Coaching profession. Coach training

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Coaching is one of the many new words that burst into our lives and became familiar before people fully comprehended them. Coaching - what is it?

This is not a training, although they have much in common, not a direction of psychotherapy, not counseling. Coaching is practiced by a wide variety of people who proudly call themselves coaches, but often find it difficult to explain the principle of their activity.

And the literal translation of the word "coach" is even more confusing, because this concept is translated from English as "carriage", "wagon".

If you do not see the goal in life, or it seems difficult to achieve, if you are tired of running in circles for a ghostly "carrot", then you need a "carriage". She will comfortably take you to the pinnacle of success along the shortest path. This is coaching.

Coaching: general characteristics

Coaching is a personality-oriented activity that provides conditions for self-realization of a person and accompanies him on the path to success.

The specialist who provides this support and creates the conditions is called a coach.

Why coaching is needed

This is a relatively young phenomenon in the social life of society, which became known in the late 1990s in the UK and the USA. But even today, according to statistics on the WPA website - "Academy of Coaching Excellence", in the United States about 50 thousand people consider themselves to be a "coach" profession.

And their number is constantly increasing. There are far fewer coaches in Russia so far. According to the Internet magazine "Secrets of the Firm", there are only 3 thousand of them, but, according to forecasts, over the next 5 years this figure should increase 15 times.

Coaching is necessary in a difficult situation, when a person himself cannot find a way out of it. And often he is not even aware of the problem, but simply feels dissatisfaction with life and a desire to change everything, but does not know what and how to change.

The work does not bring satisfaction, there are no prospects for growth, and the individual does not see himself in any other type of activity. A favorite business that a person is ready to do 24 hours a day does not bring income. And I would like to turn it from a hobby into a business.

Life has faded and lost its colors, the goals that I would like to strive for have disappeared from it.

A woman understands with alarm that her existence has turned into a dull run in a circle: “home-work-home”. And life passes, and fear arises because of its meaninglessness.

Repeated attempts to organize their business ended in failure, and a person gives up and there is a feeling of his own helplessness and mediocrity.

These are all real and familiar situations. Finding a way out of them on your own is very difficult, and often impossible, since a person sees his problems from the inside, and not in relation to the outside world, and is focused on his experiences, and not on prospects.

You can turn to friends for help, but they have enough problems of their own, and few people want to look like a loser in front of their friends.

It is in such situations that a coach is required - an inspirer, a professional in unlocking the potential of a person, which he sometimes does not even suspect.

The coach owns a set of methods and techniques that allow you to comprehend your abilities, see real prospects for activity and ways to achieve success.

Coaching as an activity

There are several areas of social and psychological support for people who want to solve their problems or engage in self-development. They have a solid history, authority and accumulated baggage of methods.

First of all, these include various areas of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis, personal growth trainings, consulting and mentoring (mentoring).

Coaching was born at the intersection of these activities, but has significant differences that allow it to be competitive in the market for such services.

Coaching and training

Especially often the work of coaches is compared with trainings, and sometimes they put an equal sign between them. Both of these directions are forms of influencing a person and controlling his behavior. And their goal is positive changes in the life of the individual.

Coaching can be called the closest relative of training, as it was born in a sports environment, and “coach” in the slang of English students means “personal trainer” or “tutor”, who literally “drags” the ward to success.

But still, two serious differences do not allow identifying coaching with psychological training.

Trainings in the form in which they are common today have a group form, and it is considered the most effective. And coaching involves an individual approach to each client and individual lessons.

Although there is “team” coaching, it is less common, and even within it, the coach works with team members individually.

Training is the formation of certain skills - behavioral, emotional, communicative, etc. Its goal is human development. And how and where the individual will apply the acquired skills and whether he will do it at all is beyond the interests of the coach.

The main task of coaching is not personal development, but the definition of goals and the creation of conditions for their achievement. A coach does not teach, does not form, does not develop, he directs a person’s thinking in such a way that he himself finds answers to his questions and options for solving problems.

Coaching and psychology

A coach works with a person individually, which is impossible without a good knowledge of psychology, because a person must see his own prospects and opportunities.

