sergienko School of a Healthy Person M. 2008

G. V. Bezzbutseva, A. M. Ermoshina In friendship with sports M. 2007.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Material from the site nsportal.ru

to physical culture and sports.”

(consultation for parents).

“At what age and what sports can preschool children be taught?” - Parents often ask coaches with this question. And they are often surprised when they hear in response: “It’s about time!”

Of course, it is too early to talk about real sports in preschool age, but various types of games and entertainment with elements of sports are quite accessible to children 5–6 years old.

The education program in kindergarten, starting from the age of 3, provides for sports entertainment: sledding, sliding on ice paths, cycling, water games. In the middle, senior and preparatory groups, skiing, swimming, badminton, skating, gorodki, hockey, scooter, etc. are added.

The availability and usefulness of games and sports entertainment for preschool children has been scientifically proven by a number of studies and the practice of many kindergartens.

Parents should know that correctly, wisely selected games and entertainment have a beneficial effect on the main indicators of physical development: height, weight, chest circumference; on the development of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs. Children who have suffered from colds and infectious diseases do not start classes again immediately, but depending on the illness they have suffered, after a certain period of time specified by the doctor.

In recent years, more and more families have appeared in our country where physical education has become a vital need for every family member.

Unfortunately, some parents underestimate the importance of games and sports entertainment for the normal physical development of a child, thereby causing irreparable damage to his health. After all, properly organized games and sports entertainment strengthen children’s health, strengthen the body, help the development of the motor system, cultivate strong-willed character traits, valuable moral qualities, and are a wonderful means of active and reasonable recreation.

For those parents who are seriously thinking about taking up physical education of their child, it is not without interest to know that a working muscle consumes 3 times more nutrients and 7 times more oxygen than an inactive one.

Games, physical exercises and sports entertainment should not be carried out on an empty stomach or in a poorly ventilated area. You should not start them immediately after eating: at least 30 minutes should pass after eating. You should stop sports activities 1.5 - 2 hours before bedtime.

After games and sports activities, rubbing, a warm shower, and swimming are useful. These water procedures, in addition to their excellent hardening effect on the child’s body, provide a significant hygienic effect.

When starting classes, you should keep in mind that children are not the same in their physical development, character, and health. The load in games is dosed taking into account the individual and age characteristics, mood and well-being of the child.

Appearance, behavior, appetite, sleep - this is a visually controlled barometer of proper physical activity. When choosing games and sports entertainment, you need to take into account your child's health.

Preschool children tend to overestimate their strength and often play around (to the detriment of their health). Therefore, both learning and the game itself cannot be long: they must be alternated with rest. Games of great activity are replaced by calm ones. It is better not to finish the game a little, so that the game for the child is always tempting, attractive and does not cause damage to health.

The load during play should be distributed evenly across all muscle groups and increase gradually from year to year. With normal exertion, breathing quickens, the face turns pink, the child sweats slightly, but is alert and cheerful.

Excessive stress affects the child’s nervous system, loss of appetite, and disturbed sleep. In this case, you need to reduce the load or even stop exercising altogether.

Clothing must be appropriate for the weather, type of game, stage of training (at the beginning of training - regular clothes, then sports clothes), individual characteristics, age, gender, degree of hardening and state of health. Sportswear should be light, comfortable, warm, not restrict movement, not interfere with free breathing, blood circulation, and not irritate the skin of children.

Winter clothes: a jacket that protects well from the wind, a ski suit (woolen or brushed) or a coat (preferably made of woolen fabric), a warm scarf and mittens. Shoes - cloth boots with thick soles or leather boots, worn with plain or woolen socks, boots.

On the head is a lined woolen cap. Summer clothes: tracksuit, shorts, T-shirt; light cap with visor; light sneakers, and in warm weather - barefoot. Clothes are chosen correctly if your hands and feet are dry and warm after a walk.

Children must have their own sports equipment: sleds, skis, skates, rubber circle, bicycle, badminton, table tennis, tennis rackets, balls, chess, checkers, etc. It must be appropriate for the child’s age and stored in a specific place.

During games and entertainment, the child’s mood should be even and cheerful. Try to keep your kids in good tone. Keep in mind that his psyche is unstable and easily vulnerable.

