Danila transverse VKontakte. Danil cross - biography and creativity

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Worth watching his stand-ups.

Hello, my name is Sasha, and I want to tell you about blogger Danil Cross. Danila is a young stand-up comedian, he has many subscribers on the Internet, cool videos are released on his channel. And even if you don't like bloggers, you should learn more about him.

  1. Biography of Danila Cross

    Danila was born in Voronezh. He was raised only by his mother. He studied at art school. At the age of 14 he became interested in animation. For a long time he was known under the nickname Spoontamer. Posted funny animations. Then he switched to the conversational genre.

  2. Animated videos by Danila Cross

    They are easy to find on YouTube if you drive in the nickname Spoontamer.

  3. Stand-ups by Danila Cross

    He posts videos of his performances on his website. channel.

  4. Parody of Kadyrov by Danila Poperechny

    When the All-Russian Santa Claus arrived in Chechnya, he appointed the head of the republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, as an assistant for good deeds. And the blogger Transverse decided to make a parody of this. The video is funny, but Kadyrov's administration didn't like it.

  5. Diss by Danila Cross on Alexey Panin

    Diss is a direction in hip-hop where one rapper shows his disrespect to another. Transverse shot a diss on Panin. The actor was offended and removed the response.

    Reply diss by Alexey Panin

  6. Danila Poperechny banned from entering Ukraine

    The comedian was banned from entering for three years right before his concerts in Kyiv, Kharkov and Odessa. The reason was the anti-Ukrainian views of Cross. Although Transverse himself denies this and wants to "restore justice."

  7. Danila Poperechenny was accused of promoting Sobyanin

    Videos in support of Sergei Sobyanin began to appear on the Internet before the mayoral elections. "Noodle shooter" believes that one of the scriptwriters of the videos is Danila Poperechny.

  8. Danila Poperechny on social networks

    In addition to the YouTube channel, he also maintains an account in

Date of birth: 03/10/1994
Place of birth: Voronezh
Youtube channel:

Danila Poperechny, aka Spuntamer, is a popular red-haired stand-up comedian from YouTube, and also a video blogger.

Brief biography of Danila Cross

Cross was born on March 10, 1994 in the city of Voronezh. In early childhood, together with his mother, the boy moved to live in Kyiv. Danila's father left the family when he was still a baby. In Kyiv, the boy mastered the Ukrainian language and discovered a craving for drawing. That is why the mother of Cross gave him to art school. By the age of 14, Danila was seriously interested in animation. In this difficult matter, his comrade Dmitry Menshchikov became the mentor of Poperechny.

After graduating from school, Danila Poperechny entered the Polish University with a degree in Computer Science. It was during his studies at the university that the guy improved his knowledge of Polish and English. In the third year, Danya Poperechny abandoned his studies and seriously took up drawing cartoons. It was with humorous cartoons that Danila began his career on YouTube in 2011. Gradually, Danila began to dilute the content on his channel and released reviews and sketches. But even despite the efforts and high-quality editing, the views were unimportant.

Youtube and stand-ups

The YouTuber crossed the mark of ten thousand subscribers only after three years of its activity. Most likely, the reason for this was the employment of Cross on third-party projects. One of them is the Spasiboeva portal, where Danya was listed as a screenwriter and performed technical work. But even after leaving Eva, Danila did not concentrate only on his channel. By that time, Poperechny was already a YouTube watchman and knew the whole party from the inside very well. Danya Poperechny became friends with Ruslan Usachev, Katya Klap, Stas Davydov, Eldar Dzharakhov and many others. It was collaborations with such popular video bloggers that helped Poperechny become popular.

In 2014, Spoontamer switched to videos discussing infopods. A year later, Cross held several stand-ups. According to Danila himself, he lifts Russian stand-up from his knees. In 2017, a significant event happened in the life of Poperechny - the first million subscribers subscribed to his channel. Danila is definitely not going to stop at this.

Bad wallet joke

The story that Maddison told on one of his streams brought not a little popularity to Cross. Ilya, in a humorous form, lied that once Transverse stole his wallet from him. This story quickly spread across the Russian Internet and the nickname of the red-haired thief of wallets was assigned to the Cross. A year later, Maddison admitted that he had slandered Danila.

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Danila Cross. A photo: Ivan Romanov

The project "Noodles" by journalist Alexei Kovalev accused the famous video blogger and stand-up comedian Danila Poperechny (almost two million subscribers on YouTube) in creating propaganda videos about Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, as well as a video where opposition leader Alexei Navalny is compared to Adolf Hitler.

Noodles, citing several unnamed and independent sources, claims that Cross has a whole studio to create such videos. “In total, according to the sources of Noodles Filmmaker, there are about a dozen such [videos] in the work, plus a full-length documentary about Sergei Sobyanin, but after we started asking questions, the releases of these videos stopped,” the article says.