Disclosure of the inner potential of the individual involves the solution of a whole range of psychological problems and the removal of internal barriers. However, coaching cannot be attributed to purely psychological techniques.

Psychotherapy and psychoanalysis solve the problems of correcting the mental state and are aimed at changing the subjective sensations of a person, his attitude to reality and himself.

The main task of psychoanalysis is "opening abscesses", identifying past problems.

Coaching is not concerned with the past, it is focused on the future. He does not seek answers to the question "why?", but stimulates the person himself to find the answer to the question "how?".

How to make life better? How to find your place in the world? How to solve the problem?

In this article, we will analyze in the simplest terms what coaching is, how it differs from training and mentoring. We will also look at how coaching actually works and how it can be learned.

And let's first understand what this strange word "coaching" means.

The meaning of the word coaching

As is often the case, such a beautiful foreign word as “coaching” has quite a prosaic meaning. It is derived from the word "coach" (coach). This slang word appeared in student circles in the UK and meant "private tutor". More precisely, the word "coach" existed before, and it meant, oddly enough, "trolley" or "carriage".

Researchers believe that "coach" began to be used in a figurative sense, because private tutors helped the student quickly get from "point A" to "point B". Just like carriages and teams in those distant times.

Since then, the word has stuck, and it has been used mainly to refer to sports coaches and what we would call school physical education teachers. Gradually, coaches began to be called those who help people achieve success not only in sports, but also in other areas of life. With us, the words “coach” and “coaching” took root instantly, because it is much more pleasant to present yourself as a “success coach” than just a “success tutor”.

What is the difference between coaching and training

By the way, if you touch on terminology, many people cannot understand how coaching differs from training. Even the coaches and trainers themselves cannot clearly explain this in simple words.

If you ask the coaches themselves for the definition of coaching, then most often they will tell you beautiful stories about the fact that “a coach does not teach, but helps a person find his own way”, and about the fact that a coach’s ward should “hear the answers to all his questions within yourself." This, from their point of view, distinguishes coaching from training.

I don’t know about you, but such explanations never gave me an understanding of what this very coaching is.

But in fact, everything is again much simpler than it might seem. A coach is a person who works with a group of people, while a coach works individually. It’s just that often coaches switch to an individual format (consultants with their consulting are also “mixed in”) and coaches agree to group classes, and thus completely confuse everyone.

Yes, everyone wants to eat, and the whole brethren of coaches/trainers/consultants work in the format that they currently bought from them. Remember the main thing - if a person works individually, then most likely you are dealing with coaching. And if he calls himself something else, then most likely he simply does not like the word "coaching".

I think we have figured out the terminology, and now let's talk about coaching and coaches in the classical sense of these words. That is, as about individual assistance to a person in solving certain problems in his life.

How Coaching Really Works

If you do not bother with the complex psychological tactics of coaching, schemes for developing relationships with a client, and so on, then all coaching can be divided into two large groups.

The first option is when the coach works “from below”, and the second is when the coach works “from above”. In the first case, the coach himself may not have any significant results in the area in which he "trains" his client.

And there is nothing strange and terrible in this, in fact. Knowing how to do something and being able to explain how to do something are completely different activities, and this requires different sets of qualities and skills. I can prove it to you right now.

Teach what you don't know

Tell me, do you speak Russian well? At least - well enough if you can master the text of this article. Now try to take some foreigner and teach him to speak as well as you. What's the problem? You yourself know how to speak Russian. But for some reason, another such foreigner, who, from your point of view, can barely connect two words in Russian, will be able to teach the language to a foreigner much better.

Another example - name me at least one great coach in football (hockey or somewhere else) who was a great player before. There simply aren't any. Great stars become very average coaches, and unknown players lead their teams to champions in the past.

And last but not least, can you ride a bike? Let's assume you can. Now try to explain how exactly you're doing it to a person who can't ride a bike. The most you can say is that you need to hold on to the steering wheel, press the pedals and try to keep your balance. Give your student such instructions - and he will hurt himself in half a meter.

Not only that - if you try to understand what exactly and in what order you do at that moment when you ride a bike, you yourself will hurt yourself (as in that joke about the hedgehog who forgot how to breathe).