Sometimes the most trifling word or remark may seem offensive to a child, he may burst into tears, lose faith in his abilities, and this will push him away from this or that type of game for a long time. When pointing out a mistake to your child, be tactful. When expressing approval, you need to know when to stop, otherwise the child may become arrogant.

During classes, the parent should always be with the child to show something, help, provide timely backup, giving him, as he learns and masters the movement, more independence.


We hope that this and other consultations will help parents introduce preschool children to physical exercise, make them healthy and cheerful.

Literature used:O. M. Litvinova “The system of physical education in preschool educational institutions”; Volgograd, 2007.

Compiled by: physical education instructor - E. V. Shcheglova.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

combined kindergarten No. 27 “Lesovichok”

urban district of Tolyatti

Material from the site nsportal.ru

Mandatory components of walks of various types are:

  • Joint activity of an adult with children (The joint activity of an adult with children during a walk is especially pronounced, since there is close communication between them in all types of activities.)
  • Joint activities with peers
  • Child's independent activities

For a child, the educational process makes sense if it is built in the form of an activity. Therefore, the educational component of the walk is associated with any type of children’s activity (play, communication, work, motor, cognitive-research, musical-art, productive) without its strict regulation.

The teacher plans a walk taking into account many factors: weather conditions, the age of the children, their cognitive interests, available material, topics of previous educational activities, etc.

So how do you plan a walk?

For example, in the morning the child attended intellectually rich classes. He worked actively, but his head worked more; the child’s mental abilities were aimed at completing a specific cognitive task.

How to build a walk in this case? (How do you think…?) . Put stress on your legs and body! More intense movement, with a good amplitude, covering a large area, with running, with noise, to complement what was missing in the course of the day. Moreover, it is good to offer children as much free movement as possible, to fill their activities with images, imagination, fairy tales, heroics, and various roles that will involve children in the game.

After musical and physical education classes, let’s call them intensive motor activities, you need to try to harmonize the child’s state and involve him in observation, examination, and concentration tasks so that he can concentrate on an interesting object or activity.

It is also necessary to provide for the possibility of a healing effect in physical and mental terms. A properly organized walk is the most accessible means of hardening a child’s body.

What form of walking should I choose?

One should not abandon the traditional form of conducting walks; moreover, they should take up the majority of the time in the practice of organizing work with children. But along with this, experts and teachers offer five more types of thematic walks: hiking walks, entertaining walks with a character, event walks, labor walks, sports walks.

Walking - hiking is an organized type of activity, during which health-improving tasks are solved, motor skills and physical qualities of children are improved, their cognitive needs are satisfied, love and aesthetic attitude towards nature are cultivated. They should be carried out with children of older preschool age. The optimal number of such walks is two or three per year. If you conduct them more often, these walks may lose their attractiveness, and children’s interest in them will decrease.

Entertaining walks with a character are aimed at creating a positive emotional background, emotional and psychological relief for children, and satisfying their need for physical activity.

The character helps to interest all the children in the group, to involve them in joint play activities, observations, and work.

The walk-event is dedicated to a specific topic (Cosmonautics Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day, City Day, Knowledge Day, etc.) or an event in the kindergarten (a new play complex was installed, sports equipment was installed, the sand in the sandboxes was updated, etc.). An event walk (thematic walk) helps the teacher emphasize the importance of the event, clarify their knowledge, and find out the nature of perception of a certain topic.

Work assignments predominate in walks - labor actions; pupils are introduced to different forms of work in accordance with the season and weather conditions. Children develop an understanding that working in nature is not a game or entertainment, but a serious activity. On such walks, children learn to work collectively, together.

Sports walks

A sports walk is a special type of walk that uses a variety of elements of children's activities on a sports theme.

The goals and objectives of a sports walk include improving health, preventing fatigue, physical and mental development, and optimizing the physical activity of children.

When properly organized, a walk has a hardening effect on the child’s body in natural conditions, and the level of physical fitness of preschool children increases.

The emphasis in such walks is on developing physical qualities, cultivating an interest in sports and a healthy lifestyle.

Walks can be held at least once or twice a month on those days when directly educational activities are organized that require a lot of mental stress, or directly educational activities in artistic creativity.

