Contribution is your victory Sberbank conditions. Sberbank deposit “I remember

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The Great Victory means a lot for each of us, therefore not only people, but also the largest organizations of the country try to join in its celebration in one way or another every year. Sberbank of Russia, in honor of the 70th anniversary of this significant event, offered current and potential clients to open a special deposit called “Your Victory”.

In order to use this unique banking product, it is enough to have at least 10 thousand rubles which had to be deposited during April-May 2020. The contribution Your Pobeda from Sberbank has one interesting feature: the larger the amount of funds deposited, the greater the percentage charged on them.

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However, speaking about this banking product, perhaps, it is worth focusing first of all not on one's own benefit, but on the support of veterans provided with its help.

Prerequisites for the appearance

Due to the difficult situation that has developed in our country in recent years, the entire economy, including the banking sector, is suffering.

In such circumstances, customers are trying to find the most advantageous offers that will allow them to at least not be in the red with the next round of inflation. In addition, many began to worry about whether their deposit was insured, and whether they could get their money back if suddenly another bank went bankrupt.

Against this background, it is important for banks to demonstrate stability in order to attract customers, as well as regularly launch new products on the market that provide them with a competitive advantage. One of these products can definitely be called the Vash Pobeda deposit from Sberbank.

The end of 2020 was marked by a significant increase in inflation and a depreciation of the domestic currency. According to the Central Bank, during the year there was an increase in the volume of foreign currency deposits by almost 1.9 trillion rubles.

The exchange rate of the ruble is largely dependent on the stability of the country's economy, and with each occurrence of serious problems, there is an increase in deposit volumes in foreign currency and a fall in rubles.

This phenomenon is explained by the greater stability of the dollar and the euro, which enable depositors, if not to earn, but at least to keep their savings guaranteed.

The onset of some stabilization of the situation with the ruble in the first half of 2020 calmed the panic mood, and our fellow citizens again carried money to banking institutions, although the latter began to offer less attractive rates.

Due to the significantly higher profitability of ruble deposits compared to foreign currency deposits, deposits in the national currency began to gain popularity again.

After the ruble managed to strengthen in the spring, the Central Bank lowered the key rate, which led to a change in the conditions offered by commercial banks for deposits.

Naturally, the reduction in rates had a negative impact on the attractiveness of the products of credit institutions, which, in order to fight for customers, had to look for non-standard approaches and make some kind of exclusive offers.

One of them was the deposit program of Sberbank, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War. It combines rather high rates with the opportunity to feel like a patron of the arts, which appealed to a large number of customers.

Registration of the deposit program "Your Victory" in the branch of Sberbank

Service Details


Deposit currency Rubles
The minimum amount of the deposit 10 thousand
Duration 6 months
Time to receive interest At the end of the stipulated period
Possibility to increase the amount during the term Missing
Possibility of partial withdrawal Present, but with certain restrictions
Capitalization Not provided
Possibility of early termination of the deposit agreement Present, but in this case, the payment is made at the demand rate - 0,1% per annum
Extension of the term of the deposit Not provided
Rate growth over time Missing
Opportunity to open a deposit remotely Present, using branded Internet banking

Interest rates

The principle of calculation and payment terms

This banking product provides for special conditions that have a limited validity period of six months. Although after the end of this period there is no need to withdraw the deposit from the bank, since it will be automatically extended but already on completely different, unfavorable conditions, - 0.1 percent per annum.

One of the features of the deposit is that the percentage depends on the amount deposited: the larger it is, the higher the percentage and, accordingly, the depositor's profit. It should only be borne in mind that the interest rate is indicated in annual terms, while its terms are calculated for six months.

Accordingly, by introducing from 10 thousand to half a million rubles, after six months you can additionally receive 6 percent from the amount, from half a million to a million - 6.25 percent over a million 6.5 percent.