Therefore, the well-known sarcastic expression “He who does not know how, he teaches” is, firstly, absolutely correct. And secondly, it has a very deep meaning. Therefore, "coaching from below" has the right to life.

How coaching works "from below" and "from above"

Such coaching works very simply - you look at the situation of a person from the side and begin to give him advice. Ideally, ask leading questions so that he himself understands what his problem is (because people really don’t like it when they are given advice). Agree, it's easy? We can almost always tell what the problem is with one or another of our acquaintances. But at the same time, for some reason, we cannot give such good advice to ourselves.

The second option is "coaching from above", when we have actually made significant progress in some area, and now we are helping others to achieve the same.

This coaching works very differently. Here we are not even trying to ask leading questions, and God forbid - to give advice. All our work comes down to the fact that we just do what we know how and live the way we know how, and a person from the outside is watching us and trying to imitate us.

Coaching and mentoring

This type of coaching is mainly common in the business environment, and it is already called mentoring or mentoring. Your mentor is always a person who has achieved a lot. He looks at your situation from above and knows how to reach a new level of development. Mentoring is based on the postulate that "it is impossible to solve a problem at the same level at which it arose."

That is, if you go in circles for years, and always get the same results, and you can’t “break through the ceiling” in any way, then somewhere in your algorithm there is an error due to which you “entered the cycle” (programmers will understand me ).

To "break out of the loop" you need someone from the outside to point out the error to you. Theoretically, you could probably find it yourself. But in practice this is very rarely possible. And absolutely independent searches will take you much more time.

Typically, working with a mentor-coach is as follows. About once a month, you meet with your mentor, and begin to tell him exactly what and how you have done since your last meeting.

And then an interesting thing starts to happen. Firstly, in order not to blush for your “successes” in front of a big person, you will give all your best much more than if you didn’t have a mentor. And secondly, by structuring your actions to describe them in words, you yourself will soon stumble upon a repeating error.

Thus, the mentor, on the one hand, shows you by his example how to do it right. On the other hand, it makes you talk about what you are doing wrong. In short, these guys are doing very useful things. Can this be learned and earned on it?

How to learn coaching and earn

If you decide to become a coach, you will not see a lack of teachers. There are now hundreds of organizations around the world that train coaches. The names of these organizations alone speak of how cool everything is there - the International Coaching Federation, the Empire of Coaches, the American Academy of Professional Coaching, and so on and so forth.

After completing training in these organizations, you will be given a beautiful personalized certificate "with all relevant rights." But education there is very expensive. And for some reason it takes a lot of time.

As a general rule, you can't just show up and take some "full coaching course". Classes there are divided into several stages, and you need to go through them sequentially, and each next stage, of course, costs more than the previous one. What's the point of this? And there is a lot of meaning.

Coaching is like a pyramid scheme

Sadly, most of these organizations are ordinary financial pyramids. That is, they train coaches there, so that they, in turn, can also train coaches and make money on it. And the steps were introduced in order to make it clear who can teach whom and for what money.

That is, a coach with a “first stage” diploma has the right to recruit students and train them up to the first stage. He gives part of the proceeds from this training up the pyramid, and keeps part for himself. If he receives the “second step”, then, accordingly, he can teach more and more expensively.

Thus, the scheme of work of such a structure is very simple - at the head is the “most important coach”, who is paid by all subordinates for the right to issue diplomas on behalf of this organization. Actually, new students pay money for this diploma. See how any coach is trying to sell their services. The most honorable place on his website is always given to the list of diplomas and certificates that he received during his life.

What do coaching and karate federations have in common?

This scheme of work was not even invented by the coaches themselves. Remember the various schools of karate with their colored belts. Have you ever tried to test for high-ranking belts? Do you know how much it costs? And what do you think they give you there, except for the belt itself? That's right - a diploma that gives you "all relevant rights" (that is, the right to recruit your students, take money from them, and transfer some of this money to the head of your style federation).

So, pyramid training existed long before the advent of modern coaching. I personally do not see anything particularly vicious in such an organization of coaching training. She's just like that. It is only wrong if the coach remains forever inside the pyramid, and does not even try to earn money by applying his skills in practice.

