A man who catches women is joking. How to know if a guy is flirting with you

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People fall in love in different ways. Sometimes this is a mild feeling that can even be confused with friendship. Sometimes this strong attraction is like a passion. And sometimes it's something that turns us into complete idiots. When this happens to a girl, she becomes obsessive, talkative, crazy or shy.

When this happens to a guy, he becomes just stupid and can make terrible mistakes. Sometimes these mistakes are so incomprehensible that a girl might think that he hates her rather than loves her. And more often than not, all girls just don’t understand such actions of guys in love, and therefore they leave them.

So it's better to learn to understand the behavior of a man who is madly in love:

1. He gets lost.

Even an already adult, but in love man can again turn into a boy and, at the sight of a girl, begin to stutter, blush, sweat excessively. It’s hard for him to say something, and a guy who doesn’t say anything has no chance to win a girl.

2. He constantly talks about himself.

He tries to convince the girl how good he is and why she should choose him. No, he does not talk about it directly, but he constantly talks about his achievements - from the best of intentions. But, unfortunately, to a girl, he may seem like a selfish narcissist.

3. He acts macho.

He is trying to show that he is the coolest here in order to impress the girl. To do this, he can even humiliate others, show off his muscles. But it's funny and never works.

4. He starts boasting about how many women he had.

This is usually done by sexually insecure guys. But this doesn’t work on girls either, because they don’t want to become just another with him.

5. He tries to hurt the girl.

When a guy is completely stupid, inexperienced, or just a fool, he tries to attract the attention of a girl by touching her with something. It can even be an insult, a challenge. Needless to say, this will not help to achieve her location?

6. He talks too much.

When someone is too nervous, they can say everything, even some nonsense. Just calm him down. He is very afraid of upsetting you.

7. He doesn't take no for an answer.

Sometimes guys start acting like in romantic movies and don't want to accept a girl's rejection. They think they can still get it. But the reality is that you need to respect the choice of the other.

8. He becomes preoccupied.

Some guys think that if they talk about their manhood or sexual achievements, then this will turn the girl on. Nope. This is exactly the reason why these guys are alone.

Many girls, at least once in their lives, asked themselves the question “Is he in love with me?”, with this question you pestered a close friend or colleague. They went over in memory all the words that he had said during the day and in vain puzzled over the cherished question. There are several main signs that a guy is in love with you, and now we will look at them.

1. He always wants to be your partner.

If there is some kind of joint task, whether it is a paired test at school or college, or a joint task at work, he always wants to do it with you. You think that this is because you are an excellent student or in good standing with the boss, but not at all. He just wants to be closer!

2. Asks for a walk

This does not mean that every guy who asks you to go out is in love with you. No, but if he often offers to take a walk (to go together to the dining room, to the smoking room, to the library), referring to the fact that it is boring and there is nothing to do. And if this item coincides with other signs, then you can safely conclude that he is in love with you.

3. Constantly teasing you

In this case, men can be divided into two groups:

  • those who will be silent and afraid to say an extra word when falling in love;
  • those who will constantly tease and joke with you

Therefore, if a guy constantly jokes with you, this is one of the signs that he is in love with you. He is interested in your reaction to his sense of humor. And he slowly but surely studies what and how you react to.

4. He watches all the time

Have you ever noticed his gaze on you? But when caught, he averted his eyes. This is his game, a modest flirtation directed at you. Such a look can only mean one thing, this guy is in love with you and is very interested in your special. No one will just waste time seeing what they don't like - remember this!

5. As close as possible

If you are with him in the same room, then he always tries to take a place near you or not far. Or when you are at the same table, he sits next to you. If you ask him something, he tries to come close when explaining. His magnet pulls to feel closeness with you. And, as it becomes clear, this is no accident! The desire for maximum intimacy is another sign that the guy is in love with you.

6. Asks you for help

He constantly asks for your advice, even on issues in which you do not specialize. He may even ask for relationship advice, even though he is not dating anyone. This is a very significant sign, since it is very difficult for men to ask for help or advice. But if he nevertheless turns to you, then this is not just so.

7. He listens and remembers

If he accurately remembers the date of your birthday or the stories you tell. And also remembers some preferences in food or something else. Or maybe he can even tell what you said last week. You know this guy is really in love with you!