One ruble from each thousand invested under this program will be directed to provide comprehensive assistance to those who had a chance to personally experience all the horrors of the war

Amount Control Example

Let's look at specific examples of how much profit you can get on this deposit program, depending on the amount deposited:

The main advantages of the deposit Your Pobeda from Sberbank

The main advantages of this deposit are:

  • shortened reporting period - interest is calculated not once a year, as in traditional deposits, but once every six months;
  • the possibility of withdrawing accrued interest at the end of the six-month period, while leaving an irreducible amount on the account (at least 10 thousand rubles);
  • early withdrawal of the deposit at any time without penalty;
  • high interest rate compared to other similar offers of banks available on the market;
  • the possibility of depositing funds remotely, without visiting a bank branch, through Internet banking;
  • the possibility of opening a deposit by citizens of other states upon providing a minimum package of documents;
  • stability and security of funds, confirmed by many decades of Sberbank's flawless work.


Sberbank has launched a special “Your Victory” deposit with increased interest rates, timed to coincide with the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The “Your Victory” deposit can be opened for a period of 6 months, the minimum investment amount is 10 thousand rubles. Interest on the deposit is calculated at the end of the term, and the maximum rate is 13% per annum. In addition, under the terms of the product, the client is given the opportunity to take part in a charity program conducted by the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "Russian Union of Veterans" and provide assistance to veterans.

“Support for socially vulnerable segments of the population is an important part of Sberbank's activities. The Bank is aware of its responsibility for the implementation of socially significant projects and treats veterans with special care. The launch of the Your Victory deposit will help provide targeted assistance to veterans and war invalids,” commented Natalya Alymova, Director of the Department of Retail Non-Transactional Products at Sberbank.

The unstable economic situation in the country also affects the banking sector. Interest on fixed-term investments varies with the ruble, and banking organizations have to pay considerable attention to the problem of attracting customers.

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In order to maintain the interest of depositors, financial institutions need to update the line of investments. Sberbank does not lag behind the rest and offers the “Your Victory” deposit.

About bank

Sberbank is a Russian commercial banking organization, one of the largest banks in Russia and Europe. Controlled by the Central Bank of Russia. The full name is Sberbank of Russia Public Joint Stock Company.

Sberbank is a universal banking organization that provides a wide range of banking services.

The share of Sberbank in the total assets of the Russian banking sector was 28.7% as of January 1, 2020; in the market of private deposits - 46%; the lending portfolio amounted to 38.7% of the total issued loans to the population.


The ruble deposit "Victory" Sberbank bears significant rates of 12-13% per year, it also gives from every 1000 rubles. one ruble to the charity "We are with you, veterans", which was founded by the all-Russian company "Russian Union of Veterans".

The deposit is opened for six months. The smallest amount to open is 10 thousand rubles. so everyone can multiply their money and give part of the earned funds to veterans. In case of premature withdrawal of funds from the account, the rates will be equal to "on demand".


How to open a Pobeda deposit in Sberbank?

You can open a deposit in Sberbank by visiting its branch.

For this you need:

  • Go to the bank branch with the necessary documents.
  • Provide the bank employee with all the necessary data.
  • A bank employee will identify your identity using your passport, offer to sign an agreement with the bank on banking services.
  • Deposit the necessary amount of money into the account.

You can also deposit money into your account using Sberbank Online. This is a good opportunity to save time, view all the necessary data on the network and perform the necessary operations without leaving home.


Interest on a deposit in Sberbank is from 12 to 13%, depending on the amount of the investment.

If the deposit amount is from 10 to 500 thousand rubles, then the deposit rate will be 12%, if from 500 thousand rubles. up to 1 million rubles - 12.5%, if the deposit amount is more than 1 million rubles, then the rate will be 13%.


Video: Deposit with higher interest rates

Interest accrual

In Sberbank, there is a prolongation of the deposit, but given that interest is accrued only at the end of time, during the prolongation period they can be transferred to another account or saved for capitalization to the preference of the depositor.

Capitalization is the accrual of interest for the second reporting period on the initial amount with added interest. If you put 10 thousand rubles into the account, 12% per year will run into them, the following will come out in six months: multiply 10 thousand by 12%, divide by 2 equals 10,600 - this is the accumulated amount from 10 thousand rubles.