But there are also practicing coaches, thank God. And it is not surprising that most of the smartest of them are not members of any coaching federation, and even coaching as such has never been trained. This activity is not subject to any licensing laws, and you too can start offering your coaching services tomorrow and charge for it.

How to offer them correctly, and how much money to take for it, is a topic for a separate discussion. And here, I hope I was able to explain in simple terms what coaching is, and how it differs from training and mentoring. And let's summarize all of the above in the form of an infographic.

What is coaching - infographic

I hope this article was helpful to you. Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (squeezed from personal experience over 10 years =)

See you later!

Your Dmitry Novoselov

The origin of the term "coach" in comparison with the concept of "trainer" is interesting. According to Wikipedia:

The term came into Russian from English, and in English it came from the name of a cargo vehicle, which was named after the place of its appearance. The first use of the word "coach" to refer to an instructor is recorded around 1830 inOxford University- "coach" in slang began to be called a person who helps a student prepare for an exam. The word "coaching" has taken on the meaning of "taking people from where they are to where they want to be." In sports, the use of this word was first recorded in 1861.

As you can see, in the English language coach and trainer have been used interchangeably for a long time and, in principle, are also now used as interchangeable concepts, since the English “coach” is translated as “trainer”. The word “coach” is also there, but in relation to sports they say “coach”. In Russian, since the term “coach” is well-established and familiar to everyone, and “coach” came to us relatively recently in relation to coaching as a new trend, but not to sports coaching, it is easier to distinguish between concepts.

Coaching is usually a purely educational activity, where the coach is concerned with developing well-defined skills in his trainees. He can simultaneously perform the role of a psychologist, but this depends on the desire of him and the students, it is not meant by default.With a coach, the situation is reversed: he, in principle, can also teach something, with mutual desire, but in “pure” coaching there should not be any advice and recommendations, there should be only questions, thanks to which the client himself comes to the realization that necessary.

Who do you need, a coach or a trainer?

If you are interested in a question not out of pure curiosity, most likely you have a need to contact one of these specialists. It may be noted that the concept of "trainer" is now often applied to psychologists, coaches or teachers who conduct group trainings. Trainings can be devoted to both the development of specific skills and general personal development. Those. the same person can be both a coach and a coach at the same time, can be a coach but not be a coach, or be a coach but not a coach. So that you do not get confused, look at the sign:

During individual work

  • all attention is focused solely on you and your task, which I would like to solve.
  • You get the opportunity to consider all aspects in detail and comprehensively, to discuss all the details that may concern you.
  • You will not be embarrassed by the presence of unfamiliar people.
  • You do not have to switch attention to the problems that concern others.
  • A closer and more trusting contact with the coach can develop through face-to-face communication.
  • As a rule, there is less emotional intensity in the process of work and, as a result, a more sober view of things.

Group classes have the following positive aspects:

  • The atmosphere and energy of the group, the support of like-minded people (depending on how you fit into a particular team, sometimes training participants may refuse to be by no means like-minded)
  • An opportunity for those who are not yet ready to be very frank to avoid this (at an individual session, no one will force you either, but the quality and result will be worse if you hide some of the information)
  • The opportunity to observe others, listen to their stories - this can give confidence to those who lack it yet
  • Usually in a group, everything goes a little more dynamically - it can be more comfortable for active people
  • You can make new useful and pleasant acquaintances
  • One head is good, but many are better: often the insights of others lead participants to their own productive thoughts.

Do you know how a coach compares favorably with a coach? If you don't know how to do something, you can't possibly teach yourself without outside help. Each person can become a coach on their own. From the side, of course, it is more visible, but we are all able to look from the side and at ourselves.

This is called mindfulness - the ability to disengage from selfish and emotional interests and look at the situation as a disinterested person. This skill helps a lot in life in principle: what is more important for you, in fact, to maintain a warm relationship with your loved one or to satisfy momentary pride? In the heat of conflict, we often forget about it, and the developed skill of conscious perception helps to catch on before it's too late.