8. He makes you laugh

There is nothing more pleasant than the smile and happy laughter of a loved one. So, if the guy you are interested in makes you laugh all the time. If he tries to bring a smile to your face when you are sad, this is the surest sign that this guy is in love with you.

There is such a funny saying “If you stand and look at a girl for a long time, you can see how she gets married” (c). It may be that the guy you are interested in is very shy and timid.

Guys do do really weird things when they meet a girl they like, and sometimes it's hard to figure it out.

Love + men = idiocy

Guys do do really weird things when they meet a girl they like, and sometimes it's hard to figure it out. Sometimes you can even think that he hates you if you do not know how to correctly decipher his behavior.

So read and remember. If a guy does anything from this list, then he definitely likes you.

  • Every time he is near you, he starts to sweat and avoids eye contact. He is very nervous.
  • He overreacts when you mention other men. This is common jealousy.
  • He laughs at your every word. It's such a nervous laugh, and he might even worry that you'll think he's a nerd, but he just can't help laughing.
  • He doesn't want to argue with you. If it turns out that you disagree with him, then he turns on the back and stops arguing so as not to hurt your feelings.
  • He writes all sorts of nonsense to you. He just wants to strike up a conversation with you, but doesn't know how. He can just ask how you are, wish you a good day, or send funny memes.
  • He is constantly trying to get attention. He may say that he goes to the gym, or receives a second higher education. Basically, he's trying to impress you.
  • He's constantly making fun of you. This is what those who are afraid to speak directly about their feelings do. Yes, this is boyish, typical schoolboy behavior, defensive reaction, fear of admitting that he has fallen in love.
  • He is indecisive. He then shows attention, then again goes into the shadows. It's like he's testing the water before he enters it. Although he may just not be sure that you are worth his efforts.
  • If you directly ask him if he likes you, he blushes and denies everything. Although embarrassment is already a rarity today and a sign of truly sincere people.
  • You notice that he wants to look cool. He is very worried to look good, to make it clear that he is in demand with girls, although in reality he just wants to draw your attention to himself.
  • His friends make fun of him in your presence. They probably know more than you. And usually guys tease each other if they know that one of them is in love.
  • His friends are constantly praising him to you. Perhaps he himself even asked them to put in a good word for him in front of you.
  • When you say what you like about guys, he tries to show that he fits your criteria.
  • He's trying to dispel your stereotypes about him or guys like him.
  • You just feel it. Women's intuition doesn't lie. So just listen to yourself.

Based on materials -

Every woman wants to be loved and adored. When a man looks at his chosen one with delight, it is worth a lot. In order for personal life to develop harmoniously, both partners must be sexually satisfied. But at the dawn of a relationship, a woman does not always understand what a man wants from her. To understand, it is enough to carefully observe the young man and correctly evaluate his actions and words. If a man wants a woman, the signs will be quite eloquent.

How to recognize sympathy?

Psychologists identify a number of factors that may indicate that a man has more than just friendly feelings for a woman.

Does a man want a woman?

This question interests every girl at the beginning of a relationship. Of course, the most reliable evidence is an erection that has arisen, but it is not always possible to notice it. Therefore, it is worth looking for other ways that will help determine the desire of a guy. If a man wants a woman, signs such as or gestures will definitely give him away.

How can you tell if a guy is aroused?

Experts advise to pay attention to a number of factors that indicate that a man is excited.

Male confidence

If a man wants a woman, the signs cannot be hidden. Each young man tries to show his individuality in order to conquer the girl, but there are still common features. In the presence of his chosen one, a man can straighten his tie or belt and touch his face.

When he keeps his hands on his belt or on his hips, this is self-confidence and a subconscious call for sex. A man wants a woman to caress these places.

All thoughts are about one thing...

If a man wants a woman, the signs will "scream" about it. A young man can persistently call a girl home for some completely stupid reasons: watch a movie, evaluate his renovation, or help him with the design of an apartment.

When a man thinks about sex, he can say vulgar phrases that sometimes even repel girls. But this is worth reconciling with, since at the moment he is completely focused on his feelings and the desire to have a chosen one.

material side

Many girls often think about what are the signs that a man wants a woman. Signs can also relate to the material aspect. When dining in a cafe, a young man will definitely pay for his passion, and will not offer her to split the bill equally. This does not mean that the woman is obliged to spend the night with him, but the man hopes that she will appreciate his generosity.