For the next six months, capitalization is already made from the amount of 10,600: 10,600 x 12%: 2 \u003d 10,600 + 636 \u003d 11236 - this is how funds are capitalized in 10,000 rubles for the full year, if you do not withdraw the accumulated interest.

The larger the down payment, the greater the income when capitalizing money. If you withdraw interest, leaving the amount of a non-reducible deposit of 10 thousand rubles, then the accumulation procedure starts over.


Since January 11, 2005, Sberbank has taken part in the investment insurance program. Starting from this period of time, your money, which is stored in Sberbank, is insured for 700 thousand rubles.

In other words, investment insurance at Sberbank guarantees you that in the event of a bank failure, the funds will be returned to the client within two weeks. Thus, the investor receives a guarantee of saving his money.

The documents

To open a deposit in a savings bank, you will need a package of papers. For physical persons - a passport with registration. An identification code may also be required.

For legal persons - an application for accession. The application form can be obtained from a branch of a banking organization or on its website.

The documents


Interest income received on bank investments is divided into two parts: non-taxable personal income tax and taxable. The part of the profit that does not exceed the profit received at the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, increased by 5%, is not taxed.

Since 15.12.2014 the taxation of profits on investments has been working. At this time, interest on deposits that are placed at lower rates than the refinancing rate plus 10%, that is, at a rate of less than 18.25% per year, is exempt from personal income tax.

How to replenish the deposit?

There are several ways to replenish a deposit in a banking organization:

  • Through a bank office. You need to take your passport, investment agreement, savings book and money with you. Contact a bank employee, fill out an incoming order and deposit funds at the cash desk.
  • through another bank. To transfer, you need to know the details of your banking organization and investment account. They must be written into the agreement. To transfer, you need to come to the bank branch, fill out the transfer form, register all the details. Pay a commission for the transfer and deposit money into the account through the cashier.
  • If you have a bank card, you can deposit money through an ATM.
  • Through the online office. To do this, go to a banking organization to obtain data for authorization and instructions on how to act in your personal account of your banking organization.
  • From a virtual wallet. To do this, you need to know the details of the investment and view the conditions, rules for transferring a virtual wallet.


In order to withdraw funds from the account, you need to go to the nearest Sberbank office with a passport, savings book and an agreement. A bank employee will check the papers, verify the amount of accrued interest and issue the required amount of money or direct the client with a coupon to the cashier.

Also, the client can open a card account and withdraw money from it. You can receive funds from a card account at the Sberbank office through the terminal. In this situation, you need to show the bank employee your passport and card.

The bank employee will offer the cardholder to hold the card with a magnetic tape in the terminal slot, at this time the information from the card is read, then enter the pin code. A bank employee will print a check, you need to sign it and receive money.

How to close?

When opening an attachment, an agreement is drawn up, which specifies the operating time of the deposit.

At the end of this time, the investment is either closed or extended, and the accumulated interest is paid to the client. But there are times when you need to close an investment in Sberbank urgently, before the time runs out.

For this you need papers:

  • The proof of identity that was used when opening the attachment.
  • Bank investment agreement.
  • Savings book, if issued.

With papers, the client goes to the branch of the banking organization where the deposit was opened. In another office, the deposit cannot be closed.

The client writes an application of the designated form for closing an investment in a banking organization and passes it to a bank employee. A bank employee checks the correctness of filling out the paper, extinguishes the savings book and gives the money.

You can also close the attachment through an ATM or terminal that has the Sirius authorization system. These self-service devices are located in bank offices. They have a clear interface, and a number of actions coincide with the actions in Sberbank Online.

To terminate the investment through an ATM, a remote banking service agreement must be drawn up.

How to calculate?

For the previous calculation of profit on an open investment of Sberbank, you need to calculate the interest earned. This can be done using special formulas online and using the Sberbank service.