You can learn numerous coaching techniques, choose the ones you like best, and apply them to yourself and your acquaintances. You can learn both from free materials on the Internet, and by going to a coaching school: more expensive, but faster and better. To make it easier for you to decide, we give you a free guide from Konstantin Dovlatov, one of the most famous and effective coaches in Russia.

A guide to choosing coaching training can be downloaded from this link:

We decided to give the most complete answer to the question “who is a coach”. In the modern world, a person daily faces new challenges and difficulties that must be overcome. Sometimes it is difficult to choose the right path in life on your own, to solve some issue or to build your own line of behavior. In this case, a coach comes to the rescue - the same magician who will help unravel the tangle of thoughts and actions, set priorities and reveal the hidden talents of his ward.

To understand who a coach is, you will have to turn to English. A free translation allows us to interpret this word both as a “sports coach” and as a “freight transport”. Regardless of which of these concepts will be taken as the main one, a coach is a specialist whose task is to place emphasis, identify clear goals and help a person achieve these goals.

The purpose of a coach is not to lead a person by the hand, protecting him from problems and difficulties, but to help him believe in himself, reveal his abilities, rely on his strengths and use them to move to new heights of his life!

A competent coach does not give advice How exactly the client should act in a given situation. The uniqueness of this profession lies in the ability to listen and ask questions in order to bring a person in the course of a conversation (coach session) to an awareness of life situations and his own contribution to everything that happens to him. In other words, this collaboration aims on the formation of responsibility of a person for his life, thanks to which he begins to build it in accordance with his goals and dreams.

Coaching: process features

Each stage of the joint work of the coach and the client is called a session, as a result of which the client must draw certain conclusions and, based on them, form a strategy for his future behavior, set tasks for himself and systematically fulfill them. Usually the session lasts for 1 hour with a regularity of once a week. Thus, between sessions, a person has the opportunity to test the planned steps, a behavior model, etc. in life.

This week between sessions is the most valuable thing in coaching for a client, because during this period, a person receives experience and feedback from the surrounding world and people. And, coming after a week to the next meeting with the coach, there is already a huge platform for analyzing what was possible to bring to life, what caused difficulties, what it was connected with and what could be done differently next time. At this point, the coach gently helps the person look at the results obtained, gives support if needed, and motivates them to take the next steps leading to the goal.

Studying the biographies of famous successful personalities, it can be noted that wise mentors, who can be compared with modern coaches, helped them overcome difficulties in difficult moments of their lives.

At one of the moments of cooperation, the client understands that professional and family problems appear not because of the lack of any knowledge, but because of the complexities of character, habits, personal qualities. After all, it is extremely difficult for an adult, formed person to painlessly accept his imperfection, to begin to change something in himself. It is in the process of sessions that this understanding is born, awareness is formed in relation to oneself, one's relationships with people, one's life.

And then a person is surprised to find that he is 100% responsible for his life! That the fact that he is not advancing in his career is not to blame for the “boss-goat”, but for his own lack of initiative. That the fact that “love left the relationship” is not to blame for the husband who does not wash the dishes, but my attitude towards him with a claim and expectation that he should invest. And as soon as this understanding comes, everything falls into place.

Inner strength and faith come when a person suddenly realizes that his whole life, every event and every person in it is his handiwork. Every second only you influence what happens to you. And the one who works with a coach knows this firsthand and lives from his own experience.

To obtain the planned result, practicing coaches meet with clients regularly for 1 to 3 months (and sometimes up to six months) with a frequency of 1 time per week. A long period of joint work helps to form healthy habits, a new way of thinking that brings the desired results and positive changes in the client's life. However, in addition to consolidating new skills and abilities, during a period of change, people often experience disappointment due to the lack of quick results and a decrease in motivation to act. At this point, the support of a coach becomes especially important, who helps the client cope with self-sabotage and possible “kickbacks”.

Sometimes a coach for a long time remains the only person supporting his client on the path of the desired changes in life! After all, it is usually not easy for the closest environment to come to terms with the fact that suddenly a person ceases to be predictable, understandable and “comfortable”. In addition, the changes that are happening to a person imply that you need to comply and also reach a new level ... and this is what other people don’t want to do, because most people feel comfortable sitting in their usual “comfort zone”. Therefore, on the way to change, the client will always have many temptations to “quit everything”, to give up his dream… After all, it is very difficult to continue when you hear from friends and relatives: “But why do you need this?” "Stop doing nonsense!" "You won't succeed anyway!"