During a sports walk, you should alternate tasks with high physical activity and games of low mobility, team games and subgroup, individual exercises.

Organizing a sports outing involves introducing students to various sports and athletes. An excursion or a targeted walk to a stadium (city, school, courtyard) is possible. Watching how athletes or schoolchildren are engaged will help to arouse interest in preschoolers and a desire to play sports.

A sports walk cannot be filled only with motor activities. It is recommended to select tasks of a cognitive nature and a sports orientation. For example, didactic games (“Summer and winter sports”, “Which sport is the odd one out here”, “Find out by the silhouette”, “Who can name more sports with a ball”), attention games (“Is the starting position when throwing correct, running"), on the imagination (“Imagine a sport”). You can also include literary tasks (riddles, counting rhymes, poems).

During a sports walk with children of primary preschool age, you can organize a variety of active games of a plot nature, including basic movements. You can build mock sports grounds where older students will play with younger ones, give them motor tasks, and teach them certain motor skills.

You can talk with older preschool children about the history of the development of sports, introduce them to ancient and modern sports games, and talk about the Olympics. You can introduce role-playing games “Olympics”, “Sports Clubs”, “Football Match”, in which students will be able to try on the roles of a commentator, judge, spectators, athletes, ticket sellers, etc.

Starting from the older group, team sports games adapted for preschool age should be introduced: pioneer ball, football, hockey, volleyball, tennis, etc. You can tell students about folk games that were popular in the childhood years of their parents and grandparents.

It is advisable to devote at least half of the time of the entire sports walk to sports games.

The scenario for the sports walk is drawn up by the physical education teacher together with the group teacher.

It is important to distinguish such walks from sports events - carefully prepared events for children that require them to have certain motor skills.

Sports walks provide students with some freedom of choice (for this, several options for tasks, games, and exercises should be selected), while their interests and desires are taken into account. Outings are not as strictly structured as sports events and entertainment.

A walk is a discovery every time, it’s free time for children, communication with the world, with each other. In the confined space of a group, the child is still a little constrained, the walls act on him with their stability, they dictate order.

When a child ends up on the street, he becomes more like himself. Playing on the street allows you to see what kind of child he really is.

And therefore, the main task of the teacher’s pedagogical work during a walk is to provide: active, meaningful, varied, interesting activities for children.

Scenario of a sports walk “Fun Starts” for children of senior preschool age.

Fairy tales and stories about the benefits of physical education and sports

(for children of senior preschool age)

Magic nose

And what magical things don’t happen in the world!

The young magician and sorcerer Anton Sidorov had a magical nose. Enjoyed it

Anton told them this: he made the desired wish, after which he wrinkled his nose and... sneezed.

The wish was fulfilled immediately.

Anton Sidorov was in poor health, prone to colds, and therefore sneezed

often. But not all the time. Therefore, it has happened more than once that sneezing in

the necessary, crucial moment was not possible. And no matter how much the young man winced

It was summer. The sneezing thing was pretty bad. Mentor and teacher

Antona is a fifth generation sorcerer, doctor of pseudo-scientific sciences, magician

Santaklausov advised Sidorov to walk barefoot. The sneezing became more frequent and

For some time Anton had no worries with his magical nose. But then

Difficulties arose again: even after getting wet in the rain, I could get

a simple runny nose did not work out.

Events took a serious turn. One day Sidorov did not make it on time

sneeze and a goal flew into the goal of his favorite football team. In another

since the delay led to something that was not at all magical

to escape from the dog of the sorceress Zmeyukina.

After such serious trials sent by fate, Anton treated

the problem of getting a cold with all his usual diligence. IN

the program included various events, which, according to Sidorov,

must have had a detrimental effect on his health: walking through puddles

barefoot, dousing with ice water. However, even adding to this

daily eating two hundred grams of ice cream, Anton achieved only

disappearance of the tendency to sore throat. And now, when the magic nose began

involuntarily wincing, the young magician feverishly wished for the most

urgent and urgent desires to use what has become rare now


When in the winter the young magician began to run through the streets in the mornings

training suit, the last sneezing became more frequent for a short time, and

then... disappeared forever!

