Who is Danila transverse. Danila transverse

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The young Russian humorist Danila Poperechny, also known under the network nickname Spoontamer, is a typical representative of a new generation of artists. Previously, actors of the spoken genre performed on the stage, but now they are becoming stand-up comedians and video bloggers. Cross writes scripts for performances, performs in front of the camera himself and with friends, shoots videos and mounts videos.

He uses animation in his work, does not hesitate to borrow ideas from foreign colleagues. Danila's work has collected more than a million subscribers on YouTube and gathers full halls of spectators during the tours of the stand-up comedian. To evoke emotions in the audience, the outrageous comedian uses obscene language, dirty jokes and black humor. The audience appreciates it.

Childhood and youth

Danila was born on March 10, 1994 in Voronezh. The father left the family even when the son could not speak. Perhaps it was the absence of a father that made the boy grow up early, start making money on the Internet and learn to joke caustically. For the development of early manifested artistic abilities, the future animator studied at an art school, which, however, he did not graduate from.

Starting from the seventh grade of high school, Danila has been studying and living in Kyiv. At the age of 15, he registered his first channel on YouTube, where he posted mostly cartoons of his own production. The teenager studied creative techniques with the Estonian flash animator Dmitry Menshikov, the author of the animated series School 13. In parallel with creativity, he worked as a beta tester of computer games.

After graduating from school, Danila tried to get a higher education at a technical university in Poland. But neither a programmer nor an engineer came out of Poperechny: in the third year, he got bored with his studies, and he gave up this useless (from his point of view) occupation. More than formal education, watching videos of English-speaking colleagues helps a comedian's career. Danila speaks English, Ukrainian and Polish no worse than his native Russian.

Humor and creativity

Danila was recognized after working in projects for "Thank you, Eva", where he did not flash on the screen, but provided the technical part of the videos. Then with friends, and launched the Let's Lime project. On the Spoontamer channel, cycles of videos are laid out on various topics that are interesting for young people. Launched projects can develop, or they can freeze - it all depends on the reaction of the audience.

The number of views, comments and likes under the video helps the artist to choose the direction of further development. The blogger has long and stubbornly gone to success. Only in 2017 did the number of subscribers on Danila's main channel reach a round number with six zeros. In honor of this joyful event, the video blogger shot the video "Millionaire" - as he himself claims, the most positive of his videos.

Transverse has his own opinion on all issues, he jokes (often on the verge of a foul) about politics and social problems. Constantly makes fun of fellow bloggers and competitors - rappers and singers. In 2016, he could not stand the jokes about himself in the Prozharka project, burst into dirty insults against Poperechny and his girlfriend, and also “leaked” the joker’s address to the network.

In the same year, the comedian released the video "Pop Culture", in which, in the form of rap, he ridiculed the desire of church ministers for personal enrichment. However, the blogger never hid atheism, so he is hardly an authority for believers. Fans appreciate in the work of Cross the constant desire to improve the quality of content, diversity of interests and unpredictability.

The young humorist has already had three successful tours on his account, and recordings from concerts continue to gain views on YouTube. In the career of a stand-up comedian, Cross is inspired by the work of and, Doug Stanhope and. He respects and cooperates with Ivan Alekseev () and the surrounding reality constantly throws up plots for scripts for comedy numbers.

Personal life

About the young man’s beloved girl, only the fact that her name is Regina Zhdanova is known for sure and she has been tolerating the antics and jokes of her lover for more than two years. Photos of the couple can be found in abundance on the net. Regina, like Danila, has accounts on Instagram and Twitter. Cross-section also has fans - according to ill-wishers, mostly teenage girls. The biography of the idol is retold in fan fiction and discussed in social networks.

Fans are interested in the personal life of a popular video blogger, but he skillfully hides the real events behind hoaxes and hoaxes. For example, the sensational scandal with the wallet of Ilya Davydov (Maddyson), which was allegedly stolen by Poperechny, a year later was simply called the original PR move of the blogger. However, Danila claims that in the mini-series "Confession" she answers questions absolutely honestly.

One of the questions viewers ask is the artist's income. It is difficult to say whether they want to follow the example of a video blogger and also promote their channel, or just envy, but the calculations are carried out regularly. Money on YouTube comes from views and direct advertising. For a thousand views from Russia, a blogger receives 20-50 cents, and with a million subscribers and even more views, thousands of dollars add up from cents.