“So, our first source, having received a fee, gave us several leads. The first is Ilya Fadeev, the former press secretary of the pro-Kremlin youth organizations StopHam and Piggy Against. He was the first to post on his social networks video clip about "Sobyanin's mistress", literally an hour after some anonymous user with an empty profile uploaded it to YouTube. Our source said that this is a partner of Cross.

Fadeev himself, in a conversation with me, categorically denies that he has anything to do with this video and Danila Cross. It is hard to believe in this, because Fadeev not so long ago presented himself as the creator of the Let's Laima project:

And who was one of the co-owners of the LLC of the same name? That's right, Danila Transverse:

Well, let's find another source. I got hold of the address of one of the coordinators of the informal and heavily conspiratorial media studio that Poperechny created for such propaganda orders. To ingratiate myself, I wrote a letter ostensibly on behalf of the customer and referred to Fadeev. And although they have a terrible conspiracy there, all communication is only verbal or in secret Telegram chats (screenshots of them are also at the disposal of the editors), the coordinator came right into my open arms and instead of ignoring the letter altogether or saying that he was no Fadeev does not know, immediately blurted out: what do you want?

Actually, after that it was already possible not to write anything, because Fadeev’s connection with this video had already been confirmed to us. But the chatty coordinator did not stop and handed over the entire office:

After that, it remains only to blackmail the information we need:

I could post many more screenshots from correspondence with my sources and their secret chats with their coordinators, then all doubts would disappear, but since I promised them anonymity, I have to fulfill it. Soon after "Sobyanin's mistress", another propaganda video was released in the same vein:

In total, according to the sources of Noodlesnimalochnaya, there are about a dozen of them in the work, plus a full-length documentary about Sergei Sobyanin, but after we started asking questions, the releases of these videos stopped. Here is how one of our sources describes the work of the studio:

"I negotiated in a closed telegram chat with one of the project managers. In general, such projects are made by 6-7 animators, each does his part of the work and no one sees the big picture, so none of the animators at the time of work can not refuse, because it's stupid does not understand what is being worked on. Each animator is negotiated by his own manager/coordinator and, accordingly, if one of the animators simply shows his correspondence with the manager, then it is immediately clear which of the animators leaked the information."

In general, the picture goes like this: Danila Poperechny from a pro-Kremlin animator turned into an opposition blogger and stand-up comedian, but all this time he remained in contact with his former partners. Based on "Thank you, Eve!" he created a media studio of dozens of animators who, in the strictest secrecy, rivet such propaganda videos for customers from the government. Animators receive quite a bit, about 100 dollars per order, but how much Transverse leaves for himself - unfortunately, we did not manage to find out, as well as the end customer. If you know anything about this, write to [email protected], anonymity is guaranteed. Transverse himself stubbornly denies everything, but which of us is right - decide for yourself.

Would you like another example of the work of the Transverse Studio? But please. Remember this video from last year? So hellish that the authors quickly removed it, but re-uploaded versions remained. Our source at the Crossroads studio says that the scandal was such that they rushed to remove all the source files and the video itself.

"Noodle shooter"

Cross-section called the material "Noodles Remover" "hilarious crap" and "obvious stuffing."
"This is hilarious crap. The author of this "incredible investigation" wrote to me, he was trying to find my customer. At first I laughed it off, I thought that someone was trolling me, then I started to get to know me seriously, well, he really thinks that I created a secret animation studio , very secret, conspiracy theory, where everyone knows that I'm like a screenwriter (laughs).

Well, yes, perhaps, if I were engaged in propaganda videos, yes, they would definitely look like [Yuri] Degtyarev's old videos that fucked everyone up even before "Thank you, Eva!" broke up. I even really like the image of a dude who has rather liberal views during the day, and at night I turn into a quilted propagandist. There's even something to it."

Danila Poperechny, "Varlamov.ru"

“This is a clear throw-in. Secret Studio, where everyone knows that I am a screenwriter. Of course. they said goodbye and never crossed paths again, even indirectly."

Danila Cross, TJ

A video comparing Navalny to Hitler was published on April 20, Hitler's birthday, three days later was a guest on the show "Cactus" on the YouTube channel "Navalny LIVE". "Come on, kamon, I refuse to believe it" -

Danila Transverse who is this?

Real name— Danila Transverse

Native city— Voronezh

Nickname— Spoontamer

Activity— YouTube blogger, StandUp comedian, designer, animator




Danila Cross biography

Danila Poperechny is a popular Russian blogger, comedian, designer and animator.

Danila Cross in childhood

Danila Poperechny, a famous Russian humorist, acting under the creative pseudonym Spoontamer, was born in Central Russia on March 10, 1994. From school, he showed interest in painting. The boy's mother noticed this and sent her beloved child to study at an art school. In 2001, the Poperechny family decides to move to Kyiv.

What age was Dani when he started blogging? Since 2008, the boy begins to get involved in animation. In 2009, Danila registered a channel in his name on the YouTube video hosting called "Spoontamer", and also released his own merchandise of Dani Cross. In 2010, the teenager was very lucky, because he was invited to work at the GCS Game World IT company, which develops computer games. There he works, for some time, as a tester. On the same days, Danila records his first video and uploads it to his YouTube channel. Dmitry Menshikov, aka NightWayFarer, who is working on the animated series "School 13", helped Danila to improve the art of the animator.