So Sidorov lost his magic nose, or rather, his nose remained in place and

all one hundred and five freckles are on him, but his magical qualities have been lost. But

But another miracle happened: Anton became surprisingly healthy and strong.

Fabulously healthy. One might say - magical!

About nuts

Click and the nut cracks.

“Wow, what kind of teeth I have,” Grisha boasted and took the delicious food out of the shell.


“And I can do that,” Sasha couldn’t stand it. He put the nut between his teeth, closed his eyes, clenched his teeth as hard as he could and... “Oh-oh-oh!” the boy shouted. The nut remained intact, but the tooth lay on the palm!

No, you cannot crack nuts with your teeth. But it happens that guys open bottles with their teeth and even pull out nails. And how many candies have been chewed by still fragile, childish teeth!

One day, in the kindergarten where Sasha went, a competition for the best drawing was organized. Sasha really wanted the drawing to be bright and beautiful. A battle unfolded on a piece of paper: soldiers were shooting, tanks were burning. What a fight! In his excitement, Sasha, out of habit, chewed on his pencil, so much so that soon there was a stub left from the pencil. The teacher Olga Nikolaevna walked between the tables and watched how the children drew. She came up to Sasha and said: “Please, Sasha, give me a pencil, I’ll correct your drawing.” Sasha held out a pencil, but Olga Nikolaevna did not take it, but only looked attentively and sadly at the boy. At night, Sasha could not sleep for a long time. I kept wondering why Olga Nikolaevna was so upset. And finally he understood! What about you guys?

Gymnastics and Warm-up

Two girlfriends lived in a fairyland - Gymnastics and Warm-up. Most often they could be found at the stadium (this is a place in a fairyland where everyone plays sports). Many children gathered where Gymnastics and Warm-up appeared. With the Warm-up, the children enjoyed playing quiet games; children also gathered in a circle and did various exercises. Gymnastics was fun and perky. The guys laughed merrily, ran, jumped and played. With such friends, children were not afraid of frost, illness, or boredom.

But then one day, when Gymnastics and Warm-up were returning home a little later than usual, they decided to take a shortcut and walked along a path they had never walked on. The path was overgrown with grass, the trees closed their crowns over it and blocked out the sun. It was damp and smelled of either toadstools or mold. The girlfriends were about to go back when the trees parted and a house appeared in the clearing, from which strange sounds were heard: sneezing, coughing and moaning.

It’s strange, said Razmka, it’s summer outside, and someone is sick.

Let's go in and ask if we need help, Gymnastics suggested.
The girlfriends approached the door, swollen from dampness, and knocked. door to them
opened the pale and sick Cold (Gymnastics and Warm-up never
We met this girl because we had never been sick). Despite the heat,
the girl was dressed in a fur coat, but she was still shaking from the cold.

How could you get sick - your friends asked - it’s warm outside?

But I didn’t go outside - Cold answered - why, it’s cool in the house,
The sun doesn't bother you, just lie down and relax. Just a cough and runny nose
overcome, they just don’t get through. I already have grandmother Yagushka Bessmertnovna and
she brought a tincture of leeches and lashed her back with nettles - nothing
It helps, but it only gets worse.

Do you want us to treat you with our own means? - suggested Warm-up and Gymnastics.

  1. What, swimming in chicken feathers or wiping down with frog slime? - sluggishly
    asked Cold.
  2. But you'll see!

When Cold appeared at the stadium in her fur coat (this was at the height of summer), the guys were very surprised, but happily invited her to the game “First”. The cold was boring, and somehow lazy. Over time, the exercises began to become more precise, the movements became dexterous and confident, and in general she began to play football better than anyone else. Cold noticed with surprise that she liked going to the stadium, but not lying on her bed at home, that the sneezing and coughing stopped, and her face became ruddy, her skin tanned. The girl fell in love with physical education and sports so much that she began to practice at home. And they began to call her not Cold, but Exercise. And everyone forgot about the old name, because it no longer suits her.