Danila Transverse now

Scandalous fame for the Spoontamer video channel in 2018 was brought by a New Year's video in which Cross played a role. The plot in which Kadyrov comes to visit and becomes his main assistant is not a political satire. The parody is replete with references to the "harsh nineties."

Recently Danila Poperechny became a guest. The next issue of the show "vdud" was dedicated to the creative success of the comedian, earnings on the Internet and scandals around his person. During an hour of conversation, Poperechny told Yuri about his views on censorship, on the law on insulting the feelings of believers and on homophobia. There was no obscene language.

Now Poperechny is starting a big stand-up tour in Russia, the CIS and the Baltics. Performances are announced in Moscow (Crocus City Hall) and St. Petersburg (Ice Palace). The comedian plans to cover the Russian-speaking audience in 31 cities with jokes.


  • 2011 - "Thank you, Eva!"
  • 2011 - Joker Blogs
  • 2013 - "Let's Lyme"
  • 2013 - "Cross Blog"
  • 2013 - Don't Switch
  • 2014 - "Confession"
  • 2014 - stand-up tour "WITHOUT MATA"
  • 2014 - "This is Good"
  • 2015 - stand-up tour "X_Y"
  • 2015 - "It's time to bring down"
  • 2015 - "Give Bream"
  • 2015 - stand-up tour "Big Lie"
  • 2016 - "Roasting"
  • 2016 - "Podcast without a soul"
  • 2017 - "Where to laugh?"

To raise a Russian stand-up from your knees - no more, no less. A statement that strikes with its pathos. But this red-haired guy, “beaten” more than once for his tough humor, completely devoid of censorship, continues to mercilessly mock events and opponents. There are no forbidden topics for him, no authorities put pressure on him. His videos on the network are gaining more than 100 thousand views, and concerts are invariably sold out.

All photos 11


Danila Poperechny was born in Voronezh. He grew up in an incomplete family, his father left home when Danya was very young. From childhood, the boy showed extraordinary abilities in creativity, he even studied at an art school, but dropped out of school, realizing that only drawing was not enough.

He was more interested in watching different videos on the Internet. And from the age of 14, he himself began to create animation based on what the guys did on the network. At the age of 15, Danila registers a YouTube channel in his name called Spoontamer and tries himself as a video blogger. “I still wonder if anyone was interested. I was rewatching my first videos and I was cringing at all the bullshit I was filming."

He finished school in Kyiv. At the age of 16, he got a job as a beta tester in a Ukrainian company for the development of computer games. After school, he came to the office and "plowed" until 11 pm. “It was just uncomfortable for me to ask my mother for money for my entertainment every time, and I decided to earn it myself.”

I entered Danila University in Poland. True, the specialty of an informatics engineer did not captivate the guy: in the third year, he got bored with his studies, and he gave up this useless, from his point of view, occupation. Much more than systematic training, watching videos of English-speaking fellow comedians helps Transverse's career.

And it all started with the fact that one day he saw the performance of the American comedian Eddie Murphy and was fascinated. And when he discovered stand-up comedian Louis C.K., he realized that this is what he seriously wants to do. “In America, stand-up and black humor have not lost their relevance for 60 years, and we have the same 60 years - a continuous laughter panorama from KVN and Full House. We don't have this kind of culture. No wonder people don't want to accept something new." “Raise Russian stand-up from its knees” became a fixed idea for him. Danila plunges headlong into her work, boldly exploring the entire “kitchen” of this genre.

In addition to working on his channel, the future comedian helps fellow video bloggers: he writes scripts, edits videos, and reads voiceovers. He trains to read monologues in front of a mirror, studies the construction of jokes.

For the first time, Danila performed in front of a live audience in 2013, and already in the next, together with Ruslan Usachev, he visited 14 Russian cities with the concert program “Without Mat”. The desire to perform live does not prevent the comedian from making fresh videos for his channel. This is how projects appear: “Cross Blog”, “Don’t Switch”, “Confession”, “Without a Soul”. “On YouTube, I do less comedy and more analytics. I took upon myself the responsibility of popularizing the problems, even at the cost of the fact that sooner or later I could be imprisoned for this.