And perhaps a person would have left if there was one ...

But the coach helps him find inner strength and motivation to move on. Sometimes one question is enough for this, for example: “Imagine your life in 5 years. Nothing changed. What do you feel?" Although, of course, the coach's arsenal includes such “strong” questions that make you “soberly” look at things, feel an influx of strength and inspiration, or expand the space of options much more. After all, the coach, in his own way, is a “master of asking questions”, which he deftly uses as a tool for working with a client.

In fact, in the process of moving towards the goal, clients meet not only with a lack of understanding of the close environment, but also with their own fears, doubts, disbelief, negative beliefs that do not take long to wait, especially when a person has to perform new, atypical actions to get new results in your life.

Therefore, the coach is always on guard of these "mental enemies". Every coach knows that every person has limitless potential that needs to be helped to develop in themselves. Any person can be what he wants; do what he wants and have what he wants. That is the philosophy of coaching. And it has been repeatedly confirmed by examples from the lives of clients.

Speaking about the duration of the coaching contract (from 1-3 months to six months), it is also important to note that many requests that clients come with cannot be resolved in 1-2 meetings.

  • First, coaching, as we found out, is a process akin to training: the systematic integration of new habits and skills into your life. You, when you come to the gym, do not expect that after the first workout you will immediately lose 10 hated extra pounds? But, with regular visits to the gym several times a week and maintaining a healthy lifestyle that become your habit, after 2-3-5 months, not only will you find that you have changed, tightened up, built, become more resilient and confident ...

The same approach works in coaching: regularity and discipline in the implementation of the planned steps for a period sufficient to consolidate the skill.

  • Secondly, Often, customer requests have a result that is rather delayed in time. For example, a girl comes who has not had the experience of a long-term relationship, does not have a man in mind with whom she would like to build such a relationship, and says: “I want to get married.” It would be strange if, together with the coach, they set a deadline for achieving this goal of 1 month. Or even 3. Of course, this is a task that cannot be solved with a click, and at least half a year is required to achieve this goal. As a rule, this is the task that is very much connected with working on oneself, on changing one's personal qualities, perception of oneself, men, etc. This is a complex process of transforming yourself and your life. And, of course, the efforts invested will bear fruit, but it takes time for the fruit to ripen.

Types of coaching

Despite the fact that globally coaching can be divided into business and life coaching, the concept of the method is based on the fact that everything in a person's life should be harmonious. Since one area of ​​​​life can greatly influence another. For example, while working on business tasks, a person may experience insufficient energy to implement them due to feelings of guilt towards the family, to which he does not devote proper time and attention. A sensitive coach will pay attention to this in time and help the client through strengthening relationships (personal sphere) to get the desired results in work.

  • Businesscoaching. This, as a rule, is work with the first persons of the company, with top managers and owners. The format of work in business can be both individual and team. In both cases the joint work of the coach and the client is focused on the goals and objectives of the organization. Currently, there is a growing need for companies in employees who show initiative, responsibility and awareness. This, in turn, leads to the fact that elements of coaching are beginning to be introduced at the level of line management. In some companies (especially pro-Western ones) the coaching approach becomes part of the culture of the organization.
  • life coachingit is an appeal to the life of the client as a whole. A life coach works with a variety of requests from various areas of life. For example, building a career, finding a partner, creating a family, establishing harmonious relationships, finding a balance between work and family, improving health, self-realization, finding a purpose, etc. The task of a coach is to help a person find a life balance in all his life spheres, through the disclosure of talents and abilities, as well as the use of all internal resources.

A person who is confused or dissatisfied with his life, with the help of a professional, is able to work out all life situations, find a way out of the current situation and determine the best ways for himself to further development and self-improvement. The work of a coach is aimed at helping a person in gaining the fullness of human life, awakening integrity and inner harmony. Appeal to the whole life of a person as a whole is able to give him a harmonious unity with himself and with the world.