Forest fairy tale

In one fairy-tale forest lived the little hare Fluff, the chipmunk Nut and the bear Trisha. Every day they met in the clearing, played, ran, jumped and had competitions. Only Trisha, when he came to the clearing, immediately climbed into the bushes and ate raspberries. The animals called him to play, but the little bear always refused. He was too lazy to run along the planks and jump from stump to stump. For Trisha, nothing was better than eating a couple of pots of honey and lying in the sun. Therefore, Trisha was clumsy, lethargic and sleepy. One day there was a strong fire in the forest. All the animals fled from the fire. Only Trisha immediately began to feel out of breath from running, he got stuck in ravines for a long time, and had difficulty climbing over fallen trees. Fluff and Nut could not leave their friend in trouble. They grabbed the bear cub by its thick paws and ran with all their might. When the animals ran along the bridge across the river, the bridge broke under the bear’s weight. Miraculously, the friends managed to reach the shore. Trisha realized how bad it was not to engage in physical education and sports, and promised his friends to do morning exercises every day, run and jump in the meadow.

Two brothers

Once upon a time there were two boys - Vitya and Zhenya. Vitya looked like Zhenya, and Zhenya looked like Vitya like two peas in a pod, because they were twin brothers. Yes, their hair was brown, their eyes were blue, and they were the same height. But for some reason Vitya grew up cheerful, vigorous, cheerful, and Zhenya grew up sad, tired, lethargic. This happened to the brothers because one of them loved to harden himself, did exercises in the morning, and was often in the fresh air. And his brother in the morning, instead of doing morning exercises, liked to sleep longer, instead of dousing himself with cold water, he liked to eat five cakes, instead of walking, he liked to play on the computer. In general, I did anything but physical education.

The most joyful holiday has come - New Year. Vitya and Zhenya were looking forward to it, but this time for some reason there were no gifts under the tree. Before the children had time to get upset, Father Frost and Snow Maiden appeared out of nowhere. The children were very happy to see such guests and wanted to receive gifts as soon as possible. But for some reason Santa Claus is in no hurry to untie his huge gift bag. Having looked closely, Vitya and Zhenya saw a large hole in the bag. “It’s our Grandma Yaga who won’t calm down, she’s always thinking about how to ruin the children’s holiday,” the grandfather explained, chuckling into his beard.

It’s okay,” said the Snow Maiden, “Now the guys will help us.”
fix everything quickly. We will hold a competition and whoever
If he wins, he will be the first to choose a gift.

The conditions were explained to the children, and their task was as follows: to transfer all the gifts from Santa Claus’s bag to two other smaller ones, but still intact. At the signal from the Snow Maiden, the competition began! The boys tried their best, but Vitya did everything much faster, and Zhenya was very tired after a few minutes. When Vita's bag was already full, he, without hesitation, began to help his brother.

Well, - said the Snow Maiden, - in my opinion, it’s immediately clear who won and why! Vitya, choose any gift that you like.

However, Vitya said that he and Zhenya are brothers and always do everything together, so they will choose gifts together. Vitya looked at his brother with gratitude and thought deeply: “Why did Vitya win so easily?” Do you guys know?

Hare path

Once upon a time there lived a Gray Paw Wolf in the forest. And there was no life or peace for the bunnies from him: either he would trample all the beds with carrots, or he would catch them and drag them away by the ears. The hares thought for a long time about how to cope with the bully wolf. Among them was the desperate Bunny Long Ear. This little bunny came up with the most fun games, and told the longest fairy tales on rainy days, when it was impossible to go for a walk. Even the adult hares looked at the lively baby with respect. So it’s not surprising that it was he who came up with the way to defeat the wolf.

One fine, sunny morning, all the animals gathered in a forest clearing. Noise, din, chirping of birds. What's the matter, what happened? It turns out that on the largest birch tree there is a notice written in large letters: “I, Long Ear Hare, run faster than Gray Paw Wolf.” The Wolf himself came to the clearing. He pushed the animals aside, went up to the advertisement and began to read. The Wolf was not very literate; he read for a long time. And when I read it, I fell down on the grass laughing. He laughed and laughed, and then he pulled the Bunny out of the crowd by the ears and lifted him into the air:

  1. Are you the one who runs faster than me?
  2. “I,” squeaked the Bunny.
  3. Well well! - The wolf even unclenched his paw in surprise.