Gradually, the artist's creative life enters a tense and intense rhythm. In 2015, Danila starred in such YouTube projects as "It's time to leave", "Give me a bream!", "This is good!". He participates in the Moscow festival of video bloggers "Vidfest", and also travels to the concert programs "Big Spoon" and "X * Y". In 2016 with the project "Where to laugh ?!" Cross visited 27 cities of Russia and 3 cities of Ukraine. In 2017, Danila launches a new project "Bad Jokes" and the number of his subscribers reaches a round number with six zeros. The video blogger did not remain in debt and, in honor of this event, shot the video “Millionaire”, according to Danila himself, the most positive of his videos. But it was not the only gift for the fans. New Year's parody of Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov made a lot of noise and became the subject of a serious scandal. It happened at the beginning of 2018. In response, the politician, offended by his pride, officially called the parody “a big mistake”, and the humorist – “a half-witted donkey”. The geography of Danila's performances is constantly expanding, and now he has begun a large stand-up tour in Russia, the CIS and the Baltic states. He plans to wrap 31 cities in a web of his jokes. According to the blogger, he breathes new life into Russian stand-up comedy. |

Personal life

Behind the appearance of a cheeky comedian is a vulnerable guy who draws beautiful pictures and speaks English, Ukrainian and Polish as well as his native Russian. It is not easy to recognize the real Danila; in all interviews, Transverse continues to play the role of a cynic. When Danila became a guest of the “vdud” show and the conversation turned to earnings, he sarcastically replied that it was uncomfortable for him to have a lot of money in his wallet, dine in expensive restaurants and understand that there was a happy woman nearby. The comic was wrong. Yes, he does not like pretentious parties and glamorous socialites, but he appreciates his beloved Regina, with whom he has been together for more than two years.

Regina Zhdanova is from the Baltics. She was born on May 20, 1992 and has an art education. She is not fond of either video blogging or humor, but flashes in several of the blogger's videos. Young people often appear together, photos of the couple can be found in abundance on the net, they have accounts on Twitter and Instagram.

Cross-section admitted more than once that he could be a hostage to the image. Sometimes Danila flirts so much that he does not understand where the real world is and where the stage is. One thing the comedian knows for sure is that Regina is a dear and close person for him, separation from whom will be painful. “I’m so selfish that I can’t let Regina leave,” Poperechny once opened up. True, Regina herself admitted that she was not yet ready to connect her life with Danila. The wedding is still far away.

I welcome guests and regular readers of the site website. So, on March 10, 1994, in the Russian city of Voronezh, the world saw the light for the first time. Danila Transverse- now a well-known video blogger and stand-up comedian.
Danila's father left the family early, so the child was raised by his mother.
From childhood, Poperechny discovered in himself a talent for drawing, for some period he even attended art school.
He started animation at the age of 14. It is worth noting that his comrade Dmitry Menshikov (NightWayFarer), known on the Internet for the "School 13" project, was of great importance in the development of the Voronezh as a multiplier.
For about six years, Danila went to school in the city of Kyiv. After receiving secondary education, he entered the computer engineer, but never finished his studies.
Danila is a real old-timer among YouTube figures. His first videos were humorous cartoons. Also, the young man worked for some time on the “Thank you, Eva!” portal, but he always remained behind the scenes, performing only the technical part of the work.

In 2011, on his channel "Spoontamer", registered two years earlier, he began to upload videos from the "Level up" series, in which he shared his thoughts on various topics of interest to him.

Level up: P**zda (2011)

Also, Danya does not forget about animated videos, at the same time trying to find himself in something new.

In January 2013, 10,000 people subscribed to his channel. In the same year, Cross gives his first "STAND-UP" performances.

In general, Danila has a considerable number of city tours with her stand-ups behind her back, including one joint with.

In 2014, he presents the humorous formats "CONFESSION" and "TRANSVERSAL BLOG". He also took part in writing scripts for video clips of a music artist.

In the future, Danila will come up with many more headings for his channel, including "Podcast without a soul", which touches on social issues, dubious laws and simply topics that are difficult to remain silent about.

Danila Transverse who is this?