The job of a coach: a combination of theory and practice

Usually, work with a client begins with an assessment of his readiness for interaction in a coaching format and an analysis of the current state of affairs.

  • The fact is that not every person who comes to the consultation is ready to work on himself and take responsibility for the result in his own hands. For example, it happens that a “complainer” comes to the session, who is used to complaining about life and pouring out his soul, but at the same time doing nothing. So he goes from one specialist to another, waiting for a miracle, a “magic pill” or super-advice that can solve all his problems, but nothing changes in his life. And coaching here, unfortunately, is also powerless.

Thus, this method will be effective only for people who are determined and ready to act and change, and not waiting for ready-made decisions that someone else will make for them and firmly believing that all the problems in their lives are due to others. of people.

So, the first session allows the specialist to understand whether the client is ready to work on himself in a coaching format. In addition, both the person who asked for help and the coach are determined to what extent they are suitable for each other for further joint partnership. Often such an understanding comes intuitively, at the level of "chemistry" and value matches / mismatches.

  • The second important aspect of starting a collaboration is understanding the client's request and determining the desired result. It would seem, well, what's incomprehensible here? Indeed, everything is quite obvious when a person comes with a specific request, for example: “I want to get married”, “I want to become self-confident”, “I want to improve family relations”, “I want to open my own business”, etc.

But even with a “direct” request, if you dig deeper, it may turn out that the desire “I want to get married” is not mine at all, but my mother’s. That the goal of “buying a car” is not because I want or need it, but because everyone has it ... In general, after answering the coach’s simple question: “Why is this so important to you?”, the person suddenly realizes that it’s not at all this is what he wants. And then, together with the coach, the request is reformulated to one that will really inspire and have value and true meaning for a person.

However, very often people come to a coach in a state of uncertainty. And usually it looks like this: “I understand that something needs to be changed in life, but I don’t know what?” or “Everything seems to be fine, but there is no satisfaction in life ...” or “I can no longer do what I do and I want to find something I like ... But I don’t know what it is?”

Then the special technique “Wheel of Life Balance” comes to the rescue, which allows you to determine the “reference point”. Thanks to this technique, the client understands and sees the starting point-sphere of his life, from which it is worth starting work in order to obtain the desired changes.

Summing up the features of working in a coaching format, one involuntarily recalls the phrase: “No one can do exercises instead of you.” No matter how good the coach is, only the client himself can take all the steps towards the desired results. Often this work of a person on himself does not come down to any one action (take it and do / say so). It is associated with a change in worldview, with the formation of a new perception of oneself, with overcoming emotional and mental barriers (unconscious limiting attitudes).

Help in overcoming these obstacles and competent work to eliminate them, an undeniable faith in a person’s capabilities, a vision of his potential and its disclosure, provide support and maintain the client’s motivation on the path to change, which is the main task of a coach.


The effectiveness of coaching sessions: lost money or acquired skills?

There is one rule in coaching: it is not free. Why? Because what a person gets for free, he does not appreciate. By and large, this is an additional motivation for a person who has paid money so as not to turn halfway towards his goal and not abandon it at the first difficulty that arises.

In all other respects, coaching works due to the coach's faith in his client, an atmosphere of trust and openness, and also thanks to joint unidirectional actions.

This means that if, after a weekly action plan, the client comes to the session without completing his task, then the coach helps him to deeply understand why he did not do it. After all, the coach is more than anyone interested in the fact that the client achieves the intended goals and results. A coach is not a teacher or a punisher who scolds or gives a deuce for an unfulfilled task. It is precisely such moments of self-sabotage, "forgetfulness" or fear that prevented you from taking a step - that allow you to get to the true reason for inaction and work with it. And, by the way, sometimes it is at this stage that it may turn out that the originally set goal was not the goal of the client at all.

Sessions with a coachhelp a person to identify personal goals, and not imposed by public opinionor life circumstances. The ability to find yourself and correctly formulate your thoughts, desires and plans will give you a chance for a prosperous and successful life. A person working with a consultant correctly prioritizes, highlighting only what is really important in his personal and professional life. In the process of working with a specialist, a person learns to formulate his desires and needs, make plans for the future, and find the most attractive ways to achieve certain goals.