Ordinary interest without capitalization is calculated according to the formula: Sp = (Sv*%*Nd)/Ny

  • Sv - attachment size,
  • Nd - the number of days of admission,
  • Ny is the number of days in a year,
  • % is the rate divided by 100.

Compound interest with capitalization is calculated according to the following formula: Sp = Sv*(1+%)n-Sv

  • Sp is the value that is being sought,
  • Sv is the total amount of funds contributed,
  • % - bet size during capitalization
  • n is the number of periods.

Today, deposits in Sberbank are less profitable than in many other banks. However, residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar and many other Russian cities, when choosing a place to invest, often choose this particular bank as the most reliable one.

The line of deposits for individuals in Sberbank today is simple and understandable:

√ at the maximum percentage - "Save";
√ replenishable - "Replenish";
√ with replenishment and partial withdrawal of money without loss of interest - "Manage".

In addition to offers from the basic line, Sberbank offers seasonal promo deposits several times a year, but today there are none.

It should be noted that for clients of retirement age - on deposits "Save", "Replenish", "Save Online", "Replenish Online" the maximum interest rate is set for the selected period, regardless of the amount. See the conditions and interest rates of Sberbank offers for pensioners >>

Sberbank deposits can be opened in Russian rubles and foreign currency (US dollars). It is possible to make deposits in the branch and online via the Internet. There are special offers with increased profitability for premium customers >>

Here, perhaps, is all the general information that you need to know before studying in detail the interest rates and conditions of deposits in order to identify the most advantageous offer.

How to choose the most profitable Sberbank deposit for today - in 2020

We will answer this question based on what goals the client pursues when opening a deposit with Sberbank. Let's say he wants...

Withdraw money from the deposit at any time

In this case, the only, and therefore the most profitable option for the client will be the execution of the “Manage” deposit. There are two ways to open it: at a bank branch or remotely. The second option is more profitable.

Deposit of Sberbank "Manage"

A deposit for the safe storage of your savings with the possibility to withdraw part of the funds before the expiration of the deposit without loss of interest. Refillable. Opens at a branch, via the Internet or at an ATM.


☑ Minimum amount: 30,000 rubles / 1,000 US dollars.

☑ Partial withdrawal without loss of interest: up to the level of the minimum amount of the minimum balance without loss of accrued interest.
☑ An increase in the interest rate: when the deposit amount increases to the next amount gradation and when an additional agreement is concluded to increase the amount of the minimum balance.

Terms of interest

  • Interest is calculated monthly on the entire amount of the deposit (the interest rate depends on the amount of the minimum balance).
  • Accrued interest is added to the deposit amount, increasing income in the following periods.

Interest rates

(without capitalization / with interest capitalization)

In rubles

Term and minimum balance

3-6 m.

6-12 m.

1-2 years

2-3 years

3 y.

from 30 000
with capital.


from 100 000
with capital.


from 400 000
with capital.


In US dollars

Term and minimum balance

3-6 m.

6-12 m.

1-2 years

2-3 years

3 y.

0.20 / 0.20

0.25 / 0.25

0.30 / 0.30

Replenish your deposit at any time

In this case, there are 2 options: to issue deposits "Manage" or "Replenish". The conditions of the first of them we have considered above. We recall that it will be beneficial if, in addition to replenishing your account, you also intend to withdraw funds when they are required. If there is no need to spend funds from the deposit, then it would be better to issue a “Replenish” deposit.

See also, the most profitable replenished deposits - an overview >>

Sberbank deposit "Replenish"

A replenishable deposit for those who prefer to save and regularly save money in a reliable bank. Opens at a branch, Internet bank or ATM.


☑ Term: from 3 months to 3 years inclusive;

☑ Replenishment: cash - from 1,000 rubles / 100 US dollars. Cashless - not limited;

☑ Interest rate increase: automatically upon reaching the next amount gradation.

Terms of interest

  • Accrued interest can be withdrawn, as well as transferred to the card account.

Interest rates

To date, the profitability of the deposit does not depend on the method of registration. When opening at a branch, Internet bank or ATM, the interest is the same!