After graduating from school, the young man intends to move to Poland and study there as a software engineer. But after spending two years abroad, Danila takes the documents from the institute, realizing that he has chosen the wrong path to adulthood.

Danila Transverse YouTube

Starting to work on your YouTube channel, a young blogger published short animated videos. Somewhat later, he decided to replenish the channel with video clips on topics such as humorous sketches and funny reviews. At the same time, a project called "Level up" appears. In parallel, the future humorist helps familiar video bloggers. At the request of Katya Klep, he writes scripts, edits videos, reads voiceovers.

Recalling his early work, Danila points out that immediately after school he became interested in stand-up performances. After watching videos of Louis C.K., he often practiced reading monologues in front of a mirror. For the first time in front of a live audience, the humorist spoke in 2013. The following year, together with Ruslan Usachev, he visited 14 cities of the Russian Federation with the concert program "Without obscenities".

Working live for the public, the humorist did not forget to shoot fresh videos for his YouTube channel. This is how new projects appear: "Confession", "Cross Blog", "Without a soul", "Do not switch" and a number of others. In 2016, the video blogger shoots a video called "Pop Culture". According to the script, the humorist suggests ridiculing the activities of church ministers. In a short time, the video gained several million views.

In 2015, the artist is invited to appear in such YouTube projects as " This is good!», « It's time to go«, « Give me bream! In the same year, he performs in front of a live audience with humorous concert programs " big spoon" and " X*Y", and also takes part in the Moscow festival of video bloggers," Vidfest«.

2016 was no less eventful. As part of the stand-up comedy project "Where to laugh?!" Danila Poperechny performed in 27 cities of Russia and 3 cities of Ukraine, and also took part in the VK-fest festival, which was held in the Northern Capital of the Russian Federation.

In the same year, the comedian was invited to a meeting of video bloggers " VideoHeat", as well as on the shooting of such video shows as" M/F«, « Real story" and " Roasting". Special mention should be given to the participation of Danila Poperechny in the project " Indie Comedians 2016' as a judge.

The video blogger does not make secrets from his personal life. According to the comedian, he is not officially married, but lives in a civil marriage with a girl named Regina. She is not fond of humor and video blogging. As the artist said in an interview with reporters, his lover was born in the Baltic States, perhaps soon she will be his wife.

Danila Transverse now

In 2017, a real conflict flared up in the Russian video blogosphere between representatives of the Russian rap industry and YouTubers. Musicians have repeatedly expressed their dissatisfaction with the fact that bloggers are taking on the role of rappers. Danila Poperechny, within the framework of this conflict, shoots a video clip called “against the Cross”, where he parodied the famous rapper.

Danila Cross bad jokes

A little later, the comedian launches a new YouTube project called Bad Jokes. In the first issue, together with Danila, a stand-up artist is removed.

In the middle of summer of the same year, the number of subscribers to Danila Poperechny's YouTube channel exceeded 1 million people. As a gift, the humorist shoots a short video clip with a parody of the President of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov. It happened at the beginning of 2018. But this video hurt the politician's pride very much. Somewhat later, the administration of the Chechen Republic published an official letter in which the parody was called a "big mistake" and the humorist was called a "stupid donkey."

Today we will tell you who Danil Cross is. The biography of this creative person will be presented below. We are talking about a stand-up comedian, video maker, screenwriter and a liar.


Danil Poperechny was born in 1994 in Voronezh. Knows Polish, English, Ukrainian and Russian. In the past, he was a cartoonist. Author of several projects on the resource "Thank you, Eva!". In addition, he is one of the founders of the Let's Laima portal.

Activity on the YouTube project

Danil Poperechny began his work on the portal with animation, but later switched to work in other genres. On his personal channel, you can see various shows, including Joker Blogs, Don't Switch, Confession, Cross Blog. There is also a video podcast called "Without a Soul". Currently, his main channel has more than 200 thousand subscribers, as well as over 16 million views.

That's not all. There is also the so-called "Secret Canal of the Transverse". It currently has over 5,000 subscribers. Danil Poperechny often participates in projects created by other video bloggers. Appeared in Ruslan Usachev's project "It's time to bring down." Replaced several times in "This is Good" by Stas Davydov. "TiH" is a Russian-language Latvian Internet show. It has been in production since 2010 and has 5 million subscribers. It airs twice a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays. The channel is the sixth in the world in terms of the number of views in the "Humorists" section.


Danil Cross is engaged in stand-up. The comedian himself claims that he is lifting the Russian direction of this genre from his knees. He spent 2 joint tours with Ruslan Usachev. The second was called "WITHOUT MATA". Passed through 17 cities. The comedian also embarked on a solo tour called "Big Lie(s)". The next project started in 2015, in the fall. It was a solo stand-up tour.

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