Some secrets of male psychology

It has long been known that the representatives of the stronger and weaker sex differ in nature. Therefore, women should not expect from men what they cannot give them. In order for relationships to develop harmoniously, girls must take into account some of the characteristics of men.

Young people do not know how to violently show delight and admiration, they prefer to hide their emotions. Even a minor compliment can be regarded as the highest praise. A woman is unlikely to hear words in excellent form.

Almost all men love to interrupt. They do this not on purpose and do not want to offend or belittle the interlocutor. This type of communication occurs on a subconscious level. The brain of a man is arranged in such a way that he is looking for a solution. Therefore, while the girl sets out the essence of the question, he may already think over the answer and skip the information that, in his opinion, is unnecessary.

When talking with a man, you must first state the main idea, and only then proceed to discuss the details.

Young people love to argue, but a woman should not take this as a quarrel or disagreement. You do not need to prove anything to a man if the question is not fundamental. It is much wiser to agree with him and admit the correctness of his arguments.

When a tense situation arises, it is enough for a woman to touch a man and hug him to extinguish a quarrel. This behavior turns off the logic and tunes it to the emotions.

The most valuable thing is deeds!

The behavior of a man who wants a woman is quite predictable. He will look for meetings with her, call after dates, give flowers and gifts. Do not settle for not making sure that the young intention. If he is sure to prove it with his actions and actions. And when a man needs one-time sex, he is unlikely to take care of and seek the attention of his passion for a long time. Women should remember this, so as not to experience a bitter feeling of disappointment later.

Is it possible to accurately determine whether a guy likes you or not? Sometimes uncertainty can just drive you crazy, and by all means, you want to understand it. And if you want to be 100% sure that a guy is interested in you before “taking a step towards him”, this is understandable and quite natural. Why make a fool of yourself when you can avoid it... How to understand that a guy likes you?

I'll tell you what most guys do and how they act when they like a girl, even if they want to hide it to look "cool". There are always signals that give out.

There are many subliminal signals that are almost impossible to hide, it's a natural behavior when a guy feels something for a girl.

In addition to the obvious signs, you can also find some less obvious signs on this list. They will reveal his real desires, which he is trying to hide, not only from you, but possibly from himself as well!

So, how to understand that a guy likes you:

  1. He says it

Are you kidding? Not at all. I understand what could be more obvious than that?! But, the guy who tells you, “I like you. I love you.” is probably not lying.

Another question is what he puts into this "like"! Whether he wants you to be together, or just wants to get you into bed, after which he will just tell you " I'm sorry but it's gone«.

  1. He asks a lot of questions

He's obviously trying to keep the conversation going with you. He is trying to get to know and understand you. So he keeps asking, and asking... Many questions may not be entirely clear or illogical, but he tries to keep the conversation going and avoid awkward pauses.

He may just ask some questions out of politeness, but as soon as you notice that he asks not only out of necessity, this means that he is interested.

That is, you should not think that he is head over heels in love with you if he asked you: “How are you?”. Use common sense.

If he does not like you, he will not seek meetings with you or start a conversation without business if he is finished with something he does not need (for example, help with something).

But remember, when he sincerely asks questions, tries to get to know you more, digs deeper and deeper, this is a really good sign.

  1. He finds common interests with you

One of the reasons why he asks a lot of questions is he wants some information about you that he can use to hook you up. If you say that you like... And he goes on and on, telling how he likes the same music, movies, or something else just like you, he (perhaps subconsciously) is trying to prove that you fit each other, and have common interests.

The guy you like will usually not get into an argument, on the contrary, he will seem nice and try to be nice.

If there is a lot of “and I like it too” in your conversation, this is a good sign that you can be compatible.

  1. He leans

When you talk to him, he leans towards you. Even if he hears you perfectly. You may be in a bar or club with music, so he will have to lean in to hear you. But still, if he makes an effort to hear you and be closer, this is a great sign. Look at the amount of effort he puts into talking to you. This is the easiest way to determine its relationship. Pay attention to his body movements, gestures, to what his subconscious says.