The little hare plopped down on the ground. Then he jumped up, brushed himself off and said:

I challenge you, Wolf, to a competition. We'll race around
forests along the hare path. If you overtake me, we will all be hares for you
serve: chop wood, cook dinner.

And with you I will clean the chimney! - the Wolf laughed.

I agree,” the Bunny sighed. - Well, and if I overtake you, then you
You will leave our forest forever.

So they decided.

When is the competition? - asked the Bear, who loved precision in everything.

In a year. - Said the Bunny.

The Wolf returned to his hut, lay down on the bed and said: “Well, wife, I will now prepare for the competition - lie on the bed all year, take care of my legs!” The She-Wolf went to the forest store, bought a feather bed and three colorful pillows. She wrapped the Wolf up and covered him with a warm blanket. The Wolf is lying down, only his nose is sticking out from under the blanket. The She-Wolf wanted to ventilate the hut, but as soon as she opened the window, the Wolf jumped up on the bed: “Are you trying to kill me? Give me a cold? Close the window and turn on the stove. And when you go outside, just open the door a little!” I missed it before the competition get sick!"

So the Wolf lay there for a whole year, didn’t get out of bed, took care of his legs. And then one day Magpie flew in and knocked on the window:

Are you lying there, Wolf? All the animals in the clearing have already gathered, just you.
are waiting! Competition today.

On this day, all the animals, young and old, gathered in the clearing. So the Wolf and the Bunny stood side by side on the hare path. The Wolf stands big and shaggy, and the Little Hare is shorter than his boot. The Fox jumped forward: “You’re crazy, scythe, how can you compete with the Wolf! Better run away from here before it’s too late.” And all the animals agreed with her: “The Rabbit can’t outrun the Wolf! He shouldn’t have come up with that.”

The Bear waved his flag and the Wolf and the Hare raced along the hare's path. The wolf jumped - once, twice and immediately overtook the Bunny. All the hares hid behind a bush in shame. They covered their eyes and ears.

Oh oh oh! - Squirrel screamed, - what do I see? I can’t believe my own eyes!
I've never seen anything like this. The Hare and the Wolf are running side by side. Oh, hold on
me, otherwise I’ll fall off the branch. The Hare overtook the Wolf, that makes me feel good
it is seen. The Hare runs ahead of the Wolf, only his heels sparkle. And the Wolf is for
he stomps his boots, puffs, puffs, poor fellow. In fifteen minutes the hare
I ran around the whole forest and wasn’t even tired, just a little out of breath. The animals are already
They began to disperse when the Wolf arrived. Lost one of my boots somewhere
limps. He saw the Bunny and growled with rage: “I’ll take you, Bunny, now
I’ll eat it!” “No, Wolf, you won’t eat it,” said the Bear, who in everything
loved precision, “you’ll have to leave our forest, that was the agreement!”
There was nothing to do, the Wolf and the She-Wolf collected their things, packed their suitcases and went
seek shelter in another forest. When they were already leaving the forest, the Bunny came from behind
the bush jumped out:

Fizkult-hello! - shouts - Don’t come back to us again!

Tell me goodbye, how did you manage to overtake me? -sullenly
The wolf asks.

And it’s very simple, while you were lying on the feather bed, taking care of your paws, I was taking care of my paws
trained. I got up early, did exercises, and doused myself with cold water.
Every day I ran along the hare path!


1. Egorov B.B., Garipova I.O. Kindergarten and family (new forms of work with parents): Methodological manual / Team of authors, ed. B.B. Egorova. - M.: NP "Drozd", 2009. - P. 91-97.