(without capitalization / with interest capitalization)

In rubles

Term and amount

3-6 m.

6-12 m.

1-2 years

2-3 years

3 y.

from 1 000
with capital.


from 100 000
with capital.


from 400 000
with capital.


In US dollars

Term / amount

3-6 m.

6-12 m.

1-2 years

2-3 years

3 y.

0.30 / 0.30

0.40 / 0.40

0.45 / 0.45

0.50 / 0.50

Get maximum income

If you do not need to replenish the deposit or partially withdraw money, then you can get a better percentage. In this case, today you can make deposits "Save" or "Give life".

Sberbank deposit "Save"

Deposit of individuals for reliable savings and obtaining a guaranteed stable income. Without the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal without loss of profitability. Opens at a branch, online or at an ATM.


☑ Term: from 1 month to 3 years inclusive;
☑ Minimum amount: 1,000 rubles / 100 US dollars.
☑ Replenishment: not available;
☑ Partial withdrawal without loss of interest: not available.

Terms of interest

  • Interest is calculated monthly.
  • The accrued interest is added to the deposit amount, increasing income in the following periods (capitalization).
  • Accrued interest can be withdrawn, as well as transferred to the card account.

Interest rates

To date, the profitability of the deposit does not depend on the method of registration. When opening at a branch, Internet bank or ATM, the interest is the same!

(without capitalization / with interest capitalization)

In rubles

Term and amount

1-2 m.

2-3 m.

3-6 m.

6-12 m.

1-2 g

2-3 g

3 g

4,10 /

over 100000

4,35 /

over 400000

4,50 /

In US dollars

Term and amount

1-2 m.

2-3 m.

3-6 m.

6-12 m.

1-2 g

2-3 g

3 g

0.65 / 0.65

0.75 / 0.75

0.80 / 0.80

0.85 / 0.85

Deposit "Give Life"

This is a ruble deposit for those who are ready not only to save money, but also to help those in need - children with oncological, hematological and other serious diseases. Every 3 months, Sberbank transfers an amount of 0.3% per annum of the deposit amount to the Podari Zhizn charitable foundation.


  • Term: 1 year;
  • Minimum amount: 10,000 rubles.
  • Replenishment: not provided;
  • Partial withdrawal: not provided.
  • Capitalization: provided.

Interest rate

4.58% per annum with capitalization;

4.50% per annum without capitalization.

The “Memory of Generations” deposit can be made by any client of the bank by contacting a branch of a financial institution or using Internet banking services. This offer is valid for 3 months. In 2018, the deposit can be opened from April 13 to May 31 inclusive.

Sberbank: deposit by May 9, 2018 "Memory of generations". Interest rate

The main advantage of this deposit is a high interest rate of 6.4%-7%. Interest is calculated immediately after the end of the contract. The promotion is valid only for deposits in the national currency (rubles) and does not imply replenishment or partial withdrawal of funds.

Sberbank: contribution by May 9, 2018 is charitable

The contribution is charitable, so each depositor with 1 thousand rubles can donate 1 ruble for the needs of veterans of the Russian Federation. All transfers are made after the deposit is closed and all interest is accrued to its account.

The deposit has a social orientation. By opening this deposit, you can accumulate a considerable amount of funds in a short period of time, as well as provide material assistance to veterans of the Russian Federation.

Sberbank: deposit to the Victory Day "Memory of generations". Deposit conditions

The deposit can be opened for 3 months. The contribution must be in rubles. The minimum deposit amount must be at least 10 thousand rubles. Replenishment and withdrawal of funds from the deposit account is not provided.

The interest rate directly depends on how much was deposited. For example, for amounts from 10 thousand to 1 million rubles, the rate is 6.4%, and for amounts over 1 million rubles - 7%. Money can be withdrawn or transferred to a client account.

Sberbank: Victory Day 2018 deposit can be transferred to a Demand deposit.

If the depositor has not closed the deposit on time, it will be automatically transferred to the "On Demand" deposit.

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