Real name— Danila Transverse

Native city— Voronezh

Nickname— Spoontamer

Activity— YouTube blogger, StandUp comedian, designer, animator




Danila Cross biography

Danila Poperechny is a popular Russian blogger, comedian, designer and animator.

Danila Cross in childhood

Danila Poperechny, a famous Russian humorist, acting under the creative pseudonym Spoontamer, was born in Central Russia on March 10, 1994. From school, he showed interest in painting. The boy's mother noticed this and sent her beloved child to study at an art school. In 2001, the Poperechny family decides to move to Kyiv.

What age was Dani when he started blogging? Since 2008, the boy begins to get involved in animation. In 2009, Danila registered a channel in his name on the YouTube video hosting called "Spoontamer", and also released his own merchandise of Dani Cross. In 2010, the teenager was very lucky, because he was invited to work at the GCS Game World IT company, which develops computer games. There he works, for some time, as a tester. On the same days, Danila records his first video and uploads it to his YouTube channel. Dmitry Menshikov, aka NightWayFarer, who is working on the animated series "School 13", helped Danila to improve the art of the animator.

After graduating from school, the young man intends to move to Poland and study there as a software engineer. But after spending two years abroad, Danila takes the documents from the institute, realizing that he has chosen the wrong path to adulthood.

Danila Transverse YouTube

Starting to work on your YouTube channel, a young blogger published short animated videos. Somewhat later, he decided to replenish the channel with video clips on topics such as humorous sketches and funny reviews. At the same time, a project called "Level up" appears. In parallel, the future humorist helps familiar video bloggers. At the request of Katya Klep, he writes scripts, edits videos, reads voiceovers.

Recalling his early work, Danila points out that immediately after school he became interested in stand-up performances. After watching videos of Louis C.K., he often practiced reading monologues in front of a mirror. For the first time in front of a live audience, the humorist spoke in 2013. The following year, together with Ruslan Usachev, he visited 14 cities of the Russian Federation with the concert program "Without obscenities".

Working live for the public, the humorist did not forget to shoot fresh videos for his YouTube channel. This is how new projects appear: "Confession", "Cross Blog", "Without a soul", "Do not switch" and a number of others. In 2016, the video blogger shoots a video called "Pop Culture". According to the script, the humorist suggests ridiculing the activities of church ministers. In a short time, the video gained several million views.

In 2015, the artist is invited to appear in such YouTube projects as " This is good!», « It's time to go«, « Give me bream! In the same year, he performs in front of a live audience with humorous concert programs " big spoon" and " X*Y", and also takes part in the Moscow festival of video bloggers," Vidfest«.

2016 was no less eventful. As part of the stand-up comedy project "Where to laugh?!" Danila Poperechny performed in 27 cities of Russia and 3 cities of Ukraine, and also took part in the VK-fest festival, which was held in the Northern Capital of the Russian Federation.

In the same year, the comedian was invited to a meeting of video bloggers " VideoHeat", as well as on the shooting of such video shows as" M/F«, « Real story" and " Roasting". Special mention should be given to the participation of Danila Poperechny in the project " Indie Comedians 2016' as a judge.

The video blogger does not make secrets from his personal life. According to the comedian, he is not officially married, but lives in a civil marriage with a girl named Regina. She is not fond of humor and video blogging. As the artist said in an interview with reporters, his lover was born in the Baltic States, perhaps soon she will be his wife.

Danila Transverse now

In 2017, a real conflict flared up in the Russian video blogosphere between representatives of the Russian rap industry and YouTubers. Musicians have repeatedly expressed their dissatisfaction with the fact that bloggers are taking on the role of rappers. Danila Poperechny, within the framework of this conflict, shoots a video clip called “against the Cross”, where he parodied the famous rapper.

Danila Cross bad jokes

A little later, the comedian launches a new YouTube project called Bad Jokes. In the first issue, together with Danila, a stand-up artist is removed.

In the middle of summer of the same year, the number of subscribers to Danila Poperechny's YouTube channel exceeded 1 million people. As a gift, the humorist shoots a short video clip with a parody of the President of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov. It happened at the beginning of 2018. But this video hurt the politician's pride very much. Somewhat later, the administration of the Chechen Republic published an official letter in which the parody was called a "big mistake" and the humorist was called a "stupid donkey."

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