A normal guy who isn't trying to "act cool" will tend to show a lot of subliminal signs and try to get close to you.

He can also act "cool" around you, but just because a guy acts like he's not interested in you doesn't mean he really feels that way (more on that later).

  1. He approached you

Another obvious thing. Yes, but there are some "buts". If he "accidentally bumped into" you, he probably liked you... Or your girlfriend! And he's just using you as a strategy to get closer to her. Who knows? Either way, a guy who approaches you in a cafe or bookstore, etc. obviously finds you cute.

When he strikes up a conversation, you can ask yourself why he didn't approach someone else. If he most likely chose you on purpose, then it definitely means something.

  1. His behavior changes when you are around

Watch him when he is with friends or other people. How does he behave? Does his behavior change when you're around, or is he 100% the same as he was?

This tends to happen to younger, less experienced guys.

How to make a guy fall in love with you? Read -

  1. He completely ignores you

Some guys use the "I don't give a damn" strategy. So they try to be different, that's their way of thinking.

But he will talk to you in private when no one is around. He probably really likes you, but he doesn't have the courage to approach you when you're surrounded by girlfriends or other guys.

He needs you to give him a sign (just look!) that you are open to talking to him.

Anyway, a lot of times when a guy "sort of" ignores you, it's because he's either not interested in you or he's very interested. It's a trick as old as the world.

Think, in a normal situation where a guy isn't interested in you, he'll be okay with you, and may well engage in casual small talk (depending on the situation), but he won't (usually) completely ignore you.

Guys show mixed signals when they try to hide how they feel. Look for different behavioral deviations. Anything out of the ordinary is usually a good sign.

  1. His body language gives out = he turns to you

You can judge his liking by the body language when he is around. Does he straighten his back or puff out his chest in an attempt to look more masculine? Some guys try to hide their interest; others, on the contrary, show it openly.

It all depends on how confident he is. The problem is that most guys don't want to "fall on their face" and don't want to take risks. Especially in situations that may have social consequences - at work or school, or if he is a family friend, etc.

  1. He treated you

In some cultures, it is normal for a man to treat a woman. If you're with a group of friends and he buys you something, it doesn't mean anything. But then again, if there's only two of you and he insists on paying, either he's just a gentleman in general, or he likes you.

Watch him, does he treat his friends?

If he does this, he's just a generous guy in general and considers you a friend. But if he only pays for his own stuff and then treats you to something, that's a distinct difference. But then another question arises, if he is stingy, maybe he is not the guy you would like to be with?

Again, it really depends on the location, if you're in a bar and he buys you drinks, he might want to make you drunk. In this case, you need to be careful.

  1. He asks for your number

This is another obvious sign that indicates sympathy. Sometimes!

Use logic. If he finds a relatively stupid excuse to get your number, he may want a way to stay in touch with you and ask you out on a date in the future. When he takes your number, and there is a really good reason for this, then perhaps she is only to blame for everything. Nothing more.

  1. He found and added you on social networks

Just one of the "evidence", which, of course, may not mean anything. But if he sends you messages, likes a photo, then this may already mean something. Look for more clues, dig further.

  1. Tries to kiss you

There is nothing to explain here, everything is clear. Even if he was tipsy, it only revealed his subconscious desire. No matter how much alcohol he drank. It's clear that if he wants to kiss you, then he likes you, anyway. The only question is, does he want a serious relationship with you or just a one night stand?!

  1. Hey, my eyes are here!

He knows where your eyes are. But your chest is like a magnet, and sometimes it's hard for him to control himself.

Just look at his eyes and where they're looking... No matter how hard he tries to look uninterested, his look will tell a lot. When you pass in front of him, he will look down on you.

When you speak, he looks at your lips, and does it often... He likes what he sees! The easiest way to tell if a guy likes you is to look into his eyes. What is he looking at when you speak?

  1. Lots of eye contact

Of course, if he is not examining your body, he may like your face. He will look into your eyes when you speak, and he will hold his gaze a little more than other people, but in a way that does not arouse suspicion.

  1. He turns away

If you catch his eye, and he quickly turns away, as if he is busy with something, this is a great sign. Just think, a little nervous about you or trying to hide his interest. This usually happens when you are still not very familiar. In case you know each other, he probably won't look away... in this case, he'll make eye contact, smile, or ask for something to keep the conversation going.