for children of senior preschool age

physical education and sports

  1. Akselrod, E. Are you tired, bike? On the other shore: [poems] / Elena
    Axelrod; drawn by Elena Belousova // Kukumber: literary-
    illustrated magazine for children. - M. - 2009 .- No. 3 .- P. 49.
  2. Allenova, E.. Winter fun: [Paintings by artists on the themes of winter and
    winter fun - sledding, ice skating] / Ekaterina Allenova //
    Murzilka: monthly literary and artistic magazine for children
    primary school age. - Moscow. - 2010 .- No. 12 .- P. 17 .-
    (Murzilka Art Gallery).
  3. Barto, A.L. Exercise: [poem] // Barto A.L. Collected works in 4 volumes -
    M.: Khudozh.lit., 1981.- T.Z.- P.287.
  4. Berestov, V.D. Ski trail: [poem] / Valentin Berestov;
    drawn by Olga Demidova // Kukumber: literary-
    illustrated magazine for children. - M. - 2008. - No. 10. - P. 10.
  5. Weizman, M. Kravtsov; Gymnastics; Champion: [poems] / Mark Weizman;
    drawn by Yulia Rodionova // Kukumber: literary-
    illustrated magazine for children. - M. - 2009. - No. 6. - P. 25.
  6. Zaitsev, G.K. Lessons from Aibolit: growing up healthy / G.K. Zaitsev. - St. Petersburg. :
    Childhood-Press, 2006 .- 40 S.: ill.
  7. Ivanov, A. A. How the Hare learned to swim: a fairy tale / A.A. Ivanov; Artist V.G.
    Arbekov.- M.: AST-PRESS, 1995.- 16 p.: ill. - (Cartoon fairy tales).
  8. Ilyin, E.I. Everything is here - from A to Z - a sports family / E.I. Ilyin; Artist
    V. Nagaev. - Moscow: Physical culture and sport, 1977 .- 28 p. : ill.
  9. Isaeva, E.I. For the little ones / E. I. Isaeva. - 4th ed., revised. And
    add. - Moscow: Physical culture and sport, 1977 .- 118 p. : ill. -
    (Physical education and health)

10. Kvitko, L. M. On the rink; Sledging; Runners; Skiers: [poems] // Kvitko L.M. To my friends: poems.- M.: Det. lit., 1969.- P.71, 129, 273, 276.

eleven . Koshkin, M. F. If you throw a ball into the sky: [poems for juniors. school age] / Mikhail Fedorovich Koshkin; Drawn by V. Sushko.- [Kuibyshev: Book. ed., 1970].- p. :ill.,

12. KpanueuH, V.P. Boy with a sword: a story / V.P. Krapivin; Rice. E. Medvedeva.- M.: Det.lit., 1976.- 320 p. : ill. - (Library series),

13. Marzan, N. How dad brought Zhenyurka into sports: [story] / Nikita Marzan; drawn by Larisa Ryabinina // Kukumber: literary and illustrated magazine for children. - Moscow. - 2010 .- No. 3 .- P. 48-52. - 191 p.: ill.

14. Marshak, S.Ya. Ball: Poems by S. Marshak / S.Ya. Marshak; Rice. A. Pakhomova.- L.: Artist of the RSFSR, 1979.- 12 p. : ill. - (From the best Soviet children's books).

15. Mikhalkov, SV. Uncle Styopa and Egor: [poems] / St. Mikhalkov; Artist IN.

Nagaev.- Moscow: Physical culture and sport, 1970 .- p. : ill.

16. Mikhalkov, SV. Ski track and stump; Cyclist; About mimosa: [poems] //

Sergey Mikhalkov. Fun day: Poems and fairy tales. - M.: Det. lit., 1984.-

P.11, 178,206.

17. Nosov, N.N. Our skating rink: [story] // Nosov N.N., Nosov I.P. All stories andstory.- M: Bustard-Plus, 2004.- P.80. 18. Prokofieva, S.L. Rosy cheeks / S.L. Prokofieva, G.V. Sapgir; ArtistN. Alexandrova and others - 3rd ed. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1989 .- 191 p.: ill.

19. Sergeev, A. Can you swim?; How Brother Goat Chewed a Rock: (from

American folklore) / Andrey Sergeev; Drawn by Maxim Pokalev

// Kukumber: literary and illustrated magazine for children. - M. -

2009.- No. 5.- P. 51.

20 . Uspensky, E.N. Ice / E.N. Uspensky; Artist A.M. Eliseev.- M.:

Physical education and sports, 1973 .- 20 p. : ill.

21. Shapiro, F.B. Fun class; Physical education lesson: For children from 6 to 12 years / F.B. Shapiro; Comp. F.B. Shapiro; Artist N. Kudryavtseva.- M.:

Ast-Press, 1996.- 16 p. : ill. - (Learning by playing: In 9 books / Designed by V.

Panteleev; Book 3) .

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