When starting work with a coach, it is important to understand that the responsibility for the result lies entirely with the client. Therefore, the client himself takes active steps to achieve the result. And the responsibility of the coach is to ensure that the client achieves the result with the least effort and cost and faster than if he did it on his own. In addition, all the skills and abilities acquired during fruitful work will remain in a person’s life even after the end of the coaching relationship, which means that he will be able to continue to use them independently in the future.

This is a significant difference between coaching and related professions, such as psychotherapy or psychological counseling, which can last for years. In the process of working together with a coach, a person changes some part of himself, which harmoniously integrates into his personality, and he can manifest this facet on his own without the support of a specialist.

Working with a professional coach is a step forward, developing confidence in yourself and your abilities.


What is the ideal coach?

The coaching profession implies that a person makes himself. To achieve the slightest success in this matter, it is necessary not only to become a graduate, familiar with the theory and basic concepts, but also to be successful in some areas yourself. Only a coach who has personally passed the path of success is able to lead his ward along this path with inspiration and efficiency.

That is why, despite the fact that we said above that the coach works with the client with the help of questions, the most important tool of the coach is his personality!

Since coaching is a work with a person or a team, the coach must have certain skills to help him make this process more successful. The following qualities can be noted that will help him in this:

  • Sociability. Because the counseling process involves communication, building trust, and listening and asking questions
  • Ability to analyze difficult situations using various techniques and techniques
  • A penchant for creative thinking. Working as a coach means fantasizing and expanding the usual vision from a new angle.
  • Desire to help people. Only a sincere desire to make the life of another person better will make cooperation productive.
  • Emotional stability, which will allow you to soberly assess the extremely difficult life situations of the client
  • Optimism and faith in the client. To charge another person with positive, you need to radiate positive emotions yourself.
  • Self confidence a very important quality to be a coach who inspires and trusts people
  • Constant self-development and self-improvement

To become a good coach, you need to have a rich life experience, it is desirable to be an expert in a particular field, as well as to have your own personal achievements. This makes it much easier for a coach to define his niche and be in demand in it.

For example, a once “unhappy person in a relationship”, having done a long work on himself, completely changed and created the best relationships in his life. He became self-confident, developed self-esteem, learned to appreciate himself and his partner, and every day there is more and more love in his relationship. It would be much easier for this person to be a partnership coach, because he understands the "pain" of the client, he knows what a difficult path of transformation it is. But he also knows that it is possible to pass it! After all, he himself is an example of the power of desire and the miracle that he created in life with his own hands!

And if you had a desire to work on the topic of happy relationships in your life, then which coach would you turn to?

To the fact that he is lonely, unhappy and without a family? Or to this one, which radiates harmony, happiness and love, who built the relationship of his dreams with his loved one?

I think the answer is obvious.


Where to learn coaching as a profession

The popularity of this profession attracts the attention of not only potential clients, but also potential coaches. To become a coach, you do not need to have a compulsory psychological education. Coaching is not taught as a profession for 5 years at the university.

Rather, it is more correct to consider it as advanced training or additional education.

At the moment, the coaching profession can study at internationally accredited institutions that work according to a single standardized program (with a focus on business coaching). Usually such training lasts from 8 months to 2 years.

In our Academy, you can undergo training based on the author's methodology, which helps to master the life coaching format in depth. Basic training lasts 4 months. Besides, after completing the basic coaching training course, you can. Which is very convenient and important, especially for beginner coaches trying to define their niche.

So the right question to ask yourself is: Why do I want to learn coaching (whether to improve my own performance or to work with clients)? What categories of clients and what requests do I want to work with?By answering these questions, you will understand what type of coaching you want to learn: business or life?

While studying at the coaching school, usually, before starting a professional activity, a future specialist is coached by a more experienced and already successful master. This allows him to experience for himself how coaching technology works in the hands of a professional. It makes it possible to achieve better results in exciting issues and not be a “shoemaker without boots”.

Besides, to maintain the professionalism of the coach, supervision sessions are provided, which allow you to work out and hone your skills in various coaching tools and get feedback and recommendations from an experienced specialist.

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