  1. He smiles or laughs (a lot)

Just a smile does not mean sympathy. But when no one said anything particularly funny, this can serve as a signal.

  1. You have a boyfriend?

This is a question guys rarely ask unless they have sympathy. In any case, there must be a reason for such a question. I mean, if he doesn't have feelings, he doesn't care if you're alone or not. This is an easy way to understand whether you are free or not.

If he doesn't ask directly, it may be indirect or implicit. This is another clear indicator that he is interested. Again, this is just one of the signs to note to yourself. The question itself, of course, means nothing.

  1. Agrees with everything

With everything you say. Maybe he does not have his own opinion, but perhaps he does this to make you feel - "you have so much in common." This may be too good to be true.

It's good when your views on life converge, but it's also normal when your opinions differ. Disagreeing on difficult issues can be really fun and educational!

  1. Nervous when you're around

When someone is nervous, you can get infected. These emotions jump from one person to another... Look for signs of nervousness in him when he is around you. When the conversation ends, there is awkwardness, there is tension between the two of you, and he seems to be thinking “what should I say next?”. If so, these are all good signs.

If he is not interested in you, he will not care how he looks from the outside, and will not be nervous.

How to understand if a guy likes you?

  1. He's trying to be alpha

Shy guys will get nervous around you. But more self-confident guys may try to show their masculinity ... Or show their superiority - (money), knowledge, or something else that distinguishes them.

Look for something, some oddity. He will either be shy, or an expressive extrovert who tries to show off his best "features" - anything that you might find attractive in his opinion.

  1. Protects you

You started noticing that when people push you on the street trying to get past you in a crowded place, he positions himself in such a way that they won't touch you; he is trying to protect you to some extent.

He will take the hand, will go ahead to push the crowd. This is another sign of sympathy - he will protect you.

  1. Gets jealous

When you talk to other guys and even more laugh. You can see jealousy on his face or read from his behavior. Just watch. He will try to look funny, but with one eye will check on you, and how you respond to other guys.

He could sigh, get angry, or make a petulant face. Try to understand these little clues.

  1. remembers your name

Let's say you met him once, in the company of your mutual friends ...

Ah, when you met again, he remembered (surprisingly) your name. So at that moment, you were significant to him.

It is also possible that he has a good memory (plus he is smart). Most guys don't remember names, especially at a party.

Seriously, if he remembered your name, that's a good sign.

  1. Remember your birthday

Social networks have one useful feature, they remind you of the birthdays of friends. Imagine if there was no information about your birthday on the Internet, how many people would know about it, or rather remember it? And now he sends you a message with congratulations on VKontakte! If he's not wishing all his friends happy birthdays, he's probably just trying to develop a conversation. Answer him and see how he keeps the conversation going.

  1. Trying to impress

You can think whatever you want, but the guy who bragged about his job, car, money, clothes, accomplishments, etc. is mean (because cool guys know they're cool, that they don't have to show it).

But he also wants to impress you!

Either way, there are many different ways to impress, and trying to present yourself in a good light can signal that he likes you.

  1. He initiates a dialogue

Let's say you're at some party, with a bunch of people. He randomly starts talking to you, asks a question, or smiles.

It doesn't mean that he likes you; maybe he's just being polite. On the other hand, does he do the same with other women around? Always pay attention to how he treats other women around, is his attitude different? Yes? Then this guy is sympathetic.

Shy guys who are waiting for the right moment to show their interest - throw the bait and expect a reaction. Provide an opportunity, and at this time you can observe and check if he has feelings.

  1. Joking and teasing

Constantly mocks you and finds something to hurt? If he jokes with you, trying to make you laugh, or sarcasm is heard in his words, this is a signal for you.

A guy almost never teases a girl he's not interested in. This can be one of the types of flirting (not quite a good option, of course, but what can you do). Either way, it's a sign of interest.

  1. Lingers one second longer

When you run into him on the street, at work, at school, at a party, in a club, on a bus, wherever you are - you start talking to him, and then ... There is a moment when he is about to leave and then ... there is this one tiny little second. He stays a little longer, as if he wants to stay or take you. Then he leaves. Look at this moment.

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